Hi everyone. It's Amy and I have my friend Andy today. We work out together. We're unbalanced body reformers. Full body workout today. Uh, probably a little more emphasis of abs and weight-bearing. So I hope you, you know, you're ready for that. Get your shoulders ready, get stabilized. My, my background is varied with a lot of continuing education and Fletcher Program. Uh, some Bassey work study with Pat Gayton, uh, physical mind, lots of different things. So a lot of my classes tend to be fairly eclectic, which is what today's going to be. Have some fun. We're going to start with some footwork and there'll be we on three red and a blue is what I'm on Andy's on all springs. We're gonna start prehensile wrapped feet completely.
Adduct the legs. Just take a couple of deep breaths to just get centered. Feel your pelvis drop into level, shoulders, press back with a little bit of engagement in the back of your shoulders. And I want us to work with palm space up right now so that we can complete that rotation all the way down. And we're going to get into the movement. Inhale as we stretch and return and stretch. So I want you to think about wrapping the foot, not so much about gripping the toes, but activating the arch of the foot up into the end of the foot and ankle and lengthen and even feel that full extension all the way up across your hip flexors last to stretch and in and stretch.
Or we're going to do a little bit of pulsing with a sniff, sniff, blow, blow, push from the hamstrings and the hamstrings all the way up into the Tush. And last one, nothing else complicated there. Let's just lift the legs up. Flexible thing goals, place the heels onto the foot bar. We'll do eight extensions and then some pulses. Really pulling the toes, all 10 evenly up toward the shins. So way up high in the back of the leg is pushing, but you're also still think of pushing the foot bar away.
A lot of push and five hands, six we feel the abduction of the legs work the middle line. Last one here and the pulses wrapping the shoulders back, pushing against that bar and four, three, two and one. Nothing else. Extend the legs. Now keeping that nice long line externally rotate the femurs, flex the feet. Let's place the balls of the feet to the foot bar. A little more turned out today in your hips and heels lifted. Same thing.
Inhale, stretch. And so with a little more turnout in the legs, be careful that that pelvis doesn't slip back into that pelvic tilt. And I want you to really think of the inner closing together. Really squeeze from the back of the inner thigh last to last one and pulses. You can make yours a little bit bigger if you want.
Four and three and there we go. Two and last one. Nothing else heals. Wide One said here, same thing. No more turnout. Now those of us that have it, lets use it, flatten the pelvis and push and and push. Hey now feeling that nice long stretch up into the abdominals, underneath the rib cage, making yourself longer and for shoulders open. Palms face up. Last two, last one that we post and think about bringing the inner thighs together. Inner thighs, inner thighs rather than just straightening the knees. Three, two and hold here. Alright, now lift the feet, come back into the middle. Bose a feed in, a high Relevate and extend.
And we're going to take both heels down underneath the bar twice and then do four prances. So we're going to go down and rise down and rise and a walk and a walk. Just some variations. That's all. And again, both heels twice. Lift twice and lift and alternate. Alternate. Let's do that a few more times.
Both heels go down and push lower and push. Alternate. Alternate. One more. Round and down. Press up, down. Press F and alternate. Alternate. Now we're going to go back to just putting the right heel underneath the bar.
Hold a little pulsing here. That sniff, sniff, blow, blow. And for three, two up to the other side. And
He's choosing something for himself. We're going to do some single leg with some rotation and some hip stretch. So yeah, let's do not sure what he chose. He's working himself out here a little bit. So I'm on Rella balls. A feed parallel.
Slowly extend the carriage because there's not that much spring left down there. Okay. Want you to take your right leg and across your ankle, over your left knee. Take a quick peek, look up and make sure that the foot that you're standing on during this next move is not gonna spin or spiral or pivot. So you're going to bend the knee and come into the foot bar. You want to keep your standing foot parallel and then push back out as you push. Lower this thigh down. So it's kind of like our figure four stretch, but moving it with the figure four. Okay.
Press and in. I'm going to do eight of these. So here's our fourth one. You're really trying to widen the pelvis, keeping things square if you need to. Every now and again, take a peak at that foot bar foot, making sure you're staying parallel. It easily wants to rotate out at the ankle.
Hopefully it feels okay in those hips and prs and return. We'll just simply change legs,
Okay. And push yourself all the way up. Now I've got my feet. A little bit of a space between, I want to take this of right leg or foot, toe by the knee, hands across on the shoulder blocks and just hold and we're going to take our to our pelvis and rotate. I'm going to go over onto my left hip, but not to sacrifice a parallel standing leg. All right. Hopefully also shoulders are square. We're going to pulse this knee down toward the reformer with the double grieving. You can think of hiking this hip up off the mat.
Getting more onto the left side. Give a little more movement. Yeah, yeah. Break some of that connective tissue there. Last one and come back over to your back. Extend the leg and just flex the foot and lower to the bar and you can point. That's fine. Toe to the knee. Ready, rotate. But try not to come off of a parallel standing leg on the foot bar, so might have to minimize your rotation. Here we go.
Lifting the hip up off the mat.
Here we go. Hip, hip, lift the hip ad yet and you want to feel also some use in those old bleaks, which of course are rotating muscles. Helping the trunk rotate for three, two and one and come back to center lega and to the bar. Left foot onto the right knee. Spin or rotate to the right Harold l standing leg and we go
We're going to come up for some ABS. Now I'm gonna take the foot bar all the way down and I'm going to work on two reds for this, for the 100 can, some rollover and some variation on coordination. So let's begin with our knees and tabletop arms straight up to the ceiling. We're going to keep the knees just here for the first set of the pumps, so we'll breathe in and exhale, curl head, neck and chest up. I'm going to stay with that same rhythm of breathing. Here we go.
Three, four. Now on this fifth set we go into a next place which is vertical. We hold it there for four cycles. Collarbone pulled back and y down a few inches. Holding there. You couldn't be in piles. V or parallel down a little lower. Here we go whole and again.
Fold your knees in, chest down, and then just bend your elbows and hold the straps with one hand so that you can take your head rest down. We're going to go into our rollover or overhead. Legs up, arms straight up. Let's take your breath, pulling the arms all the way down to the mat. First. Tailbone lifts in. Roll smoothly overhead. Okay, so today if you want a larger circle, flex the feed. Well, I'm thinking of going as wide with the legs, inker those arms and as you roll down, really stretch the legs open. Roll down with wide apart legs. Circle down to the foot bar, arms, the legs come up, arms will go back down, up and flex the feet and open. Wide Circle opposed by reaching through the top of the head.
Drop the legs, arms and legs up. Last one here in this direction, but we're going to reverse the direction today as well. And Circle. All right, so let's take the arms and legs down. Open them from the bottom, roll level, legs apart. Pull them together, flex those feet. It really connect. Arms into straps. Push through the heels, articulate down your back, stabilize the collarbone and you can point the feet and lower. Let's keep our arms down. Legs are going to go open. Been around blacks and rolled down, and one more time.
And let's take a rest. Okay. Hook the straps down with come all the way up off her back. Drop your springs to a single. I'm going to go blue, but you can probably go more than that. Reverse knees and reverse abdominals. Head rest comes up. All right, getting into those abdominals even more.
So knees right against the shoulder rests, hands on the frame. If you have a mirror next, you can see that what we're lining trying to get lined up is shoulders. Right above wrist flection. Look between your legs and I want you to press your shins and feet down. There's a, sometimes the fee will start to lift here, so you want to anchor that right now.
Take your tailbone under even more like it's going to come all the way through to your head and exhale as you pull the carriage towards your hands. Inhale, fade back. There's a real sense of abroad, upper back shoulder blades, a widened spread.
They're helping us stabilize. Yes, belly up, Paul, belly up and flex the low back. Last one, hold it out there. Added challenge to transition your arms without having that carriage move. Inhale, ferry faded back and here we go. Lax and pool shins down. That's it, right hip forward.
Make sure your size are right up against the blocks and this is just kind of a shoulder stretch, a butt up moment. Lift those, sit bones high. Walk a further if that's easy for you. Never thought I'd say this, but I'm going to take this down so I can get more range. Feels good. Okay. Holding that position. Just take about three to four deep breaths. Let your shoulder blades really wrap the back of the ribs and try to aim your breastbone to the risers. Two more. All right. Slowly walk the hands back in.
So change your steps.
The other hand is just going to come along for a ride just like that, and trying to square your shoulders. Okay, now lift the upper arm right arm with the strap and return to facing back at the risers we are doing and here we go. Inhale, lift the spine into your rotation. Lift a little more and spiral. It's okay if the carriage moves on this exercise. They want you to feel as some opening up your chest, rotating your shoulders, turning your ribs.
Ideally that arm can go up easily. You turn underneath it, tried to get square and lift and minimize. The range of this working arm. It doesn't have to go so far behind the body back there. If you're feeling any strain, I would keep it kind of on that diagonal. Remember, lift, try to create space between your discs. That intervertebral strength, trying to get more mobilization. Ease,
Good and up and around. Okay, so let's go ahead and hook that strap. [inaudible] gonna come into sure
Palms facing and shoulders your set. Let's take a breath and going into the round back. Just a small one because what I want to do from here is that, and then move into articulate into a flat pack, hinge breeze. You're going to go back into flection from the there. Take your arms up, back in front of the shoulders, and then we'll come back up. So it's a little bit more of a pattern and tall.
So we round back kind of a small c curve from there. You could be holding a pole if you wanted. Extended to a flat back. So you've articulated to it. Now lift a bit more space in between the disks as you come into flection. Hold that abdominal wall.
Inflection there and arms come up and forward. And there we go. Alright. Okay. Take a little more fluid, fluid, fluid motion. Articulate to hinge, lift back into flection. Hold flection. Arms are coming up.
They did that in the 100 already now and seeker. Two more round tips. Really mobilize this undulate. Move that spine arms. Now inhale, keep the c curve forward. Forward, forward. Last one. Really motion. Lots of motion in the spine.
Rock onto those, the front portions of the sitting bones. Good Andi, lift into flection. Hold that arms come up, arms come down. Breathe and roll all the way forward. Okay, let's put our hands behind her head now. Just easy, flat back. Take it to where you want. We'll do maybe four full breath. Inhale, exhale to return. Inhale, feel in their head. Press slightly against the hands. Lift more to come up. So I want us to squeeze our glutes and one more.
We twist and hinge. We're going to do one more each side. Lift into the twist. Lift into the hinge. Lift. Return. One more.
And again even wait, leave open the chest tr last one here and hinge and around woof and center. Okay, let's release her left knee turn and we're going to taking our side over zone is to hook our foot today behind our right knee. So that's gonna put us much more on the site, the hip and probably right more in the middle of the box here. So Hook that foot and let's go ahead and put her hands behind her head and pull the, press the head back into the hands. Opening up your collarbone. Let's just do five and then we're going to go over to the left. Bend a lot, almost bending your elbow to the ball. Head rest. There we go. And then come up on the diagonal hold.
Bend over flection of the spine, side flection and lift side flection, opening up the right side body to the sky. And center an open [inaudible] last one. Exhale right before you come up.
Hips are stacked. Hands behind the head. Here we go. Big Side flection. Exhale and left. So you're trying to stretch, create more space between your ribs.
And what I want us to do, let's use this term of straps on the outside of the box. Hold on and then forward. Okay, the foot that's down here on the Mat makes sure that the heels right underneath this knee and we're in a good straight line. And then even on the sitting bones, Ben, that body over the leg, deep breaths during the press, the right side down, stomach, back
So we're going to move now into some long box work. So just switching the angle of the box.
Hands on forehead, just right over the bar and as if we're trying to pull the bar side to side and looking to keep the chest down. Let's just do three presses. Andy, just nice and long. One stomach is lifted, legs don't have to be too high. Good. Last one, we're going to stay out there in three and hold. All right, so as we come up into the swan, the carriage is going to be drawn for you because we pull it forward by using our back extensors and as we push out the chest comes down five times full breath to come up. Allow the shoulder blades to glide around the back rib wall. Lift the chest
Last one. And then all the way down and just rest. Okay. Hands on the box. Move Up. Yup. And we're going to put just about a fist with behind here. Lift your legs up and bring them fairly narrow onto the box or close to the box. I'll back up and let's make a fist and put her fist right here in between the inner thighs. And so this is a little prep for horseback.
I want you to contract your dominoes. Go into c curve, push the arm straight. Lean onto the straight arms. Yep, exactly. So if you want to try to hover, you got an Andy your hips up back down and take a little moment now with a little more fluidity. Here we go. That's flex her feet. Push tailender and down. Good.
Two more. Ready? So keep thinking the tailbone underneath us. Kinda like they're gonna come. The tail is going to come right to the wrist. Morrissey curve. There you go. Okay, one more. Yeah, you will probably, you could probably get it quite a quad cramp here.
Okay. Here we are. When a light long stretched out line arms coming out. Jeff's coming up, reaching along through our legs.
Like Andy is showing. I'm going to take one more.
Arms up and down. Let's open all the way out again. Come up one more time. Any
Let's stretch out the quads and hip flexors into a bridge here. You're just going to stand on the bar and lift as if the inner thighs are slightly spiraling in toward each other. Let's take a breath and exhale. Roll down out of this position. Curl. Pull your bum towards your heels. Okay, do that again. Inhale and bummed for the heels, long quads out toward those knees.
Breathing in and exhale. Chest unroll and let's go one more for number three. We certainly could add bridging with the leg kicks, but I don't think we need to right now. Inhale and roll down. Stabilize that collarbone, roll it back. Roll. And we're coming up.
Good box away. Let's come onto our back foot bar down two reds. We'll get into a long stretch in a second. So feed in straps for a bit.
So we're going to push out and open. So what I want to concentrate on is not having anymore, uh, rotation happen at my hips. Simply bend the knees and add. Docked. Yeah, and push and open. Then the knees, he'll slide across and extend. I want to think of keeping stable right here behind the hips as high hamstrings, right into the glutes and use those to push the legs out.
Push and opens. A stick keeps stable in the back of the hips. Hold your frog now reversing it. So opening here, straight legs, add duct. Hold those heel strongly together and pull them into you. Concentrate on the back of the hips. Straight legs come together and frog and three more.
Find your challenge point. Yep. And Tap.
Ten nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one and come all the way in. Feel okay? Yeah, that's great. Legs circles now. So let's start at 90 degrees without locking and pushing in the back of the knee. Use the belly of the hamstrings and we'll pull the legs down. You can go low if you want, like we just did externally rotate thing to be careful of. Keep the geared still as we add doctor, here we go. Taking it down, take five circles and the belly of the hamstrings and way up to the back of the hips.
We've completely supported by your mat
We'll do like three short spines just to roll our spine out. So extend the legs forward. Parallel. I'm going to go classical version. I just liked that. I'm going to start lifting my hips. As soon as I begin. Legs coming up and over. It just feels good for me. Flex the knees down to the shoulder blocks.
Keep the feet there like you're holding the ceiling fan and roll your back down, opening the back of the hip joint and then contract. Press through, lifting those hips to heels. Bend down and ruled out. Last one. Inhale and unroll the spine. Massage does feel like one today. And then from here, just put this hands at the loops. Take them off your feet and now we'll go into some long stretch work.
Okay, I think we're sufficiently ready for some weight bearing. So here you go. So I'm going to go back down to red and blue. You can do whatever you'd like handy for your front support head. Rest up one hand, opposite foot on headrest. Second hand, second foot. And for just a moment we're going to stand there.
So it doesn't have to go too far. I want you to stay deep reflection. Oh, I owe myself a quarter. Quiet carried. Let's redeem ourselves. Dandy. Two more time. Quiet carriage. On that return, you've got to modify control or strength a little bit.
A little variation on reverse long. Backstretch so I'm going to sit on the foot bar for a second and put my hands right by my hips, feet underneath me, and just slide off and just hold. So it does kind of look like some traditional dips, which I'm going to have us do. Okay. But what will happen also in this, this some articulation of the spine into kind of a bridge from here in just a second. All right, so let's just do three depths. Elbows close, chest wide and push. Inhale, look straight out and push. Last one. Inhale and push. Now arm stay solid but not locked. Curl the tail, send the knees toward the shoulder rests.
Open those hip extensor hip flexors and you can look up to her. The ceiling meets the wall or a little higher. Freed like to squeeze the glutes, open the chest a little more and breathe and let's come all the way down and just do that again. One more time through with the dips down and push and elbows back and push and last one back and push and articulate. Push, push, push, push, push open, hold in the chest and then come back down. Now I want us to the articulation piece one more time.
So curl knees toward the shoulder, rest open, push the reformer of bar down, breathe in. And then exhale. This time we are going to come out of it and pull so much back with your hips that you can sit right on the foot bar. Okay good. So let's come onto our knees, Andy, pretty close to the carriage edge and I want us to do his side, Ben from here and actually walk forward. So our needs are going to be closer to the front frame for some side bending arms are going to come out to the side. So be a little preparation for side plank.
So we're gonna breathe and side bend toward the shoulder rest. But your hand down on that shoulder block, lean onto a slightly other hand behind the head. And I want you to lift the outside leg and hold it out over the foot. Bar all go down a little. No, you can go down with your leg a little lower over the bar. Straight leg out over the bar. There we go.
Just to make sure we won't hit okay. So as you're leaning onto that straight arm here by their shoulder block hole, we're going to take the leg up and down. Five little pulses, one and two, head back in the hand and four and five. Hold it up the or rest if you want. I'm going to take a little front back with this leg one and center and back and center. Two more for rent and center and back and center.
Last one, front center and back and center. We have to bend that knee. Come up off of that side. Bend position, arms out to the side and you can take your arms down. Okay. Space the other way. So your knees come pretty close to the front, would arms to the sides. We breathe, she ends your anchored and we side bend. Hand to the shoulder. Block other hand behind. Hand. Lean onto that arm just a little bit.
Enough that you can take your leg over the foot bar. Okay, five littlest, but this arm, it makes it makes a difference. Push down with that shoulder blade lift, lift head is that three, four. Keep it up there. Five front little flection of the hip. It's more important for me to be stable on my knee and my hand. Then the range of this working leg last time for rent and back and the knee and come out of that side position and arrest.
Okay, so side plank. What do I feel like today on my springs? I'm going to try red and yellow. See how I feel? All right, so we're going to take that little leg bit that we just did there into this kind of a prep for star. I suppose if you want to think about it that way. Hand just dividing center sits on this side of center inside foot, right on the edge and try not to move that carriage as you step up and I want us to take the other ankle right on top, lightly.
The leg goes behind. Arm forward, leg behind his little. That's right. Okay. One of each.
Other leg. Now we've got to make sure not to let those hips droop into the spring, so lift up and behind head. Push that arm down onto the bar and push away. Keep the tiny head back too, and three come all the way into home. Arm comes by the hip. Okay. The arm goes forward, leg goes forward as we push little little arm. Does the same thing. Leg goes back, no drooping, hips, leg goes back, leg and arm forward.
One more of each
If you want to look back and make sure you're standing in the middle of that foot bar and let's just hold our plank for a minute and let's push the carriage toward the riser three times itty bitty, you're going to go bigger than me probably of course to lift the stomach before you push three you can keep going guys or let one foot up. One,
Step up on your mat. This is a little bit of the Russian split kind of deal. So I'm going to stay on my red and yellow hands on their shoulder rests. We could have transitioned right into it, but I didn't choose to do that for the back on the foot bar in a turnout and then the front foot on the way up to head rest in parallel. Okay. And before we get going too deeply into this exercise, this is a little odd with this back lake turned out. Um, you know, a lot of times we teach it parallel, but let's just play with it today.
Turned out. So what I want us to feel is the power in this glutes to that foot. Okay? Walk your hands onto your thigh street in the front knee, arms out to a tee and just hold for a minute. Now let's bend the front knee again.
Push the back leg firmly against that bar. That's our stability so that we can straighten the front knee and rebend the front knee three times total. Here's to push down to push out. Now push out one more time. So that's really for keep the legs straight as you come up. Straight to go out. But push the other foot back on the foot. Car. Pull up, push out. One more. Up and out. From there.
Bend the knees carefully. Set your hands on the shoulder rests. Bring the carriage back home and step off the foot bar. Okay, changing sides. So place your foot, bar foot first. Head rest foot second on the ball of the foot. Nice and planted on the s on the foot, on the foot bar. And for just a moment, feel that flection knee over heel, the contraction of your hip to your foot and solid.
And then as you take your hands walking up, extend the knee. Arms can come out. We bend your knee, square the shoulders, but of course your hips are not square. And three extensions. Keep pushing the foot bar leg to the foot bar too and three and extend one more time. Then back it in with straight legs is close in the bumper as you can and back out [inaudible] and out. One more time in out rebend the knee. Descend, lower your body to the sh.
A headrest shoulder rests back it in and step to the floor. Good. Alright, now let's stretch the hip flexors. So we're coming forward probably the same springs or maybe red and blue, but we'll find out. Let's go left foot back. Nope, right foot back turned out and then the right left foot up on the foot bar. Okay, because so similar stuff, but what I want us to do with this is put your hands all the way on that bar back lake turned out in the heels right by the shoulder block. Good.
And then drop your chest down over your leg, contract your right glutes and we're gonna push the carriage a little bit again is not too far and drag it in. Just allow your chest to drop. Good Andy, great. When to stretch the quad hip flexor on this long leg.
Just be careful. We're really warm and kind of sweaty and pull in and stay low for two more. Stay low. Nice. Andy, n n. K last time. Strong back. Glutes. Nice. Excellent. Okay, we're not done.
We're going to pivot this right back foot. Lower the knee down. Carefully. Reposition the foot against the shoulder block. Okay, we're almost done with this side. So now we're in deep hip extension. Let's go ahead and take our arms up cause we can don't have to, you can hold onto the foot bar and I want us to do a little swan in the upper back or big swang. Keep lifting, lifting, lifting up out of the pelvis. Big Breath in and exhale. Circle the arms around and we have the other leg. So down flipped and up.
Get the back heel. Place of heel right by the shoulder block, right foot forward and trying to stay home at that bumper as you flex this front knee and get this hip down. But not to sacrifice. You still want a lot of contraction on this back glute. Okay, so it's that contraction that squeezes with pushing the carriage back and pulling in and push stomach still pulled up away from the floor. This is also a really nice ankle stretch. Keep that pinky toe down. If all is going well, you
One more here. Excellent. Okay. All the way in. Lift the back heel pivot. Set the knee down. Reposition the foot. Now we're really opening this hip joint toward the foot bar contracting glute hamstring. Reach the arms forward and up. Press Down with the front foot to leverage a little bit of balance there and lift up through the chest and ribs arching back.
Keep that carriage home. One more deep breath and exhale and come all the way around. Feel pretty good. Feel worked out. Let's just stand on the floor. Do Nice, easy standing. Roll down, kind of put it all together. Take a nice breath in. I'm sweaty in a roll down and take a breath from the bottom. And lastly, roll all the way up, starting with the tailbone and restack. Thank you, Andy. You're welcome. See you next time.
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