Class #1937

Reformer on the Wunda Chair

40 min - Class


Dana Santi shows a new way to challenge your body in her Wunda Chair workout. She teaches a Reformer workout on the Wunda Chair, which makes you feel all of the exercises in a different way. Enjoy Semi-Circle, Short Box Series, and much more!
What You'll Need: Wunda Chair

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Nov 19, 2014
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My name is Dana Santi. And today we are going to do a reformer workout using the one that chair. So what we're going to start with, we're going to switch the springs around periodically, but I will let you know, um, as we go along, we're going to start with one on the top and one on the bottom. And we're going to do footwork. So have a seat. She starts with the toes apart, slightly heels together.

Bring them in a little bit. There you go. Make sure the pinkies on and now arms here. Pull those abs in and we just want to make sure right. Pull in a little bit more. We keep this torso nice and quiet. So she's going to press the pedal down.

One and up and two and up three keeping this all stable. Four and five. Six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and now to the arches. There you go. Squeeze. Nice and tight. And press one and two and three and four and five. That's it. And six, bring your shoulders a little forward. Seven. Keep pulling that back. Eight nine, 10 and now to the heels. And we go, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and now I'm going to have you step off and we're going to do your tendon stretch. So turn around, face the chair, take your hands, place one foot, then the other. Okay, fingertips together.

Drop the head. And now from here she's going to lower those heels and lift and come back up and open your chest a little and lower and lift. That's it. And again, lower and lift and lower. Yes, and lift and lower and lift and lower and lift. Do One more. As you push the heels down, think of pushing the heels down to lift them back up very carefully. Step off one foot and then the other. And I'm going to have you lie down.

We'll start your hundred. Hey, come a little bit more forward. It almost sometimes depending on the size, feels like the tailbone is coming off. All right? So she puts her legs to her working level and inhale and exhale and to turn it in a little and exhale and three reaching the legs out. Nice and long. Pull those abs. Here's that window shade, right? Pull it away and inhale and exhale and inhale. That's it. Use the arms. Exhale. Few more breaths. Inhale and exhale, and just do one more Coleen and exhale, and then bend your knees. Bring them in. Take the hands, double them up.

Palm on top of Palm, place the legs out. And now from here we're going to do your leg circles. We're pretending they're in straps and two and three, elbows wide and four do one more. Yes, good girl. Reverse one and two and three and four and five. Bend the knees in.

Here's your frog and stretch it out and pull it in. Stretch out to now. Lengthen. Lengthen. And I'll reach the tailbone long Stuart match and in. Push it out. Now push out to come back in. One more time. Stretch and pull it in. Put your elbows down at your sides.

And so now we are onto coordination. You're going to take the legs, extend them out, open, close, bend the knees and bend the arms. And inhale, reach. Hold the breath, exhale the knees. Exhale the arms and stretch. Now resist. Open, resist ooze. Bend the knees and bend the arms. One more time. Inhale, hold the breath. Exhale the knees. Exhale the arms. All right, go ahead and step yourself off.

Now I'm going to change the spring two, one in the middle only, and we're going to do rowing, so she's going to sit on top. We're going to take the ball of the foot, put the toes on the pedal, open them up a little bit, put the heels together and I want you to just push the pedal down. Okay, so it stays down the whole time. I even want those pinkies on there, baby. There you go. All right. From here we pretend we have the straps. She's going to pull in. Roll back. Now as you roll back, right, here's her two ways. Stretch, reach, arms out, push the arms away, drop the head, reach and lift up. Open and home and roll to sit and we go again.

Pull in, rollback reach. I know that's hard out. Push and reach and lift up, keeping the chest open and home. One more time and roll back and arms out. Push and reach. Lift up, open and home.

Now she comes to a little bit wider than 90 degrees. Okay, she's going to squeeze that magic circle there and now push that pedal away from you. As you go back, lift the elbows, lift them up, reach forward, and go back and lift up. Open and home and again, and reach back. That's it. Lift, reach, forward and up. Open. And one more time. Roll it up and come to me here. Right here. Yep. And back. Come to me there and lift up. Reach and lift and home.

All right, now keep pressing the pedal from your chest just as if we would. And inhale up. Exhale, resist. Inhale, lift up. Now exhale, grow taller, grow taller, keep lifting. Keep lifting again and inhale up and exhale and lift and press. One more time. Pull this back to me and inhale up there. Exhale and lift and press now from the hips and reach out.

Stretch. Roll it up. Lift and now grow tall or grow taller and again, and stretch and roll it up. Lift and press one more time and stretch and roll it up. Lift and press. Now shaving. So hands behind, fingers and thumb touched together, their elbows nice and wide. Pull this back. Now bring your shoulders forward.

You're going to stretch those arms up. I want you to lift the pedal up at the same time, lift and then bring it back home and to and come back home and three and come back and four and come back. One more time. Stay the air, open the arms. Now press the pedal down as you bring the arms in. Hug, inhale and exhale and touch your fingers. Get those pinkies and exhale and inhale and exhale.

Change your breath. Exhale and inhale. Exhale, and inhale. One more time. Exhale. Inhale. And now from here we're going to come behind. I'm going to drop the spring down to just one spring in the middle onto this one. So we're going to come from the back.

Lie down on your stomach, squeeze the legs tight together, come back just a little bit. Now I want you to pull the belly button up in a way. Don't let it touch the chair. Reach those legs long out of the hips. Take a breath, Colleen. Inhale and now exhale, exhale, exhale, and inhale. Bring it back down. Keep that belly button pulled in and lift up and bring it back home.

Now push the pedal as you lifted up, pushes you, lift, pushes you, lift, pushes you lift, and now resist as you come back home one more time and exhale, reach those legs longer, longer, longer, and come back home. And now nice and easy. Step back. Lift your pedal up, roll through your spine. And now I'm going to have you get on for horseback. Uh Huh. Okay, so we still have one spring in the middle.

We're going to start here kind of similar to where we would be on the barrel and I want you to keep these elbows in Nice and tight as you go to extend them. Stretch those arms. There's this magic circle right here. You got to squeeze that. Okay, come back down and now pull those abs back and scoop and reach up. Reach, reach, reach. Now lift as you dive down here, live, lift, lift, push the pedal down, push the pedal down, push the pedal down, keep lifting. That's it. Open. You're just a little, and now push the pedal away. As you come back home. Go again. Press it down. Good girl, and come back up and press it down and come back up. Now pull those abs in.

Reach those arms up and now circle those arms three times and one and two and three. Reach out there. Reach out there, reach out there and now come back, dive down. Uh Huh. And reach and come back up and reach and come back up that a girl. Keep going and reach. Come back. Okay, here we are. Hold back, reach, pullback, reach and circle. Squeeze the circle one and two and three.

Hold it. And now go ahead, flex the feats and come back home. Nice. All right, step off to the side. Now I'm just going to take the pedal down because sometimes it gets in the way and what I want you to do is lie down on your stomach likes. If we were doing pull straps, okay, so again, she's reaching the legs long, she's going to reach the arms out in front. Okay, pull that belly button away from that chair and now reach those arms down, long to the back, open, and then release. Reached down and home. Keep pulling in and reach and release. One more time.

Lower little and reach and release. And now making the t shape. Pull those abs away. Lower this down a little. Now you have somewhere to go. Ready and lift and wrap the arms back and release it. Wide Open. Push, push. Push the arms away and reach. That's at.

Lower the legs a little and release. One more time and reach and release. And Go ahead. Step off, round your back a little and roll up. Okay, now onto the backstroke. So light on on your back. Okay. There we go. Knuckles above the forehead and take it with one breath. Ready. Inhale around and hold the breath. Hold the breath, hold the breath. Exhale again.

Inhale around and hold, hold, hold. Exhale. Again. Inhale around and hold, hold, hold. Exhale. One more. Inhale around reach. Hold it. Now pull this back to me a little there. Hold, hold, hold.

And come home. Alright, step off for a second. We're going to do the teaser and I'm going to put it on one spring in the middle. And from here I'm going to have you sit facing the windows this way. Okay, your hands are going to go onto the pedal with your fingertips facing you right now. Let's start this way for a second, okay? Cause I want you to pull in and I want you to think of almost put your feet here. Now, there, now push into my hand. Okay, so she's got to do, there's the start of her two way stretch right now. Push the pedal down. Uh Huh.

And now scoop those abs and pull in. Come back up and again, that's it. Push and come back up. And again, push. There you go. And come back up. Now go ahead. Extend your legs.

Okay, keep reaching them and press and come back home. That's it. Just keep lengthening them. Pretend they're pushing and come back home. One more time and stretch. That's it. Come back up. Now. Keep that waistband up towards the ceiling. Reach your fingers to your toes.

Hold, hold, hold and come back. Good girl. All right. Now we're going to put it on one spring on the top and we're going to do what we know on the one to chair as the pushup number three, but we're going to kind of utilize it as the long stretch series. So I want you to take your hands, place them on the floor, and now nice and easy. One foot at a time. It's going to come right up onto the pedal and we're going to keep the pedal up. Okay? From here she's going to walk out into a pushup position. Okay, still keeping that peddle there. Squeeze in Tish tight.

Now Bend those elbows into your rib cage and come back up and bend them in and come back up. And now take your legs. Go ahead and leave your arms now take the legs down a little and come back up and down and come back up. Now go for both down and come back up and down and come back up. Walk your hands in towards the pedal. There you go. Now walk back out.

Here's your down stretch and arch your back and open your chest. Keep the pedal there. Ah Ha. Now come back up, pull in, walk the hands in up stretch. Take one foot down and then the other. Now leave your hands where they are and walk your feet through your hands and there's your elephant. There you go. Keep going. Come on. That had a girl. Hold it there.

Push into the palms of the hands and now soften the knees. Pull those abs in and roll it home. Yes. Okay. Now we're going to go to one spring in the middle and we're going to do backwards arms. So she sits in front and now you're going to take your hands. Place them [inaudible]. Okay, now the key here, come back a little bit. Soften the elbow, pull that back and now press the pedal down. There you go. And then control it. Come back up. Trying to keep that torso from moving and prs and come back up.

And one more time and press and come back up. Now switch the, switch the hands. There you go. Okay, good. Pull in and lifted up and lift the arms. Lift the pedal. There you go. And come back home. And lift and come back home and lift and reach. One more lift and reach, and then lift the pedal up. Go ahead, reach the arms forward and home. We're gonna go up on top of the chair again.

We're going to keep this spring on one in the middle. Have a seat here. We're going to do stomach massage, so I'm going to sit her a little bit further back on the chair a little more for you. There you go. She's going to take the hands forward. Okay. Rounds that low back. Bring those shoulders a little bit in front of your hip bones. Okay, from here, I want you to push the pedal down. Get all those toes on there, lift it back up, use those low abs and press it down to and come up and three and up and four and up and five. That's it. And six and seven.

Get that little pinky on there and eight, two more. One more. Yes. Now stay here. Reach your hands back. Keep pulled in and prs it down and come back up. That's it. Put some substance into the arms just cause they're back there. Doesn't mean they don't need to work and press and lift and press.

That's it. And the spring is really light. So she feels this. She is getting the stomach massage that she needs. And now go one more. Hold it there. Reach those arms forward. Okay, now really reach them. Nope, don't do anything yet. Reach through. Reach through. Go there. Hold that in. Now press the pedal down and lifted up. And now give a little reach.

Give a little reach and up. Two more. Reach one more. Now she's gonna Twist, twist, and come back and twist. Sorry. Pull in and back and choicest and up. One more. Twist and up. Now Coleen, take your hands together. Class them. Do the same twist, twist, pull this in and come forward.

And choicest and release. All right, step off for a second. I'm going to put her back on a higher spring. So, um, let's try one top, one bottom. And I'm going to have you sit here, put your arches around the pedal for 10 and stretch. Yeah.

Okay. So hands down. Drop the head and now stand yourself up. Alright, strong arms. So again, you go ahead, you can push your hand into that chair as much as you want, but I want you to pull the arms away and plug them into your shoulder blades. Okay, so now we don't have to do anything here. It's already done. Lift the pedal up, hold it, hold it, hold it and come back home and again, lift it up, hold it and come back home and lifted up. Hold it and come back home.

Now just for fun, you're not going to lift the pedal, but I want you to take your right leg out to the side, okay? From here, try to keep your arms and your shoulders squares you can so means you of got to reach your body weight towards the leg that's out there. Lift the leg up. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Now don't let it drop and bring it to the back. There you go. Reach it long and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Now rotate it. Try to keep that upper body square. This is hard. Reach the leg out. And one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and bring it home. Yes. Aha.

Sometimes you don't always have to lift the pedal to make it hard. Okay. Reach that leg. Now reach to me and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight to the back. Reach it out. Lengthen. And one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight to the side. Reach out and go. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and bring it home. All right, go ahead and have a seat. There you go. Carefully step off. And I'm going to change the, um, pedal again.

And we're going to go in a, we'll do one spring in the middle and we're going to have her do the short box. So similar to what we did in rowing, but this time I'm gonna have you open your feet up a little bit and I want you to push through your heels. Okay? So we're going to mimic what the feet are doing in the strap there, right? Okay. So obviously we're not going to go as far back as we would take the hands, drop the head down and now roll backwards. So she's got to keep pushing those legs away from her and now come back home.

This is a good test to see how much you're really using your legs. When you do the short box on the reformer and come back home and roll back and come back home. Do One more and home. Go ahead and take the hands behind your head. Okay, now don't come forward. Yeah, it's harder back here and straight back. Push through those heels and come back up. Yes again and come back up and back and come back up. Now I'm going to have you reach your arms up. Pretend we're holding that pole sometimes that we do and now stretch over to the side and I want you as you go to the right, push that left heel into that pedal a lot and come back and reach.

Now push into that heel, the right one. Go, go, go, go, go, go, yes and come back up and again and reach pushing into the left heel and come back up and reach into the right heel and come back home. Hands behind your head again. Palm on top of palm. Twist. Now reach out a little, push through those heels and come back up. And again, twist and reach and come back up and twist and reach and come back up. One more time. Twist and reach and come back up.

Alright, onto your tree. So I'm going to have you sit just a hair forward. Take your right leg out, grab underneath it, and now you take the leg, extend it and release and two and three. Walk your hands up. Okay, drop the head down. Now she's going to tip back a little. It doesn't end up to be exactly to the ceiling. Walk now, hand over hand. There you go. And walk down. Push through that leg.

Now walk back up again. Top of the head to the knee and back down and come back up. I'll go ahead, grab your toes. There you go. Now on this last one, walked down your leg again and I'm going to take your hands. Place them in front of the chair. Now you can go back. Push through that left heel, push through. You get this stretch now come back up, walk up, grab towards the toes, stretch, stretch, stretch, and then release.

Change. And extend. One, two, three, walking up. Drop the head down. And now tip back. Push into that right heel. There you go. And walk down and walk back up top of the head towards the knee. And again, back down and come back up. And Go ahead, reach towards your toes.

And one more time. Now go ahead and take those hands. There you go. Push into that right heel. Stretch, stretch, drudge. Cause food feels good. And come back and stretch, stretch, stretch and release. All right, now from here I want you to step off. Now we're gonna move on to semicircles and we put a mat down just because she's going to be on her back. And um, it will protect her spine a little more.

We moved to the spring two one on the top. So reach the arms down at your sides and now just press the pedal down. Give it kind of a once over so you can see exactly where you need to be. All right, so we're going to, yes, exactly. Keep the feet a little bit separated.

And now from here she's going to push that pedal down. She's going to lift her hips up. Now she's going to lift the pedal up and roll through the spine. That's it. And press the pedal down. Lift the hips up, lift the pedal up and roll through the spine. Press the pedal down. Lift, lift the pedal and roll it home.

Now reverse it. So lift the hips up and roll through. Lift the pedal, lift the hips up, pushing the pedal roll through. Lift the pedal up and again, lift the hips and push. Roll through and lift the pedal home.

Now turn yourself around and we're going to do the corkscrew because we're down here and we may as well. She's going to take her hands and she's going to just play some on the pedal. We're not going to move the pedal, we're just going to use it. Lift the legs, bring them up and over to me. Okay, from here, she's going to come down on the right side and now reach long. Come up on the left and home and left reach and home, and to the right and up and to the left. One more on each side, not a girl and last one and come down. Reach the legs all the way long.

Okay. Now we're going to move on to a knee stretches. So I'm going to take the spring and we're going to make it a little bit heavier. And we're going to go one top, one bottom. So what I want you to mimic right now is the mountain climbing position.

So she's going to put one foot up, keep one foot on the pedal. I'm going to take her hands in the front here. Okay. These arms are going to be nice and strong, right? Push, pull, plug. Don't have to worry about a thing. She's not gonna. She's not gonna move her arms aren't gonna go up.

She's gonna just keep this position and pump this back leg 20 times and one all five toes pushing. Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 more and ten nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Very carefully change your feet. Okay. There you go. Bending that back leg and we go, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 more, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five. Keep pulling up. Three, two, one. Now take that other foot down. Let's have a little fun. Separate your feet a little bit. Let's picture ourselves doing these off on the reformer. So from here, come a little. There you go. Pull those abs in and bend both knees and lift. And one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and calm down. Yes. Okay. From here, bring your feet just a little bit closer together.

And now let's do some running. So come a little forward. Lower one, heel, lift. The other one, switch one n two, switch two, three, switch three, four, switch four. Okay. Five and six and seven and eight and nine and 10 and very carefully step off. Okay. Now I'm going to have you sit facing this way and we're going to do tabletop because we're mimicking a pelvic lift. So toes apart, heels together a little bit. Make sure though all those Pinky, all the toes, including the pinky are on. Okay. From here. Lift the hips up. There you go. Now shift your body weight forward. Yeah.

And pump one and two and three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 more cause we can and 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five. Come on. Four, three, two, one. And have a seat. Good girl. Alright, step off. So now we're gonna move on to going upside. Okay. Cause we're going to mimic our side splits. So I want you to take your foot, place it up.

Okay. So now I'm going to have her put her arms out to the side for this. And I want you to push those circles down nice and strong from here. Pull those abs in Europe. Piece of uh, bread in a toaster, right. Nice and straight. Use those inner thighs and lift up and control it back down. That's it. So you almost have to, this is hard. Push into the pedal to lift the body up. Push. There you go. Squeeze and come back home.

Strong arms that helps push up and come back home two more and up and come back down one more time. Up and come back home very carefully. Step towards the back. So I'm going to have you step off and we're gonna lift the pedal. And now switch sides.

All ready to go. All right. Nice. Strong arms out to the sides. Pull those abs in and now going up and control it. Home and up and control it. Home and again, and home.

Squeeze the inner thighs to gather and come back one more and come back home nice and easy. Take that foot to the back very carefully with control. Yes, come around the back and we're going to do front splits. So puts your right foot up onto the chair. Stretch forward, hold onto the chair. Walk this foot back. There you go. And now she's just going to stretch forward and then pull back. And I want you to try to shift your body weight towards the right here a little bit. Yes, there. Now you get the stretch you need. Come forward and come back and lean to that side and forward and back.

And now come forward again with control. Reach those arms in front and now put them behind your head. There you go. Pulling in and now stretch it back and bring it back in and stretch it back and bring it in. Pull that back a little yes and stretch and in one more time, and reach the arms up and bring them down. And then very carefully change feet and stretch.

And now pull it back and yeah, and again, stretch forward and bring it back. Open that, ah, and forward and back and forward again with control. Reach those arms out and up behind the head. Pull those abs in and stretch and bring it in. That's it. Keep squeezing the inner thighs. That helps. Keep the hips square a little bit and stretch and reach the arms up. Lay some down, roll yourself up, lift the arms, inhale and exhale. Yay.


1 person likes this.
Wow! This was a first with this order for me and so fun but super challenging. Stomach massage on the it! I knew no chance of Short spine massage, but plenty of stretch at the end. A favorite for a classical Pilates lover! Thanks Dana!
1 person likes this.
So many great variations, the whole class feels wonderful!
2 people like this.
This was really so cool. I feel so grateful today! Thank U
So happy you guys enjoyed!
1 person likes this.
minha classe favorita...brilhante
1 person likes this.
Fantastic class! Loved it.
Thank you!
Beautifully cued and executed
1 person likes this.
this was excellent, thank you
thank you!
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