Class #2165

Maintaining Control and Flow

30 min - Class


Get the energy moving through your body in this flowing Reformer workout with Adrianne Crawford. She works on maintaining control while trying to add a flow to the class. She also shows how you can progress in your practice by increasing the difficulty in certain exercises.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Knee Pad, Pilates Pole

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Hi, I'm Adrian and I'm going to be teaching a reformer this afternoon with Casey and Casey with Andrew and Coleen. Great students. Um, what I'd like you to do know is that we have boxes, we have a poll and we have a pad general, um, very farmer equipment and there's some straps as well working on grouts equipment and both of them are starting on three springs, could do four, but I think three is a good way to start. Um, unless you really want to work your legs mark. Okay, so I'm going to have the girl sit down. Great. I think we're going to do pretty much more of an intermediate type workout. So they're starting with their footwork. Heels are together, toes apart.

You want a nice wide turn out as wide as possible. So turn your toes out, your knees, no wider than your hips. Okay, so judge where your hips are. There we go. Okay. Keep your chest open. You're next long and you're going to try to stay together as you're moving. So out you go. And ribs down stretching too. And like I said, it's kind of quick.

One of them is more versed with the classical style, the the flow of it. When you come and control it in, yes, you control it in. They don't just come in for, that's it. Five. So they're lengthening there. Hopefully counting. This is about six I believe. Seven control it. Eight long shoulders, nine and 10. Transition to your arches. Knees and feet together and right away. And then one, two, three. Nice and smooth. Four we're out of wood floors.

Huddle movie you go to if you're not controlling it. Six hopefully I got that right. Seven, eight you can tell they're concentrating nine and 10 to your heel. So you're trying to get those backs along and anchored. Flat one really flexing. Good. Pull your toes to your knees as you come in.

Three long legs for shoulders. Nice and soft. Five again. Cretin control the n six it is smooth, it is moving, flowing, but it's controlled. Eight, nine Tommy's up and 10 go back to your toes. Turned out for your tendon. Stretch out. Lowering. One, two, three. Up to three. One, two, three. Up In rap, two, two, two. Sorry to three. Three up to three. Four to three, up to three. Five. So going to ten six [inaudible] seven they get that lower back anchored. Eight very good.

Nine and 10 bend your knees and come. And so you should be fairly versed with this particular workout cause I'm having them kind of mode. So she's taking her bar down. Do you know how to do that too? Take one foot under. She's already did it, but at the same time when you do that, let's try that again. The engineers, if you're going to do it, you take your straps at the same time, the straps. So the whole purpose of taking the bar down like that is so that you can go right into her hundreds. So you're gonna take your bar down. The other foot has to find the other bar.

So grads is pretty much the only one that you can do that. All right, so you didn't take this foot lift. The second bar kind of. We'll work on that and rest. And I want you to actually start. You're going to start with your knees into your chest. You're going to start with your legs like that cause she's more advanced. Been doing it for a longer time.

Take your arms up so no offense to you and then you're going to lift your heads, reaching the legs out long and stretch the legs and Marie to five 10 Callie and put a little weight on your left. 22 three four five 30 rob the thighs. Squeeze your seats. Good. 44 five 50 so right here, I want a little weight in here and a little higher than ugly. 60 breathing, moving, getting the energy moving into the body. That's the 80 use your seats to squeeze. 94 and out. Two, three, four, five 100 bend your knees and both of you can take your headdress down if you didn't already. Good to take the handles on one hand. Now you're going to need to sit up for this cause I'm gonna have you prepare and set up for short spine. So first set up and drop one spring.

So they bet on three springs they're going down to two. Yeah, that's fine. Generally on the outset there, that's fine. On the middle. You're gonna lie back down. Fancy. She did a nice little teaser prep and we're going to adjust your strap. So I'm going to help you with yours. With grads, we just take the leather piece and we loop it through the handle.

And you want to do that away from your face. Cause if it drops I wouldn't feel good to do it away from your face. And you want to make sure the strap goes inside. So you just rolled it down. So you want to take the leather snag here. There we go.

I'm going to take that if I can and put it through here. There we go. So now that, now it's out of the way. So you're gonna bring your knees into your chest, your headrest is down and you're gonna put the straps on your feet. [inaudible] so go ahead and reach back. If you are good, that's fine. And now we'll go ahead and bring your heels down. Knees are part, both.

You do a couple frogs just to straighten and kind of get the straps to adjust to your liking and getting kind of familiar with the springs. Okay. And now you're going to get ready to go on to shorts, mine. So out. Lengthen the legs. Keep your next long float over. Bend your knees. Now as you come down, you're trying to articulate one vertebrae at a time. Bring your heels with you. Get your tailbone or drop. Nice and smooth. Keep those next long.

Don't use your arms. Push you up to get your hips up. So the carriage comes in. That's high enough. Bend your knees. No, lower down that call. And you can add the stretch of the legs. Well, both of you can really. So first come down, let's get your tailbone down. So you're here and now you're going to go out hips and legs at the same time.

Chest open, float over, bend the knees, leave your feet this time and interrupt your seat. Stretch, get, get your tailbone, your back drop. That's it. There you go. Isn't that better? Yes. Hand Rest, count to two. Now put that into a flow. So when you get out there, you should almost already be at so out and up and over. And then now feet stay here. You drop your seat. We'll give you an extra little stretch there and bring your heels down on one more time. First, come down to hold. So bend your knees, count to two.

Relax your ankles, okay. And out, up over hips and Ben. Soft feet and rule your bath down. Stretch your arms out long. And now keep rolling down. Keep rolling down. Bring the heels with you, but keep rolling now and rest. Alright, you both are going to take your straps off of your feet.

So you take the handles and the strap off your feet. So take a hold of that grip, the handle. You don't want that to drop. Exactly. Can see how it pulls down. And now you're ready for your coordination. All right, so into coordination. Start with your elbows. Bed. The carrots should not be in yet, right? Go ahead.

Knees are open. Frog position and heads are now up. Now you're gonna straighten your legs and drop the poems. Curl up into your sternum. Open, closed knees. Bend the knees, lift the arms breathing. Inhale, go out. Hold that breath now. Exhale. Bring the knees in, arms up, and inhale, stretch. Squeeze your seat now. Open-Close knees all the way in. Arms Up. Let your palms touch the mat.

Inhale. Can you curl up more? Good. Now Open, closed knees all the way up. Arms Up. I'm going to have you do one more with crisscross beats. Inhale, stretch out and cross. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Bend your knees, Bend your arms and rest your heads. Okay, rest your life. We're going to put the straps on the hooks behind you. Yeah, you'll find them. And then you guys are going to set up for your like pulling straps.

So you're going to end up stepping off. You'll drop to one spring, you'll go grab your boxes. You do not need the pads yet. Okay. And I'll show you where to put that. Good. So the boxes are against the shoulder pads, but in the long position. All right? So you're gonna need to try to sneak through there and then you're going align your stomachs with your shoulders on top of the box, and then you're going to grab your straps and a sled them up. I'm going to go like this for you, and then you'll hold onto the handle and you're not looping and just holding up there and you're get a good grip.

The handle and grip the leather and you hold good. All right. How you could walk your hands up a little higher, as high as you can. Make sure their shoulders are on the box, both around there. One spring in a nice position, and then they're ready and they're going to reach down alongside the carriage, up towards their hips, and they're going to haul calling. Drop your chest and you're gonna drop your chest. Mark, pull up into here, squeeze here. That's it. And then lower the arms.

The next one you'll lift up higher and reach down. So keep your chest low and I want you to roll the shoulder back, drop your chest, squeeze your bottom. That's it. Hold that one, two, three counts. And the Lower Walmart time reached down and lift up. And now I'm going to give you a little bit very nice. Lift your head a little bit though. Hold that one, two, three, and lower.

Alright, three is enough. Let's move your hands down to the end of the strap. So you slide your hands down, the handle can go with you and you're still holding onto the leather, but at the very end, now take your arms away off to the side. This one, your chest can come up, open the chest, hug those shoulders back for three counts, and then bring the arms back in. Now your arms state up in that tee position. Don't pull yet to bring yourself in. So they start here. Now reach back and then you'll hold just for three accounts and you'll come back in and reach back.

Squeeze and up here, hold tummy up. Get those ribs up to, I'm going to let go. Three. Very good and open. All right, let's go ahead and get rid of the straps. You're going to just put them on the floor and we're going to move on to shirt box series. So we're just keeping the rest of that series. Yeah. And I'm going to actually put these down here cause that'll literally look at it anyway. And then you're going to end up [inaudible].

You're going to end up turning your boxes and you want to make sure they're over their shoulder pads and you'll need a box. You'll need a pole and you'll need the question and we want to move that back a little bit. This and pad here. Great. And I'm going to add one spring. So now you're both on two springs and then we're gonna put your feet underneath the do you're missing something. Yeah. You want to be? Yeah. Every reformer is a little bit different for spacing for the grads who usually go over the shoulder pads and loss. You're like five, five foot short, shorter. Um, can you move back?

Relax your legs a little bit. Good. Now try to move back a little bit. Your pads in the wrong place. It needs to be more forward that way. You're on it. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Alright, I think we're good. All right. You're going to get rid of the bar. You don't need that yet, so you'll have that underneath you because you're going to start with your hugs, lots of different positions. You're going to have your hands on top of him like calling or you're going to have your hands around your wages, which is what I like to do. All right, so your legs are alarm, but you're not locking.

You're going to relax your shoulders. You're in a nice deep seas to scoop into those ribs. Now they're going to start to go backwards. As they go back. They're trying to round still and cruel their hips. Use your seat calling. Squeeze. Now take a deep breath in.

That's far enough and exhale come back over all the way. Now you're going to do that again, Colleen, if you want, you can go all the way back into that stretch where you let your head drop in your chest open and Andrea stop there. Then come back up in Oh curl and how's good scoop scoop so you can see the progression can get pretty challenging if you wanted. If you're at this level, you can go back and add that extra stretch. Open your chest, deep breath in, and exhale. Oh the way over.

Scoop and stretch those three is good. Three to five of these. Alright, so you've done three, but generally we'll kind of slip forward on this and move back again. Great. And then exactly, you're going into your flat back. So arms come up. You are stretching the sites up, but not with their shoulders. So relax their shoulders and get those ribs in. I want you to fill it in right here. Good.

Now keeping those feet flexed. You're going to stay tall and hinge backwards. Okay, rips and now bring yourself up and stretch your sides up. Not Out. So good. And then relax. And then get ready to go again and squeeze your seat. Calling your arms are a little bit too far behind you.

So slightly forward and hinge back. They'll listen right here. Yes, and I come forward and stretch and relax. Do that one more time. Tall and hinge. Long legs. Squeeze forward, stretch up, fix whatever you need to fix. If you need to, you should feel where that is. And Russ reached down. Touch your toes.

Come back up, arms up, going into a side to side Ben. So lean a little bit in front of your hips. Stretch to the side. Come back up, stretch to the left. That's it. Colleague, colleagues doing a more advanced version, which is good to where she's staying tall the whole time and try to keep those hips from going with her. Just get those ribs in. And one more set. Open your chest, Andrea. Keep the chest open as you're moving. Last time, over two, three up, up, up, and restaurant arms. Let's do a twist.

You rest them and then you lift them. You start to the right. So first, squeeze your seat, twist to the right and head. Don't let those hips follow you. Go ahead and then you're going to hinge to the right. Close your ribs, colleague, and A. Bring yourself back up. Fill this in and you're going to send her back out. And I hear her twist to the left. Relax your shoulders. Now you're, you're arching. Can you picture backward? That's it. Now come up to fill this in here. Fill it.

Good and twist long. Go fishing, calling, reach out. Come back up and center. And one more to the left hinge. She's fishing. So there's this big heavy fish and she has lifted up out of the water and said you're very nice. That's enough. Let's get rid of your bar. So put them back underneath your legs and make sure you're comfortable, that you have enough space behind you. You should have a hands with her on the back.

Cause now you're going to go into your trees yet. So you're going to take one leg out of a strap. You'll hold that one leg. So they're both starting with our right. That's good. Holding your leg to your chest. Sitting as tall as you can. You're in a first stretch. So three nice kicks. One, two, and three. You're going to walk up your leg to where you can.

Hips are turned out though. Erin, I've tried to put your head on your knee. Right? Relax your toes though. Good. Now you and your legs are going to rock back and just like you did earlier for your house, you're articulating, so you're curling those hips and you're in a walk down into a tabletop position, so not too low. You're going to curl yourself back up. If you felt a little off on that where one hip didn't feel quite right, bring yourself all the way up and fix it so you might have to hop your right hip forward. I think both of you need to get all right. Round again. Heads down, shoulders down. Drop the shoulder. Good.

I want this one down now. Tuck your bottom good. Get that right leg long. Stop plans your tree lie down. Let's get the shoulders square. So always double. Check that frame. Shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip. Bring herself up. Lift your back. This hips pulling back, so hop it forward. One more half.

Okay. Nose journey. Shoulders now, shoulders down. Okay, now go back. Relax your feet. Tuck your seat. That's it. Now go down. Go down. Stay over here. Now come back up, up. Put your head on your knee. Hold, fall forward. Now. Let's see the left start to stretch and I want to feel the lift down here.

That's it. Beautiful. Keep that lift going a little bit more. Not your leg, your back. Sit on your right hip and start flexing three times one tall two. Yes. That's the challenge is to keep lifting your spine and three, retrieve your toes. Pick an apple off the tree if you want, or give yourself an added stretch. Oh, you two or look beautiful. Okay. Switch legs. Make those look easy. All right, other side. Alright, so back to your thigh, sitting tall. And generally what will happen, it was whatever leg you start with, you lift is the one that's going to pull back. So I like to hop my hip forward and almost exaggerated before I start. Okay, so sitting tall nays line with your shoulders and hips turned out cause that'll throw you off. Good.

And now you're ready to stretch one and two and three. Walk up, climb your trees, get into your C's, shoulders down and calling. It looks like your left hip could hop forward just a bit more. And maybe you too have that hip. Yes. So you have good support behind it. Now you go down, check that your shoulders, stay lined with those hipbones.

Good. And now bring yourself up all the way, nose to your knee. So the idea is to get your head on your leg. If you can get in that flexibility, rock yourself forward and then start to stretch all forward more. Yes, lift. Good. Want you to turn your leg out, but all right, so we ready. You're going to do that two more times. So flex your right foot, the one that's in the strap. Start to go back. Get those hips to stay square by curling them, keeping them even walk down. And I'll climb your tree. Gets your nose as close to your knee as you can. Keep the turnout fall forward.

Keep that turnout over here. Keep that turnout. HUD. Now lift your back. Okay, one more time. So notice as you're moving that as you're going, that the other leg, the one that's holding your doesn't start to roll in. You want to keep both hips turned out, otherwise they'll roll around and then come back up all the way, all the way, all the way. Now let's see your backs lifting, not the legs, the back to get those hipbones to rise and rise. Fall forward a little bit, Colleen, and start stretching the feet out and flexing. Two more tall, lengthening three. Reach for your toes. Get that out. Okay.

And rest. All right. You can get rid of your boxes, the Poles. Everything's coming off, but you want to keep your path. And let's do a little, um, long stretch. You'll stay on the two springs. You will end up, yeah, get rid of your bar. You can put that right down there. [inaudible] and then we're gonna put the pad on the headrest.

So the headdress comes up in the pad, goes there. You're already on two springs. So then you're gonna lift your bar up. Good. And then you're gonna hear fine. Okay. And then you're gonna go ahead and step onto the carriage, but you're going to step onto that head rest. So you're up on your toes and your heels are together. Aaron a Cape, you're next long. Chesser open, lower your hip, squeeze your bottom.

You're going to inhale. Push a little bit out as you come in. Exhale, let their shoulders drop down, but get those ribs up in the bottom state and push out. Deep breath in and right back in and try to open your chest. Two more. Inhale, ribs up, bottom type. Exhale, last one and back. And all the way in, in, in lower to your knees and rest. Did you guys feel like you're going to hit each other a little bit? You're close. Hey, you're okay. All right, so let's go to your down straight.

So feet against the shoulder pads, hips forward, Tommy's up, chest are open. This is a great stretch for your upper back. It's also good for the lower back control. So you've got to use your bottoms. You're gonna use your arms, you're going to inhale, push back with the arms as you come in. You're exhaling, you're lifting up, up and opening the chest. Good. Drop your head a little bit as you go down in and let their shoulders pull back. Go ahead one more time. Drop your head, lift your head and stretch. Good.

That's enough. Let's go ahead and have you stand up and do your up stretch so you'll come up onto your toes. You're remaining on the same two springs. You're all the way up on your toes and you're in a C. I'm going to shift you back a little bit. Good. Shoulders down. Now you're not pushing with your arms. You're using your hips, your legs, and your tummy muscles, your powerhouse here. And push out with the legs. Good.

Now control it out with the legs lower into one straight line. Like I push up position. And now you're going to squeeze your bottom and try to bring in your head over the bar. So how does that, how does that yes. And then drop your head around so boyish with your legs. Low onto one straight line. Now like an Arrow, you're gonna come straight over that bar.

Try to get your shoulders over the bar. That's it. And around. Back Up. One more time. Shoulders. Now a shell. Open your chest. That's it. Good. Very nice in. That's it. Beautiful. Both of you go to a flat foot for some elephants. All right, so your heads are down. You're going to round your backs. Let's shift your back a bit to your more on those heels.

So get weighed on the heels. Good. Now scoop up into those rips of way up in here. That's it. He'll stay down. You're going to push with your hips again, but as you come in, you're trying to get all 10 toes to lift. Count to three as you come in. One, two, three, lifting two way up, hair out. When you feel that left there, God, I don't. One, two, three, last one. Now one, two, and three in that both of you are going to step off to the side and reach for your toes before you round up. Good.

We're going to add one spring and then you're going to set up for your stomach massage, which means you're going to bring your pads down. Your bars are ready. Push that back. So that's it. And then you're gonna sit on your pad facing forward. We've got some fancy moves going here. This is good. That's a, that's a very nice transition that you just did. Scoop Ben. It's more advanced. That takes a lot of control and practice. Okay, so you're in a good c curve. Your shoulders over your hips, elbows are bent out to the side. That's it.

You're going to straighten your legs. You're going to hold for just a pause and try to fall forward and a little bit more. I want you to lift up more and now fall forward. That's where I want to. Okay, now lower. Lift your heels, bend your knees and come in. Now both of you may start moving so quickly out. Lower Lift and control it in to an out and controlling tos. Try to stay up and over your hips. Fall forward. Three.

Keep those elbows bent. Four. So don't let your chest fall back. Five and six. [inaudible] in seven. Little bit more. Scoot up and forward. Eight. Two more. Nine. I'll forward. There you go. And 10 that's an f. You're going to stay and move your hands behind you and sit up tall.

Open your chest. You're do induced seven like that. Erin. Do three without the hands. Okay, so you're going to stay there, but you're going to get your arms as long as you can. Let's put your knuckles in the mat. Okay? Yes, so you get a nice open chest. Now you're going to go out. Same idea, but now you're saying top lower, lift the heels and you're intolerant. Coming in one 10 of these to control it on the end. Three Callie and you're falling a little left over here.

Your left for lift your back. Five out, six Oh seven heads off, two more. No noise. Nine one more tall. That's a beautiful comment. Stay in. You're going to drop one spring and then you're going to take your arms up into reach and you're going to stretch out. You're going to stay tall. Those shoulders are down, chest is open and they are going to come back in and lift your back and then go back out. Lean back a little bit. There you go.

Go ahead and up here and to arm out and up. Long sides out. Get the sides really long and twist to the right. Staying Tall, heels her up and come back in and twist to the left shoulders. And so drop home. And one more time. Do each side. Really lift your back.

And last one to the left. There you go. Beautiful. Come in. Go ahead and grab the bar and stretch out. It's not traditional, but I'll to treat good. Bend your knees, come back in. Let's go ahead and step up and move straight to the stretch series. So get rid of your pads. You're going to stand on your two springs. Yup.

And then you're going to go into Neeley knee stretch series, which means you're going to kneel on your knees with your hands on the bar and in your c. And we're going to try to go through this series without stopping. So in other words, you're gonna do eight rounded knees and then eight arched back and then 10 knees off. And I'll help remind you what that looks like. So you're gonna sit pretty close. Your heels. Are you able to get your heels against the shoulder pads? Good. All right.

And I'm going to lift you up just a little bit. Keep your heads down. Keep your arms along and your tummies up. All right. You're ready to begin. You're gonna push out and curl. Yeah, the accent is in and talk to your bottom three. Head down four. That's it. So you're in that seat. Five. Head down calling six, seven, one more eight. Now heads up. Sit on your heels back there. Way Back there. Three.

So don't push out too far for you. Move a little bit up all the way in. That's so far out. Six little bit. Seven, one more and eight and Colleen, go ahead and bullsh out. Drop your head around your back too. You work on the end, not the out step three in four, college really round. Keep that head down. Six and under and under. With Ipsos. Strike Tuck Saturn.

It should burn nine and 10 get a good sweat. All right, you both did very nicely. Step off, especially being thrown in there with somebody who's been doing this for awhile. All right. Add one spring and you're gonna lie down on your backs and go into your walking and running. Good long, long legs. Move your feet a little left and you're going to start to walk.

My first day with Romana, we, I did a reformer class and then she threw me into the class on the mat with all these events. I wish I was looking over my shoulder, Jenny Kiva for it was great though. It was very inspiring. Five, six. Keep your hips from moving. Seven, eight, nine, 10 and one, two, three, four, five, six. You're cooling down. Seven, eight, nine, 10. Come in, rest. Move your feet to your arches, going into your pelvic lift. Hips curl up, chest long. Next are nice and relaxed. Stretch out advance. Take advantage of that. Really stretch. So don't just go out and come in. Go out and stretch.

Go a little bit further and then come back. Your hips are a little high. That's it. Oh, and let's get this side down and come back in and relax those toes as you're moving, as he did tense and, and maybe one more time out. Very good. And stay in both. Or you're going to slowly bring herself down one vertebrae at a time. Cooling down, add rest. Bring your knees together, sit up and step off and give yourselves a head. You guys did very nicely.

You're all done.


Loved ?? this class.
Thank you
3 people like this.
Great class I love the pace and great instruction.
3 people like this.
I felt like this instructor was degrading to her students.
1 person likes this.
Thank you, Adrianne, great class - currently doing my Reformer training and I learnt so much from your instruction today. Love your style!
Diane L
1 person likes this.
I enjoyed your class Adrianne. I liked how you taught Climb a Tree. I learned more of the nuances of the exercise. I liked your style too.
Thank you all for your feedback, I appreciate the comments from all. In regards to Michelle's comment, I am sorry you felt that way, I would by no means EVER want anyone to feel that way. Both these students are at very different levels, which I may have pointed out, this was meant purely to stress that the same exercise will be demonstrated in this way. They are both beautiful movers. I hope that this helps to clarify. Much appreciated you all!
1 person likes this.
I didn't think Adrianne was degrading her students at all. I am working with two women who are beginners and need to know how to cue them to do the exercises correctly. It was refreshing seeing students on Pilates Anytime who are at different levels. As an instructor I have several students who are learning and need the correct adjustment to conduct the move to get the fullest benefit of the exercise. I really enjoyed the class and learned a lot. Thanks
1 person likes this.
I really enjoyed this class and how the instructor cued for different levels. As a college professor, it is important to showcase different learning levels during a class. This was a wonderful class to do and watch. A++ work! Thank you so much
2 people like this.
A perfect class for my level. Please consider doing more 30 minute classes at this level. Thanks so much.
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