Class #2202

Improving Bone Density

45 min - Class


Amy Havens thinks outside the box with this osteoporosis safe Reformer workout! She plays with resistance, tempo, and change of force to improve bone density in your body. She teaches a full body workout with variations of exercises like Double Leg Stretch, Teaser, and many more!
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box), Jump Board, Hand Weights

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Hi everyone. I'm here to do reformer workout today and we've got our jump board attached. The other prop I want you to have handier set of hand, hand weights, either two pounds or three pounds. And today's reformer workout really is focusing on some bone density training or bone strengthening. And some of you know I'm a bone strengthening fanatic.

I love bone health, osteoporosis, health, things like that. And I love Rebecca Roth's Stein's work that she also has on the site. So if you need more information about the in depth of osteoporosis, check us out or check her out on the, on the site. Here I am on faculty with her for the bone above bones programming and um, I love it. So what does this mean? Osteoporosis, bone health, bone density. If you're out there and you've been told by your doctor, you've got Osteopenia, we're low bone density, nothing's wrong with you.

You just need to start building your bone a little bit and paying a little bit more attention to, um, some specifics on how to load bone, things you may want to avoid. Um, and that being number one is spinal flection with load. So anything rounding and rolling. For example, I can traditional [inaudible] mat work. For example, in this class today there's no flection of the spine. Um, what I am focusing on though is a resistance change in force tempo on the jumping, um, resistance on the springs and jumping, um, direction of where your femurs are going to go. Lots of hip hinges, which is our primary, uh, concept in bone strengthening along with back extension and length. So it's all good. Palase right? It's strength and length. So a, we are going to start to standing so outside of your reformer parallel legs and we're just gonna look down and lift up all of your toes. Just one strong lift of all of your toes. Bones really strengthen well with changes in external forces as well.

So that's what you're going to see and feel today and lower your toes. Raise your arms up. So I want to decompress my spine before I jump in, load my spine and low load my body and I want you to do the same thing. So really reach up for your sky, your ceiling, whatever's right above you. And I want you to allow your shoulder blades first to also come up.

Feel the stretch along the lateral line of your arms, maybe from your feet all the way up, and then gently let the shoulders slide down and just do that a couple of times. So I'm saying shoulders, but it's also your spine inside. So every time you're efforting the up, you're taking some pressure out of the discs, off of the spaces, off of the facets. Take a deep breath in and let's just go ahead and exhale and relax the arms down. Okay, last little piece in our warm up. I want you to bend your knees pointed straight ahead. Alignment is key, so we don't want to strengthen our, our body if we're not in alignment.

So bones and joints and good alignment here. So my knees are pointed straight ahead. Hinge your torso right over his small, over your femur heads. And I've allowed my femur heads to go back into my sockets. Going back this way, sit bones are kind of wide.

My chest is still open, but I'm not leaning for anybody with the roundness. This is what we're trying to avoid, okay, so really practice this a few times. Just roll forward, hinge forward, and bring Your Torso Upright. So you're moving at the hip joints. Now when we get down on the reformer, it's your legs moving more at your hip joint because the torso will be steady on the mat or on the carriage, but getting the fundamental understanding of where your hip joint is, which is right here in kind of karate. Chop your groin and find it. Okay, so one more time. Bend your knees, add hinge forward.

That's always a winner and unhinge. And then press the stand. Okay, so come on down before you lie down on your Mac, there is a nice way to get down there that's a little bit safer for your spine so that you don't roll down inflection. You're going to go onto your side. It's a lot of you know that. But if you didn't try this, you're going to lie on your side. I'm on three red springs down there and then you just get to pick your hips up and roll over. Now again, I don't want you to be afraid if you have osteoporosis or Osteopenia or any of that. Don't be afraid. We just have to be a little more conscientious on specifics of what we do. It actually opens up the doors for lots of variety, lots of creativity and thinking outside the box a little bit, which I love to do. So I want you to press your carriage out.

You'll notice that my feet are not starting up at the top, which I sometimes do if I jump, but right now we're just going to be working on our feet and ankles a little bit. So I want to stand as if I'm more a plumb line and standing in vertical. So I'm hoping I'm about there and I'm in parallel and I want to sense all parts of my feet. Roll my shoulders back, still work with that sense of length I just decompressed with and let's just lift the toes again. Lower the toes, four of these, lift and lower. So we're now adding a little bit more waking up our proprio receptors, all the nerve endings down at the very end of us on our floor. So the jump board acts as our floor, uh, ground force for us. Okay?

Heel lifts up and down, four times rise. Remember, good alignment count. So when you roll up onto the balls of the feet, you're not losing your, your alignment. You're not rolling to the outside edges. We're going to alternate toes. Whoops. Skews me. And down and heels and down, toes down, heels, down, toes and heels and toes and heels. Now Bend your knees just like we did in standing.

And that's what I'm talking about. Here's the hinge of the hip. It's a flection. Now I happen to have long Achilles tendons and good ankle mobility, so I can bend pretty deeply without my heels lifting. I want you not to lift your heels, okay? So don't go coming in and pop those heels up. We'll save that movement for something specific. So right now, just bend your knees, push your heels into the board to stand for times.

Bend. Push your heels. And Stan, you're going to feel the relationship. I want you to feel from your hips to your heels to the ground to stand. That theme is pretty consistent through the class. Hips to heels into the ground. Okay, now bend again. Stay in your bend. Roll through the balls of the feet. Press to straighten, lower the heels four times we've been the knees.

Articulate to this Relevate position. Press against the board, heels down to more bend. Stay in your band, articulate the feet, press to straight, knees and lower. Once again, bend, roll and press. We're going to reverse that four times. You rise up first up, and then this is tricky because you don't want to keep your heels. You want to be able to get them, I should say all the way. Press to the board, hips to heels and push, so I wouldn't go all the way into the bottom of the bumper there on these. Stay back from that bumper just a little bit. Okay, so hopefully you're starting to feel a little warm in your ankles and your feet.

We're going to repeat all of that in just a moment and turn out, but one last part. Coming down, lift and lower both heels eight times rather quickly. Again, I said we're going to change some tempo. Five, six, seven, and eight alternating. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Again, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight and then hold. Add some little pulses with this pulse. What I'm thinking about is contracting my glutes, giving some pump into my quadriceps. Make the pump a little bigger for eight one, two, three. So I did eight small ones. We're doing eight bigger ones, five, six, and seven and eight and stand. Lower your heels. Pause. All right, let's do all of that in a slight small external rotation.

So step down, you can make sure your feet are right underneath your hips. A very small Palladio's v. Squeeze those heels and let's do our toe lifts up and down and heels and down and toes and down and heels and remember, keep the heels squeezing and touching some. You might not be the highest heel lift that you've got. Okay, there we go. Now Ben, same thing. Keep your legs right here. Lift the heels, keeping them squeezed and rise. Lower your heels four times. Bend, peel the heels up, push through your legs and straighten.

Then heels up. Push straighten. Last one, bend, lift, straighten lower. Now reverse it. Rise up. Heels are still touching the whole time. Remember, get those heels to touch the board so you may have to stop back a little bit away from that bumper and all right. As your ankles get more mobile, you'll probably be able to bend a little deeper there. Good from the strong hips rise. Now Bend, heels come up, heels go down, heels come up, heels come down.

Eight of these five, six so it's actually a really good load on your thighs and a whole. Now one heel, one heel, one helmet. Tap it a little bit more. Slight impact of the heel bones to start waking up that reverberation system through the body. That was our eight two times and then slow pulses, kind of small three that's really not that slow and five and six. I'm really concentrating on the heels. Squeeze now a little bit bigger.

Eight seven so it's not quite a full jump, but in a minute we're going to be jumping and five, six, and seven and eight and lower your heels. Pivots your heels out, back into parallel and just soften and come in. Okay? So we'll jump in a minute, but let's work our abdominals. All right. They've been working already, but I want you to put your knees together, tabletop, hands at the top of your femur. Heads here, right by your knees and pull your knees into your hands. Keep those shoulders open.

I am in a slight imprint of my lumbar spine and relax three more times on an exhale. Inhale, release. So I want to think about zipping up my lower abdominals, my navel in and up. All good. Palazzos and open up those shoulders. So a lot of our focus here too is the correct posture. So you want those shoulders in position, okay, now lightly put the balls of your feet on them, on the board, arms by your sides. Let's do some pumping the a hundred so you don't need your head up to do the hundred.

I've said that so many times in a lot of my classes. Feel free to lift your feet off the off the board. We're going to add some load. Feel free to stay here if this is enough, come with me. If you want a little more, I'm in a little Pilati. Zvi Up there. Again, with the heels squeeze now feeling ready. I'm going to go a little bit lower. What's nice about doing this with a jump board, it's there for you.

If for any reason you need to land on it but don't get comfy on it, don't get rested and come out of your work just lightly, lightly set your calves there. Okay, let's do two more sets of pumping. I'm really trying to zip up. I'm trying to embed my spine into the mat and that's going to do it and I'm gonna rest. Hands on your knees. Do a quick couple of five circles here. Now I'm going to go into a couple more series in the AB series or the couple of pieces in the Ab series, so put your right knee in, left leg out. Once again, you can brush the jump board, but it's the knee coming into the hands. I want you to focus on, so let's exhale. Knee to hands.

Exhale knee to hands, eight of these slow [inaudible]. It's the need to hands to fire those lower abdominals, your shoulders, your back in good position. You're seven and eight. So here's our change of tempo and eight and seven, six and five. Four n three two and one both knees in.

Okay, double leg stretch. We're going to do a little pattern, so arms and legs up, arms and legs. Open together and recommend just kind of basic for now and open. So I can't do regular double leg stretch arms because I have the shoulder blocks behind me, so this is what I'm doing instead. Okay, one more plane. When here, if you want a little extra challenge, you're going to take your legs a little lower out, skimming or ride over that jump board three more. They're still zipping up your stomach, keeping your spine in, bedded strong and long on your mat. One more. The next one we'll be doing as our scissor.

It's just a little bit smaller scissor. That's all that leg touches the board lightly, but it's this thigh. I'm pressing against my poems and switch and switch and switch. We'll do four more, five and six. It's a great opportunity for you to activate your hamstrings a little bit faster for eight one, two little extra coordination to try to press the hands on the thighs.

Six and seven and eight rest for a moment. Last one is sing a double straight leg. Lower lift hands can be here or underneath here for support. Flex your feet. Let's lower. Try to sustain that zip up in the abdominals and point your toes up.

Flex your feet down like you're dragging them across. That forward wall there and up and inhale. [inaudible] last time and so abdominals are ready for us. We've added some intensity there. You're going to come up and take away one red spring, so I'm coming down with to get that side mount. Okay, let's do some jumps guys. So theatre going to be a little higher.

Now Bend your knees and jump. Just starts an easy small jumps. Focus on your feet. Point your toes. Really use those muscles all the way down at the lower end of your foot. Concentrate on landing the heels, Kay.

Two more times and then we're going to stop right in position. Don't go anywhere, don't go anywhere, squeeze your glutes but without tucking your pelvis. So I'm just trying to hold an isometric contraction down below and I'm going to do tiny jumps without straightening my knees. Kind of flicking the feet. 10 of these. Here's five and six. I'm concentrating on my hips and eight, nine and 10 and pause a bigger jump with a landing pause.

Eight times bigger pause. Big Pause. You'll probably start to notice a little fatigue in the front of the ankle, in the front of the Shin. That's good. We want those ankles strong and every time I pause I'm trying to contract through my glutes. Here's my last one for eight inner asked. Okay, same thing externally rotated yet small v. Here we go. Little jumps to three and same thing I said earlier, heels together here, so I'm not very wide in my turnout.

Follow the line of the work up your legs into your pelvis and eight now stop, jump and stop jumping stock. So the back of those hips don't really get a break in this kind of pattern. Five, six, seven and aide. Then little ones focus on the feet. Two, three. This is a little funky coordination. I'm trying to almost strike my toes down the board. Six, seven and we'll do eight jumps that are a little bit bigger with the stop. Bigger jump stop. Bigger jump, stop.

Bigger jump heels land for more. Maybe press the shoulders back out a little upper body to it. Seven an eight. We're going to pause right there. Lift and shake your feet. Hopefully you felt a little bit going on here. That's really what we're one of the many things. Rafter. Okay.

Take your knees into a bend. We're fine on to red springs for this one leg work. I think always drop it down if you'd like. So I'm gonna put my right hand on my right thigh and just start pushing. So I want to feel those muscles work. Okay.

I'm going to add a little knee extension here just four times. So see, this stuff is simple, but you can really get into the depth of what's going on if you'd like to. And then tap the leg down four times and two and three and for and keep it up. And then I'm going to bend it down. We're going to add a little jump with a kick here. Four Times. Jump Land, jump, land, jump land and jump and land. Other side, fairly simple. Hand on thigh table top first push, return, push. So drive your heel into the board, feel it come from your hip, working in the back. Now adding the extension on the top knee one, trying to keep it in table top. So 90 degrees of flection at your knee and three and for, then we'd go up and we touched the board four times.

It comes down and lift where confirm your hip joint. Good preps for single leg circles, et cetera. Okay? And then adding four little jumps. One with the Stop, two with a stop, three with a stop and four with a stop. All right, we could be going on to do more leg jumping, but I'm going to move on and we're going to work on some weight bearing on our risks. Okay, so drop yourself down to one red spring. Climb up onto your knees, open up your knees. So I want to lower my chest down, but I don't want to do it with a rounded back.

So I'm really going to go right at that hip hinge again, bring myself down, Hook my hands above the board and then lower myself so that I reached my forearms and elbows onto the board in case. So feel free to adjust forward or back if you need to. And let's just like kind of be in the position for a few breaths. And what I want us to start focusing quite a bit on is your back, our back muscles, you know, follow the line of your arm across the back of your shoulder blade and feel the muscles in your mid back working. Okay. Zipped up abdominals. Start to bear some weight more into your risks.

And we're gonna press and I want to take some slow movements here, going to change the load a little bit and as I'm coming to the jump on it, I want to, it's almost like I'm thinking guys of dragging my elbow down this way, but also pushing it into the board. So using that board like a floor. A surface. Okay. And if it's available for your disturbing them to start lowering down, I just don't want you to round your mid back or round your shoulders, elbows and press and and get those elbows. Just like I said, your heels earlier to get to the jump board. I want your elbows to really touch.

Okay, now try. That was eight of 'em. Let's go a little faster for eight. So more like a pump and touch, pump and touch three. I am trying to broaden my collarbone course. Good style, good technique and seven and eight. Okay. Now push rise up. Come all the when push away and bend in eight times.

So just adding a little extra layer of using your back to come up. Use your chest as you go down or lower your chest. Really? So I'm really accentuating that hip hinge motion. Just like we warmed up with my torso coming down to my pelvis. Try to keep your hands even on the jump board, not rolling into your thumbs excessively.

You're over to your pancreas excessively last too. So we're getting some really nice upper back shoulder tricep work and just hold, just hold. Pull yourself like I'm pulling, I'm trying to pull my board down. Start to arch your upper spine. Thinks one. There's not a lot of movement that's going to happen and release. Press your elbows forward into the jump board.

I'm trying to like if my breastbone were a flashlight, shining a big bright light up the board and down. Do more. Got To get those shoulder blades wrapping my ribs, pressing into the board. Pull your chest forward. Pull a space between the Vertebra and release. Okay. Now we're going to come all the way up. Roll your wrists around and we're going to move on into some sideline jumping.

So now I'm thinking we can keep our red spring. We're going to be fine with that. Same thing as you lie down with this particular thing. I like my head rest down. I like to stretch that arm through. And where I want us to go is straight, top lane, bottom leg is bent, that back heel is flexed and I want this hip joint to stay open in extension versus flexing here. Okay? So by having that open hip joint, I can work my hip extensors by glutes and hamstrings and I want to try to keep those activated back there. If you might start to feel like you look, it starts sneaking forward. So in my mind, my heel is against the wall back here.

I'm kinda thinking of pushing it back back way. So let's just do some bend and stretch, kind of an easy tempo four times we're in parallel. Okay? And then turn it out four times easy, pushing farmers, focusing more the back leg, the bottom leg. Now let's go from parallel to turn out and I'm kind of moving on my heel bone. I'm gonna Change where this femur gets directed, what, what, what load it gets in the joint. So again, back to technique or form and variations of how does strengthen bone change direction. Don't always go in the same direction all the time. Okay, let's Anson jumps with it.

So parallel to turn out in parallel there. Tiny jumps, focus on the back leg, the bottom leg, the heel of that bottom leg for me is flex. I'm trying to point this top foot. Going to do eight more one too. Don't forget to zip up your belly. Think of a long spine inside and six and seven and eight.

Let's be done with that other side. Okay. We could go on and on with sideline. Watch some of my other classes because I love jumping sign on the side. Um, but for now keeping it kind of simple. All right, so standing leg parallel to begin, bottom leg knee is flexed at 90 degrees. You want to open up the front of your hip and feel the glutes and hamstrings working and I hopefully you could see my foot, my heel. So I'm pushing my heel to you. Let's just start bending. Stretching eight times. Actually we did four. Sorry about that. There's four.

And then in turn out for four, one, two, three and four and then back and forth from parallel to turn out there. I am rocking on that heel as the pivot to change. I'm really thinking of that heel connection. My hip to my heel to the jump board told you it would be coming back at Jeff few times in classes added as a jump. So my bottom leg is hopefully still flexed with some coordination actually.

Yeah, jump a little bigger if you'd like. Eight more jumps and we've got one and two along spine inside. Still decompressed. We're adding this impact now, adding extra load against her bones, extra resistance, our last, all great ways to strengthen our bones. All right, so come on up. Moving into some quadrant pad for this one. Hmm. Let's keep our red and see what shows up. So I want you to come onto your knees, walk your knees right up to the shoulder blocks.

Set your thumbs on top of the railing, shoulders relatively over the risks, possibly shoulders in front of the wrists and get a good sense of long spine. Few breaths. Where are your shoulder blades? Hopefully not too protracted. We want that thoracic spine, nice and long. Shoulder blades just held. They send secure on the back, so let's do some knees into the shoulder rests. Keeping a flat spine. It's a lower abdominal work.

Hip flexors, they are okay to work, but it's happening more internally. I'm not thinking of my outer hip flexors as much as my inside hip flexors. I'm not going to drop my butt. Be Too easy. I'm going to keep myself in a not nice flat spine. Okay, now hold. Tuck your toes.

We're going to do just a little knee lift as we exhale, hold, hold, hold and set your knees down three more and exhale and lift the knees. Hold, sit. Bones are open. There's not a tuck and down. Two more and two, three and down. And last one, some pushing against the railing, lifting my abdominals up, but not changing my spine and down. One more and we're going to add a little something and lift.

So kind of March your feet. Breathe and March. I'm still kind of lightly pressing my knees into the shoulder rests hand for three, two and one and rest. Okay, I'm going to come down. Try real hard not to round my spine in this class. Okay. And Roll your wrists. We're still on the quadrupedal position, so coming into that, again, depending on your body length, height, size, et Cetera, you may be able to stay right here. I have to kneel back a little bit to start to get myself positioned. And I want to do a hip to heal relationship again.

So I need to look underneath my bore, my leg, set, my heel on. Hopefully my heel is in line with my sit bone here. If my leg was too low, it wouldn't be okay. And then first try to steady yourself and get square. So a lot of times we get into this one leg behind and there's a dipping hip or rotation or something.

Trying to keep ourselves relatively level here. Okay. Now I'm not going to push away from the board because I'm already on it. There's no, there's no place else to go except I am in a contract, my glutes and stand very solid with my heel against the board and take my opposite arm to the side. You're not gonna probably see it as reaching toward the side window here and I'm going to lower it four times. Wow.

Keep lifting your body kind of levitates chest away from floor. I felt myself dropping a little bit. So I'm going to have in my fourth one, this arm is going to reach toward the risers four times. So I'm reaching good old quadro pen and out and reach and out and reach and out. One more reach. I'm going to add one layer. It's the bottom foot. The other foot, Shin lifts, Shin Lowers, Shin lifts. Get a really strong straight leg back there.

Shin Up, down and Chin up and down. And let's change sides. So step that knee down, left leg goes back or second leg back. Look under c square. Okay. You're probably at recognize if you're watching some of my classes. I'm trying not to say my bad side anymore. This is just my other side.

Just doesn't feel the same as the other side. That's all. So feeling your hips can tract stand strong with that heel against the jump board, zip up heel long through your spine and the arm comes to out and down. Out. I'm trying not to add any spinal rotation. If a little is coming in, probably wouldn't hurt me. We're just trying not to do a lot of rotation here. Arm goes forward. So as I reached the arm and trying to feel my heel stronger against the board and last one whole, now lift the bottom shin down. Three more.

How you might feel your hamstrings can track deeper. That's okay. Lift lower. Really reach in both directions. Lower and release. Okay, sit back. We're going to do a teaser. There is teaser. It doesn't, you can do teaser if you need. If you have low bone density and ask your process.

We do it this way so we can start. I'll save that one. Let's start the hands here. We've got two versions. Okay, so it's not, it's not lumbar flection. No, we're in a hinge. Nice. Extended spine. Plenty warm through our abdominals. Now you can keep your toes on the head, head rest there, or you can lift them up. I'm going to lift mine with my heels flex. This is a little harder. Come along if you'd like.

Now your arms are doing something. Use them, help them. Use them to kind of pick up your, your legs. Okay, now look at something. Don't look at me. Find something in your space that you can stare at. It helps with your balance. One of our systems is our peripheral and our visual system.

So stare at something, take a leg out. Hold it, hold it, hold it. Bring it in slowly. Other sides. Yeah, hold, hold, hold. Bring it in slowly and let's do it again. So you might wonder, why is my heel flex? Well, we work a pushing concept for bone strengthening and the buff bones program. There's a lot of heel pushing hip to heel.

I already said it many times. Okay, we're going to go faster. Oh, if this is too rocky for you, if your balance is shady and that was quite steady enough, just put your heels on the head rest. Okay. We're just kind of keep your feet down. I'm going to go a little faster. Change the rhythm. [inaudible] and two more. Last one and rest. Okay.

Set your hands back at the edge of the carriage. Open your chest. Knees are fine to be open, right, and the shins against the shoulder blocks. Now I want you to press your sh your wrist down. Press them down, roll your shoulders back. It's not a rib thrust. It's a spinal extension. Okay, so we're trying to target right there between the chest, the peck wall, open and lift and release. We'll do two more, two or three. Let's do two. Hold on.

Maybe any inhale feels good for this one. Maybe an exhale for the next one. I don't want you to lock your elbows, but I do want you to feel like you're pushing down into the mat surface. Get some risks, loading. Okay. We're going to do one more variation here and this will require a little bit more extension and rotation. This is okay to do. Left-Hand holds, the shoulder rest without the shoulder being rolled forward. Reach your right arm forward and hitchhike your thumb. Lift your arm, turn toward that arm, hinge back and rotate.

Kinda look up. You can even open your palm reach and return. We'll do a couple each side. This hand on the shoulder rest. I'm using the Pol with to kind of leverage myself. So you're doing an extension rotation and return. Once again, each sign, make it flow and reach. How much did the hang loose sign and probably be fine to send a their side.

Oh, extend and lengthen and reach. Okay, we're winding down, but we're not quite done. This is where we get some use of our hand weights or I've got weighted weighted balls here so everybody put all of your springs on and just don't want the carriage to be moving out from underneath us. Okay? Now I want you to sit on your reformer. Hopefully this is accessible for you. If we have flexibility in your hip joints, if you don't, you may choose to do some of this standing, some of the arm work or sitting on the floor. Okay, so I'm just seated first and I want you to, if you are like this, pay attention to this alignment so that the knee is above the Shin and the foot is knee is aligned with second toe. What you'll see you might be tempted to do this is move the foot.

That's not good alignment. All right? So what we want to work on is increasing hip rotation. What muscles coordinate to that of course are glutes and lengthening through the ad. So just place your hands on the inside of your knees, shoulders back, and we're going to pulse the thighs back. Okay? My hands aren't really doing it. They're kind of encouraging, but what I want to try to do is get the glutes to attract to bring the thighs back. So it's muscle, muscle, muscle, muscle four and three and two and hold. Now you're held open. Lift your heels and little faster.

Pulse, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Again, one, two, three, four and five. Six. It just with the heels up, may add a little extra intensity. Maybe not. Okay. Try to keep that going. Lift your hand weights. Put your arms forward with arms externally rotated and sit lightly on your sit bones. Okay, let's do four bicep curls. You can bring the weights all the way to your shoulders if you'd like, and open, curl and open. So kind of a regular tempo here. First, meaning even tempo, one count in, one, count out. Let's do a different tempo in quick and out. Slow, slow, slow in, quick out. Slow, slow, slow and quick outs. Slow, slow your arms.

Just work differently and slow. We're going to reverse it. Slow in for three. One, two, three and quick. One, two, three and quick. One, two, three and quick. Hopefully my back isn't arching too much. Two, three, an open rest. Okay, got to really keep that rib hip connection and not throw those ribs forward. Okay, let's do similar arms without to the sides. Okay. Make sure if you're looking straight ahead, you can see your arms out of the corners of your eyes.

We're going to come in quick and go out. Slow in quick, slow, slow, slow squeeze and slow. Slow. It's like I'm resisting opening those elbows. Resist straightening them out in quick and slow. Slow, slow. Now in slow, one, two, three out quick in two, three out quick. Shoulder blades are wide on our back and out and in two, three and out and just arrest. So it might feel a little more intense during a change of rhythm.

And that's the idea. We work our bones differently. You can't always have the same pace. They get bored, they get bored. Okay, reach your arms forward. Palms up. Little circles. I've got my thumb out again. External rotation, little circles there. Open hands are up. I'm opening my arms out to the side. That was should have been eight and forward. Two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight. Reverse two four, five, six, seven and eight. Hold. Lift above your head.

Lower. Three more. Lift. You've noticed I have to keep my arms in front of me a little bit to work that rib. Hip Connection. I don't want to thrust my ribs nor should you. Okay rest. It's a lot of front musculature. Let's work on the back a little bit. So have you have your arms out by your sides, palms face back.

We know it from regular Palazzos and the chest expansion. So we press yes and even tempo eight times. We'll do four with an exhale. Inhale for four. See if you, whichever one you like best. Maybe you do that more consistently. I think it's important to change it up and down and inhale and rest. So take your right arm in a bicep curl.

Left arm is gonna. Press back, change it. Left arm comes bicep. Curl in front of you on my elbows. Angled a little bit. My right arm is pressing back. There's a little swing that you can do here. Find those arm extensors, triceps, lats, triceps.

There's a little bit of science going on here with a uh, proprialceptive pattern with one arm crossing our front line, one arm going behind in our buff bones program. We do this with some squats and it's a lot fun and a lot of coordination. Fun. Let yourself rock a little bit. Where are you going to do eight more? So you notice I've sped up the tempo. Stay in control for four, three, two and one, and give it a little rest. Okay, so lean forward.

Now you can put your hands just on the edge of the mat. We're up on top if you've on the jump board and I want you to pitch pretty far forward and use your legs to stand up. Just do that several times. Hip Hinge and stand. You notice I'm on a little diagonal. It's fine. Push your heels into the floor. Hip to heel. Heel the floor. Okay, six and seven. This is really great for your butt and your thighs.

Now let's go ahead and add our weights to it in a minute. We're going to add that little arm swing. Well, what the heck? Let's do it now and up and down. So I've turned my palms up to help me. Press the palms back, palms up. Paul's back, lift lower and bring your abdominals up with you. Now I might Naomi, his pitch forward as I was admitting ago. It's okay.

Tap it in the muscles right underneath your arms and shoulder place. Let's do four more. We'll stay up on the fourth one. Three, huh, too. Here we go. We're staying up by sub curl, tricep press, bicep curl, tricep press, swing swing. I'm going to try to get my chest more upright. This reformer feels wide, but that's good. It's stretching my hips. If it's feeling a little wide for you, it might feel easier for you to tip your chest forward and press oh, keep the abdominal zipped. We're just doing four, three, two and one and rest. Okay. Step off. Put weight into one leg and pull that other leg up. We're almost finished.

We're going to do, this is a little bit of standing balance, but one hand on the edge of the top of the jump board. Step your inside foot parallel, so going into that hip hinge, fundamentally going, I'm leaning forward. I'm going to use my bottom foot. You can't see it probably, but I'm going to push off of it to rise. Just like I was pushing off of it earlier in the jumping, the watch, the tracking of the front knee as well. We don't want that knee to collapse in or go farther out.

You can use this hand to help you track, okay? You can challenge yourself and not hold the board at all. [inaudible] great sine hip work, but again, I'm in that flat back that pitched forward hinge position two more times. I think I did 10 somehow this class is kind of fours and eights and now all a sudden a 10 it's okay. Parallel. Here we go and lean hip, heel surface, get that ground connection up and so I am loading this leg but I'm using that back foot a lot to push off. Push [inaudible] and six, seven and eight and nine and last one.

Now guys, let's stand with our feet together. You can use this if you'd like. You don't need it, a few don't need it and bring your arms up. Close your eyes, rise up onto the tippy toes, lower your heels down, keep your arms lifted, turn your head to one shoulder, see something, turn it to the other side. See something, look forward and bring your arms down. I'm going to step back just so that I can bring up a leg and then I'm going to put that leg behind once again like it did in sideline, jumping as if my heel were against a wall. I can't push against the wall. I'm not close enough.

I'm going to take an arm up the other arm up. I'm going to close my eyes. Bad. Turn my head in my head center, a little heel lift down. Others side. So again, just like we were hearing hip extension, my heels pushing back, zipped up, adding a little balance component here. Harms up, close your eyes, open them up, turn, turn, see what sticks, see what I have here and he'll lift up a little better. A little better. I'm arching my back. You can't tell problem down. Okay, last thing, just take your arms up. Feel that last moment of decompression. Walk your ribs a little higher so hopefully you feel a little more lengthened out. You feel worked out.

And so we didn't have to round our back at all to get a whole body workout. So if you're interested in bone health, check us out. Rebecca would love to hear from you. I would too, and let us know how we, how we did with the junk port. See you later.

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Thank you Amy, this was a great class. Love the balance work at the end. Harder than it looks :)
Thank you! Loved the class. My back feels really long and strong.
2 people like this.
Awesome!!! loved all the different variations with the use of the jump board! Keep the Jump Board classes coming as I teach a ton of them and need the inspiration :) Thank you!
Than you ladies! REally appreciate all your comments!!
1 person likes this.
Thanks Amy. Loved this class. It is a great class for osteo clients. My only comment is that the arm work on the jump board with body folded over the knees is challenging for anyone with arthritis in the knees.
1 person likes this.
Hi Deborah...glad you enjoyed this work and can see it's appropriateness for osteo clients. Yes, good point about the body folded over the knees----maybe try prone on the long box and create it as a basic Swan or Swan prep? I appreciate you bringing this point up! :)

2 people like this.
Thanks for that suggestion regarding the long box Amy - that is just what I did. Glad to know that I was on the right track. And thank you for the excellent classes and tutorials that you do for Pilates Anytime, I have learned so much since registering one year ago. You have become one of my must watch faves.
Yesterdays class on variations I did w/you inspired me to try this too. I have old injuries that I'm (for decades) working on/with. It accumulated in SI scaring and instability 3yrs ago(began in high school with hip/knee). This was great for drawing me out of my slight, but constant rotations. I do a lot of fascia work (Carrie Gaynor is superb!). I added warrior 3 to the end and released a very small scar from within my knee, everything "unrotated" as I lifted easily up and out of the joint, no muscular effort-no stress or strain (to undo the twist in lower leg). it was phenomenal! Hats off for all of your creative well thought out and instructed work. The right thing at just the right time! thank you!
PS the SI scar I "took care of", and strengthened my core more appropriately so the instability was addressed there previously. poco a poco
Patricia P
Great class!!!! Love the hundred with the head down....still felt my abdominals, while working coordination and breath!!!
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