Class #2223

Stretch and Stabilize

20 min - Class


Stretch and stabilize your body in this fun Spine Corrector workout with Valentin! It's a quick class which will allow you to move in all planes of movement, especially rotation. Her magnetic energy will motivate you to stretch your limbs all the way from your fingertips to your toes so you get a full movement experience.
What You'll Need: Spine Corrector

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Jul 09, 2015
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Hello Pleiades anytime watchers. We are here to do a very short spine corrector workout. I hope you have fun. Here we go. We're going to start on top of the arch. The heels of the hands are on the lip of the step portion of your spine corrector. I would like you to do a lumbar curve under, under, under, and inhale. Now pair your breath go under, under, under good and up. So actually keep going. The head never moves and stretch, so it's a postier tail and almost an anterior tilt.

If you can get it. Post hairier, tilt and anterior. Hold your anterior. I'd like your front arm to extend to the side. Then I'd like it to come up. Then I want you to switch together. I'm down and out to the side again, lifted up, make the switch and out to the side again up. Make the switch beautiful to the side and uh, make this switch out to the side and put it down.

Now we're going to practice just a little bit more of an inner thigh. Stretch, a straighten out your legs. Very good. Straighten them out to the sides. Do the best you can. You're inclining forward with the heels of your hands. I'd like you to keep that same shape of your spine and then your elbows. Good morning and come back in her thigh and go lead with your heart. Good. And Go. Keep lengthening through your back.

Lean open wide. Good. Keep the chin tucked slightly and good. Good and go and stay down. Surprise, surprise. We're going to do the same arms. Here we go. Arm out toward me, over your head. Switched the hands and extend over here. Switch the arms and to the side over your hand. Switch the arms out to the side overhead.

Switch the arms. One more up. Switch and put it back down. Stay there. Arms wide. Pull the stomach in. Hinge down, just slightly. Come back hole. Go to you. Have two more up go three.

Keep your arms with you and up. Stay for both arms. Reach forward, come back, arms reach fingers. Foreign five. Play an important role and open foreign five. Reach and go last to foreign five. Upright. Your body's up, up, up, up, woo. And give it a rest.

Well that was different than practice, wasn't it? Oh, well let's sit and get ready for twist. Okay. Twist, twist, twist. So you're going to sit with your legs together. All right. And we're up. Sit as tall as you can. And if you, if you need to have to bend, it's okay. We're trying to work with the upper torso. Arms are out. All right, now set the scapula down and you're going to turn toward the front turn. Double pulse, pulse, pulse, and turn pulse Paul and up.

Now remember that your eyes take the lead. Good. So don't be happy just looking at what's in front of you. Turn to your GL. Little fingers out, out. Go and out. Out. Go. Arms down.

I like to work the arms just slightly different. This is where they spiral. So if I turn toward the front, I'm going to actually turn the palm up. Feel four and five and the other one goes internally. Ready, set, go up, up, go. Turn up, up. Go, turn up, up. Go. Turn up a go. One more.

Turn the spiral line. Push, push. Last two, push. Push. Keep your arms up. Push, push. Give it a rest. Alright. Now what's going to happen here is that we're going to take a tilt. So I'm going to twist and I'm going to tilt down. I'm gonna tilt up, I'm going back to horizontal and come home. All right, toward the front. We'll try it again toward the front. Hold on. Whoop. Ready? Toward the front. Whoop. Ready, go.

Turn and tilt and till and flap. Come home and turn and tilt and tilt and straight and come home and turn. Go down, go up, go flat and come home and turn. Go down. Go up, go flat. And keep going.

Turn and down and stretch and stretch even more. Go last one. One, go down. Go Up. Now. Stretch. Really stretch here on three flat and recoil home. Excellent. Let's put our bottoms inside the well and prepare for soft. All right, so your arms are your arms, your legs.

You're sitting on the lip. Sorry, not in the, well, I knew there's no way that you're, you could have done that. Alright, so now we're here. We've already prepped for twisting, but what we're going to do is go in and intensify it. So once I saw I down, I'm going to close the arms. Then I'm going to open and go deeper, upright, and recoil home. All right, let's go to the bat. Twist. Now going into your saw, put your hands together. Bow Down, open up twith deeper, upright, and come home. Okay, now I'm going to go slow. There's no pulse here. I want to really work it. Okay, rotate. Now go down into your saw. Now when the hands come together, bow down into forward flection. Bow Down, and then open up. Add the rotation. Sit Up nice and tall. Recoil home again. Twist. Now go down. This is still rotated. Go down into forward flection to the best of your ability.

Now open up and rotate and recoil home. Nice. Two more. Two with tall, and then go. Then touch the two hands. Rotate your body down. Open up, rotate your body open. Get Tall, get tall, get tall, recoil home. Other side one, go down, blow girls' blow, blow, blow. Now reach, reach, reach, reach, come up and come home. That was really good. Okay, now you know it's my favorite mermaid. Yeah. Okay. Alright, so we're going to face the front.

And now remember in this I want your thigh to parallel your Shin and sit to the far back. I'll queue inside or outside. So arms are out to the side. First we're going to do a lower lower rib reach. Okay, so you're going to shift making your outside rib. Go toward the art. Go One and come home. And two.

Good. Feel the ribs. Move three and come home. Now we're going to add that spiral arm of the arm and reach and look the other way and reach. Come on, fingers four and five. Think about it. Four and five. You got it. I can see it. Do you feel it? It really makes a difference. Four and five have a play. And just as thumb and index have a play on the opposite. The opposite side.

Good. Excellent. And that's enough cause I'm getting seasick. Okay now. Alright, so now we're going to go into your mermaid. All right. All right. So go to the outside, up and over, up and over. Go to the outside and make your landing, stretch, stretch, stretch over and come home. Good. And again, up and over. Good. And come home. Two more. Up and over. Go for the long stretch.

Don't be afraid to lay on that thing and come home and up and over. Now you're gonna take that top arm. Try and keep your hand down. Take the top arm with your bottom arm, take your top wrist and you're gonna pull it. Go for some length. Now as you roll forward, continue to pull, roll forward, pull your wrist and go back, pull your wrist. And again, forward, forward, forward, really trying to square those shoulders and back. Back to the side, just to the side. Forward, forth, eeky.

Good and back, back, back, last hit. Go forward, forward, forward. Okay, now stay there. You're going to release that arm, swing it down on the floor, caress your thigh, roll backwards and come back up. And again, go forward. Caress your thigh and go back again. Forward, forward, forward, back, back, back. Last hit. Forward, forward, forward and back. Back, back. Okay. Now stay there. You've got to reverse it. Go back, back, back school.

Reach forward and come back again back. Now remember as you reach forward, scoop your stomach school. Good. I don't know. I get so loud. I think you're going to do it. And Scoop. Good. And one more. And scoop very good. And sit up nice and tall. Up and tall. Centered, centered, centered. Good.

And now we're gonna flip to the other side because you have another side. Okay. So you really trying to open up that hip so that your knee, your thigh parallels you shin. Way Back there. Way Back. Uh Huh. Okay. So now we're sitting here. We're doing the rib shift. So it's your outside rib that's gonna reach toward the arc. Go One and o hands yet.

And to think about how you can just shift that body three and go and for Kay, palm up outside palm. Go turn the head, turn the head, turn the head. Fingers. Four and five fingers one and two. I'm just talking through this whole thing and reach. Reach four more to go. And three, and use your ribs and mu and go last one, one and come to center and we're going to go side Bend, mermaid up and over. Four times up. Reach, reach, reach, stay there, stay there and feel those ribs open up.

The visualization here is going to be like a slinky. I like slinkys here, opens up now restack it up and restack. You know what I'm talking about when I say slinky? [inaudible] that's what I use at home. Up and slinky it up. Inhale, inhale, inhale, and now blow home. People say they don't like that phrase home that I use. I like that phrase. Inhale. Inhale, inhale, and blow. Exhale, exhale, exhale, go. Inhale, inhale, inhale, and now grab that top wrist.

Really pull that rest and eat some stretch out of it. Good and release. Now we're going to circle that arm circle forward, forward, forward. Circle the arm down in front of you and go back around and then roll onto your side again and again, forward, forward, forward, caressed your thigh. Be Sure you touch your thigh and go see how far down you can go. Woo. And, uh, back. Slow it down and forward.

Forward, forward and arch and back. Now hold it there over your head. Now reverse. Inhale. Inhale, inhale and blow. And inhale. Inhale, inhale and stomach. Good. This looks like a Martha Graham. Dance over, over and blow. Last one. Inhale. Inhale, inhale and blow.

Give it a rest. All right, we're going to do one of my favorite ones. Have a seat. Sit Up nice and tall. Sit in the well, all right. Just because it's more mermaid. Okay, now your feet are wide. Okay. Wide, wide, wide. Alright, first of all we're going to brace the forearm against the inner knee and press through with your lumbar area. Just get some of that woken up is if it isn't now and come back again. Do that. This just sort of tells your whole body that things are going to go on cause you know Palladio's is all body and up. All right, here we go.

We're going to go toward the mirror. Go to the side. We're going to roll through the front, flip it over to the side and back and stay here like it. Sunday. Go to the back, go to the back side, Ben, pull in the stomach, go to the side and make it Sunday. Praise the Lord. Go Sigh, go pull it forward. Go to the side hole the Poles. Go to the back, go to the front, go to the back. Bory lo, go and and over.

Don't be afraid to use momentum. Go side. Swing in and out and give it a rest. That's fun. It was a little mermaid. One second of Mermaid in there. Alright. Stand up. And we're going to lunge in the well. We're going to lunge in the well.

So now it's your inside knee is in the well inside. Correct. Now our arms are straight ahead in front of your shoulders. Good. And we're going to try and have a straight knee. So scooch back slightly. You want to have a straight knee. All right. Okay. All right, so now the only thing that bans is your knee go bend, bend, bend, and up times for band, band, Band upright. The body, it stays only the knee and hip and go last one and bend and up.

Come back. Okay. Now arms are out. We're going to add arms, go forward and go back and go forward. Don't try and lean. Just let the hip open up, forward and and forward. Now, arms go over your head. Keep going forward and gather some air. Gather. Use your shoulders, reach, go. Stay here. And now we're going to drop our inside arm, scissor and scissor and three ice up and five and six and seven and eight, four, three, two and stay up. Now we're just gonna win mill around when mill around and go, ah, go. Just windmill around. I don't care which I'm you. I do just go and windmill and windmill and windmill and windmill and bring it home all the way home. Take it home. Flip to the other side.

Good. Slip your knee for their backs that you have some place space there. All right, arms are in front of you at shoulder height at shoulder height. All right, here we go. Bend the knee, bend the knee and come back. So it's just the knee and hip. Open the chest. Yes.

Perfect. And Go and out and go open your arms. Okay. And Bend and stretch. Bend Paul, Paul, Paul, you got 50% work here. You got 50% work there.

50 50 50 already here. Okay. Arms Up, press and stretch. Stretch here and stir Rach more stretch and there and stay there. Inside arm is going to go down. Go One and two and three and four and five and six and seven and stay here.

We're gonna helicopter side, side and side and side and sod. Side and side and side and side. Hold side. Come through the center. Come all the way in the front and come on back. Good. We're going to stand in the well for your standing roll downs. Okay, now remember how long your Achilles and all the stretch down the back line is. Determining how well you stand in the well. If it bothers you, if the, if the pitches too deep, then put your heels up against the arch. Are we good?

All right, so we're trying to get those hips forward. [inaudible] your chest. Oops. Okay. All right. Now we're going to go all the way up. Now remember we're going to start from the lowest rib to the Asi s pull in the stomach and roll forward, forward, forward, and take note of where you are. Okay, now you're going to just roll back up with your arms down by your side. Roll Up. Nothing real scientific about that. Very good. Now we're going to add as external rotation of the thumbs arch up and then we're going to contract rib to hip, pull in the stomach, and we're going to go a little further than where we were the last time just because we can. Okay.

And let the arms down by your sides as you roll back up. Excellent. No big thing there. And we're gonna rotate, tighten your glutes, lift up, and then we're going to go forward down. We're going to stay there. Just take a good look at that. Okay, we're going to stay down and we're gonna roll back up. Roll Up. Excellent. Now we're going to rotate toward the front of the room with our hips. We're going to externally rotate [inaudible] keep your thighs together as much as you can and roll down to the corner.

Roll down crown of the head to the corner. Are we getting a stretch? Yes or no? Is it fun and rural? Back Up. Arms are down. O K and externally. Rotate to the other side. Tighten your glutes please him again. Our job. Oh and go down. Find the coroner.

You should be getting down further and further and further and further and roll back up. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Moving on. Center, rotate, lift. Tighten your glutes and forward. Forward, forward. And now we're going to try and touch some part of our body or the arc. We're going to do a slight bend of the knees, but try not to lose the height of your pelvis and straighten slight. So pull, pull, pull the legs and straight and try not to lose any height.

Just stretch those legs and up. Just stretch a little stretch. Don't lose height and go. Don't lose height. Stretch pullet good and roll all the way back up. Good. Rotate toward the front. Externally. Rotate arms up, up, up, up.

Roll down, down, down, down, down to the corner. Same business. Slight bend to the knees, one and straight. Slight bend to the knees too, and straight. Slight bend of the knees. Three, stretch the muscle. Go stretch the muscle on the band and roll all the way up. Rotate toward the back. Turn your thumbs out. Oops. And up we go. And now here we go.

Okay. And slight Ben. So it's a pull apart of the knees and go pull apart. Don't lose height. Good something stretching. But your relay hips are not going to go down. Scrapped. Can you see it? And down. Roll all the way up. Two arms up and bring it down.

Thank you very much. We did it.


I knew when I watched this class I was going to love doing it... I was right! I often do my Pilates at the end of my day (think late night) and this class allows me to do something worthwhile without punishing myself. For the record, I'll likely do it as a wake up call and midday snack too! Thanks Valentin!
I love this sequence (and you!) Valentin. Thank you for your authenticity, creativity and energy. I hope to see you in person soon!
Loved this Level 2 class. Thank you!
1 person likes this.
What a great personality! Love her teaching!
The instructor does a good job with rhythm and cues. She also has nice energy. The problem, is that there is absolutely no cueing as to the students needing to use their abs (core), to use their obliques when rotating, or to articulate their spines. Even beginning students should learn these fundamentals as a foundation for their Pilates work.
Great stretching. Reminded me of a Modern Dance class!!!
Tiziana N
It's a good work but it misses the breath
Tiziana N
It's a good work but it misses the breath
Great class!
Great class really enjoyed this and will be doing this again
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