Class #2321

Strengthening for Dancers

75 min - Class


You will get an equal mix of strengthening and stretching in this advanced Wunda Chair workout with Brett Howard. He adds in a few exercises geared towards dancers to work on control and balance while maintaining flexibility. Even though this class is challenging, Brett's witty humor keeps it light and fun!
What You'll Need: Wunda Chair, Knee Pad, Pilates Pole

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Hi, my name is Brett Howard. And look, today we're going to do a window chair workout with Jia. And uh, I'm today I'm going to use the grots chair. Just a little information about the grads chair is that it's a three springs system. And so there's uh, three hooks on either side and there's two springs that are equal tension. Alright? So what you're gonna do is I'm gonna have you seated here, Jia, and ideally you sit as close to the front as possible, but by all means, if you need to move back, that's fine. I have you one on the top, one in the bottom.

Sometimes I do this two on the top. And today I think I'm going to bring you just a little bit back. Perfect. I'm gonna have you bring your toes onto the bar and then you're going to look the pedal all the way up. And we're going to do an exercise called the footwork series. So you're going to cross the arms like a genie.

I want you to lift your spine up here. I'm going to have you go forward a little bit right there. I'm now pumping precedent down, up one, two, up. Three, four up, five up, maybe a little slower. Up. Seven up, eight up. Nine. Very nice.

10 up and hold. Arches of the foot onto the bar. Toes over, heels under like a burden and perch and now pumping down up two, three up, four up, five up, six up, seven up. Eight up, nine up, 10 up. Let's go into the heel of the foot and I active flex and pumping down up two up. Three up, four up. Emmaline back a little bit, five more. Four. And I know it feels like you're back. Two and one. Hold their right leg forward. Good, nice, long, right foot for the day.

And you're going to pump down up two up, three up, four up, five uphold. Now the more advanced version and have you bring the knee up and you're going to pump down, up two, up, three up, four up, five up. Let's switch legs first. Five straight out from the Sitz bone and pumping down up two up, three up, four up, five up. Now lift the leg up to the knee and pump. Two up. Three up. Four up, five up. Okay. I'm going to have you stand up. We're going to do the tendon stretch. Okay.

I'm going to have you stand in front and then I'm very particular with these things. You're going to bring the arms straight up to the ceiling. You're going to round over, grabbed the back of the chair here. Step one foot onto the pedal, press the pedal down than the other foot on. Good. And now for your back. Sometimes I have people forward, but I think for you, I'm going to bring you a little bit right there so then this way we can open that. You're going to lower the heels for three, two, one, lift two, three, lower two, three and lift. Two, three, three, two, three. And lift, lift, lift and lower. Lower, lower, lower. Two.

Three. And lift five more. Very nice. Lower two, three. And lift. Two, three, two, two, three. And lift. Two, three, three, two, three. And lift two, three, four, two, three. And lift one more. Lower. Two, three. Lift two. Hold their step one foot onto the floor. Ease the pedal up. Then take the other foot down. Now we're going to bring the hands to the outside here and we're going to do a tendon stretch that I was given for my knee by Ramana. You're going to bring your toe onto their non nice high lifted heel.

Three counts are going to lower the heel for three sorry. You're going to lower the pedal for three two, one. Lift the pedal up, two, three, lower to three and lift two, three and three two, three. Nice. High heel three. Imagine you're in a stiletto two, three and lift two three, five, two, three and lift five more. Adding on, lowered to hold. Drop that left the right hip a little bit and I'll lower the heel for three two, one. Lift the heel for three, two, one. Lift the peddle up to three and lower down two three p heel lowers to three heel lifts to three. Pedal up to three. Three mortal, down to three.

Lower the heel to three and you can feel how this is a good one, right? And lift two more and down to three. Very nice. Lower two. Three. Lift. Two, three. Peddle up. One more down to hold. We're going to do the grand finale. You're going to pump down one down, two down, hold, lower the heel for three, two, one. Lift to hold twice more. Pumped down. One down, two down, hold.

Lower the heel. Two, three, lift the heel. Two, three last time. Pump down and down and down. Lower two, three. Lift two, three, pedal all the way up to three and that's a great ankle. Strengthener. When I first did with Romana I did and I'm a heel and it's a great knee strength in her and she called this one tendon stretches.

Well let's go onto the other foot. High lifted heel. Nice square pelvis. You're going to lower the heels for three, two siloed. The pedal two three lift. At least I'm consistent on both sides. And now lower to three and now lift to three. Lower three to three and lift two more.

Lower to three and lift two. One more. Lower to three. And Lyft, adding on and lower to hold. Heel lowers to three heel lift and now pedo up to three and down to three. Lower the heel. Two, three. Lift the heel. Two, three, pedal up to three. Down to three. Lower two, three. Lift two, three. Pedal up.

Two more and down. Two, three, lower. Two, three. Lift two, three and up. One more. Hold there. The grand finale. Pump down. One. Down, two down. Lower the heel. Two, three, lift, two, three, repeat and down and down and down and lower. Two, three, lift. Two, three. Last time, pump and two and hold lower. Two, three, lift two, three, pedal all the way up to three. Excellent. I want you to lie down across this with your feet, that direction. You're going to bring both knees and you're going to reach up.

Grab a hold of this. You're going to roll the head, neck, and shoulders up. Now you're going to extend the legs out to 45 degrees. Bring the legs are the bar right above the thighs, pumping the a hundred. Inhale and exhale. Three, four, five in with the air in XL. Three, four, five, three XL, three, four or five in with the air XL. Three, four, five. Pull away from my fingers but round over them. XL. Three, four, five more.

Inhale, make sure not hyperextending those elbows in with the air. Yes. And XL. Three, four, five. Inhale, XL, three, four, five, twice more. Xcel, three, four, five, once more. And XL, three, four, five knees into the chest. And then I'll take this. You're going to stand up and you're going to lie down on your stomach facing that direction. And we're going to reverse the movement. You're going to reach the arm a go forward just a little bit. Perfect.

And reach the arms back. Grab a hold of this and you're gonna pump up. Pump up. Two, three, four, five XL, three four, five. Inhale, three, four, five XL, three four, five, three XL, three four or five in with the air XL. Three, four, five, five XL three five more. Inhale. Sorry. XL three four, five two XL, three four, five three XL, three four, five, four XL, three, four, five. One more. And XL? Three, four, five. I'll take this and then stand up. We're going to do it. Another attendance stretch cause I'm going to do a lot of ankle and leg work for later. You're going to sit here facing that direction. This is a not one from Romana. This is one from Kathy grant.

You're going to bring your toes onto the pedal. Legs are going to be parallel, hip width distance and then you're going to push the pedal down until the fives are level parallel to the ground. Now this is my add on. I like to add on this and now that has to stay completely still. You're going to cross your arms like a genie. All the movement will be at the ankle. You're going to flex the feet for three Oh ooh. What happened there lady?

Point two three flex two three hold on. Speed racer, flex. Flex, flex and point. Point. Point. Flex, lift. Those dies a little bit. Point two three yes. Flex two three point. There we go. And Flex. Flex. Flex point. Point. Point. What is going on here? And flexible flex point. Point. Point two more. Flex. Flex. Flex point. Point. Point. One more time. Flex.

Flex. Flex point. Point. Platelet. The pedal up. But you can feel that, right? It's a great legwork and very good for the knees. So you're going to stand up and I'm gonna move this and what we're going to do is the push down. So I'm gonna put this today, one spring in the middle, one spring off, okay. You're gonna stand in front one foot length, distance away, good plotty stance arms are going to go straight up to the ceiling. Nice and wrapped ribbons. Mary Lou. And what you're gonna do is you're gonna Bring, I know your name is not Mary, but it's super referencing Mary Lou red. All right? Exactly.

You're going to have your heels against me and your pelvis against me, but make sure your caps are not touching me. Cause if your cats are touching you, that means you're hyperextending. Now you're going to round over and you're going to bring your hands under the pedal. Now I want you to imagine you have another arm that's going out of your head with that arm. You're going to push the pedal down so it's from the trunk hold there.

Now drop your tailbone and pull up, lifting the pedal up from the crown of the head. You're going to press the pedal down to there. Watch those elbows, and then from the powerhouse, you're going to lift up from the crown of the head. You're going to press the pedal down. Hold up. Now stay into my hand here. You're going to bend the elbows. As you extend the arms, pull your ribs in and up into my hand. Nice and bend the elbows. Pull in and up into my hand. Last time. Bend the elbows in and up, and now pull the pedal up events simultaneously.

You're going to lift both arms up are rolling up through the spine. Good. Now round back over. Good. Bring the right arm directly out to the side. Good. I want you to shift your ribs a little bit over to the right now with the crown of the head. Push the pedal down. One. Pull up to the powerhouse. Lift up one. Press the pedal down to pull up to press the pedal down.

Hold. Don't let this move. Don't let this move. You're going to bend the left elbow. Pull into the rib as you extend, and again, Ben into the ribs in the powerhouse. One more time, and Ben into the ribs. Now through the powerhouse. Lift up as you drop the towel. Now right hand on left arm out to the side. Now with the crown of the head, you're going to press the pedal down. Hold, pull up through the powerhouse. One. Press the pedal down. Pull up through the powerhouse to press the pedal down.

Hold now pull into my hand here a little bit more. Good. Now bend the right elbow pointing into the rib. One Ben pointed the ribs to Ben pointed the ribs three. Now lift up and then both hands come on simultaneously. Take both arms off and roll up to your spine. Wrap through here.

Nice in arms can come right down by the sides. Let's reverse this for the standing pumping. You're going to stand and you're going to bring your toes right into the lip like so. Okay, you're going to bring your arms straight to the ceiling. Now pelvis against me. Heels against me, but don't let your calves touched me and you're gonna round up and over staying against this wall here. Now hands go on. This one's a little harder. Go a little bit more over because the distance is further with the crown of the head. Push the pedal down to where you can, I would say about there.

Now pull up through the powerhouse to come up with the crown of the head. Pressing down and then pull up. Pressing down. Hold. Stay into my hand here. Bend the elbows, pull into the ribs. One Nice. Bend into the ribs to bend into the ribs three and then pull up through the powerhouse. Roll all the way up and then round back over. All right, bring one arm to the side. Good. And then with the head, push the pedal down to there. Pull up through the powerhouse one.

Push the pedal down. Pull up to the right hand. Tried to touch the wall to the side of you. Now hold thumping down up one, down, up to down, up three. Now pull up with a straight arm. Now right hand on left arm out to the side. Now try to touch the glass there with your left hand. Now with the crown of the head, pressed the pedal down to there. Now hold there.

Pull up off of my finger here on the right side. Yes. Now pull up through the powerhouse. One pressing down. Two up to the power els to pressing down. Hold there. Stay into my hand. Push into me more. Now bend the elbow broad. Pull up into the right side of the ribs as you extend the arm, bend the elbow.

Pull up into the right side as you extend in the arm. But don't move away from my hand, Ben, and extend. And now both a pull up through here. And then both hands on. Drop the tailbone, roll up to your spine, working through here. And then arms come right down by the sides. Nice. I want you to lie down on your back and you can have your feet that direction.

We're going to do the single leg stretch. Starting with the abdominal series. You're going to grab a hold of this and then what you're going to do is you're going to uh, bring the arms out to here. Bring your right knee in, left leg out, and you're going to stay below that. Now change. One, change to change to change. Three, change, three, change four, four, change five more.

And one n one and pool. Pool and poor and poor and very nice form and pull and pull both knees in. And then bar goes on your ankles simultaneously. Arms out as legs, reach and now go back in. Inhale, reach, excelling. Inhale. Three excelling in health for XL. N One more time in five Xcel and adding on. Inhale, arch the upper back. As you extend the legs nice and Xcel. Go back in.

Inhale out in arch, the upper back and exhale in. Inhale, arch, excelling. Inhale arch XL in. One more time. Inhale, arch excelon. Bring the bar straight up for the single straight leg stretch. Right leg goes up. Now I want you to bring this to 90 degrees. Roll the bar up to your ankle. Hold there, you push the bar, you push your leg. Don't let that change now change legs and press into that bar. Change. Press into the bar. Change to change. Three, change. Three, uh, changes that at the ankle. Shames. Four higher.

Change, five, change five more. One and one. And get the bar higher. Two and three and three. Bring the bar to the leg. More. Four yes, and five. Five take the bar, place it underneath your legs, both legs straight up to the ceiling. Double straight like stretch. Lower down. Two, three, lift to 90 degrees and lower down. If you can get to the bar though, it's great.

And now lift, reach your right fist forward more. Lower to three and lift up and lower. Three to one. Up and lower. Two, three up. Five more. Lower. Two, three up. Lower to three, up on one. Lower two, three up, two more.

Lowered to three up lower. Two, three up now knees. And if you can try to hold the bar in between. Both hands allow like this. Great. Yep. I think that will work. All right. Write me in left leg out. Twist to the right.

Now your goal is to make sure that this hand is just as high as the other hand. Now Change, twist, hold there. Reach this hand up higher. So this bar, it's nice and level. Always change to right hand up higher. That means right shoulder up mark. Yes. Change two to three.

Change three right beside up. More. Change three to three, change for better. Right-Sided. Again though, change for, I see there's a theme going on here. Change five to three. Change five quick time change one, change one, change two and two, right arm higher and three right shoulder higher and four and five and five.

Knees and hug your legs. Stand. Oh my God. Standing up. All right, so what you're going to do is since you're a dancer, let's work on some dance things. So I want you to stand right in front of here. One foot length, distance away. Once again, I'm sorry, facing that way. And then what you're gonna do is you're gonna Stand Plata stance, heels together, toes apart. Arms are going to go straight up to the ceiling.

Rise up onto your toes and to elevate. Now stay in that high elevate position. You're going to round over. Try not to let your bottom go back. Keeping the weight towards the big toe and the toe next to it. Now you're gonna bring your sits bones forward a little bit with the crown of the head. Pushed the pedal down to where you can control.

Now pull up through here to lift and again with the crown of the head pressing down too, and then lift the pedal too. Pressing down holder. Get the Sitz bone. It's a little more front. Now bend the elbows, pull into the ribs. One very nice Gr Ben. Pull into Ben. Pull him three. Now lift the pedal up through the powerhouse. Try not to touch me behind your both hands up as you roll up through your spine and arms all the way up. You know that game operation and I'll lower the heels all the way down.

That was good. Let's do the same thing from behind. So standing, pumping on the elevate position, so lift up higher toes and to elevate arms are going to go straight up to the ceiling. Now rounding over. Very good. Let's bring the whole yes hand on and a thumbs with fingers. And now with the crown of the head, press the pedal down. One pull up to the powerhouse. One pressing down to pull up to press down. Hold there.

Bend the elbows, pull into the ribs and one bend the elbows. Pull into the ribs to bend the elbows. Pull into the ribs. Three, lift the pedal up and now simultaneously both hands off as you roll up through your spine. There we go. Hold there. Stay in that elevate position. Wrap here more, and then lower the heels. Great. Now that you're a little bit more warm in your hamstrings, let's have you kneel with your knees right at the front here. We're going to do the cap stretch, so you're gonna sit on your heels.

You're going to round your back and bring your hands onto the pedal. This one's not done very often, but it's a good warmup for pumping on the knees. You're going to press into my hand here. Nice. Now you don't need me, but I'm here for support. Do you see your shape here? The head is drop the tailbone drop. Keep this hollow shape and just bring your pelvis forward until the pedal comes all the way to the floor a little more.

They're in a hole there. You're not going to fall. You see? You don't need me now. You pull up through your ribs, pull up off of my fingers and sit down on your heels to return. So it's your pelvis that brings you forward. Okay? [inaudible] now it's the lift of the ribs here that brings you back. One more time. Pelvis brings you forward. Hold there.

Push into my hand right here. Now bend the elbows. Whoops. Don't let that Popo go back and I'll press one. Don't worry, I won't let you fall. Press to Ben. Round that back more. Press three hold. There is that pedal all the way down? What about those elbows? Are they hyper extending or are they long? There we go. Now pull up to the powerhouse. Go all the way back to the heels.

Roll up to your spine. One Vertebrae at a time. Go to a high knee. All we're going to do pumping on the knees. I'm going to have you scoot halfway back. Great feet together. Knees together. You should be a little more warm for this. I'm gonna grab your ankles. I'm gonna have you pull a little bit off of my shoulder there. Now.

Don't press it into my shoulder. Extend both arms straight up to the ceiling. It don't come away from my shoulder. Don't press into my shoulder. Round over. Yes. Holy Hamstrings. Now bring the Popo Ford a little more there. Now with the crown of the head, pushed the pedal down to there. Is your pelvis touching my shoulder? I wanted to. There we go.

I'll pull up through the powerhouse and again, pressing down knees. Okay, pull up to the power owls to press down. Hold there. Now don't let the torso move. Bend the elbows. Pull into the ribs as you extend the arms. Nice. Bend into the ribs. District's done the arms bend into the ribs as you extend now pull up. Don't push it to me. Don't come away from me, but arms next to yours.

Roll up to your spine. One Vertebra at a time. That was [inaudible]. Beautiful. All right, standing onto the floor. And we're going to do spine stretch. So we're still one in the middle. I haven't changed it yet. You're going to sit down on the floor straddling the chair.

And now what we're going to do is we're going to do spine stretch prep spine, stretch forward, and then we'll do the reverse spine stretch. So nice active flex feet, hands under the pedal spine stretch prep. You're going to keep the spine long. You're gonna squeeze the bottom. Press down and hold two, three and release. [inaudible] try not to lean forward or back. So go straight up.

Yes. Up through the head, down to the tail, and then release. That was much better. One more time. Pull down and hold. Now bridging intuit. Curl the tailbone under. Round your back. Hold that. Now you're in your sponsors for it. This is the position I want you to go to the next one.

Now roll up to your spine. Two Nice, tall, straight back. Now squeeze the bottom curve into that c shape. Nice capital. See that's excellent. And then roll up. Are Those hills off of the mat? They were, weren't they? That meant you're hyper extending Walmart time. Press zipper up.

Soften that left elbow and then roll up to your spine. To a tall straight back. Now the spine stretch reversed. So you're going to keep your back flat. You're going to press this pedal all the way down. You might need to open the fetal teeny bit. Hold here for three. Hold to hold round the back.

As the peddle rises, press the pedal down as you lengthen your spine and hold for three much better with those heels. One around the back. Keep those legs still though. And now press down in. Lengthen. Lengthen, lengthen, lengthen, lengthen. Round the back. Very nice. Okay. I want you to bring your feet up here. We're going to do the press down. Teaser hands are going to go right onto here. Now I want you to start with your tailbone.

Imagine you're rolling down onto the mat to right there, thinking of the small of the back, pressing into the mat and not losing that. Shift your ribs a little bit over to perfect. A little more weight onto your left hip. And then don't change the shape. I want you to lift only the pedal a little. Now pull to press the pedal down without the shape moving.

So just the arms are moving and then press the arms. Keep those shoulders still and press. Now everything is going to come up. Your torso and your a pedal. Now roll down again. Little more weight in the right hip. Now stay there, deepen in. I'm going to push you a little bit to help you.

Now you're going to shift your ribs to the right and you're going to lift the pedal to where you can now pull back through the ribs to press the pedal down. Nice. And now lift and press ribs to the right a little bit. Lift and press. And now roll up. And then you can let this drop round forward. Grab the side of here for the teaser stretch.

Roll up to your spine. Lie down on your stomach facing me. And we're going to do the Flying Eagle. So both hands are going to go onto here. I want you to scoot back a little bit and then bring your whole body over to the left more. Exactly. Bring your legs just a little bit more to the left. Yes. And I know that feels weird.

Now what you're gonna do is you're gonna bring your one cheek down onto the mat. Now you're going to pull down through the arms with straight arms. As you center the head roll all the way up the head will be the very last thing to come up. Now hold their zipper up, rep length into the crown of the head. Now ahead. It's going to go forward and start to roll down as the peddle rises at the last minute, turn the head to the other side.

Now pull down as you roll up to your spine. W centering the head one vertebrae at a time. Head is the last thing that come up. Head is the first thing to go down. Is this. Oh, can your lower back. Okay, great. If not, I would have you open your legs and now pull down as you send her the head roll up to your spine. Get those shorter blades to do more work there. That was beautiful. Now head Co's down first.

Roll down and turn the head at the last minute. Last time. Center the head first. Roll down. Drop the head, pull the shoulder blades down that back, wrap the ribs zipper up, pull the pubic bone up towards the sternum, and then head goes down. First rolled down at the last minute. Turn the head, sit back on the heels. Counter stretch. Child's pose. I'm going to put this two springs on the top and we're going to do the corkscrew, so you're going to turn around, lie on your back head. We'll be at the very edge of the chair there. Nice. Bring your hands right on top here because this is going to see if you're using your arms or not. Bring your head a little bit over to the right. Good hips, just a hair to the left. Yes, yes. Too much perfect. All right.

Knees into the chest. Legs to 90 degrees. It's your pelvis that brings you up and over. Curl the tailbone and go up and over here. Now what you're going to do is you're going to roll down through the middle, then press into the right side. Is that okay? Now circle around now lift the pelvis and come up.

Aha. Then now roll down through the middle. Press into the left side, circle around and come up. Now what would happen if I have you have your palms facing up [inaudible] road onto the middle. Press into the right side. Circle around, and now, hmm. She learned on that one roll down press. She's like, I am not embarrassing myself on camera. I'm coming around and up. Smart. Roll down.

Press circle around that might feel nice on your lower back and roll down. I love this one sometimes to help open up my back and come up. Good. Now, Nice long toes here. Roll down to the middle. Bring the legs to 45 degrees. Roll up to Teaser, cross your legs and stand up. Good. Not Bad. Just a slight deduction.

So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to put this one in the middle again. I always like to test that to make sure that's on correctly. We're going to do the swan and the swan dive. So you're going to lie down on your stomach, having the bottom ribs come off, maybe just a hair forward. Yes. Now press the pedal down and then you're going to have nice wrap here.

Let's lower the heels. Just a hair. Lift the pedal up all the way up with straight arms above up. This will be your starting position. Press the pedal down one. Hold there. Pour off of my hand here. Good. Now lift up one nice.

Press down two and don't go into my hand. That was good. And lift up to now press down and hold there. Stay off of my hand. You're going to bend the elbows. Press the arms as you pull into the ribbon. And Ben, press two and Ben, press three lift all the way up. Now the full swan dive, the initiation is the toes and the tailbone.

You lift [inaudible]. Let the elbows bend and keep going. Keep the pedal down. Hold their stronger here. Squeeze here. Now lift through the head and come all the way up. And again, go over hold there. Push my hand away with your toes. Yes. And now arising up. One more time. Go over, hold there. Three pumps.

Pump one pump to pump three now lifting up all the way up. Now the breaststroke, you're going to reach the arms forward. Open that the arms up. Open the arms, hands. Go onto the pedal. Now you can stand up. We're going to counter stretch. You're going to bring your hands onto the floor. Good.

Bend the knees, stretch the legs. One. Bend the knees. Stretch to bend the knees. Hold. Keep the knees bent. Drop the tailbone. Roll up to your spine. One Vertebra at a time. Nice. Okay, let's do the reverse swan. Also known as the teas are sitting on the chair.

So you're going to sit maybe a little bit forward there. Now that way we have some place for our back to go. You're going to bring the knees into the chest. You're going to reach, uh, come in for a second. Bring your whole body hair too. Too much. I don't know what kind of hair you're thinking. [inaudible] extend the legs out, but I heard the little smile. Reach the arms out. Oh, they're round into the yes. Now hold their elbows. Come back hands. Go onto the pedal.

Now Roll your lower back into the mat. That was good. And then roll back up and again, rolling down. Hold, roll back up. One more time. Rolling down. Hold there. Bend the elbows. Stretch the arms. Poole on Ben. Press two Ben.

Press three and rolling up. Circle the arms around. Reach for me for three, two, one. Elbows back again. Hands. Go on now the whole body roll down as you lower to here. Now lift the upper body up. This is nice.

All down and roll up. Roll down in hold. Bend the elbows. Poo on. Nice. Ben Pulled to Ben. Pulled three. Now roll everything up. Circle the arms around it. I'm pushing you a little bit, but that's for a reason. I'll stay there.

Role your upper body for it. A little there. Now I'm going to take my hand away. Hold for three. Oh, push two. Yes. One. Bend the knees. Standing up. And now let's do the um, a mermaid sittings. You're going to sit down facing that way. One hands with distance from the edge. Uh, this is one of the Mermaids, but your events. So we're going to do this one instead. You're going to extend both legs straight up. But I do like that one.

You're gonna Cross your leg over the right both arms straight up to the ceiling. This arm comes down hold. Now what you're going to do is you're going to press and go over and stretch. Nice. And Go back up and get that whole hand on. And again, press and reach.

You are so flexible here and rolling up low. Too much in that left elbow too though. And for us in a reach and it's a nice stretch, right? And come up. It's horrible. Holly always say right. Cause maybe it's not right. How's the damming up? Let's do the other side.

Okay. And then let bring both arms up. Let the right one draped down. Yes. And go over and read and go up. Good. And again over and reach your right and go up. You are so flexible and go over and reach. I have to get push a little bit more so you get a good stretch and come up.

Nice. Ra does beautiful standing up. And then let's do the pumping one arms. You're going to take the same position we had for swan. Let me give this to you just to make sure your ribs don't get bruised there. All right, so we're going to bring me hands on.

You're going to press down to go. Just a hair forward. Now what I'm going to have you do is keep this square, this square, and you're gonna bring your one arm out, right arm out to the side. Hold there. Try to touch the window with the right arm. Go out more. Yes. Now hold there. Maintain that. You're going to bend the left elbow. Who into the rabbinic stent. I'm going to take my hand off. You're going to bend. Press two. This is good.

Ben. Pressing hold. Two, three right hand on, left arm out to the side. Hold there. Touch my hand over here. [inaudible] reach more there and Ben Push me away. Yes, keep pushing me away and stretch. Ben Person, hold, hold, hold that. Stay on this side. Maintain this single arm. Swan. Lift your upper body up. Press down the one. Keep pushing my hand away with your fingertips. Lift up to press down to more weight on that right.

Sit our right hip bone and lifting up and press left arm on right arm out to the side, and then you're going to rise up. This side's a little easier for you and pressing down pushed me a little bit and pressing down. One more time. Lower the heels a little bit and pressing down both hands on. Let the pedal rise and you can stand up. Let's counter stretch again, bringing both hands onto the floor. Bend the knees, stretch the legs. One. Bend the knees. Stretch the legs to bend the knees. Roll up to your spine.

One Vertebra at a time to nice, tall, straight back. Great. All right, the arm frog. You're going to stand in front and I'll just keep that pad there and now you're going to reach the arms straight out in front of you. Now, how I learned it is not to rise up. First I learned just to do a regular PA, so pa would be a knee bend, so you're going to bend the knees. Nice and hands will come on and you can sit down more. Good. Now what you're going to do is you're going to squeeze the bottom.

As you press down to three and release, squeeze and press two, three and release. One more. Squeeze and press two three release. Left arm in the middle, right arm out to the side. Nice square body. Press and hold two three release. Press and hold. Two three release. Press and hold two three releases. Switch sides and press and hold. Two, three release.

Pull the left shoulder blade down a little more. Yes, and release. Present whole length in the rates of the back, a little bit. And release. Good. Now both harms on both arms forward, heels down, sits bones, up. Head up, heels down. There we go. You're right. All right, so turn around on the spot and we're going to do the reverse arm frog instead of the backward arms today. So you're gonna reach the arms straight out and PA hands go back onto the pedal. Let's have the fingertips face back today. All right, so you're going to squeeze the bottom as you press two, three and release.

Now your goal is to not let the pedal control you. That was a good one. And release straight arms. Press down and hold two, three and release. Circle the arms forward. Now press the heels down. Spine, up. Good. Nice. All right, so let's have you lie down on your back feet that way.

This is an exercise I'd like to do when I, as an apprentice. You're going to go forward because as still training as a dancer then, and I love this one because I thought it hop my turnout. You're gonna bring your soul's feet flat together and we're going to do the low frog a flat together like this. All right, good. Now a little more weight on that left hip. Nice. Your initiation is your thighs. You press your thighs down. [inaudible] good and hold for three, two, one and release. And again, broaden the thighs and hold two, three and release three more broad and hold there.

A little more weight on that tailbone. Yes. Bring your left sit spot. Hold on. Speed racer assignment and say to do anything again, bring that left hip forward a little bit. There we go. And release. And let's do two more pressing hold. Two, three release last time. Presima broaden, broaden, broaden, and release. Very good. That's a really nice one. Especially for the dancers. Now let me have you lift this up. This one I would say is a good one, but I'm not sure if it's a nice one. We're going to do the semi-circle. So you're gonna press the pedal down and hold now. Yep.

You knew what to do and now what you're going to do is you're going to roll the hips up to a nice bridge. Now without the hips lowering, lift the pedal up. Hold there, lift up off of my fingers and with the pedal. That's it. Let that peddle rise. Yes. And roll down to your spokes. Going to happen. Then roll down through your spine. One Vertebrae at a time. This is a hard one.

Press the pedal down now. Roll the hips up, up, up, up. Now pull off of my fingers. Lift the feet up. That was better. See, that was all you. I didn't do that. Now roll down one vertebra at a time. Now one more time. Pressing down. Hold there. Pull this knee into my hand more. Now, sit into that left tip more. Yes. Now roll the hips up.

Now you think of press down, but you can't. You have to lift your hips up to lift your feet up. So lift up off of my fingers. That's it. And then roll the spine all the way down. Keeping that pedal still. Now let's reverse it. Lift the hips up.

Now your goal is to not let the pedal slammed down. You're going to control that down. A little bit of an acceleration at the end and roll down. That's okay. You have two more. Goes at it now lift. Oops, sorry. Uh, Yep. Lift that and now lift your hips up. Up, up, up, up, up. Now Controller, controller by lengthening up, up, up, up little better and roll down through your spine. One vertebrae at a time, and lift the pedal up last time.

Lift your hips up and now we're going to really go for it. Now you're going to keep this here. You're going to bring your right leg straight out in front of you. Hold there. All right. Now push up into my hand here. Lift your right hip up higher there. Now press the pedal halfway down. Up. One halfway down, up to push me more. Halfway down, up three. Now let's switch legs. All right.

Hips up. Lift the left leg straight out and go halfway down. Up One, halfway down. Would you feel working? Hamstrings and bottom right and up. Now both feet go on now. High hips. This one is your last. Go at it. So control it as you go down. Control it, control it. Much better. Ripple down through your spine like a wave going forward all the way down to the tail and lift the pedal up. Great. Knees into the chest. All right, standing up. And this one, I have to say I like better for tolerant people, but let's give it to you.

Let's do the uh, horseback. So there's two different ways to get on. Hopefully I'm not going to embarrass myself right now. You can go ahead and swing around a hand, hand lower down into position like that. Or you can come from the back when you're more advanced. Lift and then lower down. Okay.

Your choice I think is she's gone before. It's a little sloppy over there, right? I haven't slept myself. That would've been great for the bloopers now. Nice straight legs. Now I learned have inward rotation of the legs. Elbows in. You're going to curve c point and scoop. Good. Now keep from here down the same.

We were going to round over over my hands to bring your hands on the pedal. Yes. Now with the crown of the head, you're going to press the pedal down there. Now pull up through the powerhouse. Wanna press the pedal down to up through the powerhouse to press the pedal down. Hold there. Pull into my hand here more. Now bend the elbows up. One Ben.

Up to yes, Ben. Up Three. Now lift the pedal. Stay lifted here in scoop. Lift the arms up. Maintain that scoop arms straight up. Palms up to the ceiling. Bring your feet forward. More flex and sit all the way down. Good. All standing onto the floor.

All right, let's do some twisting work with you. I think the first one I like to start with is the seated twist. You said right in the middle of both legs forward. One arm goes up and you're going to, this is perfectly aligned here. You're going to let yourself stay on that beam there so you never wouldn't go right or left of the beam. Now stretch the legs. Go back a little bit, I think now arms up. Now one arm comes down.

Now what you do is you keep equate on both hips. You spiral and twist on your mid line. So you're right on that ceiling beam there. Now untwist as you come up so we don't go right and left. Now you're going to twist and spiral. Hold there.

Pull in here more and then untwist and go up. One more time. Twist and spiral. Reach out to the head more. Try to reach for something over there. Yes. And untwist and come up and go reach out and touch someone. And now let's switch. And now, yes.

Which way is that pot? Let's go the other way. Yup. And now you're gonna reach out. Oops, go a little bit more. To the center. Yes. Now hold their spiral more. Exactly. Now uninspired as you come up. And again, you're going to go out into reach. Nice and inspiral and come up. One more time out in a reach and uninspiring. Come up and then both arms up. That was good. Standing up.

This next one, I'm going to give you a little bit of padding for it because this one, my bone always sticks in and makes me fall off. So you're going to lie down on one side. Press this down. You can have the hand here, but let's do this today. Okay, side set up. So we're still one in the middle. Legs together. Right hand behind the head. Now keep hip on top of hip. You're gonna rise up.

Hold there. Make this longer right there. Make this longer as well. Good. And now press down one. Now rise up to the, we go to feel difference. Press down to rise up. Three, hold there. Let's close here. Press down three. Now bend the elbow, press one Ben, press and pull off of my fingers here. Ben. Press there we go.

And rise all the way up, up, up, and then press down and then switch sides so you could stand up. Lie On the other side. Okay, let's go have you bring your body back just a little bit. Wonderful. Alright. Legs together. Press down now. Lift up. Keep this nice and flat. So the whole body comes up one. Yes. Hold there. Lengthen this out more. Yes. And now go down one.

Press down to down. Two, press up, three down. Hold there. Now hold their wrap here more than bend the elbow. Press one right here. Longer. Press two. You have the right ear. And press three. There we go. Arise up. You're like, I'm so sick of your smart mouth. And now press down.

Right hand goes on and stay there. Let's our left hand goes on. Stay there. Right hand opens. Now scissor. Uh, Yup. And See I'm, it opens under there and now straight arms. Yup. You could open that where it was. Straight arms. Now what you're gonna do is you're gonna rise up and lower down.

One rise up to make that right arm a little more straight. Yes. Rise up. Three lower down. Three hold there. Bend the elbows. Pump One Ben, pump two. Ben Pump three. Hoad push this leg into me and I'm going to give you a little stretch. Is that okay?

This is a beautiful stretch. All right, and come up and now let's switch sides. I love that one myself. Feels good, right? That's a hard muscle to get to. So you're gonna press down. Good hip on top of hip. This side, you're more flexible on, you're going to rise up and lower down. One. Rise up, lower down to rise up.

Lower down. Hold pump three times. Ben, stretch one Ben. Stretch two, bend, stretch three. Hold this friendly pushes into me and I'm going to give you a little stretch. So as I push your leg down, you push your hands down. You're right. This is a hard stretch to get on your own. Good. All right.

And now you can stand up and you should be nice and warm for twist one. So I'm going to place this down here. You're going to sit parallel to this legs lifted. [inaudible] maybe a little bit over to the right. Book the mass a little bit more. There we go. Now extend. Let me have you hear a little bit.

Reach the arms parallel and then bring your left arm up as the right arm comes down. And then you're going to go out and reach. Try to keep the cross here and then reach over for the doors there. I want you to lift up here, but wrap right there. Good. Now pull through here to come up to seated position. You're right there now. RMT Ear and go out and reach some stretch.

Push up into my hand here. There we go. Now her for around and come up and make sure it's your core that's bringing you up, not the pedal press. Have you ever done Graham downs? Think of turns around the back. So here and come up and then you're gonna reach for your feet for three curve here more. Go back a little more to now. I'm going to take my hand away. Stay here. Ground that lower back. Yes. And three standing up. There is no popping in.

[inaudible] any, so let's do the others. I've had like to pop it a lot, but let's come over here a little bit more. A little more. All right now, less, less, a deep of an angle. Now reach up. Now bring your right arm up, left arm threads down, and you're going to go out and reach and stretch. Pull up off of my hand here. Yes. And now come back around thinking turns around the back like in Graham class.

And now arm goes up and now reaching out longer and now her and come up. That was good. And then arm goes up and reaching out tighter here. Push your hips forward a little bit. Yes. And then her have to come all the way up. Round your lower back maybe.

Oh, there we go. Around the lower back a little more. Now reach the arms forward. Hold there. Pull away from my fingers. Don't go into my fingers. Hold to beautiful standing up. All right, I'm gonna keep you one in the middle of today.

What we're going to do, this is going to be good for you for dancing. We're going to do spine stretch forward. So it's a little similar to the press down. You're going to bring the arms out to the side. Your say, develop, pay, bring your foot onto the pedal. Okay. All right, so pass, save the right leg. Develop. [inaudible] let that lower.

Now what you're going to do, spine stretch forward. You're going to curve over and hold. Roll up to your spine to a nice, tall, straight back. Curving over. Hold there. Sit into the right hip a little bit more. Yes.

And then roll up to the spine. One more time. Curve over. Good. And now sit into that right hip. Roll up to your spine to nice, tall back. Now lift the leg up, bend the knee into passe rhetoric. Now bring that leg down. Now the other leg posse up and develop a on leg goes on. Yes. And now spine. Stretch forward from the crown of the head.

Roll up to your spine to a nice, tall, straight back. Sit into that hip more. And again, rounding over hold. Left hip. Forward, right hip, back. Yes. Rolling up. One more time. Spine. Stretch over. Yes. And Rolling up and I'm glad you're doing it the way you're doing it. You're going to lift the leg up. Good Pos.

Say lower the leg because a lot of times people think it's about pushing the pedal down, but I'm glad that you really focused on this core because you're a dancer and you're a high level dancer. I'm going to give this to you a go just a little bit over to the right. We're going to do the same thing, but the twist, so but not a real twist. You're going to pause, say develop, pay now rise up into elevate. Go up onto your toe and now you're going to round over.

Good and roll up. Nice. Rounding over and roll up. Now you understand we did all that in court before. Rounding over, rolling up, lower the heel. Good and lift up. Paseo retro, other leg posse. Develop pay, and then you're going to drop in that lift hip rise up and to elevate weight on that big toe. Now press over. Nice and roll up. Press over too and roll up. You know your stronger ankle. Now press over three.

It's your left ankle is the stronger one are all up now lower down and now lift up and envelope pay and then lower that down retro are a very good huh? He's spraying that ankle. Yeah, that's why you can see that wobbliness but that's okay. That was good. We got the, just strengthen that more the one that we did earlier and that one will help. Okay, so let's move on to some higher load work. So one top one bottom. And what we're going to do is the, you know what?

I'm going to face it this way is the um, yeah, like what is that? Is this a tendon stretch? So I'm going to put the cornea here. You're going to sit here facing that way. Press the pedal down and sometimes you could do it on the toes. Some people do it on the heels. I do it either way. And sometimes I do it in the arch.

Today I'm gonna have you go on the arch of the foot. Now plotty stands. Press down, stand up. Rounding over. Good. I want you to broaden here. Yes. Keep this broad. Pull off of my hand and lift up and lower down. Lift up into this hand and lower down to lift up three.

Lower down three. And now that's good cause we're gonna do more of this. Sit down for a second and you have a feeling. What am I going to do? We're going to do single leg. So you're going to round over, standing up. You're going to bring the right leg forward and you're going to rise up. Nice. Jia and lower down. One. Rise up to lower.

Down to rise up. Three. Lower down three. Let's do the other leg front. So left leg and rise up and lower. One. Nice. Rise up to lower to rise up. Three lower three left foot on right leg out to the side. [inaudible] I'll help you a little bit today.

So you're going to rise up and lower one. Rise up to lower to rise up. Three lower three. Let's go back. Good. Rising up. Lower one. Rise to lower to rise. Three lower three leg to the side. One more. Rising up.

Lower. One. Rise to dom. At that calf touched the yes. Rise. Three. Lower three and bring the leg down and we'll switch sides. [inaudible] bring the left arm through. Left leg out to the side. I'm going to shift you this way towards me a little bit. Rise up. Lower down at that head drop. Yes to lower down.

Rise up three. Lower down. Bring the leg to the back. Good. Rise up. Lower one. Rise to lower to rise. Three lower three leg to the side. Rise up and lower to yes. Good correction.

And gave yourself three. Now bring the leg down and then you can sit down. Bring your hands back behind you. And then what we're going to do is the tabletop, your choice of doing plotty stance or parallel hip width. Okay, you're gonna keep the pedal still. You're going to lift the hips up. So you created a flat table. Top popo up a little more. Yes.

Now pumping down up two, up three up. Four up. Five up. Six Up. Seven up. Eight. Uphold just a little more. Soften the elbows. Yes. Right leg. Straight out in front of you. Bring this lower cause that's the cheat run up is lift the leg up. Three up, four up, five of us. Six Up, seven up, eight up other side. [inaudible] Pablo up, up, up, up and up. Pump down, up. Two. Up. Three up. Four up, five up. Come off my fingers. Seven up.

Eight up now. Other a foot on double. Now both feet on pumping down a pole from my fingers. Two up. Three up. Four up. Five up. Six Up. Seven or eight. Up and sitting down. All right, let's do the pool up. So standing up, you're going to turn around. Arms up to the ceiling. Round up and over. Step one foot under the pedal, pressing down than the other foot onto the pedal.

Now round and broaden. I want you to pull the pedal up. Lower down one and now up halfway down two and up. All the way down. Three. Let the heels drop. Tendon stretch. Two, three, lift the heels up. Who pay the right leg? Yes. Now in this Copay, I want the heel touching. Beautiful. And the toes away, rising up and this knee opening and lower halfway, all the way up, halfway down, all the way up, all the way down.

Both sets of toes on tendon stretch and now elevate. Lift on the toes, other leg copays and rising up broader where my hand is and lower halfway, all the way up. One halfway down, all the way up. All the way down. Both feet on tendon stretch. Now turn towards the windows with your left foot on and your right leg is going to Ku. Pay Front for pull-up side. Now this right hand is going to go here, left arm there, square the hips off, and then arise up one lower one. Drop the head.

Open that Neem, or to rise up three all the way down. Three right leg out to the side. Lift that leg up higher. Yes, rise all the way up. Go all the way down on this one. All the way up to all the way down to all the way up three all the way down. Three stay facing me, but switch legs. Now the inside leg is going to be completely straight.

And this is going to help for snake twist on the reformer. Pull up, dropped the head and lower one. Pull up to lower to pull up three lower three. Let's turn face the other direction. Having the right foot onto the pedal. Left foot copay front. Yes. So toe touching, heel, knee open and rising up. And one lower. One. Rise up to lower to rise up.

Three lower three left leg out. Alice a Kona out to the side. And now rising up and lower one. Rise up to lower to rise up three yes. Lower three switch legs. Left foot on right leg is going to cross in front. Nice straight leg up through the right side.

Lower one up two. Lower two up three lower three. Now let's turn face into the center. Centralist uh, step one foot up. On top of the chair. We're going to do the mountain climbing. So you're going to grab the front. We're going to do eight s downing, eight to rise, eight up, eight to go over. As you're going around your backdrop and the head drop the tail bend the right knee. So the pedal comes all the way up to start.

[inaudible] then the a left knee, sorry. Good. Now hold their square pelvis. Pull up off so you're not resting. They're pumping down, up two up, tailbone downward. Four up. Five up. Six Up. Seven up. Eight up. Rise up. Two up. Three. Up. Four. Up. Five. Up. Six Up. Seven. Up. Eight up. Hold up. Two up. Three. Up. Four. Up. Five. Up. Six. Up. Seven. Up. Eight. Up over up. Two up.

Three. Up. Four. Up. Five. Up. Six. Up. Seven. Up. Eight up other side. Yes. So that pumping leg only point of it is to throw off your stability, but you have to be controlled. Yes. Now make sure there's space there so you're not resting on that leg. Good. Drop that hip and pumping down up. Two, up. Three. Up. Four. Up. Five. Up. Six. Up. Seven. Up. Eight. Up Rise. Eight.

Seven. Spread that foot. Seven and eight and hold up. Two up. Three. Up. Four. Up. Five. Up. Six Up. Seven-Up ate up over up. Two, up. Three up. Four up. Five. Up. Six Up. Seven. Up. Eight up. Good. And this is a great exercise for dancers, especially when you're landing from a jump that you're able to give yourself some sup on this there. Allow that foot to spread, allow this to really move.

It's like when you're watching ice skating and they say, Oh, the prisons, uh, too stiff in their leg. I mean, they're doing this and not allowing themselves to really go into that. All right, so on the home stretch, a couple more exercises. You're okay. Let's do the uh, front balance control. So let's do the events where you're going to bring the arms out to the side. Bring one foot onto the pedal. Now you're going to press the pedal down. One, two, three with the high heels, sorry.

And lift the pedal all the way up to three. Press down two and the systemic work up to three down to three all the way down. Now hold their step the other foot up on top of the chair. Good. Now imagine that your knee is on the high chair right against here and you're going to rise up. Yeah, beautiful. Lower down one. Rise up to lower to rise up as you sit in the left hip. Now go into Arabesque.

Good. Lifting that leg straight. Now Ron, on the leg to the side, Rhonda, John the leg Front Pos. Say a open Pasek today. Now plea a arabesque. Open that there and I'll search for the pedal. And then slowly lower wrap through there more. Good. Now keep the collarbone forward. Step this foot back all the way to the floor. Sorry, that was impressive and not exactly what I want, but that was impressive.

All right, let's do the other side. And now three times you're gonna press down to three and up to three. Tried to get that all the way down, down, down and up. Up, up. One more. Down two, three all the way down there. I know those springs are heavy. Step up onto the chair. Good. And then the front balance control.

You're going to rise up, hold there. Let me bring this a little bit forward. Good. And the lower down one, rise up by pushing your heel down. Sits bone up and lower. So push into me and push your heel down up through this sitz bone. Now let's go on up into an Air Basque. Now this side, you've got to really crank it up and I'll stretch that leg. This leg. Yep.

Get that leg up. Now rotate to the side. Second. Now go forward. Pos say plea air. Beske search for the pedal. There we go. And now you're going to lower down. Wrap those ribs. Collarbone forward. Now you're going to step back. Yes.

Ease that up. All right, so let's do the side balance control. And then what we're going to do is I'm going to throw in Ron [inaudible] with it, and then I'm going to throw in the side mountain climb. All right, so we're going to do a little bit of a Combo. So you'll stand here. You're going to bring your arm here, you're going to press down, and then you're going to step up onto the chair to get down. You're going to do the same thing. Press down. Ease that up. Okay. Yes. So push that down.

Cool. Oh no wonder lived up for a second. I'm going to make this a little lighter pit there now. So I had to do one top on bottom, but it wasn't really one top and bottom. Press down there should be a little easier. Now step up, which actually means the other stuff was a little bit too easy for you. And now what you're going to do is bring this arm here and you're going to rise up, hold there and lower all the way down. Let's drop in this hip here.

Rise up to lower down to rise up. Three hold there. I want you to bring your, uh, I'll go into elevate on that foot. Turn out the leg now. Cross the arms. Bend both knees, mountain climb pump one and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight. And now lift all the way up. Open the arms out to side. Lift the leg up to the side. Stretching Ron Aman layer, uh, bringing the leg outside and on day or one on day or two on day or three. Now on [inaudible]. One forward to forward three and a hold here.

Bring your hands onto my shoulders. Good. I'm gonna have you drop that hip there. Now bring your foot down and then you're gonna go to parallel position here. Arms out to the side. Lower the body down. Now bring this arm. Aha. Step to the side. Good. Ease that up.

Now let's switch sides facing out towards the window. You're going to bring that arm, that foot on, and you're gonna press down and you're going to step up onto the cherry. Yes. Good. Now let's bring this arm in. Four in fourth position. They are going to arise up [inaudible] and lower one. All right. Rise up to sink in this hip. Lower to rise up three. Now hold there. Bring your hands into position.

Lift up and turn out the leg out. Bend both knees and now pump one up. Two Up, three up, four up, five up, six up, seven up, eight up. Now lift up, bring the arms out to the side. Lift the leg up to second position. Ronna Zama on layer one on day or two on day or three on day. Dot One and two and three. Now foot comes down.

Rotate the leg to parallel. Lower the heel. Open that nice lowly, lower, step this leg back and ease that up. That's okay. All right, so we're gonna do a couple more. This is something that Romanies to give to me a lot. As a dancer, we're going to do the pull up with the on cloth. So having front side, back side, and the motor to do front. So take your pull up position. Now might be a little bit harder because we're on the correct sprain.

So what you're gonna do is you're going to bring your right leg back into arabesque. Good. Now I'm going to help you here. You're going to rise up. Now you're going to lower down and then you're gonna let your left heel drop Paul Shea, and then go up and to elevate. Rise up to lower down to Paul. Say you can bring your whole elbow down if you'd like. Yes. And now rise up three.

Lower down, three stretched here, pause, say and reach. Good. Alright, and now let's switch legs. Left leg up, Arabesque. Rise up, lower down and Ponce. And again, raise up to lower down to Paul. Say One more time. Rise up. Three, lower down three and say good. All right. Now bring the left foot down. Bring your right leg out to the side.

And now side you're gonna lift up. Lower down, and now lean back. Good. And then you're going to lift up. Lower down. Lean back one on your own. Okay, you're going to lift up? Yes. Lower down and lean back. All right, other side, lift the leg.

Rise up and lower down and lean back. And again, rising up. Lower down. Lean back. Last time. Rising up, lower down. Lean back. Now the next one is the hardest. So bring your foot down, bring your right leg and go through. Yes. Now this one in the beginning, you can rest this.

Eventually you want to have the leg lifted. Don't worry about coming too high because this is definitely the hardest one. So you're going to rise up lower, down strong. Now bring your elbows down and stretch. Stretch the arms. Rise up and lower.

Bring your elbows down and stretch. One more time. Rise up. Lower down and stretch. All right, let's switch. Bringing the lake through. Rise up. Okay.

And lower down and stretch. Rise up and lower down and stretch last time, rising up, lower down. This is very hard. You're doing this lake. It's easy, but this is very hard, very nice work. Bring your foot down. Step one foot onto the floor. Ease that up and because are are you a are? You are a star.

You're going to do the star to Adam with because you are doing a great job. So the star can be one top, one bottom, or it could be two middle or one top, one middle. I'm going to make it a little easier since you've done a lot of work today and we're going to put one top, one middle, cause that's going to give you the most lift. All right, so you're going to bring your hands on here. Press the pedal down and just watch out for one sec and I'm going to lift the leg up to the side. All right? Yeah.

All right. It's a press down that hands right in the middle. Bring your right foot just a little bit forward. Yes. Now lift the leg up to the side. Now. I want you to tighten here. Tight in here. Long here. Now rise up, pull there. Bring your popo forward more and lower down. One.

Rise to lower, down to rise. Three lower down three. Now turn face the other side. So lift this leg here. Close this and arise up and lower one front of the hips. Nice and long. Rise up to lower to rise up.

Three lower three. Not Bring your foot down. Bring both hands on and then running. Run One, one, two, two. Drop the head. Pull up into my hand. Five, six, six, seven, seven, eight, eight, nine, nine, 10, 10. Step one foot under the floor. Ease that up. Bring the other foot down. Roll up through your spine. Open the arms up to the SA, tout to the side. Shoulders up to the ears. Release, and you are done for today. Thank you. Good work.


Meridyth D
terrific workout
Loved this -- brutal!
1 person likes this.
Brutal but sooo good! I'll have to keep taking this class to improve ...I was poppin and lockin all over the place. I love your classes Brett! Thank you for an awesome class:)
That was awesome! I like the low repetition, keep moving flow.
Good job, Gia!!!! Brett - brutal is definitely the word. Haha. Love it.
That's what I 've long wanted. and here it is . Thank you Brett.
2 people like this.
Gia you are incredible! Brett ! great class
1 person likes this.
WOW! What a great class. Some very challenging moves! Need to practice some, like star. Loved it!
1 person likes this.
great. really impressive young lady and beautiful form. Brett your cues are wonderful, love the precision
Terrific cueing. Great flow combining various exercises. I am not flexible so some of the pull up combos may never look like Gia's. . . but I can aim for that!
1-10 of 27

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