Class #2465

Breast Cancer Recovery 2

20 min - Class


Kathy Corey returns to Pilates Anytime with a program for breast cancer recovery on the Spine Corrector. She uses the Spine Corrector and Pilates Pole to help create symmetry in the body. This class is designed to improve flexibility, circulation, and lung capacity which are common issues during recovery.

Many of the exercises in this class are only done on the affected side of the body to promote symmetry during recovery. You can always repeat the movements on the other side if you want to work equally.
What You'll Need: Spine Corrector, Pilates Pole


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Hi, my name is Kathy Corey. We're going to be doing a spine corrector program for breast cancer recovery. Today. Exercise is essential for recovery for breast cancer patients and with Palladio's exercises we address common problems that can occur. This program is going to help with stretching and flexibility as well as increased circulation and improve lung capacity. These problems, uh, we address through our specific Polonius exercises and with the use of the spine corrector. I'm joined today by my daughter, Amy, who's going to be helping me on the spine corrector.

Let's begin with some breathing exercises. We're going to sit comfortably on this buying corrector and if you can replace the soles of the feet together. And this helps to open the hips for a little bit, uh, better stretching. However, if this is not a comfortable position, you may also just sit comfortably with the feet flat. Now from here, a Amy's going to bring the soles of the feet together and we're going to do a breathing exercise. So we're going to uh, address mainly the problem on the effected side of the body or the side of the body, which, um, the cancer has affected. And um, though Amy has a healthy body, we are going to call the left side the effected side today so you can really watch the different uh, positions.

I'm gonna take the arm on the affected side of the body and lift up and take a nice long inhale. And as she exhales, she's going to just drench the body down and over so the hand goes on the floor, the hand will go right by the calf so that she's getting along stretch with the seat of the spine corrector. She can really press the hip down and as she inhales we're going to have her feel the back of the lungs. And as she exhale, she stretch your arm a little bit further onto the floor and really pull that rib cage in and around. And again, we're going to take a nice inhalation and we're going to actually get a little rotation of the rib cage movement in the rib cage to really increase lung capacity. One more time. We're going to lift up and deep breathing all the way down in through. And we'll do that. Just one more time. Lifting and opening. I won't take it down.

And as soon as we're really addressing Jesse affected side today for Amy and for those affected on one side, we'll just do this exercise on the affected side for a double mastectomy, we would then want to work both sides of the body evenly around the body up and sit up nice and tall. From here, we're going to take the pole oppose an excellent tool to help us create symmetry in the body. So when we are doing movements, we want the body to reach symmetry and increase the flexibility on the affected side. So we lift the pole up, okay? And we bring the pole all the way over the head. What we're looking for here is that the pole has an evenness on both sides of the body. The effective arm sometimes won't stretch quite so much. And so what we're going to have her do is lift the shoulder and then draw the shoulder down and draw it down again. So we're getting that Nice elevation depression on the shoulder girdle, really reaching down through the scap he's oppressing all the way through.

We use the breath again to increase lung capacity, uh, which increase improves circulation and one more time and down. Now let's go ahead and do both arms together. Shoulder shrugs, they come up and we're going to draw down deeply while on the excalation reaching all the way down through the body. And again, we come up and we reach down, reaching all the way down and through. One more time, shoulders up for rest, down and down again. We're going to now take the pole onto the floor away from the effected side of the body. So this is our stretching, the nice side bend to increase that stretch. Uh, Amy's going to lift her hip up off of the spine corrector and then holding the pole in that position. Press the hip down and get a long, long stretch on the side of the body.

Lift up on the inhale as you exhale, pressing down and pressing down again. Beautiful. One more time. Linkedin upward and press down and down again. Let's lift up and on this exercise we will do it on both sides, but we're still emphasizing the stretch on the effected side of the body. So she's going to lift up and as she comes down, opening from the rib cage onto the hips, reaching down in a way and lifting up, using the breath once again to fill the lungs and tend to reach down in through and one more time and progressing down. Now from here, let's go back to the first side and let's get a side stretch, but now we're going to keep that hip down as we did before.

Instead of lifting in the side stretch, we keep the hip down and we stretch over. Now Amy has chipped the pulse lightly on a diagonal and I'm going to really hold that there and she's going to stretch even further, pressing away and come back to center and stretch and push the pole away, tipping it on a diagonal as much as she can. And once again, what we're looking for here is that increase in flexibility to help prevent scar tissue from forming and to increase our range of motion. On the affected side of the body. And one more time, Amy and or H. Very Nice. Now let's just come up into the center and bring the pole down and round the back all the way over for a nice long stretch on both sides of the back and already we're seeing more openness and flexibility all the way through the body.

Roll back up with the pole and go back to that first side pole up and stretch to come over. Now trying to keep that pole in a straight line. We're going to have you stretch to pull down to the floor, reach it all the way over, all the way over again, keeping the hip back in that stretch and come back up. Use your breath and exhale, reach and stretch. Nice and long and then open to come back up.

And one more time. We're going to take it down and stretch to come over and come back up. Now let's do the same movement to the back aiming. So we're going to now take a nice breath and we're going to roll and stretch back. Heaping the pole directly over the ear. If you can and press into the spine who have to use those muscles really create strength on both sides of the body really opening.

So we're balancing our flexibility and our strength exercises, pulling in from the ribbon opening all the way up and one last time we were all back and we come up for balance and symmetry. We will do this on the opposite side as well. So we're coming up emphasizing different muscle groups as we go. Take a nice deep breath and for us and stretched down, really still opening and keeping the opposite hip down and come back up. And once again the breathwork is so important in this movement so that we're really working all the way through with a range of motion and increasing both strength and flexibility. This is the strength part. Roll back, keep the pole where it is, the arm by the ear and then we push into the spine corrector.

We get movements who the rib cage as we come up to fitting, activating all of those deep, small muscles to help us create that system of functional strength that we need through all of our movements. And one more time. Roll back and open from the shoulder. Press into the spine corrector and come all the way up to sitting with the pole up and lower the pole down. I was just lift the one more time and what we're looking for here is that Nice evenness on both sides of the body. Take an inhale and bring the pole down and relax. All right, let's go to the top of the spine corrector for more chest opening.

Amy, in this position you want to lie on the top of the spine corrector the shoulders, neck and head are all supported on the spine corrector, so however the rest of the body needs to be positioned is fine. You may bend your knees and keep your feet flat. We also might place a pillow or a roll towel underneath the body for support in that position as well. Amy, I'm going to have you work with your legs out if you can. Beautiful. And the first thing we're going to do is we're going to bring both arms up to the ceiling and from this position we're going to work the effected arm. And in doing so, we're going to reach that arm down to the floor, opening it out at the side of the body and come back up and open to the side of the body.

Now we're really getting that stretch right across the chest, really helping to uh, open the chest and his strength and chest muscles as well. And now this time, Amy, we're going to come down the same arm, but I would like you to turn your head with it. And it's a very important to use the neck muscles as well in this program. So the head turns and the eyes really follow the movement all the way through. And again, using the breath, exhaling down in, inhaling as you come up. And one more time.

Open stretch all the way through and come up. Now let's just do a few more, but you both sides together. Open it out, reach nice and long. Feel that stretch across the chest and bring the arms all the way up. And one more time.

Take it out and long and come up into our arms circles. I'm going to bring your arms out to the sides and now just relax and bring their hands down towards the floor and stop as soon as your fingers touch the floor. What we're looking for here is that the fingers touch evenly on both sides and at the same time, and emphasize now the affected arm. So that army's going to come down at the same time. So we really want to emphasize symmetry in the body and we're touching the floor and let the arms float up evenly at the same time in open it out.

And one more time and lift and open. Now let's reverse that. Go down to the floor and we once again looking for the arms to touch at the same time. And so you can create that body within yourself in order to create symmetry and get a more of a stretch. So the body is working with evenly with greater flexibility and a greater range of motion. Let's just real low with the arms down at your size of your body. So once again, neck exercises are very, very important in this programming for improved circulation.

And so now we're going to bring the nose up toward the ceiling and lifting the head, keeping the throat open and long. We bring the chin down and nose reaching toward the toes and now we open from the chest, lifting the chin and we drop it it all the way down. And once again, lift up and reach just your threat dividend, the abdominals as well in this movement, but really working on lifting in the head from the upper back and really increasing the flexibility and strength of our neck muscles and down. Let's just do one more of those. Really Open and stretched back and through and the last one, Amy up, stretch it out and come down and back.

Very nice Amy. Slide yourself back to sit up. We're going to use the poll one more time, but this time on the side of the body, so turn and face the side and you're going to stretch the body over and hold that pole in that bottom hand. Bring the top arm up and over. And now from here we're going to rotate through the shoulder girdle and we're going to have you touch the pole from that position. I want you to lift the arm, rotate through the shoulder girdle and stretch the arm down past your hip. Use your breath, inhale, turn, exhale and hit the pole. Oh my goodness, we did not go back to where we started from. This is very, very common in this movement and we'll take it down.

So what we want to do is we how stabilization through the shoulder girdle and come up. Now rotate Amy inside the shoulder girdle and there you go. Right to the top of the pole. Again, we're giving the body the information it needs. So that is going to be working symmetrically on both sides of the body and we're really wanting to improve flexibility, range of motion all the way through. All right, next one. You're on your own, Amy and come up, rotate and reach right on top. Beautiful. Amy, thank you very much. Now from here we're going to um, stay. Stay on the pole if you can. And if not, you can bring the arm down too. Sign. And we're going to do the leg lifts. So from here we're going to bend the leg first and lift the leg up, extend the like long and bend it back and come down. Now if this position is too difficult, you can go onto your elbow and come up a little bit.

Good and lift and extend. Bend it back and come down and lift, extend, fold and down. Once again, we want to make sure that we're improving the circulation all through the body, since we know that it's seven times more likely to have occurrence of blood clots in someone who has gone through cancer treatment. And so we want to make sure that the whole body is getting that oxygenation and that circulation that we need and calm down. Let's bring the leg up, extended out, flexing point the foot. So once again, we're really increasing blood flow into those toes and last time. Now keep the leg there and let's do small ankle circles. Circle around with a foot around, around, around and around.

Reverse that and around very nice and bend the leg back to him. So today we're just working on the affected side of the body. Again for a double mastectomy, you may want to work the other side as well to again, increase flexibility and range of motion. All right, Amy, I'd like you now to turn onto your stomach on the spine corrector and you're going to place the elbows down on the floor. From this position we're working with strengthening the back muscles into back extension and let's go ahead and press up to straight arms lifting nice and long all the way through. And again, we're working that all the way from the tailbone through the top of the head, the toes curled under, so we're increasing circulation and stabilization of the legs, bend the elbows and roll to come down and take an inhale and exhale. Inhale at the top of the movement to exhale and come down.

Remember that breath work is very, very important and come up full breath and inhale high and take it all the way down. Let's just do one more of those, strengthening the back and coming up and reach out and down. Let's come on straight arms, Amy and just pull straight in the arms in front of you. Now we want to work with one arm and first just one arm. The effected arm comes up lanes meaning the upper back lifts and the head stays in line with the spine. Take an inhale, exhaling come down, other arm comes up, slide it along, bring it right by the ear and really reach high and long and reach out to come down. Now let's do what with one leg.

The affected leg starts and bring it up. Very nice. Reaching through your foot and come back down and the other side and come back down. Now the affected arm and opposite leg all the way up with the upper back upper body. Getting long stretch going out in a nice long press. Reach longer and come down, elongating the spine, working the breath, working the upper back and chest muscles, other side reaches long and stretch it out and reaching long to come down.

And now just curl back and sit back on your heels, round the back and stretch. Take a nice deep breath. Roll your spine up to sitting. And that completes the spine. Correct your program. Great, Amy. Thank you.

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1 person likes this.
What a gentle but effective class, not only for my cancer survivors, but for so many other clients who definitely need these stretches after long workdays in their cubicles and cars. Thanks, Kathy, and thanks to your lovely Amy for being such a good model!
Love this Kathy ! I just fell in love with my Clara Barrel all over again :)
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I was disappointed with this class. The video itself was great, but the description should have indicated that this is not a class that you can turn on and follow along (unless you only want to work on one side of your body). I think that it was great information for the instructors out there, but for a busy mom that only had 20 minutes to exercise today, I'm left feeling totally off balance having only worked one side of my body. Again, Kathy is lovely and this was a great video, but I wouldn't have chosen it for a follow along video if the description had made this clear.
Rachel ~ I'm sorry you were disappointed with this description. We have updated the description to note that only one side is done for many of the exercises. We truly appreciate your feedback as it helps us improve.
I love my Spine Corrector as I have scoliosis but I always work both sides. I did the class first on the side with my curve and then repeated it for the other side up to the 16 minute mark. This made the class about 33 minutes and was just perfect for the time I had today. Thank you Kathy and your beautiful daughter!
Alex B
Hi Kathy, would a spine corrector with a shallower curve (like the Balanced Body foam arc) work as well as the spine corrector you use here for this exercise sequence? - In particular, for the exercise at 9:14 with the head resting on the opposite side of the hump as the rest of the body. I'm about 6' tall, and I don't know if height makes a difference with an apparatus this variable in size/shape.

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