Class #257

Non-Traditional Exploration

60 min - Class


Amy offers a nice variety in tonight's class and explores a few non-traditional pieces for hip work that also touches on the obliques. She brings in Climb-A-Tree from the Reformer for some hamstring stretching and hip-squaring, Corkscrew (the full version), a variation of placement for side-lying leg work, and some classic pieces like Double Leg Kick, Swimming, and Side Bend. Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Mat

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I'm Amy havens taken for Christie tonight, which is great. Glad to be here. Um, I think where, how we'll start is seated and just have your hands round and slide on down to the tops of the feet. Just allow the upper body weight and the head weight to really drop in toward the size. If you feel more comfortable having your feet wider, that's fine too. And your knees wider so you really have a lot of space to drop into. And we're going to just take a nice set of breathing here and as you're taking your inhales and exhales, trying to really fill up the back of the rib cage, the size of the ribs, letting the weight of the head hang off the neck forward and starting to pull that energy into the low belly and of course opening and reaching your lumbar vertebra back.

So might even feel like you need to shift your weight a little bit to the backs of the Sitz bone so that the stomach is still pushing that toward the lower back. Okay. So let's go ahead again. Inhaling through the nose. Yeah, the exhale drawing that it awareness down into the low belly and reaching those lumbar vertebra back. And again, a nice full breath in. Yeah, the exhale. [inaudible] let's take two more here. They put any attention on the abdominals and their connection to the lumbar spine. And one more time, a full breath in and exhale. And let's go ahead from there and just kick yourself in. Round back.

You'll probably need to slide your heels in toward your sits bones as you [inaudible] come down onto the mat. And I'm going to have this go into some pelvic curl and bridge. And let's take it this way, this evening with their hands just right up the front of the thighs to press a little bit on the thighs, but also to open up the chest. This might even help us mark our pelvic curl position. So let's start here with the breath and the exhale again to draw the same abdominals down into the lower back and rolling through the bones until we're up on the base of the shoulder blades.

You've got this good connection of your hands against your thighs and take that awareness of tilting the pelvis under and the ribcage solid in the front. Take a breath there and the exhale to roll down, keeping the collarbone stretched open. Then rounding through the lower back all the way into our level pelvis and we'll take again inhale and the exhale pressing down into the mat, peeling away from it, feeling the energy in the back of the legs, up into the sit bone, muscles, flat ribs, flat hips. Take a breath and again, exhale to roll down. Feeling like you could reach your hips a little farther away from your rib bones and that level of pelvis is go again. Inhale and exhale. Feel the mat and really press into the mat with your back. Solid.

Stand in the feet. I'm just checking that we're not rolling out or in or knocking the knees. Let's take your breath here and again, exhale to articulate down the spine. Just opening the chest as you roll through. Again, inhale for the bottom. Exhale to peel up.

Rounding through the back. Now finding that nice flat position. Again, let's just hold this for a moment. I'm going to do a little bit of arm movement. So as you inhale, taking your arms up back behind you, just framing the sides of the ears. Exhale and bring the hands back down toward the thighs. Give a little press and to legs two more times. Inhale as we reach back and exhale is we bring the arms down, see if you can fire your laughs a little bit to press the arms against the thighs. And one more. Inhale, reach back and exhale hands back down onto the thighs. Reach top and pause. Inhale, exhale, articulate down again, opening the chest, getting some emotion through your lower back. Now with this one, bring your heels a little closer to euro sits bones. We'll go back up again.

So the exhale, pelvic tilt, peel, no holding the plank line here. Let's take an inhale, lift the heels up off of the mat and exhale heels to the mat. So we're just doing heels up and down, trying to keep this line established. Inhale, lift and exhale as we lower three more times in heels to get a good, good squeeze in your sitz bones and the glutes. Exhale, heels down. Two more. Inhale up and exhale down and keeping the chest open. Last one. Inhale, heels up. Exhale, heels down. And once again, let's take our arms up.

This time they'll stay back reaching behind us but not dropped to the floor. All right, so just take a nice full breath and then exhale, articulate down the spine as you reach strongly back with the arms, getting that full stretch in the spine. All right, and finding a level pelvis. Let's bring your feet and knees together. Interlace the hands behind the head. We'll go into some basic chest lifted out four times on the exhale, curling up the movement power pack here. Inhale and roll back and again, exhale again.

Curls who are using the mat. Really push into it to curl a little higher. Inhale to roll back. Exhale and curl. Shoulders can fly down the back of the ribs. Inhale the roll back. Just one more basic chest lift. Exhale as we curl, keeping a nice heavy tailbone and inhale. As we roll back, we're going to do a little variation. Let's take our right arm down. Meyer hip. All right, take a breath on the exhale. Curling again into chest lift. No, make a big reach. This right arm. Inhale.

Let that right arm float up to the height of that right knee. The exhale, left hand reaches to the right hands. We're reaching into a diagonal little rotation, a modified twist back there. Now keeping your upper body lifted. Let's bring our arms up again, trying to frame the sides of the head. It's on an inhale. Exhale, hands back facing your knees and all the way back down to the mat. Kind of a long combination. Inhale again. Now the left arm is buying the hip. Exhale as we curl up, it's the first and reach with that left arm.

Now inhale, let the left arm float up. Your exhale is the rotation, so that right hand reaches to the left. You're on the diagonal reaching to your left. Hold that position. Let's float the arms up on the inhale. Stay on the diagonal. Exhale, I missed it the first time. Inhale, center, and exhale all the way back. We will do it again, right on by the hip, but let's breathe. Exhale in the find the chest lifted.

The long right arm just floated up with the height of the right knee. Now the left arm reaches to right. Add your rotation. There we go. Now keep the rotation. Float the arms up on the inhale. There we go. Stay on the rotation. Exhale, hands behind the head. Inhale, center, and exhale all the way down. Last time on the left, left arm. Reach and breathe in. Exhale and curl.

Checking that nice heavy tailbone. Inhale, float the left arm. Exhale, right arm reaches to left. You're on the rotation. Inhale, reaching the arms. You're in the high reach. Exhale, hands behind the head. Inhale, rotate the center and let's go ahead and take everything back down and then just find a nice reach with both arms by the hips. Take a breath, exhale, contracting the low belly. Bring your legs up to the tabletop position. We're going to go into the hundred now. So on the exhale, let's curl up to our chest lift and extend the legs out. So I'm kind of these days being a little more external rotation on my legs.

Just a soft turnout, pressing the heels firmly together and a little more energy back in the back of the leg. So let's take 50 pumps. Getting that Shin to Tuck in just a little bit. Here we go. Crown of the head, right up to the ceiling. And Five, two, three, four, five. Exhale. Let's hold here. I'm going to just take us into single leg stretch about 10 changes and exhale one and two. You can pull the knee and close to the chest. I'm fine with that for and let's reach and six, seven, eight and nine and 10 going to go into double leg. Just four repetitions. Inhale, extending long. Exhale, circle around.

Give us a kg to your shins. Again, Shin down. Exhale, circle around and hug those Shims two more times. Last time here, we're going to pick up that second set of 50 pumps. So let's stretch out and okay, the folding right at the base of the chest, you'll the legs long from the hip. Yes.

52 three, four, five. Exhale, four, five and in. Okay, let's go ahead and stretch your legs long on the Mat and taking ourselves into the roll up exercise. But I'm gonna give a little bit of attention to the thoracic spine first and some of the mobility there. So if we take the arm is just framing the or the box or sometimes we've heard that box frame position, just shoulder with the part. All right, take your head up between that arm frame and then worked. Kind of looks like a little xylophone being played right through your Thoracic Vertebra and just articulate and then roll back down. Take the arms back behind the head so the breath would be inhale arms, exhale, chest lifts, curl, inhale and exhale, articulate bathroom down to just really focusing in Thoracic Vertebra, holding the frame, the head and spine.

Travel through the frame and articulate back and over a couple more times. Inhale, frame. Axial articulate. You're trying to push off the mat. Good. You guys enroll back once again and arms up to the frame. Exhale, chest. If you're trying to push off the mat and rounding back. No, we'll take just for regular roll. Starting with the same attention to that detail. Exhale, this time you've got to push a little further.

Continue that curve coming over the size. Inhaling here and the exhale, the roll back and you feel your shoulder blades touch the mat. Go ahead and start letting those arms travel back overhead, keeping the work in the abseil. Let's go again. Inhale, articulate, push off the mat and rounding forward over the size. Breathing in and exhale, pulling back. Big Scoop in the belly. As soon as you feel your shoulder blades to touch, return the arms back. Two more. Empty all the air out of your lungs. Breathe back in.

[inaudible]. One more time. Up and over. Last roll back and exhale all the way down and finish. Okay, well you've got plenty of room. So what I'd like you guys to do is take your arms out to the tee position for a moment. And this next little section is I, this is not mine, this is from Pat Guidon or Palladio's conservatory.

The teacher I've been studying with for awhile now, and it's a lot about pelvic movement and allowing it to move so often. We put so much attention and don't let it move. Don't let it move. But we're going to want to on this one. So take your right leg up to the ceiling. Okay. And it can be a slight turnout if you'd like to or parallel whatever feels best for your hip and lift your hip up.

So if you lift your right hip, the leg of course is also going to lift. No, I'm going to hold Wendy and have her pull her hip away from my pool. So that pool comes from the deep abdominals and then she'll go again. So we're going to do a hip lift, so I'm going to traction her leg or pull on it and she's pulling away from me to really get the back of the hip anchored on the mat. And again, so we do a lift of the hip and the thigh. Now I've got you. You pull away from me. Pool, pool, pool, pool and pool a couple more times. And exhale, drive the back of the hip, back into the mat.

Couple more and lift and pull the back of the hip back. Good. One more time in lift. Drive the back of the hip down into the mountain. Hold it there. Just feel the back of the hip, really reaching into your mat surface. And then you'll take that leg down for the other side. Okay, so here we go. Left leg is gonna come up and I'll come back and get you guys in a second.

So here we go. Lift the whole hip and the leg. Now keeping the energy up the leg up, but drive the hip back of the hip. Back Pool, pool, pool and pool. And again, lift the hip, lift the leg. I've got your leg. You pull the hip away from me and derive the back of the hip back. And again, lift. I think we did about six on the first side and drive it back. Back. Pull.

Pull. Good. Yes. Making sense? Yeah. So here's me pooling up on your leg and you pull back away from me with your hip. So go ahead, back of your hip. Pull, pull, pull. Yeah, exactly. That strength from that pool. One more time and pool. Here you go. Excellent. Yeah. Beautiful. Okay. Yes. And you can take that leg down. Of course.

Now tip both legs up and we might need just a tiny bit of a stagger right here with you to maybe come forward a little. Okay. So with that said, we're going to apply that into something in just a moment. How'd that feel? Okay. Kind of fun to let your hip move down again. And then pelvis. So here, let's take our right leg. How far can you take your right leg to your side without letting your pelvis move? Now we're back into a stabilized pelvis. Most of us have that certain range we can go and then that's that. It stops. Okay, now and on an exhale, recruit your inner thigh, pull that leg back into the other leg. So we'll do an inhale. Exhale, left leg.

Okay. Inhale, exhale, return. Right it again. So I'm doing that audible breathing that I've been trained to do. If you don't have to do it, if it's not in your pattern, I'm also somewhat doing it as a little rhythm or a tempo and left side.

Inhale, exhale over and inhale. Exhale, pull from the inner thigh to rejoin legs. Let's go one more time to the right. [inaudible]. Sure. Last one left. No right leg is still like a telescope. Going to steroid up and then bring both legs back to center and just bend your knees. We're going to add onto that just one extra pattern. All right, how are you doing some hip work? Okay, so now the right leg will start.

Same thing. Inhale, exhale, going as far as you can. Alright, now this is where we get up. Do the hip lift on the left cause the goal is I want this leg to go all the way to the floor, so you've got to lift that left hip up. That's what we did a moment ago. Let the right leg fall and your left leg is also going to just fall right on top of your left leg. Now I'm above this mat, so this is a little wonky for me, but ideally what we're looking for then is ankle on ankle, leg on leg. You're someone in the letter l with your, your hips and your legs. Okay, now we get a return. Lift the left leg up.

How high can you lift it before you've got to do that? Abdominal pull back down. Float the left, right leg up to meet the left is a long pattern. Other sides of left goes out. [inaudible] so here goes the pelvis. Gonna lift up, reach that right thigh up and you want to join your leg on leg. Ankle on ankle. Here we go. Now lift the right leg up.

How high can you lift it? No. Drive the back of that hip down to float the left leg up and join like together. We'll do one more each side. Inhale, exhale. Big Lift of the left hip and exhale over leg on leg. Now in return, trying to get the leg as high as you can before you've got to drive the back of the hip down and float the right thigh up.

And then one more time to the left, the right hip leg, reaching over on leg, add return, lift, dry the back of the hip down. Begin to pull with the left inner thigh and come all the way up. And then from here, just bend the knees and give yourself a hug. We're going to put the hands behind the size and rural all the way up for the rolling like a ball. Different kinds of hip work than we're used to. Probably interesting. There's more to it, but it's a really long pattern that repeats itself off lot, so okay, next time.

So choose the ball position that works best for you. Knees closed or open, hand stacked or separated. We'll go six repetitions. So rounding back to the shoulder blades, that seal coming right back up. Little balance and again, okay, I'm looking for that continuous curve in the [inaudible]. Ah, three more breeze, two more ruled back. Exhaling up and last one in it. He'll take it back and exhale, curling up.

We're going to stay just at the curved position and then just an easy transition back down. Let's just take a nice, easy scissor pool. So the double pool, one, two, [inaudible]. So this changes it legs quite brisk. The leg that pulls down, you want to squeeze from the back of the leg. Eight more. Heres one and two, three, four, five, six, seven and last one. Both legs together, hands behind her head, flexing the feet.

So we're going to do a little straight leg lower lift. Now when you go down and go about 45 degrees, point the toes. We're going to bend the knees, pull the thighs up, little variation. Inhale as you're reaching out. Exhale and ring the thighs in and legs up. Three more.

Inhale, reaching out. [inaudible] trying to keep that chest lift stable and steady and in the same place. Exhale and up. One more time. Inhale, reach out through the heels and exhale and back up and everybody's favorite. Of course, the Chris Cross Tan changes. There's one, two, [inaudible] three unless he reached from the hip. Reach from your hip and six and seven, eight, nine and last one 10. Just come back into table. Tabletop.

Rest your head back for a month. Just a little turn of your head like right to the left. Good. And then sweep yourself back up. Just sitting tall. And I'm do a little climate tree kind of thing. Somewhat of a variation again on this. So I'm going to hold behind my right leg.

I'm okay with keeping my left leg straight on the mat, but you might choose to bend it too. And let's start this by getting right up on the sits bones is high and tall as we can. Elbows are going to be out to in that nice flat back position. Let's take an inhale and stretch from the knee forward and then exhale as you bend your knee, you see if you can pull your spine taller to return. Yeah, there we go. Inhale. So the tour, so absolutely stable and upright. And exhale as we come back down, feel like you'd flip.

Might even touch the mat two more times. Inhale, extend the stay right on those sitz bones. Exhale and bend. And one more. Inhale, extend the stay there on the exhale. Walking hands to ankle. All right, so then go ahead here too. And if you need to pull your shoulders down a lot more. We're looking for more of a flat spine or extended spine. Here we go, guys. Okay. Holding out position there. Let's flex and point the foot for, for really articulating through the foot and point and flex and point.

Readdressing the lats flex and point from here. Breathe. Now the [inaudible] sale here, I'm going to have his flex that torso and spine and Ben Forward. Your elbows will probably bend a little bit. So as we're taking our chest forward, do continue to sit. Wait on this right hip and Sitz bone.

You're feeling that lovely stretch on the hamstrings. Okay. Now if we were on the reformer of chemistry, we'd have our foot, other foot on the ankle strap flex. So let's play with that. I can flex that bottom foot. Now the top leg, let's do it. Go ahead and start bringing it toward the torso. I'm bringing my pelvis back into that pelvic tilt.

See how much I can bring my leg to my tour. So before I feel like I have to go somewhere else, which is about now. So I'm gonna walk the hands down the leg and rounding back through the spine. Let's take the arms and reach up back behind the space behind us. I'm going to have us lower the leg toward a teaser position as we scoop back up and catch the Shin in the CAF. Okay, and bringing the torso right back up again. So let's take your breath.

We'll move through that a little more fluid. Exhale as we round forward, stay there, breathe in, and exhale, contract the abdominals and round back bringing the sigh closer to the chest. Let's take a full breath as we roll down the spine, walking your hands down, continuing to try to square that right hip forward. Hands relieve the big circle. You can lower your leg toward a teaser. Scoop the arms around and catch the calf.

And return to vertical set. We're going to do it one more time and exhale. Flex forward over the leg. Breathe in there. Exhale, contract and pull back thigh coming toward the chest. Hands walking down the thigh, articulating good. You guys through the spine. Release the arms back. Exhale, circle around, catching the calf.

[inaudible] and then coming right back in a vertical sit. Now, the fun part, letting go and just floating the leg down without losing our posture. And yeah, your thigh is going to contract, but it's kind of supposed to. Okay. Other side. So behind the left thigh, getting right up on our seats, bones. And here we go. Extending the knee and exhale and flex. And again, inhale, reach and Ben. So how can we get more vertical spine while stretching our hamstrings?

[inaudible] pull on the leg can help a little. Leverage the stretch. No, you're holding there. Let's walk the hands to the calf or the ankle. Okay. And take a second and check in and draw the last down. Flex and point for four. Sure. Andy Point last one and a flex and point sitting tall.

Inhale. And we're going to flex forward. This is that change of positions who rounding the chest toward the leg. Let's pause there for a minute. Your elbows will probably bend, making sure you're still weighted evenly on that left sits bone and pelvis, that side of your pelvis. Okay, now we go back. You can flex the right foot, let the torso stay close to the leg as much as you can. So you're really putting your weight back on your sacrum. Now from here, walking the hands down the leg. I'm gonna control the articulation down. When the head touches, release the hands.

Big Circle back around can drop the leg toward the teaser and round up. Hands on the calf and chest up. Inhale and rounding. Form, breathe and hold. So we want to keep the, the uh, compression sensation or the, the distance close here. Leg toward chest. If you can, keeping that until you get way back on your sacrum. Okay, there we go. Now keeping the leg vertical relatively walk in your hand down the leg.

Meanwhile, the other leg is stretching long all the way back. Head touches. Release the arms back circle. Lower your legs slightly round up, hands behind the calf coming up, right? We've one more or less. Breathe sitting tall. Exhale, chest forward. Inhale, whole XCL a derive the abdominals back toward the lower back. Tipping that shape. Back leg up to vertical. No walking down the tree too. Good. You guys. And arms, back, arms open lake and lower, slightly exhale round up.

And then that's just come back up into that nice vertical sit position. All right. Get it right up on top of those sits bones. And then trying to lower the leg without disturbing our posture and just float. Okay. And then shake your legs out a little bit. So nice prep. Oh Wow. A little something released there.

Open openly rocker to bring your hips back up. Let's go ahead and hold onto the ankles or calves. And then once again we'll find that open v position, not the width of our mat. All right. And uh, we can do two different kinds of position here. Let's do more of a hold in a flat back, everything flat. So the lumbar extended, the mid back, extended, the upper spine extended. So there really is almost, for some of us, somebody would feel like we're arching a little bit as long as we bring those ribs back in and contain them. Okay.

So if we keep the upper body there, but then just flex the lower spine without falling back. So we really pull those abdominals back and just get a pelvic tilt, but still trying to keep up or back tall. All right, so there's a weight shift. Let's go back up again. Forward on the sitz bones, just like we found in that climate tree stretch with the legs. Woo. Inhale and exhale round through the Lumbar [inaudible]. Fairly small move, but fairly dynamic.

Let's go one more each and up and forward on top of the sits bones. Find those lats and draw them down. Breathe in and exhale to go into a little bit more flection. Now the lower back, mid back, we're going to use that to roll into the open leg rock or inhale as we take it back. Exhale and kind of find that same position you just ran long from the tailbone up to the top of the head and then change it as we round back through the c curve. Inhale, exhale, coming up and find along extension three more times and inhale as we roll back rounding fours, there's a little bit of a current that travels through the spine to extend this right. Two more round back. Find those lats and draw them down toward the hips. As you're coming up, Ben, just one more time. Inhale, rounding back, ceiling. Hold the position there.

We're going to bring those legs in together and I liked the transition. I do it almost every class that I teach of. Uh, going back for getting ready for corkscrew, just letting the hands go. Legs will stay out. I'm driving the abdominals back again, trying to round back with control legs. Stay on the 45 degree diagonal. This is the hard part without popping up those ribs.

Get your head all the way down and then we bring our legs tonight. All right, so I'm going to take us into a rollover for the corkscrew. So we'll go to the bigger corkscrew. Let's pause here with the breath. Exhale, lift the pelvis. Let's roll our spine over. Sorry. Hips are over our chest now in the corkscrew, we're coming down the right side of the spine. Here we go. Feel that articulation on that side of the back. And now those legs do over like a horseshoe, a small, narrow horseshoe up around, up the left side of the spine, over the shoulders. Now coming down the left side of the spine, [inaudible] feeling that openness in the chest, his strength to hold that chest open, articulated the right side of the spine, back over to center.

We're going down again, right side. Wow. You can lower your legs if anyone's feeling a little more risky. And up the left side over to the center. Here we come down the left side, tracking aside the sweep of the legs across and up.

The right will do once again really focused right side of this fine. Little more weight shift on that side. And of course then it sweeps over, up the left side of the spine, centered at the top and last time, good down the left side of the spine. Swing around, articulate up the right side. And once everybody's there, even over your shoulders, just put your hands on the small of your back and bend your knees. No, there's a transition that will come into, um, those shoulder bridge. This is definitely more of a classical, uh, position and it's not for everybody.

So we'll kind of check in with it. But go ahead. You're going to extend your lower spine gonna sit into the heels of the hands and you can bicycle or kind of tap right foot left foot down through other quick, yes. Right? So I'm just gonna hold this, hold this position for a moment. So choices, you could stay here if you'd like to. If this feels like too much extension in the lower back, go into that more opening position that we had here. Or even just hands on the mat or underneath your hips. Okay.

But I am going to take us up and we'll do some leg kicks here. So extend our right leg forward a little. Turned out. Bring your leg as high up to the ceiling and back over chest as your body will let you go. So five times. Let's take the leg forward. Inhale and exhale back up and over the chest again. Inhale, reach, exhale. And so some of you who know this network, you can actually touch the mat in front of your foot if you'd like to.

Two more times. Reach way out in touch, lift last one, reach way out. Exhale, bring it up and we changed sides by bending the knee, taking the left leg forward and up as far over your chest as you can. We've got five times. Inhale, reach out. Exhale. Okay. He thinking of lifting the pelvis off of the hands if you're holding behind those hips. One more time [inaudible] and then we take our foot down and let's everybody just let go and trickle down the spine. Just let yourself melt all the way back down and bring your feet together.

Knees together and just easily letting the knees drop from right and left. Kind of a sway from side to side. And then again, bring the knees in. We're going to rail right back up to sitting. One more from the sitting position unless open the legs again. Matt Witt.

Yeah, we're the most stretched out top I own and pants, arms reaching for. Let's take a breath here and a nice c curve forward, something that feels very familiar and just a good safe position and we'll take a nice full inhale. Exhale up into the hinge, that flat back hinge position, reaching through those heels that's in. He'll get a little higher and taller. Exhale, reach farther past your feet. Let the weight of the head drop and articulate back up to sitting, leaving those shoulders heavily down the back. Just two more times there. Inhale Taller and exhale a big C curve forward. Good and inhale. Exhale, coming back out into that hinge.

Let me feeling those feet flex now from the sides of your hips up to your middle fingers reached tall and breathe in. There you go. And take that length over the size. Rounding for real. Let's pull ourselves back in here. Exhale all the way up. Just one more time. Sit a little taller, squeeze the bum tiny bit and exhale. See curve forward. Inhale and exhale.

Find that forward hand. Okay guys, stay right there. Place the hands behind the head and to take a tiny bit of rotation just four times on this front hand so you can just stay in your hinge, you know? So take a breath on the exhale. Let's take our torso and rotate to the right. As you rotate to the right, reach your right heel out long cause that might be this side of the hip that pulls back. All right, inhale, come back to the hinge. Exhale, rotate to your left. This doesn't have to be big. It shouldn't be too big. Inhale to the center. Just one more each direction. Exhale, rotate.

Keep reaching through that right heel. Inhale, center. Last one over to our left. Exhale as you rotate, inhale, come back to facing front. And then I think everyone, let's just round forward, take a few moments to just stretch. Perhaps the crown of the head could get close to the mat if not on the mat. [inaudible] all right, and we'll roll all the way up. Go, go. That's one thing I can do. I can get my head there, but I'm somewhat certain. Other things I can't. Okay. So come to sideline, I'm going to do something a little, uh, not as traditional, the beginning of it. Um, how bout Oh, you can do heads either way. Yeah.

I forget where used to do and come all the way down. Sure. Maybe let's all have heads that way. Okay. Yeah. And instead of starting with the legs extended this way from her hips, uh, you can adjust. So you're on the back edge of the mat. Hope I don't fall back and take your legs this way. So there we are again. It's 90 degrees at the hips. Yup.

And then you may not be able to see me that well, but we do want to try to put, yeah, this space underneath the bottom waist. So you activating those waist muscles and lower back muscles to lift your waistline. Okay. And then pull this top hip really from the abdominals like I did with you earlier. Pull that hip back a little bit. Okay. And we're going to take the leg up and down about eight times. And don't worry about how high you go. Feel.

Keep focusing on pulling the abdominals in and back on that side. Okay. And lower. We can exhale and exhale working in a fairly parallel leg. And exhale. Now I'm going to keep going. Let's put our hands somewhere else. How about the hand here? Yeah. Yeah. Get that hand out of the way. Cause I think what sometimes will happen, we get weightbearing forward and we round forward that she keeps going.

That shoulder drops. So can we find another place to put the arm while we're moving the leg? Couple more exhale and last one. No come down only or the height of your hip. All right, now lets, it's often the foot. I'm going to have this extend leg from here and really open up this hip joint.

Squeeze the back of your leg and your butt. All right and take a moment and really reach this leg and hips almost. So you've increased more wasted space there. Then that lakes in this swing forward with the flex foot for two kicks. There's the one and the two. So it's the same as we do from the elbow.

It's an inhaled back and an exhale. And off. Inhale, reach back, flex and exhale. Three more. Inhale, reach. Get that squeeze here and exhale, kick and kick and reach back in. One more. Squeeze the glutes and come forward. Kick and kick. And then go ahead foot to foot. Okay hand lightly.

Let's pick up our legs and bring them now in line with our hips. Nice and stack. And then I do like the inner thigh work from the classical mat sequencing. So I like to take the foot on the ball of the foot and hold the heel or the ankle and really pull that up toward the top of the hip. And then check in. Press your pelvis forward, get some more squeezed in your glutes, long through your sternum and flat ribs. And here we go.

To lift the bottom inner thigh up for eight and down and lift. You can keep a soft foot. You don't have to have such a strong point really working more on the high inner thigh. Anyway, for more and press, keep thinking of pubic bone and hips forward. Do More and lift. Last one guys, let's lift and hold. Just holding there. I'm going to have us change your foot to a flex.

Now pick a direction of your leg that you'll go into four, four circles, and really think that the circle is happening way up here, one and two and three and four other direction. Maybe the circle can go a little higher each time and to really pooling networking to the inner thigh and four, and then keep it there for eight little pulses and one to three through your heel and for three to one point and lower the leg all the way down. Okay, great. And then leg on leg, that's come up onto our elbow. Now we'll keep her legs in line with their hips. This is another pat Gaten. Uh, I love it. I get a lot out of it in the thoracic spine, some rotation. So you're going to take that just the top leg. Again, hip height, you can flex your point, your foot, whatever's working best for you and not moving at the hip, but on the exhale, taking the upper spine and rotating down.

So you're looking towards your bottom forearm. Really opening up the upper back. I feel like you're getting almost a little kyphosis or upper back vertebra. Reaching up to the mat, get some space up there and then inhale, come back to facing front. So total of here. You're fine. Yeah. Okay. No, the rotisserie chicken cube. Yes. The, yeah, it's rotisserie chicken. Cute. Yeah. Right. And so the exhale rotate.

So my head direction is still going that way. Exactly. And inhale, come back to facing front. And the tricky part keep going is to not let the hip move. So you're, yeah, you got that really stable there. XC and he'll return a return to front. Exhale. Again, rotate. Draw those ribs back really wide through your scapula so it can get wider here.

Push your elbow to the floor. Inhale, return one more time and rotate. Okay. And inhale. Return to facing front. Let's bring our arm down at rest for a second. Leg down. Okay. Mermaid legs. Your left arm. I'm going to bring that up by your ear.

Let's just take a nice easy side stretch to your right. Just hold that for a moment. I like this too. I like to assist my stretch with my other arm helps me get into the side. Bend a little more effectively. Now as you're there, draw the ribs back in. Pull that tail under Justice Gauche.

Draw the shoulders down. Here we go. Okay, and back over three. Okay. To do the bend. Okay, let's try. All right, so the front foot is docked in front of bottom foot. It's a little more weight on the front foot than there will be on the back foot and the outside hand slightly on a front diagonal, just ever so slight with a very solid elbow rather than a hyper extended elbow.

So yeah, the vein of your elbow, let it look this way forward, right? So inhale, bearing weight onto that hand and the front foot. This is our inhale. Now the exhale. Let's lift the hip higher. Turn your head to look down at that bottom arm. We're really after that inner earth underneath wastes going up and opening the top waste inhalers. We come back to the plank side, plank position, and exhale. Let's come all the way down and two more times.

Inhale to the sides. Support. Exhale, lift from the underneath waist turn to look at your downward hand. You're really like a big fan or accordion opened that top waist up. Inhale is you're coming down to the side plank and exhale down to the hip. And just one more time. Inhale and exhale, lift. Follow that line too. I turned in your head. Yes.

And inhale return. We're going to get off the wrist. Exhale, come all the way down. Okay, good. Let's spiral around. So we'll take the legs forward. They need to move this thing. I'll put it here for a second. Okay. Alright, so all the way down, bottom waist has a lift in it, ankle on ankle, who got her legs in 90 degrees? And let's go ahead and start this with their hand right at our shoulder and pull those abdominals back and in on the exhale, les lifter thigh up and inhale, lower and exhale, lift.

Inhale lower. So feel the connection as well as the on the rib cage muscles, those intercostal muscles gathering new strings inward so that we don't arch the mid back on the leg. Lift four more times and exhale it. Inhale down. Exhale, lift. Keep pulling those abdominals back. And Ian looks good and lift.

Are we doing in the side, hip and up and lower? Okay, so softly point in the foot. Let's extend the leg now from the hip. Pause there for just a second. Get a little more. W A wasteland lift. There we go. It's almost as if there's a person pulling on your foot down there and helping your hip reach that way towards your leg, right? Let's use that on an inhale. Come forward. Exhale, exhale. Inhale, get the hip reach and exhale front friends.

Inhale, hip reach and exhale. Okay, could you guys and exhale in, in couple more in lengthen. Exhale in and in. Last one. Inhale and exhale up and up and place the foot down. Okay, Ham, lightly.

Pick up the legs and stretch your legs all the way in line with your hips. And we have got our inner thigh piece, so grabbing a hold of the ankle, you can be up on the ball of your foot if that works for you. Press your pelvis toward your front heel. So again, feel some work in your glute muscles back there, flat in the ribs. And let's exhale. Pull the fly up. Inhale Lower and eight times lift and lower.

Feeling that we can open up this collarbone a little bit more. That's it. And Open, right? So changing positions of the arms might help and up and lower and the high inner thigh. It's two more guys and lift and down. Last one. Let's lift and hold.

Now Flex your foot can visualize the circle way at the top of the leg at the hips. Adjoin four times one direction. One and two. Three [inaudible] or other direction, a little higher up and two, three and four holding for a little pulses, eight repetitions. And one, two, three, four thing of the leg. Five, six, seven. There we go. And eight and legs together and all the way down.

Okay, good. Our Mermaid, no, I'm rotation. Almost forgot the thoracic rotation. So up on our elbow. First hand behind the head and getting the side support anchored. There we go. So laid comes just hip height. Read in here. So the rotation really starts right from the center of those abdominals and center of the ribs. Rounding the upper spine.

You can let that top elbow reach down, order point down toward the mat. Keep your top hit back and let's inhale, come back to facing front and exhale and rotate. Feeling the abdominal muscles and the intercostals, those rib muscles really conditioned inward. Inhale as you return three more times. And exhale, the back of the back is broad, very open, flat shoulder blades on your back. Inhale forward, two more. Exhale and rotate.

Inhale forward and last one. Exhale, top hip stable. Keep reaching from the hip and inhale front leg down. Now in the mermaid position, so your right arm will come up side bend to your left, bring the ribs back and again you can take that other hand to the forearm and just ease more into the stretch. I'm okay with the shoulder blades being up a little bit elevated. I think it feels good to stretch in the lats and I need that.

So not all of us need it, but okay. And we come into the side band or the band. So again, stacking the legs, your front foot is just slightly forward. More weight's gonna go in that one hand, just slightly pointed to the corner of the mat vein. Looking forward this way. Got a good solid arm for support. Okay, like dad. There we go. Inhale to our side support, and then exhale, lift the bottom waist. Lift the top waist, and you're turning to look at the downward arm. Downward hand. You might pretend you're in a real narrow hallway. Two panes of glass. Inhale, come down to side support and exhale, just a light tap of the hip going back up.

Inhale, side support and exhale lift. Can you lift higher? Reach your top hip to the ceiling. Open up that waistline. Inhale back down and exhale a little gentle touch once again, and lifting up and exhale, lift side bend, looking down to that downward hand and return. Inhale and exhale all the way down. Good. Let's come face down.

Gotta move it again and a slow swimming. And I do this swimming that's you kind of build up to the faster tempo. I like to get set like this. So is your face down. Focus on the pelvis, of course. Nice flat pubic bone, almost a little more weight on pubic bone and a little lifted the tummy underneath there. So we're going to take a slow lift of the right arm, head and chest, left leg. We are looking for height as well as length of course through the body. The other hand can also be slightly pressing onto the mat.

Just a little bit of press. All right, stretch the back of that left knee and then everybody come down and pause. Other side, left arm, right leg. We're looking for height, back extension, stretch through the right knee. Inhale, exhale and come back down again. Inhale us. Exhale as we lift. Stay there. Inhale, exhale, and come down. Prepare. Inhale. Exhale. As you lift, stay there. Inhale or lift higher and exhale lower. Once again, slowly and exhale as you lift. Stay there.

Inhale, exhale as you lower. And last one. Exhale, left arm, right leg. Really stretched that knee. Beautiful. Now keep that side up. Lift the other arm, other leg, and go for a little paddle. Alternating arms and legs.

Sure. Four, three, two, last breath cycle and rest, everything down. That's plenty good. You guys come on back to a rest pose. Six some good deep breaths into your lower back in the back of the ribs. Oh right. Hey, do you want to do one more on the prone position?

So we'll come down for a double leg kick. It's a very healthy exercise. You can have left cheek on the mat. I know I'm going against some rules on that. Interlaced hands, put them high up on the back of the ribs. Let your elbows draped down. Wrong. Lower, lower back. Take a breath, hover those thighs up on the exhale. Both heels coming in.

So we have the squeeze. One, two, three, inhale. Now hold that position right there. Everybody just hold. So I'm a fan of lifting the arms a little higher by recruiting the lats and lift from your mid back to come higher. Higher into that back extension. There we go. Now turn the head, place ahead, bring everything down and starting again. Exhale, kicking. One, two, three.

So the arms start low. But then as you increase the left and lift from your mid back arms, you're gonna pull higher and what grabbed you too much. But could they go a little? There's the arm extension and then the other direction two more times. Exhale, one, two, three lift. We use the recruit that mid back, mid back, mid back. Good and other side. Exhale. One, two, three, last one guys lift a little bit higher.

There we go. And everything comes down. And just rest. One more time. Coming back to rest pose and I, it is different than what we're used to. I think. I never thought that was allowed to let the arms go higher. But you know, I've still always said lower down the back, lower, lower, lower. But form me, I felt a little bit restricted in my shoulders.

And when I got my allowed to experiment, try new, lift my arms a little higher, actually started to stretch some of this tight stuff and went, oh my, that's where I should be going. So you know, maybe not a steady diet of that bun. Okay. Hands and knees almost there. So let's take our toes and Tuck them under nice, neutral spine or flat spine. Take a breath. [inaudible] on the XLO one is just to hover the knees about two inches above the mat, just over the knees. Okay, so focus on the back of your, your hips. This the sits bones and reach them back toward the back wall behind you.

Lift your hips up. So we're in that upside down. V Or upstretched position. If your heels came to the mat, wonderful. If not, that's okay. We're looking to get them flat. We want to lift those hips nice and high. Stretch again through those lats, but also keep your ribs anchored in. All right, so we're going to come back down into that hovered knee position.

I'm going to shift that way. Drop the knees, get your shoulders right over your wrists. Grieve and again, exhale, lead with the back of your sits bones or the sits bones, back of hips, length in the heels, down, ribs in. And one more time. Let's bring the knees down. It's flat spine breed. We're almost there guys. Lift the hips up. Find the stretch.

I want us to finish my walking the feet into the hands and just let yourself stay hanging forward. Wait on the hands, which are in front of you. Yeah, and so much that you let your weight actually kind of hover off of the heels. We're going to do five relevant ways or rising up to the balls of the feet while you're upside down. It's a pretty big stretch for back of the leg. All right, so letting the head hang. Let's inhale. Press up into the relevant. You can let those heels come as high as you want to go. Pull them up and then the exhale, just gently reaching the heels back down. And again, pulling the heels up and exhale heels down. Three more.

Letting that head stay hanging down. Exhale, two more. Almost there. Lift [inaudible] and our last one, the lift. Now from that lift we have to crease at the knees, come down into a squat just so we're not coming up too dizzy. And then our last extension of the legs, just straightening through, taking 10 slow counts to roll up to standing. One, just taking your time. Two and three unrolling every better tension out of your body. Five. Yeah, six coming up. Very level on the legs. Seven and H. Shoulders are nice. The open nine and 10 thanks you guys. You're very welcome.


Nice hip work
Thanks Helen! :)
Deliberate and very challenging. Not much upper body but a great workout. 95% ability for me.
Thanks for your feedback Jeff! It's nice to hear from a gentleman! I'll kick it up with more armwork in some upcoming classes. Let me know what you'd like to see and I'll deliver.
Amy this was a great class. I was with a little ciatic pain but I didn't feel it at all during the classs. Well given explanations.
Thank you Fabiana!! So glad you didn't experience any sciatic pain during class. Do you think some of the hip disassociation work and stretching helped? Glad you enjoyed class and it was nice hearing your feedback!
Ouch! Hey Ames... Loved the class but I think you should dedicate a class to me, with no roll ups or teaser :)
Amelia....hello my friend from abroad!!! Thank you and okay.....keep watching because very soon I'll give a class dedicated just to you and offer some wonderful options.....sans roll ups or teaser!!! Any suggestions as to what you'd want to see?
Strong lower body challenge. Enjoyed the progressions very much. Thank you!
Hi Sherry! Thank you for your feedback on my class. I so appreciate viewer's opinions and comments....they keep me on my toes and thinkin!!
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