Class #2603

Lengthening Spine Corrector

35 min - Class


If you're in the mood to move, then this is the class for you! Amy Havens flows through the Mat work on the Spine Corrector, adding a few stretches to lengthen your body. She also adds Hand Weights to give your upper body more of a challenge in this whole body workout.
What You'll Need: Spine Corrector, Hand Weights

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Hi everyone. I'm here with Jia and we're doing a spine corrector workout. We'll do a little bit of mat work on the corrector, but we're also just in the mood to flow and, and move and breathe. We do have hand weights. They're two pounds. Feel free to use them if you want. You can also use one pound. We're going to get started. We're right at the very front on the edge or sometimes called the lip, so you want to get your sitz bones right up on top. Um, I will say too that this class can be done on the foam arch is well if you have that at home or at your studio, um, or even like the half baby barrel.

So if you don't have the full spine corrector, you can do the whole class. Okay, theater apart. Heels are in line with our sit bones. Let's just put our hands right at the front of the frame of the corrector. Lightly. Press your hands against it to engage your lats, your triceps and shoulder extensors. Broaden your collarbone. Let's just take about three breaths to get centered. Remembering that our body moves more efficiently with fluid breathing.

So take that through the class today unless your whole ribcage move side to side, front to back, you want those, that nice volume of of expansion [inaudible] and on the next exhale, let's do a little bit of Coxix curl or tailbone curl. This an exhale. You're just going to round your sitz bones. We'll go off the edge a little bit. Use Your hands to hold on to if you need to. Inhale as you come up. Just a little bit of lower back, sacral movement and mobility right away. Kicking into the lower abdominals hip flexors.

We'll do five of these. Here's three and last two and we're going to build a little bit of upper back extension just a little. When we come forward, it's not throwing the ribs for, we were just kind of lifting up through the chest and then rounding the opposite way and coming up. Let's try five this way, Geo with their hand. So I'm a little bit trickier not to fall off the edge. And as we come up to just open the arms and expand the chest slightly four more times. Exhale. Ah, and in now and exhale still space between the spine.

Thinking of head to tail, tail to head, you have to contract your glutes just a little bit around those sitz bones. You won't slide back open and one more time. Exhale and open. Okay, let's go ahead and just find our way. No, we're going to stay up top and guide yourself back. Bring your weights with you. Sorry, I should have told you that. Knees together, arms reaching forward. Let's do some extension of the thoracic spine. I'm just coming right over. The top. Head is not touching the barrels.

You've got your neck muscles engaged and then exhale and come forward. So we'll do, I'm going to sets of four or five movements. So articulating the spine right over the top of the barrel. Shoulder blades are heavy on top and then curling forward and articulate. Really feel the bones of the shoulder blades right on that barrel top and girl.

[inaudible]. Two more exhale and last time we're going to stay up. This time we'll do five chest expansion. What that is is opening those arms go as wide as feels comfortable for you right now and close the arms. This is a little bit of work for the neck muscles, but it's healthy.

Keep Your Chin kind of tucked down if you need to. You definitely don't want to open your head and throw your head back that way. Think of it as a stability exercise for your cervical spine, which it is. One more time, open and close. Let's take a breath here. Curl forward. Exhale. I'm going to take us through that again, so full breath to come over the top five times. Inhale and exhale. Remember, breathe fully.

Ah, [inaudible] this last time. Pause. Breathe in and exhale, curling forward. Okay. Stay in this nice contraction and let's do open close arms from here. I wouldn't take the arms any wider than shoulder width and close here if we can contract just a little bit more forward. Four more to go. [inaudible] breathe into your back and contract last too.

[inaudible] adding these hand weights just gives things a little more dimension I think. Don't they? One arm up over the head? Let's just do one arm. It's going to come down to the side and back to the front. Alternate arms up and side and center both arms and open. We'll repeat with the second arm so it's coming up and it's open and it's front and lift and control. You lower the weights both arms.

Okay. We're going to repeat the pattern again. Starting from the beginning up and lower. Exhale, contract a little more forward. If you can left arm and open contract a little more forward and both earns open. We've got one more set. Start with that second arm coming up and open to lift and open and in one more with both arms and open and in little pulses. Let's just do our inhale. Inhale, exhale, exhale.

Just four, three, two, one. We're going to do the same thing with a tiny bit of upper body rotation. Those same things and press the knees together for three, two other side and okay, so just going deep into the abdominals in this beginning part of class. Okay. Now hold here. Arms. You're going to come up and over and reach the diagonal.

And when the arms come up over, we can take a little thoracic extension and curl. So mobilizing that thoracic spine tiny bit. If the weights are getting too heavy and you're feeling your neck in a way that doesn't work for you, just put them down, curl and reach. Let's take four more Jia, we're gonna press our knees together to keep those knees centered. Okay? And almost just rolling over the basis of the shoulder blades there in that thoracic extension. All right, let's come back through the center all the way forward.

We can put the weights down on the sides. I'm going to move our pelvis a little more to the front. Extend your legs. Here we go. 100 and in two, three, four, five, exhale, three, two. If you don't like your legs out like this, you could absolutely put them all the way on the floor. I would just won't keep going. Watch out for the low back arch that could occur. You could also bring your legs a little higher if you need, but aim to get your legs right up in line with the lip.

Six to four, five, exhale. Okay. Generate some deeper heat in the body. Open up the collarbone, heels. You're squeezed. 10, two, three, four, five, maybe exhale, three, five, hug beneath him. Okay. Let's take one leg forward, a single leg and I think we'll just start out slow. Take a moment. Adjust this hip in line, reaching toward the barrel edge.

Here we go. Change and just hold. Feel like you can reach the hip forward. Elbows are lifted and let's go. Inhale. Inhale, exhale, exhale. Yeah, pull the ABS into the spine. Elbows lifted. Shoulders are low and four, three, two and both knees coming in. Double leg. I'm going to go ahead and add upper back extension. Okay. You can too, or you can just stay up. Let's do one without going in extension, which would just be up here. Okay. Stay with that.

Or we've already warmed up the extension. We can go back. Circle. Exhale, curl. Let's bring her knees to her nose. Lengthen the legs away from the nose circle and pull in. Definitely a lot more dynamic. Work in the belly by going layered out. Pull back in. Stretch. Two more.

Exhale, pull in last one. And in little scissors. You know what I'm going to do first? Put One foot down, but your hands behind your thigh and press your thigh into your hands. Uh, women love active hamstring stretch. Before we do assists or scissors. And you can really be squaring the hip here.

Let's do a couple of circles of the ankle. Okay? Okay. Change legs, squaring the hip. Little say circles. And you're wanting to press your five very much into your hands here.

Okay, let's see what happens if we do the real scissors. But before we do, I think I would have to take both legs up. Walk the hands up to the ankles, bring those elbows out and try to bring the legs closer to the face. Nice. Jia? That's a great example. I've lost some flexibility button. Hey, I'm trying to work for it. Bring your chest legs, legs to chest, diminish this negative space. Perfect example here. That's what I'm trying to go for too. Okay. Take one leg down. I'm going to take my left upper legs here and we're going to do a little gentle pull. Pull, swap. That's the hard part. Bring the leg up to these hands and pool. Pool lift.

Pull Pool, lift for and lot of Albert to lift that leg from way down there to up and our last one and up. Now both legs are here. Straight leg, lower lift. We're going for it three times. Flex the heels to lower point and lift. Hold. Flex and lower point lift. [inaudible] lower lift Chris Cross. Go to the right first and just hold, hold, hold.

Shane's like twist, twist, twist, twist, twist. It looks like we're staying in one place, but we're not. We're trying to twist more. Four more to go. I'm thinking about my going around the corner going around the corner. One more. Good. Yeah. Last one. [inaudible] let's rock ourselves up. Well that's a nice little set, Huh? Gay. All the way up on the edge. Let's do one spine stretch forward.

Arms your long flexed ankles. Now gather your glutes up instead of just relaxing here. Squeeze and lift. You're going to feel that lift all the way up through your spine. Take a nice breath in and we're staying in the same place on our sits bones were rounding over over that nice big scoop of the belly, so trying to stretch further forward, feet flexed. Now when we roll up, just sitting tall, as if you're pressing your hands down on a little magic circle.

Breathe in again. Let's go. Exhale. What's a breathing exercise? Get all the air out and take it in one more time and exhale. Squeeze it out. Get your waistline really narrow and breathe in. Lowering the arms. Lift the arms out to the side. Little saw twist. Okay. Put your hand in the barrel.

Reach the forward hand down to the ankle. See if you can slide the other hand on the top of the barrel there and then lifted up. But wait on that. Opposites at bone. Now reach the back hand back to come up to spiral center. One slow one on the second side so you can put your hand on the barrel. That kind of get it set hand forward.

Sit on this opposites that bone evenly. Now take the backhand and reach and as we come up, you reach behind to lift. We'll do four with some flow. Inhale, exhale. Inhale. Exhale. A little taller through the spine when we come through center. Exhale a little harder to do this sitting up on an edge than the regular floor. Backhand reaches back last time.

Future Flex. Yes. Reach to the backhand and back and center. Okay, let's go on. We're going to come back, uh, over the barrel so our hips are going to come up on top. Our legs will be up in the air. Here's a safe way to get over. Hold on, slide over. Put One foot up on your step. Keep on going. And where are you want to be? Is Pelvis right on top here? Your shoulders even on the floor.

Your eyes looking right up to the ceiling. I will do the best I can to Q. I don't want anybody turning their head to watch what we're doing with weight on your neck, like this is not the safest place to be for your neck. Okay? Take one leg up to the ceiling with the straight leg. Engage your belly to lift the weight of the other leg up and we're parallel. You can point your feet. This is a lower back see curve.

I'm going to have you take a breath here on the exhale. Pull the tummy in. That exercise we did at the beginning when we rolled our sits bones and our tailbone, we're doing that now. We're trying to just press our low back against the barrel or butts up a little bit higher. Inhale, we come back onto the barrel. I learned this as butt belly, so you squeeze your butt, you engage your belly and you try to get yourself off the barrel a little bit and articulate to neutral. You could also think sacrum off the barrel, sacrum to the barrel, so you're getting, you're seeing some nice mobility from GSI.

Our legs are not drifting too much toward us. So really they're reaching up as we're trying to mobilize way at the bottom of the spine here. Okay, let's just do one more. That'll be six. That's enough. Ah, now hold that one. Take that contraction into rollover or hips. Do you leave the barrel? If this feels okay to touch your toes, overhead open.

Those legs are about the width of your mat. Roll down. Place your [inaudible] pelvis. We're going to do a slow open leg circle. You're going to meet really low down there at the bottom. Bring it to vertical. Okay, let's pause and breathe in. But belly, ah, take it all the way over. Touch the toes down. Open the legs apart.

Take your breath rolling and you're going to feel your back. Meet the barrel. Stretch your sacrum on top. Lades reach long. You can start to point the toes. Gather legs parallel. End Up just one more, but belly, ah, [inaudible] you can over flex the feet. Put the toes down. Open. Breathe in. Exhale, roll it down.

All. I'm going to take advantage of having our legs down low and just hold plank line. You can, you need to lift your legs. You can, but I want you to challenge yourself to feel like look towards your toes. Don't look for too long. I just want you to have this nice flat line as externally rotate and we're going to flex the feet and we're frogging trying to stay on that diagonal line and push. Pull the heels into the high upper leg. Reach the legs out. Long. Three more.

Pull the heels into the seat. Press press, press last too. I'm not just thinking legs long. I'm thinking pelvis, feet last time. Okay. Okay. We can extend our toes and wants to heal. Beats coming up to 91 two, three, four, six, seven, eight back down to your challenge. Point six seven, eight and up.

Down. Remember to breathe. Do More sets. [inaudible] down. [inaudible] [inaudible] and down. So we're gonna keep going up and down this time with the Sean Schmall crossing the legs. Think of the cross and the inner thighs. We go one and two, three, five, six and seven. Eight down to three get long, long, long and Oh [inaudible] then down like hips, reaching to the feet. Two more sets should be feeling good in your inner thighs. Last set. [inaudible] all the way back down to the challenge point. Let's do open. Closed.

Yeah. We're going to stay on the same horizontal line. Flex the feet too close. Just four of these point to open. Flex to close. Sacrum. C's evenly weighted, so we're not inviting any pelvic tilt here. You're staying evenly weighted. Okay. Legs, circles, so up to 90 turnout. Open and down. We'll do four each way. Keep anchored on that sake room.

Have you say grim? It's nice to hear the reminder because sometimes when your legs are coming up to 90 you might get a little momentum and you kind of want to rock too far. Okay. Do your best to stay here. Rude. That's our last one right at on the sacrum. Reverse it. Reaching out from way down there.

Find that rotation and stretch and up to parallel. Exhale and open to more. Chest is open. After these circles, we're going to go to scissor. And if you're watching whatever leg you want to start with this fine. I'm going to take my right one down. Leftover head. Take a moment.

Are you on your sacrum? You're going to see two different sets of scissors here. Let's do some pulses. Eight Times one n two. Both legs are reaching. Five, six, seven, eight. Let's come to center. Nice and clean and change. Okay. Take a moment. Reach both legs and opposition.

Squaring the hips we go reach and two, three and four and six. Seven and eight and center. Okay, let's do it again. Eight and then we'll just switch. We go. One, two, three, four. He can reach and six, seven switch and one, two. So we're going to keep with this energy and tempo in fours we go. And one, two, three, four, switch. Let's do four is again, you can kind of let a little, uh, you know, rebound occur twos. One, two, one, two, one, two. We'll do eight singles. Sen One, two, three. Let it go. Five, six, seven, seven and eight. And fold your knee. Okay.

Place your feet on this step. If you can add duct all the way, please try. Pay attention to what your knee cap just experienced. If your legs together gives you a little pinch on your knee, you want to keep the feet apart. Okay. Endeavor. If you get flexible enough in your it man on the side of your leg, long enough quadricep muscles, you'll probably have more success.

I still have a ways to go, but I'm going to take one moment here. Press my heels into the barrel, try to engage those gluteals again underneath a little bit deeper to maybe feel more stretch in the quads. Try to push the heels. Ah, okay. Now let's go ahead and send her the feet under your glute. Squeeze. Bring both knees back up again. Many of us.

One more pattern up over our shoulders here and this is the helicopter. We'll go a little slower, right leg forward, left leg over the chest, right where we are here in this scissor. Externally, rotate both legs. Go for a big circle, a big circle. Whoo. Good Yah, and then legs mean in them at the top. Then you start with the left going down. All right. I like to just really explore this. The image that I'm inside a big physio ball and I'm trying to get all the way around. It's inside edge with my feet. I like these who go a little slower to get that quality.

You can certainly speed these up. Sacred Mon top, sacred stays weighted. We'll do one more each revolution. Okay. And reach and open. Let those hips get the stretch and center.

Last time reach and open. You might be feeling your glutes. Now this is a good thing and center. Okay? We're going to do kind of a fancy dismount. Don't do it if you don't know what I'm talking about and certainly right now, don't look up to watch it. I'll try to explain it first. We drop our legs close to our face and very quickly the legs have to throw forward and your whole body comes up.

So if you're listening to it and you want to try it, go for it. Here we go. Here we go. We got it. We made it up. Ready for some sign work. So let's face the front door, grab a hand weight. Yeah. And your outside hand. All right, so we have an outside leg that straightened parallel. Our other hand is going behind her head and we are just going to open ourself first into a nice lateral line. Okay. And then g before we do the obliques, turn your straight arm palm face up. Let's just do a little lat stretch.

Take your arm overhead and enjoy that sense of length from the hand all the way down past the lat, past the shoulder, down through your foot, front ribs to back ribs and just bring the arm down. Okay, let's give it one more, just the stretch and open. Breathe life into that open side. Let the ribs move. So we're stretching the muscles. We are about to contract with eight little side lifts.

So the arm is just going to reach out over the leg. We're going to breathe in to prepare and you can do palm face down for this one. Here we go. A little lift maybe all the way up, huh? Yeah. And all the way down. And exhale brings us up. The straight arm reaching really helps the added hand weight helps.

You don't have to use those fi unlocking our elbows. Six. We both need the reminders and seven good and eight. Okay. Let's go ahead and put her weight down just for a moment. Keep the hands behind the head. Let's take our straight leg up and down eight times. So the parallel lift, lower and left and elbows open and four, four more hard to do in parallel and six. Seven. Oh, could you hold it up there?

Let's try for more side setups. Halfway up with the Lego one. Oh God, two, three. I'm glad I said four year. It is last one and down. Okay. Take your left arm overhead. Turn your body so your chest is face down. I'm going to take both hands to the floor. Lift the, did you hear all that? And try to square their shoulders. Drop your head, the lane that's behind us.

Let's sweep it behind just a little bit and we're taking three giant breaths and trying to fill up this space with our breath and our expansion. Okay, last one and exhale and then just kind of soften and unfold. Well, let's do the other side. I don't know if you heard that. My back had a lot of stuff in there. Okay. Leg is straight out, knee is bent hand behind the head.

Got Your long arm. You're dividing the barrel in half. And we just a really easy, slow lat and shoulder stretch. See if you can get your bicep close to your ear. Ms c if the pelvis can be a little more drawn under at least the tailbone to keep those lower back muscles long and down with the arm last time. Just this stretch.

Okay. And then the arm comes out to the side. Palm faces down now then here we go. Exhale and all the way up. Inhale all the way over. [inaudible] keep the breath fluid. Ah, the head is slightly pressing into the hand. [inaudible] I've got an unlocked elbow working our side muscles.

Uh, seven and eight. Okay. Putting the weight down both hands behind the head. Straight leg lift and it's one and elbows open. Trying to get height than the thigh, but keeping it parallel. That's the tough part. And four low belly up, three two staying up there.

Now for the little side lifts one each. The leg straight out there to give it some energy. Three and for just in the nick of time turning hands on the floor, pick up your spine and your ribs there. She got her adjustments there. Yeah, no gesture that late long straight leg and reach it behind just a little bit. Me Feel Nice to rotate your upper spine.

It'd be a place for me to just bring the tailbone ever. So slightly under three big breaths. Last one. Okay. So we've worked the sides of our back a little bit. Definitely the front of our body.

We're going to come around from the back of the barrel, put ourselves on top right there. It's really where we want our pelvis to go. Okay. Hip Bone, hip bones, pubic bone. So let's give that a go. Okay. And if we're in your sweet spot, you, this is probably a different way to, to set this up, possibly. Um, we're gonna put it, use this and put our hands on the corners and just Kinda test it. Okay. I'm trying, I'm trying. Testing it.

Yeah, and adjust. It's just, it's really kind of a guessing game. It'd be at the beginning. There we go. So I'm going to have our hands very light here. Upper back is just a little bit extended heel beats now turned out legs. Even though you're lying on your stomach, try to get weight off of it by lifting it up and four, three, two and one. And then calm the legs. Let's go parallel and let your upper back round. Okay. Hands on the floor.

Let's drag them along the ground as we come into a swan and just lift and lift them in lower. If that doesn't feel good for you, you can put them right on top of the barrel here and come into swan this way, which I'll do in a moment with both of us. Okay. But use a little bit of contact the hands on the Florida. Drag them back, lift and down. It's allows you to find out how much back work you're doing without having to use the arms to push up. So we really want our bat to be able to lift us up. Alright, one more time. Like that. Lift. No, put them on the barrel. Okay.

Little rock gr up left. You can put your toes down on the floor between each one down. Try not to push with the arms too much. There's a little going on, but two more down, up, down and up. Okay. Come all the way down. Let's finish by crawling back. Keep your hands on the front and round your spine or hips or reaching back to our feet. But we're certainly not just resting.

So I want you to feel like this is a real active low back lengthening stretch. [inaudible] shift into one hip slightly and shift into the other hip slightly and you'll feel the difference on the sides of your low back to your pelvis. Once again, each sign. Yeah. Well let's, how healthy that is to stretch that tight area. Okay.

Okay. Okay. And rural all the way up. Let's take one more thing, Jia. And that's going to be standing with in our, in the crevice. So let's see what our calves are gonna do. Who, yeah. Okay. So this is just very intense little stretch for the calf muscles.

Do your best not to lock out your knees here. I'm going to keep mine a little bit bent. We are trying to be vertical plumb line. You may see us pitch forward a little bit because of the structure of our ankles or shorter musculature, tighter Fatia, those kinds of things. Practice this one. You can also do this against a wall or with a partner, uh, but do your best to Kinda tolerate, yeah, a couple of deep breaths.

Whoa. Really, really good stretch for the ankles and the calves. So I think we're going to finish it though on the flat floor. I'm going to step forward on a mat really. And just one easy roll down. Put a little closure on your session.

Just kind of check in. We really worked every part of her body, I think. Yup. And roll all the way back up. Okay. Thank you everyone. We'll see you next time. Bye. Bye.


1 person likes this.
Loved it!
2 people like this.
Loved it too! Really needed that calf stretch at the end! Stomach series was awesome! :)
Full Disclosure: Both Amy and Gia work for Pilates Anytime and I am one of the Founders:

I don't offer praise in the forums often for fear of sounding like I am boasting for the sake of the business. Occasionally however, a class gives me an experience that completely shifts my day for the better, reminding me that I am a member of PA too and I can't help myself... This is one of those occasions because this class was everything I needed today. I feel 1000 times better than I did 40 minutes ago. The teaching and demonstration were beautiful and much appreciated given my mood when I started. Thank you Amy and Gia for helping to make this website what it is and for sharing this workout with me/us.
1 person likes this.
Thanks gals! :) And Kristi.....thank you for taking the time to comment on this class.....big smile knowing that it made your day and body feel a little better!
1 person likes this.
Great workout
Thank you Kelly!
2 people like this.
Terrific class -thank you Amy and Gia- great work
Thank you Patti!
1 person likes this.
Great class!! thank you both!!
Thank you Daniela!
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