Class #2780

Improving External Rotation

35 min - Class


Work on the external rotation of the hip and humerus in this Reformer workout with Amy Havens. She uses the Rotating Discs on the Jump Board to get feedback for your ankles and hips. This is a great class for anyone who wants to strengthen their bones as it includes bone loading and minimal flexion.
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box), Rotating Discs, Tennis Ball, Jump Board

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Hi everyone. I'm here for jump board workout today. I have the rotating discs already mounted on. I'm going to show you how I've done it. I've got these from balanced body a long time ago and it's though crow, there's a velcro strip that goes horizontal that's on the back of the jump board. And then these two pieces that just attach that. I don't want to completely do it because I've got it already in position, but what am I going to be working on is external rotation of the hip and external rotation of the humerus and doing some Boone loading work today.

And so this can be a good class for anyone who's looking to do bone strengthening. If you have clients that need, um, you know, osteoporosis that needs some bone strengthening work, or if you just want some variety, I don't know if you can do this on a Groth reformer or a peak. So if you have those reformers, um, experiment, you might want to just go get some velcro and try it. I'm not sure, but the way it's put in through the rotating disc is actually inserted inside the disc. So if you get a creative way and you find out how to do that, let us know. But this is what I'm starting with. But now I started us on three red springs and once you get the board down in, just make sure you have it nice and firm on the reformer. Okay, let's go ahead and get started. We're on three red springs and most of you know I'm a big fan of most things, bone health related, so great exercises here. Hope you'll enjoy them.

I want you to start with uh, your self fully stretched out. Take a look at your legs, be working with a client, definitely make sure you might even stand at the back of the reformer and make sure you look at them head to toe. And I might be set up just a little bit wide. So I'm going to walk my feet in. Ideally I'm in line with my hip joints here, not outside with but inside hip joint. And start with your focus on foot centers. And so big Toe Pinky toe heel, the arch of the foot is lifted. You don't have a collapsed arch. Unlock the back of the knees. Feel as though you're lengthening your hamstrings up into your glutes, which are lifted and supporting your low back. Your ribs are heavy, and we're just gonna stand here for a couple of breaths.

So I'm up against three springs. I'm gonna let those shoulder blocks informed my shoulders to kind of stretch down. Now why I wanted to do it, this is a focus on steadiness of the the disks. Also, you might hear them shaking a little bit. Let's just start to easily bend the knees, crease the hips. I'm not going to come all the way into the bumper. I'm going to try to come into where my heel stays flat on the disc.

Now as a stretch back out, I'm trying to use the back of those legs, hip extensors. Go for that hip extension here. Let's just go with eight repetitions. Okay? And extend trying to keep the disc steady for now. You're going to feel, so the disc is also, uh, providing feedback for ankle stabilization. So I'm noticing that my ankle is wanting my left one especially.

It's kind of wanting to cave in a little bit. So I want to just feel the Domo, my foot, my tripods of my feet, pulling my energy up by legs into my pelvis, up into my spine. All right. Push and three more. I think for eight they'll shake a little. I'm not perfect by any stretch, but I'm trying to keep them fairly quiet. All right. I'm really feeling my ankles nicely. Okay, so that's all parallel. That's not too difficult to do. Externally. Rotate your, your legs start way up at your hip joint. Okay.

Thank femur more than foot. Lot of us can take that. The need ankle a lot further than we can take the hip. It's not about from knee to foot. It's from hip to knee to foot. Okay. You want to get a sense that the, the uh, base of your pelvis here is nice and broad. You are not in a pelvic tilt. Okay? So release the glutes. If you're feeling like you've got a good squeeze there, be easy. Now, same thing as you bend, trying to keep the discs fairly quiet and then as you press heels pressing against the discs, feeling that work right up into the back of the hip and to do eight repetitions so we can inhale on the bend and Exhale, or you can be the other way. Focus on the opening of the hips, the back of the knees and image for me that they're increasing more.

Lifting the back of my knees up to deepen that squat. Take a peek. Ideally both hips are rotated the same amount and straighten and Ben and straighten two more times. So these does a really, really great way to focus and strength and tap into the your external rotators, the deep rotators of the hip and the shoulders. Okay, so let's go back to parallel and here's what's going to happen. We'll come into a bandwidth parallel on the push out. We'll externally rotate and try to make it a smooth ride out and a smooth ride back into parallel. Okay, eight times straightened turnout, bend for parallel, straighten and turnout bend and come to parallel tripod feet.

Reach down into those discs. And N had you straighten those needs. Be a little mindful not to hyper extend those needs, which would be that dropped there and it keeps them strength behind the knee joint. Okay. And five rotate and parallel. Your hands may even help you. Turn your legs out, turn your legs parallel out and parallel. Last one, turn out now come in in parallel. Stay for just a moment.

Stay down here and turn out an end. See if you can find that same relationship in the back of the leg. So I do have my heels pressing into the disc as if my heel here, right at the back of my femur. Four more, four in three n, two stay out on the last one here. Now as we straighten, we're going to go to parallel so it's opposite of what we just did. Come in and turn out and Ben Straighten parallel. Come in in external rotation, heels go down, swing out, swing the heels in [inaudible] and returned four more times and push and and push in last too. So you might also, we're going to stay out at the top one here.

You might be feeling anything and all the way up to the inner thigh, which is part of the external rotating group all the way around to the back of the hip, which is exactly what we're looking for. Okay? So I want you to stay out straight. Um, you may have to kind of adjust your feet, rise up onto a Relevate foot or lift the heels and then now do some knee bends. Let's do eight of them and just did either discs, try to spread your toes. Okay? Yeah, you'll probably make it all the way back into the bumper. Reach and bend. So I can't move as quickly as you're probably noticing now as I would with regular foot work.

This is requiring a little different concentration and steadiness. It's a very good thing. Back of the knees. Lift up and band, press and Stan Lincoln up three more times. And then pelvis nice and level. I'm gonna stay out in this last one. Staying up on a tippy toe. Same thing. Let's go to turnout and parallel.

Really spiral the legs is trying to maximize the rotation at the top of the leg, not being ankle and four little harder to work. This one five you've got to get in those legs and six and seven last one eight. Now just put one heel down. Let the other knee bend. We're going to do up and down. Lift lower, lift lower. Try to stay in external rotation at the top of the leg. Try not to let those discs rotate back inward. Okay, let's do eight more. Who've got one too.

So the big toe joint, pink Yuto really weighted evenly and fi six lift and lower. Lift and lower. Both heels lifted. Lower them down, bend your knees, come all the way and just rest from a by lifting the feet and shaking out. So some interesting stuff. Let's go back into parallel. Excuse me, new start, extend. Take a quick look. Now I want to have a little bit of um, off-centered legs. If you're working with a client or you yourself have had a hip replacement and you're not, if you were told not to do any turning in or internal rotation, keep one leg parallel and the other one turned out. If you're okay, you've been clear to do a little, you can turn this leg in. I do want the, the legs rotate this way. Okay. You should be fairly safe because this like won't be crossing the mid line.

Just be mindful. Stay that way. Pelvis is so level now. Bending is only as deep as you can. Keep your heels down. You're going to feel a pretty interesting stretch on this top outer calf. Here we go. Eight presses, one and to and this pinky toe on this, this foot closest to you. I'm thinking that pinky toe edge of foot really from this side, getting a stretch, six feeling a lot of things actually seven and will change at the top.

Swivel the other way. Notice a different sensation. Here we go eight times one, try to hold the amount of rotation you're in. Two. If somebody has a really, uh, imbalanced one, hip more turned in or out than the other. A great way to explore and help inform which one has more of the other and balance it.

Bye. This is my less turned in leg, so I need to work this one. It feels pretty good way up in my adductor seven. So let's take a little walk from a position to position. So start with swiveled. Press out parallel. Come in swiveled, press out parallel. Come in swiveled, see if you can let your ankles, the front of your ankle joints. Relax.

Let's a little more external talus. Glide happened there. Bend and stretch. Now when you're up in this stretch, lift the abdominals up through the spine so you get that elongation, swivel and swivel. Let's take it eight more times. Reach, twist, reach, twist, push and push. And five, six and seven. Okay, eight and rescue. Come on out. Turn out, hold your turnout. Bend, hold, little pulses, ten nine.

I'm just relaxing in this. I'm not trying to engage any specific group. Just let your joints have some resiliency for three, two, and one will come up for a little bit of single leg. So we were on three red for all of that. I'm going to drop down just to two red. Okay. Choose one leg. We'll do each. So it's just your, we don't put one on in parallel. The other leg will come tabletop. Yeah. Now here we go. Bend and straighten.

So again, why do we do single leg? We just did all that with two. Well, each leg is different or you're going to feel different load on each side. And again, most of us have one side that's a little stronger than the other. So you get a chance to isolate. All right, impress from hip to heel. Last two in parallel. That's come up. No, up here. Let's swivel the turnout. This is fun because this one is still parallel.

The other one's turned out not to turned out. Okay. See if you can hold the amount that you've just rotated into eight times two. Sorry. Imagine this right hip, having much more with the cross your pubic bone to hip bone so wide. Whoo. I had six control the return, seven. So similar choreography, you're going to come in parallel. Let's push from parallel the turnout for eight one and and to, and and [inaudible] somehow my arm gestures making this morning connected to me, a little arm movement. That's fine. And five really informing the rotational aspect there.

All the way a femur head out parallel and out parallel. They'll start turned out, push to per parallel parallel and worked at ad doctors a little differently now to turn in and parallel out four more and we'll do all that on the other leg and six and seven and eight. All right, good. Co uh, control exercise too for pelvic stabilization. So here we go. One leg up unlock in the knee. So just take it in and out for eight press. [inaudible] all right, it's a little different leg for me and three, four. So if you're noticing what I just was queuing, my ankle is a little on this side on me is just a little bit different.

So I've got to tighten up my seat. I've got to use my muscles in the hip more like almost like they're hugging against my bone to stabilize some joint movement there so my muscles can do more work is this side is a little different. Okay. Now externally rotate. Same thing. Let's go for eight. I work a lot more in my abdominals as well on this side. Two, three, these little exercises. Keep things honest in certain ways.

Hi, six seven, eight and then we'll do our combination from the top. Come down parallel. We'll push out to turn out for eight. So one back in parallel can really work. The combination EQ turning out in more outer hip, more inner hip, more outer hips, more inner hip. You've got it for more.

Three, two. My nervous system is kind of freaking out here. OK, come in. Turned out. Now as you push for eight per go to parallel and parallel. Very so tripod foot, big toe, pinky toe side and he'll go for more. Three. Great for hip strengthening. Okay, last one.

We're not going to do single leg on balls of feet. Okay? But I do want you to come up. Let's go down one red spring. Now we are going to do little sideline. I think it's important to do some lateral work with this too. So I try to get the disc and relatively in line with the foot bar. Um, it's a little off, but taking the head rest down, I'm going to go all the way down on that arm. Bottom leg stays bend.

Take your foot in parallel. Push yourself out. Take a quick look. Again, you're trying to get yourself as in alignment as you can. Now the top hip might be leaning back a little bit. Get yourself right on the side of your pelvis, okay. Or your client's pelvis. Really be picky. Belt. This alignment matters. You don't want to train back there, okay, so same thing.

You're only coming in as much as you can. Keep your heel down. That's it. And then it's from the hip to heal. Now push a little bit more. You're going to see a little more stretch in me here. That's what you want. Okay, eight times. So this doesn't just up at the knee extension, it goes all the way through your abdominals. Lengthen and press link. Okay. I'll just take this arm here just to give my sip a little more room to x.

Oh for energy five and six and seven eight you get the idea that we're going to do eight and turnout, so I'm feeling a little different. Engagement in my hip for two reasons. The plane of gravity than a men lighter spring, so I'm not getting the same spring co communication. Now that I'm actually having to work more on my own, which is what we're trying to build. Okay, so turning out really important not to over twist the ankle or over-rotate the ankle. It's only as much as you can work from here. Knee is should be in line with that second, third toe. Okay.

AM press extend. There's the extension and it doesn't stop with the knee. It goes all the way through the quads all the way up the body and five and six and seven an eight. Okay. We are going to do a little combo, so go down parallel, come out to turnout, so we've got one. We'll just do this combo. You can switch the other one too. Rotate parallel, rotate, parallel asked for, and six [inaudible]. Ooh Man, this is working a lot differently. Well, why almost forgot to do seven and last one and rotate.

Good and come on in so you feel free to do the other Combo. But let's keep moving on. I'm going to go to the other side. Okay, whoop. Turn around. Fine. Damn. Get yourself in line. Okay. And unlike the hip Stan, and here we go.

Parallel for eight press and two really important to really try to allow the front of the ankle to bend to yield your thigh. Shouldn't drop or turn in or really parallel right in this plane and six press and seven in a. Okay. Externally rotates a come on down and turn out. Here we go for eight. Really make sure you're studying the foot feeling on the board. The disc is, you're not rolling to the outside edge. Too much. Be picky. It's not about the how turned out the ankle can be.

It's really even as from hip, knee, foot. She'd be feeling a good amount of work in the back of your hip ass. Last one. Okay. And then the combination come in parallel, push out to turn out for eight one yeah, two and three. Four work in the control fi six last two seven and eh, alright come all the way in. So alum gonna come up and turn a face. You guys again. And before we go into the hands, I do want to do a little hand warmups. So grab a set of balls you could do, these are lacrosse balls, you could do tennis balls and um, with bone strengthening it doesn't, you know, a lot of it is in the hips.

Of course we talked so much about the hips. Spine risks are really important to stay strong. There's a lot of lot of um, need to keep your restaurant. Let's keep it that way. Okay. Or your clients or if they're having grip problems, I want you to hold the balls and squeeze.

Just really give a good squeeze against the balls cause that have taught. And notice if you, if you can, that the energy that's in your hands, put it all the way up into your shoulders, up into your upper back. Okay. Squeeze. And then just release it's three more times and just give your hands, you know, uh, wrapping around and I want your, you're in a minute. We're gonna do some wrist circles.

Reason why I'm starting this before we come hands on the discs is just a warm up the upper back, okay. In the shoulder. So hold feely relationship, hand to shoulder and down. And one more time in squeeze. Okay. Now if you lift your arms just a little bit and turn palms face down and then just lift the and flex the wrists and extend the wrists oof and IX flex and extend so it doesn't matter high your arms are up in the air right now. I just want you to feel like you can do this mote motion of your wrist. Okay. Risks get a little stiff. We get weak in the grip. Sometimes though, the strength needs to be looked at from the shoulder cell all the way up.

Relationships, hands the shoulders. Okay, now make circles and see if you can keep the circle action really at the wrist and not the shoulders and the arms. Really the gyro movement is at the wrist there. There I had to make mine smaller and go the other way. I had six and seven and eight. Okay. We could get carried away with those, but we're going to put them down, so I'm going to have you come onto your knees on the reformer.

Let's drop this web. Let's try it. Actually the one red. All right. Now if you're someone who can't get on the knees with this, you could put a long box up if you have that and then be prone and put your hands on the desks. For the purpose of this class, I'm just going to go onto my knees. I'm going to open them up a little bit. I want to get relatively comfortable in my hips, lower the chest down and kind of get the hand. I'm going to put my fingers pretty near the top of it. That disc index finger pointed straight up, some angled in a little bit and then see if you could just extend the carriage out and pause for a moment. Okay, let's not go anywhere.

Let's just check into the hands just like we did with the feet, so if you push a little more weight onto the finger tips of all 10 of your fingers and almost like the base of the hand or the palm of the hand, kind of suction cups up a little bit and then I'm going to try to get a little more extension out of my elbows. I'm going to try to drop my chest down. Maybe you can see that a little bit better. I'm not sure. Me Mindful not to flare those ribs. Okay, now there we go. I'm going to relax my poem. You can't see much of this. I know. And then try to lift the poem a little and relax the poem and just hover a little bit. Just kind of give a little bit of poem focus.

Okay. Four and five. That's all. Now let's turn the arm bones in just like we did with the legs, but the legs, we didn't go all the way internally rotated with the arms. I do want us to go as much internally rotate as you can, fingertips face in and then fingertips face out and fingertips face in. But what also is happening here is your scapula. Your shoulder blades are doing a nice upward rotation on your back and a downward rotation.

So imagine that these disks and really informed the motion of your scapula left outward and upward, down and in. So in my mind, I'm the base of my wrist that is the bottom of my shoulder blade and I'm going out and up and out and down. Couple more. If you're feeling your back muscles, that's a good thing. We're in there and the right way, okay.

Out and in. Okay, put one hand down. Come all the way in for just a moment. Bring yourself up. We're going to do one arm at a time. Does a few exercises for this cause you might already be feeling that. The intensity of the exercise. So now if you take your hand, heel of the hand near the top, I'm going to put this hand down and just lower your chest a little bit.

Single arm, push up. You know, it's not that complicated, but it's a great exercise. Oops. Yeah. How do you keep a nice flat back and instead of thinking what to do to s you know, scapular should go in or out. Just keep the disc steady and most likely your shoulder blade is steady or not your that little movement there. All right. Bye. Six. There we go. Whoops. Dang it. Seven keeping me honest here and eight just that much on the other side.

Okay. He live the hand at near the top. Alright. [inaudible] too. Yup. So like I said, this my left side is my side. You can see I'm having a little more need to focus and keeping this side steady is okay. Five feeling my left side of my back working beautifully here and seven and last one eight. Okay, good. Come all the way up. Now I am going to have this, just take the, the dis off and we're going to do just a little bit of brisk jumping just to kind of put all of that together. So I'm going to just take these off. Okay.

And for just some easy jumping put on the springs that feel good to you. I'm going to do two red and let's just go through some of those leg positions that we did with the rotation. Okay, so just lie back. Let's see if we can build a little endurance here. So starting with your legs extended, walking the feet down. I'm going to keep a little space between and here we go.

Just jump away. Resilient, not forceful. Five. I'm going to try 10 jumps here, six and seven and eight and nine. 10 is if I were on this swivel discs and just turn out holding the work in the external rotators, not in those grippy hip flexors. Hold it back here and seven and eight and nine and 10 through to alternate landing parallel swiveled to turnout. So we'll the parallel swiveled the turnout. Can I have to pretend that you're still on them?

[inaudible] keep going. Let's go. 10 more. One from here. Two and three and four and five and six and they're coming to get me eat the other coast guard night and 10 let's go 10 more. What the heck? And one and two and three, four and five. Stay focused on the back of the hips and seven and eight and nine and 10 you can land and just pause. Okay, so hopefully feeling a little work up here. Out here. Let's do single leg on the staying on shoe red.

Let's just go for 10 jumps and two, four, five, six. Remember that same extension and I'm eight and nine and 10 other side for 10 and one the back of the hip. That's where the power is. Oh five six, seven, eight it does alternate legs in parallel for 10 and then we'll trace some turnout and four, five, six, eight [inaudible] nine let's just come in for just a quick checkin. Turn that leg out. The other one is parallel.

That's like we were five jumps only it turned out it's a little more intense, so from a year for five for sure. Three long inner thigh case, which sides for five. Here we go. One, two, three, four, five. You've cited again for five and then we'll alternate. Two, three, four, five. One, two from the back of the hip for five alternating eyes for 10 I'm going to do a little hoedown legs here. It's easier to transition and push and push. Push. Push.

Nine. I'm taking 10 more. Don't give up. Try to keep going through. They don't have to be big jumps. Five, six, [inaudible] seven strong hips, strong bones. Nine and 10. Okay. Come in the middle. Quiet the reformer. Quiet your body. Feel your heart rate and then we'll do just one set of hand jumps.

I've done these before. You've probably seen me do. Let's go. Let's go on blue. Okay. Everybody down to blue. Same thing. You're on your knees. You're almost done with this workout. Quick little program. Okay. You're probably going to need to come in a little closer to the jump board.

Hands on there. Yeah, I remember. Yeah. Let's not swivel the shoulder blades out or too close together. Try to keep him set in one place on your back. Okay. Okay. That your hands do a little like that.

Kind of good for your fingers anyway. Okay. Or You could just keep them straight out. What's your elbows relaxed when you come in, just like I was saying, the front of the ankles. How about the elbows and about the wrists? I mean do one arm at a time.

Oh, that's so fun. And it's hard and push. Trying to keep the torso steady between those legs. If this is too much on your risk to jump, you'll know right away it won't feel really good. Or if your client, if they say, Ooh, that hurts, don't push him through it. Just stay with the pushes. No jumps. Okay. I'm going to go back to two hands, just 10 more jumps and then we'll take a quick stretch.

Use your back to push, meaning your shoulder blade muscles. Remember the shoulder to hand relationship. Six. We're almost there. Seven, eight, nine, 10 and pause. Actually I'm going to have us do one more set. I do want us to exaggerate maybe this angle, so I'm doing that with my arms. Okay. Try it. So it'll be almost like fingers to the top corner of the board.

Thumbs maybe more vertical. Now just see what it feels like. You see it, feel it in your wrist. Feels different because I just bang that reform or four. So those subtle little changes are really important to do. Seven, very different. Eight, nine, and 10. Okay. Let's do a little stretch. Bring yourself up onto your knees.

Step off to the outside of one side of your reformer. Take the foot back. We're just going to stretch out our hip flexors. Outside foot comes forward to her. So upright, you don't even have to go anywhere. This is a great stretch here. Or You could descend the carriage back and down a little bit and bring it in. Easy. Very light on the knee. If anything, there's more weight on your outside foot out here.

[inaudible] let's do one more. We're gonna hold this one. Feel balanced between both legs. If you wanted to extend the knee, you can. I'm going to pitch that forward. That just feels better for my hip. Um, body, upright, kerogen. Okay. And then the other side.

So hope you found some of this work in formative and fun to do. Here we go. Little stretch. Important to keep those hip flexors lengthened. A little more weight on this outside foot and last one everybody, and just hold it. Center the weight between the feed and if you'd like that additional extension, tip the body down just a little so it's not so aggressive of a work in your low back. Extend your hip. Okay.

Today was all about those hip, hip joints, right? Hips and hips and wrist. Okay. There you go. Thanks everybody. I'll see you next time.


1 person likes this.
Awesome Amy! This is going to be so good for some of my osteo people! I did this at home so I did not have the rotating discs, but it seemed to work OK with just really focusing on rotating my hips. Loved the handwork with the balls and the hand jumping. PS love your pants !
1 person likes this.
Thanks Amy for this creative class. Now I have to get myself a second disc and play with some Velcro first. In the meantime, like Connie, I had to practice without the disc....I almost could feel how much harder it will be to stabilise with them. I used the weight balls initially for the arm work. Thanks for a great class. My Osteo clients will be thankful too!
Thank you Connie and Doris. Without having the discs, we are still able to use the concept and the suggestion to inform to movement and the biomechanics. Glad you both found some elements to work with. :)
1 person likes this.
I love Amy's cueing and great explanations!
Thank you so much Jennifer!
1 person likes this.
Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!
Thank you so much Paula, glad you enjoyed this class!
Hi Amy, Excellent class using the discs.  Any chance that you would have more disc workouts?
Margery C
This is one of my new FAVES!  it seems to really balance out my low back and hips that tend to get tight and is a perfect complement for my heavier weight training 2x/week for improving my bone density.  

Oh yeah! And I found that I Amy be pretty strong, but can really use building up the jumping power.  Perfect jumpboard ending!  Thank for this, Amy!

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