Class #2933

Reformer on the Cadillac

40 min - Class


Enjoy Reformer exercises on the Cadillac in this workout by Mariska Breland. She starts immediately with creative movements that will challenge your body in a new way. She includes variations to exercises like the Hundred, Cat, Parakeet, and so much more!
What You'll Need: Cadillac, Reformer Box

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Mar 11, 2017
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Hi, I'm Mariska Breland from Fuse Pilates in Washington, D.C., and this is my fifth visit to Pilates Anytime and my very first time that I'm actually going to be the student and the teacher at the same time, so I have to say, all of the nerves I had for the first visit, multiply that by like 5,000 and that's pretty much how I feel right now. I'm gonna tell you how we have the Cadillac set up. We have a reformer box for a couple of exercises that are coming in the middle. We have the purple springs set up, and they are going to be where the foot loop is touching, maybe midway on the actual bed of the Cadillac. We have the roll-down bar on the highest setting.

And we have both a red spring and a blue spring for the push-through bar, and if you are a little bit on the heavier side, you might want two reds, because we're gonna do a variation of something where you really want a lot of support for that. If you are working on, say, a Gratz or a Basil Cadillac, where the foot springs are way more heavy than they are for the balanced body ones, I would have both the leg springs and the arm springs available, I'm doing the purples for some arm exercises that I do with my private instructor, Lisa, and she has all Gratz equipment, so that's kind of how we're set up. So we're gonna start just having a seat and just doing a couple of roll-downs, because, well, just everyone does them, so it must be the right thing to do. So we're gonna sit up tall, and then slight pressure down, begin to roll down through your spine, bone by bone, and I always feel like the first one, you never get quite right and you always have to adjust to bring your feet back in. So start bringing your chin to your chest, begin to roll up, and instead of pushing down into the springs, just let the spring lift you up, and you're only gonna come up 'til the spring closes.

And then exhale as you round back down, rolling through your spine, head's the last thing down. Chin to your chest, abs pull in, let the spring help you on the way up. And then slowly roll down through your spine. One vertebrate at a time. Gonna do three more like this.

Chin to your chest, abs in, roll yourself all the way up to seated, and then slowly lay your spine back down. We've got two more, rolling it up. And I'm trying to have each one of my vertebra have its own moment where it's touching down, so I'm really tilting my pubic bone up towards my spine. And then when you get to the bottom, you can come back to more of a neutral pelvis where you have a little bit of space. We're gonna do one more.

So making your way up, all the way up to seated. And we're gonna actually scoot in a little bit closer than we normally would, and we're gonna do kind of a one-legged 100 variation, so you're gonna lie down, extend one leg up, and begin to pump your arms. So you can have the other leg extended out. So inhale, we're only gonna do half, because we have two legs. Go ahead and bend your left leg, bend your right leg and hook your foot on the bar, and then we'll go ahead and roll up to a little bit of a stretch, and you can pull your leg in a little bit closer, and then we'll go ahead and lower your right leg down and scoot back a little bit, I feel like I was a little bit close, and then roll down, you're gonna send your left leg over, right leg out, and begin to pump.

So my left side is my more MS-affected side, so this leg is both weaker and tighter, so it's probably not lifted as high, which is why. And then go ahead and bend your leg, or you can leave it straight and you can extend your other leg up so you're getting a little bit of a stretch. So we're gonna take the roll-down bar and we're gonna push it over so it's a little bit out of the way 'cause we're not gonna need it for a little while. My buckles have gotten messed up. So we're just gonna let it hang there, and we'll turn around, you have the leg springs set up, we're gonna do leg spring stuff first.

So I'm gonna start lying down on my back. And then I wanna be far enough away that I can push my arms kind of straight overhead, and I'm not necessarily gonna push them low, I'm gonna push them a little bit higher than my shoulders, so I'll step my right foot into the strap and my left foot into the strap. And then we're gonna start with some frogs, so I like thumbs with fingers, I just think it feels safer. Go ahead and begin to press your legs out. And bend to come in.

Push out. And in. So you're trying to squeeze your heels together as if you're holding some valuable. I usually say, the Hemsworth Brothers of choice phone number, which doesn't apply to everyone. But definitely applies to me.

Go ahead and push out. And in. And you're trying to control the springs, so, if you're looking up at the springs, you shouldn't see them really jiggling or wobbling, you want them to be really moving smoothly. Now pause, only your right leg. Bring it in, heels touch.

Right leg out, heels touch. Right leg out, heels touch, right leg out, heels touch. Do three more. Two. And three, right leg stays put.

Left leg out, it's a little shakier on this side. Out, and in, out, and in. So it's really common for one side neurologically to be weaker than another when someone has a neurological disease. So for me it's definitely my left, so my left has a little bit worse proprioception than my right, so it takes more concentration to kind of get it right on this side. Now we're gonna go ahead and take your legs up to roughly 90 degrees.

Now if you're looking up at your legs, imagine that you have like the face of a clock. And you're gonna lower your legs down and we're gonna do a Julian Littleford favorite, which is called threes and nines. So you'll take one leg up, so it's hitting 12 o'clock. The other leg is out to nine o'clock. And then you press down.

And then you move out so one's at three, one's at 12, and you press down. So you're alternating, you don't have to necessarily close the spring, but you're trying to control mostly what your pelvis is doing, which here it would like to rock from side to side, if you're like me. So lifting up, and down. Lifting up, and down. We'll do one more each side.

Lift up, and down, lift up, and down. Go ahead and bend your legs back into a frog. And then we're gonna come into what I'm gonna call a third position frog, so you have the arch of one foot and the heel of another foot together, and then press out. So one leg's not necessarily gonna go all the way straight, just because of the position that we're in. So trying to keep your heel and ankle connected.

Last one, switch. Bend in, and press, bend in, and press. We're gonna do roughly four more. Two, three, and four, leave your legs out and then we'll cross right over left. Left over right.

And we're trying not again to let the springs kind of shake, so we're trying to control the motion. So we cross, and cross, and cross, and cross. And then if you wanna add more fun choreography, you can do a double tap, tap, tap. And tap, tap. Tap, tap.

And switch, and switch. And switch, last four. Two. Three. And four.

Go ahead and bring your legs back into a frog. And you can let the springs close, so you can take a little bit of a break, so just kind of giving your hamstrings a little rest. And also your shoulders a rest from pressing in. So on this next one, we're gonna press out into a frog, but we're also going to lift our hips up at the same time. So you push out, hips come off.

And then you bend in and just drop your hips back down. So you press to lift. And bend to lower, and I just lost my mic. And press to lift, I'll get it back eventually. And lower, press out.

And now we're just gonna take that shape up. Try to maintain kind of a neutral spine as you lift up. And lower. Lift up. And lower.

I don't really know if there's any real great purpose for this exercise, other than I just think it's really fun. So we lift up. And down. And lift. And lower, and then go ahead and bend your knees in, and lower your hips all the way down, and then you can just take the straps off.

And then you can make your way up to seated. And we're actually gonna spin around and come to lying on your stomach. So we're gonna do this as if we're doing, pulling straps on the reformer, except we're gonna use the leg springs. So this is actually my favorite workout that my teacher gives me, which is sort of a reformer on the Cadillac. So you start with a lengthened low back.

You're gonna pull down and lift up. So you're pulling your arms straight down instead of down and back. And then you slowly lower back down. Lift up. And lower back down.

Lift up. And back down, couple more times. Lift. And lower, one more time. Lift up.

And lower. Now we kind of get the gnarly one, which is the T, which, I think I'll never like, but, arms are out to the side. You're not gonna be able to lift up very high. But just pull your arms back, lift your chest up. And lower.

Pull to lift. And lower. Pull to lift. And lower. Two more times.

And last time. And then lower down, we're just gonna let these go, 'cause we're gonna need them as we flip over. So you don't wanna be too far away, 'cause it doesn't get lighter as you move out, but there's gonna be no tension in the springs when you start. We're gonna do backstroke and teaser. So backstroke is not, another one of my not favorite exercises.

Chin to your chest. Arms are above your head. Extend your arms and legs. Circle your arms around, pause. Bend to come back in.

Arms and legs reach. Circle. And bend. Reach up. Circle.

And bend, and reverse. Go out. Lift up. And bend. Reach out.

Lift up. And bend. Go out. Lift up. And then lower down.

Go ahead and extend your legs all the way long. So, if we were doing teaser on the reformer on the box, it's kind of a scary exercise for some people, 'cause they feel like they could go falling backwards. I think this is kind of a safer place for people to learn it. But just think instead of pushing your arms forward, you're pushing your arms down. So start with your chin to your chest.

Push into the straps, and lift your legs up. And then go ahead and slowly lower away from it. So there are the arm, or the leg springs, so they're kind of push you around a little bit. But you get more help from the spring to come up. And then also, less help from the spring to come down.

So push down. And then you could do little arm presses forward. And lower down, and on this next one we're gonna do little arm circles. So you lift up, and you push, circle one, two, and three. And then everything lowers all the way back down.

Go ahead and make your way up to seated. We're gonna do a quick little spring change by taking one purple spring to the center, and then we take the other purple spring, 'cause I know where we're going eventually, to the outside here, 'cause we're gonna use that later. Go ahead and have a seat. You can sit with bent knees. And you're gonna hold onto the strap.

And you wanna be not all the way away where it's completely tight, but away enough that you, when you lean back, you feel tension pretty soon. So from here, go ahead and round back, 'til your low back touches, and then we're gonna do little baby lifts. Up, and down. Lift up, and up, and lift. And lift, and we can add obliques, so going to one side, and the other side, lift up.

And lift. And twist. And twist. Remember to keep your abs pulling down. Especially if you're wearing a cutoff shirt.

Twist, and twist, for four. And two. And three. And four, go ahead and extend your legs straight. Roll up for a moment, and this time when you lift your arms up, I'm gonna literally cross my hands so we're making a fist.

Lifting my arms up and back, leaning back with a rounded back. And I'm just gonna press my arms back. And my shoulders are really tight, so I'm not going very far. Little press, and press, for eight, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eight. And then you can come all the way up.

Go ahead an let go of that spring. We're gonna turn around so we're facing this side of the machine. And we're gonna start by lifting the push-through bar up. I'm just gonna use the red. And we're gonna start by pushing the push-through bar down so that it lands between the two poles.

And I'm gonna scoot back. So when I lay down, my arms are basically straight. So you can go ahead and just drop your chin or your forehead down, and we're gonna start by bending your elbows. Keep the bar where it is, and it's not bent in too far, like maybe halfway. And then you lift up to where the bar ended up being.

And then go ahead and press down. So it's in. Lift. And push. In, lift, and push.

One more this direction. And then we switch directions. So you lift up first. Bend. Press straight.

Lift up, pull the bar in a little bit. Bend as you lower, press. Lift up. Bend. And press.

And lift up. Bend, and press. Turning my head to one side, bend my elbows. Let the bar lift up towards the ceiling. See how much lift you can get.

And then turn your head as you're lowering down so your head is now facing the other direction. Bend in. And lift. Lower, turn your head. We're gonna do two more.

Bend. Press up. If you wanted to look up, you can. Lower. And last time, bend.

Press up. You can drop your chest a little bit. And then slowly lower everything all the way down, one hand down, so you can slowly let this lift up to the top. And then we'll do a quick child's pose, so just press your hips back to your heels. And then make your way up to seated.

This is usually how I like to get into it, 'cause we're gonna do reverse push-through. So, hand on. Push the bar down. Other hand on, and I never get my seat in exactly the right spot to start, so I'll probably have to adjust, but you're gonna sit up tall, and think of this as spine stretch forward, basically how we're gonna stack back up. So on exhale you round back.

Take this shape forward, and then imagine you're just doing like how you stack your spine against a wall, that's what your back is doing and your arms are just going along for the ride, and then you go back forward and then slowly again round back. Take it forward. Lift up, extending your spine. Push forward, and again, round back. Take that shape forward.

Extend your spine up against that imaginary wall. There's a lot of imaginary walls in Pilates. And then sit up enough just to flip your hands the other direction. So if you find that this gets into your elbows, definitely put a bend in your elbows on this one. We're gonna round back.

Come forward. Same concept, lift up and back. Push down. Push back. Come forward.

Lift up. And press down. And last one. Go back. And forward.

Lift up. So I'm gonna push it down a little bit, 'cause this is kind of more awkward position. So I can have one hand on, and just let the spring lift up to the top. I mean you'll turn around, and we're gonna to kneeling. And we're gonna do cat a couple different ways.

So the first way is going to be a free fall cat however you wanna do it. So we're not gonna try to like land exactly perfect positions or necessarily keep your hips over your knees. Just press the bar down. And just begin to move. So you're gonna let your body tell you what it wants to do.

My body sat on a plane yesterday for eight hours. So it just wants to move in all sorts of different directions to get that nice stretch. And some people will probably say, oh, this is not classical, but I gotta think the gist applies to this at least one time. Then we'll come all the way up. And now we'll do it for real to prove that we learned it in our teacher training.

So go ahead and stand on your knees. You're gonna push the bar down. Chin to your chest. Begin to fold yourself in half. Then when you can't fold down anymore, you reach out.

So try not to push your shoulders out of the joint. You're gonna lift back up with a rounded spine, like we're stacking up against a wall. Do one more like that. So you push down, chin to your chest. And then extend out, if you wanna do, this is how I learned it from my classical ways, you lift up a little bit almost like down stretch.

Push back out. And lift to come all the way up. Now we're gonna do an oblique variation, so, knees together, and then we're gonna turn so that your knees are facing towards one of the different poles on the Cadillac. So start by pressing down. Begin to round down.

And out, same concept. Lift up, you're gonna feel a little bit more of a pinch in your obliques, and come up to the top. Two more times. Press out. And lift back up.

One more like this, press down. Come in halfway, now take your outside leg up. And we're gonna have the bar basically between the two poles, and we're just gonna do little lifts with your leg. Up for eight, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, push it back for eight, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, now we're gonna do a combo. So my goal here is to try to keep the bar from moving, it's moving some.

Four. We're gonna do four more, one, and two, and three, and four. Lower your leg, round your spine, come all the way up, and turn, so you're pivoting essentially in the other direction, so now your knees are facing the other pole. Chin to your chest. Round forward.

And out, and lift. Back up to standing. Round forward. Reach out. Pull in.

And back up, this next one we'll stay out. So you round forward. Reach out, pull back. Lift your outside leg up, and it slow lifts for eight, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, push back for eight. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, combo, up, and back.

Two, and back, yes, I'm shaking. Three, and back. Four, and back, last four, one, and two, this is exhausting, three, and four. Knees come together. Round up.

Go ahead and just turn, and then you get a little bit of a stretch just by leaning forward. And then you can go ahead, kind of come back, hang back a little bit, sitting on your heels. And then you can let the bar go. Okay, so from here, we're gonna do a hips-off parakeet version. So you're gonna want more spring than you usually have, because we're gonna keep our hips up the entire time.

So for me, I have measured myself, and I am exactly the right length to lay with my arms straight and my legs straight the length of the Cadillac. If you are not as tall as me, I'm like five, I'm five-seven in my mind, and five-six in my body. So if you're not roughly the same length and proportions as me, grab the box, put the box up against the two rails if you're shorter, so that you can use something to push into, 'cause you can also do this with your hands by your side. But I've tried that, it's way harder. So we're gonna do it this way.

'Cause this is the easier way to do it. So I'm just gonna take a foot and grab hold of the bar and push it so it ends up basically between the two rails. And then I'm gonna come lying down on my back and reach overhead for the outside of the poles. Same rule applies here with thumbs or fingers. So go ahead and bend your knees in.

Let the bar lift up to the top. And then peel your back up bone by bone. So we're gonna start by bending your knees, keeping your hips lifted up. Think about getting your weight over your legs. Bend your knees back in.

Spring goes up. So do that a couple more times. So you bend. And push. And bend.

And lift. And one more time, bend. And push. And bend. And lift.

Now we get to do the fun part, the kicks, right leg up. Left leg up. Right leg up. Left leg up. We'll do a bend in between.

This is gonna be the day of dropping the mic, bend in. Lift back up, but I'm not stopping, 'cause this is hard. Right leg up. Left leg up. Right leg up.

Left leg up. And then go ahead and one more time bend. Push. Bend. And lift, and I'm Just gonna lay my spine down.

Moving my mic out of the way. And then I'm just gonna, 'cause I'm not quite tall enough, I'm just gonna let my one foot down so my other foot can come off. And I'll hug my knees into my chest, rocking a little bit from side to side. Just kinda releasing that. I'm gonna rock up to seated.

Take my trusty microphone, and hook it back onto my pants. And I'm just gonna leave the bar where it is, because I'm gonna come back to it. But I want to before we get back to it use the long box. And we're gonna take that purple spring that's in the middle, or I keep it in the middle, we're gonna lift it to the high middle, and then we're gonna take the box and put it on long ways. So how far away it is is gonna be basically, the further away, the harder.

The closer, the easier it is. Because I'm gonna only be on one spring, for the next exercise I'm gonna go ahead and take that down. And then I'm gonna come to a seated position, train. We say the train is how we know it's a real backdrop, because the train does pass. So you're gonna sit on the box and you're gonna kind of straddle it.

So if I was doing horseback, which is essentially what this is gonna be a variation of, I would be able to extend my leg so that my knee is in line with the outside edge of the box. I've tried it with legs extended, and I couldn't do it, so I'm gonna do it with bent knees. You're gonna grab sort of the inside of the strap overhead. First start with a lean forward. Lengthen low back and just press your arms straight.

Just kind of getting used to how heavy the spring is. We'll do four more like this. Two. Three. And four.

And now we're going to use the weight of the spring to find the position that you need to find in horseback, which I find a lot of times people like end up going way more forward than they need to go, and I find if you have the weight coming from overhead, it actually kind of just naturally happens. So you press forward, tuck your pelvis, lift up, enough that you could drive like a Matchbox car underneath, and then lower back down. So that lift, that space between your legs, is not the most important part of this exercise. The most important part is the curve of your lower back, the pulling in of your abs, and the engagement of your inner thighs. So I'm gonna come up one more time, stay up, and just do eight presses.

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eight. Now have a seat down, and go ahead and let that go. So, so that we didn't get the box out for just one exercise, we're gonna do one more thing, and this is actually something that I do more as a physical therapy thing for myself. So I'm gonna put the box, because I'm not gonna walk around to the other side, in the middle, basically where this, this ends up in the middle. So I'm gonna step with my right foot on first.

So my right hip is facing towards the Cadillac. I'm gonna step my left leg into the strap, my left foot. And I wanna be able to be kind of near the edge of the box, because I'm gonna do like a step down, and then stand back up, so, stairs are actually something that are kind of hard for me. So with the weakness in my left leg, this is my strong leg I'm starting with, getting the lift up is actually difficult. But if you have the weight of the spring, I think it's easier to try to keep your pelvis relatively level.

We're gonna do three more. Two. And three, now on this next one, we're just gonna lower down a little bit. Push your leg back. So we're getting a little hip extension work.

Let's do eight more. Two. Three. Four. Five.

Six. Seven. Eight, circle, eight. Two. Three.

Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight, switch it, eight.

Two. Three. Four. Five. Six.

Seven. And eight. Then we'll come all the way up. Go ahead and just let the spring come off. And then we'll do a 180 to face the other direction, I'm gonna actually scoot this back.

Like the tiniest little bit. So same exercise, different leg, so for me, my left leg is, there's a lot of tightness in the back of my calf. So this won't look as pretty, but it is what it is. This is like real. Down, up.

Down, up, so my heel is lifting off, 'cause I don't have the flexibility to go this range and keep my heel down. And that tightness in the back of the leg is something that's super common with neurological diseases. Let's do last one. Lower down a little bit. Push the mic out of the way, little presses back.

For eight, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, circle, eight, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, switch directions. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eight. Leg comes across. Take the strap off. And I'm just gonna move this out of the side.

Clean as you go. Then we come back to the push-through bar. I'm gonna use it for some squats. So I'm gonna stand up. I wanna be maybe in parallel, toes facing forward.

And when I go down, I'm gonna go all the way down to the floor. So, feet are down. Lower down, touch your butt. Stand back up. Lower down, back is staying straight.

And stand back up. Lower. And lift. Lower. And lift.

Let's do four more. Lift. Down. And lift. Last two.

And lift. And last one. And lift, step back a little bit. So we're gonna do some planking. So your hands are gonna be, you wanna be about arm's distance away.

And then think about keeping your arms over, or your shoulders over your arms. So chin to your chest. Begin to round forward. And then you're just going to have to come up to your tip-toes at a certain point. As you push out and pause, then you're gonna draw back, heels drop, tuck your pelvis under, it's like cat, and then come back up to standing.

Chin to your chest. Roll down. And out. And then we come back. And lift up, on this next one we're gonna do some pushups.

So make sure again it's underneath, your hands are underneath your shoulders. Round forward, push out, pause there, we'll do five pushups, trying to keep the bar relatively quiet. Three. Four. And five.

Weight back into your heels. Round your spine, and lift all the way up. We'll go ahead and take this spring off. And let this bar go. And then we'll spin back around and we'll come back to the roll-up bar.

So we can take this spring off, because it's now in the way, and we can take the other spring off because we don't need it. And we'll just lay them on top of the long box. And then we'll grab the roll-up bar and pull it through again. So make sure, sometimes these things get caught up on the spring, so make sure it's even on both sides. And we're gonna do a chest expansion variation that Julian taught me.

You wanna make sure you're pretty close. So you're gonna start with your legs parallel. Hips forward, back lengthened, press down. Look right, left, center, arms go forward. Press down, look left, right, center, arms forward.

The next variation turns into a side stretch. So the bar's gonna stay attached to your legs as you go. Press down, leave it there, lean back, you're not going far, lift up, arms forward. Again, push back, lean back, lift up, and arms forward. We're gonna come back, so we're further, so more satisfying side-stretch position.

Lengthen your low back. Let your arms do what they did in the roll-ups in the beginning, so they're gonna help you on the way up. But you're not gonna bend 'em, you're just gonna lift them higher. So lengthen back, lean back, lift your arms as you're coming up. And usually standing up over, shoulders over knees is almost, feels like you're too far forward.

So again, lean back. And lift. Lean back. And lift, we'll add the back bend on this next one. So you lean back, arch back, head touches, chin to your chest.

Lift up, we're going right into rolling in and out. Push down. Pull back, iron the front of your legs. Pull back, turn a back bend, head down. Lift your arms up, stay in the back bend as you come up and over.

Pull back, row in. Lift up. And come up and then we'll do the reverse. So you go back, arch back. Pull the bar in.

Chin to your chest, iron the front of your legs. Shift your weight forward. Stand up one more time. Go back. Chin to your chest.

Slide forward. Lean forward. And come all the way up. Just take a moment, sit your hips back to your heels. And stretch back.

Okay, so from there, we're going to, so this is the only part you can't do if you don't have a Cadillac. So the entire rest of it, if you have a tower, you're good. I'm gonna put the trapeze on, I don't actually need it for the first exercise, 'cause I could just kinda hop up to the trapeze bar. But I want it for a stretch for the end so I'm just gonna put it on now, so, make sure that it's hooked in. And then I already measured it for my height earlier, 'cause I wanna do a couple of back extensions, and I'm gonna try to do a flip over, 'cause I like flip overs, I actually have a whole hash tag thing on Instagram, Flip Over Friday, that I like.

And I might have to take, something strange is going on here. So you always wanna make sure your springs are in the right spot, if it looks crooked, make sure you fix it. So I measured this out, I'm probably gonna break this up, because I have a little bit of grip strength weakness, which is also an MS thing. So I'm gonna walk up and I'm gonna do a little back bend. So I'm gonna, instead of doing hanging back, which I feel like I can't get as much back extension as I want, I'm gonna walk up to the higher bar, so my feet are on the higher bar, and I'm gonna push into a back bend and bend my knees.

Push into a back bend and bend my knees, one more time, push in, and bend. And I'm just gonna use the trapeze since it's there to take a step down and to take another step down. So I'm giving my wrists a little break, my grip a little break, and then I'm gonna do candlestick. So candlestick is the flip where you go with your legs up to the ceiling. Think about it as a hip extension exercise.

Make sure you've got a good grip 'cause you don't wanna drop yourself on your head. And if you've never done this before, obviously have a spotter. and I think coming out of it by walking over and just letting your feet find the mat is the easiest way. So if you've never done inversions, have somebody work with you on how to fall. So you wanna learn How to fall in both directions, going forward, and then going backwards.

Hopefully I'm not gonna do either of those. So I'm gonna walk up. And then kind of turn over, bring a knee into my chest, bring the other knee into my chest, and then begin to extend my legs up to the ceiling, trying to be in a nice straight line. And then I'm gonna let one leg go and it's gonna catch the bar and I'm going to drop forward into a back bend, 'cause that also feels good, and then I'm gonna pull myself through so my legs are gonna come off, and I'm just gonna slowly let my feet find the floor. Floor being the Cadillac, floor would be bad.

And then reach down, just coming into a forward fold. And then I'm gonna drop down to my knees and use this bar, or the strap, to do a little kind of assisted child's pose where I can get a stretch through my shoulders. So the last thing I'm gonna do is sort of a lunge stretch. And I want this to be a little bit closer. So I'm gonna move it in a little bit.

I'm just gonna pull forward just a couple of inches. And then my hands are probably gonna be in the right spot where they were before, maybe they'll go forward a little bit. And I'm gonna take a leg back. I'm gonna start with my left leg back. And I'm just gonna hook it in the strap.

Pop my other leg forward. And come into a lunge. And I could lift up a little bit. I'm gonna adjust my hands forward a little bit. And come into a lunge.

And then I want to get my front foot to the push-through bar so I can go into more of a split stretch. So my splits aren't perfect, and you can do some biceps to pull yourself up. And back down. Pull up before you step off. Step your foot out.

And try to slow this thing from swinging. Ah, before I switch to the other side. So this is my tighter side. So right foot in. Go into a lunge.

And stand up. Kind of adjusting my foot a bit. Go into a lunge. And then stand up, and I'm gonna try to jump this foot to catch the bar. Going into a lunge.

And lift up. We're gonna do more of a split. And lift up And more of a split. And lift up. Coming out of that.

And then get the bar to stop. And we take one more child's pose since it's my favorite, this time I'm gonna use the push-through bar. And I will end this with saying, doing these exercises while talking is really hard. So if you want more of a challenge, I would say, read something while you're doing these exercises. Hope you enjoyed the class.

And I will see you next time.


3 people like this.
WoW ! Love the splits with biceps, gives an incredible feeling of power ! Thank you...
Thanks! For people trying this workout - in retrospect for the step down exercise on the long box- it would have been better for me to keep my heel down and limit ROM. I normally do this as an exercise standing on the tower and lunging down and pressing the spring leg back. I came up with this variation on the fly because if you do the former, you would hit your head on the Cadillac overhead bars.
3 people like this.
Thanks Mariska. Loved the workout and your innovative variations. Pity I only have a tower at home. Can't wait to try the last few exercises when I get near a Cadillac. Thanks again.
3 people like this.
Very much enjoy all your classes the challenge the creativity and your sense of humour
Thank you
Tunde M
2 people like this.
Thank you so much!m looking forward doing this class now. I love your sense of humor its just more fun smiling and exercising in the same time have a great day!
1 person likes this.
That was great, thank you so much for the great class. Wonderful new ways to look at stretches with push thru bar. LOVED it. Please so us more soon !!!
Michele M
1 person likes this.
Added to m favs, loved it!! Thanks Mariska!! Great attention to unilateral movement in this practice!
1 person likes this.
Really enjoyed this workout. Love the splits. so fun.
1 person likes this.
Just watched it, can't wait to attempt it while reading a book. ;)
1 person likes this.
love her she's hilarious!
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