Class #3016

Day 6: Grounding

35 min - Class


Welcome to Day 6! Today Kristi uses the Theraband to help you feel the connection of your body to something else. She includes a bit of repetition of what you already know, but then she starts to integrate new movements and ideas into your practice. By taking the time to create this strong foundation, you will be able to play and enjoy yourself in future classes.
What You'll Need: Mat, Theraband

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May 06, 2017
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Okay folks, stay six. And we got this. I'm going to make it stay with me, but let's get some grounding into it. There's a lot of cues, there's a lot going on. And um, today's theme if you will, is about grounding and a lot of repetition from what you already know. So let's start integrating things for yourself. Okay? So I am going to use a theraband. It's not absolutely critical, but if you have one get one, it just makes what we're going to do a lot easier and a lot easier to feel the connection from our body to something else. And for now it's going to be a theraband and hopefully the floor, hopefully the earth, hopefully deeper inside yourself. We'll see. We can always help. Right? Alright, so let's start laying down.

I'm just going to keep the thera-band nearby. I'm not gonna use it right away, but I want it nearby. So I'm just going to lay it out overhead actually at my feet, which are going to be there when it near your feet. Then lie down with your knees bent your feet flat. I know that you have the ability to have a simple spine because you practiced it and even thinking about it every now and again, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, you go back and practice it again. Inhale, feel the back of your shoulders. Feel the sacrum. Feel the back of the ribs as much as you can without strain. Exhale, roll up and as you pick your spine up off the mat, theoretically, bone by bone, you feel the arm bones almost become like legs.

You feel the back of your legs help and you push into them more. If you cramp, know you are normal, shake it out, put it back down. Inhale and then roll down and find more suppleness today than you did yesterday. Or notice what you don't find. That's all we're doing. Inhale, adjust where you need to. Exhale, Roll Baca Foam Bible Steph into yourself, into your feet, into the back of your arms. Notice your wrist. Notice your fingers if you can keep them down. Do. If you can't notice it. Exhale, roll down, meltdown. Not by compensating in every possible way, but just easily take yourself back down the same path. Inhale, knowing you get another shot. Exhale up. We go.

Stretching out through the head. Well, that's a weird cue, but I do mean it. Lengthen. It says if someone were gently pulling on your ears or your the sides of your head, your face in the opposite direction of your feet down you come. Can you get easier with this? But bend more if all you thought about was, can I make my back bend more? I think I got like good another inch or so. Oh, there's a catch. Don't let your knees splay. They got to stay kind of in line. We do have some rules XL up.

Go work within the parameters. Darn it. Sometimes stay here so you're at the top. If you're not, get there. Re tuck or read lengths in the back. Right. It might mean you have to drop your ribs down a little. That's okay. What I'd rather, what you'd rather is, have some space in the front of your hips and means of back of your legs.

Gonna work like mad. They're not splaying. You're going to step into your feet and try to lift your button more. Oh, check out your shoulders, Christy. Check out your shoulders. Everyone. Spread them out and step into your feet. Check out your wrist. I know we sit, we do all these things and this is not even fun at all. So we're going to roll down. Don't let go of the connection to the ground that you have with your feet.

I am going to ask you to do one more. Let's do it. Step into your feet. You don't have to force. How little can you do to get up there in that nice long line on the front of the body and the back of the body. Inhale, exhale down. Can you sit your hips down further on the ground than where you started? Just an idea. Let the arms float up.

Let them feel the weight of your body on the mat and the arms. Just float up from there. Reach out to the side like a t t position. Nothing changed elsewhere. You feel weight. Perhaps I'm suggesting weight. Good weight of bones and matter and you on the mat as your arms.

If I had a floor totally, they would be actually ever so slightly hovering as if maybe air could possibly pass through. Exhale, leave the collarbones wide and just bringing arms up. No strain, no strain here. Check out your knees. They're still pointed straight up. Inhale, open, open, open the collarbones wide, the shoulder blades wide. Feel that stretch. Ooh. If you sit on a computer, you do and it's like a nervy stretch and then you get some relief perhaps here. But check your shoulders are not up in the air, right? Drop them back down.

One more. Inhale, reach longer. Broad chest. I always think of that Michael Jordan poster here. It's old. You gotta be old to perhaps know it, but it's long. It's a wingspan. Give yourself a wingspan. Then set the arms actually on the ground. Pickup both knees, one at a time or whatever. Both knees come to the front.

Inhale, rotate. Now as you do this, take a quick peak. Are Your knees lined up? Absolutely. Together, yes is the answer. If they're not, do it and make sure that the opposite shoulder is down. Bring it back to center. Okay. Now maybe don't go as far because there's something to think about here. Inhale, I've got the bottom knee pressing into the top knee. My upper body is just chilling heavy. Exhale, melt the ribs into the ground.

Let the hips come back to the ground. Knees come back to, I'm going for the ground right now in here. I'm just rotating. I'm going to sway from side to side. I've taken my time. I inhale as I rotate one direction using an anchor, okay. Of the upper body, so the lower body can be free. Keep going. I'll just talk or if you can mute me, whatever, but just be thinking about or don't think you have to be stable somewhere to move freely elsewhere. [inaudible] I'm just listening to that from myself and bodies and amazing teacher, isn't it? Oh, I just lifted there last time.

[inaudible] and because we are already connected, we placed the feet down together. We laced the fingers. Just glide them right behind your head. Support your head. Take a moment and press the back of your head into your hands and my hope for that is that you'll, if your chin was reaching up, you've just lengthened it out. Feel free to grab a towel if necessary or something to elevate your head so that you don't feel strange. Everybody lift your elbows off the ground so that you can see them.

Let the shoulders drop into your back pocket, so to speak, from their exhale when it's time, when you've taken your inhale, of course, blow out your air, lift your upper body towards your lower body. If you have to talk your lower body to do it, that's all right for now. Now that you're up there, can you release the sit bones or the sacrum? Meaning, try not to talk. They have to. That's okay. Make it cozy. Get up higher. Inhale, exhale, come back down.

Stretch your way back down and if you really severely tucked to get there, start minimizing an inhale. Exhale length to the crown of the head, the back, the neck, the head's theoretically going along for the ride. If it's lifting out of your hands, make it different than that. Inhale and exhale. Stretch yourself back down. Remember how we stood into our feet into the ground earlier with that shoulder bridge or the pelvic curl? Do it again. Just means find your feet. It's not severe. Just know where they are. I'm crawling up again. Same exercise, same exercise. Stay here. This time. Reach forward. Grab your legs.

Look your body. Pull yourself towards your feet, which are closer to the ground. If that pulls your feet off the ground, don't pull so hard. It's kind of that simple. Okay, arms go up. I didn't move my body or I tried not to. Anyway, put them behind your head. Let yourself calm down. We'll just do two more. Inhale, exhale, curling. Get as much of your spine on the ground as you can. Drop the head back into the hands, supporting yourself. Inhale, reach for your legs. Use your arms. Pull yourself forward.

Find the bend neediness that we found last time in the last class. Hold that spot. Find your strength, your ground. Lift the arms up, put them behind your head and down we go. Adding on. Inhale, exhale, curl up. Sometimes the exhale, the relief of the exhale gives you the strength you need. Inhale, reach to the back of the leg. Pull yourself higher. Stay with yourself and me. We're not done. Let the arms go back up just like they did. Put them behind your head.

You don't need to see me rotate towards the screen so the shoulder goes towards the hip. Exhale, stay up as you come through the middle. Go the other way. Exhale. I'm inhaling across that center line right in trying not to move my feet because I need that ground. I need that stability so that I can find this rotation. It doesn't feel like a big rotation. It's kind of annoying. It's kind of hard, but I need to have that stability in order to be free elsewhere and this is just a little tiny way of practicing it. That's good enough though, don't you think? Come back to the center. Find the back of your legs. Pull yourself forward.

Let go the arms. Hold it. You're all right. Exhale. Stay there. Oh, soften those shoulders cause you feel your feet, right. You feel the sacrum. Inhale and exhale back down.

You can. You can bring your knees with you when you're ready. Just pick up your knees. When you're ready. Hold on behind. It's not that different of a feeling. Remember we were just in that chest lift. You're going to press your legs away. You pick your head up again. Okay.

But I'm going to give you another chance cause most of us, including me, just then pick up our heads without really thought of how it's connected to our body. So I'm going to suggest that you start exhaling. I know, just do it. Trust me for now and then you can do it however you want. Start exhaling. Find the connection to the breath to the middle of your body. Let your head get along. Then pick it up. There's reasons we practiced that bendy spine thing in the last class. Then however you need to get going, give it a little kick.

But you want to keep the spine in the same shape just to are smooth. Keep it smooth. Try not to Yank on yourself. I'm inhaling back, exhaling up, and I want you to notice that I'm actually lifting my hips and lowering my hips. I'm letting my buck come up. I'm letting my back go down and I'm not really changing this fine, but I am pushing my legs into my hands the entire time. How about three more and then we'll stay seated.

[inaudible] someone takes practice. It seems like it should be easier, right? Here's three. Uphold. Oh look, there's a therapy therapeutic. Grab it, wrap it around your feet. I don't think it really matters. How long would you do want to be able to hold onto it relatively securely, if not super insecurely when you could, and I'm just putting it at the arches of my feet with my feet. A little bit of heart. The ground has now become the theraband, so you want to feel the fullness of the theraband against the bottoms of your feet. Don't let it roll up around your feet. It's just uncomfortable and weird.

I encourage you to hold close to your feet and you may have to lighten up as we go depending on how, how you need it all. That's what you're paying attention to is your contact, your connection with what you're doing with what you are and and what you're holding onto. So we're doing sort of the roll up. Feet are apart. We're securely into them. We're not going to get a lot of help from the band, but we do want to feel the opposition, the arms, if anything is, that's really key is that they're straight. You're going to want to pull and it doesn't help you. It just makes it worse. So keep the arm straight, sit tall, inhale, roll back. You know the action, I'm sort of pretending I'm pushing into my feet.

My knees are straightening only because I'm rolling away from them. And then I touched the back of my head, the shoulders and maybe the knees straight. Now that feels kinda good. They're going to bend. I want them to, when they come back up, when my heels are staying in place. Inhale, lift up. Look at your feet. Straighten them out. If they're turning weird, notice it. Exhale. Just like you're on the wall and class last time you come up one piece at a time. Sit up tall.

You might as well go ahead and bend the elbows and even tolerance. Squeeze the shoulder blades together just for fun. Let the arms go back to straight. Pull the pelvis away. Roll down, down, down. Lay it out. Now eventually when we continued doing our plots, curl up. Inhale. You don't need me. Exhale, curl up. When you continue doing your practice, you're gonna go a little faster. So let's play with that. Your arms go straight.

You roll away, you lay your spine at, you touch your head, you inhale, pick your head up. It's still long. Your arm stays straight. You keep the curve, and when it feels right to bend the knees, they just do inhale. You're grounded, you're in touch. Exhale. You could also just leave the leg straight, right? If you're feeling flexible, you want, it'll mean your band will go loose. That's all right cause you have connection there. You have to find your own opposition, which is in fact the truth throughout this practice and so you choose, let's do a couple more. One lifting up unfurling the spine and rolling back. I suppose if you leave your leg straight, you're missing out on the arm Ben.

But either way it's all good. Right? And I forgot. That's all. Just sit tall, bent knees are not and do a few of those rows just to and not for the sake of the arms. Right. I understand it's a weak band for everybody generally. But can you feel how if you separate the edges of your feet into the band, even the subtlest thought that with the intention of sitting taller that you, you do. You actually are tolerant and go ahead and just do a few polls from there. Are you leaning back because then you're just bored and annoyed because your hip flexors are really hurt. If there, if it's all hip flexor in front of your hip, you can just bend your knees and stay with me for two more. One more.

Okay. From there, I'm leaving the right foot in. I took the left foot out. I'm going to hold closer for now and I'll loosen it if I need to. Come on down to the point where you can put your elbows on the mat, leaving the leg that's in the air straight and collarbones wide. If that doesn't work for you and your butts in the air or anything is just super straining your neck, you're looking at the wall behind you. Bend the lower leg, however you need to. Eventually it does go straight. Elbows are absolutely glued to the ground. Might as well. Gloom to your body.

Foot is flexed. We're going to let the leg drift across the midline of the body. Keep it flexed. Oh, that's a good stretch. Exhale, circle around. Come back to the top. Stop. Do it again. Crossover down around and stuff. I'll give you a breath pan on. How about inhale, exhale to finish it, but stop on a dime. Inhale, push it over excel for now. I'm basically leaving the hips down.

I'm grounding the hips so I can have freedom in the like. One more time. Let's do it. Cross over, down around, same leg, other direction. Take it outside. Wait, stay there. Make sure you haven't leaned into it. You've got to keep those hips grounded. There's a theme, right, so you've let the leg go to the extent that it can. Oh, check your shoulders and circle around enough. It's like a mortar and pestle.

You can hold higher if you need more support, you might, and inhale out. Exhale down around, up. I'll give you two more. Inhale out, down, around, up. One more time. As stable as you can be in the hips. Bend that knee enough to allow you to change legs to the other side. Flatten out that van so it feels okay so that you're aware of it and that it supports you. You want the support. Again, same rules.

You can keep the knee bent or straight. Go for straight. Eventually check the hip sell. I'll tell you the leg in the air, the hip tends to hike, so try and get that hip to reach toward the opposite ankle. Cross over the middle foot flex or too much time on my trampoline. It sounds like a stick song. Cross around and up. Stop. Same thing you decide you're in charge and the only way you can be in charge, it's the same exercise is if that everything else is pretty stable and the rest of you gets to be free. So one more time around. Stop, switch directions.

Try and stay flex. Christie. I mean everyone and the breath doesn't really matter other than do it. I like to nowadays inhale out. Exhale, kind of catching stuff. Let's do two more. It's freedom, freedom, hip joint. That's what we're going for there. Voila. I think that was too right from there. Then the knee, set it down, put the other foot back in and we will keep the knees bent together or part doesn't matter. Look at them. Look at your toes.

Let's separate the features for the sake of what we talked about earlier, where you feel the outer edges of your legs, you feel the spine go to the floor. In this case, leave your arm straight, roll yourself up, up, up for lie can let the band go. Pick up your right knee. Hold it like it's all you got. Hold it. If it doesn't work for you to hold it, you can hold underneath as kind of a nice way to do it. I'll do the first few like that, but ultimately you're gonna be here. Uh, so with the left leg straight, push the right leg into the arm.

So I'm holding my arms like so. Push into it, draw the spine away from it. So we're creating our own circuitry here. I don't look for it. It's words. It's there, I promise you. So I'm pulling the telus away to the point where I, as I roll back there is like a sweet spot. Why didn't have to pick up my leg where I can actually rock a little.

Now I kind of knew where I was going so it might not have been quite smooth for you. But try a few of those where I'm not having to let the leg, the thigh, the front of the quad, or any of that collapse in on me. But there's this central grounding that's happening. Just stay up on the next one or try a few more and sweat. Yeah, hug it in, hug it in however you want. But once you're in creates some sense of, I'm literally pushing the back of my sight into my close chain of hands. Okay.

I'm rolling back and I am thinking of like this back side of my body reaching out. And then there's this spot where I feel like I teeter totter. It's actually not hard now whether or not I care about getting back up because it becomes its own exercise. But if I don't and I commit to everything I started with and I recognize this asymmetries in my body, I'm Kinda cool with the longer ride home. Stay up on the next one. So we thought it was over both knees stuff instead of the class that I had.

I'm now holding one arm, one arm, and we're going to slowly roll down to our shoulder blades only. And you know we're coming back up. So don't give up on yourself down here. Oh, that was so bad for me to do that. I'll never get back up. Yes I will. Because I know if I trust that if I pull my abs back and I use the back of my legs and I let my arms be the support that they are, I can feel a little more grounded. Do it again. Not much of a shape. Change this time. Stay down here. Let the legs come a little closer. Little closer.

It's all right if the butt lifts a little. So long as you feel the connection of a could start rocking in the position I'm in. Okay. And that's just the thought. Then try to let the tailbone come down. And by that I mean just the base of what you think where your spine is. LIGO. Reach the arms forward, reach the leg, throw hard, nothing changed in your spine. If it did, raise your legs up or don't straighten them all the way which the arms up just by the ears or back. You can go back. That's where it goes. Reach around, grab on, find the legs. Same position.

Your goal should you choose to accept it as to not drop the body. I will tell you I'm higher than I should be. I'm going to come down here cause I know where I want to be. I want to be at the lower tips of the scapula. So you do that too. When I let go, nothing happens. Even if I put my legs out away from me, let's do that. Let's go. Inhale, reach the legs, away the arms up, bring it back and hold on. Do it again. Inhale, exhale, double leg stretch. Inhale, exhale, but really reach and the only way you reach or really reach is by pressing the belly down. One more. Hold it in, hands behind your head.

Support yourself or put your head down and we'll do that call right back up. Rotate towards the front, towards the screen, towards the window. Other lego straight out, grab onto that bent knee. You can do it behind the tire. I'm going to do it. I'm gonna pull myself up higher than I know I can hold.

I'm going to rotate into it just a little bit more. I'm going to think inner thighs and I'm going to do my best. When I let go to not drop, I might drop, but I'm going to try not to like go hand behind your head. Switch sides. Bring the knees. This one pass other side you grab on behind the leg or the knee.

Pull yourself up, rotate more. Keep the height to the best of your ability. Hand goes back. Now forget all of the hand grabbing and just go switch. Keep the height switch, switch, switch, switch Wallah. Bring the knees in, head down briefly. Just like before you can press your thighs in or the back of your legs into your hands. Stretch through the back of the neck. It's like you're peeling off that wall. Your tailbone is gonna live, right?

You're in a curve. You're just circle. It can't just be one part of the circle. It's a circle and then start a rocking. It's okay if you kicked to start it, but then stabilize everything and exhale. Inhale back. Notice that if you have that flat spot, it might just be spine, but I doubt it and there was, if you're looking back, you're going to flatten out. If you let your legs come into your gonna, flatten on, it's gonna be awful. Find the smooth, sweet spot. Give yourself one or two more and then you just get yourself up to think about that as you play. Right. Sticking with grounding, we're going into our spine twist. Traditionally, this is going to be with straight legs. If that's not available to you, you can either roll up your mat, you can also bend your knees.

I think I'll do it that way. Today, we did this a little bit this way in the last class and it's a, it's a nice way of being successful no matter what. You can also still sit tall, hands behind your head. I'll do both towards the front. This way towards me. Inhale, we rotate. Try not to lean back. The back hand. The hand furthest from me grabs the forward leg. You push down more than you pull, but there's a little pull to be fair and you're cute twisting, but don't try do it. Just know that you're looking back there.

You put the hand behind your head and you come back to center. Other way. Inhale, rotate. Hand goes to the five. Push down, slightly pull if you need to but slightly keep rotating. Now here's the thing, come back to center. Take a moment. Where are your sit bones? You feel even don't you as much as you think you can. Keep that because we're just spiraling from above that nothing to do with the legs. That might change things. It might limit you a little. What is not okay is leaning away from the leg that you're turning towards.

Go ahead and grab on. Push down a little taller rather than more rotation. This time when you let go, you do not unwind out of full rubber band release. You just hold it and you bring it back. Otherwise the sit bone weight stays the same.

That's the point of all those words. Okay. Back to center. So either straighten your legs or stay here. I'm going to stay here. If you straighten your legs, might as well flex your feet.

If you're that flexible too, you're still up over the six ones. We're going to exhale twice, rotating the front and it's a spinal rotation. It's not an arm rotation. There's a difference. Feel the lungs, the rib cage, maybe something pumping out there as opposed to maybe your arms doing something. There's nothing to see here folks. Just do it. Just just what do you have? Sort of limiting. If you're not sure you could keep your hands here.

It's very hard, very telling actually. So I'll do a few more last time. All right. Stretch. Stretch the legs out. Arms out to the side. Let's say rotate the arm, the upper arm so the palm is up. It's not just the wrist period. Sitar. I am. I'm acting as if I'm squeezing maybe a fitness ball or something. I'm just, there's some energy inwards so I can sit upward.

Earlier we were pressing outward to sit up for it. It kind of works both ways. You just have to decide. Palms are up back as straight as you think you can. If it's not and it's painful and torturous, you bend your knees. I'd rather have a back straight than leg straight, pretty much always here or we go to the front, it's called the side. You're gonna rotate towards the front.

The hand that's behind you goes to the ground anywhere you want. Really use it once again to push you upwards. Maybe a little more rotation, but you know you got to stay there and the hips didn't change. You picked the arm up, you hinge forward. This is the way we're doing. Hinge forward. Feet are flexed aiming for today, either the inside of the foot or if you really got it, you're going to reach even further for the outer sort of sign off the little pinky tail. Then you sit up and back to center. One more slow. Inhale, rotate. Palms can be, I just use him forward usually.

Now check out did you rotate? Is one leg way further in front of you? The other were grounded. You keep that sit against the wall if you have to and you just can't use an arm. But anyway, you rotate, hand goes down, use it to spiral you and twist. If you can get outside that, that's what you're signing off. Theoretically.

We'll talk more about this later, Paul. Billy in finding the breath, squeeze, ring out the lungs and up. Become a little faster. Inhale, rotate, front. Exhale. I didn't put the hand down cause you don't need it, but you have the sense of it and the FACA. Inhale through them at all. Exhale, hindering forward. There is a curve to your spine. There is, but you're not just coming to it, right? You're not just like hanging out back here.

You're going for it and up and again, and by the way, I'm going to give you a few more because I didn't appreciate this exercise until about 20 years into it on this one. Well let your face man, next one come toward the front to the window. When you come back here, you know how we put our hand on the back earlier? Put your hand on the front now and use it, pull it whatever you want, but this backhand as it faces the ceiling, push it up and let the whole upper back curve like pushing thing. Like you have a weight on that arm as you reaching forward so you're really pushing in both directions. Oh, and might as well flex feet and of course keep the hips stable. You have to do one more rotate. I know. I feel sick too. I realize it's good stuff. That's the point.

Get out the out the bad in the good, something like that he used. There we go, pushing, grab on push and this back arm, you know, collapsing you to push it up. Let it take a whole rib cage. I have to close my eye. Push the leg that you're touching with the other arm further forward and become, that is enough of that time for the sidekicks. If you've ever wanted to be grounded or stable, now's the time. I'm going to keep it in a modified position. This gets a little more squirrely later in. Really Fun too, but sometimes it's better to have the stability first, right?

So your elbows underneath, you know this one, the top leg is stretch long, lift that leg up. The ribs are lifted. Just sort of like easy. You can almost lift the weight off the elbow and the forward hand is down. Kick forward. I'm flexing forward, kick, kick, sweep it back again. Kick, kick, sweep of back kick. And for now since grounding is sort of our theme, try not to move the upper body. It will move. It has to adjust. But try not to lean back and lean forward. Try to just make it about the leg and let the body adjust to what's happening at the leg. Let's do two more. Kick back, kick, kick back. Remember that for the next time.

And I would repeat some of this stuff cause there's a lot of foundational stuff when we're trying for grounding. We're just going to switch, will come up. Other side, elbow under shoulder as much as possible. I have the lower knee, 90 degrees. By the way, you're up, you're proud or something. You're just, you're balanced almost only on the hip and maybe the outer thigh kick forward, kick, kick, reach, kick, kick and it's worth looking at your back leg when you get back there that you aren't bending it cause you'll still feel hamstring work when you do bend. But we're really trying to make that connection between the leg and butt and bigger connections. But that's where you might physically feel or this due to market kick and kick and back while, ah okay. Turn face down.

Single leg kick. I'm still going to go lower than this ends up. You can view elbows just under shoulders or you can be fully down. I'm going to go halfway in between with my elbow out from underneath my shoulders. Draw the belly in an up stretch or long legs is the only way I can think of it. But if you had to wonder where am I going to feel this in action, the back of the legs, but make sure that the glutes are involved and then this back is going to work your low back.

You're not going to so high that's in your low back or your legs aren't going to be so high. If it is, you're going to come down both knees, hover. If you can put them together. I'm not focused on that at the moment. And right leg kick, kick straight and switch legs kick, kick straight. And it's a different tempo. This is closer to the real thing, right? But the most important part is that I'm not bouncing my hips.

Hopefully I'm not even going to show you the wrong way, but I'm not allowing space between the front of my hip and the Mat. Are you? Because if you are, that's gonna hurt and it's not gonna do anything good. So let's go lower and play with that idea. Let's try about four more. One, one, straighten one, one, straighten, one strain and last one straight from there. Come down. Same idea. Feed down. I stretch my arms out in front. You may decide you have to go wider with your arms.

I would go wider than shoulder distance, a little bit from here looking at the floor, but your head is lifted. Draw the belly away from the floor. You've got both sides of the hips. Totally down. My abs are definitely touching. It's an idea trying to lengthen the back. Both feeder, both hands. Hover from there.

Lift the right arm in the left leg, a little higher switch switch. Do not bend the elbows or legs for today. Soften the hands or fingers particularly, and the feet and feel the thigh bones and the upper arm bones working. If that's all a piece of cake, you can start to look forward and maybe lift a little more, or even better would be to just go a little quicker to Duh, Duh, Duh, Duh. It's thigh arms. Hmm. I don't really care. As long as you're not wildling side to side, you are nice in opposition. Balanced, grounded in the middle. That's the key. Let everything come down. Totally relaxed. You might put your forehead on your hands. She made the hip side to side.

When you're ready, help yourself back to a rest position. We're going to do one more. So the theme has been grounding, right? So when you're grounded, there's so much more freedom. So we're gonna play with an exercise called the seal seems appropriate and just have fun with it. This is where you try to keep the same shape you play with it a little, you roll back and forth, but it's not an easy shape to keep.

You've got to be stable in the center is something to be thinking about as we move forward. So like the rolling exercise before we're tilted back behind the tailbone, we're still thinking connection through the center of the body. However that suits you for today. You take the right arm under the right calf or ankle, so from the middle, not outside that you could, but that's not going to help us if you can. You hold the foot, then find the place.

Remember how we did the rocking earlier where you could, you were holding here and you were rocking with that knee. It's the same thing. Pick up the other one. Reached through the middle, grab on. Oh, let yourself wobble. Let yourself have fun. This is it. We're gonna roll back. We've been real forward in the rollback and went real far and we'll be done. Try to keep your knees where they are. I'm just almost like I'm going to do a class to the hands but not quite.

Here we go. We roll back. That's all we roll. We were all back. How grateful can I be you? It does involve a clap and if you want to bark, but for now let's just play back and forth cause that is the next theme is play. What's it worth if there is no sense of play in all this functionality of our bodies? Stay up, cross your legs or whatever. Take a deep breath. Be Glad you took the time for yourself. You did day six. Day seven is all about fun. I'll see you next time.

Spring To Life: with Kristi Cooper

This Video
Connections, Grounding, Breath, Progression

May 06, 2017
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Day 6: Grounding
Kristi Cooper
35 min
BASI Pilates®
Watch Next
Expansion, Breath, Space, Open

May 06, 2017
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Day 7: Expansion
Kristi Cooper
30 min
BASI Pilates®
Control, Balance, Stability

May 06, 2017
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Day 8: Control
Kristi Cooper
25 min
BASI Pilates®


1 person likes this.
So grateful.
1 person likes this.
Day 6: We've got this
Sue B
2 people like this.
Another great start to my day .
Thank you...
Yes! We've got this!
1 person likes this.
Excelente clase !
1 person likes this.
That saw! Oh my. Thank you Kristi
1 person likes this.
Totally agree about the saw! So hard to hold some of the positions while you were talking so long, too! Great work!
Somehow audio and video was out of sync...little bit disconcerting...first time this has happened but I thought you should know ❤️
Debra ~ Thank you for your feedback. Usually when this happens, it is because the internet connection is not strong enough to support both the sound and video. I recommend watching in a lower video quality. If you continue to have trouble after trying this, please email us at
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