Class #3072

Short and Sweet Reformer

35 min - Class


Sarah Bertucelli is back with another short, sweet, and effective Reformer workout! She teaches a detailed class, adding challenging variations to let you feel the little nuances in your body. She also encourages you to explore where your body wants to go so you can get the most out of the class.
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box)

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Jun 08, 2017
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Hello there. I'm back, and excited to teach another short, sweet, and effective workout. We're gonna get right to it. I'm set with three red springs and a blue, that's what I like to do for my footwork. You're welcome to modify as needed.

So let's lay back, and settle in for a couple of moments. Always feels so good to settle in on the reformer. So I've got the middle of my foot on the bar, and my arms are by my side. Take a breath. Engage your abdominals first, and lift your hips just a bit, just sort of check out that small range of motion, and then lower back down.

So I want you to sense today little nuances in your body. And lower back down. So try really hard not to let your shoulders react to this movement. So I'm moving the lower part of my spine, but my chest and shoulders stay pretty grounded. And one more time like that, and then we'll lift all the way up.

So I've tucked the pelvis, rounded the low back, and then I bear weight in the feet and I move through my full pelvic curl, lifting high up, feeling that pubic bone nice and high, and then articulate down through the back one vertebrae at a time. Try to keep your feet somewhat soft on the bar. Inhale, and exhale to peel up. Out of habit, I often queue the breath, and I'll continue to do so. But certainly if you choose to breathe at a different time or in a different way, that's always okay with me.

Let's do just one more of these. So exhale to peel up with the abdominals engaged, feel the backs of the legs, lifting to that high bridge position, and then we lower down, articulating through the back, waking up the body. So here you have two options. You can hold the pegs by your ears, or if you're more open through the shoulders, you can hold the frame, and let your legs sway over to one side, releasing through the back, through the hips, and sway back to center. I like to inhale as I go over to the one side, and then exhale to pull back to center.

One more time each side, a nice little inhale, stretching. I use the bar to go a little further, and then come back through, and one last time here. And come back through. So with my arms by my side, I'm gonna go right into my footwork position. Heels are on the bar, middle of the heel.

Really push your shoulders down on the mat, and then keep them down and press out. So I want you to pay a little bit of attention to how your shoulders feel. Stay open through your chest. Hopefully your ribs are not flaring and you've got a neutral pelvis as well, and then pull that carriage in. So the shoulder rest will actually kind of keep your shoulders softly pulling away from your ears if you have them down on the mat.

I'm using an inhale to press, I'm sorry an exhale to press out, and an inhale to come in, but certainly you can breathe whenever it makes sense to you. Feel that you're controlling the carriage as you come in, rather than letting the springs control you. Let's just do one more there, and then keep the carriage at the stopper and travel up through a pelvic curl, so lifting the hips, articulating up, again let the feet just kind of soften around the bar, and then we'll lower down, enjoying that articulation. Try to keep the shoulders grounded down on the mat. So I'm talking about the shoulder blades.

The arms can be wherever they need to be. With some of my clients, I'm actually allowing them to lift their arms into a different position, so that they can keep their shoulder blades really well weighted. Feel free to play with that, we'll show what that looks like in the next position. So here, I'm gonna put my toes now where my heels are, and I really wanna get my shoulder blades down, so by bending my elbows, it takes some of the flexibility need away, and then press out. So ideally the feet stay still, right, as I press out and in, that means my ankles are moving.

I'm lingering at the top, stretching my body a little more, and only if I can keep my shoulders open do my arms rest down on the mat. I wouldn't have any problem with your hands being here, or maybe even your arms lifted for a few to keep that connection, it feels really quite good. And we'll do just one more here. And then once again, do the pelvic curl. So here, keep the feet as they are if at all possible, and curl yourself up, finding that high position, inhale, and use the exhale to articulate down.

Again, trying really hard to feel that the shoulders are not reacting to the movement too much, that they're staying grounded on the mat behind you. That doesn't always happen that way. And one more time there, using the breath, exhale up, nice high lift. My hamstrings are speaking to me, perhaps yours are too. Small V position, so my heels together, legs are heavy in my pelvis, and out we go, exhale, and inhale in.

Again, linger at the top, feeling that lift at the sternum, and the openness through your chest. The most important part for me is the shoulder blades being heavy, not so much where the hands and the arms are. Breathing completely, and making sure that you're controlling the inward motion. We'll do just a couple more there. And then here, hold the carriage at the stopper and do the pelvic curl.

And just feel how it feels different when you're in this externally rotated position. Perhaps you have more range, you get a little bit more gluteal work, that's okay, and roll all the way down. I like to take my pelvis beyond neutral and actually arch my back. Perhaps you see that I'm doing that. Exhale, use the abs and peel up.

You're welcome to go beyond neutral. It's important that we explore all range of motion. It's one thing we're gonna do here today a fair bit, explore range of motion. And one last time. This is probably my favorite position to explore the pelvic curls here, it feels really good.

And then we'll take the heels wide on the bar. So the ankles are flexed back, the heels are grounded, try to feel your legs plugging in to your pelvis, your abs engaged, and out you go. Again, if you haven't checked in with your shoulders, do that again and make sure that your shoulders blades are still grounded on the mat, and see if your abdominals will show up to support you with that grounded shoulder blade position. Check in with your legs and make sure they're both working equally. Sometimes we tend to work a little more with one or the other.

And then the goal here is that the feet stay somewhat stable in space, or perfectly stable, but I'm more about somewhat at this point than perfection. Do your best, right. One more time here. And then come all the way into the stopper, and feel this position. This one's actually the most challenging one for me to articulate up through.

So I'm doing that same pelvic curl, trying to keep my hips open. It feels really nice at the top. It's definitely a challenge for me to move through my hips in that way. Perhaps you find a different position challenging, or you find this one challenging. If you feel as though your feet are going to slip off, certainly move your feet so that wouldn't happen.

And gently peel down. And then we'll move the toes to the same position, so toes in the same wide position, pressing through the balls of the feet we go out. So in each position, remember to check in with your shoulders, where are your shoulders. Your head and neck should be quite void of tension here. Should be easy for you to roll your head one side, or to the other side, and then check in that both legs are working equally.

And you're doing your best to keep your feet stable in space, and that feels like you're moving your feet, feels like you almost have to drop your heels down when you're keeping them in the right spot. And one final time here, please. At the stopper we pause, and we try that pelvic curl. Peeling up, feel the abs, feel the legs, lifting as high as you can, and rolling down, nice pelvic curls. That feels so nice on my back, feels nice to use my legs in a different way, lifting up nice and high here.

You know I didn't state at the very beginning that my headrest is flat. It's important with all these pelvic curls that the headrest be flat, I certainly hope yours is. And then here, bring your feet all the way together so you can feel centered. And let's go for separation, a little bit of separation for the feet, a prehensile position so the toes sort of wrap over the bar and then press out. I'm looking less for a toe wrap though, and more of a ball of the foot wrap.

I think people get a little caught up in the toes here, and it should more be the ball of the feet. So play with that position and bend only about halfway in, and in this halfway in position, try to feel your heels under the bar, and your balls of your feet over the bar, and then use that sensation to press out. So no need to go all the way in unless you have incredible ankle and foot mobility. I like to linger in this outward position, and just kind of feel the massage on my feet as I do this. Certainly you can practice this with just one foot, so I've unweighted one.

Using all that spring tension, I'm feeling my one leg. Good, I'm gonna do it one more time, and then you'll change legs. Try to really feel that foot position, and come all the way in, or partway in, or whatever makes sense to you. Try to feel the difference between the two sides. So I'll do one more after this.

Beautiful, and take a moment or two stretching the foot, letting the heel really reach under the bar. The toes are no longer needing to be connected to the bar, but they can be, it's up to you. Let's take two breaths on both feet. Changing sides, nice deep breath here. We'll press up and we'll come in.

So here, let's come up to a sitting position and make some spring changes. So I'd like you to be on one blue spring, or a light spring if you have different equipment. I'm also going to take the bar down for my next series, not this series immediately, and we'll do some reverse knee stretch here. So with the knees up against the shoulder rest will limit your range of motion, so if you bring them back an inch or so, and you really press down through the tops of the feet, you can get a little more range. So down through the tops of the feet, round the back, and pull in.

I like to keep my elbows just a little bit bent. And by really pressing down through the tops of the feet, I'm actually able to un weight my legs, which I find to be, or un weight mt knees, which I find to be a very interesting feeling, it feels good. Let's do one more there. And then we'll bring the carriage to rest. The hands are gonna stay the same, but the knees change.

So both knees go over to the right. My left knee is up against the shoulder rest, and my feet are going the other way. I'm gonna lean over to the left side. So I'm weighting my left arm mostly. Then I'm gonna round my back, trying to pull that same side pelvis through a little bit.

With that shape, I pull in and out. So I'm not unflexing my spine. The idea here is that I'm in rotation and flexion from the lower half of the body the entire time. We'll do just one more there, and rest. So changing sides.

Both knees together go to the other shoulder rest, and the feet go to the opposite side. I'm gonna lean over to my right arm right now, so my right leg is up against the shoulder rest, And now I'm gonna rotate that same side pelvis through a little bit, rounding through the back as I pull in. I like to exhale as I pull in, you can choose. Try to keep the rounding of the back the entire time. We'll do just one more there.

And then rest that. Alright, so now, we're gonna move back and change the springs. So I'd like you to be on one red spring, I'll take that blue off, so. And then this is a combination of stretch that will become work. The feet are gonna rest on the headrest, the hands on the frame of the, not the frame, but the actual reformer bed, and I want you to find a position where when your arms are straight, you can straighten your back, your elbows are almost straight, and you feel a little bit of a stretch.

So here, we're gonna bend the elbows, spreading the collar bones and shoulder blades, and then press up, opening the chest. So, many of you will find that this is plenty, and this maybe is all you're gonna do right now, but there's more to this, and I wanna make sure that there's some levels. So I'm bending primarily at my hips when I bend back, meaning I'm not rounding my spine at this moment. My arms are moving, and my spine is kind of straight. Good, and then I want you to stay here for a moment, okay.

My arms are straight. I want you to look down, round through your low back, and then bend your elbows back a little bit more. So now we're in this shape where the shoulders are open, and the abdominals would have to work. Can we lift both legs up, and can we lower them down. Now I want you to watch your own belly, your own spine, and make sure you're not seeing movement, okay.

So here, that's your option one. The option two is to add straps, which makes it quite fun I think. So the straps go just above the knees, right, and we're gonna start in the same way. So I take my arms back, I'm opening through my chest, and I'm spreading open here, getting a wonderful stretch. Just that's enough.

And then, here I'm gonna round through my low back, bend my elbows, and find the place where I feel like I can kinda hold myself up with my abs, but my arms are here just a bit, and that's where my legs lift. My spine stays still as my legs move out and in. I'm using my arms less, but I am in a nice shoulder stretch position. And stay here. So my legs are at tabletop, now this is tricky.

We're going to move the spine, tucking the pelvis, lifting up. Try not to let the body go back too much. And we can rest that, pretty intense. Okay, another little variation on the legs and straps here. I wanna start where my hands can kind of hold the shoulder rest when I'm in a little bit of a round back.

I want some of my body off when I get back there, but not all of my body. So here, you can either just curl yourself down, or you can lift your legs up and find the control to go down, which I find to be a great, fun challenge. Bring your legs in to about tabletop here. Rather than staying in flexion today, we're gonna straighten out the body. So my abs are still on, but my body is now back in a more straight position.

I like to use the, the bar mechanism here in the frame to figure out if I'm down enough but not down too much, and now the legs are gonna pull in, and the legs are gonna reach out. And I'm trying to keep this completely stable the whole time. And this is a lot of hip flexor work, but it's a lot of abdominal work too. And now we can challenge this a little more. I'm gonna take the right leg away, and just the left leg comes in and out.

I'm just gonna do three like that, 'cause I find the single ones to be quite difficult. Lift the right leg up, put the left leg down, and we come in three. Lots of ab work, two, and one more, good. Lift the leg up, reach the hands to the backs of your legs, and see if you can get that nice little articulation through your low back, to come up to a sitting position, and then we'll remove our straps. I don't find this to be the most graceful thing to get into, but something to work on that's for sure.

So here, the bar's going to go back up. For this next series, I prefer to be on a green spring if you have it, otherwise a red spring will be just fine, and we're going to step up to our pyramid position. So the heels up against the shoulder rest, nice straight back, long neck. Slide the carriage out, and pull in. So we're looking for the back to stay pretty still here, It's really just the legs.

So I'm actually thinking about my hamstrings, and then thinking about my gut or my abs when I pull my legs in. One more like that, and stay here. So I'm gonna move both hands over to my left a little bit, and then I'm gonna take my right foot just on the headrest here, and slide out and in. If you feel comfortable with that, you can try sending your right leg back without changing your pelvis. Aim for a straight line with your body.

Good, we're gonna do that three times. And now here we externally rotate, and lift up as high as you can. So you're opening up your pelvis, taking the leg as high as you can, and then we go out and in again. Three, two, and one. The leg is gonna come down and around, and we change sides.

So first just put your left foot on the headrest to make sure you feel comfortable, and we'll go out and in just one time there. If you feel comfortable there, send the leg straight out, and try to feel the idea of reaching back to the back wall, and hold here. We externally rotate the leg, and continue extending, and then you open the pelvis and go as high as you possibly can there. Keep your shoulders square to your reformer, three times, one. And take the leg around.

Heels are lifted, arms are shoulder width or slightly wider. Hinge down to your plank, lengthening, opening, and hinge back up. And hinging down to the plank, chest is open, and hinging back up. So another variation here, we hinge down and we stay, so I'm in a nice powerful plank position for me. I'm gonna take my right leg in, hold it there for a moment.

Move the carriage forward and back a couple times. How about three rather than a couple. Put the foot now on the frame, or not on the frame, the reformer actually, in a high lifted force arch position, and now I'm gonna have you push back as far as you can comfortably do with your arms, keeping the back leg straight, and we'll bend our elbows three times. So a nice little opener through my hip flexor, but also some arm work here too. Stay, come forward and up a little, lift your right foot again, place it back where it came from, make sure you're connected to your core, and lift the leg in, and we go forward and back three times.

Put the foot on the frame, push back, I keep saying frame, reformer, sorry about that people. The frame is the wood part. Bend your elbows, and press out, and bend. So I'm actually using my arms to push the spring, but I'm supporting with my legs a little too. Come forward and up a little, lift the leg again, put it up against the shoulder rest, lift your hips high, lower your feet flat, and walk into a forward fold for a moment.

So my hands come away from the bar, my head is dangling. So walk forward just a little bit, like an inch or so, and then see if you can sit back into like a deep squat here where your bottom can actually rest on the shoulder rest. Let your head relax forward for a moment, and just take a breath or two here. So those of you that don't quite have the flexibility to sit in a deep squat, this is a nice way to work that position in the middle of the workout sometimes too, it feels really nice to me. Alright, so let's just come forward onto the knees here, and shift into some, some really fun mermaid variations.

So here you'll take almost a mermaid leg but not quite. I've got my front foot up against the shoulder rest, and I've got my other foot kind of wrapping around the shoulder rest. I find this to be a pretty comfortable position for most people to work in, so this is where we're gonna begin. My hand is in front of me, and my elbow is underneath my shoulder. My abdominals are engaged.

The first thing I want you to do is feel that you are secure enough on the bar, so I'm pushing out, and I'm pulling in, and I'm doing that by opening my arm here and lifting my shoulder, lifting my arm which is moving my shoulder. I'm on a light red spring, so if you happen to have the two choices, I've put my spring on a hook, but you could always go down to a blue if you need to, or up if you're able to. This isn't the hard part though. Here's the hard part, you ready? So we're gonna press into the hand, we're gonna keep the body shape, and we're gonna use the back of the body to press the arm to straight.

Now my little elbow is quivering, it's hard work. If it's not hard for you, there's a good chance you're using the front body too much. Pull the shoulder back, feel it on the back body, spread your collar bones and your shoulder blades, and press out to straight, yeah. So that's two, we're going to five, at least. Nice, three.

I have to count, or this will be difficult for me. Four, yes. And my little tricep is burning, my wrist is getting a stretch, there's a lot of things going on here, but it feels good, yeah. So there's the fifth one. So now we're going to change this top leg.

Use your hand, lift it up, and put the knee up against the other shoulder rest, and then you can just let the leg relax a little. You can point your toe if that's important to you, but I like to relax my foot. And then my hand is in the center of the bar, okay, and I'm energized out through the crown of my head here. So I'm gonna come in as far as I can without my shoulder crumbling forward, and go for the sensation of stretch here, it feels so nice. And then we reach out, we rotate around, look down at the spring, feel that wonderful stretch from the mermaid.

Unwind, and then we're gonna come in, and again, my shoulder's pulling back, on my back body I'm letting the springs stretch my side body, and I'm gonna reach out, rotate around, feel the stretch. One more time, and we're adding a little bit of arm pressing here. Lift up. I like to let my head relax there. Reach out, rotate around, your two hands are on the bar, and we're gonna bend the elbows and press out.

Here I'm taking my elbows out to the side. If you're not able to get your other hand on the bar, you certainly could put it on the frame and work up to it, but probably better not to bend and straighten the elbows without both hands connected. And one more time please. Unwind, and come in, and just feel that stretch for one last fantastic moment. Bend the elbow to come all the way in, and then let's just spiral around and sit with our legs straight out in front of us, and do a little chest expansion, why not.

Sitting up nice and tall, grab the straps and open your chest. So really pay attention to where your pelvis is. Try to make sure you're not rounding back here but that you're really lifting. So should you need to bend your knees in order to achieve that, feel free to. The other thing to pay attention to here is that you're lifting your heart and opening, versus worrying so much about where your hands land.

One last time, my arms are behind me, but my chest is open, and then my straps rest on the shoulder pegs. And then to the other side. So my front leg is up against the shoulder rest, and foot, and my other foot is wrapping around the shoulder rest a little bit. My hand is at the front part of the bar, and my elbow is just outside of my shoulder. So first, we're gonna explore that stretching feeling here, and pulling in.

I'm engaged in my core and my side body, so it should feel like both a stretch and a little bit of work, and also pay attention to your shoulder staying on your back body, it can't creep forward here. Now the carriage is in, press down through your wrist, and press your arm to straight, and we'll do five there. That was one. So again, feel your shoulder on your back body, good. Use your breath.

Now if you wanted to make this harder, if you start with the carriage out more, it's significantly more challenging. If you start with the carriage in, it's a little more manageable, just so you can progress. Beautiful. I think I have one more to go here. That's my weaker side, so there we are.

So now I'm gonna pick my top leg up and put the knee up against the shoulder rest, let the foot kind of hang back there. I'm gonna put my hand in the center of the bar, and then here first we come in for that stretch. I'm really pushing into the shoulder rest to enjoy that side body stretch, and trying to keep my shoulder on my back body, and then inhale to reach out. Use the exhale to rotate around. Inhale to open, and exhale we come in and keep going for that wonderful side body stretch.

Oops, bending elbow. Inhale to reach out, exhale to reach around. Inhale to open, and exhale, we come in, and we stretch, and we enjoy that. And one more time. So with both hands on the bar, we bend and straighten the elbows.

I'd like the elbows to go out to the side today, certainly you could change that on any given day. Unwind, and we come in for the stretch one final time, and then all the way in. So let's take our legs out in front of us again, and do an open chest expansion. So for that, I like to put the back of my hands on the straps here, sitting up nice and tall. Pull those arms wide and forward.

So what I'm looking for is the spreading sensation through the collar bones and the shoulder blades. So if you need to lighten the spring, don't hesitate to do so. Also work with a slightly soft elbow just to make sure you're not missing something in your arm. The queuing I'm giving myself right here, in this open position, is to reach out. Out through my fingertips, out with my shoulder blades, spread.

And we'll do it one more time. My arms are tired. I hope you feel it in your arms a little bit there too. Alright, so we're gonna move on to some shoulder work here. I've got, I'm gonna put two springs on, 'cause I want stability.

So I want you to make sure and be stable enough. So you're gonna have a seat here on the bar, all five fingers facing forward, some support work. We're gonna take one foot forward and then the other, so I'm now in a tricep dip position, or a long back stretch position. Now what I'm looking for is my chest to lead the way, and my body to stay upright, and I'm gonna use my strong arms to make a small movement forward, and a small movement back. So this for me is exploring range of motion in my shoulder joint, opening through the chest.

What I see a lot of people do here is try to move the legs, please avoid doing that, or move with the core. This instead is straight, strong arms, kind of working your chest expansion to a deeper range. Let's just do one more there. And then we're gonna come all the way in, step back with one foot, and sit up on the bar again. I'm gonna step off of the reformer for a moment, take one of those springs off, and tendon stretch is coming now people, you're ready for it.

So I like to start in a way that makes it more manageable, I find, for more people to do. So it's almost a preparation. We're gonna push the carriage out with the feet and feel that you've got this foot position where the feet are flexed, and the stretch is happening in your foot. Make sure you also feel secure with it, then put your hands on the bar. Rounding through your low back, using your abdominals, I just want you to try pushing up, and stay here.

Now just see if you can hover your bottom up a little, and reach it through. And hover your bottom up, and reach it through, and maybe we go all the way through. Ah. One more time please. So here, we'll stop at the stopper, walk the hands forward, and gently step down from there.

One final exercise for today. Let's move to a blue spring, and I'm gonna suggest the blue lightest it can be. Perhaps you're going to need a yellow spring if you have one. So here, I'm in a mermaid stance, but in the reverse, where mermaids sit but in reverse. I like to tuck my foot underneath me, so I can get my pelvis more square.

Give it a shot. Forward strap, one hand. This hand is wherever it needs to be to help you be upright. So we're gonna go out to the side, whoa, and then come across. So that's the option one, stick with it, give it a shot.

The option two, the straight arm comes across the body all the way, a little bit of rotation, then come back to your first position. The option three, here's my favorite, the arm comes all the way across, leading with the rotation, and then the arm we open. The arm comes all the way forward and then the body rotates. Rotation first, arm second. Just one more.

Arm, rotate, and open. Okay, now we're gonna take ourselves, I'm gonna put my hand on the headrest, we're gonna take the arm up and overhead. Hold however you need to on the strap, I realize it's on my thumb, that may not work for you, and feel that stretch through your body. See if you can bring yourself into the stopper. So I've brought myself into a position that allows me to be at the stopper, and then I'm just gonna explore this idea of stretching.

So I'm not moving the carriage, I'm using that very faint resistance on the spring, to allow me just to open, look behind me, and that feels glorious on my body. If it doesn't feel glorious on yours, you should omit that part. One final thing here. We want the thigh bone up against the two shoulder rests as best as possible. One hand on either side of the frame, this is actually the frame, yay.

Okay, I'm gonna unhook this foot a little bit and let it be free, and then I'm going to really feel my arms helping me be in this position, but most importantly, my core. And then here I'm a little rounded, I wanna pull forward, opening the heart, extending through the back, and then allow the body to round a little bit. So I'm extending specifically the upper back, opening through the heart, and around. And one more time. Opening the heart, and around.

And what's nice here is I also get a really good stretch in my hip there, I hope you do. So let's change sides. It was not a very graceful change, I apologize. Here this foot is up underneath me, and the other leg is out in front. Take the forward strap, and the option one, I like to hold my hand right here just to keep me upright.

The option one is this, sort of more manageable position of pulling outward. The option two, we pull out, and then we take the straight arm across the body, all the way, and then we pull through that again. The option three, we take the straight arm all the way across to the front of the body, and then rotate. Begin with the rotation, complete with the arm, and do that again. The arm comes just in front of the shoulder, and then we rotate, and reach, and we'll do another.

Across, and I probably don't really need the arm there, but I think a lot of people do need a little assist staying upright, so I just sort of have it here for support. And then here, I'm gonna take my hand, you know I have to say I would like my hand to be like this, and I should have queued that on the other side, so sort of just twisting the hand around, so that when I take my arm up and over, it really feels like just a much more comfortable place to have my hand, and then I can really enjoy the stretch, and enjoy the stretch. And again, if this doesn't feel wonderful, don't do it. Omit this part. Just one more time.

Kind of reminds me of being on the step barrel, which is another one of my favorite things to do. So I'm gonna put the strap down, move my bottom just a little closer to the shoulder rest, and kind of unhook my foot a little, one hand on either side of the frame, and I'm looking for a stretch here in my hip first, my outer leg, gaging my abdominals, and then I'm gonna pull forward, opening through the chest, surprising how much heavier this spring feels on my second side. It's not heavier, I didn't change it. Opening through the chest. So here I'm having to bear a little more weight in my left hand, because of the way I'm rotated.

Depending on which side you're on, you'll bear a little more weight in one hand than the other in order to be even. And one final time, opening the heart, and undo that. And so from here, let's come to standing, and close it up. So with your feet right next to the end of the reformer, somewhere comfortable, take a big lift up, exhale to peel down. Catch the edge of the reformer.

Lunge forward, and open through your chest as you do, and let this be an exploration of how you feel in this moment, and where does your body want to go. Round in. Allow the shoulders to do what they wanna do here, mine wanna open on the back, and then reach forward, articulate, chest is open, whatever feels good, and round from the low back. This time come all the way in. As you come to standing, bring your body to a fully upright position, with your shoulders back, your heart open.

And thank you so much for playing.

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Perfect Sarah !!!!! This class and a cup of coffee and I'm good to go :)
2 people like this.
Great, short class. Thank you.
1 person likes this.
Thank you this was great and perfect for the amount of time I had available. What would be a suitable alternative to tendon stretch if I can't do that one?
1 person likes this.
I really love your videos Sarah -thank you so much. The prep for long back stretch with its connection to chest expansion is a fantastic cue!
1 person likes this.
Loved loved it fantastic job !!!!!!
Great variations, especially the shoulder work.
1 person likes this.
The perfect way to start my day!! Thank you💜
Lori, perhaps try just holding the low position of tendon stretch, or some triceps dips. If neither of those options work, try sitting on the side of the reformer and press back with arms, flex spine and hold up one leg at a time. Hope this helps.
Thanks to all for the feedback!
1 person likes this.
Loved it! Creative! Thank you!
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