Class #3283

Day 1: Movement with Purpose

20 min - Class


Welcome to Day 1! Wake up your brain cells by moving vigorously and by enjoying Pilates through contrology with Monica. She focuses on toning your muscles and your mind so you can get a taste of how it felt to work with Joseph Pilates. By the end of the class, you will feel full of energy!
What You'll Need: Mixed Equipment, Wunda Chair, Mat

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Okay, today is day one of our 30 session challenge. We are going to be focusing on toning up not just our muscles, but our mind. We are going to really wake up all our brain cells by moving vigorously and enjoying politeness through control LG. So we're going to have a little twist, a taste of how just flies really intended you to tense your muscles and use them. Uh, so all our movements are going to have purpose today. So wherever you are in your workout, leave your shame behind. I have to leave my shame. I just broke my tailbone about seven weeks ago.

So you're gonna see me moving gingerly a little bit through my roll up, some a little stiffer in my lower back, but I'm still gonna go for it because it's just a little tender. It's not really a, and you're not going to break anything anymore. So I'm going to go for it. I'm going to, I'm excited to get back into my [inaudible] discipline and I'm excited to do it with you. So let's get started. So we are going to do a mat, not too long. It's going to be about 10 minutes long and we're going to start with our politeness. Sit. Do not worry how perfectly you do the exercises. That's for later when we're on a last 20 sessions.

I'd love to see you do them perfectly and seamlessly and smoothly, but today I want you to do them with energy and trying to just think about the goals that you're working towards and getting back to where you are. An example for all of your clients or getting back to where you were if you're a really well versed Palati student. Okay, so we're going to start in our palladium set. Start plotty stance, one arm over the other powerhouse pulled in and up. So this would obviously be very intimidating in my mind right now. I've tried to sit down with my tailbone, but I'm going to use my powerhouse to pull in and up and I'm going to lower myself down to the mat and then I'm going to lift my bottom back and stretch out for the hundred. All right? One of the best things is he wanted you to tense all of your limbs, so really firm up your arms right now.

Press down your knees even so that you engage the back of the seat and your bottom and feel your deep scoop. And we're going to start by lifting the legs up from here as well as your head if that. And we're going to move through the hundred possibly changing it up a little bit to make sure you are warming up your muscles and not just hurting your back. So we're going to take a big breath as we lift our head up, pressing your arms down, exhale as we lift and pump with vigor and exhale two, three, four, five and inhale. So really keeping that toes, that eye level takes the hip flexors out of the exercise, but if your back isn't flexible enough, go ahead and bring them up to where you need to or bring them in and then extend them out. Um, you can do that the whole time and exhale or bring them down.

Length and Linkedin, really squeezing the inner thighs. Really pulling your belly in and up and exhale. It's about 70 inhale. Keep trying to take them lower to eye level. Really feel the upper body scooping up to look at it.

One more tense arms. Squeeze in the seats, scooping your belly, stretch down the legs, reach your arms back again. There's your spine. Needs to be really flat on the mat and you have tense arms, knees pushing down. All right, we're going to reach your arms up. Head comes up as you inhale and exhale scooping in and stretch. Two, three, rolling back. Okay. Tense arms, reaching back with a straight spine in with the air.

So we really want to think about pulling a heavy weight back. Okay. And Xcel, my arms are really tense here. They're from head lifts with your powerhouse. Press the back of the thighs into the mat so you can get your scoop rolling back. We're going to do three more here.

Arms head, reaching forward, scooping it all rolling back. [inaudible] and stretch. Two more arms. Start with an inhale. Exhale. [inaudible] lengthen your legs that way. And last one arms had poorest those knees down so you really can use the back of the thighs or rolling back. You can always do this with bent knees if that's a problem and your stretch and yeah, you're going to reach up and do the rollover by pressing your arms down and then squeezing the legs all the way over in with the air. Exhale, open and roll down. Upper back first, middle back.

Press your arms into the mat, squeeze your legs together and over. Open and press your arms down in the mat. Feel it should really be not hurting your neck. One more because you're using that upper body. Stretching each vertebra on the way down. We're going to reverse it.

Scoop, squeeze squeezes legs. Lock those knees, straight. Tone those muscles. Two more. [inaudible] squeeze those legs, scoop it in. One more time. Big pulling those legs into you. Exhale, keep the right leg stretching the left one down. It really needs to be down the middle of your body and you're going to press that left leg deep into the mat, pressing that knee down, arms from into the mat, right leg up to your nose and cross around, up.

Cross around, up, chorus around, up to more. Press those arms from reverse. Open around scoop. Open around scoop. Try to hold your hips square. They can move a little bit, but make sure that every other muscle one more is staying firm. Stop at the center switch.

Stretch right leg presses into the mat. Don't Lis, let it hang out. You've got to start putting a lot of purpose into your workout. Each muscle matters. Here we go. Cross around up cres, around, up crusts, around, up. Cross. Get that deep scoop too are amped up right? Like pressing down. Reverse, open, round up. Open.

Stop at the dead center right at your nose. Press those arms one more and bring that leg down. We're going to sit up for rolling like a ball. We're going to press those legs down. I'm going to lift my head up and roll up and then I'm gonna lift my bottom forward and I'm going to try to do rolling like a ball. Here we go. We're going to balance. Tuck your head as deep.

So a goal is obviously to have your heels deep on your seat and staying tight as a ball with your ears and between your knees. I'm going to be a little stiffer, so I'm going to keep working towards that. Hopefully by 20 to 30 you're going to see me a lot smoother. Okay, here we go. Breathing. Inhale to go back. Exhale in with here. [inaudible] really use your belly to stay curled up. Upper belly. That's fair.

Lower belly pulls me back. Upper. Keep those heels as close to your seat. Lift your seat up. Try to lift it up. One more time over your shoulders. [inaudible] rest your feet, dad. Series of five. So we're going to slide back and now I want you to make the right left leg.

Go down the middle of your body. Eyes on your toes. Okay, so we're gonna roll down right leg. I'm sorry. Left leg down the middle of your body firmly class. Lift those elbows from your arms up. Here we go. Scoop, switch. So eyes are on that toe. Really low seat squeezing to extend that leg from arms lifting. Powerhouse scooping in to keep the back flat.

Here we go. We got two more sets. Pull it in. One more. I'm a terrible counter by the way. Double leg stretch. Really firm. Let's start with reaching your arms forward. Squeeze and pull in. Squeeze and pull in. Now arms back. Same thing. I level, I don't know.

Three more. Yeah, from arms hugging the midline back here. Everything matters. Two more. Again, terrible counter. I think I'm adding a few eyes on those toes. Long hand here. Single straight leg. Do a little double poles with your left leg. One, two while the right ones stretches. One, two and switch.

Okay. And switch ankle. Curling up onto the bottom of your shoulder blades down the middle. Look at that toe. It should be down the middle, not to the side. Now let's let them fly.

[inaudible] one more side. Both legs up, hands behind your head. Take a breath and exhale, curl out, squeeze your legs together, lock those knees straight, reach your hips away and pull them up and squeeze and pull it. And that's true. Long legs to the ceiling and out. Two more. Up to the ceiling. Out to out. One more. And now Chris, Cross, twist, twist, twist, and switch.

Try to press your pelvis flat and then lift. Yeah, switch down the middle one more and hugging. All right, last mat exercise. Sit Up and we're going to open the legs. They're in the middle of the blocks and sit up as tall as you can. Let's go ahead and bring your arms up. Take a big breath, press your legs down, lift your belly in and up. And exhale.

[inaudible] and inhale up and exhale down. [inaudible] and in hell. So from arms, from buttocks, right [inaudible] from belly. One more lift and exhale all your air. Be Mindful what your feet are doing and how what goes up must come down or what goes down. Let's come up. So we're gonna do seal and then our role to stand up.

So lift yourself a little forward scoop in. I'm going to do this a little early here. All right, and we're going to do six. Rolling. Ending with standing up with vigor. Clap with, they're using your inner thighs. One, two, three, powerhouse. Rurals, back, clap two, three and up to three and rap two, three. Exhaling as you go forward. We got three more in with the air. Exhale, use your powerhouse to lift your seat. Last one, you'll cross your legs, press into the floor and stand up with energy.

Let's go grab our one to chair. All right, so the one to chair is my quintessential way of knowing whether I am in shape or not. It is very humbling to me. It is one of the hardest pieces of equipment. That plot is made. It's just you and the pedal and some springs and nothing better measures your strength or powerhouse strength than the pull up. So we're going to start with do that one today. We're just going to do the table, the pull up and the going up front so that we can finish elevated and standing up and having a nice full of energy feeling. So the pull up today, I will be doing it on a lot of help.

And as we go through the 30 sessions, our goal is to get almost no help with the pull up. Alright, so today the table has one spring on the bottom, one spring in the middle, and that so that we can really wake up the back of our thighs and our seat. Cause that's one of the first things to go. So sit down, put your hands on the back edge, put a your feet on your toes, employee stance. And now we're not going to be pushing down the pedal to lift up our bottom. We're going to squeeze our seat. You're gonna engage the back of the thighs, you're going to engage your seat. And we're going to lift up almost to a rainbow.

We're not even gonna think of a table. We're going to think of a rainbow. So we're going to squeeze and we're going to lift. Lift, lift powerhouse in an hour with vigor. Ten one pull it up to three, four, five. Pull it up to your seat. Seven, eight, nine, 10 and sit. Good job. Let's do the pull up. Now we're going to change our springs from one bottom, one middle. We'll take that middle one and put it to the top. This is where you would learn to do the pull up, but you probably know that already, so we're going to get to really light springs later on.

Always start with good forms scooping in, arms up, have energy, and you're going to reach down and put one foot up on the peddle. Bring it down in the other foot up. Go ahead and now your hands go shoulder width apart on the back edge of the chair. And I want you to squeeze your inner thighs, draw your powerhouse in and up and pull your weights. Your shoulders are over your wrists, and we're going to scoop into our upper back and roll up our waistband up to the ceiling. Here we go. Scooping in, pull that pedal up, up, up, and control it down because we're doing controlling, gee, aren't we? Here we go. Colon it in. Yeah.

One more. We'll stay up and do three count pumps up there. [inaudible] yeah, down up one. One more. Okay. Control. [inaudible] all right. One foot down. Control it up with the other.

The other foot comes down. Notice my position is ready to roll up. Okay. Using my powerhouse because next we are going to do going up front, I prefer to do going up front with a pat on top, so I'm going to go ahead and grab a black pad, non-slip pad, whatever you have at home or at the studio, and I'm going to start with my right foot on, so I'm going to turn it out just a little bit for my right foot. All right, so starting strong arms, strong powerhouse, long spine, rolling, falling. Okay. We're going to take one foot, push it down and the other try really not to be soft in your actions, but really meaningful, mindful. Let's bring that right foot up. It's just a little turned out from center now.

I'd really love to do this with the big chair, but for the sake of efficiency here, we're just going to wing it and do the more advanced version on the one to chair. So I'm going to squeeze my hips and my left leg and I'm going to use my powerhouse to lift my arms up. All right, keeping nice and balanced. We're going to pull it up three times, scooping in one and come in down and pulling up and down and one more. And to switch safely with energy, I'm gonna grow down to my chair, put my right foot down, switch my left, and put my left foot up again. I'm going to really squeeze the back of my thighs and seat. I'm going to scoop in my belly and that is what lifts my arms. I want to have a strong spine and we're going to work that left hip now and we're going to scoop it. Yeah, and go down and to [inaudible].

This might not be perfectly even for you. You might feel unstable, but this is our starting point to get back into shape and arms coming back down one foot. Let's put one foot down, coming up and strong, powerhouse, strong spine. Exhale, turning your poems out and inhale, pushing the earth away with from arms lifting your powerhouse and you're all finished. And I'll see you on session number two.


1 person likes this.
This workout is punchy and purposeful and "powerhouse" led- so important to reference to Joseph Pilates Contrology. . I teach my advanced class like this, but its so nice to be taught by another teacher, and just get to focus on my own form. I hope your tailbone injury mends quickly - that sounds Ouch
3 people like this.
Thanks for doing a 30 day challenge. Love that you are focusing on contrology. Take care of that tailbone. 😊
Monica Wilson
It's so much better! Thank you for your concern:) Truly amazing how healing and powerful this work is!
5 people like this.
thank you Monica for the Challenge what do you suggest to dots replace the last two exercises when someone doesn't have a wunda chair ?
1 person likes this.
I have the same question. I tried to be creative and just use the coffee table and raise onto my toes, but I kept getting calf cramps
1 person likes this.
You were awesome. Take care of yourself. Can we have alternate moves for those with no apparatus. We are not all Pilates trainers
4 people like this.
Josephine ~ In addition to this challenge, we have two 10-day challenges in the works. The first uses the Reformer the entire time and is designed around play (Sarah Bertucelli). The second challenge is dedicated to unravelling your muscles and uses only mat and props (Niedra Gabriel). We geared this challenge towards reinvigorating those who work hard in studios, but who sometimes lose their own opportunity or motivation to take care of themselves. We want to make sure our teachers and those with access to the studio keep well, too. I hope you are able to enjoy the parts you can do at home. There's more in-store for you coming up!
Maree ~ In addition to this challenge, we have two 10-day challenges in the works. The first uses the Reformer the entire time and is designed around play (Sarah Bertucelli). The second challenge is dedicated to unravelling your muscles and uses only mat and props (Niedra Gabriel). We geared this challenge towards reinvigorating those who work hard in studios, but who sometimes lose their own opportunity or motivation to take care of themselves. We want to make sure our teachers and those with access to the studio keep well, too. I hope you are able to enjoy the parts you can do at home. There's more in-store for you coming up!
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Andree ~ ~ In addition to this challenge, we have two 10-day challenges in the works. The first uses the Reformer the entire time and is designed around play (Sarah Bertucelli). The second challenge is dedicated to unravelling your muscles and uses only mat and props (Niedra Gabriel). We geared this challenge towards reinvigorating those who work hard in studios, but who sometimes lose their own opportunity or motivation to take care of themselves. We want to make sure our teachers and those with access to the studio keep well, too. I hope you are able to enjoy the parts you can do at home. There's more in-store for you coming up!
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Is this appropriately labeled as a 1/2 level class?
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