Class #3523

Mat for Dancers

75 min - Class


You will work on stretching and strengthening your body with this Mat workout by Karen Clippinger. She is joined by professional dancers, Lauren and Kyle, who help demonstrate the beautiful strength and range that we want to see in each movement. She includes exercises that will help improve extension for dancers so they can get their legs higher while maintaining correct alignment.
What You'll Need: Mat, Theraband

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Welcome. Today I'm going to share with you a class that I've taught for many years at cal State Long Beach for the dance department. And I'm joined today by my dear friends and professional dancers, Lauren and Kyle. And they're going to show you the beautiful range and strength that we'd like to see in these exercises. We're going to start laying on our backs. Okay, one hand on the low abdomen and one hand on the rib cage and do a pelvic tilt, pulling the low abs up, the rib cage down and the abdominal wall in towards your spine.

I really want you to feel that scoop and then let it go. And again, low abs up, rib cage slightly down and pull that wall into your lower back, feeling that lengthen and press against the mat. And so we will refer to this as the scooping movement today. And now take your hand under your low back and I want you to feel the difference of bracing. And so now as you pull up your low abs, I want you to think about pulling up your low back at the same time so that you still maintain that lumbar curve, but you feel that you have a stable position and let that go. And once again, pulling the low abs, bringing the ribs slightly down, but lifting right by the sacrum, lifting with those low back muscles so that you have a neutral curve in the lumbar spine and a neutral pelvis and that we will refer to as bracing.

Today, taking your hand out. We're going to start with a curl up where I want you to feel that scoop and so we're curling up, taking our hands on the side of the legs and using your hands to curl that spine even further. Rounding as much as you can, letting go. Try not to drop down as you let go and lower back down, curling up pants on the side of the legs, pulling up higher, bringing those shoulders closer to your waist. Really deep in that curve. Low back still on the mat. Let go and hold and curl. Pulling up higher this time. As you hold, I want your legs to slide away. Start with the pelvic tilt, pulling those legs back and sliding them on the ground and then lower back down and curl. Pulling up higher leg. Slide away on the mat.

Start with this slight post your tilt to pull those legs back in and lower curl higher legs way. Now we're going to add the arms, bringing the arms overhead, bringing the arms back, pulling the legs in and lower, curling, scooping even deeper, trying to pull that abdominal wall in towards your spine. Legs go out, arms go back. Arms in pulling those legs in. Last one's on the diagonal, so staying up, bringing your legs out on the diagonal, keeping your torso still facing front, pulling the legs back on the diagonal, coming to center. Switch you to the other side, to the left, sliding the legs out on that diagonal, sliding them back in, coming to center and lower back down here sequentially. Curling up, pressing down with your feet. Approximate straight line between the knees, hips, and the shoulders.

I want you to focus on lifting the bottom of your pelvis rather than arching your back. So lifting that bottom of the pelvis up and sequentially, upper middle, low back, and then going into a neutral pelvis and again, articulate. So here we're scooping low pelvis, coming up one vertebra at a time, lifting. But now in this top position, I want you to feel that bracing, so knees, hips, shoulders in line, lifting with the abdominals, lifting a little bit with the low back and lifting the bottom of the pelvis, lowering back down Vertebra by Vertebra, taking the right leg and reaching it out so it's in line with the left knee and curling up from here. Pressing down with the left leg, focusing on the hamstring, lifting that bottom leg up. Okay. And lowering back down again and lifting and trying to feel the top of the thigh and the back of the pelvis. Getting closer together, using those typic sensors, hamstrings and Gluteus maximus and curling back down and lifting up again, holding that position. Stay in there, bringing the leg out to the side and back, trying to keep the opposite. The left a s I s back as you bring the leg outside and leg back out to the side, keeping it out and lower down.

Last coming up on your elbows and lifting up, trying to lift that bottom of the pelvis. Don't worry about going all the way up. Hinge at the hip to come down and lifting up, trying to feel that hip extension. And now the hip flection and lifting up hip extension and hip flection. Last one, lifting up and come down, bending the right leg and bringing it back down.

Bringing left leg out so it's in line with your right knee. And from here articulating, coming up, trying to feel that bottom of the pelvis lift and lower back down and again, lifting up, pushing down into the floor, hamstrings, bringing the bottom of pelvis towards the knee as you lift up. Okay. And sequentially lower down and coming up, lifting up, staying in this up position and bringing the leg out to the side and back and out to the side and back. Thinking of the right asio, staying back as you come in once more like out to the side. And back. Leaving that leg out, lower down, coming up onto your forearms and here lifting up, bringing the bottom of the pelvis towards the right knee.

Hinge at the hip as you come down and extend as you lift up and hinge as you'd come down and extend and hinge last down time, pressing into the mat, trying to feel that glute work. Hamstring work, coming back down, bringing the left knee up to your chest and from here, gently pressing away, feeling that hamstring contract and relax. And as you relax, feeling that flection on the front of the hip. As you bring the leg closer, trying to feel the back of the hamstring, the back of the thigh lengthen. And those of you that are more flexible like Lauren Ignis, straighten your right leg and only bring your left leg up high enough that the right leg doesn't lift off the mat and pressing away again and relax. Trying to feel the fold on the front, bringing that fly closer to the chest. Inhale. Exhale. Trying to feel that lengthen. Turn the leg out just slightly and back to parallel and turn it out and back to parallel. Keep it turned out. And from here, taking your hand on the inside, press away gently.

When you relax, try to feel that greater trocanter staying down and the fold on the front of the hip as you pull in. Yeah. Slowly bring that leg down, bending both knees for those that habits straight and develop the right leg coming up to the chest and extend. And from here, pressing away, trying to feel that hamstring contract as you press away. And now as you relax the distance between the sitz bones and the back of the knee lengthening, try to feel that muscle give and again, pressing away gently and relax. Trying to feel that crease on the front of the hip, right in the hip socket.

That five folding closer to the front of your chest as that leg lengthens and come slightly closer in from here. Turnout and parallel and turnout and parallel. Stay turned out. Bring your hand to the inside and very gently press away. And as you pull the legging closer, imagine a spiral.

The leg is spiraling from the top of the hip, rotating all the way down the length of the leg. As you pull it closer in, bring that leg down, keeping it bent and off the ground and the other leg up to meet it. Bringing your hands down by your sides. Edit triangle at an angle out so that you have room for your hips to rock from side to side and rocking to the right and contract. Using the abdominal stinking pulling that left Asi es back and rocking to the other side and pulling the right Asi s back and rocking to the right. Really trying to feel the rotation of the pelvis occurring below the waist, pulling back to center and rocking to the left.

Okay. And Center. Adding the legs, so rocking to the right. Try to feel that Cory or abdominals pulling in towards your spine as you extend those legs and hold going a little bit closer to the floor, a little bit closer to the floor, a little bit closer to the floor. Bend the knees and come back to center. Rocking to the left. Same thing and extend.

Think of the right shoulder pressing back against the mat. As you bring those legs closer to the floor, closer to the floor, really find that place where you can barely hold and bend and in going to the right and extending, not quite so low. This time, opposite shoulder back, feeling that counter rotation so their shoulders are rotating to the left as the pelvis is rotating into the right and little beats going closer to the ground, closer to the ground, closer to the ground, closer to the ground bend and come in, going to the left and extend a little bit higher. Keeping that right shoulder back and little beats going closer and closer and closer. Keeping those low abs in. Bend the knees and come back to center. Sliding the right leg out the left leg out, bringing the arms overhead, arms coming forward from here. Sequential head, upper back, middle, low, coming up, feeling that scoop of pulling the abdominals in that round position.

Flex your feet, separate them just a bit and come forward. Now for those of you that are a little tighter, I want you to bend your knees just a little so that you can focus on pulling your lumbar spine back away. Those that are flexible, straighten those knees and right from here, try to feel that cost x pulling under and the lumbar spine lengthening this time. Straighten those knees a little bit more from where you are, but rather than going flat, still keep that curve in your spine and think of dropping your head straight down towards the map. Inhale, exhale here. Try to feel your lumbar spine lengthen while those lower abdominals support the low lumbar spine and the sacrum from here. Slowly curl up and want you to feel the difference here of that scooping versus bracing.

And so now you're going to come back and scoop and now one hand and your low back right above your sacrum and the other hand on the front and the low abdomen. And I want you to think of lifting both of those up as you sit right over those sitz bones. Nice and back, coming back. And now from here, start the lift from behind that spine and the lift from the front and try to feel all the way from your sitz bone going through your back, behind your ears, bending the knees, taking the band in your hand with your palms facing up, trying to maintain that lift of the back as externally rotating and coming forward and two and coming forward. And three last one, rotating for taking your left arm to the front, your right arm, back 90 degree angle with that elbow. And here the elbow is pivoting as you externally rotate. One and two good and three still lifting with that low back and four stay there and upper back arch and extend and rotate upper back arch.

Extend reaching back once more upper arch and extend and forward. Adding the torso rotation arm rotates torso rotates towards the arm. Now think of a diagonal lifting up and back on that diagonal. As you reach back, way back, allow yourself to tilt back slightly and come forward. Last one, rotate.

Rotate the torso towards the arm and now lifting up and back. Reach that arm. Allow yourself to tilt slightly back, slightly back, slightly back. Good. And come back to center. Switching arms right arm forward, left arm, back at shoulder height, 90 degrees and rotating. One and two palm facing forward. As you rotate, try to keep that elbow right at shoulder height. Three nice rotate on force day. They're adding the upper back and extend and front arm rotates.

Upper back lifts up and back as you extend. And Fred last one arm, upper back and extend 20 feel both sides of this mine lifting and coming front. Adding torso arm rotates. Torso rotates towards that arm. Think of a diagonal. As you arch up and back, allow yourself to lean back slightly and forward.

Arm rotates. Torsa rotates to the left towards the arm lifting up and back on that diagonal. Reaching back way back, way back, way back. Good. And coming forward, taking the band onto your toes. And this one you want to make sure it's past your Tosa.

It doesn't come flying off and grabbing onto the ends. So knees a little bit bent to start with. Kyle can keep them straight. And from here, we're gonna curl back. So the low back is coming close to the mat and biceps curls one, think of the elbow staying right by your sides. Two, three and four. Two more. Five and six coming back up to sitting.

Fine. That tall position and now scoop, curling back and not quite as low. This time, bend your knees just a little bit more because we're going to bend and lift up towards the ceiling and bend. Lifting up towards the ceiling. Good. Ben, think of you're lifting someone or something. Heavy. Bend and lift. Two more arms been and left. Last one as they lift those up.

Bumbles pulling closer to your spine, coming back up to sitting and going into rows. Pulling those arms back and forward and again established that. Lift the abdominals. Lift at the low back and elbows pulling back. Good once more. Elbows pulling back. Stay there, right, goes further. Right Torso, so rotates and no left pulls further as your body stays right coming front, both arms together, right goes further. Torso rotates right, left pulls back and coming forward. Adding upper back, both together, right further right rotates. Left, pulled back, shoulder blade slightly down and together. Leaned back against that.

Then to help you arch up and back and forth. Last one on this side. Arms right towards a rotates, right, left meets at shoulder blade swell. They down and together and now lifting up and back, leaning on the band and coming forward to other side. Arms come back, left, goes further towards her.

Rotates with that right, meets it shoulder blade slightly down and together they pull back and come back to your center. And both arms back. Left. Torso rotates to the left, right, meets it shoulder blade slightly down and front. Now adding the back, both back left ghosts further, right meets it upper back arches and leaning on that band and coming back forward. Last one, arms left. Torso rotates to the left, right, meets it arching up and back and coming forward. Taking the band under your knees.

For those that are stronger, you're going to wrap others. Just keep it like it is sum up position. So this is called scaption. Arms are slightly in front of your body as you're lifting your arms up to about shoulder height and coming back down and lifting up and coming back down and lifting up and lower. One more. Lifting up, bend in, unwrap and from here, reaching overhead and coming down and lifting overhead. Now rotating, so bending your torso to the side, lifting up and coming down.

Stay lifting up and coming down. Other side, pulling those abs in, lifting with the low back overhead. One last one. Overhead to taking the band down by your side, reaching the arms forward, curling back down. Knees bent, trying to start at the base of the spine. As you curl down, bringing the left needier chest and extend and bend, curling right back up to sitting. Curly down, starting from the base, same side, curling down.

This time stay a little higher to make it harder. Knee comes in an extend trying to stay lifted. Bend that knee and come back up. Curling back down. Leg comes to 90 degrees.

Use your hands to pull up just a little higher. In that same principle. More selection of that torso, keeping it lifted. As you let go, arms go back in around leg bends and up curling back down. Leg goes to 90 both hands on the of your left leg curling up on a slight diagonal. Lifting arms back and around. Leg down and curl up. Last one, curling down leg to 90 lifting up on that tag.

No stay lifted. Arms back and around. Leg down, other side, curling back down first to just focusing on bringing that knee in Nice and close and extend and bend and curl up and curling down. Trying to stay a little higher. This one in an extend and Ben and curling up and curling down, bringing the leg to 90 lifting up a little bit higher, lifting up a hold that position. Arms back and around, leg down and coming up and curling down and leg comes up.

Pulling up once more, a little higher, a little higher yet arms back and around and up. Curling back down, leg up on the diagonal, pulling up on that diagonal arms coming back in around, leg down and curl. Last one, curling back down, leg up, pulling up on that dangled. Try to feel that you're lifting up and around, bringing the leg arms back and around. Bringing the leg down, coming up, crossing the right leg over the left, taking two fingertips and placing them in close by that hipbone and in this position, lift that knee up and coming back down and lifting that knee up and lower down and see if you can feel that muscle deep underneath the abdominal wall. Eylea so as very important for high extensions and now as you lift up, bring that leg to the front and develop it and bring it right across again and lifting up, bringing the leg to the front, keeping that bike close to your chest as you extend and coming back and lifting up, trying to feel that muscle as you extend lifting the leg just a little higher, a little higher, a little higher and back and lift.

Coming Front, trying to feel bad. Sits bones, reaching down towards the Mat as the leg comes up, lifting a little higher, little higher, little higher from here, Ben Net, knee and parallel and turnout. And parallel. Keep that turnout as you extend and parallel turnout. Once more parallel, try to feel it. Rotate in, wrap as you extend for BODMAS leg coming down, lifting back up and lower down and lifting back up and lower down and lift and lower. Last one left. Hold it there, hold it there, hole that there. Hold it there. And switched sides. Leaning forward.

Try to keep your torso forward as you lift that leg. Feel that so as working as you lift up and come back down and lift up. And so this is muscle that's really important for extensions both to the front and the side. Developing the height, right? And so lifting the leg up and from here, Exton and across and lifting, trying to feel that. So as, as you lift, trying to feel that size, stay close to you as you extend that leg and come back down and lifting up and right from here, extend and bend the knee and turn out and parallel and turnout and parallel and turned out. Stay there. Extend that leg, keeping it turned out, keeping it turned out, keeping it turned out and banned. And parallel.

Rotate from the top of the hip and turn out and parallel trying to feel it unfold as you rotate and extend for [inaudible] was coming down and lifting up and lower down and lifting up and lowered down and lift. Last one, lower down to really try to feel it. Hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it and come back down. Extending your legs out to the front. From here, pressing with your hands to the side or facing in your choice. Dip. So you're pressing up. And I want you to let your shoulder blades lift up a little and then press down.

Hold two, three, four and again, bend those elbows and let the shoulder blades come up and press down, straightening the elbows, pulling the shoulder blade slightly down towards your waist. And then the elbows, shoulder blades up, pulling down. Hold two, three, four, last one, bend and up, shoulder blade slightly together and down. Try to fill that stability and go to a sitting position. From here. Want you to establish that stability, pressing down with those shoulder blades. And then from here, lifting up, folding at the hip to come forward, shoulder blades pressing down and now lifting up and folding at the hips to return. Lifting up, trying to feel one piece and coming back down.

Last one, shoulder blades down, lifting the bottom of the palace. The glutes are working to lift the top of the sternum as you'd come up and lower back down to your starting position. Taking a stretch forward when we're stretched forward here, walking your hip back and your other hip back so that you can really feel a stretch in this position. And one more time walking the right hip back the left hip, back. Bend your elbows to pull further forward. Try to relax those hamstrings that we just used.

Okay. And now facing towards me, Rhonda. Deshawn crossing the right leg in front and from here trying to fill that same. So as that we've been working on lifting that leg up and extend it to the front. Carry it to the side and back. Arms to this side or Kyle showing a variation with a hands down.

Either your choice, lifting the leg up slightly and lower and lift and lower and lift and lower. Once more, lift and lower. From here, lift and begin to straighten and back in and lift en. Begin to straighten and back in and lift. Begin to straighten Ed in last one left. Begin to straighten and go side crossing your arms, trying to feel that turned in that parallel position.

Lifting up one and two and three and four arms overhead one. And to fight for the balance, three and four, taking foot in hand and develop a to the front. Lifting that hip purposely. Now drop. Trying to feel that rotation from the top of the of the thigh. Spiraling all the way down the leg, bringing the other arm up.

Good. And from there, holding that position, letting go whole to three, Ben, just a little. Those of you that are more flexible, try to stay more. For those of us that are tighter, you're going to lean back more. Then bringing that knee up just a little closer and extend. Then grab with your hand and carry the leg to the side and lift that hip and drop that hip. Feeling that rotation as you drop.

Trying to feel that full turnout as the legs to the side and let go. Hold two, three, four and switch sides. Left leg crosses over the front and from here lifting up, trying to feel that so ass as you extend reaching the leg around and back behind you. Hands forward or to the side and lifting up one and two and three and four from here. Lift that knee and extend and lift. Thinking of lifting with that outside the top of that knee as you extend and lift and extend once more.

Lift x and going side right from here. Trying to keep parallel as you lift one and two and three and four arms overhead and five and six and seven last one, eight foot in hand, lifting that leg up, lifting the hip, dropping hip, trying to feel that spiral all the way through. Bringing your opposite arm over head, trying to find that so as, as you let go and hold two, three bend. Just a little, try to bring that thigh closer as you extend and then lift a little and extend. Taking your foot in hand as you carry it side and lift and drop.

Really trying to feel it go under. As you go to the side, find that rotation. Find that rotation, fight for it. Weighed on both sitz bones and let go and hold two, three, four and coming down, laying on your stomach. Hands down by your side. Okay. And this you're going to think of reaching your hands down towards your feet and just let the upper back.

So you're stirring them still on the ground for the first couple reps and lower back down and again, arms reaching down, head, upper back, ribs, still lower ribs still in contact and coming down more range. Reaching down, head up or middle back and lower down. Trying to feel a little low. ABS lift at the same time as your arching upper, middle, low. So back and ABS are working together and lower down this time, holding arms, reaching down and lifting head, upper, middle, low, bringing the arms out to the sigh, bringing him back down.

And Lower and lifting head, upper middle, low arm side, arms down and lower. Last one, sequential arch. Had detail. Try to hold that lift as your arms go all the way, all the way, all the way overhead coming back down and going up to my favorite rest position. And enjoy this moment of letting that low lumbar spine lengthen. Feeling the weight of the caustics drop towards the table as your lumbar spine lengthens, bringing the toes under and from here going into up stretch position. Find that angle that feels good for you, where you can press your chest through and feel a stretch on your hamstrings.

Relax your neck and bend those knees. Bring your pelvis nice and low and then scoot forward past your hands. I want it really hard to hold past your hands, bringing that bottom, that pelvis down. Now fold at the hip joint and pull yourself back. Bringing your heels back down and your chest through your arms.

Yeah, the same. Nice. Come in and shoot forward. Nice and low. Pass your hands and hold that position and come back up. Walk your hands just a little further forward and now bend your knees and bring your shoulders to, they're more over your hands. Lift the right foot off and coming back up.

Lifting that leg and coming forward and coming back up. Lifting that right leg and coming forward. Switch right foot down, left foot, up and coming back. Lifting that left leg and coming forward and back. Lifting that left leg coming forward both feet on the ground.

Lower that pelvis just a little bit. Try to feel your shoulder blades y and lift the right foot up and lower and two and lower and three and lower and four and lower. Other side, put that right foot. Make it secure. Lifting left up and lower and two and lower and three and lower and four coming down onto your knees, letting your shoulder blades come together and then press away and shoulder blades come together and press away. So this is our push up plus to try to find that straightness under the arm pits.

Tried to keep those shoulder blades wide. Walk your hands forward and bring your hips forward. For those of you that are stronger like Kyle is going to do from the feet. The rest of us are going to do from the knees and going down, trying to keep those shoulder blades as wide as you can and up and to elbow side and up and three and up and four and up. Now a little bit of weight on the right center and up a little bit more on the right center and up.

Left Center and up. Left Center and up. Stay there just for a minute. Widen those scapula. Try to reach the bottom of the pelvis down. Reach behind your ears out. Feel that wide position with your back and come up to sitting, taking your band and wrapping it under your thighs and tying it into a knot.

Okay, so here going back on your elbow. So I want you to try to feel the rotation coming from the top of your hip rather than from the knee down. So the legs are going to go to the side and kind of have them go just to the outside of the mat and then as externally rotate. Keep that rotation as you come back in and go parallel and legs going side and externally rotate and come back and keeping that turnout and parallel legs side and rotate. Now going further, keeping that rotation, keeping that rotation, try to feel your little toe reaching towards the floor. Keep that as you come back and parallel legs side, starting from the hip, going down to the knee, then the ankles, then the foot. Keep that turnout as you come back.

Legs going side so they're on the outside of the Mat. Lifting the right leg only and rotate it further. Going side and parallel. Rotate going further and parallel. Rotate going further and back in both legs.

Side left on the outside of your mat and lift and rotate. Going further and parallel. Rotate going further and parallel. Rotate going further. Good and come back in feet together. We're going to just do some, please don't worry if the band slides off, but lifting the legs up just a little bit.

Knees en and rotate. Trying to feel it from the top of the hip. Keep that turnout as you straighten the legs and come back to parallel. Turn up from the hip. Reach the knees side as you just do a damn. Very small [inaudible]. Once more knees in, rotate out and extend those legs.

Bring one leg up and the other leg on the floor. So right knee is coming up and here trying to find that so as again, bringing knee towards your chest and extend. Then it's just going to touch down and to knee in and extend and then and touch knee in annexed and good bend and touch and an extend. Bend touch. Now bring both legs off. Right knee comes in, left, goes away. As you extend both, come together right knee comes up, left, goes away both together. Once more.

Right knee in a way together. Both legs down left knee only. Yes. Adjust the band as needed. Bringing that left knee up. Yeah. And from here try to allow that pelvis slightly posterially chill as you extend and touchdown and he comes in trying to fill the so as that sigh come in as close to your chest as you can. As you extend and down, picking up the tempo leg in an extend and lower leg in and extend good and lower leg and lift.

The other one left like comes in and extends as the right reaches away. Both together left comes in right extends and both together. Once more left in right away and together bringing your head down on the mat and your hips up. Taking your hand in the band. Okay, so hip lifts, lifting the pelvis up just slightly. As you press away with your hands and lower down feet or cross.

Knees are slightly side and lifting up and lower down to more. Lifting up a little higher and lower. Lifting up a little higher and lower right diagonal towards the right shoulder. Lifting up and lower. Last one, lifting and lower left diagonal lifting up and lower. Last one, lifting and lower, bringing the right leg and left leg down, rolling onto your side to face towards me.

[inaudible]. So here I want you to really focus on using this side of the hip. As you lift that leg up parallel and coming back down and lifting up and coming back down. So think of the pelvis reaching away, lifting up this time. Point your foot externally rotate. Imagine you're pressing against a wall behind you and lift that leg higher and come back down so it starts parallel. Ed Turns Out, think of pressing back as you lift that leg higher and come back down.

Keep a turned up and coming up. One and two. Good. Trying to feel that rotation. Three and on four coming to Paul. Say bringing the ball of the foot down. The knee drops in and rotates out. Trying to feel the rotation on both sides as flat as you can on the front and knee drops in, rotating out on both sides.

Lifting the leg up and closing back. Lifting the leg up and closing. Front, lifting the leg up and closing the hack. Stay there. Lift the leg. Think of leading with that knee. As you bring the leg back and continue into arabesque parallel position. Now rotate to try to feel the difference and bring that leg back to Paul.

Say Bend the bottom leg and front devil pay to the front, slightly turned out and coming back down and here. So the toe is touching the ground as you develop up and lower down and three and lower down and four and lower down stain on five and an attitude lifting that knee up towards the ceiling and just to parallel and lifting up, feeling those rotators at the hip and back to parallel and lifting up. Okay, and back to parallel and stretch as you stretch. Think about keeping the pelvis back so you linked in the distance between the sitz bones in the greater trocanter, pressing that knee up, just gently against your hand and relax and try to feel that rotator muscle lengthen that we just worked on and switching to the other side, adjusting that band so it's just above your knees and flat to begin with. Starting flex the first time [inaudible] and lifting app and coming back down.

And to parallel trying to feel the movement coming right from here. Now adding the turnout so it's parallel turnout and lifting higher and come back down and parallel turnout lifting higher. Keep it turned out. Imagine pushing against a wall as you lift up. One lower down and to lower down. And three last one for coming to Paseo Ball, the foot and the front, letting the knee drop in.

Trying to fill the rotation on both sides. Flattening at the front of the hip. Once again, letting the knee drop in, rotate on both sides. Lift that leg and close back and lift that leg and close front and lift that leg close back right from here. Lift the knee and extend behind going to parallel turnout, trying to feel that full turnout as you reach back, turning out or she'd come back to pos. Say it's been under leg and developing to the front.

One little bit of turnout, two and three and four. Stain as you come up to attitude, lifting that leg up and bringing it back down, rotating from the hip and bring it back down. Trying to not drop it, but rotate up and then just bring it to parallel. Taking the knee, bring it down, and keeping the opposite hip back from this position. Very gently. Press up against your hand. And as you relax, try to feel this rotators lengthen between your greater truck in your sits bones.

Muscles notoriously tight in dancers coming to a sitting position and working her feet, taking the band. And for this I want you to spread the band wide and have the knot either in the middle of the front or the middle of the okay. So way out at the edges of your toes and again slump. And then try to find that lifted position with your, you're back here, right and right from here. The little toes are going out and coming back and little toes are going out and back trying to keep the knees still and you can take your fist between your knees if you're having trouble finding that, hold those knees still and just try to isolate it to the ankle and foot and going out. Imagine that you're scooping, the little toes are going down.

And then out to scoopable and these muscles on the outside of the ankle are so important for preventing rolling out and ankle sprains. Two more going out and coming back. Last one, going out and that taking your right foot and crossing it over. And I want you to pull it quite high so that it's close to your knee and make sure that the opposite one is past your toe so it stays on and you're going to bring your big toes away from each other and back and away. Same scooping feeling and back and going away again. Scoop, lifting the inner border up.

Think of lifting that arch and going back this time as you lift that arch, bring the bottom leg across and back and hose away. Lifting the bottom leg and pulling it across and coming back and switching sides. Making sure that that band is way out at the edge of the toe and the bent knee is close to your niece and there's a lot of tension on that band and from here, both toes, but the bottom one is working the hardest. They're going away and back, a scooping feeling inner border of the foot, lifting up these muscles. So important for maintaining the arches and preventing, rolling in, lifting that inner border and coming back and lifting that inner boarder and back. Now as you lift, bring the bottom like a crus. Hold it across, hold it across and back. Last one, toes away. Lifting up and pull across.

[inaudible] taking your right foot and bringing it up. And so for this one, we're gonna do a little bit of a scoop rather than, than sitting at the low center to lean back and use your hands so that your hip flexors can relax for a bit and focus on the foot. So bringing the top of the foot towards the Shin and controlling the return away and bringing that top of the foot up and away. Way Try to keep the knee still on habit. Just be the motion of the foot. That's it. Doors, the flexing the foot and go away.

Start leading with the toes so its toes, and then the foot comes up nice and go away. Think of the second toe. Is the access going towards your Shin this time and away. Last one coming up second toe going towards the Shin. You're gonna go a little further forward. And from here, just extend your knee and bend and extend your knee and bend and extend.

Good. And Ben, try and keep that knee right where it is and extend and Ben, switching sides, bringing this leg up, holding with both hands, allowing yourself to lean back a bit. Make sure that that band is past your toes so that it resists your toes too. Good. And here, starting with the toes and then the top of the foot going towards the Shin and control the return going away. Easy to do. Lifting toes, top of the foot, going towards the Shin and control the return and up shortening that distance between the Shin and the foot. Think of the heel reaching away from you as you pull up and go away.

Okay. Top of the foot towards the Shin. Thinking of that, both sides of the foot working this time. Think of that access second toe going towards the middle of the Shin. Yeah. And way last one.

Bringing that second toe up towards the Shin and go away leaving the band. So you're going to take it and put it around your ankles and leave it around your ankles as you roll onto your stomach. Okay. And your arms are in second position. And so arms lift up had an upper Baxter tournament stain on the ground.

Arms go overhead to high fifth, come down to second. Archie's a little higher and then lower and it's arms, upper back, arms overhead, arms coming side as you are. Tire and lower and arms. Upper back, arms overhead. Reach and lift. Head, middle, low and lower. Last one like this.

Arms sequential lift of the spine, arms over head and lower. Now arms upper back, right leg lifts up. Left arm goes overhead as that left arm go side lift a little higher and lower down. Same side it's arms, upper back, right leg lifts, up left arm overhead, left arm going side as you lift up and lower arms. Upper back, left leg, right arm overhead, right arm side as you lift up and lower last one. Arms, upper back, left leg, right arm overhead. Right arm side, lifting and lower coming up to Kat.

Okay. And here, bringing the tail under. Thinking of rounding, Prime Miller, the lumbar spine, just a little bit of thoracic. And now try to feel that bracing that you're going to neutral lifting low abs and low back and reaching out the neck behind the ears. And now cost six comes under.

Pull the low abs in towards your lumbar spine. Small Arch. Okay. And from here, extend tail, going back, reaching long, long, long, taking the band and bringing it under the arches of your foot. Curl your toes of your left foot under so that it keeps it from flying off. And from here the right leg goes back right along the floor.

Knee bends just a little. Now think of lifting that knee, using the hamstrings and from here extend reaching up to the ceiling and come back down and legs. Slides, back. Knee bends, lifting higher and extend and lower down leg back, knee bends, lifting higher and extend coming down, adding turnout. Leg goes back. Knee bends. Now rotate and lift that leg higher up towards the ceiling. As you extend and come back to parallel leg goes back and bend.

Extremely rotate. Let that hip open a little. As you reach back, reaching up to the ceiling, lower the foot down, keeping it straight and lifting it up and lower down and lifting it up and lower down. Lifting it up. Last one, lower and lift and change sides. Left leg slides, back knee bends. Then once that knee bends, think of it, the Nice thing where it is in the heel coming higher. That's nice. Rather than dropping now, lift from the back of the knee and extend reaching up to the ceiling and come back in and leg goes back. Knee bends, lifting it higher and extend going up to the ceiling.

Okay, and comes back and leg goes back. Bend that knee lifted higher from here. X journally rotate and extend. Reaching towards the ceiling and leg goes back and begins externally. Rotate. Lift that outside of the knee. Lift the outside of the knee and extend.

Keep the leg straight. Comes down to touch. Lifting up one and two and three last one and four and coming back down. Okay. From here, resting on your hands, you can just let the band come off your feet and pressing up, lifting the ass off the mat and then lower back down and lifting up asi es off the Mat. Reaching the right arm out and low in and lower. Lifting a s I s up.

Try to keep your weight even on both sides. You reach that right arm out and in and lower and lifting up and reaching the right arm out. Bringing back behind your head, reaching up towards the ceiling and come back down. Lifting the Asi up, reaching the right arm out, back behind your head, up towards the ceiling and coming down. Left side, lifting up. Stay in the middle as you reached that left arm out. Nice and high arm in. Let everything go and lift.

Nice Asi s up equal weight as you're reaching up, elbow in and lower last two, lifting up, reaching out. Hand comes behind, reaches up to the ceiling and and lifting up. Reaching out. As you reach back. Think of lifting that back higher as you lift up and come back down. Going onto your side, onto your side, the home stretch here and lifting up and coming back down. So from your hand and lifting up and over, just to warm up a little bit and come back down.

Bringing your top leg front, finding that good position for yourself and reaching up and over and come back once more. Lifting up and over. Come back down, going onto your forearm, taking your top leg and putting it on your bottom. Lake hand here in the front and lifting and lower down. So think of the pelvis lifting towards the ceiling.

Good and lower down. Two more with Ding up and lower down. Last one, lifting up and lower. Bending the knees from here. Side up, curling up and lowering down. Just a touch your shoulder blade and coming right back up.

No rest in between and lower down. Just to touch the shoulder blade and up and lower down. Just to touch the shoulder blade stain up and right from here, lifting the legs and lower and lift and lower and lift and lower. Once more, lift and lower, bring everything together and now rock on to your side and go partway down and come up and rock onto your side and go further down. Come up and switched to the other side.

Starting with our arm and reaching up and coming back down. Trying to feel that shoulder blade that we worked on. Pulling down with the shoulder blade towards the mat and coming back down, bringing the top leg to the front, finding your distance and from here, lifting up and over and coming back down and up and over, coming back down, taking your forearm onto the ground. Other hand and front. Bottom leg is straight, top leg is on top of it and this exercise has been shown really effective for those obliques. Lifting up and quadrates some bore and good and three.

Feel that bottom side, shortening it here and here. Lifting up. Good. Last one, and lifting, bending those knees, curling down just to touch the shoulder blade and come back up. Curl down just to touch the shoulder blade and up and lower. Keeping that scoop and F and lower stain up on this one, right from there. Scoop and lift the legs and lower and scoop and low and scoop.

Good and lower and scoop. Just come together here and facing towards me for Air Basque. Okay. Taking your right leg back. Find that position where you're all for position.

Okay. Bringing the right leg back parallel and here, trying to feel the rotation of the hip and back to parallel and rotation at the hip. And from here, extend that leg up and now carry it to the side. Okay. And as you carry it to the side, lifting one and two and three, carrying it back and coming in. Last one on this side, lifting up and turn out.

And from here you're going to allow your elbows to Admin this time to allow you to get a little bit more height. As you lift that leg up, reaching across the hip and carrying it to the side and lifting one and two and three, bringing it back, reaching it up and switching sides. Left side, bringing that leg up and turn out. Thinking of it from the hip, coming back to parallel and turning out from the hip and back to parallel. Now as you turn out, reach across that hip as you extend elbow straight for this first one, trying to feel that turnout. Go parallel with the whole leg to find it and turn out good.

And now carry that leg to the side and lifting one and two and three carrying it back. Okay, and in last one, lifting the leg back and turning and parallel and turnout and extend. Now here, allow the elbows to Ben to get more. Reach across that hip and road. Take care of that leg to this side.

Lifting one and two and three carrying it back, reaching up, reaching up, reaching good. Bend that left leg. Bring it forward to go into a hip flexor stretch. Starting with your hands down on the mat and your front knee over your ankle. Think of pressing the bottom of the pelvis forward as you come up with your hand on your thigh.

Okay. Really focus on the back of the pelvis coming forward as you come up to vertical, reaching your arm overhead. And lifting up and slightly back and come down, bringing that leg back and the other leg forward. Starting with your hands down to slide the knee back and here, feel the weight dropping the bottom of your pelvis towards the Mat. And from here, taking your hand first one hand on the thigh, bringing in the bottom of the pelvis forward and then coming up to vertical.

Yeah, lifting up and slightly back and come forward. Bringing that leg in and come into a sitting position. And thank you all for joining us today. And thank you again, Kyle and Lauren for being my beautiful demonstrators.


1 person likes this.
Fantastic! Feels like I just left a ballet class! Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Lovely flow- hard work but feels great. Thanks
1 person likes this.
Love the variations for iliopsoas strength 🙏
Danielle B
2 people like this.
Wow, great workout for hip mobility:)
Brenda B
1 person likes this.
Wonderful! Thank you!
Karen Clippinger
Hello Anselm, Caroline, Emily, Danielle and Brenda:
Thank you so much for your lovely comments. You all expressed my goals so well, that is of providing a workout that particularly challenged hip mobility and strength to aid with dance or help you feel like a dancer!
Helena B
Challenging but not exhausting. I feel upright, open, and tall after doing this! Thanks
Wow! That was amazing! I am not a dancer but I totally love these type of classes. It brings a totally new dimension to focusing on the hips which is serving my body very well. Thank you for such beautiful instruction Karen. Your years of experience are a gift to us all!
Fantastic. I feel great. Thank you!
Thank you. Due to injuries I can't do it all but did my best. Could you expand just a little on the feeling of finding/feeling the psoas - versus say the abs engaging?
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