Hi everyone. Thanks for being here with me today. I feel like there are days when do we need to push and their ideas and we need to go slow and steady and that's one of those days for me. So we're going to do some basic mat work. I love the basic, so let's start sitting on our mat with the feet flat and about sit bones, distance apart, and the hands behind the thighs. And I want us to lift up and close our eyes. I'm going to close my eyes anyway because I feel that it's nice sometimes too investigates and stations without any visual stimulus.
Feeling the length of the spine, the heaviness of the bones of the pelvis, heaviness of the bones of the feet.
Lifting the body and I'm playing with lightness. Moving with ease. Movie with yes. Intention. Yes, correct. Muscular recruitment. All those things that we think about in polite ways but also with ease.
Take them out to the sides and then forward and lift the arms.
Excellent to come back in. Inhale, Leslie, reach across.
Lift the pelvis just off the mat. Pick it up just a little bit. As it's coming down, I want you to feel that it's bringing your chest up higher. We're trying again to lift the feet up off the mat at the same time as we're not allowing them to live and then we go down again. Inhale, exhale, head and chest. Come up, press down into the feet. Curl the pelvis. As the pelvis comes down, the chest follows the pelvis, the seat attempt to lift. Oh my goodness. It makes it so difficult in such an amazingly beautiful way.
High controlled connected position. One hand comes back, the other hand comes back. We place that leg down. Lifting even higher. We come into the center. I don't want to take it down again. Exhaling as we lift.
Yeah, press down with the feet. Tuck the tail, curl up a little higher in here and now extra. Try to find the same sensations you twist and in center. Lift up in a cross and center. Keeping the sides of the waist equally long. Center. Exhale, lifting up and over.
We're going two more times in both directions. Up in, over and center up in over. I know it's difficult. It's difficult for me to center. Love it and center layoff all the way down. Separate the feedback into the bridge position. Take the hands to the mat.
Pull from the center of the body and down. One more time. Exhale left. Now take the body straight down and straight up. Straight down and straight up. Straight down and straight up here we could stand on the arms a little bit.
Come into the center, hands on the thighs, curl up a little deeper, curl up a little deeper, curl up a little deeper and come up. Bringing the feet in, balancing and keeping this shape rocking back. Inhale and coming up to balance and rocking back in here. Coming up to balance and series. So using the abdominals to, to back.
I do or I notice that I do sort of requirement. It's just a,
We'll just do that one more time. Rolling down, finding something to hang on to rippling through the spine until we arrive at that nice flat position. Arms reach forward. Take the spine forward to take the arms out, press five lifting the chest, three, two, one. And this time as you come up, reach all the way overhead
Maybe you choose to come up a little higher and on ridges doing to slide the shoulder blades down or reach out through the spine and down. One more time, sliding the shoulder blades down. Now hold there just like we did when you're sitting. I want the arms to come out to the sides like wings and then just lift them. I've been back, I've been up in back up, been back when more I've been back. Ben, the arms, lower the body. Press into the elbow, come up onto the hands and knees. Take a breath in there. As we exhale, we're going to talk the tail under around the spine and drop the head.
And then Tra last time. Exhaling as you around seg mentally really trying to focus on the lower spine. And then as you bring the pelvis back into its natural orientation, then putting your focus into extending into the upper spine and then come all the way back round the spine. As much as you Ken dropping your head, we just sit back onto the feet, stretching our arms forward in a way. Let me just pause here and have a couple of deep breaths. Inhale and letting go of tension and let in the back of the body. Expand on the inhale and one more breath when silo breath out.
And thank you for playing with me today.
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