Class #3632

Stabilizing Mat

45 min - Class


You will improve your hip mobility and stability in this Mat workout by Marimba Gold-Watts. She starts by breaking down exercises that you already know so that you can really pay attention to the mechanics of your head and neck. She then moves on to more challenging work to test your strength and balance.
What You'll Need: Mat, Yoga Strap, Overball, Theraband

About This Video

Jan 15, 2019
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Hi, my name is Marimba gold wax and I'm the owner of articulating body ink in New York, New York. I'm also the 2018 [inaudible] anytime winner. And today we're here to do a matte class. It's going to be a little bit of a roast. We're going to start with some familiar exercises, but we're going to break them down so that we can really pay attention to head and neck mechanics. And then from there we're going to work on hip mobility and stability.

And then we'll finish it off standing. So let's come on down to your mind. So first have a seat, and then I want you to take your foot in your hand and you're going to grab onto the outer part, the front part of your foot with one hand, and then your four foot with the other hand. And then I just want you to go ahead and start to spiral your foot. And you're really gonna feel like you move your first metatarsal and the ball of your big toe towards you. And at the same time, I want you to spiral your navicular or your midfoot away. So you're really creating just kind of an easy hip spire, a foot spiral.

I know. Go ahead and switch feet. This is going to come in handy later on. So we're just started prepping it now and same thing. So you're gonna really feel your first metatarsal, the ball of your big toe move towards you. And at the same time you're going to spiral your arch away. So you're really creating this motion with your foot.

I'm just like you're kneading bread and you can sort of get in between your first and second metatarsal is with your fingers. And as you're spiraling your foot, just try and allow those bones to have a little bit of articulation between them so they're not just glued together. So now you're going to take your strap and then I want you to come and lie down on your mat. Okay. And then once you're there, you're going to take the edge of your strap and bring it right onto the front of your femur.

So it's going to be just slightly underneath your kneecap. Yeah. And then you can relax down. And then all I want you to do is using your, your strap and not your hip muscles. I just want you to pull your femur deep into the socket so you're really feeling like you're using your arms to pull your femur towards the socket. And then just relax that pressure. And then again, same thing. Use your arms to just put pressure on the strap, pull your Femur, head in towards the socket. And as you're doing that, try and relax the muscles around your hip and then relax.

And then do that one more time and just really feel your femur come in towards the socket. You're just trying to create better congruents on the joint there. Okay? And then relax. Hold on, switch to the other ones. And they just want to make sure you're putting it on a place on your knee where it's not sensitive. It should feel fairly good as you pull your knee in and then relax. And then again, go ahead and pull your femur head in towards the socket and then relax. Okay.

And then pull your femur in towards the socket. And now I want you to float that leg up to table top using your arms and not your leg. And you could just allow your lower leg to be relaxed. And now once it's here, reposition your hands on the strap. And now you're going to pull deep in towards the, towards the Mat, almost as if you're pulling your femur to the back of your hip. And just do that a few times.

Just really feel your femur sink straight down towards the posterior capsule of the joint. Do that one more time and then relax and then go back to the first side and just do that same hip glide again. Once you're set up, you're just going to bring your knee in towards you. Let it sit around 90 degrees. And then once you're there, just pull your femur deep into the back of the socket [inaudible] and then just do that once more. [inaudible] and then relax. So now get rid of your strap. Just put it aside and then reach both arms up towards the ceiling. Feel your collarbones wide and your shoulder blades wide. And now allow your abdominals to be nice and flat and wide.

And without changing anything in your torso. I want you to float both legs up into table Top, feeling that same motion of your femur heads in towards the hip sockets, and then float your legs right back down without allowing your spine to change. And then again, bring your legs right back up. Feel your hips fold, Try and maintain your torso, and then bring them right back down. Keep going like that. And every time you float your legs up to Table Top, I want you to imagine that your femur heads are slipping further in towards the back of your hip sockets.

[inaudible] make sure your abdominals are getting even wider and flatter every time you float your legs up. And then on this next one, you're going to bring your feet back down towards the Mat. Keep the position of your torso, and now slide your legs all the way out. Feel like your thighs get long. And then bend your knees and slide your legs right back up into tabletop.

And then again, same thing. Feel your lower abdominals nice and wide and flat as you slide your legs out, and then bend your knees right back in, and then float them up. Do that about four more times on your own time. [inaudible] and then just bring your feet right back down to the mat. Bring your arms down, separate your feet, sits bone with a part. And now I want you to articulate your hips up and off the mat.

One Vertebrae at a time. Really feeling your knees reach forward over your feet and then roll on down through your spine. And as you're rolling up, I want you to imagine that each vertebra is sort of peeling up off the mat, sort of like you would pearl a necklace. Peel a necklace off of a piece of velvet so that you really have articulation of each vertebrae or each bead of your necklace as you roll up and down through your spine. As you're lifting up, feel like your thighs spiral in towards one another without your knees coming together. So you really gonna feel as you reach your knees forward over your feet, that you have equal weight on the ball of the big toe, the ball of the baby toe, and both sides of your heel.

So your feet should feel very even as you reach your knees forward. Now when your next one, you're just going to go ahead and pause at the top and then really make sure you have equal weight on on your feet. Feel your thighs spiral in towards one another. And without changing anything in your pelvis, I want you to bring one leg up to tabletop and then replace your foot down. Bring your other leg up to table Top, and then replace your foot. Bring your right leg back up to tabletop. Hold it there, and now lower your hips down until you're hovering just an inch off the mat.

Lift your hips right back up. And then vendor knee. Replace Your foot. Bring your left leg up to tabletop. Pause there, lower your hips down until you're just hovering an inch off the mat. Lift your hips right back up and then bend your knee, replaced your foot, lift your right leg back up again. Lower your hips down, lift your hips right back up. Extend your right leg up towards the ceiling. Flex your foot, push your heel up to the ceiling. And I want you to see if you can lift your pelvis without creating more arch in your lower back. And then bend your knee and replace your foot.

Bring your left leg up to tabletop. Lower your hips down till you're just hovering an inch off the mat. Lift your hips right back up. Extend your leg up towards the ceiling. Flex your foot and now push straight up into the ceiling. And now bend your knee, replaced your foot.

Bring your right leg back up to tabletop. Lower your hips down until you're hovering an inch off the mat. Lift your hips right back up. Reach your leg up towards the ceiling. Flex your foot and push up into the ceiling a little bit further. And now, without changing anything in your torso, lower your right leg down towards the floor as far as you can go. Maintaining your pelvis. Even. Don't let it tip.

Lift it right back up. Bend your knee, replaced your foot. Bring your left leg up to tabletop. Lower your hips down until you're hovering an inch off the mat. Lift your hips right back up. Extend your leg up towards the ceiling. Flex your foot and push up a little higher towards the ceiling without changing the arch of your back. Lower your leg down towards the floor.

Maintain your pelvis. Don't let it tip. Let your leg go into hip extension. Lift your leg right back up. Bend your knee, replaced your foot. Bring your right leg back up to tabletop. Lower your hips down. Lift your hips right back up. Extend your leg up towards the ceiling. Flex your foot. Push up into the ceiling like crazy.

Lower your leg down towards the floor. Maintain the height of your pelvis and now lifted up so that it's just level with your other thigh. Hold it there. Squeeze your right leg in towards your left. You're going to hold it for five, four, three, two, one. Come back to neutral. Bend your knee, replaced your foot. Bring your other leg up to tabletop. Lower your hips down.

Lift your hips right back up. Reach your leg up towards the ceiling. Flex your foot. Push up to the ceiling. Lower your leg down towards the floor as low as you can without changing your pelvis lifted up so that your thighs are leveled. Squeeze your leg in. Hold it for five, four, three, two, one. Come back to neutral. Bend your knee. Replace Your foot. Last set.

Bring your right leg up to tabletop. Hold it there. Lower your hips down. Lift your hips right back up. Extend your leg up towards the ceiling. Flex your foot. Push up to the filling like crazy. Maintain that. Lower your leg down as low as you can without arching your lower back. Lift it back up so that your thighs are neutral. Squeeze in, hold it. Five, four, three, two, one.

Let it open out to the side. Bring it back in. Bend your knee. Replace Your foot. Bring your left leg up to tabletop. Lower your hips down. Lift your hips right back up. Extend your leg up towards the ceiling. Flex your foot and push up like crazy. Hold it.

Maintain the height of your pelvis, lower your leg down towards the floor as low as you can. Let your leg float back up so that your legs are neutral. Even squeeze your leg and hold it. Five, four, three, two, one. Let it open out to the side as far as you can without anything adjusting. Come right back into the center. Bend your knee, replace your foot, and then come all the way down through your spine.

So now come on up and you're going to come and grab your thing band. So we've sort of prepped our therabands for um, a later exercise. So we have a nice kind of long loop, about four inches on the theraband. This is gonna come in handy later. But for now I want you to take your theraband and you're going to put it around your smart foot.

So whichever foot you feel like is a little bit more coordinated, everybody has, one is the foot I want you to use. Make sure your toes are in your band and then come and lie back down on your back. And just bend your knee in towards you. So now we're just going to mimic bend and stretch on the Cadillac. You can have your left leg bent or you're not so smart leg bend. And then I want you to reach your leg straight up towards the ceiling with a flexed foot.

And then go ahead and bend your knee and really feel your hip fooled, really crease it at the socket and then press right back up. And now this is not a hamstring stretch, so you want to really feel as if you're creating more articulation in your pelvis, then going for a long hamstring stretch. So those of you guys who are flexible, make sure you're not over 90 degrees. If your hamstrings tend to be tighter and this is hard, then make sure you grab a heavier weight theraband and that will take some of the tension off holding your leg up there. Now in this next one, I want you to push up through the ball of your foot and points your toes at the top and then flex your foot and Benjaminian towards you and then go ahead and push up and point. And then flex and bend. Now keep going like this and I want you to see if you can articulate the timing of your foot so that your knee straightens as your foot fully points.

And then your knee bends as your foot fully flexes. And I want you to feel as you go through this motion as if your foot is pushing up into a giant jar of almond butter. And so it's going to be really smooth, deliberate and sick movement. And do that one once more and then relax and then switch sides. So now go for your less smart foot. So now I'd had the opportunity to learn a little bit more.

And then I want you to fold your hip in towards you and then go ahead and reach your leg straight up towards the ceiling. And then again, really focused on folding. If you find that folding in parallel is not super comfortable, you can allow your leg to turn out very slightly to wherever you feel like you have the most heat ease in your hip joint. Now on this next one, go ahead and add the foot in and as you press the towards the ceiling, you're going to point your foot and then flex and bend. Make sure you're really keeping tension on the band as you push up so that it sort of mimics the sensation of being on the Cadillac and going into bend and stretch.

Go for two more of these and then relax all the way down and then take your foot out of there to now come on up and you're going to take your deflated ball. And now we're going to do a variation of coordination with your deflated ball. So take your ball and you're going to put it right behind the base of your shoulder blades. And then once you're there you can interlace your hands behind your head and just extend back and just take a moment to allow your chest to open. Stretch your legs long on the Mat. And then on your exhale, I want you to swing your bottom rib down into the mat and start to nod and curl your head and shoulders.

Okay. And then come all the way back down. And again, same thing. Nod and curlier head and shoulders, and then come all the way back down. Okay, now nod and curl your head and shoulders pause there. Fill your rib cage, sink a little bit deeper into the mat. And now go ahead and take your right leg and you're just going to slide it in towards you. And then floated up to tabletop. And then bring your foot back down and extend it out. And then switch sides.

Bring your other leg up. As your leg floats up into tabletop, feel your femur come deeper into the socket and then slide it down and extend. Do that one more time. Each side, slide your leg in, floated up. You can let your lower leg relax so it doesn't have to be a classical table talk. And then slide your other leg, come back. Okay. And then slide it all the way back out and all the way back.

Go ahead and nod and curl your head and shoulders to come on up. Pause there, feel your shoulder blades slide down your back. And now go ahead and bend one knee. Slide your leg up to tabletop. Hold it there. Let your other leg come right up to tabletop to meet it. And then foot one leg all the way down and out. And then the other leg all the way down and out. Stay up there, switch legs, bring your other leg up to table talk, and then float your other leg up to meet it.

And then slide one leg down and out, and then the other leg down and out. And then relax. Go ahead and nod and curl your head and shoulders to come right back up. Sync your ribs into the ball. Then when me slide your leg up to tabletop, bring your other leg up to meet it. Slide one leg down and out, and then the other leg down and out. Switch sides. Slide one leg up, and then the other leg up. Bring one leg down and out, and then the other leg down and out and relax all the way back. And take a moment.

Okay, XL, nod and curl your head and shoulders to come on up. Swing your ribs into the ball, then both knees in towards you. Keep your feet on the mat for a moment. Extend your legs, your arms out, so they're in line with your ears. And now on your exhale, you're going to circle your arms out and around and straighten your legs. And then again, bend your knees, bring your arms overhead, exhale, circle, and curl up a little bit higher. And then go ahead, vendor knees, bring them up, exhale, circle, and bring them a little bit higher. Bend your knees, bring them up this time, float them slightly off the mat, and then bring your legs down. Circle, curl up a little bit higher. And again, bend your knees, reach up, flip them off, and then exhale, circle.

Curl up a little bit higher last time. Go ahead, bend your knees, lift your legs up, and then exhale, circle, curl up a little bit higher and then relax all the way down. And just take a moment. So now come on up and you're going to come and turn around and lie face down. This time your deflated ball is coming just right underneath your rib cage. You're going to bring it just to the top of your chest there.

And then bring your hands down on the mat. And now from here, start to extend your upper chest up with your collarbones wide, your shoulder blades wide. And I want you to feel like your collarbones rule up and back as you lift up. And then just let your body come all the way back down and again, start to extend your chest. Feel almost as if you're pushing the bowl out from underneath you as you come up into that arch. So it's really going to feel like an upper back arch more than anything else.

Okay. And then come right back. And then one more time. Go ahead and lift up. Now. Stay there this time. Float your hands off and hold it and then relax all the way back down. [inaudible] send your chest up, lift up, fill the shoulders wide, the collarbones wide.

Lift the hands off. Now bring your big toes together. Keep them parallel, lift your legs off, and then relax everything down. Roll the shoulders back. Keep the collarbones wide. Lift your hands off, and then keep your big toes together. Lift your legs off and then come right back down. One more time. Roll the shoulders back. Feel your upper chest. Really lift your collarbones wide, your shoulder blades wide. Float your hands off. Float your legs off. Hold that.

Keep lengthening the back of the neck and reaching through the crown of your head. And then relax everything back down. So now come back up. You're going to get rid of the ball and I want you to lie back down on your mat. Okay. Bring your fingertips just to underneath your neck for a moment.

And I want you to feel your vertebra on your neck with your fingertips. Sort of like you're playing the piano. And now in this position, bring your Chin towards the front of your throat and then let everything relax. And then again, I just want you to nod your chin, almost think of rocking your skull on your occipital dials and then relax. Now do that one more time. Nod Your Chin towards the front of your throat, hold it there, and then lift your head. Just one inch off. And then relax. This is just to activate the anterior neck muscles a little bit, and then again, bring your Chin towards the front of your throat. Feel your vertebra come down towards your fingertips.

Hold that and then lift one inch off, and then relax. This next time. Feel Your Chin come towards the front of your throat, lift your head and one inch off, and now continue to nod and curl your head and shoulders to come on up into a full curve. Really feeling as if your body is one nice, long, even c curve. And then relax all the way back down. So now you're going to grab onto the edges of your mat. You're going to hold them with your elbow slightly up.

I'm going to interlace my hands behind my head. And now take a moment. Find that same chin to throat sensation nodding. Curl your head and shoulders and pull your mat up and over your head, sort of like you're pulling on a giant hood. And now hang out there. See if you can look at your abdominals. Make even wider and flatter, and now deepen the curve of your upper back by pulling up and over a little bit more. Drop your shoulder blades down your back. Stay there. Push your bottom rib into the math to curl up a little bit higher.

Hold that look at your lower abdominals. Pull your lower abdominals towards your spine a little bit more without putting, pressing your spine and then relax all the way back down. And again, Chin to throat. Start to nod and curl your head and shoulders. Pull your mat up and over your head. Deepen your rib cage into the mat. Curl up and over a little bit more.

Check out your lower abdominals. Make sure they're wider and flatter. Hold that and now curl up an inch higher by really swinging your bottom ribbon. To the mat a little bit more. Go up a little bit higher, and then relax all the way back down. Exhale, nod and curl your head and shoulders to come on up. Pull the mat up and over. Fill that mat kind of swing over your head so it really feels like you're pulling on a giant hood deep in your rib cage a little bit more. Pull your lower abdominals in a little deeper, and now deepen your rib cage a little bit more. Swinging into the mat.

Pull your lower abdominals in a little bit deeper, and now deepen a little more. Hang out right there. Bring one leg up to tabletop. Bring your other leg up to meet it. Deepen a little bit more. Pull the mat up and over your head. Extend your right leg out, and then bend your knee right back in, and then send your left leg out and come right back in. Send your right leg back out again, and then bend it in. Send your left leg out, and then bend it in.

Send your right leg out, hold it there. Lower your leg down towards the floor. Slowly bend your knee right back in. Extend your left leg out, lower down towards the floor slowly. Okay, Ben, right back in. Bring both feet down. Relax your head and shoulders last time. Go ahead and nod and curl your head and shoulders. Pull the mat up and over your head to create even more upper thoracic flection.

Hang out there. Fill the back of your neck long. Bring your right leg up to tabletop. Bring your left leg up to meet it. Hold it there. Extend your right leg back out again, lower down towards the floor. Mediterranean. Extend your left leg out. Lower down. Bend your knee and go back to the right leg. Lower down.

Bend your knee again. Extend the left leg out, lower down. Bend your knee and bring both feet down and then relax. So now you're going to come back around and then I want you to come and set yourself up so that your heads are in towards the center. If you're going to come down onto your forearms. And now once you're there, feel that same wide collar bone sensation, wide shoulder blades.

And then I want you to bend your knees so that you're in a nice long kneeling plank and just lift your pelvis up off the mat. So now hang out there in this position. And as you're here, I want you to imagine that your shoulder blades and your collarbones are simultaneously widening. And you're just going to hold this for a moment. Really make sure you're burying the bottom. Tips of your shoulder blades in your rib cage. Fill your sternum, reach up and forward. Pull your lower abdominals up and away from the Mat. And then relax. I just take a second and then again, let your collarbones go wide. Let your shoulder blades go wide.

Lift your hips up away from them at, pull your lower abdominals up like crazy. And now this time I want you to Tuck your toes under and then straighten your legs so that you're in a nice long plank position. And just hold it. Keep pulling your lower abdominals up off the mat and then bend your knees and come all the way back down. And just take a moment. Go ahead, broaden your collarbones, broaden your shoulder blades, very the bottom tips of your shoulder blades on your rib cage. Lift your hips up, hang out there, Tuck your toes under, extend your legs out. And now without changing anything in your torso, 0.1 foot back behind you for like pull front.

And then bring your foot back down and switch and switch and switch and switch and switch and switch. Last one, switch [inaudible] and then relax all the way back down and take a moment. Last set. You're going to come back up. Fill your collarbones wide. Feel your shoulder blades wide, bury the bottom tips of your shoulder blades, Tuck your toes under right away. You're going to lift up into a forum plank. Now hang out here and then reach your sits bones back and you're going to pike your body up towards the ceiling and then come right back down.

And then again, go ahead and lift your hips up. Really reach your system's back towards your feet. And then come right back down. There are times a charm. This one is thanks to my teacher Christine, right? And now you're going to straighten your elbow simultaneously, push up, bend your elbows, and then come right back. And again, reach your sitz bones back simultaneously. Straighten your arms, bend your elbows, and then come right back down last time, reach up and then straighten your opens.

Bender oboes come all the way back down and then relax. So now you're going to come and face me and I want you to lie with your left side down on the map. And then just support your head with your bottom arm. Straighten your top leg out and make sure they're space underneath your bottom side. And now from here, I just want you to bring your top hand on your hips so that you're really stocked up. And now you're gonna press your foot straight down into the mat and we're just going to hold it and really press down as far as, as hard as you can.

Let your bottom knees stay bent. Okay. And then lift your leg up so that it's level with your hip. Now imagine you're on a conveyor belt. Reach your whole hip away. Maintain that reach. Turn your leg out, come back to parallel, and then lower your leg down towards the floor.

Stay here, press down towards the Mat. Hold it, lift your leg right back up. Reach your foot away like you're on a conveyor belt. Turn out a Mac to parallel and then go ahead. Press straight down. Hold it, lift right back up. Make sure your leg is right in line with your body. Reach your leg away. Stay there turnout.

Come back to parallel. One more time. Go ahead and press down and hold it. Lift your leg up, slide your leg away like you're on a conveyor belt. Turn out, come back to parallel, and now bend both knees. You're going to bring both feet up towards the ceiling. Hold your top foot. Where are your bottom foot where it is, and then lift your talk me off towards the ceiling. We're going for eight of these.

[inaudible]. Make sure you're not moving your pelvis forward or back. You're really maintaining your hips stacked. Do One more and then lower your legs down towards the floor, flex your knee at 90 degrees and then flex that same hip at 90 degrees. Flex your foot, make sure they're space or air underneath your bottom waist. And now from here, you're just going to lift your whole leg up towards the ceiling.

Sort of like you're opening a book. Now the fight here is to make sure you're not rocking back in your pelvis, so really make sure your pelvis is staying stocked up and then lift her right back up and then come right back down. Do that three more times. [inaudible] on this next one, lift up and then continue. Allow your leg to circle all the way back behind you till you can extend anymore and then brush it straight through the front. [inaudible] try to have minimal adjustment in your torso as you rotate.

[inaudible] do two more like this last one, and then relax. Okay, go ahead and turn around to the other side. It's negative vendor, vitamin e straightened her top leg out. And then I just want you to press straight down into the floor and hold it. And now lift your leg up, slide your lego lay like you're on a conveyor belt, turn your leg out, and then come back to Parallon. And then again, go ahead and press street down and really dig into the floor.

And then lift your leg right back up. Slide it out like you're on a conveyor belt. Maintain your bottom rib on the floor as you slide. Rotate to turn out. Okay. And then come back to parallel. And then again, go ahead and press down and hold it. Lift your leg up, slide it away, turnout parallel, and then press down and hold it.

Lift your leg up, slide it away, turn out, come back to parallel. And now bend both knees, stack your hips back up, bring your feet up towards the ceiling, hold your bottom leg where it is, and then clamshell up towards the ceiling. We're going for eight. Try to minimize movement in your lower back and your pelvis. As you rotate, do one more and then relax your legs all the way back down. So now flex your knee at 90 degrees, flex your hip at 90 degrees, and then bring your leg forward and make sure that you're not collapsing into that bottom side, but you're really lifted out of that bottom side. And then from here, go ahead and lift your leg up towards the ceiling and then come right back down. And again, try not to allow your body to rock back. If you want, you can put your hand on your sacred just to make sure that's not happening.

Go for two more. It almost feels like opening a book. And this last one, you're gonna lift up. And now start to circle all the way back and around [inaudible] twice more and then relax. So now let's stay on this side. And then I want you to come up onto your forearm, bring your elbow just a few inches in front of your shoulder joint. And then all I want you to do is just sort of collapse into your bottom ribs for a second.

And then you can use your bottom arms or your top arm to just adjust your rib cage and lift yourself up as you do. Make sure you're not pushing back, but you're going to really maintain your shoulders stacked over your bottom elbow. And then go ahead and sink back down and then lift right back up. Do that one more time. Sink back down, and then establish your rib cage. Hold it there. Lift your hips up and off the mat, and then keep your shoulder exactly where it is. Lower your body down towards the floor, and then lift your hips are right back up. Make sure you're not rotating in your top shoulder as you're here.

And then lower back down towards the floor. Lift right back up. Now stay here. This time you're gonna extend your top leg out and I want you to press down into the mat, hold it there, and now lift your leg up. And then again, go ahead and press down into the mat. Hold it. Make sure your ribs aren't flaring. Lift your leg up next time. Go ahead, press down. Holded keep pressing. Keep pressing a little bit longer. Lift your leg right back up, and then lower your legs back down. Lower your hips down. Good.

Let's come back to the other side and we'll do that one more time. Set yourself up so that your elbow is just slightly in front of your shoulder. And then I just want you to sink down into your bottom ribs and then you can lift your ribs up in a way. From that bottom side, I'm going to again, go ahead and sink down. Yeah, and then lift it right back up. Make sure your elbow is directly underneath your shoulder and then again, go ahead and sink down and then lift right back up. Hold it there, and then go ahead and lift your hips up and off the mat.

[inaudible] I'm come right back down and then lift up. I'm come right back down. One more time, lift up, keep them there, and they'll extend your top leg out. You're going to press down into the mat, hold it [inaudible] and then lift your leg up. And again, go ahead and press down and hold it. Make sure you're not rotating. And then lift back up last time. Go ahead and down. Hold it. I know it's a roast. Keep pressing, keep pressing. You got it.

And then lift right back up. And then lower your leg back down and come all the way back down. So now your loop is going to come in handy. So you're going to take your thorough man come on up to stand. And so we've, we've made sort of a a photo Gizmo here.

So you have a little loop around four to five inches. And I want you to take your theraband and you're gonna put both of your big toes inside your theraband and then you can just let the tail go. That's it. Now from here, go ahead and come into a little Polonius first position. And I just want you to feel rotation through your hips. Make sure now here's the foot spiral again.

So now you're going to make sure there's equal weighting on the ball, the big toe, the ball, the baby toe, and the outer part of the heel so that your arch has really lifted. And now from here, spiral your femurs out. And around. Now hold this position, stack your rib cage up, and then I just want you to bend your knees into a little baby, play a and then stretch your legs up and then Relevate from here. Okay, and then slowly lower. We're going to go for eight of these on your own time. Your goal as you lift up into your Relevate is to make sure that your rib cage doesn't either splay forward or move back in space, but you're going really going to try and maintain your rib cage stacked directly over your pelvis, which is going to be stacked directly over your knees, which will be stacked directly over your feet.

Keep reestablishing that sensation of rotating, spiraling your feet into the floor as you move through your range. And do one more like this. So now come on down. Take your little toe Gizmo away. Now that you have the sensation of spiral through your feet, I want you to come and stand on your smart leg in parallel. Make sure your pelvis is level and you're just going to step up onto that leg.

Now, all I want you to do in this position is bend your knee and really feel your hip fold without your torso moving forward. Keep that, rotate your body away and then stand right back up. Okay. And then bend your knee, maintain your level pelvis, rotate towards your leg, and then stack right back up. Hannigan bend, rotate away, and then stretch. And then rotate towards and stretch. And again, do that once more. Really try and keep your knees over the webbing between your first and sorry, your second and third toes as he is straight, and then play a, and then switch that heads. Now come to your less smart foot, but it should be a little smarter now that you've organized. And then keep your pelvis nice and level.

Come to your standing leg and then go ahead and bend your knee. Now really think of space holding the knee as you rotate away so it's not going to move forward or back in space. And then straight, not make sure your rib cage is staying stacked over your pelvis and then come back to parallel and then stretch. And again, if you're feeling hardcore, you can do this on a wobbly surface. For extra fun, do one more and then just come and stand on two feet. Feel the ball of your big toe, the ball of your baby toe, the outer part of your heel. Fill your femur heads. Just raped, stacked up in line with your feet, and then stack your rib cage up and you guys are cooked. Good work. Thank you.

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thank you for a great class!
Rebecca T
4 people like this.
Pilates Anytime you've found a gem. Thanks. This class was interesting, well-led, and challenging. Hooray for Marimba!
2 people like this.
Wonderful cuing and great exercises. Enjoyed the class!
2 people like this.
Loved the mobilization of pelvic rotators. Thanks Marimba.
2 people like this.
Congratulations !! I do like a lot your class and the content. keep going!!!
Amy S
3 people like this.
I found the Clear and Effective cueing helps with the challenging yet accessible exercises. I appreciate the "quiet" moments in the class... giving time for students to "hear " their own bodies. One of my favorites on PA. Thank you, Marimba!
3 people like this.
Holy hip glide! My hips are thanking you for a fantastic mat workout. I felt a strong "eureka" moment while lifting the legs into table top after using the strap to pull the femurs into place. This basic exercise was very powerful. I often have trouble verbalizing this concept to students, and the strap was a very direct way to experience it. I also loved the side plank progression. You guided us into it so gradual and smooth, it was very sneaky. :) Pilates Anytime just became so much more valuable to me! I can't wait for more videos from you!
2 people like this.
Nice work, thank you. I am looking forward to try all exercises.
2 people like this.
Great class! Hips feel fabulous and love the spiraling at the end of class :) Thanks for another great hour of movement Marimba!
2 people like this.
Awesome great class
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