Welcome, please, any time. Moses Urbano here with you today. So I'd like to introduce to you Alejandro and Sam. We're going to take you through a little bit of [inaudible] on the reformer. Pilates was designed by man Joe Palladio's for man. So let's get to it. Okay, gentlemen on the apparatus, let's have a seat and lie back.
Let's do that again. Stretch out. Hold it out there and come in one more time. We're going to go all the way out and come in. I'll ask you gentlemen to please come off for one moment. Just step off to one side.
We need to give these gentlemen a little bit more space. So in order for them to have the proper length for their sizes, we're going to adjust the gear bar. We're going to take you out one gear and we're going to add the spacers. So we do not drop the springs in the gear bar. Please go ahead and have a seat and lie back and I'm going to take your feet and we're going to take it just slightly a at the heels. Your feet will still be in an angle, just not touching it, the heels, and we're just going to drop your feet a little bit so that they're in the joint and keep your feet apart there and feel every toe on the bar and stretch away and come in. So we may not do the entire 10 repetitions that we would normally do in the foot. Work for the first foot position.
Lengthen out and come in. Lengthen out and come in. One more hold here Sam. We're going to just lift the small of your back so you can see how it takes the body into a natural alignment where you would see the body lying, the way you stand and you keep going. We'll out here and we're just going to lift, stay out for me.
We're going to stay here all a hundred we're going to lift the small of the back away from here. They're so now your body is in the horizontal position the way that it would be in the vertical and a few more there. And what do as we press against the toes is we're stimulating points in the body that correspond to the areas from the neck up in reflexology. And Go ahead and come in and hold. We'll move your feet up to the second foot work position, the arches. So again, we'll just create a little space here, giving the gentleman a little bit of space and out we go.
We'll change now to the third footwork position and we'll bring the feet up to the heel points from the heel points. We'll just separate just slightly here. Keep the feet static and one position and lengthened out. Stretch away and fold and keep the feet in a position where they don't have to wave. That's it. And the feet can stay here as you linked in there all the way out. Yeah, hold the feet here. Relax your feet here and come in out to go hold there.
Now let's change the position. So we're down to the toes, back to the fourth position on the toes. Again, keep a little space between the heels so when you fully extend your legs all the way out there, more in a parallel position, but slightly angled in. And we can do 10 repetitions here. So go out. Now we're going to stay here for the tendon stretch. You're going to drop your heels and lower and lift. Lower the heels and lift as you lift, feel the lift come from the small toe equally as you do from the large toe.
You'll reach back and find handles. Grab those handles for me and reach your arms straight up to the ceiling. Go now lock out your arms and pull them straight down by your side. Lift your head. Look forward into your belly and keep your knees tightened to your chest all the way into your chest like a little ball and locking those arms out.
You're going to pump them 100 times. You're going to breathe in naturally through your nose. It's the filter of the body for the air. We breathe in through the nose, out through the nose to warm the body. Burn those excessive cells in your body that you no longer want to occupy.
As you progress, hold your arms. Still Lock your arms and press down into the carriage. Open your chest. Press your shoulders into the carriage. Lift your legs straight up to the ceiling. Look up and see your legs so that your knees are together.
Your feet can be part just slightly, but make sure your knees will touch your knees. Touching your feet can be a part just slightly and pump from here. Inhale through your nose. Exhale through your nose when you can, five into through the nose and exhale five pumps through the nose as well. Hold the arms still once again. Arms. Press to the carriage.
Open the chest a little bit more. Bend your knees into your chest, open your chest a little bit more nice chest expansion and stretch your legs out to a level where you can hold them out with no strain in your back. And finish the hundred here. Inhaling, as you pump the arms again through the nose for five beats, if you can exhale through the nose for five pumps to warm the body for the heart and lungs. Hold the arms still open the chest. Bend your knees deep into your chest, ring out the lungs, lift your arms up to the ceiling and take those handles in. Place them back behind you once again. Now we'll sit up, turn, come off to one side and we're going to return the carriage to the first gear. So come to the front edge of your apparatus and we'll take out the block.
Elbows are down by your side. Stretcher. Lift your head. Look forward right into your belly and stretch your arms down by your side. Hold it here. Feel your chest open. Feel the weight of the body and the resistance of the spring. Create that strength that you want to get stronger.
Stretch your legs out in front to a position where it does not strain your back. Hold, hold, hold. Now lift your leg straight up to the ceiling. Lower the legs out to that position where there's no strain on your back. Hold. Bend your knees into your chest and fold the arms. And here we go. We repeat once again, arms and legs out. Hold. Lift the legs, lower the legs hold.
Bend the knees in and arms out. Up. Lower en and bend. One more. Inhale out. Hold the breath. Lift lower. Exhale, bend and empty the lungs. As you fold the arms.
Rest. Let your head fall. Reach back. Place the handles into the shoulder blocks behind you and sit right up for me. Turned to one side. Now we're going to drop the springs to one and we're going to spin around. You're going to drop your head piece and place your legs inside the head.
Now don't move the carriage if you can and open the arms wide to the side. Press back when you can and bend forward as you press back and take your hands to the top of the carriage on the reformer. So right here your hands are on of the carriage and lift them as you come up with the arms and circle around and reach forward towards your toes. And here we go. Once again, we're going to sit tall. First you're going to sit tall by tightening your seat and now roll back and pull the handles into your chest. Reach wide to the side, press back as you've been forward.
And let the arms just come on to the frame of the carriage. So the arms are just at the top of the carriage and bend forward and lift your arms and reach around and forward you go and reach here. One more time. Sitting as tall as you can. We're gonna roll back by tightening your seat, reaching wide to the side. Press back as you bend forward. Arms. There's why does the carriage. Here we are.
We're going to lift the arms and lift where you can and reach forward to where you can safely without any strain in your back. Our next rowing position would be right angles with the arms, the 90 sit, as tall as you can. Sit a little forward, lower your elbows so they're in a 90 degree position. Now, keep that right angle as you lie back, lie back, come parallel to the floor. Sit Tall. Keep your arms at right angles as you reach up and forward down to the side of the carriage. Back to the frame and lift the arms up and circle around and reach forward where you can. And here we go. Once again, right angles, legs, body, elbows, arms reach up and forward where you can keep the arms straight bent here, lift the arms straight arms and keep reaching. Keep the elbows straight until you're fully in front of the body with the arms reaching past your feet. If you can hold here, reach forward and let's place the handles right into the hooks so we can change for the next exercise in the rowing series.
We're going to go out, touch the carriage, reach forward. Reach high, open wide, and lift taller out to the side with the arms. Last one. Let's go with some flow. We're going to stretch out. We're going to touch. We're going to reach front. We're going to lift high and we'll open out around and emerge from the sea.
Very good. Our next position, let your legs be long. Keep your feet long and forward. Tighten your seat. Release. Tighten your seat. Release one more time. Tighten your seat now drop your head to your knees and bend forward. Stretch your arms forward. Reach for your toes. Sit Tall.
Let's go one more time. Your hands are by your seat. Keep your feet long and forward. Tighten your seat. Bend as you reach forward. Sit Tall. Your arms are in front. Grow Taller before you lift. Now grow taller as you open wide to the side. Thank you. Let's try this position.
Thumbs and fingers can touch. Bend your elbows, take your thumbs to the crown or the forehead and stretch your arms forward to reach up. So a little bit taller here. Sit a little bit taller here. As you bend in, stretch the arms and shave or salute. These guys are really strong, so if you want a little bit of a challenge, come home, rest the arms, bring the handles down, place them into the hooks behind you. Bend forward and add a spring. Reach back. Let's grab these handles. How are we doing, Sam? How are we doing? Alejandro Bravo. Patty Shave.
Lift Your Chin so your spine is nice and tall and stretch and bend the arms. That's it. That's it. Sit a little bit further back so your spine is over your tail. Very good. Keep the arms straight. Reaching forward. Open the arms wide to the side. Lift your chest, lock out your arms.
Don't bend your elbows. Bring your arms forward. Don't let them touch. Bring them parallel. Bring them parallel. Sit a little bit taller as you open and hold. Inhale as you bring the arms here. Parallel. Exhale as they come out. One more. Inhale, bring the arms to parallel hold and exhale wide arms.
Once again, inhale as you pull down and back reaching to your hips, lift your chest, reaching forward, and exhale down and back. It's one breath. If you can. Inhale, reach down and back to your hips. Hold the air and empty as you reach down and forward to the front. Now the next position, we're going to take the arms down to the end of the strap and you can keep the handle in hand or you can drop it, so lift your arms up to this side so that your wrist is the height of your shoulder. Keep your head down and you're going to keep your risk. The height of the shoulder. If you can grab the handle and the strap so that you are holding in a fist position, you have a better grip without breaking the joint at the wrist and the elbow in the shoulder to keep the connection through the body into the seat.
If I can come into your home or your studio, you'll get a little bit of this and reach wide to the side and rest. Bring the handles together. Step off to one side, let the handles drop down into the carriage. Ben Forward reaching forward here. Bend forward and grab your ankles and just recover your spine.
So let's get into the seat and find that lift and hold. Relax the seat and find that seat and lift by using the strap to get from the feet into the seat and hold rust here. Take your arms behind you so that they're now behind the box and turn your palms so they're facing away. So let's get a nice line here. If you need to wiggle back to get a little bit more tension in your feet so you can find this connection. Let's have a nice extension of your spine. So you're forward here so you can really get into the seat and open the chest.
So the shoulder is now over the hip line and your spine is more what it looks like when you're standing rather than too much rounding in the small of your back. So we can go a little wider if you need to. Tighten your seat and lift, roll your hips forward if you need to. Roll your hips forward and lift up, up, up. There we go. That's it. Now you can get into your seat a little bit more there and rest. Grab your bar, take that bar, hold it behind you. Oh, I'll do so you can take the bar behind you. And now we're going to take that bar and we're going to hold it away from the box.
And as you pull from the feet to get into your seat and get a nice tall extension in your spine, keep that stomach strong and roll those shoulders back so they're just forward of your hips. Long fingers up. We go grow tall and lift the arms, hold, hold, hold and rest. And if you've got some guys who might be a little tight and broaden the shoulders, you can take the bar and hold it a little bit wider. So take the bar, hold it a little bit wider with your hands this way, hold at the very edge of the bar and stretch the arms down and reach back as you lift tall and hold one more. Rest your seat.
Get into your seat through your feet and lift and reach the bar back. Sit Taller, taller, taller, and rest. Now bring the bar in front. Hold it in front here. We're going to reach the bar forward. Lift the bar up to the ceiling bar goes up.
Back to center and rest the bar, not the kind of bar we see on a Friday night. Is it? Take the bar, hold it behind you. We're going to bend one knee. Hold that bar behind you. Keep the chest open the spine tall into your seat. Keep the one leg locked. Let's say it's your left leg. Your left leg will stay under the strap. Bend your right knee and keep your foot at the edge of the carriage sitting, as tall as you can.
Sit as tall as you can hold behind your thigh with both hands, either clasped or your fingers interlocked and sit as tall as you can and bring your your thigh as close into your chest as you can and just stretch your leg out in front and bend and stretch and bend. Again, stretch and bend and stretch and bend. Bring the knee into your chest. Bring the foot down, put the foot back up under the strap, and we're going to change side. Now we're going to keep the other leg locked under the strap. We're going to grab your bar yet. Once again, hold the bar behind you. Sit as tall as you can and bring that in the up into your chest and rest and again, bring that knee up into your chest and rest. One more time.
Sit Tall, reach with the arms, lift the knee and rest. Bring the bar back in front in front of the box. Let it rest. Now you may use your hands, class board, interlock your fingers behind that thigh. Stay tall where your body is and bring the leg to your chest and once it's glued there, now you can stretch the leg and bend and stretch and bend. Feel the stretch through your leg, through your seat, up your spine as you stretch and bend the leg. That's it.
Flex this foot that's on the bottom. Keep it under your hip line and bend. Very good. Rest that leg. Drop your foot. Thank you. Nicely done. We're going to take the box away and place it back at the end of your reformers and take your pole with you. Our next series of movements on the apparatus long stretch.
If you can push back a little bit further and then come forward, there's a challenge. Push out, hold it out, hold it out, push it out a little further back, and then bring it in. Feel your spine, be in its natural position out and hold tight seat and bring it forward. Inhale as you go out, hold the breath there. Enjoy the oxygen and empty the lungs as you come forward. Two more. Inhale out. Exhale home. Inhale out.
Exhale home. As you become more proficient, come down on both knees. Take out one spring.
There we go. Inhale out if you can hold and exhale home. One more. Inhale out if you can and exhale home and here's where you can find whether or not you're using your upper body down to the knees and hold. We're going to take out that last spring. Very, very big word of caution to you know, springs on the apparatus.
This is where you can find whether you're cheating with your arms and your legs or if you're using your gut and your butt back into your pushup position. Do not move the carriage. Do not move the carriage. Inhale where you can go without dropping or moving the carriage any further and exhale home. This is your working position. If you went out further with one or two springs, you're, this is your test and drop to the knees. Ah Yes. Add your springs for the down stretch.
I'll let you be the judge and get back to me where you are. With that, lift your chest, bring your hips forward, open the shoulder line, look forward into the piece, the Pacific Ocean and beyond. And inhale as you go back,
Dig Your heels for me and from here for you, Sam, you're going to go out with the hips, dig the heels to bring it home and only two inches out the carriage goes and home. It's a very small movement. From here, lock out your elbows. Let your head fall. Lift your stomach in and up and dig your heels to push out and en one more step forward for me and step off to one side. Nicely done, gentleman. We have one more on the other side. We're going to sit on the carriage here. Put your hands here, two springs, nice and tall. Chest, shoulders your wide.
Arms are straight and then that's it. Out to go and in and one more. 10 for the sake of time today, we'll just do a few hold here. Now you're going to lift your head and you're going to arch your back. That's it. A nice extension in your spine. Chest is lifted, your seat is back, your stomach is in and up.
Chest is up and if you feel like you're losing it, come back in and feel free to hold and round. Spot check. Make sure you have your stomach and enough to lift your chest. Look forward and go into your extension. One more. Very good. Hold. Stop. Stand up in this position. Stand up on the carriage. Stand up. Stand up.
Now keep that position. Stretch your legs out, squeeze your bottom on the out and then out and bend. Straighten the legs and tight seat and straighten the legs. Tight seat. When the legs are locked. I want to see this work. Two more out and in. One more and hold in and come down and rest. Extend your spine, round your spine.
One more breath in as you extend your spine and exhale here and step off to one side. Gentlemen. Nicely done. Let's change the carriage back to the second gear. We did our foot work in the second gear, so we'll do our cool down in the running. Also in the second year, very important to give you gentlemen the space you need so you don't feel like you're being crammed into a small box. Sit and lie back again. Your feet on the foot bar. Your heels do not have to touch, but your feet may be an angle where they feel like their Innovi not too high on your heels. So you're out of joint and your arches in your ankles. Stretch out the legs.
One heel down when Nia and switch and switch and switch as we run to cool down. So we do 10 or 20 whatever you wish. No more than 10 let's keep the body working evenly. So we cool it down. Last position here, we'll take our feet. Just parallel here. Keep your back flat, let your hips roll a little forward. Bring your legs so they're a little bit parallel, slightly turned out.
And Bend your knees and stretch out. One more time into this position. Lengthen out. Don't add any extra movements of tucking. And all the just be natural. Lie down the way you stand. So hold it out there. Hold it out there. Now I want to tighten your seat to lift your hips up. Lift your hips up, lift your hips up. Keep your hips up. Now Bend your knees and stretch your legs.
There you go. And Bend. Keep the hips up just long and natural, and we can finish with 10. Here we go. And bring it in. One more. Stretch it out. Bring it home and rest your back. We have one more for the road. Gentleman off to the front here. March, March, March, left up to the elbow.
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