Class #3679

Spine Corrector Flow

45 min - Class


Your body will feel amazing after you flow through this Spine Corrector workout with Brett Howard. He starts immediately with exercises that will help you strengthen and lengthen your entire body. He also includes effective variations that he has learned from his teachers, including the "Businessman Special" at the end.
What You'll Need: Spine Corrector, Triadball, Franklin Ball, Pilates Pole

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Hi, my name is Brett Howard and today we are going to work on the spine corrector. My bodies are Jia and Tetsuo and what? I like this to start with this sitting just a little bit forward of the top of the hump here. I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to have you go back to this a little bit. Jia right here. Yup. There we go. Now you guys are going to bring your feet onto the front of the lip.


Then you're going to grab a hold of the handles. Now I'm going to have you guys both extend your right leg straight out in front of you. Now slowing controlled. You're going to roll down one vertebra at a time. The goal was to allow the shoulder blades to touch first before the head does. [inaudible]. There we go. Great. Once you're down, you can bring both knees into the chest.

Now I'm going to ask you guys if I were, if I wanted Jude, would you be able to lift your head up? All right, so you guys are okay. It's so if you couldn't, that meant that you're a little bit too close. Then I would have to move you back a little bit. So we're going to start with some footwork. You're going to have heels together. Knees are going to go apart. Good. You're going to have nice long feet.

I want you guys to imagine that the barrel is made of clay. You're going to keep a nice firm imprint into it and you're going to never let the imprint increase or decrease. We're going to keep the weight the same. You're going to extend the legs out as you zipper up and bend the knees and come back in. As you extend out, push into the barrel with the core and come back in and pull into the barrel and go back in, imprint in Nice. And Go back in and out on five. And then let's go for five more zipper up and go back in and out on too, and bend in and pull three and in, two more out. And then one more time out and in. Good.

Let's bring feet together, knees together and you're gonna point the feet. A hundred dollar bill in between the knees. Same thing. Zipper up, pour into that barrel, then pull the knees back into the chest, pull into the barrel with the lower back and come back in into the lower back and in. Pull into the barrel exactly out on five and in and five more and in and out and in and out. And two more out and one more and out and in. Good. Flex the feet.


And then here it's make sure the little toes are pulling back just as much as the big toes. Push the heels as you pull into the core and bend the knees and come back in and push. Pull back in. Press three and in out four and in out five. Let's go five more and press and in press two and in press three and in and press and in one more time. Press and go back in. Now you're going to keep the yields together, but open your knees in line with your shoulders.


Then you're going to point the feet and we'll go for tendon. Stretch zipper up, extend the legs out and hold their pull into the core. Flex the feet for three to 1.23 nice guys. Flex to 3.23 toe ball, heel and heel. Ball toe and flex to 3.23 and five and point very good guys. Five more. Flex two three and 0.23 and flex. Flex, flex point, point, point and flex two three and 0.2 more.

Tendon Stretch

Flex, flex, flex and point. Point, 0.1 more three and point, point, point. Then the knees into the chest. Great. Bring the hands right by your sides on that barrel. [inaudible] there we go. Yup. [inaudible] then you're going to slowly push the barrel away. Let's see how humid it is and here today and you're going to let the legs does a drape there on the barrel, allowing the hip flexors to just release and fold. Take a deep breath in and in. Big exhalation.


Let's go for a one more inhale and exhale. XL, XL. All right guys, you're going to bring the soles of the feet onto the hump of the barrel. Great parallel hip with you're going to now extend the arms straight and bring your fingertips for right onto your knees. Good. All Right, nice. I'm gonna have you open just a little here. Now you're going to roll the hips up one vertebra at a time. The hands will slide a little bit.

Press your wrist into your hips. Press your hips. [inaudible] someone's working those hamstrings, but that's what we want to work and roll down through your spine. One Vertebra at a time and against the work in the right muscle. So you're going to roll up and press the hips into the wrist. Press the hands into the thighs, and then melt waist.

Starting from the sternum all the way down to the tail. And again, you're going to start with the tail or you're going to curl up one vertebrae at a time. Once you're up there, do like a tug of war. A hands are going to press down. Hips are going to lift. Hands down. Hips lift. Now start from the sternum, mount, sternum, all the way down to the tailbone. Let's go for three more and roll the hips up. When you go up there, you're going to push forward into the risks or ideally there's no space in between risks and hips, and then melt sternum all the way down to the tail and twice more and rolling up, up, up, up above. Nice pressing, and then melt one vertebrae at a time, starting from the sternum and melt down to the tail last time. Roll the hips up or they're good.

Now bring the arms right down by the sides and then you're going to keep pressing down with your left foot. You're going to fold at the right knee. Bring the right leg in and then bring the right thigh down. We're going to go for some marches. Left leg in and left down right thigh floats up and control it down. Float the left up and control it down. Float the right up.

Bridge w/Single Leg Lift

Control it down. Float the left up. Control it down. Now start from the sternum and melt sternum all the way down to the towel, hitting every vertebra on the way down. Once you're down, tail, down, sacrum, heavy fold and the hips. Bend both knees into the chest. Take a nice hug of the legs. Circle both knees three times, right? One circle two, circle three. Let's reverse the circle. Circle one, circle two, and circle three. Good.


You're going to roll over to your right side and you can then come up to a high kneel sitting up, standing up. Good. Now you guys are going to lie down on your back facing that direction. That's right on the top of the barrel. Yep. Yup. And you guys are actually going to face it that way. Yup. And you're going to bring both knees into the chest. Good for the hundred.

You're going to reach the arms straight out in front, zipper up. Reach the legs out, pump above the waist as you breathe into three, four or five XL, three, four or five in with the air and XL. Three, four or five. Curl that upper back higher. Exhale, three, four, five. Inhale, four XL, three, four, five. Inhale, let's do five more and cross your legs and cross. Two, three, four, five XL, three, four, five. Inhale, exhale. Three, four, five in with the air and XL. Two more sets. Inhale, three, four, five XL, three, four, five. One more, five more. Gonna pat head. Rub the tummy. I'm kidding. A standing up. All right, so I'm having you guys come around this side just so no one has to look at your butt right now and you're going to lie on your stomach facing that way and we're going to go for a reverse hundred. You're going to scoot forward just a little bit more so that bottom rib comes off, arms are going to go back. You're going to pump up. Two, three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five. Inhale. Exhale, three, four, five in with the air XL, three, four, five, four XL, three four, five five XL, three four, five more.

Reverse Hundred

Inhale and XL three four five in with the air XL. Three, four, five. Inhale, XL three two more sets, two, three, four, five XL three, four, five, one more, and XL three, four, five and you can bring the hands down and stand up. All right, not bad guys. So you're going to scoot the barrels back a little bit. We're going to have to judge it a little bit. We're going to bring it back to a point where we will be able to sit at the front of the lip where we can extend the legs out and bring the feet underneath the strap. So Yep, that looks pretty good there. Yup.

Stretch w/the Bar

Maybe just a little bit back. I'm going to help you with this. There we go. Let's see if I overshot it. Nope. Perfect. All right, so what you're gonna do is you're gonna lie down onto your back [inaudible] and then Jia, I'm going to give this to you. Do you have that? All right. I'm going to let it go now. Okay. You're going to bring the bar onto your thighs and we're going to go for stretch with the bar. You're going to inhale, lift the arms up, and then you're going to exhale and you're going to reach back to me. I'm going to give you a little stretch. That's okay. Good. Inhale, arms going to go forward. Xcel, you're going to bring the bar onto the thighs and again, inhale, lift the arms up and exhale, and you're going to reach, reach. How is this?

Okay. Inhale, arms go forward. Exhale, arms go down. Let's go for two more. Inhale, lift and exhale. Exhale, exhale. Inhale, arms port. That okay, and Xcel down last time. Inhale, lift and exhale. Exhale, exhale. Inhale, arms forward, and exhale, arms come down. Now what you're going to do is you're going to bring the arms straight up to the ceiling.

Single Arm Reach

I'll take this and I'll take this and you guys can now bring your hands behind the base of the head and then you're going to roll up to your spine. Good. And now what we're going to do is we're going to take the ball. You guys are going to take your feet out of the strap and you're going to scoot back. So you're seated a little further into the lip. Now lie down, and I'm going to use this ball as a half moon pillow. There we go. How's that? Yep. All right, so this is a half moon pillow here, but you can also use a ball for the same way you're going to that. Okay? All right.

You're going to extend the legs straight out onto the mat and we're going to go for single arms, right arm is going to go back and you're going to reach forward with the left two three change and reach. Reach regionally. When I give you a pillow and change her reach. There we go. And change, reach, reach, reach, change reached two, three, change reached two, three. One more time. Reach, reach, reach and reach. Reach, reach both arms straight up to the ceiling. You're going to turn the palm so they're facing in. We're going to go for the open and the close. Did you bring your feet just a little bit over to your right? Good.

Open Close

I have to do that cause I'm not going to my leptin rights. All right, you're going to open. I'm going to give you a little bit of a stretch here. All right. And then you're going to close and you're going to cross. You're going to grab your shoulder blades and I'm going to give you a gentle stretch here cause I don't want to push too hard. Now Open. I'm going to take my thumb to the center of your sternum and I'm going to walk down the clavicle. I'm in front of the clavicle just to release your Pec Major, Pec minor. That's one of those hurts. So good, right? And then you're going to go across this time either one crosses and stretch.

Let's go for two more and you're going to open, I'm going to give you a little stretch there. Okay. And close and a gentle pool. And then open. I'm going to walk down from the center all the way out. There we go.

[inaudible] and then go across and you're going to reach, now you're going to bring one hand behind the head and then you're going to roll up to your spine. Good. And then you're going to reach the arms straight out in front of you and you're going to roll down to the base of the shoulder blades. Hold there, two, three. Now roll up to there. And again, roll backwards to the base of the shoulder blades. Good. Two, three. And you're going to reach for it to the ground and go just to the lower back and nice and then roll back to the base of the shoulder blades.

Roll Back

Hold two, three curve over and one more. Roll back to the base of the shoulder blades. Hold for five, four, three, two, one and you're going to round back up. Good. You can now roll all the way up through your spine, one vertebrae at a time, and you guys can bend your knees and stand up and then what you're going to do is you're going to scoot the barrels down towards the straps a little bit. Good. Then you're going to face that direction and you're going to sit right on your bottom. Yup, right on the mat. Good.

Arm Circles

Now from here you're going to have feet together, knees together, and you can let your body round backwards. I'm going to give you this half an pillow here and you can take the ball Tetsuo and we're going to go for the arm circles. You're going to reach the arms up and you're going to go back. I'm going to give you a little stretch there. How is that good. Circle the arms around and go down and again, inhale, lift and exhale. If you want to go grab my wrist as well. There we go.

On the kitchen. Nice for one. Okay, and circle around and down. Once again, inhale, lift and exhale and reach you. Okay. Circle the arms around and down. Reverse. Go around and you're going to go back to three. Arms forward and down. Inhale around and exhale.

Reach on to bring you just a little bit over to your rate. Yes, three and down. One more time. Inhale around and exhale and reach. Reach, reach and now arms go forward and down. Hands are going to go behind the head and you can roll up through your spine. One Vertebra at a time. Okay guys, you're going to stand up.

Lower Lift

You're going to sit once again to the front of that arc. You're going to grab a hold maybe a little bit further back. Tetsuo and also Jia to a little bit more right there. Now you're going to grab a hold of the handles. You're going to bring your feet flat on.

Then from there this time let's extend the other leg front. Exactly. And now you're going to roll down through your spine, control it, control it, control it. Nice. And then once you're down, make sure again that you're able to lift your head if you need to. So you know you're in a good spot. Let's bring the soles of the feet flat onto the lip. Legs are going to be parallel hip with distance between the heels.

Just a little further back. And this is almost like little stretch on there already, right? So you're going to bring your right knee into the chest, right leg is going to go straight up to the ceiling. I'm going to bring you just a little bit more forward and you're going to lower need to the knee. Good and lift to 90 degrees, knee to knee and lift to 90 now knee is low as you can control. I'm going to give you a little stretch, which you don't really need.

And now lift the thigh up and you're going to bend the knee in and you're going to bring the foot down. Now bring the other knee in and leg goes up. Lower knee to knee, lift to 90 agile or equal weight on both hips. Yes, and lift to 90. Now zipper up as you go, as low as you can control them to give you a little stretch here. Good. And now lift up, bend the knee and bring the foot down. Okay. Bring the right knee back into the chest. Extend the legs straight up to the ceiling.

Unilateral Bicycle

You're going to go as low as you can control. I'm going to give you a little bit of a pull here. Now bend the knee and as you come up, you're going to brush this foot onto that front lip there. Bring the knee into the chest and go up and again, go out. Yes, and then bend the knee, brush that foot and come in and up. One more time. Go Out, reaches your Zipper, bend the knee, brush and come up.

Then let's reverse bend the knee. Bring your foot down, brush, and I'm going to give you a little tug. Is that okay? And come in and bend the knee and brush the foot. I'm going to give you a little tug. You all right and come up one more time. Bend the knee and brush, give you a little tug and come back up. Bend the knee into the chest, bring the foot down, left knee into the chest, left leg up to the ceiling, and then lower down. Good reach. Bend the knee brush, and again, reach out. Good.

Bend the knee and brush this foot and the end up. One more time. Reach out, bend the knee and rush and in and up. Reverse. Bend the knee. You're going to brush here and then you're gonna stretch and go up and bend. Brush the front of that lip reach and go up one more time and bend the knee.

Brush the front and out and come up. Bend the knee into the chest. Bring your foot down. This time right leg, it's going to brush forward. Now kick it up. You can go past 90. Flex the foot, lower the heel down, down, down, pointing. Kick up and flexing. Lower. One more time pointing. Kick up and flex and lower than brush the leg in.

Lower Lift Point and Flex

Now brush the left leg front and kick up and flex and lower point up and flex and lower point up, flex and lower. And then you're gonna slide the foot in. Bring both knees into the chest, both legs straight up to the ceiling. You're going to bring your legs overhead. I'm going to stop you guys parallel to the floor. I know traditionally it goes to the floor, but I don't like to do that so much.


I'm going to open the legs, flex the feet and roll down one vertebra at a time. This, okay, now bring the legs to where you can control and then bring legs together. Point and again go up and over. I'm gonna stop you guys parallel to the floor. Open flex just so there's a little less pressure on the cervical vertebra and now lower down and again go up and over. Good and open. Flex and roll down to your spine. Let's reverse it together.

Point open, flex and go up and over and together. Point and now roll down. They give you a little bit of a resistance. Good. And now 45 degrees open. Flex and go up and over together. Point and roll down to your spine. One more time.

Open flex and go up and over and together. Point and roll down with the little tug. There we go. Bring the legs to 90 flex the feet and then I'm going to just press down here it stick the bat out a little bit and that's going to give you a deeper stretch to feel that. Perfect. All right, and now you're going to bend the knees. You're going to bring the knees into the chest, bring the hands to the front of the barrel, right by your hips, and now push the barrel away. Exactly. Let the legs that drape over there and take a deep breath in and a big exhalation. Good. One more.

Single Leg Stretch

Breathing in and breathing out and you guys can roll to your side and you're going to sit up. Stand up. All right, let's bring the barrels. Just a small amount backwards ever. So slightly, maybe a little bit. Yes. Perfect. Now what you're going to do is you're going to sit down at the very, very front of the lip and just be careful as you're sitting there on that the barrel doesn't tip. Go a little bit more forward even more. There we go. She's like, this man is crazy.

Now I'm going to roll down and you're going to just lightly touch there. Yes. Now what you're going to do is just curl the tailbone and bring it a little bit more forward so it's kind of off of that lipped there. Great. Then from there you're going to bring both knees into the chest. Now imagine that there is some sort of foam memory foam behind you, pushed your lower back into yes and release and push into the memory foam and release. Press into the foam. Keep that, bring your right arm, keep the right knee and left leg out and push into me.

Change and push change, push change, push change. Not Bring right hand and ankle, left hand and knee. Push into the foam. Change and change and change. Five and five more. Pull and push and pull and pull. Three more. Pool and pour. Two more pool.

Pull one more poor both knees and grab your ankles. Double leg, arms, back, legs reaches Zipper. Push into that memory foam. Take the arms around that minis and pool and again, press into the memory foam and circle in and pull. Good. Inhale, reach and XL. Circle and in pool. Inhale, reach for press. Good guys. And circle an in pull. Inhale, reach out, five and excelling and pull five more reach. And then as you guys are reaching, press don't push into the ball but don't come off of it either. Let's go for three more so the ball will maintain its form and come back in two more. Reach and Ben back in one more time and reach and come back in.

Double Leg Stretch

Right leg up, left leg out. And then right leg. It's going to pull in in chain. Chen, one, one, change to two, two to three, three and three. Three reach, reach and reach. Reach Jen. Pool. Pool. Five more and one, one and one. One and two, two, two, two and three. Three and three, three and four, four, four, four, five. Hold. You're going to know all the stretches today because I see him more often. There we go. And now change.

Single Straight Leg Stretch

There we go. That. Okay, now both legs up, hands be on the base of the head and now rotate the legs to plot is lower the legs for three, two, one up to 90 and lower. Two three up agile or push into the memory foam behind you, the imaginary memory foam and come up and again, lower two three up to 95 more. Lower, lower, lower lift, lower, lower and lower. Lift and lower. Lower, lower lift. Twice. More. Lower to three. Lift once more. Lower. Two, three lift. Hold that. I'm going to gently take this ball away from me guys. And you're gonna twist to the right dish.

Double Straight Leg Stretch

Extend the left leg and hold for three. Hold for two, hold for one. Change and hold. Two, three, change to two. Three, change two and three to three and three to three. Four, two, three, four, two, three, five, two, three, five. Quick time. One, one, two, two, three, three, four, four, five, five means and hold and let your head go back and exhale. Then Tinder, the chest roll forward and you can sit up. Then from there you're going to, and let me get your ass back just a little bit odd.

Criss Cross

You're going to sit into the lip, open the feet, the width of the mat arms are going to go straight out in front of each shoulder with shoulder height. Flex the feet, squeeze your bottom, lift the spine round over, and exhale. Exhale, exhale. Inhale, roll up to your spine to nice, tall, straight back, and again around over, and exhale. Exhale, exhale, right. Inhale, rolling up through your spine. One more time. Round over, and exhale. Exhale. Exhale. Inhale. Roll up to your spine to a nice, tall, straight back. Okay. You're going to bring the legs together. Shake out the legs and stand up. Lie on your stomach. Facing this back here.

Spine Stretch Forward

Now you're going to scoot a little forward. Bring the hands onto the mat. Good. Now you're going to have one straight line from head to heels, like a long piece of steel. Then from there, you're going to reach back with your toes. You're going to reach so far back that you're going to tip forward. There we go. Beautiful guys. Now you're going to push through the heel of the hand, lift up to the crown of the head, lift up to the sternum and come up. And again, you're going to tip over and stretch. Good. Now lift to the sternum and come up and reach through the crown of the head.

Swan Dive

And now tip pooling. Beautiful guys. And now reach up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up. Now let's go three little, just slightly quicker. And tip one, tip one, tip to tip two and three and three and lower down. Good. All right. And you can stand onto the floor and you can just see up if you like. It could take a little counter stretch.


There are right in roll up to your spine. Now you guys are going to sit into the lip facing the back again and you're gonna bring your feet onto the top of the barrel arc. Yes. Now you're going to be really curled under. So the sits bones are facing. Yes. Then from there you're going to bring your knees into the chest, extend the legs out to 45 degrees and you're in your teaser. Now your goal is to not touch my hand.

You're going to roll backwards and play operation and roll back up. Nice and again. Roll back and roll back up once more. Roll back and roll back up. Now stay there. Now we're going to play operation here. Lower the legs, lift legs, lower the legs, lift the legs, hour's good.

Lower the legs. Lift the legs. Now hold there. Now I used to say no. Mary Lou Retton, but now no Simone biles. Lift the arms up to the ceiling without those ribs going. Now hold there simultaneously. Upper body, lower body, lower to where you can control. Now reach for the toes now. No Marilu retina, those arms lift. Nice.

And now lower down and roll up. Good. Now control as you lower down and now roll up. Now stay there. Flex the feet, reach forward. Grab Ahold of your toes. Then from there, head forward. Tip forward and now pull up through your core, up through your ribs. Find your balance here for three. I'm going to tip you forward. Hold to and hold one. All right guys, standing up.

Beautiful. Now what you're going to do is scoot forward a little bit. Your barrels I think are should be okay here. Maybe I'm gonna Bring Yours. Just a hair backwards. All right, now you're going to sit right here with the soles of the feet flat onto the mat. Good. Now suggest a little bit lower. Good. Now if this ever gets difficult, you can always bring the barrel forward and bring the feet flat onto the floor to give yourself greater range. Wrap the arms around the waist, round the back, bringing the head entailed towards one another. Good.

Round Back

Keep that tight little ball. You're going to roll backwards and press your lower back in. Now hold there. Now roll forward and go underneath this low ceiling. Good. And again, curl under and roll up and go underneath that low ceiling. And again, curling under earth and curling forward.

Two more. Curling under and curling forward. One more time. Curling under and curling forward. Now lift your spine very tall. [inaudible] and then nice. Flat back. Still. Still stay a little bit forward. That's good hands can the base of the head now you could skip.

Flat Back

Maybe just a little higher. Perfect. All right, now keep the tall back. You're gonna squeeze your bottom. Lifting hinge backwards or there. Push it into the floor with the heels more through your spine. Squeeze your bottom and come up to center. And again, lifting hinge as you guys go back. Eyes forward so those ribs stay more dropped. And now come up to center.

Nice guys lifting hinge zippering up and come back to center. Two more. Lift in, hinge back and come up to center. One more time. Lift in hinge and up to center. Oh, someone's slipped there. Now you're going to bend over to the right and then lift dissenter. Go over to the left and lift a center.

Side to Side

Go over to the right and center over to the left and center. Now from the left shoulder blade, twist to the right hold from the right shoulder blade. Twist to the left, twist to the right, twist to the left, twist to the right. Hold on your diagonal reach and come up to center. And then lift, twist and reach. Yes, keep pushing with those feet and come up to center.


Lift was right and reach and up to center. Lift, twist and reach left and come back to center. Now twist to the right. Hold and reach out. Now go to the back, go to the left and come up to center. Lift and twist out back right and up. Center. Now round over.

Twist and Reach

Take a stretch and roll up through your spine. Tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck and head. Okay guys, standing up here again. We're going to have to gauge it a little bit. Yeah, you have those beautiful long legs. So I'm going to bring this back here and so we want to bring it back to a point where you can sit down into the lip here, stretch the leg and bring your foot underneath the strap and have a certain amount of 10 Sandman. Good. Now you're going to rotate the foot down to the big toe, comes down onto the mat. Good. And you're going to bring the hands behind the head. Good. Now I want you guys to imagine you're on the roll back bar on the Cadillac, but instead of rolling backwards, you're going to roll sideways and hit each vertebra at a time.

Around the World

Then from there you can go over and stretch. Now you're going to curl from the crown of the head and I'm going to push in, in, in, in, in, and again. So we're going to roll down one vertebra at a time and now you're going to roll in and push to go up. And now this time we're going to change it. You're going to leave with the crown of the head.

Side Sit Up

You're going to arch up and over. Okay, good. And then reach out like a compass. Make a long arc to come back to center. One more time. Arc can go up and over. Once you're over there, you can stretch this arm straight. I'm going to give you a little stretch here. Okay, hold there. And don't worry, I'm not going to be stingy.

I'm going to give you a little stretch as well. There we go. You're right. Now bring the hands behind the head. Let's peel up, push it into the barrel, into the barrel, into the barrel. This time you can counter stretch. I'm going to give you a little stretch here. Lift three here. Nice. You okay? Are Right. Let's switch sides.

Okay. Okay. Bring the big toe down, makes sure that you're nice and square with your hips and then peel down one vertebrae at a time. Good. Now Peel up by pushing into that barrel to come up. And again, start from the waist and press into the barrel. Imprint one vertebrae at a time. Down side Vertebra.

Now Peel off and push. Push, push, push, push. Now let's lead from the crown of the head and you're going to arch up and over. Good. Now like a long compass. Come up. Yes. One more time. Our Cup it over. Don't lose that big toe guys. Yes, and then arc to come up one more time ago. Up and over. I didn't want extra on the side and I'll stretch this arm straight.

I'm going to give you a little stretch here. Good. Hold there. I'm going to give you one as well. There we go. Now my hands be on the head and you're going to peel up one vertebra at a time. Nice guys sell and you can counter a stretch and you're like, hey, hey, what about that counter stretch? There we go. Nice. So you can take your foot out.

I'm going to give you an exercise actually I learned from Deborah lesson, but I really like this exercise. You're going to grab a hold of your purple ball. Good. You're going to sit into the lip. Deborah gave this to me to strengthen my quads because I have a history of Mi issues and so anything I can do to help strengthen this, a lot of times people are trying to also make them a little bigger, but no matter what I do, my quads would never African bigger. I'm some sort of weird anomaly. So you're going to bring him as a ball and play.

Roll Up Variation

Sit right here. Good. Now what you're going to do is you're going to stretch the legs straight out in front of you, but try to maintain an upright posture. Now lift the legs straight up so it's parallel. All right. Lower the legs for a second. I'm going to scoot you both back a little bit with your sit department's good.

Now lift the legs up. Now bring your torso forward here. Come forward a little bit more tense tool a little bit more. Now flex the feet. Now Deborah gave me two balls, but you guys are going to reach up and just make two fist here. Then from there you're going to start with your lower back. You're going to roll down one vertebrae at a time without those legs moving little toes pulling back in and go as far back as you can and you're going to arch that back.

Now bring the arms to second position you guys understand to the side. Now bring the arms straight up again to the SH. Yes. Good. Now bring your head through exactly and roll up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up to repeat one more. Roll down. Keep those arms by those years. Beautiful guys. Lift those heels up a little bit more. An arch. Open their arms to the side.

Second position. Now close to the Fiskum over the shoulders. Again, roll the head through the arms and push up with the head up with the fist up, up, up, up, up, up, up. Now open the arms to the side. Roll down. We're going to reverse. Once you're down at the head, go back in the arms, over your head. Don't move your arms. Bring your head through the arms and then reach up to the sky. Up. Bup, Bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup. Open the second. Now roll down one vertebra at a time. Bring the arms over the head.

Bring the head through the arms and lift up. Up, up, up, up, up, up, up. Hold their head up more. Fist up, more heels forward, more little toe back, more. Collarbone up and relax. I know that went and get shit. All right. I decided to just do two with you guys and not three each way. So put the ball to the side and now let's do a cool down. So we're going to do an x here, a series called the businessman special.


So I'm gonna have you guys scoot the barrel forward. So my teacher Romana told me that there was a lot of different ending exercises or series. And so this series, the businessmen special or the legs series was something that she said that Joseph [inaudible] would give to the businessmen who would come in at lunchtime. And so they would do their workout. He to end with this series. And when they're done, you're in a rest position. He take a towel, put them, put the towel on their face, and they can relax there and then get up, clean up, go back to work. So that's why we call it the businessman special. All right, so you're going to sit right at the front of the lip there and you're going to bring your hands, grab a hold. You're going to stretch one leg front and you're going to control yourself down to the base of the shoulder blades. Touch. Good.

One time Romana gave it to me and she goes, you are tired honey, you deserve this. But that there, and it was so nice. I could just make everything quiet. All right, so both knees into the chest. We're going start with the leg series of both legs are going to go straight up to the ceiling. Now what you're going to do is you're going to rotate the legs to plot ease. You can do it either plot or parallel. Let's do plot is today.

You're going to open the legs lower to where you can control together and lift and open. Lower to your control together and lift open. Lower together and lift open. Lower together. Lift one more open, lower together. Lift, reverse and lower. Open up bend together. Zipper. Open Up.

Bend together as the legs lower into the barrel. Open. Similar to what we did earlier with the footwork series. Lower open up, bend together. One more lower. Open up together. Hold there. Now right leg is going to stay up. Left leg is going to lower. I'm going to give you a little stretch here to open up that, so as there, how's that feel? It's chains and reach. Reach, reach, change.


Three, two, three. That's two. Sorry. Or each two to three. Chains and reach. Reach, reach and reach. Reach, reach and reach. Reach, reach and reach. Reach. Reach. One more and reach two, three chains and reach to three both lakes 45 degrees. Let's go parallel legs together. Small little walks. Walk down. Two, three, four, five, six, seven together on eight up to three four, five, six, seven together on eight down to three four, five, six, seven together, up two, three, four, five, six, seven. Together, down to three. Vermont.


I would say assembly and up. You guys know that you guys were dancers and assembly. Bicycle. Reach out with the rate. Reach out with the left. Reach and reach because I was tall. Romana would say, touch the toe to the floor. You guys might have a little harder time that honor reads and reads and reads.


Let's switch. Reverse one and one. Reach out to reach to. This is good though, guys. Three reach. Three. Yes. Two more. Four and four. One more time.

A reach and reach. Now both legs out to 45 degrees. You're going to open the width of the mat with an accent on the an open one. Open, open, open, and open. Open, open, open, open, close. 10 more. But this time, accent, the close, open accent, clothes and clothes and clothes and clothes and clothes.


Five more clothes and clothes and clothes and clothes and clothes. Now even accent on the open and close. Open. Close, open, close, open, close, open, close. Five. Close. Six. Close. Seven. Close. Eight. Close. Nine. Close, 10, close. Now bring the knees into the chest. I'll give you one extra today. This was the helicopter. So right leg up, left leg goes out, and you can take a split.


Now hold their scissor split again. Keep this circle around. Helicopter. Yes. And you guys are going to clear each other. So scissor one, and scissor and helicopter. [inaudible] I think. And scissor and scissor and helicopter. Yes. And scissor and scissor and helicopter.

Last time. Scissor, scissor, and helicopter. Yes. One more time. Scissor, scissor, and helicopter. Hold there. Bring both knees into the chest. Now I want you to push the barrel away from you. Let the legs drape over. Then from there you worked hard.

Honeys, you deserve this and relax. Good. Take a deep breath in and a big excalation. Inhale. Exhale. One more time. Inhale, exhale, bring the knees into the chest, hug your legs, and Romana would say, when you're ready to get up, honey, you can get up and you're done. But you guys are done for today. Thank you guys. She's like, I'm not ready. Thank you.


Love this workout, great instructions.
Outstanding and looks very therapeutic. Thank Brett for your creativity. Useable for sure.
Wow! Love this workout! Great instruction, flow and creativity. Thank you for sharing.
1 person likes this.
Thanks for this lovely class Brett! It's great to see you back on PA :))
WOW WOW WOW!! Precise and Exceptional Cueing!
Love this.. Thank you Brett :) Yay you're back!
I loved this class! I love your teaching style-it's always so perfectly cued! Fantastic!!
Love this workout, great cueing and hands on adjustments for stretching. love it!! Thank you!
Becky C
Loved the teaser series! And the windmills are one of my favourites!
I could connect a lot on the ab series and on the teaser
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