Class #3680

Creative Mat Variations

50 min - Class


Get ready to work hard in this fun Mat workout by Brett Howard! He starts immediately with a warm-up designed to open your back and connect you to your center. He then moves on to a traditional flow, adding creative variations for exercises like the Hundred, Rolling Like a Ball, and much more!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Hi, my name is Brett Howard and we are going to do a mat class. So I'm gonna have you guys start on your hands and your knees. I just wanna warm you up a little bit. Hands are gonna go directly underneath the shoulders, knees are gonna go directly underneath the hips and then you're gonna round the back like an angry cat. Drop your head, drop your tailbone and then arch the back, head up, tailbone up.

Cat Stretch

And again, inhale, round the back and exhale, arch the back and again inhale, round the back and exhale, arch the back. Let's go for two more. Inhale, round and exhale, arch. One more, inhale, round the back and exhale, arch the back. If your knees are healthy, sit back on your heels, stretch out your back, child's pose.

Child's Pose

Then you're gonna keep your sitz bones connected to the heels. We're gonna start with the tailbone. Roll up tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head. Okay, you're gonna sit on your bottom with your soles feet flat on the mat, facing in to one another. You're gonna have your hands go behind your thighs, thumbs with fingers.

Roll Down Preparation

You're gonna open the legs parallel hip-width distance and then initiate from the tailbone. You're gonna roll your spine down one vertebrae at a time opening up the lower back, trying not to let the hands slide down though. Then lead with the crown of the head, round forward, bring the nose towards the knees. Good, and then roll up tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head. And again, tailbone curls under, lift those elbows out to the side, pancake the feet.

Good, and then round forward, nose goes towards the knees and then roll up tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head. And again, tailbone curls under, opening up the lower back and crown of the head leads, round forward nose towards knees and roll up through your spine to a tall straight back. Let's go for three more, curling under, but this time hold there. Pancake the feet, open the arms straight out, reach the arms straight out, sorry, two, three. Now bring the hands back onto the thighs, lead with the crown of the head, round forward and then roll up to your spine to a tall back.

And again, curling under, open up the lower back, take the hands up, balance there. Now, roll down one more inch, hold there for three, two, one, hands go behind the thighs, round forward, nose goes towards knees, good, and then roll up tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head, and again, starting with the tail, curl down, open, hold there. Reach the arms straight out in front of you, hold for three, two, one, one more inch down, hold for three, two, one, another inch down, hold for three, two, one, another inch down, hold for three, two, one inch up, hold for three, two, one. Roll all the way down onto the mat. Okay, guys you're gonna extend both legs straight out onto the mat, flex both feet.

Single Leg Lift

Now from here you're gonna point the right foot, slide the foot in along the mat, bring the knee into the chest, extend the leg straight up to the ceiling, flex the foot, reach through the heel, lower the leg down. Now, left foot point, slide the foot in, bring the knee into the chest, extend the leg up, flex the foot, reach through the heel all the way down. Right foot point, slide the foot in, knee, you're okay, okay, knee into the chest, extend the leg up, flex the foot, lower all the way down. Left foot point, slide the foot in, knee into the chest, extend the leg up, flex the foot, and lower the leg down. One more on each leg.

Right foot point, slide the foot in, knee into the chest, extend the leg up, flex the foot, and lower the foot down and now left foot point, slide the foot in, knee into the chest, extend the leg up, flex the foot, lower all the way down. Now both feet point, slide the feet in, bring the knees into the chest, bring the hands behind the base of your head, roll the head, neck, and shoulders up looking at your abdominals. Now what you're gonna do is lift the thighs, lift the shins so that they're parallel to the floor. Now maintain that, zipper up through the core, lower the thighs to where you can control and hold there, two, three, lift the thighs back up. Now, as you lower, lower don't increase the space between bottom, rib, and hip.

Toe Taps

Nice, guys. Two, three, and lift the thighs back up one more time. Lower down and this time hold for five, four, three, two, one, lift the thighs up, flex the feet, same thing, lower the thighs to where you can control without increasing distance and then lift the thighs back up and lower down to where you can control, try to lift that upper back a little higher, guys, and then lift the thighs back up one more time. Lower down and hold, hold, hold, hold, lift the thighs up, knees into the chest, hug the legs, circle both knees to the right three times. Circle right one, circle right two, and you can relax the head if you like, circle three, reverse the circle.

Supine Lumbar Spinal Stretch

And circle one, circle two, and circle three. Now, bring soles of the feet flat onto the mat, open the legs parallel hip-width distance, arms gonna go right down by the sides. You're gonna start with the tail, you're gonna roll the hips up to a nice bridge. Then start with your sternum, melt down sternum all the way down to the tailbone. And again, tailbone initiates, roll up to the base of the shoulder blades, good.


And then sternum initiates, melt all the way down to the tail. One more time. Start with the tail curling up, this time you're gonna hold up, you're going to inhale, lift the arms up to the ceiling, exhale reach the arms up as far back as you can control. Inhale, arms go forward, exhale, arms go down onto the mat. Let's repeat that.

Bridge w/Overhead Arm Extension

Inhale, lift the arms up, exhale, reach the arms back, back, back, inhale, arms go forward, exhale, arms go down. Inhale, lift the arms up, exhale reach and this time hold there. Now, roll the spine down as you roll the head, neck, and shoulders up and reach the arms forward, engaging your abdominals. Now, while you're reaching there make sure the tailbone is not tucked, crease in the hips, try to go one more inch up. Nice, guys, and then lift the hips up as the head, neck, and shoulders go back so it's like a little seesaw.

Bridge w/Overhead Arms and Spinal Flexion

Now roll the spine down as the head, neck, and shoulders roll front and engage the abdominals, don't tuck that tailbone up, hold, hold, now, roll just your upper body down with the arms come down by the sides. Bring your feet together, knees together. Hands are gonna go flat onto the mat. I want you to keep the hands on the mat, don't let them lift up, you're gonna slide the fingertips as far forward as you can and roll the head, neck, and shoulders up and go forward, go forward, go forward, go forward, and roll back down, good! And again, slide those fingertips forward, forward, forward, forward, now hold there. Are you guys tucking your tailbone up?


Maybe, let's not do that and now roll back down, okay and again, slide the fingertips forward, and go forward, forward, forward, forward and lower back down. Imagine like you're a ball of yarn, roll forward and make a tight little ball, wind the yarn up, wind it, go forward, go forward, curl in on yourself, unravel and go back down. Last time you're going to go forward, forward, forward, hold there, what about the tailbone, guys? All right, now, right leg is gonna extend, knee to knee, left leg is going to join it. Hold there, rotate the legs to Pilates stance, try to go a little bit more forward, try to untuck the tailbone more, lift the arms up in line with your waist, now lift a little higher, pump above the waist as you breathe in with the air, breathe out two, three, four, five, inhale (clapping), exhale, three, four, five, inhale, exhale, three, four, five, in with the air, four, five, exhale, three, four, five, inhale, (clapping) exhale, three, four, hold.

Don't let your upper body lower, bring the arms over your head, now pump, back two, three, four, five, exhale, three, four, five, lift that upper body higher, exhale, three, four, five, in (breathing deeply) exhale, three, two more sets, inhale, three, four, five, exhale, three, four, five, last set, very good, guys, exhale three, four, five, knees into the chest, hug the legs, both legs out on the mat, arms straight up to the ceiling, inner thighs together, the roll up, chin in chest, inhale, rolling up, and exhale, C-curve, hands forward, stomach back, no problem, he made it, no problem. Inhale, roll down, one vertebrae at a time, exhale all the way down, and again, chin in chest, inhale, roll up, usually that first one's the hardest one, and exhale, C-curve. Inhale, round down one vertebrae at a time, exhale all the way down, let's go for three more. Chin in chest, inhale, rolling up and exhale, C-curve, inhale, round back one vertebrae at a time, exhale all the way down, two more, inhale, roll up, good, getting up, you got it, and now round down one vertebrae at a time, exhale down, let's go for one more, rolling up, inhale, and exhale C-curve, hands forward, stomach back, inhale, round down one vertebrae at a time exhale all the way down, take your right knee, bend the knee into the chest, and give yourself a good pull of that leg. While you're pulling that leg in actively press down with that left thigh, keep the left thigh down, bring the arms down by the sides, press down with hands, shoulders, head, stomach, hips, and your left leg.

Roll Up

Right leg straight up to the ceiling, rotate the leg, keep the leg rotated outward, lead with the inner thigh, cross to the left, circle down, up, and stop. Cross, down, up, and stop. Cross, down, up, stop, hold there, reverse. Down, across, up, and stop. A little out, a lotta cross, up, and stop.

Single Leg Circles

One more time, inhale, exhale, up, and stop and hold there. Rotate the leg parallel, bend the knee, give yourself a good pull of that leg, let's change legs, pull the left leg in. While you're pulling that leg in, actively press the right thigh down. Now, keep the thigh down, bring the arms down by the sides, nine points of pressure into the mat, bring the left leg straight up to the ceiling, turn the leg out, lead with the inner thigh, go across to the right, circle, down, up, and stop. Cross, down, up, and stop.

Cross, keep that pelvis very still. Cross, down, up, and stop, one more. Cross, down, up, I did two extra on this one, reverse, down, that's okay, I'll get you later, and down and across, just one more, down and across, rotate the leg parallel, bend the knee, give yourself a good pull. Now, both knees into the chest, hands behind the base of the head, roll the head, neck, and shoulders up. Right leg straight up to the ceiling.

Single Leg Circles In Flexion

Left leg out to 45 degrees and that's where it's gonna stay. You're lookin' at it, don't let it move, and now, you're not gonna touch me, go across the body, bzzp, bzzp, bzzp, bzzp! And down and up. Cross, and up, one more, cross, and up, reverse, down and across, two and across, good, three, and across, scissor. Alright, and go across and up, bzzp, bzzp, and across, and up, and across, and up, reverse, and down, and across, down, bzzp, bzzp, don't touch, and down bzzp, bzzp, bzzp, bzzp, (laughs) alright. Bend the knee and give yourself a good pull of your legs.

Alright, both legs out onto the mat. Arms up to the ceiling. Inner thighs together, I want you guys to take a five-count roll up. Roll up through your spine for five, four, three, two, and one. Okay, scootch your bottom forward to your heels and grab ahold of your ankles, tight, tight, ball position.


Now, balance on your pelvis letting the feet float up. Pull through the core, rock down to the middle of the back, and then you're gonna come right back up and balance for three, two, one, rock back, come up and balance, balance, hold there. Make two cups with your hands, place your heels into those cups. Now, you're going to maintain that position, rock back and you're gonna roll up. Good, guys, rock back, and roll up, now hold there.

What happened? All right, now this time as you rock back, see if one heel pushes into one hand harder or sooner than the other. If that happens, try to make it the same. Rock back, equal pressure into both hands, one more time, rock back, and come up and balance and hold there. Right hand will go on top of right ankle, left hand will go on top of right knee, left leg will go out to 45 degrees and then, slow and controlled, roll down to your spine, one vertebrae at a time, good! Now, you guys have to do this right or they're gonna hit each other, so you're gonna pull the right leg in, now change, pull the left leg in, good, change, right, change, left, change, pull, change, pull, change, four, change, four, change, five, more, and one, and one, and two, and two, change, pull, and pull, two more, pull, pull, one more time, pull and pull both knees in, grab your ankles, simultaneously, arms back, legs, reach and hold.

Single Leg Stretch

Can you go longer? Can you go longer? Circle the arms, bend the knees, and give yourself a good pull and reach out and go longer, longer, longer, exhale and then pull, and reach and find more length, length, length and exhale, circle, and then pull. Inhale, reach out four, further, further, further, exhale and then pull, inhale and reach further, further, further, exhale, we're gonna go for five more. Inhale reach out as you zipper up and exhale come in and pull.

Double Leg Stretch

Inhale, reach further, and exhale and then pull. Inhale, don't change the distance, and then pull, between bottom, rib, and hip, two more, reach, reach, reach! Circle and then pull, last time, reach, two, three, circle in and pull right leg up, left leg out to 45 degrees, you're going to pull the right leg twice. Pull, pull, scissor, pull, pull, two, two, and two, two, three, three, and three, three, and four, four, four, four, and five, five, five, five, six hold. Now, bring the hands behind the base of the head. Curl the upper body a little higher, change, one, one, change, two, two, change, two, two, change, three, three, three, three, four, four, four, four, five, five, five, five, scissor, one more time, good, now, twist to the right and hold there for three, hold there, two, hold there, one, switch, and hold, hold, hold, change, two, two, three, change, two, get that elbow past that leg, three, change, get that right shoulder up off of that mat, change, get that left shoulder up off of that mat, change, four, two, three, change, four, two, three, change, five, two, three, change, five, quick, time change, one, change, one, change, two, change, two, change, three, change, three, change, four, four, change, five, change, five, both legs up! And then lower the legs for three, two, one, up to 90, lower, lower, lower, up, 90, lower, two, three, up! Zipper up through those abdominals, lower two, three, up to 90, five more, lower, lower, lower, up! And lower two, three, up! Three more, lower, two, three, up! Two more, upper body a little higher, guys, and up! One more, lower, lower, lower, up! Knees in and relax.

Single Leg Pull

It's getting hot in here but keep on your clothes. (laughing) Now what you're gonna do is you're gonna extend the legs out onto the mat, arms are gonna go straight up to the ceiling and then take a five-count roll up, roll up, five, four, three, two, and one. Okay, let's go for the spine stretch forward, I'll have you guys scoot just a little bit back and then you're gonna open the width of the mat or you can open slightly wider if you like to as well. Arms are gonna go straight out in front of you, spine stretch, you're gonna squeeze your bottom, lift your spine, round up and over a big imaginary ball. Hands forward, stomach back, heels forward, ball of the foot back, crown of the head down, roll up tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head, up against a flat wall.

Criss Cross w/Straight Legs

Squeeze your bottom, slide your back up the wall. Round over a big imaginary beach ball, think of touching the head in the sand in front of that beach ball, then roll up, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head, up against the wall, lift your spine, round over, and exhale, exhale, exhale, exhale, exhale, all the air out, inhale, rolling up to your spine to a nice tall straight back. Point your feet, slowly roll your spine down to where the heels start to get a little light, okay? Then, from there, you're gonna roll back up to a seated position. And again, rolling down to where the heels get a little bit light, and roll back up, and again, rolling down.

Double Straight Leg Stretch

Once your heels get light, hold there, right leg only is gonna lift up and it's gonna lower, left leg is gonna lift, and it's gonna lower, right leg is gonna lift, hold, left leg lifts, right leg lowers, left leg lowers, roll back up, roll back down, left leg lifts and it lowers, right leg lifts, that's okay, and lower, left leg up, right leg up, left leg down, right leg down, roll up to your spine, roll down one more time to where you get light on those heels, both legs float up and grab to where you can control and manage, now hold there, don't get (laughs), roll down to the middle back, come up, and balance for three, two, one, roll back, as you come back up pull back through your ribs, those are your brakes. Yes, and again, roll back, as you come up put those brakes on, good! And three more, roll back, and come up, and pull back through those ribs, yes! And two more, roll back, and pull back through those ribs. Good, one last time, roll down, come up and pull back through the ribs, hold there, keep the lower back curled, bring the legs together, reach the arms, find your balance for three, hold it there, two, hold it there, one, without the legs moving, roll your spine down, bend the knees into your chest and hug your legs. Okay, guys. And then what you're gonna do is you're gonna bring the soles of the feet flat onto the mat, you're gonna open the arms to the side and you might have to go, have to stagger a little bit, now, feet together (laughs), knees together, you're gonna bring both knees to the right as the head goes to the left, good, for mini tick tock.

Roll Up

Now, sequential sequencing, pull your ribcage down, then the lower back down, then the pelvis down, to return to center, good. Knees are gonna go to the left, head is gonna go to the right. Now pull down ribcage, lower back, pelvis to come back to center. Knees to the right, head to the left. And then pull down ribcage, lower back, pelvis to come to center.

Spine Stretch Forward

Knees to the left, head to the right. And pull down ribcage, lower back, pelvis, one more set. Knees right, head left. And then pull down ribcage, lower back, pelvis, knees to the left, head to the right and then pull down ribcage, lower back, and pelvis to return to center. Both knees into the chest, arms are gonna come right down by the sides, and then extend both legs straight up to the ceiling.

Open Leg Rocker Prep

Pilates stance for corkscrew, if you like, you can also bring the hands underneath your hips, your choice. Circle the legs right, down, left, center, stop. Left, down, right, center, stop. Right, down, left, center, stop. Left, down, right, center, stop.

Open Leg Rocker

Knees into the chest, relax for a second. Now, bring both arms straight up to the ceiling with the palms facing in. Squeeze an imaginary magic circle in between your hands. Extend both legs now straight up to the ceiling. Now, you're looking at the hands, they're not gonna move, circle the legs right, down, left, center, left, keep that torso still, everybody! Center, only circle as much as you can control.

Tick Tock

Center, left, don't move those arms, right, center, knees in, hug your legs. Okay, I want you to lie on your right side in the middle of the mat, actually no, everyone's gonna lie on their side facing that direction. Right in the middle of the mat you're gonna bend your knees, have your heels in line with your bottom, bottom in line with your shoulders. Then from there you're gonna bring the hands behind the base of the head, elbows are gonna touch. You're gonna follow the elbow with your eyes, you're gonna open the elbow, follow the elbow, and take a nice stretch there.


Now, follow the elbow with the eyes and close your book. Open the book, follow the elbow with the eyes and then close the book, follow the elbow with the eyes, one more time, open the book, follow the elbow with the eyes, and close the book, follow the elbow with the eyes. Bring the arms straight out in front of you, one hand on top of the other hand, good. Now, instead of the elbow you're gonna follow the fingertips, open the book, follow the fingertips with the eyes. Close the book, follow the fingertips with the eyes and you can just rest the head down and then open the book, follow the fingertips with the eyes and close the book, follow the fingertips with the eyes, one more time, open the book, follow the fingertips with the eyes and close the book, follow the fingertips with the eyes.

Open The Book

Now, top shoulder blade is going to reach forward and return to center, reach forward, two, and return to center. One more, reach forward, three, and return to center. Okay, you can lie on your side facing me now. Okay, one line, heels, sitz bones, shoulders, hands behind the head, elbows are gonna touch, open the book, follow the elbow with the eyes, nice, guys, close the book, follow the elbow with the eyes. Open the book, two, and close the book, two, let's go for one more, anchor those legs, yes, and close the book.

Spinal Twist w/Arm Protraction/Retraction

Now, arms straight out in front of you, one hand on top of the other hand, open the book follow the fingertips with the eyes. Close the book, follow the fingertips with the eyes. Open the book, follow the fingertips with the eyes, and close the book, follow the fingertips with the eyes. One more time, open the book, follow the fingertips, and close the book, follow the fingertips with the eyes. Now, reach forward and center, reach forward, two, and center, one more, reach forward, three, and center, then you're going to lie down onto your back.

Legs are gonna extend out of the mat, arms are gonna straight up to the ceiling, and then you're gonna roll up to your spine for five, four, you got it, three, two, and one. So, Gia, I'm gonna keep you forward, Andy, I'm gonna bring you back, Tetsuo, you can stay, uh you can go back, Juliana, you're gonna go forward, good, yes. Now, arms are gonna go out to the side, peripheral vision. And we will go for the saw. You're gonna twist your body to the right, then you're gonna drop the arms, reach your left little finger past the right little toe and you're gonna stretch, stretch, stretch and come back up to center.

Roll Up

Now, lift your spine, twist to the left, drop the arms, saw, back palm up, and you're gonna reach, reach, okay, reach, and up to center. And lift your spine, twist to the right, drop the arms, saw, and reach, reach, reach, reach, and up to center. Lift, twist left, drop the arms, saw, and reach, reach, reach, and up to center, sorry, lift and twist to the right, drop the arms, saw, and you're gonna reach, reach, reach, and up to center, good! Lift and twist left, drop the arms, saw, and reach, reach, reach, okay, center, one more time, lift and twist to the right, drop the arms, saw, and reach, reach, reach, and up center, last time, lift and twist left, drop saw, and reach, reach, reach, and up to center. Okay, guys, bring the legs together, shake out the legs, everyone got a little dessert there. Rest over your legs, imagine there's a pillow on your lap, rest on that imaginary pillow, take a deep breath in and a big exhalation.


And again, breathe in, breathe out, roll up to your spine to a nice tall, straight back, cross your right leg over the left leg. Then, round forward again, resting there, take a deep breath in, and a big exhale, exhale, exhale, breathe in, breathe out, out, out, rolling up to your spine. Switch the cross, other leg on top, round over and stretch and take a deep breath in and a big exhale, exhale, exhale, breathe in, and breathe out, out, out, rolling up through your spine one vertebrae at a time, uncross, shake out the legs, and then you guys can lie onto your stomach facing away from each other. Now, if you need to open your feet a little bit on this one, you can depending on your sacrum or lower back. I want you to keep the hands down for today, why don't we open the hands a little wider than the mat, so you have a little broader base, and your gonna just lift up and extend, yes, and then lower down one one vertebrae at a time all the way down, and again, lifting up to your own extension.

Seated Stretch Forward

Everyone will be a little bit different and then lower the body all the way down. We're gonna go one more time lifting up to where you can go, once you're there, hold there, zipper up through the abdominals, wrap through the ribs, up through the crown of the head, keep the shoulders dropped and down, look to the right, circle the head down to the left, look front, reverse, left, circle the head down to the right, look center, look to the right, circle down to the left, look center, to the left, circle down, that's okay, to the right, center, now hold there, lower the body down, when you can, take the hands off, control, and then bring the legs together, bring the hands back down, sit on the heels, stretch out your back, child's pose, okay. Now, onto your stomach, one hand on top of the other hand, forehead will go right on top of that. You're going to bend your right knee. Now with the right hand, unthread it and reach back and grab ahold of the foot and take a little bit of a stretch there.


Now, keep doing exactly what you're doing but instead of pulling in this now, push your foot back into your hand a little bit. Just so you can get a slightly different type of a stretch. And release and then let's switch sides. Okay bend the left leg and now grab ahold of the foot, and give yourself a gentle pull inward. Now, push your foot back into the hand and you have a gentle pull outward.

Child's Pose

And release. Now make a sphinx position with your forearms, so forearms down, then from there you're gonna bring the second knuckles to touch, gonna press down with your fist. Press down with your elbows up through the core, up through the ribs, up to the crown of the head, equal weight on both sides of the pelvis, you're gonna bend the right leg, kick the heel to bottom, kick, kick, now the left leg. Kick, kick, and, kick, kick, and, kick, kick, and, three, three, three, three, taller upper back, and kick, kick, and kick, kick, and five more, and kick, kick, kick, kick, don't change the upper body, kick, kick, kick, kick, and kick two more, kick, kick, ribs in more, lift to the crown of the head more, kick, kick, lower down, right face, cheek onto the mat. Hands behind the shoulderblades, elbows are gonna press open and down, simultaneously kick both legs, one, kick, two, kick, three, stretch the legs, slide the arms down the back, lift and lengthen, lengthen, lengthen, lower down, left cheek, kicking one, kicking two, kicking three, slide the arms down the back, lift and lengthen, lengthen, lengthen, lower down, right cheek, kicking, one, kicking, two, kicking, three, lift and lengthen, lengthen, lengthen, lower, left, kicking, one, kicking, two, kicking, three, lift and lengthen, lengthen, lengthen, last set, right, kicking, one, and, two, and three, lift and lengthen, lengthen, lengthen, lower down, left kicking, one, kicking, two, kicking, three, lift and lengthen, lengthen, lengthen, lower the body, count or stretch again, child's pose.

Single Leg Kick

Take a deep breath in and big exhalation. Now start with the tailbone, roll up through your spine, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head, okay, guys, turn around, sit on your bottom. Legs gonna be parallel, hip-width distance, flexed active feet, you're gonna bring the hands behind the base of your head, then from there you're gonna engage the seat, squeeze the bottom, lift your spine, hinge backwards, and hold. Curl your tailbone under, sacrum under, bottom vertebrae, hold there. Lead with the crown of the head around forward, bring your nose towards the knees, then roll up to your spine, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head.

Double Leg Kick

Squeeze the seat, lift, hinge back, hold there, can you squeeze your seat more, can you wrap your ribs more, can you lift through the crown of the head more? Then curl under tailbone, sacrum, little bit of the lower back, now round forward, nose to knees, and then roll up, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head, let's go one more, squeeze the bottom, lift and hinge, make sure I don't have to get my barbecue sauce out, guys, wrap those ribs and then curl under, tailbone, sacrum, and bottom vertebrae, hold it there. Hold it there. Hold it there. Round forward and roll up one vertebrae at a time, reverse, round forward, now stay there, zipper up tight jeans, curl the tailbone under.

Child's Pose

Roll your sacrum under. Lower back and hold there. Now, on a diagonal, roll up, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head, hold there, squeeze that seat more, flex those feet more, up to the crown of the head more, and come up to center and round forward, tailbone under, roll down, stay low underneath of the ceiling, hold there, now, roll, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head to a long back diagonal, hold there, eyes forward, squeeze the seat more, wrap the ribs more, up through the crown of the head more, come up to center. Last time, round forward, tailbone under and curled, tailbone, sacrum, lower back. Now, roll, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head to a long diagonal, hold that, can you squeeze your seat more?

Neck Pull

Can you wrap your ribs more? Can you lift through the crown of the head more? Hold it there, hold it there, one more, hold it there, now, tailbone under, roll back down, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head and then open the feet a little bit and then roll up, inhale, and exhale, you can push into me, nose to knees, good! Inhale, yep, roll up to your spine, I'm gonna open a little bit, and then roll down, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, and head. And, again, chin into chest, inhale, roll up, good, exhale, nose to knees, roll up to your spine to a nice tall straight back. Squeeze your bottom, lift and hinge, back, and then round under, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head.

One more, chin in chest, inhale, roll up, exhale, nose to knees, roll up to your spine, lift, hinge, back, and roll under, 10, roll down, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one, that was good, guys, though, because a lotta times if bodies are down before I'm done counting we do it again. (laughing) All right but you guys did a good job there. Okay, I want you guys to bring the soles of the feet flat onto the mat, good. Open the legs, parallel hip-width distance. Now, what you're going to do is you're going to bring the fingertips and you're gonna to put them onto your thighs.


Good, now you're gonna roll the hips up and press in to those wrists and then roll the spine down, all the way down, down, down. And again, tailbone initiates and roll up, up, up, up, up! Now, once you're there, push down with your hands as hard as you can but lift up your hips up into your hands as hard as you can. Now, sternum melts and roll down one vertebrae at a time, all the way to the tail. One more time. Curl the tailbone up and roll up into those wrists, hold there, hands down more, hips up more, now stay there.

Bring your right hand down onto the mat. Bring your right knee into the chest. Don't let that hip come away from that wrist. Lift those hips up higher, bring that leg up into the air, right leg, now, can you lift those hips up more? Can you push down with your left hand more?

Shoulder Bridge

Lower knee to the knee, lift to 90 degrees, lower knee to knee, lift to 90, get those hips up, everybody! Lower knee to the knee, lift up, hold there, bend the knee in, bring your foot down, hold, both hands on, can you guys lift those hips up? That's beautiful everybody but you shouldn't have been able to do that, those hips should have already been there. Now, press those hands down more, hips up more, now, bring the left hand down, don't let that right hip come away from that right wrist. Bring your knee into the chest, leg up into the air, now lower knee to knee, and lift up, the pressure should never change on that right side. Up, lower, and up, bend the knee in, bring your foot down, bring both hands on, lift those hips up, guys, now melt, one vertebrae at a time, all the way down.

Both legs extend onto the mat, arms to the ceiling, inner thighs together and roll up to your spine for five, four, three, it's getting better, two, one, flex the feet, arms straight out in front of you. You're gonna take eight, no 10, walks back on your hips, walk back 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, walk forward, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, now a little quicker, back, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, and forward, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and back, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, and forward, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, keep it clean this is PG video, and now lower all the way down, good. Now, you're going to lie down on your side so you guys can face that direction. Okay, you're going to bring the legs forward at a 45-degree angle. Then you're gonna prop your head up with your hand, other hand's gonna go down.

Roll Up

You're going to lift the top leg up hip-height, good. Now, lift the bottom leg up to join it. And clap five, four, three, two, one, lower, lower, lift, lift, clap five, four, three, two, one, lower, lower, lift, lift, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, lower, lower, lift, lift, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, lower, lower, today bend your top leg and just bring the shinbone on the mat in front of you. Exactly, now, high up on the inner thigh, you're going to lift the leg up. Good, and lower the leg back down, lift up high up on the inner thigh so use the inner thigh not the heel, nice, guys, and lower down.

Hip Walks

Lift up three, two, three, and lower, and up, up, up, and lower, and up, up, up, and five more. (snapping fingers) And lower, and up, two, three, and lower, up, Juliana's starting to feel it, right? Lower two more, up, up, up, she's not the only one, up, up, now stay there, stretch that leg, circle forward, up and back down, forward, up, back down, forward, up, back down, forward, and up, forward and up, five more, forward and up, and forward and up, center, forward and up, two more, forward and up, one more, forward and up, reverse, go back up, forward, back, up, forward, back, up, forward, back, up, forward, back, up, four more, back up, forward, back up, forward, back up, forward, back up, forward, back up, forward, and keep it up, pulse it up, 10 and nine and eight and seven and six and five and four (snapping fingers) and two and 10 more, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, last 10. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and hold it there, hold it there, hold it there, hold it there, lower the leg. Other leg goes on top of it, flex the feet, keep a parallel leg, don't let it turn out, lift the top leg up to where you can.

Side Leg Beats w/Lifts

And lower the leg back down. Lift it up, two, and lower, don't turn it out at the top, lift up three, and lower, lifting up four and lower, lifting up five more times, lift it up, and lower, lift it up and lower, lift it up, and lower, lift it up, and lower, lift it up and hold it there. Now, energy through the heel, make sure the heel's higher than the toes, circle forward up around, one, forward up, back down, forward up, back down, forward up, back, five more, forward up, back down, forward up, back down, forward up, back down, forward up, back down, forward up, back down. Reverse, back up, forward down, back up, forward down, back up, forward down, back up, forward down, back up, for five more, back up, forward down, back up, forward down, back up, forward down, back up, forward down, back up, forward and now pulse up, (snapping fingers) five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 more. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, last 10 nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, and lower, turn out the leg.

Side Leg Extension w/Lift

Slide the toe up to the knee, knee to the shoulder, extend the leg up, resist the leg down and toe to knee for développé, knee to shoulder, extend the leg up, and lower one more, toe to knee, knee to shoulder, extend the leg up, and lower, reverse, kick the leg up, bend the knee, toe to knee, and down, kick up, bend the knee, toe to knee, and down, kick up, bend the knee, toe to knee, now just up and down. Kick up, press down, kick up, resist down, float up, press, up and one more and up, and press, circle 10, circle nine, circle eight, circle seven, circle six, and five, and four, and three, and two, and one, reverse 10, and nine, and eight, and seven, and six, and five, and four, and three, and two, and one with the leg up hip-height and kick front, front, and back, back, and front, front, and back, back, keep the upper body nice and stable, kick, kick, and back, back, and kick, kick, and five more and kick, kick and back, back, and kick, kick and back, back, and kick, kick and zipper up, two more, kick, kick and back, one more, kick, kick and back, back. Leg on top of leg, I'll skip the transitional beats today, I'm gonna have you guys still face front, just go to the other side. Okay, now, you're gonna prop that head up onto that hand, one line from elbow to tailbone, feet forward at a 45-degree angle, then lift the top leg up, lift the bottom leg up to it and clap five, four, three, two, one, lower, lower, lift, lift, five, four, three, two one, lower, lower, lift, lift, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two one, lower, lower, lift, lift, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two one, lower, lower,. Top leg bends, bring the shinbone on the mat in front of you.

Side Leg Circles

Mhm, and you can just relax that down, yeah. Now bottom leg is gonna lift high from the inner thigh two, three, and lower and up, up, up, and lower, up, up, up, and lower, up, up, up, and lower, up, up, up, and five more, up two, three, and lower, up two, three, and lower, up two, three, and two more, up two, three, and one more, up, up, now circle forward one, two, three, up four, up five, up six, up seven, up eight, up nine, up 10, reverse. Back up, around, forward, back up, three and up, four up, five up, six up, seven up, eight up, nine up, 10 up, pulse it up, pulse up and up, and up, and up, and five, and six, and seven, and eight, and nine, and 10 more, up, up, up, up, five, six, seven, eight, nine, last 10, up, up, up, up, five, six, seven, eight, nine, hold it up, hold it up, hold it up, hold it up, hold it up, lower the leg. Other leg on top, flex those feet, parallel leg, lift the leg to where you can control then press down. Lift it up, press down, lift it up, press down, lift, and press, imagine you're moving through taffy, and press and lift and press and lift and press and up and press, two more, lift and press one more, lift, and hold it there.

Side Leg Pulses

Circle forward and up one, and two, and three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, and eight, and nine, and 10, reverse, back up, forward, back up, forward, down, back up, forward, down, four and five and six and seven and eight and nine and 10, pulse it up, pulse it up, and up, and up, and five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 more, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, last 10, don't get stingy with those legs, everybody! Six, seven, eight, nine, 10, hold it there, hold it there, hold it there, lower the leg. Turn out the leg, développé, toe to knee, knee to shoulder, extend the leg up, resist the leg down, toe to knee, knee to shoulder, extend the leg up, and down, toe to knee, knee to shoulder, extend the leg up, down, reverse, kick it up, bend the knee, toe to knee, slide it down. Up, bend the knee, toe to knee and one more and up, bend the knee, toe to knee, now just the up and down. Kick it up, resisting down, up, press it down, float it up, press it down, two more up, and press, one more up, small circles, brush one, each time strike heel to heel like you're striking a match, seven, eight, nine, 10, reverse, strike, strike, strike, strike, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, lift the leg up, hip-height front and back, kick front, front, front, front, and back, back, think of your body like a grandfather clock, only thing moves is the leg, that's your pendulum, the body's the base, five more, kick, kick, and back and kick, kick, zipper up as you go back and kick, kick, and back, two more, kick, kick and one more, and kick, kick, and back, back, back, back, back. Leg on top of leg, shake and bake, shake out the legs.

Side Leg Lifts

Alright, let's go for teaser, so you can all turn so you're facing in to one another, okay, Gia's just like what just happened? That just happened. Alright, lie on your back. Knees into the chest, now arms are gonna go next to the ears, legs out, sorry, 45 degrees, now roll the upper body up and hold, now stay there, lower the legs, lift the legs, arms to ears, everything floats down, everything floats up, now lift just the arms to ears. Upper body only rolls all the way down, and upper body rolls up, hold there, legs lower, legs lift, arms to ears, everything goes down, everything goes up, lift the arms to ears, upper body only rolls down, and roll the upper body up, lower the legs, lift the legs, arms to ears, everything goes down, everything goes up, last one, arms to ears, upper body goes down, upper body goes up, and roll down.

Side Leg High Circles

Okay, so we did all three in one. Okay so, you're done, right? You're not done-done, done with the teasers anyways, flip over onto your stomach and let's go for a little bit of swimming. Arms are gonna go straight out in front of you, you're going to lift your upper body up, right arm up, left leg up, and swim, swim, two, three, four, five, exhale three, four, five, inhale, three, four, five, exhale three, four, five, inhale three, four, five, exhale three, four, five, lower the body down, counter-stretch, roll up to your spine, one vertebrae at a time, then go to a high kneel so lift your bottom up. Open the legs parallel hip-width.

Side Leg Pulses

You're going to bring your left arm to your ear. Straight up, sorry, now, right hand, it's gonna slide down the leg, as you slide down the leg your goal is to try to get the fingertips eventually to the floor, they might not go there yet. Hold there, and come back up, now switch, now as you go over, don't let those hips move, go to where you can with only bending from above the waist. And it might be different on both sides. And come back up to center.

Developpe Series

And switch, go over, stay in between two flat imaginary walls, one in front of you, one behind you. Notice where your fingertips go on this side and come back up. Now switch, go over in between those two flat imaginary walls, don't let the shoulders or the hips twist or shift, notice where these fingertips go. And come up, probably one set will go a little further than the other set. Last time, arm up, go over and reach, reach, reach, now take a measurement, just see where your fingertips are, and come up, remember that.

Side Kicks

Now, change, go over, and notice where you go on this side, whether you're further or less, notice where the shorter side is and come back up. Now, one time you're gonna go to the side that you're able to travel to least. Okay, so it's where the fingertips didn't go as far down. Go over and stretch, stretch, stretch, and now lift to come up. Okay, guys, turn, face in to the center, and you can sit on your bottom. (laughs) Alright, let's go for the seal.

Side Leg Beats w/Lifts

You're gonna reach through, balancing on your pelvis, we're gonna do six, after the sixth one we're just gonna balance here. You're gonna clap your feet three times, clap one, two, three, rock back and clap, clap, clap and up, clap, two, three, and back, clap, two, three, and up, clap, two, three, and back, clap, two, three, three more sets, clap, two, three, and back, clap, two, three, and up, (clapping) and back, (clapping) last set, clap two, three, and back, clap, two, three, and stick it. Stick it. Stick it, now let those legs drop down, keep the diamond just rest forward and hold there, you're gonna take a deep breath in, and a big exhale, all the air out and again, inhale and exhale, all the air out. Two more breaths, inhale and exhale, all the air out, one more time, breathe in, and exhale, all the air out.

Side Leg Extension w/Lift

Roll up to your spine, everyone but Andy lift your shoulders up to the ears and release. Everyone but Gia, lift your shoulders up, and release. Everyone but Tetsuo lift up your shoulders up to those ears. (growling) (growling) Is there a dinosaur in the room? And release, one more time, (chuckling) everyone but Juliana lift the shoulders up to the ears, good, and release and you guys are done for today.

Side Leg Circles

Thank you guys. (class applauding) Thank you, good work!


Cloe V
7 people like this.
What a great and confident instructor, the class was a quick paced class yet the cues were done perfectly. It was easy to keep up at home and an extremely challenging version of the mat series. Gives me a great take on what effective cuing looks like, which is needed in my current teacher training! Loved!
3 people like this.
Brett, I was very excited to see a new mat class from you when I logged in to the site this morning and it didn't disappoint with the wonderful, crystal clear instruction and good humour that are your trademarks. Your classes always leave me with a smile on my face. What kind of sorcery do you use to make them go by so fast??
3 people like this.
Love your style, especially your cueing. Great rhythm and flow to the class.
Loved it!
3 people like this.
I absolutely loved everything about this class! Wonderful balance of challenging exercises followed up with delicious stretching. I’ll be feeling my abs, glutes & booty tomorrow. Thank you Brett!!!
Thank you so much for your amazing teaching.

As great as your execution skills in a Video that was here some tme ago.Sure you are blessed with the amazing body and moves.

Great to ad variety to the classical repertoir. We all need this creative inspiration.

Looking forward for more !!!
Any Special Population/ Rehab work ???

We all work with injured people...
1 person likes this.
Brett, I just love your style and your classes! You said something during the session and now I can’t remember what but I cracked up laughing. Laughter is good! Thank you!
Dear Brett..
as always, it is such a pleasure listening to your cueing and gentle voice😊
I Love your teaching style, your knowledge and your confidence 👍
I definitely going to ‘steal’ these ending stretches 😘
Cool stuff....gonna call it FREEZE because of all the wonderful holds. Also loved: seasaw bridge in warmup, neck pull reversed, walking w the hips, extended play of sidelegseries, & sidebends on knees! Thank you
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