Class #3715

Stability Challenge Reformer

45 min - Class


You will create balance and symmetry in your body with this Reformer workout by Christi Idavoy. She uses the Foam Roller so that you can challenge your stability on an unstable surface. She also incorporates breath into the class so that you can find ease and control while integrating your pelvic floor.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Foam Roller

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Hi so we're gonna do a reformer session that involves the foam roller as you can see. So I'm gonna have you ladies come on to sitting close to the end of the foam roller. So the easiest way to do it is to start putting the feet on the frame of the machine and then scoot forward, exactly, and then you'll start to roll back. And you just wanna make sure that the foam roller is centered, yeah that looks good. And sometimes it's not that easy to get people on the foam roller on the reformer.

So you sometimes have to just ask them to sit lift their bottoms slide it under them and then have them roll down. But we've got some experienced movers with us today so they made that look really easy, thank you ladies for that. So we have a heavy and a medium spring on. Only two springs because we're gonna do footwork on the foam roller and if you make it any heavier you'll start to slide off of the foam roller sometimes. So it just makes life a little easier.

So we'll go ahead and bring our heels up on to the bar. And the foam roller is an amazing tool because it's an unstable surface. So it just really has the nervous system, it cues for us, right. So it really starts to create balance and symmetry and we're just gonna check in with them and see just how balanced they are. So you ladies will just start taking a breath and on the exhale letting all of the parts settle.

We're not gonna press out just yet we're just gonna reach the arms up towards the ceiling 'cause once you do that we take away some of the points of contact and you can really tell if you are centered. And let's just reach the arms all the way up and over the head and take a nice long stretch there. And then we'll circle the arms out down and around. And we'll just do that a couple of times this way. Noticing the shoulder blades moving around the foam roller, or not.

Sometimes you don't really notice that and that's okay. And feeling how the chest can open as the arm circle down and around. If there's a spot that feels extra good, extra stretchy you're welcome to hang out there as long as it doesn't turn into tingling. And then when you're ready you'll reverse the direction of your circle, and you one wanna allow for the wobble. So just kind of as you're moving through your arms scan your body notice if there's any tension anywhere that maybe you can let go of.

Letting things really just kind of settle, letting the feet rest down on the foot bar so that we kind of allow for that wobbliness. It's like if you were paddleboarding or surfing or on a boat on the water, you don't get rigid to find your balance, you have to soften and move with the water. So you can think of the foam roller creating an environment like that. And then we'll let the arms settle down at the sides and we'll bring the heels up just a tiny bit higher. You wanna make sure you're really on your heel bone and let's relax the top of the feet.

And before we start pressing we'll just do a little movement in the pelvis. So sending the tailbone down into the foam roller so that the lower back might arch away from it, and then gently curling back so that the tailbone is rolling up towards the sky. And again continue to allow your body to release, really think of letting go, of letting things sink back into the ground as we roll back and forth. And just notice where does the body tend to create tension? Is there any tone that we can let go of and yet the movement continues to happen?

And as long as your lower back is feeling good today as you're doing that when you're curling back you don't feel any discomfort, any intense stretching in the low back, we're gonna start turning this into bridge. So we'll peel the pelvis up sending the sitting bones through the knees really feeling like the knees wanna reach out over the feet and then is crawling down from the collar bones and it's a really cool place to do the bridge because you can really feel the segments of your spine. You might really feel your hamstrings too, right because they're on two springs so there's that. (laughs) So again if you're doing this on your own, if you know that about yourself or about one of your clients you might wanna start with a little more spring if you're just introducing this kind of work. I like to say you're welcome when a hamstring cramps because we do wanna get those hip extensors going, especially considering the amount of time that is spent sitting.

Beautiful ladies and we'll just do that a couple more times. Making it feel like you really wanna massage your back like you're really emphasizing pushing back into the foam roller rather than just lifting up. So as the tailbone curls up you can think of the lower back pressing. As a lower back lifts you can think of the ribs pressing. As the ribs lift you can think of the back of the heart pressing.

And the next time that you come down and release we'll let the body stay there, heavy pelvis. And on the following exhale, pretend your sacrum really wants to press down into the foam roller as you push out to straight legs. And then bending the knees to glide back in. And we'll do a few pressing back and forth here on the heels. Keep the elbows on the mat and just bring your fingertips up onto your hip bones.

And just you can kind of slide your fingertips around the hip bone and feel how your thigh moves around your fingertips as you bend your knees. And as you straighten your legs visualize your inner thighs rolling down towards the floor while you're pressing down and out through your heels. Continue to encourage the back of the head, the jaw and the shoulders to feel heavy. We'll just do that one more time and the next time that you come in lower the balls of your feet on to the bar and you'll keep moving through the balls of your feet. And again it's that similar idea of kind of pressing down and back through the sacrum as the legs extend.

And just kind of noticing what you feel, sometimes with the lighter spring you can feel a little more activity around the center of the torso, around the abdomen, around the back sometimes. And the next time your legs are straight you'll stay there, we'll bring both heels under the bar for the calf stretch and then rise up on to the tippy toes, and we'll just repeat that a few times. What's really cool about doing this on the foam roller or with you know anything that elevates your pelvis sometimes like the yoga block under the hips is that it increases the angle for hip extension at the front of the hip which is really nice. Again thinking about how much sitting we do. Notice the back of your heart and your ribs feel heavy on the mat.

And sometimes when we try and send the thighs back we inadvertently start to create a bit of an arch and we work from our back. Just think of gravity helping weight down the breastbone, the ribcage and really it's just happening from the top of the back of the thigh. The next time you're up on your tippy toes stay there and we'll go into walking in place, alternating or like a slow running movement. And as you're doing that start to reach your fingertips down towards the foot bar energizing the arms a little bit. And we'll start to float the arms up and towards the sky.

And that just adds a little layer of instability there. Keep that sensation of your sacrum pressing back and down through the foam roller. And as you're flexing through your calf notice how the back of your thigh is moving down towards the foam roller and towards the ground. Beautiful, we'll just do a couple more here. And the next time that the legs are straight we'll keep them straight.

Lift up onto the tippy toes, click the heels together, go ahead and bend the knees and come back in. Exhale and press back out and keep your arms in the air. Keep some tone between the heels and when you're bending the knees pretend they're magnets that are lining your inner thighs. So they do turn out but yet there's like an attraction between the inner thighs. Exactly, creating some energy through the middle.

And if you really squeeze the heels together you'll feel that more than just an idea. It'll send the message up in towards the inner thighs and maybe beyond, right? So thinking of connecting the dots again from the mound of the big toe up through the inner thigh, up through the sacrum, into the pelvic floor and beyond. Let's do two more of these. Last one, this way.

And now the next time you bend come halfway in-ish. So that you've just got some tone on the spring there. Push out just a little bit more Juliana, right there. Now we're gonna interlace our hands bring them behind the head. Elbows towards the sky, shoulders wide away from the ears.

Inhale while you're here and as you exhale start to press out to straight legs while lifting the head and sending the breastbone back and down. And then bending the knees as your head comes down inhale. Exhaling getting the timing of pushing the legs out to curling up and then bending the knees and coming back down, exactly. We're gonna keep that going. Exhale pressing down shoulders wide away from the ears, looks great.

Beautiful ladies, two more. Keep the head resting into the hands even as it's lifting up which is sometimes a bit tricky. So if you really think of how your ribs are pressing back into the foam roller, it might help relieve some of the tension in the neck. Last one exhale, curl out and now stay there. Hold yourself up, when you inhale visualize the breath moving into your upper back.

Moving into that space between your shoulder blades. Exhale see if you can come up just like a centimeter more, beautiful keep that position now, a lot easier said than done, and lift and lower through your heels again. Squeeze those heels together, energize the back of the thighs. Like your legs just became one, you're a mermaid. And every time that you exhale there's that little encouragement of the ribs staying in flexion, we're almost done.

Shoulders wide away from the ears, elbows reaching through the sky. Hollowing out your armpits, last one. Curl up just a little cinch higher that's it I know you feel this and then bend the knees to come back down and rest. Beautiful ladies let the arms come down at your sides, heels come back on to the bar and very gently rock from side to side for obvious reasons. You don't wanna roll right off just yet, just give the sacrum a little bit of a massage back there, Sometimes that feels really good.

Alright and we'll just do one last thing, while we're still up on the foam roller find your center and bring your feet together now, completely together. Let your knees turn out to the side, so again we create that diamond shape which really helps to expand the diamond that we've talked so much about in this series between the sitting bones right and left. Pubic bone, tailbone, front and back. Take a deep inhale while you're there and let your belly expand and soften. Exhale first and as you exhale slowly drag the legs back together again.

And again inhale as they expand out. Exhale slowly draw them back in and together. So the legs are kind of mimicking what the pelvic floor does with the breath. As we inhale it descends it expands, as we exhale it narrows and draws in and up like the way legs are doing. Keep going and reach the arms back up towards the ceiling.

And so if there are discrepancies separate your feet just a little wider. There's always tricks to make things a little easier. When there are discrepancies between sides they'll become apparent here and because they're on the foam roller the nervous system is gonna do what it needs to do to find the balance. And sometimes balance doesn't mean it's symmetrical, right. So we always need to just kind of respect what the body is doing and the way that they're finding their balance.

And know that everyone has a different roadmap, right. Everyone has a different way of getting there. The next time that the knees come together reach the arms out to the sides. And now as you're inhaling your arms will come together and your knees will move apart. Exhaling the knees come together and the arms move out to the sides.

Inhaling the knees move away from each other and the arms come together. Exhaling the knees come together and the arms move apart, one more. Once you've arrived there hold it for a moment. This time inhale your right arm up and your left knee out, and it's gonna be a smaller range. And your brain goes what?

And then bring that right arm down and that left knee in and alternate. Awesome. And observe what happens, how does your body come together, right? How do things integrate to make that movement pattern happen? The next time that both arms are either up or out, and you'll you notice that they've patterned it a little differently, right?

That's okay it's their experience Let the arms and knees both come out, inhale while you're here. Exhale and slowly bring it all together. Beautiful let the arms come down at your sides, let's bring the feet down onto the frame and you will carefully slide off to the side. We'll push the foam roller out of the way and I can help them do that. We'll keep it near because we are gonna go back to using the foam roller.

But first just lie flat because it's a great moment to lie flat, right. How good does that feel? And I feel like this sensation is worth going through all the trouble of getting on and off of the foam roller. Notice the distance between the crown of your head and your tailbone now, right. There's a pretty good distance there.

So now go ahead and bring your headrest up, simply because that helps bring the ribcage down and soften things around the neck, all right. So now bring your feet onto the foot bar, we're gonna press all the way out and put our feet up in the straps. So we'll grab our long straps, slip the feet in. Reach the legs all the way out to kind of come to standing in the strap and we're just gonna glide the legs straight down and then slowly glide them right back up. Notice though as your legs are moving that you've maintained that sensation that you had when you just came off of the foam roller or while you were on the foam roller.

So that means that the sacrum, and they're both doing a great job at that, the sacrum is still staying, remaining heavy against the mat. And then go ahead and place your palms on the abdomen and just kind of notice what happens through the tissues of the abdominal area as the legs come up and down. Without judgment, without trying to control it, without having that moment of like, oh I'm not zipping in, right. Let it be so that you can tell what you do when you're not controlling it. And then rather than thinking of drawing things in or sucking things up exhale a little bit longer.

So really squeeze all of the air out of your lungs as you near the end of the movement and notice if that starts to draw things in for you from a different place. All right so rather than feeling like I have to mechanically pull things in, I focus more on really emptying my lungs and the movement with that breath pattern will create that drawing in feeling that we're after. As we didn't talk a lot about diastasis but that also, right is a symptom or is related to dysfunction. So when we move from the breath it's very functional because we'll be breathing for the rest of our lives, right. So if we train our movements around our breath it may be more likely to stay with us when we're not thinking about it.

Now the next time that your legs press down just pause for a second, both legs will start coming up at the same time but one knee is going to start bending. Yet both legs keep coming together maintaining tension on the strap. Press both legs back out to straight, lower both legs down at the same time. And then again they both come up and you alternate the movement. Beautiful we press back out to straight and we lower it both down, keep alternating.

And as you keep alternating notice the strap when your knee is bending. Try to maintain your foot just a little higher than your knee so that the strap doesn't touch your shin, yet it stays aligned with the shin. That takes some movement out of the knee, which means then it's gonna be coming more from the hip which is gonna help to work again more so into that pelvic area. We call this walking on the ceiling and again it is definitely an influence or inspired by the Gyrotonic movement. And as I mentioned earlier they are both seasoned movers, it's not often this easy to teach this or to perform it.

It does have that kind of quality of rubbing your head and patting your stomach and doing two things at once, so they're really doing a good job at making it look easy. We'll just do this one last time. And the next time that you press both of your legs out to straight pause, heels together. Find that 45 degree angle where you can just about see your toes without having to lift your head. And now bend your knees halfway in so that again the shape of your legs mimics the diamond that we've been talking about.

So bring your feet up just a little bit higher. So we're gonna keep this angle behind the knees about the same. As we push the backs of the thighs down towards the floor and then slowly back up, just like that. Again inhaling as the legs come up towards you, exhaling as they move away. Beautiful ladies, so this really positions the pelvic floor in that open space again that we've been exploring and feeling and now we're maintaining it-ish, right it's moving 'cause the hip is moving.

But as the legs are lowering down there's a certain amount of tone that you might be able to perceive all the way around the pubic bone and sometimes even in between the sitting bones. So as you're going through the movement continue to bring your mind's eye into that space between your sitting bones, tailbone and pubic bone. Last one and then we'll press back out to straight bring the legs up through center and we'll just do three circles in each direction because how could we not? And you've done that much and your feet are in straps I always feel guilty if I don't do feet in strap, it's leg circles when feet are in straps. When they come together you can bring them into parallel keep them parallel as they come down through the center and then let the thighs turn out externally rotate to come up and around.

And again that just creates a little bit more of a pathway for movement in through the hip. Once you've done three in one direction go ahead and reverse it. And then big toes together through parallel, exactly. And then go down and as they go out they can turn out and then they come back in so keep going. And bring the heels together and press down, and then turn your thighs out as they go around and then together.

Yeah is this the second direction? No it's the first. And that's reverse, and then turning out, yeah. And keep thinking of directing the movement from the seat, the top of the back of the thigh. It's like the idea that the foot is an extension of the hip when we have our feet in the straps.

And then together and back out and around. Juliana if you're ready to rest go ahead and then turning out and rolling back in, yeah. All right so we'll bend our knees bring it all the way in. Let's take the straps off of the feet, go ahead and find the foot bar. Rock a little bit from side to side.

And you're welcome to either turn to your side to make your way up to sitting or roll up to sitting. And we're gonna grab the long box now. So we'll place the long box on the carriage, bring the headrest down and we'll lighten it to one heavy spring. Exactly so you're gonna place your foam roller on top of the box. And you'll have a seat on top of the foam roller on top of the box.

Be mindful you're on one spring so the carriage might move a little bit. So let's slide it back so that it's flush with the edge of the box. And you can stand on the frame of the machine depending on your height. Exactly and when you get on the foam roller you wanna make sure that it stayed center on the box because sometimes it'll go off to the side and then you've pinched it in that position and then it's just kind of weird as we continue to move through the series. As if it's not weird already, right?

So go ahead and place your feet on the headrest. And so again the whole idea is that we're challenging their stability now, right. Let the arms relax at your sides, let the knees turn out just a little bit. So what's really common is to feel that the front of your thighs, your hip flexors wanna do a lot of work. Keep reminding your feet that they can relax down, there's gonna be some work around your thigh but again the idea is that we're using as little effort as is possible, only as much as is necessary.

So what's really cool about sitting on the foam roller is there's no doubt about where you're sitting bones are, right? You can totally feel your sitting bones in space here, yes. So notice where your head is in space, we're gonna try and keep it more or less in the same place. And then very gently start to tilt the pelvis back and then sit back up on top of it. So we're just gonna do like a pelvic clock from a seated position basically.

So feeling like the crown of the head is growing tall and then just kind of stick out your butt and roll it back. Come up really tall, exactly, so that you can feel what it's like to get behind the sitting bones. Get right up on top of the sitting bones and then kind of in front of them which doesn't feel really good 'cause you find your pubic bone and then you curl back. And yes we do this with men as well. Okay so it's a really interesting place if you've never sat on the foam roller to feel lots of stuff, to get a little myofascial release down there with the movement.

As long as it's appropriate, right? So you always have to make sure if someone has serious issues or has had stitches down there or something postpartum that is not appropriate to have them sit on the foam roller. This is definitely a post rehab thing to do. Now we're gonna stay tall on the foam roller which means your pelvis is in that vertical orientation. Very carefully reach down to pick up your straps.

Hold on above the hardware. So we'll hold on at the knot or even above it. And we're just going to start sitting up tall. And because you can feel so much you really get information about what sitting tall means, right? So before you pull the straps visualize your collarbones getting a little broader and pull from the backside of the armpit.

And let the arms come alongside of the body and then slowly reach the arms forward. So rather than just pulling with the hands, think of pulling from the back of the armpits, beautiful. And notice how your body organizes to make that happen. If you find death-grip somewhere, right, because there's a little bit of fear especially if it's the first time you're doing this is it's just awkward. Just keep telling your body like hey it's okay we're doing this intentionally.

We're safe, we're on the reformer, we've been here before it's just a little different. Sometimes letting the knees really turn out wider does help get some of that effort out of the front of the thigh and sometimes you start feeling your hamstrings kicking on which I always find really exciting. Beautiful ladies just do one more, and the next time that the arms are out in front of you go ahead and keep them there. And just imagine your arms are an extension of the strap. Let the shoulders relax and just so you're aware if you feel like you might fall off, don't go that far, right.

So start off small and just feel it out. We're gonna start curling back into an assisted roll down. So we wanna send the pelvis back. Again that idea of keeping the head in the same place as long as possible so that we get as much movement out of the lower back. If you feel like you're losing your balance you can pull up on the straps with straight arms.

And pulling up with straight arms is like the emergency exit, it'll help to bring you back up to sitting. Curl there and then slowly go ahead and curl all the way back up to sitting. Sitting up tall as we inhale and then again exhaling curling the pelvis back and off of the front of the thighs creating that length through the front of the hip. Your feet are pressing down and as you need it you can pull up on the strap if you're comfortable with letting your head go all the way back. The foam roller is there yours is not quite there so you just be mindful of that and then exhale.

When you curl back imagine you want your lower back to reach towards the foam roller and sitting up tall. So go ahead and keep moving. Really prioritize curling back in your pelvis and getting that movement through the lower back. So keep your shoulders right here and let this area come back more right through here. Yep pause there and then start to curl up and keep this back.

So in both directions we wanna prioritize getting that lower back to create a little more movement. That was interesting and I'm coming up to sitting tall. Keep your head where it is as you start to curl back and underneath, yes. Roll the pelvis back keep thinking pelvis. Even when the movement has gone past the pelvis keep thinking my pelvis is what's sending me back.

My pubic bone wants to help my sacrum roll back into the foam roller right here. Pause right there and then curling back into my hand, yes exactly, really pressing back into here. Sitting up tall let's just do one more for good measure. We're having fun yet? It's a lot harder than it looks.

(laughs) if you're following along with us at home you know that. Beautiful ladies. Yes exactly and you can pull up on the straps and keep thinking of sinking back through the lumbar spine. Coming all the way back up to sitting. Take your time but one through there really get right up on top of those sitting bones, we're going to carefully let go of the strap that's in the right hand so we can bring it down, I can help you bring it down.

Got it okay so now your right hand will take the strap from your left hand. And your left arm can sit, your left hand rather can sit on your left hip or come to the small of your back onto your sacrum. So we're gonna go into some rotation and what's so cool about doing the rotation here is that the foam roller is really helping to fix the pelvis in space. So again you can really feel this diamond base pyramid of support underneath you. Turn towards your left so you're gonna start pulling the strap, it's okay yeah, and then turning to the right.

So we're gonna turn and look up towards the right, yep and keep pulling with the strap, yep and keep bringing this back. And then let your right arm go out in front of you and turn all the way to your left. And all the way obviously means as far as you're keeping your pelvis which you can't really move anyway. Now before you pull with your arm think of your right shoulder coming back. So the right side of the ribs are coming back and then you add the movement of the arm and then you add the movement of the head and the eyes.

Let the right arm come out in front of you and turn to your left. So the tissues have a chance to elongate as we rotate to the left and keep sitting up really tall throughout, exactly. Back of the right ribs turn first and then the arm pulls through. Shoulders stay wide and away from the ears. So there are many angles for the arm to move in and you can see Juliana is pulling the elbow a little bit lower.

Mandy's pulling it up a little bit higher, that's okay. As long as it feels like you're able to keep that length through the neck 'cause in between those two options there's a lot of other options. So explore them, notice what works for you. What helps you tune in to the fact that the rotation comes from the ribcage. And what we're basically the lesson that we wanna teach our body here is that when my arm is pulling tension through space its integrated to the torso, right?

It's not just my arm in my shoulder but it's coming from the support system that is beneath. Beautiful ladies. And the next time that we turn to the left will be the last one, we'll pause there. Carefully place that strap down on the left side. Before we do the other side just sit up tall and let your arms hang down.

Notice the difference between one side of your body and the other, one side might feel longer. So now we'll pick up the strap with the right hand, on the right side. The left hand is going to hold on to the the tape above the hardware. And again turn towards the strap, so start off turning towards the strap and then your left ribs pull back and then your arm follows. The left arm goes forward and it helps you rotate around to your right.

And since they're so switched on right, they're really aware and they're having an easy time with this, at least they're making it look that way. The next time that you turn to your right pause there for a second. This time put your right hand on the left side of the rib cage on the front of your body. So send that side of the ribs back first and then start to pull with the arms. And this time that's your free hand follow the part of you that's moving versus noticing the part of you that's not.

And that might switch things up for you as well. And as you turn to your right you can slide your right hand onto the right side of the ribs and notice how these ribs moved back. And then to turn to the left the right side of the rib cage goes forward, the left side of the rib cage comes back. Exactly, and then as you turn that way you can just so that your hand is following along where the movement is moving, if you will. Yep keep going.

So it's like out of this pyramid base of support that we have, we're spiraling up and up and up. Shoulders are wide, spine is getting longer and longer every time we repeat. Last one. All right the next time you turn to the right carefully place that spring down. Let the arms hang at your sides for a moment.

And then you'll step off of your reformer and just stand there for a second and just kind of walk in place. Notice what your hips feel like. All right so we didn't, I mean I talked about the hips and the the base of support but you might be surprised to notice how much you were doing through your hips just from sitting on the foam roller which is really, really sweet. Okay so now we're going to change it to one blue spring. So one half spring, one medium spring.

Put this over and then we'll take the long box so if your reformers are on the floor you won't need the long box for this. But if they're elevated you're gonna place the long box off to the right side of your machine like this. So that it's just kind of ahead of the shoulder block. And you'll stand in front of the long box to set up. Exactly, just on the floor just like that.

So go ahead and come up on to hands and knees for a second. We're gonna kneel facing the headrest and then you'll slide over to your right side because your left knee is going to come against this shoulder block. Your right foot is going to come on to the box, yes okay. So they've had lots of information, you've had lots of information in your body at this point about where your pelvis is, where those sitting bones are. We wanna start in that tall vertical position again.

And let's just bring the hands to the hips for a second just to kind of tune in. Notice that that's actually where they're at and then go ahead and reach the arms out in front of you. Inhale while you're here and as you exhale start to glide your left knee forward as you sit back towards your left heel. Yes and your right foot in the front is having to do a lot of work. Slowly come up push down into the right foot and bring yourself over your foot again.

And Juliana I'm gonna have you move your foot up a little higher, yeah. And then again push down into the right foot to get that left knee moving, awesome, and then slowly coming back up. Let's put our hands back on our hips as we do this and just notice what's going on there as you're gliding back and down. As you're sinking back again visualize that base of support reaching up. And you notice it gets a little more challenging when you don't have the arms reaching in opposition, right?

Just hold there and then back up and you don't have to literally come all the way down. Stay there for a second I want you to get in the glide, there we go. So notice if you start feeling your right glute hamstring area and, or the front of the left thigh. All right or the combination, or there's so much going on you can't really sense what you're feeling 'cause you wanna know how many more you've got to do, last one. Beautiful ladies take a rest into Child's Pose on top of the carriage.

While they're releasing in Child's Pose notice if there's a big difference now between one hip and the other. Does one side fold differently than the other? It might. Okay and when you're ready you're going to come back up and we're gonna balance that out and do the other side. So pelvis is vertical we're staying tall that left foot is forward.

Wanna drop that left hip down and when you're ready taking that right knee now forward and sinking back towards the hee and then slowly coming back up. Second side might be a little easier in the sense that, we'll at least now you're, you know what's coming. But sometimes you'll find that there big differences between one hip and the there with these as well. That's it, you can move your left foot a little further forward, yeah. And only go as far as it feels appropriate.

Lean back in your pelvis start lowering down sooner, yeah and then back up. Lean back as your knee goes forward. And that front foot is doing a lot of work 'cause it's creating the stability to get the carriage to glide. Yeah and then again let's try a few with the hands on the hips, almost done. I promise these get a lot more fun as you do more of them, right, as your body adapts.

Last two. So before you lean let your left knee, I'm sorry your right knee travel forward, there you go. Now start coming down. And back up and then again. We'll come back onto the carriage, slide back into Child's Pose and notice if there's a little more symmetry now between the hips.

It feels a little more balanced? It's always nice to have a little help there. A little more length for the lower back. And then when you're ready you can start to come out of it. Beautiful ladies how do our hips feel?

Cool, juicy. Juicy hips awesome. Well thank you so much thank you guys for being here today and I hope you enjoyed it. My pleasure as always.


Excellent class!  I really loved the final piece putting it all together.  
Cheryl R
2 people like this.
I really like your cues, makes it so easy to follow along. I appreciate this. I hope to see you more here!
I love this series!  How often do you suggest we should repeat these classes, fitting them in with other workouts?
Great class!
Big love💖...have loved all of your classes! Thank you so much!!
That was lovely, thank you 
interesting variations.  looking forward to feeling how this has changed my hips as i go through my day.  that last exercise was particularly difficult, so will be practising it again.
Great class Christi! thanks for sharing!
1 person likes this.
I am absolutely loving all of your classes, thank you so much for sharing. :))
Becky C
What a wonderful class!  Thank you! 
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