Class #3761

Locomotion Warm Up

20 min - Class


You will start to improve your continuity of movement with this locomotion warm up by Juan Nieto. He teaches different locomotion patterns that allow you to move back and forth through space. He encourages you to continue practicing because these types of movements will help you in your daily activities.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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May 24, 2019
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Hi Guys. Uh, my name is Cornetto, um, physical therapist and movement practitioner from Spain. Um, we're gonna do a little warmup. Um, we're gonna use, uh, locomotion patterns in order to, to do this, this warmup, um, a locomotion is, uh, something really interesting and completely connected to our movement system. Basically, look, emotion means moving from point a to point B. So moving from one point to another, it comes from the Latin locals and the means place and motio that means, um, movement, motion. So, um, most of what we do in terms of, uh, movement, it implies some sort of locomotion. There's other things that we do like writing or eating that there are other motions that we use, uh, for, uh, survivors or for communication. But most of the things that we do is to, to locomote through, through a space, but sometimes they're exercises and working out is more about repetition.

It's about taking one movement and end in this movement. And then repeat again. So look, emotion in place, some sort of continuity. And that continuum is what frames and what the wires, our nervous system to, uh, get better embarrass skills. And Ability, uh, in, in order to move. So, so they're, their goal of this class is that you get so many ideas to start, um, get in a costume or familiarize with their, with their locomotion buttons that we, you can start thinking in this way of vision. And also that, uh, you can try to get new things to turn an exercise into, um, continuous motion or in our local motion because that is gonna enrich, uh, everything that you're gonna, uh, uh, influence into your nervous system. Okay? So we're gonna ask, started move in.

We're going to do 60 and exercises, um, and it's going to be bargained for it. So the idea is not that the movement not perfect is that you are practicing them, um, from time to time is gonna be some improvements, some, uh, enhancement in your strength and your mobility. But the most important thing, your nervous system will list will start to understand this continues, this continuity of movement. Okay? So we're going to start, uh, into this site. Uh, the first movement we are going to do is stand in. It's a very easy one. We're gonna just walk and we are adding just the little task. There's little dusk is touching the floor. So every time we'd do a step, we're gonna touch the floor. We do a step and we've got to touch the floor.

We're going to step like this. One of the things that you want to see here is that the door, Shaw is as upright as you can. Okay? Are Bright as you can. I'm going to rebid in this side. You go and listen and try and to touch. Trying to that, make sure that this is not happening.

Okay? So the chest wants to be up, wants to be up, wants to be up like that. Okay? So ribbit again, tick, tick, tick, tick to come back. We're going to use US sitting button. So we are focusing in one food and it's contralateral hand. And while we are going to do is to take the Belviq back, okay? Then I need to change to the other foot. So this fruit goes down and this hand goes down. So now we have the bridge between this food and the contralateral hand and then and back. So there's the button that we are going to create.

You have to change the support that food all the time in order to live the pelvis and taking it back. Make sure you don't slide. You can slide if you like, but it's more interesting if you are go out of the floor and make a little little step. So the next one, so we have to, we're going to touch two hands every step. Yeah. Again, tried to take your body as operate as you can. I'm going to rip it into this position.

Okay. It's not this idea is this idea up up. Okay. And if you find this kind of bouncy feeling, it's gonna help you a lot. It's gonna also create some, some good stuff for connective tissue to come back.

We're gonna do a shoulder crawling. So now in this case we're going to be laying down like this and the same ideas. Earlier we were using this food and the contralateral hand. Now we're gonna use this foot contralateral shoulder. We opened the space and we take the pelvis back and now we change.

This is the shoulder that is supported. This is the food that is supported. This is where you open and go back. So you turn, change the food back sir. Change the food back again. Try not to slide too much. It's more like lifting and taking the pelvis back like this. Okay, cool.

So the next exercise we are getting lower, lower, lower. So now we are going to be moving into a full squat position. So you can be on the balls of the, of the food. And what do you want to do is to be balancing. You can use the hands from time to time for balance and control and find this balancing situation to work the mobility and strength of the knees and the hip and also also have food. And to come back, I recommend you to repeat this button like this.

So this, this, now this the shoulder, no, this and this shoulder, this and the shoulder and the shoulder. And again, the more continuous is the movement, the easiest and the more natural will be calm. So the next exercise we are going to do is similar, but we're going to add a little element of rotation. So the position we are going to start is this one is called uh, fishermen squad. Uh, their toes are tat so you are supported on the toes. This knee is facing this direction. This knee is facing this direction.

The way you build this movement is by dropping or leading this knee into the floor. When you touch the floor, this leg is like doing like a little strip into this and then you change and you sit again into the fishermen squat. So down sweep and chains down, shoot and see that shifts and changes. I'm going to repeat sometimes this is a, a little confusion. So 90 degrees between your hips, one is pointing in this direction, the other one is pointing in that direction. The knee is going down, one is down, you shrimp and churn the heel into the other state bone. Um, do you always end in the same position last time for you?

Okay. Down Sweep and the tail Bob back down the street and the tail back. Yeah, shoot. And the tail back seat. And the tail back. Next button is a crab crawling. So from this position, both feet and both hands, uh, together we're gonna keep one foot and the opposite and the contractor hand on floor. And then you move. Um, from there you move from there if you like, you can do one and then the other. So one, and then do you, okay.

So make sure that the chest is up in this exercise and that you create in a little bit of depression when, when do you do it? So the next one is a four points crawling. So we're gonna use that a bit position, but we are not using the contact from, from the legs in, in any, sorry. So we are going to create a little tension between the hands that are going to push forward on the feet that I'm going to push back. Um, with the knees as close as possible to the floor. We're gonna Change, we're gonna lift contralateral food and here, make sure that the chest is a little bit higher than the pelvis. Um, that there is not as lot of rotations through the Belize.

It's okay if there's a little rotation that is normal. But try to control that rotation as much as possible. In the coming back. We're going to keep playing with it. Crap crawl. But now you can try to do both sides. Same size, sorry. At the same time, this is a little bit more tricky and it requires more rotational control.

So ipsilateral motion. Remember to push back, push back, push back, push. Okay good. The next one there, one of my favorite. So you can play with different motions, same side or contralateral side. You can move to the sides. Create a little spirals if you like. Okay, so really, really interesting one to come back. We can also do the four points quite a bit.

Crawling backwards. Again, same elements. Nice. Quite close. Chest, a little bit higher than the pelvis, not too much rotation, contralateral movement like this. So we have more for more patents to go. So next one is the is the frog. So it starts from a full squat position like this. You want to be as upright as you can and what you do is you, ah, length in your arms.

Until you fall and then you make a little step into a full squat again. So you go forward, stop and fall into the full squat for the forward, push forward. Use the little inertia to come back. Try to make yourself up right forward, fall and back here like that to come back, we're going to do our continuation of this shoulder walking that we've been doing and we're going to do this. Shrimp in the shrimp is very similar to this concept as before, but it's going to be longer. So what we are going to do is now in this case we hit, we have to slide, we are going to create a little space between the foot and the contralateral shoulder and then we're going to be sliding, taking the pelvis back.

So now we turn to the other side. We use the support of this foot and slide back. So now this is the movement. We roll one side and so it's a good exercise to clean the floor of the studio. Okay, cool. Too much ago. Ah, there's one, it's a bit more complex but can you can modify, you can get your own, your own version of it. So we are going into this, uh, quite a bit position and we are going to take one foot into the, into the floor. Now give us this bridge.

So this hand consult lateral foot and we are going to take the leg in between like this. So now we are going to rich with this one and we're going to change to the other side like this. Now we are going to rich change food and kick through that back. Do you always try to get a little bit of space forward? When did you do it?

Remember this always contralateral movement like this and then writ and change to the other side. Cool. So one more thing in the last one. We are going to roll and come back into this conversation that you probably already familiar with. We had been following my videos, the fishermen, you should put the hand contralateral to the foot and then you take back. And what'd you do is to come back into this position again. So no, we role changed to the other position like this.

Support your hand, shake back and recover the leg. So your role change. If this is the food, this has to be the hand stand up and take back and you come back to this position. Role Change, support and good. I'm going to repeat this last one. So every time you roll you're ready preparing the legs like this.

No. You're going to stand, you're going to take the the back leg back and then come back into the uh, the squat. Show you a row and then change. Lex, stand up, take leg back. Make sure that you are here and you come back. Rule change. Stay back. Roll Tech.

Okay, so this is the last of the buttons that I wanted to share with you today. There are infinity patterns. There are many, many of them. These are the ones that I recommend to people to start with because there are no super complicated. There are affordable. Some of them can be challenging for you at the beginning, but it's not a task that is going to take you like six months to a year to achieve in, in a couple of weeks. You're going to be seeing the improvement and you're going to see that your skills and your abilities are getting much, much better.

So now it's time to practice. Make sure that you include the locomotion patterns and some continuity in your movement and have fun with this. Thank you very much.


Juan, that was amazing!  I love it for many reasons, but the most important is that these are movements and motions that we should all still be able to do, but have lost over the years.  I have many ladies who are good on their "backs", but have trouble to lift off the ground using their wrists or legs.  Thanks so much and I look forward to watching other videos from you.  
Juan Nieto
6 people like this.
Thanks Elizabeth, to film this video was definitely a leap of faith and I'm glad you can find it valuable. I think there's a lot to explore using this kind of patterns. Have a great weekend. 
1 person likes this.
great work!
2 people like this.
that was interesting.  I can't see some of my old ladies doing some of the moves but others should be possible.  
Juan, having done the Oov training, I think this is a great extension of that work taken into fuller expression. 
Matthew S
1 person likes this.
thanks Juan - great to come across this - simple yet challenging - would love more of this - perhaps a series?
I love to see this type of animal flow being mixed into our Pilates world! Thank you!
2 people like this.
Me encanta este trabajo me recuerda a animal flow y lo propongo en mis clases de danza con niñxs.
Gracias y a seguir jugando.
Juan Nieto
Thanks Anna! 😊
Juan Nieto
9 people like this.
Hi Helen, many times we as teachers create some "boundaries" for our clients. It has been researched that the stereotypes we all have (age, gender, etc.) modify our decision making process. You'll be surprised how much the people can do if they have the chance to expose to the task in a gradual and positive way. People love to feel they can overcome a movement task that seems beyond their expectations. Thanks so much for your comment.
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