Class #3986

Primal Mat Flow

55 min - Class


Let go and have fun with your movement in this primal-inspired Mat workout by Louise Johns. She plays with different types of tensions and shapes that allow you to challenge your brain with coordination. She includes exercises that move your entire body in all planes so that you can improve your mobility and connectivity.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Jan 22, 2020
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Hey, polite is anytime and I've got my friends here to roll around on the floor together. We are doing a primal foundations backslash primal [inaudible] workouts today. Um, if you're not used to moving with me, you might go back a couple of classes and check out some of the beginning ones. And some of the work that we're going to do today is going to be really fun and a little bit more advanced. Um, let's begin at the beginning from sensing body to being on the ground. So just cause we really excited. So I feel that we need to light down regular.

So just bring your feet underneath you and bring your center of gravity down in your body. So get a sense of where you are in time and space and allow the floor to tell you how you're feeling. So get a sense of your feet on the floor and how they feel on the floor and that energy that's vibrating through your body. How do you feel today? You don't necessarily have to have a big conversation with yourself about how you feel, but just notice, notice how you're a carrying your body in space and then open your eyes. And because we use the primal work as an assessment tool, the first thing I'm going to ask these guys to do is sit down and stand up. So let's go ahead and sit down and stand up.

So there's lots of different ways to sit down and stand up and then stand up and sit down. Again, this is when everybody normally is groaning and stand up. You can use your hands, you can come down any way you like. And then come on up. Now I have three small terriers at home and when they go to settle, they do the circle circle plump, the pillow then set. So we're going to try that. Okay. Walk around your map.

Let's say let's walk like two or three times and then when you're ready, make the spiral a little narrower and sit your bum down. Yeah, it doesn't matter which leg is on front and top the one that's behind, turn to the behind leg, spiral out and walk away. So we have this idea of spirals through the body. So we're walking in spirals, spiral cross and say I changed my crossover just so I could be even cause I like to be even. And then go away from the top leg and do that once more. Well don't trip over your mat spiral and sit down. I'm going to have them do one more time. I'm watching them and then spiral to stand up.

And this last time that we spiraled together, we'll sit down and we'll stay down and then we'll stay down, gather up your legs towards you coming a little closer to one another. And now we're just going to rock back and rock. For now. I want you to try and let go of your Peloton practice just for a second. Okay. Just roll on back and roll on forward. Keep going. The only thing I ask you to be cautious about is to keep the chin down so you're looking down towards your body. Now the next time you go over, make a shape with your legs, any shape you like.

It can be Hof Leggett, and then make shapes with your arms and your legs. Get a little invigorated and then come into your happy baby. Bring the soles of the feet together though, and let the knees be wide. And if that's not possible, hold the back of the knees. Think about how your head and your pelvis feel in relationship to the ground.

And we've done this in many of the other classes before with primal and you might notice a gentle rocking take place. This is also another nice way to downregulate getting your energy to drop down. Then bring your feet onto the floor, float your arms in the air and move your arms back and forth. Now these ladies have no idea of what's coming, so we'll see how good my queuing is. Take your arms back and forth and now circle the arms around as if you were doing one circle and the other.

And I forget helicopter legs when you do feet in straps, cross the midline and make circles one way in the other. I'm just checking that they're with me and then put the arms down and now lift your left leg up and move the leg up and down. Don't worry about falling out of what you know is neutral. Then ride a bicycle one way and the other and then take that leg for a little bit of journey around places any way you want. Nice gentle hip mobility and then place that leg on the grounds.

Just notice how that leg feels in relationship to the other and then we'll do that on the other side. Right leg kicks up and down. You can move the leg, the foot, the ankle. Then begin to explore what that leg has to offer you. It doesn't matter where it goes, the spine can move with that a little bets as long as you're in charge, and then place the leg back on the ground. Take your right arm over the head to the floor, bring your left knee up and touch the two together. Touch and then go.

You can put the foot on the floor, you can reach the leg out in front of you and then just begin to do it repeatedly and then begin to go a little bit quicker. So we've got right left-brain touching. I mean, they're not touching, they're talking. They might be touching with do one or two more. And then we'll bring them legs, the leg and the arm down on pause, left arm over your head. Bring the hand towards the knee, touch and go. So cross body, making that connection and then begin to take the arms and legs in a different place. One up and down. But ever they do a couple more. And then bring it down on the ground. Now bring the right arm towards the ceiling and the left leg and tabletop.

What I want you to do is allow the right arm to tell your left leg what to do. So as I pushed the right arm away, the leg goes away. As I bring the arm and the leg back, they move together as if they had this invisible connection. Because there's this connection between the right and the left side. It's like kind of Tai Chi. Now bring them back up now.

Leg the leg to me. Move, be in charge to the left leg moves. My right arm is fit. Feels pretty weird. Now to bring them back up, take the right arm overhead and the left leg away. And imagine it's got like glue or taffy. And as you get to the end of the movement, you feel it's really, really sticky.

And then touch them together. So as they move away, they stay connected. As you get this sense of them being joined and do one more time, really nice hip mobility. You might feel your hip flexes a little bit and then bring them down. How did that go? Let's do the other side. Yeah. Left arm up, right leg up. So the left arm is in charge. So where the left arm goes, the right leg has to lead.

I suggest starting simple Fass and then get a little bit more creative with your movement. This is really nice way to get a sense of the limbs being connected. Then come back to the beginning. Now the right leg is in charge. So the right leg tells the left arm where it can go and they mirror one another, concentrating my arm wants to take over and then bring it down to the ground. Very nice. Now cup the knees. This is already great hip mobility.

And take your knees for a little bit of walk. Push and pull with the hands. So push and pull. Push and pull with the hands. [inaudible] now flip flop and do the knees, pushing the hands, the knees, pushing the hands and then do knees and hands back and forth. That's a little bit more energy required and release legs wide, feet together and knees and legs wide, feet together. A little pelvic mobility. Still one more time.

And then bring the feet back on the floor. Um, stand by your side. Now it's time to bridge. Articulate the tailbone up, bringing the way into your shoulders and your arms. Now relax the upper body a little bit. Put a little bit more pressure in your feet to get more weight in your upper body. So you feel your upper body's got little pressure that might give you a little bit more dynamic.

Stretch in your quadriceps and when we roll down, literally as if someone just flipped the switch, just turn it off. [inaudible] left on up, come into position, put the pressure in your feet, create tension and as if you flip the switch, roll on down. That's right. Lift up. Recognize where your anchor is. Take the anchor away and roll on down. Last time left, find the tension and roll on down. Now, right forefoot ups, you're in Dorsey flection as in the heel stays down and then down and then the left forefoot up and you're just walking back and forth. You're doing this funny little walk. Why can a little ankle dorsi flection?

You can do it simultaneously and now planter. So the heel comes up and you go back and forth having to really think about what's going on downstairs and then release. Now walk the legs back closer together, take the left knee and drop it out to the side, but flex the ankle so the ankle has got some tension and lift the right hip up towards the ceiling and your pelvis is kind of off to the side. Bring that left leg up and flip the switch tumble down, right knee, right Dorsey flection left on up. That left pelvic half is up.

Bring the right foot up and flip the switch to ma out. Knee drop left. Connect and tumble last time out. Left connect and tumble. Lift back up. Take your feet a little bit more apart.

Now we're going to take our pelvis for a little bit of a walk. Drop the left hip down, scoop and put it up. Drop the right knee down and scoop. Left knee. Drop and left, right knee drop and left. Now listen, drop the left hip down and reach the right knee forward. Now you've got a lot of talk going across the pelvis and left, right hit drop.

Left knee goes forward and left and again back and forth. Now if you've mastered that, give it a little bit of 10 poke of down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up. For, for first time I've counted to one tumble and release. Reached the legs out in front of you. Take the arms over your head, point your toes, arch your spine, flex the ankles, dorsi flex. Bring your arms up, nod your chin and then look at the feats. Connect the legs together for me, and then point and a reach. Full point rage and XL co, the beginning of our roll up. Now first strength challenge is finding those neck flexes in and out. One more.

As we move on and out. I'd like you to feel tension. Don't be afraid. Bring one knee up. It doesn't matter which, bring the other knee up and flatten out your back. Flex through the heels of your hands and draw your knees towards you. One leg out point of the owl. Enter H, swim the arms around the outside. Flex the ankles. Point over your feet. One knee up. Flex the spine. Other knee, round.

Point and reach. Now either continue with that or two legs. Ready. Exhale, left and press. Inhale, float. Let's go for four. You're definitely filling your neck flexes, either side of your throat. One more and reach. Lie down and relax. Roll the head to your left and roll the head to your right. Noticing that the chin as we roll gets closer to the shoulder and then release. From here, you're making an X on the ground. So I'm going to have you take your left arm towards the ceiling, which means that these guys are going to be going in the opposite direction.

So don't be afraid when you see them rolling all over the place. Take your left arm, reach it across your body and till you feel that you could touch your right hands. That's all I want you to do right now. And then. Then you come back sequentially, roll down and make an X once moth right arm left, right arm, goes over to the left over and roll on down. Now some more cues left arm up as we reach to the right. Keep your left foot down on the ground.

You can either plant or Dorsey flex the foot so the ankle can be like this or like this and roll down. But it's important. Switch sides, right? Um, that you stay connected to the ground because you're trying to create some opposition and then roll all the way back. Let's change it. Left leg to the ceiling, left leg moves over to the right. Touch the ground. Don't worry if the shoulder comes up, bring the left leg down, right leg up, touch across. Don't worry if the right shoulder comes up and then down to more left leg. Reach across.

This time I'm going to make more of an effort to keep my shoulders down and back and right when you're ready. And then back bend the knees. Arms go towards the ceiling. We're all going to roll to the right so the arms are going to go to the right. The body's going to go to the right. The head's going to be off the ground. The left arm comes up over you go.

The spine kind of rolls is one to begin with, right arm comes up. Then the knees, the spine rolls over is one. The head is floating. Left arm up, torso and knees. One more right on that roll. This one sister already much rotation going on.

Left all the way up and pause where you are. Put your head down. So I'm rolling over this pack, so I'm just going to move it out of the way a little bit. So a little pinwheel, take the right arm over your head and around. Now see if you can follow the hand. It doesn't matter which direction you're going in. If your shoulders bother some, bend the arm at the elbow and do an elbow roll.

If and when you're ready. Switch the sides. Following the hand with the eyes. One more time. Take that right arm all the way over to your right. See your flats. Lift the legs up over we go. Switch sides. Left arm rolls around. So as we do this, think about the movement of the spine and the rib cage.

Reverse your direction. Think about that. Nice mobility of that T spine roll. One more. Bring it all the way over to the left. I make that X shape once more on the ground. Arms are like 10 and two legs of five and seven.

So we're going to transition to our tummy, right? Arm's going to go up towards the ceiling. Reach the right arm over to the left as far as you can go and until you end up on your belly. Don't worry if you're not on your mat, just checking. All right, now lift your right arm up to the ceiling. Keep the feet down and then roll over reluctantly. Then the feet come last of all left arm up to the ceiling. Left arm goes over to the right.

You'll notice my right arm starts to move out of the way and thank goodness I'm not up on that Mac. That'd be on my ass by now. And then left. I'm up over feet. Say down and roll over. You. Keep going. I'm going to observe. So right arm. Notice how Amy's got her feet anchored and she's slithering over. Aaron's doing the same and the same arm comes back all the way and lay flat all the way over there. Really enjoying it. Amy's gone for one more, Aaron, so we're doing one more and then back over all the way.

X role leading with the legs and now it's free time. Take one leg of your choice up, reach it across your body. Roll over onto your tummy, but this time keep the head up and the palms down. That same leg, take it behind you. Roll over, head down other leg. Lift it up over, palms down, head up, right? Like bring it back all the way. Lay down. Bring the arms by your sides, sot your pants out.

Bring your legs back together. Side lying. So let's transition this way. Take the left arm over your head and the left leg straights. [inaudible] breech your right arm up towards the ceiling. Take it across your body. Roll over to the side.

Bring the legs together, the air. Lay flat. That's it, Aaron. And then come back the way you came all the way. Switch the legs simultaneously. Right arm is overhead. Left arm reaches. We're trying to shift our body weight over. Bring the legs together and then come on back the way you came now because I want you to face me. Bend the leg that's furthest away from me.

Take the arm that's closest to me over your head. Got it. Push from that bent leg and lay on your side. Bend the knees on in. I'm going to scoot back so I can see their lovely faces. And I'm going to close the gap with my mat right here. This way I don't end up in the, in the hole right here. So first of all, take your top leg over, out from underneath you take the ball of the foot and the heel to the ceiling.

Noticing that the waist comes up and take the top arm over your head, reaching it towards the other other hand and play with pointing the foot and flexing the foot and just kind of get that and then do the hand as well. So kind of making tension across that top line. Now let's take the tension away. So let's touch the hand and the leg together. I'm going to roll back to take the tension away to shorten that side and I'm going to roll out and make tension. So an in and out and in.

Now you can change your tempo quick up, slow away, quick up, slow away. One more quick up, slow away. Bring the arm down. Show me the sole of your foot, like you're doing leg swings and take it behind. Notice the body is moving. It's fine if it does. Take the leg forward, reach the arm back and take the upper arm with you too. And swing Jah, slight leg swings. Breathe in and out. Now move your pelvis. Don't tell anybody that you're out of neutral. Move it back and forth. Notice that the head wants to go with you.

Do one more and bring it down and stack the legs. Now come up onto your forum. So bring the forum underneath you. Stack the fee and the knees and it's better to have the thumb up and then take the hand on your pelvis. So take your pelvis away from you and do a side bend and then take it back. Claudia, the founder of primal, she did some, what was young Claude West.

This is his work. The tail wags or the J swings as he calls them. So now find where you think is the middle and then probably what you're going to have to do is bring this arm in underneath, you knows Naval pubic bone. In a line. Take your top pan to your bottom waist, go on the diagonal and find your ribs and then go back down again and then find the bottom rib and find the top waist to find oblique slings so you have this idea of them being connected. Okay. Head, neck is high, back of the hand to the forehead and already you might feel some neck tension. First of all, rock back and lift the knees up and down and then lift the hips and back. If you need to use the hand. Put it down to help you. Assist you.

Push up and down. Now take the top hand up. Flex the feet. Can you lift hips and knees? I'm getting ready. One, two, three. Lift up, hold and down. Didn't like it. Lift the knees by themselves. One, two, three. Up and down. One more time. Up and down.

Let's come on out real quick all the way and find that same tension or stretch as we did earlier on. Come back in one more time. Now we get to make some bridges and some shapes. Hands on the pelvis. Make sure your elbow is underneath your shoulder. Lift the hips up. Bridge the hips forward towards me, but keep the head in line with your spine. Hips back, hips down. You're going to feel your neck up, forward, back and down. That's right. Up, forward, back and down. Three more. Watch the change. I'm going to make a shape.

Yay. And down. Hopefully will distract you from your neck, up and down. One more. Up and down. Push on up. Allow the head to go to the other side. Take the arm over. Yeah, it feels good when you're off the other side, sheriff. It wasn't me. And then as if it was quiet in the night and you robbing somebody when you're ready. Quiet. Notice the quality of your movement.

Put it down and again, rock back here. Any quiet spot for an extrinsic cue? Be quiet. Yes. One more. Getting chocolate from the fridge and the nights. I know one needs you. That's it. And bet down. Pause and then lie all the way back down. The mats are a little bit sticky, so you have to get yourself comfortable. Find the tension.

Find the leg with the foot and the arm. The head. Allow the rib cage to come up so you're in a nice little side bends. Good play with the fee in the hands. Notice how that creates different types of tension and what you want to do and what feels good for you. Now take the tension away. Remember that, touch the hand to the shin and away and automatically you're going to find that your eyes want to follow that moving hands.

Extend the spine that a little bit flex. Reach. One of my clients calls these half sit up. Well I'm doing sit ups like yes, hall, sit up. That's right. One more body stays down. Leg swings. Do you remembers? Show me and reach. Yes. Allow the pelvis to go with you.

If you want to add the arm, just make sure that upper arm goes with you. In other words, you're not punishing your shoulder. Yeah, and you're going to notice Amy's already doing it. She's already beginning to move back and forth. Couple more little mobility connectivity one time and then down up you come for some J wags. So to begin with, when you bring the arm in, does leave it where it is as you side bend, so away and back and forth. Let the air go. When you go to the end, try not to flop out of it keeps me tension.

Now find what you think is the middle. Walk the arm and we'll move quickly. This time knows Naval pubic bone or high out there. Lift the knees. So rock away from me. That's right. I'm prepping. And then the hips. Rockaway. So this might be what you want to stay with and the hips or are you ready?

The whole thing comes up. Breathe out and down from the ground. Make that connection up and down. One more like this up. Now make the shapes for three. Ready. Go out, shape and back. Find your bridge. Yes. One more.

Up and down. Nice job. Walk up. Take the arm and the leg over. So it doesn't matter if it's not exact. The whole idea is that we let it go and you have it a little fun with your movement. Bring the arms up again. So this time when we rock back, connect your pubic bone towards your nose in the front and a little bit. So watch what I do. I kind of go into that little teaser position and then switch and then just keep going. And if you need to use your hands, of course, put them on the floor, back and forth.

That's right back and forth, up and down. So I'm going to ask them to take, Aaron's going to take her legs that way. Aim is going to take her legs that way just so we can face one another. Place your hands on the floor and come down to tummy time. Reach your arms, arms out in front of you as far as you can and take your toes out behind you as far as you can. So creep along your maps, creak, creak, creak, creak, creak, keep creeping. When you've gone to the end, find the extensibility. Keep going, keep going. Walk the legs as close together as you can. Inhale and lift arms and or arms.

Lift the arms and place it down the exhale. Lift legs and all legs up and down. Lift arm and or arms and down, lift legs and all leg up and now either opposite arm, leg or two arms and two legs. Breathe in up and LOA is talking to one another. Do it again. Where's your anchor? Where are you rooting?

Two left go three. The head is coming up slightly and two and down and a one and down and pause. Bring the hands in underneath you. Spread the hands out wide and tuck your toes underneath you. Also, it's the first time we've used our toes. Don't worry, I'm not going to let you do a pushup. I can feel Amy, she's nervous. Amy was barred them for a moment.

Just extend the legs off the ground without hyperextending the knees too much and just cause intention in those speakers. We've not used them already yet and then bring them down. Press yourself up into what we call a ready heads so that would be like this. I'm in the alert phase. If I'm going to be resting, go ahead and come with me. Put the hands on the forehead. This would be arresting. Head.

Hands come out to the side. Chest comes up, eyes up. This is ready. And if I wanted to be working, I'd come all the way up with the arms posting. Perfect rest, resting head. You should definitely use these cues. They work so well. Ready chest comes up, eyes in front of you and working using the upper body a little bit and you're looking around. You're looking a lot and down. Let's do it one more time. Rest ready the I'm slide out to the side. Working. You can lift up and move the head around and all the way down.

Take the arms out by your side. Excuse me, I got a hair up my nose. Float the face and the float the hands. I did this in my reformer workouts. You might want to check that out. Lift your left arm up and reach to your right. As you look at your left arm soaring to the sky and come down, lift the right arm up and lean to your left as you go to the left, left arm up. Reach rights right and not reach less. It's like a little airplane down around that. Up on the left, down around and up on the right and down for a second.

Resting heads. Bend your right knee. Flex the ankle, Richard away. Bend your left knee. Flex the ankle. Reach away. Two more right knee bends and reach left knee bends and reach. Sting up in the arms out. Lift the head up. So placing these legs and the hands together. So raise the arms up.

Left arm. Reach it up. Bend the right knee. Can you touch and down and lift up? Touch now as you touch. Do me a favor. Try not to turn the hand down. Do a back high five rather than front high five. Follow the hand. Can you see the foot? These are all just ideas.

If you don't make it, don't panic. Yup. D tomorrow. Ugh. Last time and down hands go down that. Sit back and stretch out for a second. Bringing your head down to the ground. This gives us a public opportunity to come up into all four, so spread the fingers out wide.

Keep your hands where they are and come forward. Round your spine. Come forward over your wrist, spread your feet, wrists out wide. Drop the hips and left the chest. Now nod your chin towards your chest. Push up towards the ceiling. Move your bum towards your heels. Let the heels roll away. Do that again.

Round your spine. Show each other the front, the back of your upper back, your between your shoulder blades. Drop the hip and left and down. This time tuck the toes underneath you. Walk your knees forward, parallel your feet and lift your chest up. [inaudible]. Now we start to rebound. We're balancing. We're going to do that same thing in a second. Hit rock back one and two.

Flex your spine round forward. Exhale. Open your mouth. Stick your tongue out. Yep. Sit back. Breathe in. Sniff. One, two, three. Open your mouth. Stick your tongue out. And again, one breathing, bringing the breath into the chest. Open your mouth. Stick your tongue out. I call do that and talk one more in one and two and three, and exhale. Sitting back and staying back.

Walking the feet closer together. Walk your hands like this. Up and up. Just getting a sense of pushing away the ground. Push away the ground, push away the ground. Walk them forward to their in a stretch. Lift the hips up towards the ceiling, round the spine. Articulate through your spine, over your wrist. Drop your hips. One more.

Lift your eyes all the way out. This is from Mike fitches animal flow, not the chin. Separate your shoulder blades articulate, and then at the end quickly dropped down. Down in the head comes up. So reach, direct your energy forward over your hands. Then down then up, direct your energy. Chin towards the chest, up towards the ceiling. And then quick down. Two more times. Let me see you go roll through your spine. Drop down. Look up, head, neck control, head towel, body Hoff. Go down and quick. One more. Roll through, ripple tumbling. Take your time, come back and sit down.

Drop down and low kneeling to shake your rests. If it's uncomfortable, bring your legs out in front of you. The SIS. Do a little hip mobility. Everybody straightening up. So let's take the rest and roll them and then roll them. The other way was not done with all fours. Let's go back to it in a second. I'm going to face you. Keep going. Wave. So here's kind of nice to start with the elbows and notice the shapes that I'm making. Move back and forth shows what era you were born in.

And then just say and press the palms forward. And when you press the palms forward, pull the fingers out and feel your shoulder blades making the same shape. So it's a little pro traction. And then bring them here and then draw the shoulders together and pull this all at the fingers. A pie again. So just add it in some shoulders. Push away and pull the shoulders.

Pull in and pull them in and away in a way and in and in the end. And shake and flicks and wrist rolls. I'm starving so it makes me feel like sushi rolls and the roof. That's the first thing that came to my mind. And now as you're shaking, can you come back onto all fours? Bring the hands out wide. Tuck your toes.

We're going to move quickly because I know that some of you have some trouble being on the rest. And just as a side note, if that is the case, bring your heel of your hand high halfway off the mat so when you lift the knees up, there's not so much tension. All right, all fours. You're in a working head so you're a lot. Lift the knees up. We did this before. Push with the legs over your hands. Push with the hands over your feet. Push to go forward, press to go back. Breathe in and out.

Go for three and for two and four. One that knees down on talk. Shake. I'm going to face you. We're getting ready. Aaron's fixing her hair. Hands down so him. Let's just do a little cross body connection to get our brains going.

One hand off the ground. Doesn't matter which, notice that the other knee got. Lights. Yeah, touch and then take them away somewhere. Touch. Take them somewhere else. Make it really exciting. They're going for a journey. Your arm and leg don't like always going in the same place. One more switch sides do it. Do it now?

Yes. Take them for a little Jenny. Yes. One more down, high kneeling shake. Okay. Let's see how this goes. Hands on the grounds, so I like to make it a little bit complicated in terms of movements so that your brain is involved. Step your right leg out. We did a little vis earlier on. Step your left leg out. Bring your right knee down. Bring your left knee down. Easy, right, left leg out, right knee out. It's kind of interesting. It feels right.

Knee in left knee in right, left, right, left, left, right, left, right shake. All right, hands down. Listen carefully. Right leg, left leg. You're in this fee. So take the weight off of your wrist a little bit so that your legs are doing more work. And turn the legs out. Take your left hand and touch your right leg. You like hello. Right. You're right. You're not left. You're right. Put it down. Now take your right leg and if you're not sure, watch me take your right leg underneath you into this position, which is a crab for your bum down.

Touch your right leg. Hello. Self touch improves your awareness, your appropriate ception. Put the left hand down. Flow your bum up. Lift your right foot up, bring it underneath you. Make your V shape. Yay. They did it right hand touch the left. Your left hand goes down. Lift your left foot up.

Notice we're contralateral or making that connection. The hips, hips, hips go down. Right hand touches the left. Hello. Put the hand down. Lift your bum up. Bring the left leg under wide leg. Okay. Right foot goes under, into crab. Go into your crap position. Right foot lifted up. Take it under wide leg.

Nice job ladies. Left leg lifted up. Come under left leg. Take it back. Buck. Right leg. Take it under hips. Low head high. One more out. Go left underneath you and back. Now they're doing it right underneath you and back.

Right knee, down, left knee down. Shake it out. Yes. So if you're okay sitting low kneeling, bring your hips off to your rights. Swing your legs out and show me the souls of your feet. You guys can face one another. I'm not sure. I'm going to go over here with Aaron just to make it easier for you.

The legs that's closest to me. Show me the sole of your foot. Imagine that this is your favorite pie. It's a big, huge slice to bring it together and now you want equal slices to take it to the other side. Big slice. Okay, you're going to have slot. I'm not going to show you cause I don't want you to know what we're doing. I want you to slice your pie. Okay? Ready? Slice your pie. Sit bone walking going. It doesn't really matter. Take one leg out.

Keep going and count your slices of pie. Yes, yes for Amy had four and four and a half. Okay, so a, we want to personal best. We want to beat four and a half and four go the other direction. Ready? Big. So now I'm giving you an extrinsic goal.

That was three. It must be being on camera that does it. Oh the other way. Ready? Go, go, go on the big wide. Yes. I'm also taking their mind off what we were doing cause we're coming back to it. Big slices of pie. Nice job, skier bums, full rock back. Remember we did this earlier on, so now we're regressing through our motor development progressions. We started on our back. The next time you go over, take your right foot over to your right and touch the ground and roll up. Take your left foot over to the left and touch the grounds and up.

Notice the left hand is down to go over to the right and notice the right hand is down to go to the left. Do it a few more. Over and back. Yeah, tapping the floor over and back. Cross your legs. Transition forward into all floors. Stay where you are. We're going back to where we were earlier on. Walk it out so I gave you a little mental break. You're like, Oh, take your right leg. Remember? Take it to the left. Don't put your left hand down.

Lift the left arm up towards the ceiling and then look at your right hand. See if you can get your left hand inside your peripheral vision. Bring your left hand down, lift your right foot up, put it underneath you. Make your V-shape. Yes, yes, yes. Left leg. Step it under. Don't put your right hand down. Lift your right arm up. Take it behind you. Put it inside your vision. Bring it back down on the floor. Left leg, lift up.

Put it down so it's a one, two punch. If you're not sure, watch right and crab. Reach and down and out. Ready, go. Other side. Left and up and down and back and right and left and back and down. One more go. You choose your side.

Up and back and down. Knees on the floor. Balm on your heels. Bummed to one side, scoop. Forward face one another. Ready. Roll over. I'm picking up the pace a little bit. Right foot to right side, left foot to left side.

Move your arms wider. Now some of you will be able to go over a little bit more so than your left shoulder lifts off of the ground and then your right shoulder lifts up off the ground. Some of you are fancy and will be able to go all the way up. Push down and coming up. Okay. Okay. She goes over, crawl back into position. Swing the legs around.

One more. Ready? Just one. I'm going to watch these girls. Amy's going. One, two, three. Okay. Yeah. Stay up on your knees. Nice job. Walk on your knees. Wow. These girls are rocking on a pool. The tights up, arms above your head. So now we're in high kneeling. So nice cat stretch. Something that you're familiar with. Roll down, keeping the head frame between the arms. Tap your fingers to the mat with the tail low. Come up with the arms as if you are doing a classical roll down.

Inhale, go forward and exhale, come back. Do one more. Let me watch you rolling forward. Connecting their head to the tail. The lower body is your anchor and then up and then release. So now let's go flat back. So protect the knees a little bit wider apart. So it's like a squat. Hinge your hips back.

Keep the torso upright and then hinge forward. Press the shins down, then come on up. Now if you have knee issues, you might not like the backward movement so much. That goes back as far as you feel capable hinges and back up. Now bring the hands up. As I hinged back, I'm going to imagine that I would have full force. I'm going to shift my body weight forward. Put my hands down, bend the elbows, come up and push away. Do it again, baby. Hinge, squat.

Lift the feet this time and then back. And again. Now keep going. Get brave and move your hands further in front. If you had a fall, it's that one rep, max, gentle. And then maybe try to take them to the sides and to the other side. Keep going.

Some of you will be able to come from standing. It's really scary and back and up and relays back. Stress, nice job. Keep your eyes on the horizon. We're all in the pool and we're looking for the ribbons to show us when the end of the pool is. And now forward. Forward. Good. And pause. Arms up.

We're going to face you, but you stay where you are. Touch the thumb and the pinky. Can you, can you, can you, can you, can you down? Um, stay straight. Aaron's very flexible. She's like, yeah, no problem. And I'll touch, shrug the ribs up and down. It's not so easy for me to more up and back. One more.

Up and back and to hound side bend. Any arm that you'd like lifted up side bend over and down through that side that you're stretching away from and bring it down. Up and cut down. Yes. Up cramp. Take the other arm just like we do in the mermaid, right.

What I find interesting is is that this reminds me to anchor as I'm pointing down there, like stay down down there and then back, other side up. How's that crime going over? And then back hands go down, tuck your toes and send your hips towards the ceiling. I'm going to turn just so I can see you guys be elephant. So round your spine and shorten up your stride.

So we're going to add some low commotion. Lift your right hand up off the floor a little bit and your left foot balancing. Yep. And then down, lift your left hand up a little bit, float the right foot up, balancing and down. Do it again. Right hand, left foot and down. Left hand, right foot and down there. You might just stay with that will come with me. Right hand, left foot left. Move them forward and take a stride.

Left-hand, right. Take a stride. Right, left foot left, right. Keep going. Locomoting forward. Bend your knees a little bit. Yes. Drop your head for you there. Miss Erin. That's it. Pause and reset. So make two hands and two feet and then rib us ready. Up, down, opposite, hand to foot. Take your eyes either to your belly or to your knees and can you drop me? Yes.

Oh, she's having a hard time going backward. Let's come forward. Reset, fast, reset, and then repeat. Moving forward, what's interesting about the opposite arm to leg is that the problem solving that's happening and when she's having a movement hang up, it will show up somewhere else in her practice. Reset and reverse. Drop your head, look at your belly and reverse. Yeah, she's thinking Amy's cruising along hair. Very interesting. Show off and then knees down to the ground is coming to high kneeling. That was nice. Okay. That's first.

That was elephant walks or it could be a bear crawl, which will look like this. So what I'm going to do back roll elbows, Ben and knees. So watch what I do. I lift the heels up, bend the elbows and the knees and I walk, and then I go back. Bend in the knees and the elbows and then down. Okay. Ready? So don't wait for me. Lift on up. Lift your heels, bend your knees and your elbows, and then walk.

And notice they're very different from one another. I'm not [inaudible], I'm not going to over-correct for right now. And then reverse and then a nice gone down. Yeah, I don't know what that was. It was something like that. Yeah. Difficult. Okay, we're gonna do one more. I'm just going to demonstrate, I'm going to come up into a high heeled squat. Yep, go ahead. If it's uncomfortable on your knees, do the one that we did earlier arm, but go to your side. I'm going to do eight crawls, so I'm going to move my hand traveling a and we're going to go across, across and across, and then come back. Go hands and feet. If you've not done it before, just do, just do what comes. This is what I do fast. Yep. And then switch.

Yeah. Yes. When you're done, put your knees down and pause for a second. The next time we do it, we're going to make sure that when we place our hands on the grounds that it's foot, hand, foot, hands, and your eyes are going to come up here. My head stays in the same position the whole time and I push the ground away as if it were a conveyor belts. Okay. She's, she's sweating I think. Yeah. Okay. Ready? So maybe let's do four hands first. So hands and feet and get that conveyor belt feeling. Yes. Yep. And then reverse. Yeah, we lost Aaron off the screen, bro. Hey, she comes. Nice job. Nice.

And then knees down and high kneeling. We're almost there. Yes. Hot. Alright. Walking with the arms and lifting the knees. What I want you to notice is that the knee lifts of the arm going back, that should happen naturally. It should happen naturally. The goal in the back.

So we might have a about this. We've got to have a whole class about this. We don't have time for right now. Pause for a second. Take. Bring your favorite leg and step it forward. We've done this before. If you've worked with me and back. Now be mindful when you step the other leg forward that you don't do the whip around. The leg comes underneath you.

S flick the toes, tuck the toes or flick. All right, so single leg balance is what we need to stay afloat, right? So see if you can come up from this position, adjust accordingly. And if this not for you, then do a forward bend and just stay there. So come on up and then come back down.

Press away from the ground combat down. That will be easier if you can get your eyes up, maybe send your arms up. Maybe you need to hold onto the bar, the couch, the cat or the dog and lift up and then down. It's a split squat. One, two, three, up and down. Be mindful how you switch the legs. One for step.

Tuck the back tome. Now. We didn't do much for an ankle preps today, but you can add those in. Get your balance going. Come on up and down. Keep going. Notice the big toe modus. Notice the stretch if you need to hold on to something. Don't be afraid. One more time. Come on up. Step together.

You're a cat. You're a couch. You're a dog. Trying to get comfortable on the couch. All. Here we are. We're back. Three 60 and down we go. Cross turned to the leg that's behind. Push up and come on up. Well, more down. I know.

Okay, so let's put left like in France. This is just for a little fun, right? Like behind fee a good to stay where they are. We're going to move. So right leg is behind. Hands. Go to your rights. Lift your hips up, walk around, sit your bum down. Yes, feet, stay fixed. We moved to the left. Go around and down.

Interesting. Different strategies, but she's still getting there. I go to the left is good. Oh, go to the right. Sorry. Up. Survival and down. Rocking back and forth. Now you're going to choose how you're going to get up. Okay, so find a way, a path, and then just walk around it a little bit.

It's sunset out there. It's absolutely stunning as we can see the sun and the horizon and then stand with your feet, not on your mat, but close to your mat, just to get your sense of where you are. Yeah, the ground, the floor is nicer, it's less squishy, and then come into your posture and we'll do what we did when we first started and we'll come three 60 so we'll get a sense of where we are in space. You may notice that your center of gravity is a bit higher, that you're a little bit more exuberant, but through the breaths, if you can bring your energy down, breathe in and let your body settle. Exhale, breathe in, and exhale. Breathe in and settle. When you do this often you can settle really quickly.

Keep your eyes close, but swell a little bit from side to side for postural sway. If you need to open your eyes, open your eyes, gaze down or closed eyes is best. Moving forward and back. So I'm moving with that Vista system that in the air challenging our spatial awareness, find some diagonal moving, swaying, and the other diagonal trying to stay down and I energy and then circle 360 degrees and the other way, 360 degrees come to what you know is the center. I know what you might perceive as standing still, but feel the movement is still happening.

You're still moving in all three dimensions, postural sway. The more we move, the more we sway, the better we feel. Finding that postural sway, take the arms up, open the eyes, touch the fingers, reach the arms down. Nice work out there.


2 people like this.
I love these videos. Louise is just wonderful and I feel her workout is perfect for getting your body more balanced. Please put more classes on the website. Thank you again.
Rosita Menda Zakuto
Thanks Louise
Rosita Menda Zakuto and I love that you love it! 
1 person likes this.
Hildy You can follow me on my Instagram channel @ljmovesyou as well as our Primal Movement works channel for more workouts and tips and tricks :) 
1 person likes this.
Love it! Thank you, Louise!
1 person likes this.
excel lent class. watched it through for the 1st time so I could see if this is a class for me. Love all these primal movements. Definitely going to check out your instagram for more workouts.
1 person likes this.
Love seeing how Bartenieff can be integrated into a Pilates class, I wanna know more about how you use PoTBC! Def followed your Instagram in hopes of that.
Susannah W
5 people like this.
Does anyone recognize that this is actually Bartenieff Fundamentals? I studied this as an undergraduate dance major at Indiana University.  Great to see it incorporated here but think it's very important to credit the original creators--Irmgard Bartenieff who studied with another great, Rudolf Laban.  Bartenieff come to the US from Germany in the 1940's, became a physical therapist and developed  the method based on kinesiological functioning.  Check out her book "Body movement-Coping with the environment" (1980) to learn more!
Susannah 100% and I totally agree more credit should be given. I actually have a Graduate Laban Certificate in Movement Analysis so it was super clear to me and, tbh, inspired me to make some Bartenieff/Pilates flows/phrases for my own practice.
Hildy Its a pleasure to share ideas with other like-minded people. I'm so glad you enjoyed the workout. 
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