Class #408

BASI Reformer Flow

40 min - Class


Follow the BASI block system through a warm-up on the Box, Foot Work, Knee Stretch Series including Knees Off, Forward lunge with a balance, Arms Kneeling, a Side Plank, and Shoulder Push for Back Extension. Several exercises require a strong sense of shoulder stability.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Mar 25, 2011
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So set your springs up now for a little foot and leg work, so you'll probably take all of them. I'm going to go from theory ranch, spring, Barb to the closest to the foot so far. Yep. I've got three red and a yellow. Just anchoring the carriage and and just going from all, okay. Have a seat on your box. Feed on the foot bar, feet together, kind of use the bottoms of your feet. Grab on a little bit and reaching forward. We inhale and we exhale without collapsing.

I'm actually kind of pushing down on the foot bar. Not enough that I could move the carriage though. Inhale and exhale up. Even now I'm pushing down. Keep the curve and then straighten up. Inhale, exhale. Just moving through. Inhaling, exhaling, using the breath for rhythm, finding your shoulders over the hips and inhale, grow tall, still growing even though the breath is almost done. Exhaling down, looking forward. Inhale, exhale. Feel the ABS. Press into the box, keeping the curve and then from the base your head will come on top at the end. One more before we change it. Exhale, inhale, and her thighs, strong girl. Look to the breath to help you up. And so what we're going to do is go over the back.

This time you'll keep your ribs on the mat. Exhale, going down. Allow yourself to go into extension, but press the thighs downward as you circle around. Chin toward chest, exhaling up. All right, so the hamstrings make a big difference here. Inhale, exhale down. You can either think downward pressure with the feet or right here I'm thinking thigh bones toward the box. As I circle round, wait for the arms to come back and up. You go, keeping the curve and then we'll straighten up. Inhale, exhaling down. Find the anchors, direct yourself, circling around.

Add Up, changing it slightly, inhouse it to actually changing it significantly. Exhale, roll back to halfway down or until your low back is fully down your right arm. You're going to rotate to the right. Inhale, reach back. Look at it. Exhale, bring it back. Other side. Inhale both feet into the foot bar. Bring it back. Exhale. Hold for. Inhale, we're coming up on the exhale and then straighten your spine. Let's do that again. Inhale, exhale. Feel the hip bones pull deeper into the body to the left. First inhale, you're letting the rib cage open a little bit.

They're like the side reach on the Cadillac. Exhale, bring it back. Inhale, come up a tiny bit. I caught myself lower too, and bring it back. Hold for inner inhale. Inner thigh strong. Exhale up. We come and sitting down and exhaling down. One more for an even three. Let's go right again. Inhale, opening up, so not, you know, drifting away from the midline. It's just that one side. Exhale, bring it back and inhale it and good open, open, open, back to center. Exhale, inhale and exhaling, right, right. Straightening your spine. We're going to go over the back again. Let's just see where we're at. If we need to adjust, we will. We'd go back.

Once you get there or almost there, take your hands behind your head in healing as we arch back. Allow your feet to be there for help, but again, more hamstrings than anything. Exhale, just a chest lift, looking towards your belly. Inhale back as you do this part. You may have space at the low back, but certainly not the back of the rib cage. The back of the rib cage remains on the box. Inhale, it's more of a length and you do get to go downward with it.

Roll up hill and inhale and roll. Okay, now it's going to get kind of interesting. Inhale, roll back. You're going to come to level, roll up to level and I'm going to help you and you help me, Andy, that's great. From their heads are pressing back. We're going to try to levitate. Just take that position ever so slightly, energetically higher and back in him all the way back. Thank you. Exhale up to what feels level. Then you just as if you're going to try and just lift up from there without more fluxion and inhale back so there's not much you'll see on that second little emphasis. In fact, we tried to go there right away. I'm just trying to show you what I mean there.

Everything squeezing in back again. Let's go. Three mortar, regular breath. Inhale, exhale. Here's the exhale hovering. Almost inhale back. Exhale, Roll Chin to chest and then you just float. One more time. Inhale and follow to now your level, rotate to your right. No flection and center. Same side. Press down into that left five on a little and center. Two more.

Rotate. One more. You're just pointing straight down. Switch sides and rotate. One, bring it back. Opposite foot or leg pressing down just to kick in the hamstring. Two more. [inaudible] one more and full. We come back, let go of the arms, pick up a leg, please grab onto it and use it for health. You deserve it. They'll sneak up on you. She was like nothing, but let's give it to the box. Just put it over there are yours over there.

I'll put mine over here and our foot bars are going up. I do like my headrest up of Mar. I go about halfway, but there's good cause to leave it down as well. And off we go. Lion down. Centering yourself on the carriage. I'll go heels parallel and let's put them fully together today.

And for a moment press your heels into the bar, but don't move the carrot. So you are actively trying to push into the bar, feel the back of your legs. That's where we're initiating from. Let's go all the way out for press and bring it in and press two and take any adjustments you need to looking for. Again, the initiation to come from the back, but length through the front. There's a lot of intention in this one.

I'm not pumping but I am going to go a little bit faster. It's five and an feet are still for full extension. Still staying connected to the back. Three and two and one more time all the way out. Bring it home. Just slide two feet down to the balls of the feet probably.

Let's see if we're for here, press the heels down for the moment. Squeeze the glutes a little or push into the barbet. However the heels, not as high as you could, but somewhere in between and off we go. Let's go up and pull it and press and pull. Getting the full extension. You don't want to stay with the quote unquote soft knee, so to speak.

You want to keep the front of the leg and the back of the leg working so that when it's straight it's straight but active. Let's go two more. Starting now, here's one, one more. All the way down just to go into the Palati stance. You know the drill off you go, press out, find the wrap and resist to bring it home. Find the rap resist so it's clearly legs, but can you take energy out of the legs? You know me, I always say it. I even tried to do it, but where could you put it? Energy dispersion. Make it kind of a game for yourself given us two more.

One reach. Here's to stay out here without pushing into your feet anymore. Can you be any longer? I'd say from above the knee. I think waist, keeping your heels together reached the heels down under the bar and rise up. Here's ten nine remembers not just the feet and the ankles, but you are still connected to the hamstrings. About five more. Four, three, two and one. Hold up parallel.

Can you feel the back of the legs? If not, flex your feet. Hold it down so the heels go under the bar and then as if you were pulling downward on the bar, like you were going to bend the knee. I'm not saying push under the bar more. I'm saying pull down, almost like you're wrapping your toes to try and connect to the hamstrings. And now up relax the toes. If they're gripping and down, and two and three. It's like the hips are squeezing toward each other. Five more. One. Feel your feet three Amar up and hold it up from here. One leg, one knee bent.

Push with the bottom foot to come all the way up to tiptoes. Switch the breath is going to be two passes for an inhale. Two passes for an exhale. So it's inhale for two. Now exhale, still squeeze. The hips are the glutes, so there's no swaying there. And, and then watching the hyperextension. If you're one that does that, and on your next exhale, we'll stop it and then bend both knees. Come on to [inaudible], right. So let's swivel up.

Take down some springs. I'm going down to, I'll go to one in either yellow and a green spring at all use. And so I would go either a red and blue or two red. We're going to do some a hundred yeah, it's a hundred it is fly back down. I just leave my bar up cause I'm going to use it in a minute. And we're, I'm a little, you're a little away from the shoulder.

He taking the arm straight. So we're coming up with this long lever. If you'd off the bar, Latin gage, here we go into the a hundred exhale, reach forward and we'll go normal today. And email two, three, four, five and now put some awareness around the hips again. And by that I'm really talking back of the leg again and glutes out. And three, two, three, four or five blow out all your air and in your fill up. Don't be afraid to let the ribs expand. A little Oh and in Oh I believe five possible six wish and out.

Two, three, four or five years. Six two, three, four, five and a half long taps the feet and seven deepen it. And, oh, it's a bit of a mind game, isn't it? Oh nine and feel. Hold those arms. Pump out the air and out. Two, three, four, five. Pull the new Zune and down. You ready for coordination from here? I do come down in between or I'm going to today. Inhale, get it ready.

Here it is. Exhale. Roll yourself up. Legs only. Open. Close. Bend the knees. Where I like it, Andy. Go for it. Exhale up. What are you doing in out? Oh, I can't think that much. Not Tonight. And here's theory. Open, close, pull and foreach. One two, three and push. Pull. Dreck eh, reach. We teach it to me later. I love it. I want to do it. I don't want to play, but I can't think. Class one. Here it is. Reach, press, pull, drag. And we got to push out to put your feet in the straps.

Do you need to change the weight? You can probably won't need to. All right, so I'm kind of a broken record on these, but there's a few things that I think are important and this one is, let's do this. Let's push into the strap. So tighten your legs as much as you can through pushing and reaching, squeezing everything you can think of below the waist. Then just keep the bones together and soften the lower leg and the thighs as best you can with the exception of the glutes. Then the Nice glutes are still engaged.

For sure way keep it relatively easy. Just a few more. Find opposition. The more you reach your legs away, the more you pull the deep into the ABS, but all the way up through the trunk and out, and this time go only halfway out. So it makes more like a diamond shape. Hey, the goat, the heels are glued together. Otherwise your leg is relaxed. We're pressing down, leaving the hips open and up. You can come as high as 90 or even more. As long as you don't move the hips work from right where the leg and the hip meet, not from the feet.

You could put the five straps on and make this even more effective or you could use your mind. So now imagine that the straps weren't even there and we are trying to get that sense of hip opener, that sense of whether there's a stretch for you at the inner thigh or work into the deep rotators. Look for that. I'll change it on you a little here. We'll go up to about 90 might have to back off that a little without moving the carriage. If you're where Andy and I are, you're going to just extend the legs continuing to externally rotate, adding an a strong glute contraction and a downward pull of the tail rebound. Sorry, and then back down with that diamond. Okay, so that's it. We'll go up straight and bend and come down. Here it is. We just allow the legs to be pulled up as we resist against, we continue to externally rotate as we allow the legs to float up.

Maybe press strong there and get the glutes in there. Rebend there's some resistance there and down you go, oh Hannah and extend. Find your opposition at this level. Rebound, and these can be movements in choreography or you can play with a little as if you're pushing the ceiling away, but then you got to raise change it and let's now it's like your feet are stuck on the ceiling and you're pulling them down and out you go, all right, extend the legs to straight here and let's do five circles one way are you're down usually then up in together and from the same exact area you were just working. That's where you go to inhaling around up and together, strongly contract. Make those fields connect before you start pulling.

You know you can blend it eventually, but is that five? No. Okay, so let's reverse it here and around. We go on and, and trying not to push into the foot straps and I recognize what that sounds like, but eventually, yes, but higher from the gluten. Is that it? I'm gonna do one more if it's six because it's certain. Feel really good. All right, from here, flex your feet, press inner thighs together. I can tell you this is actually killing me tonight at the inner thigh. Float the legs out on a diag. I'm not on the level that they started.

Relax deep in your abs. Do not tuck without pressing down, without pushing up the inner thighs. Come together on that exact same plane, right? Let them be pulled apart. And this is where they either want to go up or down. So sort of monitor going out to take a momentary relax.

So I kind of don't feel the weight in the straps and then with as little energy as possible so I don't pull up or down and you'll see my strap shaking because that's all I can do to get them together. Cause I'm pretty pure ad doctrine right now. Oh, how many more, Andy? That's only two, isn't it? Three. Three more. All right, fine. Right here we go. And it gets harder and all of a sudden you just power into the bootstrap.

Don't do it. I'd rather stop, right? I'm just talking out loud now. Here we go. Two more. Can you imagine that you're reaching beyond the straps? The thigh bones are company together. The feet are stuck under some imaginary sheet of glass. You get longer. Oh my goodness. One more time. It's slow.

It's okay if you don't feel it, I'm just going to encourage you to look for it. I'm not making this up. I only discovered it a few years ago. It's awesome. Okay. Shall we go into short spine? Bend the knees, put your headrest down. I remember Rael queuing me on that and I was like, yeah, I know. I've done this like 5,000 times and then I got it and I have been humbled ever since. All right, here we go. For the short spine, we press out strong inner thigh still we you. I'm keeping my hips down. That's how I do it.

And now with the abdominals and the hamstrings, we roll up the carriages firmly on the stop or we inhale, draw the knees in and the keep the ship. I'm going to see Andy bring your knees down a little bit more for today. Keep the shape now and we imprint the bone. So that's our focus. We're imprinting one at a time. The shape is about the same. At a certain point, we won't be able to keep the shape. I want as much of my back down as possible. So I'll allow the knees to open a little. I then flex, pull the whole ship over and start again. So there's a minimal change, but I'm trying not to. We fold, well you're all up.

We bend [inaudible] and for a little while it feels like just a vertical drop in a deep ab work. Knees might brush against the shoulder. As from me, I'm about as low as I can go. So I'm going to let my knees open a little to get more of my upper or my back down. And now the goal is to continue getting them need to back down as we bring the legs over. All right. Without all that talk, we were all over when we pressed the thighs together. As we roll, we bend and bring it down. It's not just a stretch. Right? And although one more time folding over, enjoy the stretch. If you need to bend the knees a little Tokay and up we go.

But do straighten them out as soon as you can to get up. Inhale, bend, take a minute here and test or your hamstrings engaged. It should almost feel like you're pushing up against something even now as you're coming down. And then finish it by bringing it over. Okay. Right. All right. Help yourself out of there. Come all the way down to the stopper. And if we are, you're racking your weights or your weights. God, that's free. Days gone by and we're going into a new stretch. So one springs fine for me, probably for you two are red and a blue maybe. How about just one green for you? I'm going to get it to get stretched in a minute. So I've got one red, one green, that'd be plenty. Uh Yup. For Nice.

Yeah, bring it. He says. Okay good. So I'll change the spring at that point. So here we go. Get as much of your feet on our legs. Knees are straight out of the shoulders. We go into a scooped tack rates. You can really don't have much going on at the hands, but there are bracing. Here we go. Inhale, push up, exhale.

And he and just coming almost right below the rib cage. Not at the hips on this one. Let's go five oh one and push and to work both ways. Three four bring it in. Whole five unfurl and a flat back feeling like the tailbone is up.

Inner thighs more and more. More. And here we go and go. One and two probably be able to stretch the legs that a little more, but you're strong. Don't lose connection on both sides of it lasts five or one and push and three not letting the hips curls. Hold it in. I'm adding my e. Oh I'm going green and yellow again, taking my red off and he's going red and blue a couple of ways into this. I'm only going to give you one. So if you know a better way you can.

I like to get away from it. Okay. I scoop to hover the knees and awful go and they, low heads are down. Choo body still three, three more on push out easily. Well it's to hold it in. Very settled then all the way in. Take the one spring off. So if you had the blue and red, tick the blue, yellow off, help yourself up to up stretch. I've got one green on or one red would be fine, but that's what I've left.

And let's go into just a stretch too. I did this last week and I was cuing one thing and not doing it, so I'm going to get it right this time. Go slow on the first one. Let's not move the upper arms. So we push the carriage, we rotate around the shoulder joint and there we go. Shoulders backwards. Perfect. And then back. So the body's gonna move a lot and stretch. Inhale, rotate around the shoulders and the hips. Boom and up. So there's no sense of traveling. Once you go should feel secure and [inaudible].

Then again, inhale, turn your chest to face the bar. There we go. And exaggerated, but it was good. Uh, I said one more, we did another one anyway, and return all right into an elephant so it feels you're down. It's almost bring the feet toward each other as you are standing here. It's like I'm trying to bring the feet in, hugging them as if I was doing side splits, toes up or down. It's up to you. You know what you're doing long backs. Here we go. Inhale, push away.

And as if you were letting the spring do all the work and two, it's like you're getting light on both the hands and the legs to center your energy. I would actually like you to put more your whole hand on cause it's, it isn't so much about being back away from it as much as it is pulling in and up. One more. We'll do. All right. Um, let's, let's go down for down stretch and it's too much for the elbow. Okay. Okay. So we're, we're four. Here's the, actually, let's just take the time to do this tuck under a little, and I know I'm heading into um, an arched back, but the back of the body is so important on this one that I started in a tuck. I press the hips forward and then I just lift out of it. This is one, there's not a whole lot of pressure on the arms. Hopefully push with your feet.

So you have the hamstrings working a lot and then you should come in. It's almost, and I'm not saying do this, but it's almost like you're coming away. I'll do that. Not doing that. Well, I'll finish with one thing that's kind of fun. Sherri taught me keep thinking. I'm pushing my feet into the shoulder rest looking for the work in the upper back. Let's get one more and when you get here, stay here at the stopper. Do come up to keep your shape. Fingertips. Let them up. Ah, lovely. Addie. Alright, so a stretch I want to offer you into a balance is the forward lunch. Um, I don't know. That's probably good.

You still to keep this spring coming forward into one. You may decide you have to, um, if you yeah, you may have to back the carriage a little. Move the carriage however you need to. Once you're there to have the knee over the ankle, we're going to hold on for a bit. That's the nice thing to do. So go ahead. Yeah, that's good. Comfy and sort of, okay.

So long bodies were just literally the more you think, I'm going to push that way because they're not going to travel with the upper body. You'll get that stretch in the hip flexor and your breathing. Then theoretically, and I'm honestly not sure what's going to happen for me, theoretically our hips don't go up. In other words, you just slide with the flat back and I'm almost there. I'll be there on the second round. Nice. And then let's both just gently think extending the chest forward and the tailbone. I'm having flashbacks.

I won't tell you what yet until I get out of this position. We're coming home a bend. Let's do that again and once was a time, actually it wasn't this exercise but very similar that my hamstring did not participate fully. Yes, and in those moments when you think that, yeah, I have to kind of get calm. [inaudible] grew up. Here we go again. Now if going straight out, it doesn't work for you, you can raise the hips a bit. What is important is that you keep the back flat. Even if that forward knee is bent.

You don't want to get so far out there just because you think you've got to keep the hips low, rather come up on it a bit. Okay. Here's what I'm thinking. Bend the knee. Come forward. Let's come all the way to stop her. I'll tell you what, I'm going to stand up if you're up for it. So you inner thigh it and you come up. I like my arms out. Then without going up or down and you've straighten the forward like we'll do three one and bring it back like absolutely straight.

Your back knee could be straight. It was so good. Mine. Good one more out. We stay out keeping both legs straight, evenly distributed weight float up. You don't just drag the back leg and then float. Good to go. Science. We're going to do both sides. We are gonna do both sides. I promise you don't want to. So three, let's go one more in here.

Here's kind of a trick to this so we don't jam into the knee. One more time out as far as you feel like you want to go. Then lift up a little, then bend the knee and come home, find your hands and we change. [inaudible] you ever seen Lisa Hubbard get into this? Probably not. It's quite lovely. I'll have to have her do it someday. No, I'm not either. I don't know how to either. We are.

We're our own person of lovely and Lisa is hers. She's a good candidate. Okay. So as we're here there, I always like to mention why it matters if the back leg is super straight and that you can feel some action there for exercise. All the advanced exercises actually go ahead and press out when you're ready. Um, require that hanging back, hanging from Highbridge. And if you're not comfortable, really energizing that back leg, those others aren't going to be good. More energy than I needed it.

Tailbone up. Bend the knee, come home. But imagine you're leaving the carriage out there. Drag yourself. And we did too. Believe it or not, begin half an hour. We got if you have access to a Amir or if you don't check it out, trying to level your pelvis and then bring it in all the way to the stop or if you're choosing to do the balance. Okay, we help ourselves up. We make sure we're ready, we feel good, we're lifted and we go straight back, not rising up or down. Energize back leg, bring it forward. Your back pain could be a little straighter. Good and back. Yeah. And so one thing you can think of is sometimes people do that because it goes into their back. One more. If, if you straighten your leg and it goes to your back, you're too low.

That was three. Right? Okay. Alright, we'll do one more to get out there. Okay. And now make sure that there's some weight in the forward leg, but the body is vertical. It's just rising up and down and up. I used to do this and only feel the back leg, the back hip and I'm learning to almost let go a little there and put more on this hamstring. We did one more down. We came partway up. Then we bent the knee, we came forward and we just stepped down.

Bravo. Okay, good. Um, arms, kneeling. Okay, so let's put the foot bars down. One spring. We'll do, I choose red. We have our springs out in the springs are relatively firm, just so you know, kneeling facing the back, right up against the shoulder rest. Jeez. Grab hold of above the buckle so you don't need the handle. You can go through the handle if you feel better doing that. Alright, then tendencies to lean back. So we're going to not lean back.

We're going to almost lean forward to the point where our hamstrings kick in and our calves almost lift up. Of course you've gotta be solid in the middle. So little tuck arms are heavy and down. We pulled down to pull back, have the upper arms closer to you and then return a little bit in front of you. You don't have to go all the way down and back, sense of rising up through their chest. Sense of pride. If you just think that often you end up in a good spot, keeping it going. I'm exhaling his back. Inhale forward, keeping the wrists straight.

You might even think of gently externally rotating the upper arm, not just the forearm or not even the forearm back. All right, Andy, let's do one back. Lifting the chest and opposition. Glutes are tight. Come just to the side of our body so our arms match where our legs are. Reach further down and we pull back from the upper arm three times backwards. One, come back to the sides of the legs. Here's number two. One more time. Lift the chest. Three, allow the arms to go in front of you a bit.

We'll do two more sets, keeping our face relaxed. Here we go. Exhale, pull. Get behind you way back. Come to the sides of your legs. Check that you haven't rounded shoulders. Exhale, pull back one. It's slow in, lovely to oh my goodness. Here's three and return. Never letting us know how difficult it is. One more. If you're pulling from the hands, it may not feel so tough, but I would challenge you to look at your position two and make it like the strap is on your upper arm. Here's three and return, Huh? Reposition those on the pegs just so you can turn around.

And I'm going to have to move my bar in cause I do not have a blue spring here. If you were on a red, I'd go to blue. If you're on, um, I would move the bar in whatever you were either lighten it up by half a screen or halfway about halfway down. Exactly. Okay, so taking hold of your straps, skin or feet are lined up at the shoulder rest. We could do up to 10 I'm not going to do 10 I'm kinda thinking this of more just lubrication, but in shoulder placement, so shoulders down, chest up, exhaling forward right alongside the ears. Then directly down the side of the body, not behind you. Exhale to up and down. And here's three full control we're anticipating on this one. As the arms go forward, we don't want to feel like the knees are getting out from underneath this.

We'd go with, here's one more up arms or basically straight. Slight Ben would be fine. Let's reverse it. So you again, don't go behind you at all. It's a funny pull there. Then down in front you just turn the palms over up the side heavy. Even with that red half spring again up and two more minimizing, pinching the shoulder blades. Right shoulder is gonna move a lot but they don't have to pinch together.

Was that tomorrow already? Let's go up for tricep. So we have the theremin index finger, not leaning forward. Elbows is why did you can stand it and try to go vertical with the arms. That's nice. I have to point my elbows a little bit far but not much to keeping the entire core working. Let's go for one more separate the hands.

Let them come down and now we're going to want it a little heavier. I think for Biceps, I know you recently had a tendinitis things, so you'd be the judge. I'm just my bar back out and throwing my yellow on onset of a red and a yellow. It's enough. Okay, so this one's kind of a tricky position. I think we want to call up ones wide. The shoulder blades will come together, but we're not trying to pinch them. Bend the elbows up there, Hyatt behind you.

And then see about letting the arms go to straight. The upper arm doesn't move one and then do let the hand come in all the way or as far as you can, I should say before the elbows drop for some people the elbows will start to drop. Then it's just the based on the way they're built a little bit. So keep the elbows down, feel the stretch to the chest. How we will be doing more than six, I don't know how many there. Seven. Good. Should we do 15 or 10 I think 10.

Eight here's nine easy hands. Hand. Here's 10 that'd be like, so not right to do 15 I've done it and I do it, but tonight you can put those away. So we need a side in the back when we're done basically. And you request, yes, there's choice. Dealer's choice. Okay. Uh, alright. Don't forget you said that. Let's do this side plank. Okay. So put the bar up. Um, I go high just wherever your foot bar was and let's come on to that side. Oh one spray, one spray. Most likely or wherever you would have done it for. Um, you're up stretches. Okay.

Yeah. So whatever you're doing, your planks on, this is basically going to be a side plank in preparation for lots of good stuff. So yeah, is about middle. I usually go slightly forward in the middle to tell you the truth, which you deserve. Um, to protect their risk because we are going to go over the bar. Don't start it perfectly at 90. Get yourself relatively comfortable, more over the bar than not, or adjusted if necessary. The, let's say your top leg, your right leg is going to go in front. Okay. Turn a little on its side. And then before you know me, set up as everything come into your, almost into your position already so that when you put the other one in, you don't have to adjust the shoulder, you just are there. You might have to move the carriage a little, but from here, from underneath you inhale slide out, exhale in enough trying to get to the staff.

But that's probably a little far for you. You don't have to go all the way in. And, and here's three of five actually. Yeah, three of five. I'll do the other version next time. One more time. Long Body. Right. Then the lower knee to come down as a brilliant stretch here and I can't remember at the moment was a stretch. Oh yeah.

Okay. Got It. Ready? So the light that was in front, bring it forward without all the banging. Okay. And then it's a waste. You can put your hand down. You don't feel a waste. Oh good, good. Keep. Keep that arm straight. That just pushing away the closer and it is the more you stretch your waist. Well, I shouldn't say that from me. Okay. Further, he feels fabulous up into his Obelix. Okay, so now to get out of it, lift the hips and step down. Yeah.

Woo. It's all here for the first part. Anyway, here we go. The hand is on, I think forward to center, a little top leg stablish shoulder position so that when you're ready to go, you can do so confidently. All right. Here we go. For five in your inner thighs and glutes help. If you rely only on that arm, it's going to be a long road keeping yourself lifted. Imagine what it feels like when you do your plank. Here's number three. If you need to modify it, you can put the back knee down right and the tough leg over the headrest one more and out.

And then the forward light comes closer to the springs and then you just push it out. Finding room to bend the waist, almost getting the thigh down on the carriage. Oh Wow. When you've had enough start to lift the hips, lift the care. Do you use that forward leg to help you and come on down. Okay. Right.

So next one is going to be a version of shoulder push, but using it for back extension. So come back onto your carriage kneeling at the front edge. Huh? You can load it up. But just what I'll say about it is I'm doing it for your upper back ultimately. So if you get going, um, and certainly, yeah, absolutely.

So Andy is going for three springs for this and that. That actually seems totally appropriate to me or you, but it is also possible that it will become more arms and that's okay. As long as you yeah, and feel it though. That's what I would say. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to do, I'm gonna try one and a half. That seems what I would normally do. I'm going back to my green, yellow situation and here we are.

So we're right at the frontage hands are on. Let's go wide. If for me, I like to angle my hands in. That's just the way it's going to work out. Shoulders are down already and then push out with straight arms until your back is flat. And it just a real quick note, my back will not go flat if I stay on my heels. So I use my back extensors and I even pushed my shins into the carriage a little bit to push it out. My hips will hover ever so slightly, but I can then get flat from here. For now, just shoulder push you draw the scapula down, allow the elbows bend to the side of the room until your head almost touches the bar. Reengage from underneath the shoulder blades, you feel your back extensors and then extend the arms fully and then draw back. So for now, even this, not even this, this should be back extensors already. Okay good. And one thing I'll end this is just in general, we have to make sure that we're not going just for back extensors either, right?

Cause then we could flare the ribs and not be protected there. So we've got a lot going on on this one. Oh my favorites. Let's do couple more. Yeah. Neck is as long as can be.

Now on our next time we push start to articulate a little, don't lift off your body or if your legs anymore, but start to look for just a little, won't be a lot like you're just going to angle and then come back and let it go back to level and is shaped from around the shoulder blades. You start to reach your head forward and just going for a little more upper back extension. Not Very exciting to look at that. I think you can feel it and extend back one more time and back. We've got one more thing. They do. Go all the way back out to straight. Leave your arms straight and start to look forward. Keep the carriage where it is.

Some back extension ride in so you will lift will lift. Keep some engagement of the ads and slide back out. Laying it down. Find what feels a little level to you. Keep the arms straight. Start to articulate first, like you're on the mat. Then when you can't do that anymore, you can. You allow the carriage to come in.

Just changing the angle mostly, but continue thinking of reaching up. Keep it there. A little tuck of the pelvis. Just suit on. Overarch and relax. Let's stand off and just do a roll down. Just a rolling inhale and exhale and whatever. If you find something we need to stretch to Andy, let me know.

Rounding over besides everything in here. Exhaling. Huh? Keeping your bodies long. Let's just turn the arms out. I'm putting them up. Lifting up and let go. Doing one more. One more. However you want. Big deep breath in. Yeah.

Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Love this session!!!
Kristi, I loved this workout! Thank you!
Really looking forward to practicing is one. Loved the long box @ the beginning. Gave me an idea to use an aerobic step during my Mat Pilates session ....increased range of motion plus fantastic way to add healthy rotation in! Thank you.
The leg sequence towards the end was great! I have a struggle finding challenging leg exercises! Good stuff. Keep on with the reformer classes! Thank You!
Loved this workout, thank you.
Kristi, I love this workout too. Especially, how you taught the hip stretch. Thank you
Thanks everyone... You have inspired me to go back and see what Andy and I did. I do remember the stretch... Gotta love that stretch... on a good day
Thanks Kristi! Nice shorter class but still challenging.
I LOVED the back extension work you did at the end. I think it is my new favorite exercise!!!!
Love the addition of using the box for stomach work. Would love to see more classes for seniors .
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