Class #4562

Building Upper Body Strength

50 min - Class


Add Hand Weights to your practice in this strengthening Mat workout with Katie Yip. She focuses on building upper body opening and strength. You will flow through a traditional sequence on the Mat and end with a Standing Arm series that will prepare your body for upcoming classes.
What You'll Need: Mat, Hand Weights (2)

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Jun 02, 2021
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All right, welcome, let's get started. So if you have a pair of hand weights, go ahead and grab them, hand weights, water bottles, soup cans, or no weights. This whole mat work can be done without weights as well. The weights just helps enhance what we're supposed to be working on today, which is our upper body strength connected to our powerhouse. Let's get started.

Let's walk to the front of the mat and let's go heels together, toes apart. Pull your lower stomach in. You're gonna lift the frontal hip points forward and up to the ceiling. As you lift them up, you're going to lengthen the back of the thighs down through the heel. You're going to pull up through the inner thighs.

Let's lift the arms up without shifting. The stomach scoops in, you're gonna fold your forearms, fingertip to elbows, press your forearms into one another. Take one leg behind the other and you're going to lift yourself down to the mat as quietly as you can. So you continue lifting the powerhouse as you go down with control. And as one of my teachers say, Brooke Siler, she says, "Control is the name of the game." Take your hands by your hips.

Slide your bottom back and let's lie all the way down onto that mat. Good, going back to that very, very first exercise we went through. What my teacher, Kathy Ross Nash calls, "The tuck and the tilt." You're going to scoop the navel underneath the rib cage, drawing the two hip points towards your navel, and hollowing the front of the body. And you're gonna scoop even lower and deeper than you think. Keep that scoop, the navel anchors down as you start to lengthen your tailbone away in opposition.

So once again, it's a tug of war between your navel and your tailbone, who's gonna win? The stomach pulls up, but the tailbone reaches down. So as you do that, you feel that powerhouse engage completely and it's strapping you into that mat. Everything else is just a distraction. Keep this working as you're gonna lift the arms up to the ceiling with your weights.

Pick the shoulders off the mat. Try to touch the ceiling with your fingers and then reach the arms back and across the room, and only go as much as you can without releasing your powerhouse and your rib cage. The chest stays soft, so maybe you only go to here. Maybe you go all the way down. I care more about what your powerhouse is doing.

Reach out, up to the ceiling, plug the shoulders into the mat, open the chest and lower the arms down. Pull the stomach in, reach out towards your toes. Reach across the room, reach up to the ceiling. Pick the shoulders up, stretch the arms back, and let the weights pull the arms back. So you get that traction and opening in your chest.

Reach out, up to the ceiling, plug the shoulders in and lower the arms down. Open the chest. One more time, hollow the stomach, reach down, lift up, pick the shoulders up. Stretch the arms back. As the arms go back, you deepen the stomach to hold the weight of the arms and the weights.

Soften the chest, soften the ribs, pull the lower stomach in. Reach out across the room, plug the shoulders in and lower the arms down. Let's do arm circles now. Reach out, inhale, lift the arms up, stretch them back. Open the arms out to the side, cover space in the room and bring the hands to the hips.

Inhale, up. And as you circle the arms, you're still working on scooping and anchoring the powerhouse into that mat. Once again, the navel pulls under the ribs as the tailbone and sit bones reach down towards your heel, and lengthened down. Both forces work equally in opposition. Reverse.

Reach out to the side, circle up to the ears, to the ceiling, lower down, two more times. Inhale, open. Think of this as a nice shoulder massage and bring it down. The ribs are anchored. The back is anchored.

The arms are stretching away in opposition and lower the arms down. Excellent work. From there we're gonna slide the arms forward, scoop the stomach in, and you're gonna peel the head off the mat, shoulders, shoulder blades. Now, once again, I don't want you on your shoulders. I want you to come off of your shoulders.

So you're really getting the curl in your upper back. And with the weight, you should be able to come up a little higher than you think. The weights help you get right into that powerhouse. From here double leg pull to pull the knees into your chest. Take your legs up to the ceiling, scoop it in and let's begin pumping for your 100.

Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale, lower the right leg down two, three, four, five. Exhale, up, two, three, four, five. Left leg down, two, three, four, five.

Lift it up, two, three, four, five. Right leg down. Now as the leg goes down, continue to stretch the top of the head up to the ceiling. So the leg goes down, you curl up and over the rib cage, up, two, three, four, five. Inhale, two, three, four, five.

Exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale, keep that right leg where it is. Exhale, reach that left leg across the room. Right leg down, two, three, four, five. Exhale, up, two, three, four, five.

Inhale, down, two, three, four, five. Exhale, up, ooh, this goes right into your stomach. One more set. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five.

Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Hold it and bend the knees. Put the feet down and lie all the way down on the mat. Good. From here we're gonna roll all the way up.

If you have a strap, go ahead and use it. Take your feet under the strap. If you don't, then don't strap, you'll just get to suffer with that one. Lie all the way down onto the mat. Pull the lower stomach in, reach up to the ceiling.

Pick the shoulders up and think of the arm arcs we did. The chest is soft, the lower back lengthened as you reach the arms back. A little more difficult to keep the back anchored as the arms go back. A little more of a challenge here. Reach up.

Plug the shoulders in. The head goes through the window of the arms as you peel the top of the shoulder off. Bottom of the shoulder blade, ribs, scoop your hips behind you as you curl into yourself, as if you're rolling underneath the low ceiling. The head reaches towards the knees and the stomach continues to lift off of the thighs. Now, scoop from the lowest part of your powerhouse as you roll down.

These weights, they weigh 1000 pounds and you're dragging them down from your tree stumps, right? Scoop the stomach in, stretch the back of the legs. Roll all the way down. Pick the shoulders up and stretch it back. Let's go a little faster.

Inhale, come up, exhale, over, stretch. Scoop the stomach in, roll down, press the back of the thighs down. Push the thighs through the heels, articulate down, stretch it back. Don't lose your box. Inhale, up, exhale, over, scoop, curl into yourself.

Roll back. Inner thighs lift, articulate down, stretch it back. Two more times, inhale, up, exhale, over, deepen it. Roll back. Scoop, stretch.

Push through the heels. Articulate down, one more time. Inhale, up, exhale, over, curl it in. Roll back. Scoop deep.

Keep curling into yourself as you roll back and then let the arms go back and stretch. Hands by your sides. Open the chest, press your arms down. Slide the right leg into your chest. Like your single leg pull bend and stretch the leg up to the ceiling.

Anchor the legs. Bring the leg up towards your nose. Push through that left leg. Let's circle it across. Anchor the low back up one, press through those arms and two, and up.

Circle three. Scoop and lift. Circle four, press and stand on that left leg. Circle five, reverse. Open, scoop one.

Open, scoop it two. Open, lift up three. Circle four, only the right leg moves. Circle five, bend the knee and slide the foot back down. Left leg slides into your chest.

Pull the stomach in, stretch it to the ceiling. Anchor the back of the arms, press those weights down. Circle across, around, up, one. Across, around, up, two. Powerhouse scoops in.

Circle three. Circle four. Circle five, reverse. Open, scoop one. Stand on that right heel.

Scoop two. Up three. Stomach in and up, four, open the chest, and five, bend the knee and slide that foot back. Lift the arms up to the ceiling. Roll all the way up.

Take your feet out of the strap. And this is an exercise called California Curl that we do on the Cadillac, but we're gonna take it over onto the mat. Knees and the feet together. You're gonna make fists with your hands. Take your elbows and push your elbows into your knees.

From here you're going to scoop your stomach as you slide the elbows in towards your hip crease, not behind you, right into the hip crease. Now, press those elbows down and in. Keep the elbows into the hip crease as you roll back. Roll back, ooh, that goes right into your stomach. Roll back, hold it.

Press the weights against the thighs. Hold it, hold it, hold it. Keep those elbows into the hip crease. Curl it to the shoulders. Press and scoop deep between the hips, drawing those hip points toward your navel and pulling it back, to your shoulders and press, and curl.

Press, scoop, curl, those elbows keep reaching down, don't let them lift. Elbows into the hips, press. Five more, press. Four, scoop. Three, scoop, whoo.

Two, scoop. One, scoop and slide the elbows all the way up. Let's add on. Let's do a combination. Slide the elbows down by deepening the stomach.

Pull the elbows in, roll back a little deeper this time. Press the weights against your thighs. Bring your upper body forward. Take the whole shape back. Maybe go a little deeper with that, losing the elbows in the hip crease.

Press. Curl it in. Scoop to go back. Ooh, this is terrible. Press, curl it in, scoop to go back, one more time.

Press, curl it in, scoop to go back, and reverse. Come forward, press the arms against the thighs. Leave the arm there as you roll back. Curl, scoop and the whole shape comes forward. Press your arms against the thighs as you roll back.

Deepen that stomach. Curl, scoop as you come forward. Press your arms against your thighs, roll back. Curl and deepen, deepen, deepen, slide the elbows up. Excellent work.

Hold onto your ankles with your weights. Lift your stomach and slide the heels towards your bottom. We're gonna add rolling today. Lift your elbows up. Stomach scoops in.

You're gonna roll back just to your shoulders. Roll up, hold. Catch it with your stomach. Elbows up. Press your lower back into the mat.

Press your lower back into the mat to come up and back, and up, and back. Keep it quiet. I may say you're like a ninja. You have to roll back, roll up without making any noise. Two more times.

Roll back. Exhale, up. One more time. Roll back. Roll up. Hold it.

From here lower your feet down. Reach your arms forward. Roll down to your shoulders. Double leg pull. Right leg in, left leg out.

Let's bend your right arm for boxing single leg pull and switch one, two, three, scoop it in, four, five, upper body off the mat. Six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 10 more, 10, nine, eight. The shoulders don't move at all. Seven, six, the top of the head reaches to the ceiling. Body scoop to change the legs.

Four, three, two, one. Two legs in, grab your ankles and pull your thighs in towards your chest. So you're in that rolling like a ball position. Reach your arms forward today and stretch out. Scoop, bring it in and two, scoop in, three, deepen, four, deepen, five, deepen, six, deepen, seven.

Reach through those weights. Those weights should help you lift up and off your shoulders and in. Let's add on, stretch out, circle around and hold it, curl up, curl up, curl up and bend it in. Inhale, reach out, circle around, hold it, curl up higher, higher, higher, and in. Stretch out, circle, up, up, up, and in.

Stretch out, circle around, curl up, lift up, up, and bend it in. Let the head rest. Whoo. Okay. Reach your arms forward. Lift the upper body up and left leg goes down and change one, two, three, four, five, six, kick your nose, seven, eight, nine, 10.

Stay here, hold it. Reach the right arm back and change one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, and two legs in. Let the head rest. Excellent work. Reach your arms forward.

Slide them along the mat as you roll up. Two legs up to the ceiling. Now with those weights, I really want you off of those shoulders. So you have to really work that upper stomach, curl up even higher. Anchor the shoulder blade as you lower the two legs down.

Scoop up, one. Lower the two legs down. Scoop up, two and reach out across the room. Up three, shoulder blades together, down. Up four, if you want a challenge, lets take the hands behind the head with the weight.

Down, up. Reach. Scoop, lift, reach. Scoop, lift, two more times, reach. Scoop, lift.

Last one, reach. Scoop, lift, bend the knees in. Stay here. Criss-cross with boxing two arm. Right arm bends and look to the right.

Change, one. Look behind you, two. Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 10 more. 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, and rest, sit all the way up. Ooh, that feels great.

Separate your feet. And you're gonna take your feet wider than your mat. So I'm on moon boxes. So just go a little wider if you don't have moon boxes. Let's lift the arms up shoulder height, plug your shoulder in as if you were lying on your wall.

I mean lying on the mat. Lift the arms up to the ceiling without shifting your lower back and your ribs. Stretch up and take the arms back, press back, one. Press back, two, don't move the rib cage. Press back, three.

Lower the arms back. Think chest expansion, press back, one. Press back, two. Press back, three. Lift the arms up shoulder height, plug them in, chin to chest, exhale, curl into yourself.

Press the back of those thighs into the mat. The crown of the head reaches toward your knees and the stomach lifts off of your thighs. Inhale, lift your lower backbones. The tailbone drags you up to the ceiling. Shoulders go down and the head floats up.

Lift the arms up, one, stomach in, two, three, lower the arms back, press back, one, chest expansion, two, three, shoulder blade squeeze together. Lift the arms up, chin to chest, curl in pulling the rib cage back, pulling the waistline back, pulling your hips back as your head reaches towards the mat. Maybe one day it touches. Inhale, roll all the way up. Lift up, one, two, three, take it back.

One, two, three, reach it forward. Chin to chest, exhale, curl in. Scoop your stomach behind you all the way to that back wall behind you. The head goes down. Don't let those arms fall.

I know the weights are getting heavy, but the arms have to stay parallel to the floor. So lift them up. Reach the head towards the mat and sit all the way up tall. Very good. Lower the arms down.

Bring your legs together. Once again, if you have a strap, go ahead and use one and squeeze your heels together. We're gonna go into your rowing series. It's an exercise that we've taken off the Reformer onto that mat. So you're gonna press your weights together and from here, scoop your stomach in, and like you're rowing a boat, you're gonna roll back, the lower back touches the mat, hold, hold, hold, and come back up.

And lift the waist as you roll back, press the thighs into the mat. Hold, hold, hold and come up. Last one, roll back. Scoop in. Hold it, hold it, hold it.

And come up. Let's add on. Roll back, low back touches the mat. Hold it. Open the arms out to the side, press your arms back, and the chest goes through the shoulders as you take the hands to your tailbone.

Interlace your fingers, press your knuckles down on the mat. Roll your shoulders back. Open your chest. Now slide the arms back without shifting your spine. Just the shoulder blades have to come together and lift the triceps up and then do a spine stretch forward, like you just did in the last exercise and bring the head to the knees as you stretch the arms up, up, up.

Get the head to touch your knees. Lift those arms up, stretch it. Now leave your head where it is. Slowly with control, let go, circle your arms out to the side. Keep pulling your stomach back and reach past the toes.

Bring the weights together. Roll right back down into position. Hold it. Open the arms, shoulder blades draw together as you press the arms back. Go forward and up.

Interlace the fingers. Slide the knuckles back. Lift the triceps up, curl into yourself. Stretch those arms, stretch it. Circle. Scoop the navel off the thighs.

Circle forward. Weights press one more time. Roll it back and open. Scoop as you pressed, deepen it, take the hands back. Interlace the fingers and stretch the arms up.

Curl in. Keep lifting the stomach up. Circle around and stretch past those toes and this time, roll all the way up to sit. Take the arms to 90 degrees. Roll your shoulders down the back and lift off your bottom.

Tailbone down. Head to the ceiling. You're going to keep a flat back as you hinge back. Lift those elbows up. Don't let them fall, that's the tendency, elbows up.

Hold it. Lift off your bottom as you come up. Again, lift, I would say like you have tiny little knives under your bottom. Lift off your bottom. My clients know that cue.

Tip back. Feel the chest go up, the tailbone lengthens down, hold it, soft ribs. Open your chest, lift off your bottom. Come up. Ooh. One more time.

Lift up. Tip back. Elbows up, don't let them drop. Hold it there. Hold it, hold it, hold it.

Lift off your bottom and relax. Let's add on. Lift up, tip it back. Extend the arms. Slide the arms back.

Interlace the fingers. Lift the triceps up, curl in. Circle the arms, pulling the stomach off of the thighs. Roll right back up to sit. Lift the low back up to the ceiling as you hinge back.

Lift the navel up. Come forward, extend, scoop the rib cage. Interlace the fingers. Stretch the arms up, ribs up, the head goes down. Circle the arms, scoop the navel back, tailbone under.

One more time. Sit up tall, lift your backbones up. Hinge. Open the chest, reach it forward. Slide the arms back.

Lift the triceps up, curl it in, curl it in, curl it in, circle. Scoop the stomach in and reach it forward. Roll all the way up. We're gonna go what we call rowing from the chest is next. Elbows back like you're elbowing someone behind you.

Lift your back up, inhale, reach out, exhale, down. Lift forward and up. You continue to lift your lower backbones up. Lift the waist. Open the arms, soft elbows, press.

Lift the side body. The head goes up to the ceiling as you bring the arms down and again, inhale, out, exhale, down, lift forward and up. Continue reaching up, up, up. Keep lifting your back. Don't get shorter. Don't sink.

Lift your backbones up. Open, press shoulder blades together. Head to the ceiling. Stomach lifts up all the way. One more time.

Inhale, exhale, lift up, up, up, up all the way up. Lift off your bottom. Lift your lower back. Open, press, shoulder blades squeeze together as the chest goes up. The head goes up, the arms go all the way down.

Flex your ankles. Spine stretch forward bringing the head to the knee. Bring the hands all the way to the heels. Stretch the weights forward as you roll all the way up, like you're rolling up against the wall, like we did in week one. Open the chest, reach forward and up.

Open the arms, press, lift your back up. Get taller. Every chance you get, you get a little taller off your sit bones and again, curl it in, reach it forward. Scoop as you roll up, stack the vertebra. Shoulders down to the hips.

Head comes up, reach forward and up. Make a little more length in your lower back. Press, grow tall. Head to the ceiling, tailbone lengthens down. One more time, make it your best.

Curl in, reach forward. Scoop, articulate all the way up. Lift forward and up, up, up. Open, press, lift your lower back. Lift your side body.

Lift the chest up, how tall can you get? I'm five, two. I'm trying to be six foot five, and lower all the way down. Excellent. From here go ahead take your feet out of the strap.

Let's lie down for your tick tock. Let's have the palms face up. So it's like that spread eagle exercise we did on the wall last week. Two legs up to the ceiling. Press the arms into the mat and let's take the two legs over to the right.

Anchor that left shoulder in opposition. Scoop into that left rib cage to bring your legs back home. Over to the left. Anchor that right shoulder, press it on the mat. Scoop into the right rib cage.

Draw it back home. Over to the right. Scoop and center. Over to the left. Come back, right rib, waist, hip over to the right.

Come back, left rib, left waist, left hip and bend your knees. Let's sit all the way up. We're gonna go into your saw. Separate your legs once again, wider than your mat. Let's take your arms to a T.

Lift your back and you're going to twist to the right. Reach that left hand past the right foot and stretch. From here lift your right arm up. Lift that tricep up. Now roll your right shoulder back.

Roll you're right rib back. Roll your right waist back, but keep pulling the weights apart. Reach through that back arm to roll up. Sit up as tall as you can and turn to center. Lift your back, twist to the left.

Scoop as you reach forward and down. The right hand goes to the left pinky toe. Lift that left arm up. Lift the tricep up. Now roll the left shoulder back.

Roll the left rib beck. Roll the left waist back. Continue to lift those arms up behind you. Roll up in the twist and center. A little faster, twist.

Exhale, reach, scoop into that left side. Roll up and center. Twist, scoop, reach. Roll up and center. Twist, scoop, reach.

Roll up and center. Twist, scoop, reach, roll up and center, and rest. Excellent. Bring your legs together. Flip over onto your stomach and let's take the two arms in front of you. And you're gonna take your hands on top of your weights, thumbs and fingers together.

Forehead down, squeeze your legs together. Now you're gonna think of that diaper exercise we did the very first week, where the stomach was lifted off the mat and the tailbone was lengthening down. Hold this position. And you're going to slide your weights forward. So you're gonna shrug your shoulders up to the ears.

Now do the total opposite. Slide the weights down as the shoulders go down in towards your hips. Shrug the shoulders up to the ears. Slide those weights forward, the stomach remains off the mat. You have that little tunnel underneath your navel and draw the shoulders down the back.

One more time. Shrug the shoulders up to the ears. Get that elongation through the entire back body and draw the shoulders down the back. Now stay here, press down on your weights. Continue to draw the shoulders down the back as you lift the back of the neck.

Lift the powerhouse as you pull your chest forward and up. Lift the ribs and you're gonna press down on your weights. As you lift the chest up, feeling how the shoulder blades draw together. Press down to lift the chest up. Press down, lift the chest up.

And if you're lucky, you get this amazing stretch in your entire powerhouse. Up, up, up. Now, right here scoop your stomach in and slide the weights away. Keeping your navel off that mat. Reach out, reach out, reach out and lengthen all the way back down.

And again, shrug the shoulders up to the ears. Draw them down towards your hips. Press down as you lift the back of the neck. You feel the navel travel through your waist. The navel travels through the rib, and the navel goes through your chest.

And the top of the head lengthens to the ceiling. As your shoulder blades draw down, back and together, hold it. Scoop the stomach in and reach out. The thighs reach back as your head and hands go forward so you find that opposition as you lengthen down, one more time. Shrug the shoulders up to the ears, draw them down the back, press down, the back of the neck lifts.

Stomach off the mat. The chest goes forward. You feel the bottom tips of the shoulder blades pull down, back and together. You continue to lift the rib cage up through the chest. Press on the weights to lift up.

Shoulder blades together, hold it there. Scoop the stomach in and reach out. Keep your stomach off the mat. Press down on those weights. Press down on those weights.

Get a little longer. Stretch back of the hips and go back down. Excellent, leave the weights where they are. Hands under your shoulders. Push yourself up.

Sit back on your heels and stretch your back out in opposition. from here, come back onto your stomach and let's take the weights in front of you. Palms will be flat. Zip your legs together. Now, turn the palms to face one another.

Press your weights down. Find that same diaper stomach off the mat. The tailbone is down. You're going to bend your elbows, press your knuckles down and start to lift the back of the neck. Lift the chest and stretch.

Shoulder blades together, we call this pulling straps. Shoulder blades together, now hold it there. Lift those arms up. Roll the shoulders back. Try to get the triceps to draw towards one another.

And now bend your elbows. Press your knuckles down and scoop as you lengthen the arms forward. A lot of upper back work there. And again, stomach off that mat, that stays off the whole time. Slide the elbows back.

Press the knuckles down as you lift the back of the neck. Lift the chest and pull your hip points forward and up. And feel your powerhouse lift your chest up. Lift those arms up if you can. Arms up.

Ooh, this is awful. Arms up, arms up, shoulder blades together. Scoop your stomach in, press your knuckles down and lengthen all the way back down, and again. Press. Nose forward.

Chest up. Stretch back, stay here. Now watch that the arms are not wide. I want your hands to hug your hips. Now roll your elbows back.

Hold it there. Lift the arms up, one. Up, two. Don't let them go to the side. Three, four, upper body up, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

Stay here. Flip the palms to face the floor. Reach out to a T. Pull the arms up and over the hips. Chest goes up.

Open your chest, lift the arms up, take it back to a T. Arms up, pull them up and over the hips. Stomach off the mat. Up, up, up with those arms. One count can get very heavy.

Out to a T. Lift up, pull it back, chest up, now stay there. Beat one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Up with the arms. Reach them out, reach them forward.

Hover and lengthen back down. Excellent work. Leave the weights where they are. Sit back on your heels and stretch out your back in opposition. Roll all the way up.

Let's grab the weights again and come onto your knees for your chest expansion, thigh strip. I learned this from my teacher, Kathy Ross Nash, and I love this variation. It's so much fun. You're going to reach the knees down and forward and watch that your hips aren't back. So you wanna be in a straight line from shoulder to hip, to the knee.

Without letting anything shift, lift the arms up shoulder height. Zip up through the inner thighs and you're going to hinge back, reaching your knees forward and down as the inner thighs pull up and back. Hold this position. Take the arms back. Just like we did in your pull straps.

Now look to the right, nothing changed, center. To the left, center, and lift the arms up as you return. And again, stomach pulls up, hinge back, hold it Take the arms back. Open the chest. Look left.

Look right, stretch your arms, center and come all the way up. Again, hinge back, hold it. Push, reach for the floor. Look right. Look left.

Look center and lift. You'd have to go very far to feel the work here and hinge back, shoulder blades together. Stretch those arms. Look left, stomach in. Right, center and come all the way up.

Excellent. Let's go ahead, take a seat. And you're gonna go ahead put your feet underneath the strap. Feet will be hip distance apart and we're going to lie all the way down to that mat. Reach the arms up and stretch. We call this rolling in and out.

Lift the arms up. Roll up. From here roll back down. Bend your elbows. Reach the arms over the head.

Lift the arms up, articulate up. Roll it back. Elbows wide. Stretch the arms over the head. Arm comes up.

Roll up. One more time. Roll it back. Stretch it back. Arms come up.

Roll up, let's reverse. Roll it back. Reach. Bend your elbows. Reach it down. Lift your head and come up.

Roll back. Stretch. Bend. Roll up. One more time.

Roll it back. Reach back. Bend, reach, articulate all the way up. From here bring your legs together. Take your feet out of your strap.

We're gonna go into your teaser one, assistant teaser one. Lift the arms up, stomach in and roll all the way down to the mat. Reach back, head comes up. Roll up. Roll back.

Reach back, arms up. Articulate up, one more time. Roll it back. Reach. Arms up, roll up.

Extend the right leg out. Squeeze your legs together. Scoop your stomach in, roll down to the mat. Reach back, roll up for your toes. Roll it down.

Reach back, roll up and lift. Roll it down. Reach back, roll up. Hold it there. Scoot your stomach in, extend two legs out.

Balance in your full teaser here. Bend the right knee. Put it down. Roll back down. We're on the other leg and come up.

Excellent. Roll back. Try not to let the arms fall. The arms and thighs stay parallel the whole time and back, and reach, and come up. Hold it there. Now we gotta do two legs.

Two legs out, hold it. Leave your legs right where they are. Open your chest. Roll down to the mat. Reach it back.

Roll up. Reach through the inner thighs. The weights will help you come up. Scoop as you roll back, lengthen, arms come up, up, up, up, up, up, open the chest. Roll it back and reach.

Arms come up, up, up and hold it there. Balance. Bend your knees, feet go down. Whoo. We just did our first teaser, guys. Go ahead, grab your ankle.

Lift your feet up. Soles of the feet together. Squeeze the knees against the arms. Push the arms out against the legs so you find that opposition and let's go for your seal. Roll back, press your lower back into the mat.

Press it into the mat to come up. Press the back into the mat. Press it to come up and back, and up, and back, and up. Two more times. Back and up, on the next one lets roll back, roll up the stand.

Roll back. Take your hands out and stand all the way up. Lower the arms down. And let's go ahead, you're gonna step off your mat onto a wood platform. It is easier if you have like a flatter platform for balance.

We're gonna go into your arm weight series today and you're going to bend the knees and have them slightly soft first. From here you're gonna lift the pelvis up. Those two hip points you're gonna pull up and you're gonna feel the tailbone lengthen down. From there you're going to press through the heels as you zip up the back of the calves, the back of the knees, the back of those upper inner thighs. So you feel your two legs become one strong leg.

Hold this position here. Make fist, elbows in. Without letting anything shift you're going to reach your arms up shoulder height, pull the stomach in, stretch those legs. So automatically I feel the back of my legs working quite a bit to support me. Shoulder blades draw together and you're gonna curl.

The arms are only gonna go to 90 degrees. Now stay here, squeeze your shoulder blades together. Keep them together as you extend the arms out and curl, these weights, think of them, they weigh 1000 pounds. Curl in 1000 pounds. Now squeeze your shoulder blades together.

as you extend the arms. Pull the ribs into the back of the body to support the weight of the arms. Curl it in, shoulder blades together, scoop and press out, press, press away those 1000 pounds. Curl in 1000 pounds. The elbows stay lifted.

They don't fall down, right? That's the tough part. They wanna drop here, I want them to stay up. And curl. Open the chest, shoulder blades together and press.

Zip up through those inner thighs and curl. Whoo, they get a little heavy don't they? And press, and curl, Scoop, press and curl. Stay right here. Nothing shifts in the body.

Open your elbows out to 45 degrees. Shoulder blades together, soft ribs, stomach in, and press. As the arms extend you feel the bottom tips of the shoulder blades pull together and curl. Shoulder blades draw together, chest is open, collarbones broad and press away 1000 pounds. And curl in, scoop, and feel the top of the head to the ceiling as the tailbone's down.

So as the arms are moving, you're still making length through your lower back and length through your waist, and length through the top of the head. And press. Squeeze those shoulder blades together. Curl it in. Two more times, press.

Open that chest. Curl in, curl in, one more time. And press, zip up through those inner thighs. Curl in, curl in. Hold it there, bring the elbows forward.

Lower the elbows in towards your waist. Lower the arms down. Squeeze everything into your waistline and you're gonna flick the wrist back. Curl only the wrist and try to get your pinky to reach for the inside of your arm, but the elbow stays straight. Now keep curling the wrist.

Curl the elbow. And from here extend the arm, but keep that wrist curling in. The wrist stays curled. The wrist stays curled until the arms are straight, and then you flick the wrist back. Curl just the wrist.

Keep those elbows straight, then curl the elbow. And as you curl the elbow, the wrist is still pulling into your form. So it's a nice work in that forearm. Whoo, a lot of work. And you're gonna keep curling the wrist as you extend the arm, and then flick that wrist back.

Curl. Now curl the elbow, lift the waist, lift the low back, always getting taller and press, and extend the wrist back. Just the wrist curls, just the elbow curls. Scoop that stomach in, lengthen that tailbone down. Extend the elbow and flick the wrist back.

Whoo, shake it out a little bit. From here we're gonna go into your triceps lift. From palms face forward, lift the arms back, hold it there. Take the arms a little higher up. So this is just like how we did it when we were doing our pulling straps and T-pull on the mat.

You're going to bend your elbows just to 90. So from there lift the elbows up and extend the arms back. Lift your elbows as you bend. Try to get the triceps to reach for the ceiling. Lift those elbows, lift those elbows, lift those elbows.

Extend and press. Elbows lift as you bend, keep them up, open the chest, and press. Lift the elbows as you bend, lift them up, up, ooh it gets tiring, up, up and press. And bend, elbows up, up, don't let them fall. Lift those elbows up to the ceiling and press.

Now stay there. Press back, one, two, three, soft ribs, four, five, zip-up through those inner thighs, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, and lower the arms down. Whoo, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out. We're gonna go into your side bend. Bend your right arm and stretch it up to the ceiling.

Arm and the ear are glued together. You're gonna reach up to the ceiling and side bend over to the left and just let the left arm just dangle down. And as you side bend be mindful that you don't shift, right? So the pelvis stays anchored, it's just the upper body side bending away. Stretch.

Reach that weight across the room. Let the left arm dangle down. Open that side body, anchor through that right hip, and now reach out, the right hip drags you up. Bend your elbow and take it back. Bend the left arm, reach it up to the ceiling.

Arm and the ear are glued together, lengthen up and then side bend over. Reach out across the room, stretch over. Press down through the heels. Reach out. Open that side body.

Reach out, reach out, reach out, reach out to come up Get a little longer and bend the elbow and change. Right arm reaches up. Lift up, lengthen that right side. Punch the ceiling and stretch your knuckles across the ceiling as you go over. Now, as you go over, soften the ribs, so you're not arching your back, and lengthen the tailbone under.

Reach out across the room. Now open that right shoulder so you're not closing your chest. Reach out. Open the hip. Now stay here, anchor through the lower body.

Bend your top arm and reach for your ear. Try to get that left ear to reach for your shoulders. You go a little deeper in that side bend. Open that side body up, extend the arm, get a little longer. Squeeze the legs together and the right hip drags you up.

Ooh, that feels so nice and bend the arm, let's change. Left arm reaches up, punch the ceiling, lift, lengthen that side body then reach across the room. The right arm dangles down as you open that side body. Soft ribs. Scoop the stomach in.

Reach out, reach out, reach out. Now, go a little further. Bend your elbow, grab the ear. Go a little deeper. Reach that elbow across the room without shifting your hips.

Extend the arms, stretch. Left hip drags you all the way up. One more time. You can do this one forever, this one feels so nice. Reach up, stretch over.

Scoop it in. Zip up through your legs, your legs are your stable base. Bend your elbow, grab the ear. Go a little deeper. Let that left hand reach for your knee.

Open that side body, extend the arm, zip up to come up. Last time, left arm up, reach, stretch over. Zip up through those inner thighs. Go a little farther across the room. Bend your elbow, grab the ear.

Get the right ear to reach for your shoulder. Deepen that stretch. Extend it. Zip up and come up. Bend the elbows in.

We're gonna go into what we call the bug next. So I'm gonna come onto my mat. I'm gonna turn sideways, separate your feet so they're hip distance and parallel. Pull the lower stomach in and you're gonna bend your knees forward and then you're going to hinge from your hip into a flat back position. So my neck, the back of my neck is long and my spine is totally flat.

I could put like a dinner tray on my back. From here you're gonna press your knuckles together. Scoop the stomach in, put weight in the heels and you're gonna lift the arms up. Hold it, shoulder blades together. And press your knuckles together and lift the elbows up.

Squeeze your shoulder blades together. Pull your lower stomach off your thighs and press. And squeeze your shoulder blades together and press, and up, open the chest, stomach in. And press and up, and press it, and up, hold it, and press it. Let the head drop and straighten the legs as you roll all the way up.

Let's go into your boxing arms. Same position. Bend your knees. Hinge from the hip into your flat back position. Pull your stomach in and bring the weights in front of your chest.

From there right arm reaches out, left arm goes back, and change. Reach, reach, center, reach, stay flat, center. Reach, shoulder blades together, center. Reach, center, reach, center, reach, center, squeeze those shoulder blades together. Stomach in.

Reach, center. Let the arms drop, head goes down. Stretch the legs as you roll all the way up and open your chest. Back to the floor, heels together, toes apart. And you're gonna press the weights together and you're going to zip up, like we did in your rowing today.

And press, the weights go down as the top of the head lengthens to the ceiling and zip it, two. And press and zip up three, press those weights together. Feel the shoulder blades draw together. I'm really pushing my weights together. And press and zip it up, and press, let's add the lift of the heels.

Press, lift up. Take the weights up to the ceiling and stretch. Leave you're head on the ceiling as you lower the heels down, lower the arms down. Zip it up. Zip up through the inner thighs.

Reach for the ceiling. Leave your head on the ceiling as you lower down. One more time. Zip it up, up, up. Now open the arms, lower the arms down for your chest expansion.

Just how we did the thigh stretch. Press your arms back. Look right, look left, look center, lift the arms up. Press, arms go behind you, shoulder blade squeeze together, look left. Look right, look center, lift the arms up.

And press, left. Shoulder blades together. Right, center. Lift the arms up, one more time, press it. Shoulder blades together, right.

Left. Center. Lift the arms up and lower them down. And that's it for week three. Thank you so much for joining me.

Excellent, excellent work.

Refine Your Technique: Push the Limit


1 person likes this.
Thank you! Another awesome (sweaty) class. :D Looking forward to next week.  
1 person likes this.
Pen S Keep it up Pen :)
1 person likes this.
Thank you. Very much enjoyed the class. Felt the control. Looking forward to next week. 
Natasha R
1 person likes this.
Wow! That was great!!! Looking forward to doing that again! Thanks Katie!!
Federica A
1 person likes this.
Hi Katie Yip how much were the handweight? I had to bottles of water, 1 litre each (around 1 kg each), but felt I couldn't get wide enough movements with my arms...
1 person likes this.
Nathan P It gets better every week :) Keep it up!
Natasha R Thank you for taking class!
2 people like this.
Federica A My hand weights were 1lb each - I will private message you regarding arm position!
Tess S
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great to see your good class with hand weights...please do more with weights! as you know the research shows to continually build muscle strength we need to use weight ... this force on the muscles creates more muscle and bone.  
1 person likes this.
Great strength class! Katie Yip thank you!
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