Class #4581

Reformer Jump 2

50 min - Class


The Jump Board is back and this time you will work on balancing your asymmetries with this Reformer workout by Sarah Bertucelli. She uses unilateral work to allow you to build awareness between the two sides of your body. It's a full-body class that will have you energized for the rest of your day.
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box), Jump Board

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Jun 22, 2021
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Good morning. Welcome to Pilates Anytime. I'm so happy to be here on Monday morning, and today we're going to do some jumping. I am excited about what I have to offer today. So it will be a sweet combination between jumping and stretching and working. And so I hope that you enjoy what I have to offer.

We do have three springs on, I have three springs right now so slightly lighter than a full load of springs for my footwork because I intend to do some exploration with single leg work and range of motion. So you might go to two and a half springs, two reds and a blue if that's more suitable for you. We do have the jump board on and I do not intend to use the box today. So let's lie right down on our reformer and get started. So this morning I would like to take a few moments to settle in.

So I'm feeling myself grounded on my reformer centered. My feet are resting so that my middle of my foot is on the top of the jump board, and I'm quite relaxed there. Turn the palms to face up so that the chest is open and let's all breathe in together (inhales) and breathe out together. (exhales) Feel your head relaxed breathing in, breathe out feel your rib cage relaxed down. Breathing in and breathing out feel your pelvis in a nice neutral position.

Prepare to move inhale through your nose with an exhale round through your low back lifting your pelvis a little bit using pure abdominals, and then lower your pelvis back down. Repeat. You can keep your palms up if you'd like exhaling to flex the spine grounding the low back and then the pelvis down or you can turn your palms down if that's better. Exhale, grounding your low back pure abdominals feel that and lower back down. This time we go all the way up.

Exhale abs first backs of the legs. Chip in as we curl ourselves up to that high pelvic curl placed, inhale (inhales) and exhale to lengthen and lower down one vertebra at a time inhale prepare (inhales) exhale, curl your spine up, one vertebrae at a time. Abs, hamstrings, inner thighs spiraling in of your thigh Bone. Inhale and exhale. Lengthen your spine as you lower down, articulating through each and every vertebra.

Repeat, exhale to peel up (inhales) During that inhale lift your pelvis a little higher, feel the spiraling in, and exhale to peel down. We'll do one more pelvic curl please. Inhale (inhales) and exhale to curl up. (inhales) Inhale and exhale to curl down. Beautiful.

Hug the knees into your chest stretching your low back for a quick moment. Set your legs up at a tabletop position, hold the frame or the pegs with your hands whatever feels better. Spine twist, inhale twisting the legs one direction, exhale, pull back to center. Repeat. Inhale to twist the other way.

Exhale back to center. Inhaling to twist. Feel yourself really rolling onto one side of the pelvis, but also really keeping the opposing shoulder blade grounded. (exhales) One more time each direction, please. Don't be shy about using your arms to help you, but make sure they're not riddled with tension.

Come back through to center gently hug the legs into your chest. Set your legs once again at tabletop arms to the ceiling, inhale, exhale lift the head and chest nice abdominal curl here, chest is open at the top, inhale to lower down, exhale to lift (exhales) inhale down. This time we hold exhale to lift right into our single leg. Stretch one leg in one leg out. Now because of the jump board you may have to send your leg a little higher than usual.

That's okay. Be mindful of your legs. Gliding through center, keeping that lift, gliding through center meaning they graze by one another, the legs. Just breathe, breathe. Now moving into a twisting action, but I'd like you to use your opposite hand on the inside of your knee to push and twist.

So I didn't put my hands behind my head, instead I'm pushing into the inside of the leg and simultaneously pushing back with the leg to just create a little more power there. One more time on each side, please. Two legs into your chest, lower your head down, settling for footwork here. So the feet are on the bar or they're not on the bar they're on the jump board, aren't they? Press your legs all the way out to straight and be here for a couple moments really settling in, feeling length through your spine, parallel alignment with the legs, and try to feel that your feet are pretty high up on your jump board because what I'm hoping for is that you can come all the way in and keep your feet grounded and then press out again.

(exhales) So coming all the way in keeping your heels grounded. Now, if you're not able to come all the way in with the flat feet on the bar only come in as far as you're able to or adjust your feet so they're higher up and maybe the toes are hanging off a little bit because I want the heels to stay down as you go out and in. Try to feel that the footprint of both feet remains the same as you travel in and as you travel out. Now listen up. We hold the down position for just a moment, you press out with just one leg gently come into feet are on the platform, press out with the other leg.

So I'm doing like a marching action almost, and what I'm trying to do is keep my other leg, the one that's not on the jump board completely as it was. So as I come in the feet just sort of naturally reconnect to the platform and press out. So I'm changing each time in case that wasn't crystal clear. We're gonna play with this in various different positions just to try to feel the difference between your two legs and maybe iron out some of those imbalances, right? One more time here.

(exhales) Two feet are on the platform, press out, walk your feet down, so they feel like they're directly underneath you. Hollowing the belly inward, nice and strong through the core here. Now, bend your legs only as far as your heels will stay down. So it's quite small. Press out. Do that again but allow the heels to lift just a little bit, so you're stretching through the backs of the ankles, press the heels down to press out.

Repeat. So bend heels down. They lift a little and you press down. Do that two more times, bend, they lift a little and you press, we're really loosening up those ankles a little bit here. That is crucial for proper jumping.

Stay, lift your heels up, so you're in your toe position pressing through all five metatarsal as we bend in and out. So moving here, you can go at a faster pace if that suits you or you can really calculate what you feel between your two legs and try to really balance things out. So the same thing we did from the flat position, you'll come all the way in, and you'll press out with just one leg, two feet on the platform change, so it's like a prancing action almost, but if you just keep the shape of the leg then you'll know exactly where to put the foot each time you change. Yes, one more time. Two feet on the platform, press out, lower your heels, bring your heels together, flex your ankles and rotate out as much as you can here.

So you wanna make sure that if you practice that idea flexing back on the heels and rotating, you're using just the rotators to create that position, and it shouldn't add torque to the knee. So heels are together. Bend the knees only as far as the heels can stay down, squeeze the inner thighs, feel strength through the core, inhale (inhales) and exhale when it makes sense. Now, just like we did in the other position, I would like you to allow your heels to lift when they need to. Just a stretch a little through the feet press the heels down and press out.

Repeat. They lift a little and you press out. So you're keeping the energy of a connection of the heel to the platform but it's not staying down, yeah. Do that one more time, please. (exhales) Now, lift the heels up, bring your feet a little closer together, so you can keep your heels connected.

We bend in and we press out. So keeping the heels connected, feel those inner thighs, feel the rotators, feel the power of both legs. Same thing we've been doing. You'll bend in, you'll let one foot lift as you press out and you change. See if you can without looking each time return to two feet on the platform heels together and then they separate, yes.

(exhales) So we're just alternating legs a few times. One more time on each side here, trying to feel the difference between your two legs. (exhales) Two feet on the platform, press out, lower your feet flat in neutral, walk your feet out as wide as they can go on your jump board in a turnout position, bend the knees in. I want the heels to stay connected. So if you need to move your feet now so that your heels are connected and your toes are hanging off, that's fine.

Go for a little bit of an opening through the hips, so you might push those thighs open a little more, and then we keep that sensation as we press out, and we control in. I want you to really think about keeping the rotation from your hip joints. We've been working on that throughout this series. So see if you can revisit that feeling and really be sure that you're initiating from the back of the hip rather than the top of the quad. Never be shy about using your hands to help you just make adjustments or feel what you're doing.

One more time here, please. And then here you're gonna flex your ankles for me, rotate into internal rotation, bend your knees only as far as your heels stay down, stretch to straight, flex your ankles, rotate back to external. Bend in, repeat that. Flex internal bend, flex external in. Two more.

Internal bend, notice if one likes to move more than the other one leg, one hip, and just notice if you feel different feels. Yes, stay here. Walk your feet closer together then we're gonna just take both legs over to the right, so my left leg is going to be the standing leg when I take both feet over to the right. I wanna keep my weight on my left foot, lift the other foot, and just sort of let it hang somewhere on the leg. Maybe it's on the thigh.

Maybe it's on the lower leg. It doesn't matter. And we're just gonna bend the knee a little bit the standing leg and press out. My pelvis is endeavoring to stay pretty neutral, and I'm trying to open up and stretch a little bit my side body, my outer quad perhaps. Perhaps my outer glute, just little movements here.

It's not a huge bend. It's a little bend. Good. One more time, please. (exhale) And then take your two feet on the platform, we walk to the other side, and then you're gonna keep your right leg as your standing leg, your other leg just kinda rest somewhere. Feel this, feel the idea of slight internal rotation of that standing right leg as you bend the knee just a little bit and you press out. Simultaneously I'm energetically sending my pelvis in the direction of the right.

So I'm sending my pelvis one way and my foot's the other way. Just do that one more time. Little bend's, good. And then two feet are on the platform, we bend the legs in. You give yourself a quick little hug here and then come on up to a sitting position.

We're gonna move into our reverse knees stretch. So one blue spring for that, please, okay? Take all those other springs off for now. Come on to your knees. Knees and feet together for my version here, take your hands on the frame.

Notice there's some space against my knee from the shoulder rest. So my knees are not right up against that region if you will. Lean into the arms round through your low back pull, oops, I forgot to remove a spring. That's happened many times to my clients. I'll fix it right now. Here we go.

Lean into the arms around through the low back and pull in. The goal is to stay rounded through your low back and move just the legs. This is pure hip disassociation my friends, lots of strength required in the abdominals. (exhales) Breathing and moving. (exhales) One more time.

(breathing deeply) Gently bring the carriage all the way to rest. Take a moment in child's pose and then bring yourself upright. Let's all move off to the right, so you're gonna move over to the right, so your right foot is down on the floor, your left knee is on the reformer bed here, and then we're gonna lean into the reformer to try to feel some stretch once again in that side body. Hollowing up through the belly, hold that shape, take the other leg up, we pull forward, and we're in our twisting reverse knees stretch. So the focus is lifting up here for me.

I'm really leaning into my left arm, and I'm lifting up through my waist here, and only my left leg is moving in my mind, yes, the other one's just following along. Last one here. Bring the carriage all the way into rest. Gently change to the other side. So I've got my knee lined up with the edge of the reformer carriage.

I'm gonna lean into my right hand, I'm stretching through my right side body. And then when I feel ready here, I bring the other leg up, lean into the arm rounding up. We pull in and we reach back. (breathing deeply) So I really like to think of this as an active stretch. I'm in rotation of my spine, and as I slide my leg in and out, I'm really working into those tight spots on my moving leg which is my right leg here.

Go ahead and gently rest that. And let's come to the knees. The toes are off at the very back edge here. Reach forward and retrieve your straps, holding the ropes above the buckles. So here just sit for a couple moments, grounding down both sides of your pelvis on your feet, straight elbows just in front of your body, hollow your belly in exhale to press back or pull back really.

Think of opening the heart always when you do chest expansion. At the end of the move try to draw shoulders down a little bit from your back body, but be mindful that you're not mistakenly pulling down with the front body. Opening the heart, chest expansion is the focus, breathing and moving, please, my friends. One more. (breathing deeply) Now we're gonna make a little change here.

I'd like you to put your straps on your wrists. So the straps are on just the back of the risks here, and you're going to kind of the back of the hand first. So set your elbows, so they're just in front of your body and your palms are facing each other right now. Same thing here, hollowing the belly in, keep your butt print really, your hips are grounded on your feet. We're just gonna make external rotation, and then we come back together.

It's almost like a seal clapping here. We're gonna externally rotate, keeping the elbows close to the body, but not jammed into the body. Find that external rotation and hold here. Now just look around with your eyes, your neck, roll your head around. That should actually feel like an active stretch here.

Come back to center with your head. Try to go a little deeper with your external rotation lifting your heart slightly looking up. And one more time a little deeper looking up and gently come to rest there. So keeping the same arrangement with the straps on your wrist, we do that with straight arms. So you're gonna take your arms out to the side, and now we're working for neutral alignment with the legs.

Again, grounded hips to a feet, if you will, glutes to feet. look at your left arm or right arm, it doesn't matter which one, but look at one arm and try to feel that the bend of the elbow is facing forward. The bicep is facing forward and the point of the elbow is straight back. Hold that shape and think of reaching out through the fingertips spreading collarbones and shoulder blades. Hold, look at your other arm.

Now absorb the weight with the other arm and make that same arrangement. So the elbow point is back. The crease is forward. The bicep is forward, you're gonna stretch and reach. Look forward. See if you can stretch and reach a little more.

Take your arms back a little. So you don't work, you're not moving very much here, but you're doing a lot, aren't you? Stretch and reach. So shoulder to shoulder, you're reaching, and reaching kind of on the diagonal forward. Now, try looking around holding that shape.

You don't need to move it, you can but you don't need to. Quite powerful without a lot of movement and gently rest that. I know my shoulders are nice and awake right now. So moving into some jumping, let's put the headrest up to the high position and beyond a red and a blue spring, perhaps, or you can adjust as needed. You could be on one red or you could be on two reds, but I like one and a half for this.

I do intend to do a fair bit of single leg jumping, so press your legs out to straight. Feel again, your core nice and supportive here. Really feeling that support and working on it. With your two legs straight, let's try just a couple of mock jumps where you bend only as far as you can keep your heels down. And then when you're ready, you'll start jumping there.

So one of the reasons it's really nice to have the head rest up is because you can actually see where your feet are at times. And so I'm gonna encourage you to look occasionally and make sure that you're grounding, and that you're kind of trying to align yourself. Let's hold the right leg jumping for a little while. The other leg is just a tabletop. So we've got parallel jumping.

Now you're gonna turn out land, press out, come to parallel. Repeat that. So we turn out land and parallel. Do that again. One more time (breathing deeply) and then we'll change legs. So other leg jumping in parallel for a little while just getting the flow here really trying to land through the foot toe ball heel, and then go into turnout and parallel, yeah.

So that's the first piece there. And you may stick with only doing that, but I'm gonna offer a little more next. One more time. (breathing deeply) Now change right leg, land press out, go to turnout, go to parallel. Think about slight internal rotation and then back to parallel, slight internal rotation, parallel.

Now it's like you're making a rainbow internal land in parallel, land in turnout, in parallel, across, and parallel, and turnout. So I'm not moving my foot very much but I am letting my foot kind of move around the board a little bit and I'm not shaping it too terribly much. One more time, all the way through. So I'm in turnout and it's okay if you're on a different spot than me, and now I'm internal and parallel change legs, whoop. All right, so play with that internal. Here we go.

We turn inland. We are parallel. We turn in. Now, it's a small inward rotation. I don't want you to feel your joints unhappy here or don't even do the internal rotation. Try putting all three together.

So we go to parallel, turn out, and then back to neutral, and then internal. So my foot is moving a little bit around in space. I'm letting it go a little bit across my body and then neutral, and then a little bit out to the side when I'm in turnout, so play with that. It should feel good remember that. (breathing deeply) And just one more time all the way through here, (breathing deeply) come back to neutral, and two legs jumping.

(breathing deeply) Go into a wide turnout position and then neutral. Two legs, wide turnout and neutral, and try to get those heels to land each time. Maybe jumping a little bigger, maybe not, up to you. Just two more here. And one more time please. (breathing deeply) And two legs land gently come all the way in.

Scooch just a little bit away from your shoulder rests, hug your knees into your chest for a brief moment. Go ahead and put your head rest flat here, retrieve your straps, and put your feet in your straps, please. (breathing deeply) Press your legs all the way out to straight, you can point your feet or flex your ankles, whatever suits you. I'm gonna go with flexed ankles for now because we'll do so much work with the calves when we jump. Take the legs up and take the legs down, (exhales) inhale up and exhale down.

So I'm in turnout position. My heels are together, My legs are pretty straight. We're gonna move into circles. I'm gonna point the feet so I can play with range. How wide do you feel comfortable going?

Stay in external rotation here and see if you can try to keep your pelvis very still but also enjoy a little more range today. One more circle, (breathing deeply) reverse direction. So we're gonna come around in the bottom position, up through center and around in the bottom position, you can go low if you want, if your body says it's okay and you can support, feel free to work that range of motion a little bit more. One more time, please my friends. Now, here's where we play a little bit, find neutral alignment with the legs and find the place where it feels like you can kind of rest a little bit on the spring.

Pretty easy to be here, find your right foot and place it. Hold the strap, place it just on top of your shin somewhere. So I'm in a little bit of an open cross-legged position but my foot is on my shin. Now, I'm gonna focus on my straight leg which is my left leg. Turn the knee in a little bit and feel this shape, and start to press slightly down on the diagonal until you feel a little bit of resistance somewhere.

Lift up, feel free to use your hand on the rope that's near your face to make sure it doesn't end up on your face, and then come up. So we're not going very far. I'm finding that first bit of resistance when I'm just about the width of my reformer across my body. And then this is where I wanna play with the wiggle room here. My pelvis is pretty neutral, but not necessarily perfect.

What is the wiggle room? I'm going to maybe do little tiny circles here or I'm gonna do little movements of my pelvis, or I'm gonna perhaps press down a little bit more on that diagonal to the point where maybe my leg would actually touch the reformer frame. Just use your hands on the rope to make sure it doesn't end up on your face. It should feel like a good stretch for your side body. Gently come up. We'll change legs.

So, my right leg is gonna be my stable straight leg, my other foot just rests on the shin slightly turn in with that stretching straight leg, and then come down a little bit. Feel your first bit of resistance. So don't blow through it. Go slow and touch perhaps where you wanna release a little bit and then come up, and then we go down again, and we might move to the pelvis a little bit. We might move a little to the pelvis, we might do some little circles, we might just stay there and breathe.

So this version is the option one where it's not very big. If you're feeling quite comfortable you keep your pelvis somewhat stable and you take yourself down even more. Keep going down on the diagonal, again, use your hands on the rope so it doesn't end up on your face and notice where you feel stretch. I feel a beautiful stretch in my waist, across the top of my quad, and a little bit in my outer glute when I find this kind of low point, and then we gently come up. Two legs are straight, bend your knees in for just a quick moment.

Make sure you're not too close to the shoulder rest for your short spine. From here press your legs to straight, point the feet rolling up or fold at the hips first, and then we roll up through that short spine, we bend the knees and we roll down. Feel free to abort and not do that if it doesn't feel right for you today. Again, fold at the hips, (breathing deeply) use the powerful abs, powerful arms, breath, bend the knees, roll down, and we'll just do one more short spine here. (breathing deeply) Exhale up, (breathing deeply) rolling down, bring those legs through, bend the knees in, take one foot out, find the foot platform, take the other out.

We're gonna stay here on our backs for just a bit longer, a little more jumping here, my friends. So press your legs out to straight, return to your double leg jump. (breathing deeply) Oh, let's put the head rest step actually, I always feel so much better especially when I like to be able to see what's going on on my feet, press up and jump. So two legs jumping in parallel for a few, and then let's shift to a right leg jump, and I want you to play with your range of motion a little more, so we're gonna turn out, land out, come neutral, and then go across the body a little bit and neutral, and out and neutral. And then across the body, and notice as you go across the body, your pelvis might move just a little bit.

I'm okay with that. So the pelvis will rotate just a little and then back to neutral. Try it a couple more times. And again, smaller jumping, more landing with support from your backside will help support this. Last one change legs, jumping with your left leg first a couple times in neutral, and then we go out and then back to center and across.

So I'm kind of making a little bit of a rainbow shape here is what I'm thinking. Out and center and across. And as I go across, I'm now letting my pelvis move a little bit, feeling nice and comfortable with that. If it doesn't feel right just keep it small and a couple more like that. So one more time, all the way through.

So we're out or I am at least center, across, neutral. Now let's do changes of the legs, changes of the legs, (breathing deeply) just breathing and moving. (breathing deeply) And then let's go ahead and have two legs straight for a moment. Turn your toes on the diagonal, and I want you to create a little bit of rotation as you take your legs a little bit to one side. So I'm in a little bit of a rotation there of my pelvis.

Then I want you to walk your legs the other way and I want you to feel that, okay? And then we're gonna take that with jumping. So two straight legs, we press out, we twist to one side, the pelvis moves you land, you come to center, the pelvis moves you land the other way. So we're in rotation, rotating the spine, and rotating the spine a little bit. Now, rotating the spine.

(breathing deeply) Now, focus on only your right leg, and see if you can do the same action only on your right leg. The other leg just stays at tabletop but you're still moving the pelvis a little bit. Two more like that. Take two feet down and do a couple with two legs. (breathing deeply) Now just the left leg.

Let's see if we can practice just landing on the left, the other leg goes to tabletop, and you're doing the same rotation of the spine, passing through center each time using your core. One more time. (breathing deeply) And two legs jump side to side, (breathing deeply) bring it back to center and come in. Nice. Hug those knees into your chest. Take a breath or two.

Here, a little outside of the box, we're gonna scoot down quite a lot my friends, quite a lot. I want you to scooch down until your pelvis is kinda hanging off the edge a little bit, okay? And then you're gonna try to push your feet on the platform in like a deep squat. So it's like you're in and hugging your knees into your chest position but you're supported a little bit by the spring. Hold this shape for a moment. Press out.

Spring is light. It should be pretty comfortable. If it's not comfortable please choose just to hold the stretch component here. But I'm really working on my full deep squat is the idea, okay? So if you need to adjust your feet, so you're comfortable go for it.

Wide, narrow whatever needs to happen. Let's all take our right leg up, we're gonna try one leg at a time. Holding onto the right leg, you're gonna stretch just a little bit. You can flex the ankle or point, whatever you prefer, and we press out three times with the other leg. Try to keep that little bit of scoop or flexion of your spine.

So my pelvis is, in fact, slightly lifted, and I'm getting a really beautiful stretch through my straight leg, and working also that single leg squat. Change legs, please. So put the foot on the platform, take the other leg up. Nice little stretch here, flat foot, and we press out. (exhales) Now, the spring is light enough that this shouldn't hurt your joints right now.

So certainly if your joints don't feel like this is a good choice then choose to do something different. And then we're gonna come in, hug those knees into your chest, make a cross-legged sitting position up against the platform. So I'm in criss-cross applesauce, and I'm kind of relaxed here. I'm gonna keep my right leg attached to the jump board and take the other foot on the legs somewhere probably around the ankle is a good idea. I'm pushing into my leg that's on the platform, the other leg is just there for a place to be, okay?

So now I want you to use the leg that's on the platform to press out a little bit and come in a little bit. It's a very small movement, but the pressing is coming from deep in the hip, and come in a little bit. As I press out my knee comes down toward the spring a little bit. I'm not trying to straighten my knee, I'm trying to wake up my hips and open a little bit through the inner part of the leg. One more time.

(exhales) That feels really delicious to me. Good, now make criss-cross applesauce again and just rest for a moment. Enjoy that. Now keep the left leg in that shape that sort of cross-legged position, put the other foot somewhere on the leg, and try to ground down through that lower leg please. Pressing with the glute, the outer hip, the rotators you're gonna sort of press out, and I hope you can feel differences between your two sides.

This side is so hard for me to get connected to. I can barely even get my lower leg to connect to the the platform here. So I'm just working on that. So again, I'm pushing through the leg that's connected to the platform, the other foot is just there, and I'm thinking about leading the movement from deep in my hip joint, press out just a little bit, just kind of carving some space there, and we'll do that just one more time. That should feel nice, my friends.

Good, gently dry your legs into your chest, you can scooch back just a little bit on your reformer and then make your way up to an upright position, please. All right, let's change things up a little bit and work a little bit our side body, actually our arms. Let's do arm work. So I'm on one red spring and we're going to work on arms kneeling here. So you'll hold the ropes above the buckles once again chest expansion.

Lengthen through your low back, feel a lot of work here, stabilizing the position, pull your straight arms behind you, nothing new here. (breathing deeply) So feel that opening through your heart as you take the arms back. Try to feel that your low back stays long the entire time, your abdominals and your hamstrings are really holding you upright here more than your glutes and your quads. Think about it. (breathing deeply) One more breath here, taking those arms back, and then we'll gently rest that.

So I'm going to keep the spring the same for my arms circles which is pretty intense for most people, a red spring. You're welcome to adjust your spring to a blue spring, but see if you can take a few moments really getting your toes tucked under, stretching through the lower part of your legs, through your ankle, wedged up against the shoulder rest, and then you come upright. So maybe a lighter spring for many of you, I like to work this heavy spring here. Feel length through the crown of the head as you reach those arms all the way up and around. Keep the arms slightly in front of you the whole time up and around.

(breathing deeply) And just two more, just a couple here in each direction, maybe more than a couple, but handful I should say. Beautiful my friends and we'll reverse this. So the arms come up and forward, and then those knuckles come down. As you come through center it's up and forward, nice power. So, again, if you've chosen the heavy spring, and it's too much for you feel free to change it, and knuckles down, and we'll do this just one more time, please my friends, and knuckles down.

Beautiful. So, let's go ahead and put those straps away. Untuck your toes. Give them a little bit of a break. And then you're gonna come forward just a little bit. So your feet and your knees are just sort of comfortably on your carriage.

Take your hands about shoulder width apart on the jump board here, and you're gonna press out stretching first through your shoulders. So try to keep your hips, your bottom on your heels, and feel this beautiful stretch here. Now, allow your shoulders to settle, but please don't force your shoulders down. And then here try bending your elbows. So your elbows would come down straight down from your wrist and you press out.

So here my back is in a nice relaxed position. It's in a little bit of flexion because I'm sitting on my heels, but the movement at my shoulders is quite stretchy and quite challenging for the triceps. Try one arm. So keep one arm straight, put the other hand just on the carriage, and see if you can bend in and out. Notice your top of your head may find its way to touch the jump board here.

(exhales) Ooh, this feels nice and challenging today. One more please. (breathing deeply) Change arms. So that was three I believe. So aim for three each side (breathing deeply) and notice what's the difference between your two sides, very different sides, very different challenges.

(breathing deeply) Two arms are on the platform and we gently come on in, beautiful. Let's work a little bit on some sideline jumping. So we're gonna keep this same one red spring, and I'm gonna have you put your head rest flat, and come right into your sideline position where you're resting your head down perhaps on your arm. I like to hold the peg behind me, and I like to use my hand on the shoulder rest when needed. So stretch out with the top leg and let the bottom leg be at about 90 degrees hip flexion and resting.

Make sure your foot's not in the way of the hardware here. Just start with a couple of real simple little bends and straighten. So we're trying to feel that your pelvis is stacked, your core is connected, and then you can try just jumping a few times here in this position. Just play with that. Your other hand can be wherever you need it to be for now, just a few jumping there, beautiful.

Go with a little bit more height perhaps, woo. See if you can still stick your landing, and then we'll do that just one more time and then pause making a change. We're gonna take that front leg behind us. You might have to shimmy around a little bit taking that leg behind you, so that it feels like you're open across the front of the pelvis and the hips here. So then I would like you to lift your foot up toward your other leg and lower it back to neutral.

So what you're doing is external rotation and neutral. Lift it into external rotation, reach around and hold on to the top of the foot. Energetically, send your pelvis forward and your thighbone back, and roll just a little bit into that lateral quad stretch. Now, we jump again here. Now, make sure that your knee is not going to hit any hardware before you start jumping big, so make sure that the length of your leg is not gonna allow you to hit anything there taking the leg back like that.

(breathing deeply) Just a few more here, and then we'll change it up a little bit again. That stretch should feel nice though. So go ahead and release the stretch, take the leg back to the front position, and now we go into external rotation as the leg goes behind you and the front leg goes forward, so it's a little split and split and big jump and big jump. And one more time, please. (exhales) Come in and let's have a seat for a moment, and take a stretch for that leg we were just jumping on.

So you can take a figure four stretch here, and you can just kinda relax a little bit into the stretch, relax your head forward, relax your back, swirl around. Do what feels delicious for you. (breathing deeply) And let's go ahead and change sides. So just flip around onto your other side, you're gonna find yourself lying on your side, you can hold the peg, and then you'll press out with that top leg. The bottom leg is bent in front of you first, stack all your pieces, feel that you're good to go here, and then try just a little bit of jumping here.

Again, pay attention to where the hardware is to make sure that you're not going to have anything bunk, anything hard. We don't want the feet or anything to feel uncomfortable. That's for sure. So enjoy that high jump, enjoy the loft, and then do that just one more time here and pause for a moment. Take your front leg and shimmy it behind you.

So here you're gonna kind of energetically press your pelvis forward for me, leg goes back, yeah. And then you're gonna think of external rotation, so you're lifting the foot and back to neutral. That just feels very interesting to me. And I'm really thinking about spinning at my thighbone more importantly at the head of my femur here. So hold it up in external rotation, reach around, and well, there's my foot.

Grab the top of your foot and hold, energetically pressing the pelvis forward, leg back and roll into it a little bit, feeling that stretch, and feeling that stretch. Come back to center, and then we try jumping here. Again, be mindful maybe check-in, and make sure that you can not hit your knee on anything and then manage your jumps so it's not that big (breathing deeply) or if you know for a fact that you can't hit anything back there certainly you can allow your jump to be bigger. So as long as your heel is in fact grounded each time a few more like this, and then we're gonna take that bottom leg, and just start to bring it forward, and then the back leg goes into external rotation and we split and we split and we split. You can add a little bottom leg movement to this as well which is kind of nice sometimes.

And we split and we split and two more here. Nice glute work. Last one, (exhales) gently come on in, and you're gonna bring yourself upright and take a stretch. So I'm just gonna shimmy around and adjust myself. Go ahead and cross the leg, you were just jumping with over and rest there, stretching and relaxing, and swirling and enjoying.

(breathing deeply) And now we're just going to stick with this same spring and do some interesting stuff, I hope, for the side body. So here you're first going to put one hand on the shoulder rest one hand on the frame just opposite of it. It's not the frame. It's the carriage, I keep saying that. Step back so you're in a plank position. I'm still on just a red spring.

I'm gonna lean into the arm that is on the carriage not the shoulder rest storm, okay? And I'm gonna do three pushups first. Nice little pec push-up there. One (breathing deeply) hold here. Now I'm going to take same arm as leg that I was focusing on push- ups.

So it's left leg for me, left hand, and bring it through, thread it through. So I've got a nice straight leg, and I'm stretching the side of my leg by leaning into that leg. Again, find something you've got to reach the leg through, you've got to lift the heart, lean forward a little bit, use both arms. Feel free to be sloppy with your shoulders. This should feel good. It's not about looking pretty.

It's about feeling something. Now you can stay there if you please or you lift your back leg and bring it in front. So the foot is just in front of the knee. So I'm gonna hold the shoulder rest, and I'm gonna lean forward, and I'm gonna lean back a couple times. You may feel free to stay here or you may feel free to add on.

So I'm sitting back a little bit. So I've got some support. I placed my hand on the front corner of the jump board and I press out here. Now, this other hand can go onto the reformer somewhere wherever it needs to be to get that same idea of stretching the side body, you may reach out out and pull in, and reach out and pull in. And one more time and pull in.

Now we're gonna reach out as far as we can, we're gonna turn the hands, so the knuckles are facing forward. You're in a little bit of internal rotation, you're gonna bend the elbow, and you're gonna touch that platform and you're gonna press out. So supporting with the core, but really working that tricep, really working the shoulder stability. Good. Go ahead and gently come in and out of that, now we're gonna just go to the other side, please.

So step up and we make our way onto the other side. So you're gonna wanna put your hand for me on that shoulder rest, the other hand on the carriage. Step back into a bit of a plank position and energize the weight on the hand that is on the carriage, not the shoulder rest. We're gonna bend the elbows, doing a little single arm push-up basically, three of them, focusing on one arm, (exhales) hold. Now you're gonna take same arm as hand you just focused on.

So right leg comes through. I said same arm, I should have said leg. The right leg comes through, and I just find a little bit of a side stretch here. So I'm really stretching my side leg here, and I'm gonna lean forward, and I'm gonna lean back, and I'm gonna swirl around. And again, I'm not looking for a pretty picture, I'm looking for a nice stretch.

You may stay with that or you may take that back leg and bring it up in front of your other leg, and it's just in front of my five there, same hand position except I'm going to lean forward, when I do I'm in my right hand, and when I lean back, I'm sort of holding with my left hand and stretching a little differently, (inhales) and then lean forward (breathing deeply) and leaning back. And let's go ahead and now adjust here where you take your hand on the front corner of your platform, your jump board platform, and you press the arm out to straight, and then the other hand can go somewhere on the reformer carriage so that it feels good, and you're gonna press out as far as it feels like a good idea, stretching, and you're gonna lift up and we're pressing out. Again, we're going for something that feels like a good idea stretching a little bit and working, breathing. (breathing deeply) And now spin your hands so that the knuckles are facing straight forward. You're in a little bit of internal rotation here and then you're gonna bend your elbow and you're gonna press out.

So I'm in that full side bend here. Bend the elbow and press out, and bend the elbow and press out, and then gently come on in and out of that. Beautiful. So let's keep that same spring for the down stretch in a slight variation on the down stretch just to finish up here. You'll put your feet right up against the shoulder rest like we always do and try to get a good stretch here.

Really hollow that belly in for me first and be here for a moment, and then trying to keep the carriage nice and stable. Press your pelvis through into your down stretch shape opening your heart, slide the carriage back and forward. Stay engaged in your hamstrings and in your abdominals. We'll just do two more there breathing and moving my friends. One more.

Come all the way in. Sit back on your feet first. Keep those toes tucked and powerful. Push out, chest goes down as much as you can. Your arms are straight.

We're gonna find back extension aiming the tailbone backing up, aiming the eyes slightly forward in the direction of the hands, abdominals active. We bend the elbows, touching the reformer, and press out, or touching the jump board rather and press out. So we're trying to keep that thoracic extension as well as a little bit of lumbar extension supporting with the abdominals. Just do two more like that. And one more like that, Gently come all the way in.

Beautiful. Let the feet rest underneath your bottom and come to a forward fold here. Child's pose, flexing the spine, relaxing, breathing in and breathing out. I like to roll side to side. If you happen to be watching me, you'll see that I roll a lot around, and I find wiggle room in all my stretches and all my positions.

(exhales) And then let's all make our way upright together standing with two feet on the earth, standing with your heart open, your head stacked on your spine, and we inhale lifting the heart (inhales) and exhale. (exhales) And just one more breath, please together. (breathing deeply) Open your eyes if they're closed. And I thank you all so much for playing. I'll see you soon.


2 people like this.
Another awesome class by Sarah!  Loved every minute of it!  Sarah please keep creating classes like these 😁
1 person likes this.
That was amazing Sarah. I enjoyed every minute of this class. The variations were fantastic. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much Jasmin P!  It really warms my teaching spirit to know that this "twist" on a jump class both makes sense and is enjoyable.  Take care:)  
Hi Clare R, I am so grateful to hear you enjoyed this class and all the variations.  Thank you so very much!!  
1 person likes this.
This is a new favorite class of mine. I loved all of the unique variations. I will definitely repeat this class. Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Challenging work , movement with interludes of deep stretch! This is going in my favorites. I am going on a long driving trip this weekend and this was absolutely perfect to do before going. Thank you!
1 person likes this.
LOVE THE RAINBOW! Another awesome feel great session! Thank you, Sarah, for bringing the love!
Love the deep squat and the stretches lying closer to the bottom of the carriage. Thank you for this great series, and including the jump board!
Yippee...I am so pleased this class worked for you. Thank you Jessica M!  
Hi Cindy K,  Yes!  I just love moving from powerful movements to deep stretches.  Always best to move before a long sit.  Take care:)
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