Class #4588

Dynamic Wunda Chair Flow

45 min - Class


This is a fast-paced Wunda Chair class where you will discover your inner strength and build your confidence! This is a full-body workout with an emphasis on controlled and dynamic movement. Chris Robinson includes challenging exercises like Horseback, Mountain Climbers, a variety of Push-Ups, as well as lots of unilateral movement. Have fun with Chris and enjoy the ocean view!
What You'll Need: Wunda Chair

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Hi, everyone, I'm Chris Robinson, and I'm here today, to do a full Wunda chair workout. Okay, let's start with the footwork. You're gonna have one spring on the top, one on the bottom. You have some choices here; you can either go parallel and apart or heels together, toes apart. Today, I'm gonna go parallel and apart.

You also have some choices here; you can have your hands back here, you can have them on the side, you can have them on the front, you can have them here, you can have them behind your head. Today, I'm gonna challenge myself a little bit and I'm gonna go here, okay? Nice and tall, you're just gonna pump. Try not to let your back collapse. That's the key thing.

This is the challenge; as my legs go down, my back wants to kinda collapse and roll back. I gotta keep it there. Nine, 10, okay? Right to the arches, and go. Okay, three, four, nice and tall, that back does not collapse, heels go under, toes go over.

Nine, 10, flex the feet, the heels are on. Two, three. Try not to collapse. You should be able to come up a little bit higher. Six, seven, eight, nine.

Okay now, bring the legs together. I like to press the hands here. One leg is straight out, aligned with the seat, and just one leg pumping. Keep the chest up, keep it lifted. Okay, and switch.

Leg is out straight, chest is up, and come on off. Okay, turn around. You're gonna press it down. Again, if you had your legs parallel, they're parallel here. If they were in heels together, toes apart, they're the same.

Arms are straight up and down. You're gonna lower the heels. Tend to stretch, use your powerhouse to lift your legs up. And again, I'm reaching my hands down, using my stomach. It's almost like I'm doing a spine stretch forward here.

Then use my powerhouse to lift. So I try to shut off my calves and use just the powerhouse. Feel a lift in your spine. Okay, four more. Three.

Good, last two. Deep in the stomach. One more time. Okay, and come on up. Okay, so you gonna sit at the end.

I like to go long way instead of the short way. I'ma sit at the very end. Now, take your legs up and lower your legs, however far you can with control. I like to go pretty low. Now, I'ma bring my ribs in and take my head forward as much as I can.

And now, I'm gonna reach my arms forward, and then I pumped for the Hundred. So I want it fast and high. Three, four, five, 20. Three, four, five, out. Two, three, four, five.

Two, three, four, five, out. Two, three, four, five, forty now. Keep pumping, keep the head going forward. Every time my hands go up, my head wants to go back. I wanna keep it going forward no matter what.

That's the work of the exercise. Good, three more and out. Okay, last two and out. One more time. Okay, single legs.

Notice this foot is staying in the same place, and then I switch. Switch and try to get that same place each time. Six, five, four, three, two, one, double leg. Back to the Hundred position and bring it in. Now, reach your arms out, circle around and in.

Reach out, circle around in. Reach out, around and in. Reach out, around and in. I can make it a little harder to reach out. Hold it, make a T, wrist here, then come in, four more.

I hold it, T here. And last three, get that length. Keep that length. And two more. Reach, don't let your head fall.

And one more time. Here, around, four. And I just reach, hold it. I'm back in that same position. Take this leg up.

Switch, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Hold it here, take both legs up, hands behind your head, and lower, and lift. Lower, lift. Keep the head going forward. Powerhouse brings it up, but you gotta reach long to get it.

Good, last four. Three more. Keep that head going up. Two, one more time. Now, hold it down.

Bring one knee in, turn. Hold, hold, switch. Lift and hold, hold, switch. Hold, hold, switch. I'm back in that same position with that leg that's out.

Switch, hold it, hold it, switch. Hold it, hold it. Now, 10 fast. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Hold it here, reach here, and then stand up.

Okay, one spring in the middle. Okay, always check it. And we're gonna do the Swan. Okay, now, I like start with my arms perfectly in a straight line. Nothing's gonna move.

I'm gonna pump from one, two. Hold it on three, my chest goes forward, and I come up, and back down. And one, two. Hold it, reach it. And down, learn the shake, and now, we're gonna do the swan dive.

Okay, now, when I come up, keep this shape and I dive down, keep it and come up. Nothing changes, nothing changes. I hit the same spot on the chair at the top, hold it, and then all the way down, and then come back. Okay, stand with your toes at the edge. You're gonna reach up and you're gonna come over, and then just reach long.

My hips go one way, my hands go the other way. The middle of the wrist brings me up for one, two. Hold it down for three. Now, pump three times, one, two, three, and hold. And now, everything comes up.

Okay, go down. Keep the right hand on, left hand off. Now, no twisting, just reach long. So you've gotta square the body off, two. Now, on three, stay down and pump three times.

Two, reach long, and then bring it up. Hands together, everything is up. Okay, come down, other side. Don't twist, both heels are present equally. Reach up, one, reach, two, reach.

Stay here, one, two, really reach. Really push it away, go for it, and then bring it together. Come all the way up. Now, just one more time with both hands on, just to recenter everything. Reach long, up, one, two.

Stay for three, and one, two. Really reach, but keep those heels down, and then everything comes all the way up. Okay, have a seat. Mermaid. Now, we have some options; you could be directly in the middle or kinda three quarters of the way back.

Also, you could cross your legs, but I like to go parallel. That's just my preference. I'm gonna reach up, get the back tall first. Now, once it's tall, bring this down. And I'm just gonna reach over and just go wherever I can go, and then come back.

I'm keeping this outside hip down as I reach. Now, this last one is a little bit of a challenge. I'ma let that hip come up and anchor my other hip down, and really go for it. How far down can you go? Now, bend here, exhale, rotate all the areas out.

Inhale, reach away first, then come all the way up, and then stand up. Okay, other side. Okay, nice and tall. Once I'm straight, take this hand down, then come over to the side. Keep that outside hip down and come up.

And again, I reach, and up. Now, the last one, I'ma really go for it. Okay, the hip could come off. I'm really there, the other hip is anchored. Bend the elbow, exhale, rotate, all the air's gone.

Inhale, bring it back, reach it away. Come up, both arms are up, and stand up. Okay, horseback. I like to swing my legs through the front. Catch it, come down.

Flex the feet first. I'm gonna reach straight up and hold. Then just lower the arms, lift the arms, one, nothing moves. Higher, two, and then three, and then come home. Okay, and again, so I go here, hold it, turn the palms down.

Touch here, the head goes down. Now, I'm just gonna reach down with my hands, but my wrist pull up. So it's not a big range of motion. Two, hold it on three, and then come all the way up, and then come back down. Now, I'ma add to that.

So I reach, hold it, palms down, head down. Okay, and then I reach one, two. Now, on three, I hold it. So this shape, I keep. Now, I'm gonna take it all the way down. My feet will move, but that shape does not change.

All the way, hold it. Now, I lift from here, one, two. Back to that shape. Three, hold it here, bigger challenge. Pop, don't move a thing.

One, two, three, hold, and then everything is up. Come back, come home. Okay, and come on up. The teaser, facing this way. Hold the hands here.

Now, get your perfect teaser. Everything is long, feel that lift. No stress on the body, then I'm gonna reach. Take the arms back, place your hands, however you like. You can hold this way or this way, whichever your preference is, and then you're gonna take it all the way down without moving the legs.

Get your stretch and come up, one. Go down, two. One more time. Now, on three, come all the way up, hold it here, reach for it. Nice teaser, take it back again.

This time, when you go down, lower the legs. Now, make a straight line. Do not move the legs and come up, one. Okay, two, all the way up. Now, hold it here, three.

Hold it, get lift. Hold it here just to challenge. Take it back, hold it here, go down. Now, everything comes up for one, everything down. Two, everything down.

Last one, hold it. Reach it, show me that perfect teaser, and then come up, okay. All right, come around to the front. You gonna do push down, one foot length away. Okay, reaching up.

Now, I'ma come over. When I touch here, my upper stomach pushes it down all the way, and then come up, one, down, two. Now, on the third one, stay down, bend your elbows. I like to go to the side, like is shaving. One, two, hold it down, and now, come all the way up.

Okay, we're gonna do it again, but I'ma make it a little bit more dynamic, closer to the goal. So once I touch, now, it's dynamic. Down, one, up. Down, two, up. Hold it, and then pump, one, two, three, and hold, and then come all the way up.

Okay, now, this is another variation I like to do; my toes come to the edge. Okay, now, I go down. I'm gonna roll into myself, like rolling like a ball real deep, and come up. Real deep, two. Now, once I'm down, all the way, hold it.

Pump, one, two, hold it, and then everything is up. Let's do that one more time. So here, my hips are back a little bit, and then I push my heels through the ground, and go all the way down, and I keep that shape up, one, two. Stay down on three. Pump, one, two, hold it, reach it.

Now, press everything down. Heels down, hands down, head down, get as much as you can get. And now, come all the way up, and come here. Okay, go ahead and have a seat. We're gonna do your spine stretches.

Okay, I like to line myself up. My knee is on the outside edge of the corner here. Feet are flex, hands are nice and tall here. All right, and you just gonna grow. I'ma lift up my back, and just so happens, my hands go down.

So I'm not using my arms to press this down, I'm just lifting my powerhouse, and the pelvis just happens to go down. I'll break this down. Okay, so get tall. That's the easy part. Now, the hard part: can you stay that tall when the hands come up?

Okay, one more time. So just grow. Stay that tall when you come up, you've gotta use your seat. Okay, now, do the same thing I'ma add to it. Stay here.

You got tall, now, you're gonna bend your elbow to the side. Only your head comes forward. shoulders go forward, but the ribs stay pulling back, and then come all the way up. Now, see if you can get that in one motion. Just press and grow right to it.

And then come back. Okay, one more, then I'll add to this. Press and grow, and I hold it. Now, deepen your stomach and press it all the way down. Once it's down, you gotta pulse.

One, two, three, and hold, lift the back up, and then everything comes up. Now, see if you can get all that in one shot. Press, growing all the way down, and pulse. One, two, lift the lower back. One more time, one, two, lift the lower back, and then come all the way up, and good.

Now, for safety, take one foot to the side, cross it, bring it on top. Okay, now, the teaser stretch. I just want you to spider crawl your fingers forward, and exhale, and then inhale and come up. And again, spider crawl. And up, one more time.

How far can you get? Okay, and then press here. Now, when you press down, lift the legs, hold it. Get long, take the head forward a little bit, and then pump, one, two, all the way up for three. Hold it, reach it.

Show me a nice teaser, don't collapse, I'm fighting it, and then come to the side. Okay, now, we're gonna do the corkscrew, a couple of things. I'd like to use this as I'm on a harder surface, you know, a carpet. You don't really need it. I'm just gonna push this back a little bit.

And then set these down, nice and long here. Okay, so you're gonna lie down your back. A couple of different variations, I give you the one that I like the best. Okay, so you're here. You're gonna press this down just slightly.

Now, this doesn't go up, it doesn't go down, it stays right there. That's gonna be the challenge. Take your legs over your shins, hover over the top. Come down on your right, make a big of a circle as you can. Keep that pedal press, but it doesn't move, that's the hard part.

Now, I have to use my power. (indistinct) And up. And again, circle. Don't move that pedal. Okay, and again, big circle around, as big as you can, as long as you could control that pedal.

Last one, reach around, down, and over, and down, and around, and up. Okay, come all the way down. Okay, you gonna turn around here. Now, we're gonna do the Flying Eagle. I'm gonna go a little conservative to start.

So I'ma start with the pedal all the way down. Now, you're gonna lift just your chest. Just see what you can get, and then come back down. Lift it again. Now, stay here, lift up as much as you can go.

Then you're gonna take your head down, stretch, and then on one motion, lift and press. And then reach and stretch, and lift. And re-squeezing your legs together and reaching them away one more time. Here, lift and try to keep it. Now, I'ma keep it all the way up, up, and then take my head down.

Okay, go ahead and release it back on your heels. Okay, you're gonna go ahead and stand up. We're gonna do the Kneeling Mermaid. So I have a pad right here. Get nice and tall.

When the arms go up, the heels go up. That's to control your descent going down. Okay, one hand is here, and just reach over, over, over, and then come back up. Okay, and again, reach over, and pushing that palm away, and come up one more time, and reach, reach, reach, okay? And now, both hands are down, toes underneath, and come up with control.

Okay, other side. Okay, so I grow up, go down. Okay, and then just reach over, over, reach. And again, reach, reach, reach. One more time, reach, reach, reach.

Okay, tuck the toes underneath, hands down, come up with control. Okay, so from here, I'll put these back. Straight leg, push down. Body straight up and down. I like to put the hands on the hips.

Now, I like to get my back leg parallel and straight, front leg is slightly turned out. And I'm just gonna make sure gonna be (indistinct) as a straight line from the top of my head, down to my heel. And I just gonna press and grow up. With my hands on the hips, I could feel my pelvis if it's level or not. Okay, so make sure it's in the straight line.

It's just like that spine stretch forward. My back just grows up and my foot just happens to go down. Okay, now, here, I'm gonna exhale. It's like spine stretch forward, and the powerhouse is pushing the pedal down, not my leg, and exhale. And up, one more time.

And come all the way up. Now, lift your leg three times and don't move anything else, two, and then bring it in. Okay, let's do the other side. Nice and tall, press down and grow. And again, it's not my leg, it's the powerhouse going up and my legs just happens to fall down.

Okay, now, you're gonna exhale, come forward. And up. This is doing all the work. The legs just happens to be there. One more.

Okay, now, from here, just lift it, one, two, and bring it in on three. Okay, now, you're gonna turn to your side. This one's gonna be parallel and straight, this one's gonna be at a 45 degree angle. Okay, so here. Now, I like to have the arms out to the side.

My body is straight up and down, off of this leg, okay? And I'm just gonna do the same thing; I grow up in the spine, and that just happens to take my leg down. So it's not my leg pushing it down, I grow. And come back, and then grow, and back. Now, the last one here, hold it, take the arms up.

You're gonna reach away from the chair. Don't move that pedal. Come back to the center. Now, here's a harder one. Go towards the chair, don't move it.

Come back to the center, take it here, and lift up, and bring it in. Okay, other side. So again, this foot is parallel and straight. This one's 45 degrees. I'm out to the side.

Try not to shift away from the chair. Try to stay directly center and go up to bring it down. And doesn't have to go down a lot. Go up and back, and grow. And back now.

Hold it on this one, take it up, reach away, don't move that pedal. See, mine just moved. And come back, don't move it. This is the harder one. And just reach out before you can.

Back to center, lift it here, and then lift the leg up, and then come on down. Come to the side, push up sideways. So I'm gonna reach up here. Hands in the middle. Here's comes the tricky part.

Just getting in position. So you can see how my shoulder are kinda shifted. I gotta bend this elbow a little bit to make sure the shoulders are squared. Now, can I keep it squared? And my back, the whole line is gonna be completely straight, and I'm just gonna go reach down, and come up, and I just keep that line with my back, and up.

One more, hold it. And then again, reach one. So my bottom hand is pushing down, two. Top hand to stabilize me, and three. Come all the way up, step in, and then all the way up.

Okay, other side. Okay, so one's here, one's here, step back and back. So I gotta bend that top hand a little bit first, square my shoulders, and then just reach and see if I keep that line; not easy. Two and three. Hold it here.

So again, this line has to stay straight. Okay, and one, two. And good, now, step in, in, and come all the way up, and come on down. All right, let's go ahead and let's add one spring at the top, one at the bottom. Okay, and we're gonna do the mountain climber.

So let's start here. We'll put the right foot on top, press it all the way down, reach up, hands go to the edge, and this leg is gonna come all the way up. Now, you have different variations, but I like to have the bottom leg parallel and straight, top leg, a little turned out. Okay, I'm gonna start with this leg at a 90 degree angle. That's my low position.

Now, nothing moves just as knee is gonna bend. One, two, three, all the way up, all the way straight. Six, seven. Now, I'm gonna start going up, and I'm only gonna go three quarters of the way. Right about there, the back is long, and then I'ma fold my arms.

Hold this for eight more. Two, three, four. This is the old variation, but I like it. Okay, and then reach down. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, all the way down.

Now, stay here. From here, we're gonna go up front, but I'm having a little different way; your arms are gonna go behind your head. So you're gonna come up, take your elbows, open them wide. And then you're just gonna reach. My head is reaching up, the bottom leg is reaching down.

Halfway, go up, halfway down. Now, the last one, come all the way up, lifting knee up high, open the elbows. Then just come back, find the pedal. Once you have it, that bottom leg, well, just now, you're trying to stay up, but you're gonna go up all the way down. Okay, other side.

Okay, so again, I start out 90 degree angle with this leg. That's my distance, everyone's a little different. Now, pump eight times. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, I start coming up. Again, just three quarters of the way.

Five, six, seven, eight. Fold the arms. Two, three, four, five, six, seven. Reach down, two, three, four, five, six, seven, all the way down. Take the hands behind your head, open the elbows, open the chest, and then reach up, halfway down.

Reach up, halfway down. Now, the last one, all the way up. Lift that knee up high, reach back, find the pedal, keep those elbows wide, control your descent down by reaching down, but also reaching up. Okay, and bring this here. Now, you're gonna take your palms.

I have to go at the very edge, and then I use my grip feet to hold me there. That way, I notice the same every time. Now, I'm gonna come forward to where's the straight line from my wrist, elbows, and shoulders, and I'm just gonna pull up here. All the way up, and then come halfway down, up, halfway down, up. Now, the last one, hold it up, hold it up, hold it up.

It's almost like I'm trying to do a handstand, and then come all the way down. Lower the heels, lift it. Now, the left leg is gonna stay on, the right leg comes off, and it's right next to the pedal, but it's not touching. Now, the hips wanna twist. Keep them squared and come up, halfway down, up, halfway down.

Now, hold it up, hold it up, then go all the way down. We'll switch. Okay, square the hips and lift half, up, halfway, up, hold it, hold it, and then everything is down. Okay, you gotta turn to your side. The inside leg is gonna be on, the outside legs is just off.

I grab here, my shoulders are square. Now, my hips, they match. Now, I just lift. And one, two, all the way up for three and hold it, hold it, and then come down. Other side.

Okay, inside leg is on, outside leg is off, and then I come up. One, two, all the way up for three, and then come down. Now, I'm gonna switch my legs. The outside leg is on, the inside leg crosses like snake and twist on the reformer. Square the hips, square the shoulders, and then work that inside hip.

One, two, hold it up for three, and down. Go ahead and turn to the other side. Okay, so the outside leg is on. Inside leg crosses like snake and twist. So again, square the hip off with the shoulders.

And now, the inside hip picks you up. One, way up, two, last one. So you're all the way up there. It's almost like I'ma come up to a handstand, way at the top, and then I come down. Okay, face straight ahead.

Now, you're gonna keep your left foot on. Right foot goes down to the mat or to the floor. Keep that down, hands here so my hips are even. Come up just halfway and press down, and hold. Halfway, press down and hold.

Halfway, press it down, lower the heel. Lift the heel, come up. Press it down, lower the heel. Lift it and up. One more time, press it.

Lower, lift, come all the way up, and we'll change. Okay, press and grow, and then come up halfway, hold, press down, hold. Come up half, hold it, press down, hold it. One more time up, and go down. I keep it down, lower the heel.

The pedal shouldn't move. Bring that heel up high, come up. And again, press it down, hold it, lower the heel, lift the heel, and up, one more. Press down, hold it, keep the chest up, lower the heel. Lift the heel and come on up.

Okay, now, we're gonna go upside. Go ahead and press it down. Hands here, you're gonna start with the left leg on top. So the right foot is gonna be parallel towards the back. This is at a 45 degree angle.

Take your hands behind your head, open your elbows. Now, the first one, you can lean to get into it, and come up. But once you're up, now, you're straight. Reach that bottom leg down for one, two. Hold it here for three, and let's do it again.

So go up, one, two. Hold it down. Now, pump the leg. One, two, three, hold, come up one more time, and then all the way down. Okay, let's go to the other side.

Okay, 45 degree angle here, hands behind your head. Open the elbows. The first one, you can lean into it to come up. But once you're up, you gotta get straight. And then just reach down, one, two, hold it down for three.

And again, one, two, hold it down and pump, one, two, three, hold, come up, and then come all the way down. Okay, come back to straight, and I'll step off. Okay, now, we're gonna press from the side here. Okay, this is here. Take the hands out here and you're just gonna press.

Know this, my heel is directly under my sit bone. And then I come all the way up. Try not to shift your body at all. Press, hold, and come up. Okay, now, this time, press down, hold it down, lower the heel, lift the heel, come up.

Again, press it down. Now, that pedal should not move as you lower the heel. Lift it, and up. The hip stays perfectly still. That's not so easy.

And then come all the way up. Let's go to the other side. Yeah, nice and tall. Press, hold, and come up. Again, square the hips off.

Keep that here, and then come up. Okay, one more time, hold it. Once it's down, you're gonna lower the heel. Lift the heel, come up. And again, press, lower the heel, lift it.

One more, press it, lower, lift, and come all the way up. Okay, stay here. Put this foot down. The outside leg is gonna cross over and you're just gonna press it all the way down. I like to put the hands on the hips.

So once I'm down, I get re-adjusted, make sure my hips are square, my shoulders are squared, I got the box. Now, just lift the leg a little. Wrists are back, long on the left side, this side, then press it down. Feel that stretch. Now, see if you can keep it when you lift your leg and you just go wherever you can.

And press and hold it. And again, just lift it and press, and hold it. Two more. Make sure that bottom foot is completely flat. It's gonna wanna sickle.

One more time here, and just press and hold it. Okay, and then come all the way up with control. All right, other side. Okay, so body straight, cross here, press it all the way down. Now, make sure the box is squared.

Then I just lift wherever I can, and then I reach and hold. Keep the body straight here. Reach and hold. And again, up a little, reach and hold it. So I'm just lengthening the back on this outside here.

And hold it one more time, see if you can keep it when you come up. Now, you should be able to really get it when you go down, and hold it, hold it, and come all the way up. Okay, go ahead and have a seat. Okay, we're gonna do the tabletop. You have some options.

You can have your feet parallel and apart or heels together, toes apart. I'ma do that one a day and I'ma go really wide with my V, okay? Now, wherever that pedal is, where you can keep your back straight, that's where it does not move from. Now, lift up from here and lift up as high as you can. Then pump one, two, hold it up for three, and then bring everything down without moving that pedal.

And let's do it again. Lift up as high as you can first, and then one, two, three, hold it up, and then come down. Okay, one more time. So lift up as high as you can without moving that pedal and pump one, two, three. Now, stay up with that pedal.

Now, the powerhouse brings you down, nothing should move. Okay, bring the hands in front, press this down, have the balls of your feet on the pedal. Heels together, toes apart. Now, reach your arms away, pull your head in and up. Now, you're gonna lift, one, two, three.

Now, take one leg forward, one, two, three. Take that leg to the side, one, two, three. Take that leg behind you, one, two, three. Bring it all the way home and switch, one, two, three. Take the leg to the side, one, two, three.

Take that leg behind you, one, two, three. And then come back home, have a seat. Okay, fores facing this way. Hands here, lift up. Now, get as tall as you can, open up your chest, and you're gonna pump, one, two.

Now, take it up as high as you can. Keep it up that high. You're gonna go down. As soon as it touches, you come up, one, two, three. Hold it, pump again, one, two, three.

Go down, one, two, three. Pump again, one, two, three. Last one, one, two, hold it. Okay, now, little challenge here. You can take one leg out.

Pump, one, two, three. Hold it here, go down, and up, change. Hold it out here. Pump, one, two, three. Hold it here, go down, and up.

Then just putting you back to the middle, we'll do a one more time, just to recenter. Go down, one, two, and good. Okay, come on off. Okay, from here, let's go back and put one spring in the middle. Make sure you check it.

Okay, you're gonna go here. We're gonna press down from the side. I'm gonna add a twist, and then I'll add a pushup. Okay, so reach up here. Now, when I go down, I want my shoulder to line up with a pedal when it's all the way down here.

So this shoulder, that's where I'm gonna be. Okay, so once this touches, this goes up and I'm gonna go straight down. Nothing twists. Come up, one, down, two. Now, hold it down on three, pump your arms three times, one, two, three, hold it.

Now, everything comes up, they meet, and then all the way up. Okay, I'ma add the twist to it. So go down, take the arm up, reach, one, two, hold it on three. Pump one, two, hold it down, twist, untwist, and come all the way up. Okay, at the push-up, go down, one, two, three.

Hold it, pump, one, two. Hold it, twist. Untwist, keep it down, put the hand down here, step back, step back. And again, my shoulders wanna twist; I gotta keep it squared. Now, I got it, and pump, one.

Don't shift, hold it. And again, one, two, hold it, hold it down, step in, drop the head, and come all the way up, and we'll go to the other side. Okay, get my shoulders lined up at the bottom. I reach up, I go down. Now, I keep this going until it's all the way straight, then I press down.

You could press down sooner, but I like to do that variation. Up, one, two. Hold it down for three and pump, one, two, hold it. Everything is up, you time it, they come together, and then everything is up. And again, go down.

So this is all the way up first, then I go down, one, two. Stay down, pump, one, two. Hold it down, twist, untwist. Everything is up, it's timed. Okay, we're at the push-up.

All the way up, one, two. Hold it, pump, one, two. Hold it, twist, untwist. Step back, step back. Now, once I have that line, keep it, and one, two, hold it for three.

And again, one. Try not to twist, try not to lean. Hold it, step in, head down, and then bring everything up, and come on up. Okay, we're gonna do Frog, facing this way. Heels together, toes apart.

It's pretty wide with the V. Okay, lift up. So my heels are up, my hands are up. Now, keeping my heels up, as I go down my hands, come down, my body straight up and down, and I'm just gonna pump, one, two, three, and hold. And again, one, two, three, and hold, and come all the way up, and come back.

So you see, I'm not using my arms, I'm lifting my back to press the hands down. Okay, that keeps it light on my legs. Lift up, go down. Okay, again, so pump, one, squeeze those heels, hold it. Back is straight, I'm not leaning.

Two, three. Now, I cannot lean when I come up, and down. Now, I'ma add to it. Okay, come up. A little bit of a challenge here, so go down, touch here, hold it.

Take your right hand back, open the elbow, pump, one, two, three, and hold. Now, both hands are on. Other hand, one, two, three, and hold it. Both hands are on, keep it straight, and come all the way up, and come on down. Okay, let's do your teaser twists.

Okay, sometimes, this is pretty nicely padded. Sometimes, you could use these black pads. This doesn't have a lot of cushion; I won't use it today. But draw an imaginary X. I'm gonna be on the far side or the near side quadrant of that X.

My legs go with that leg of the X here. Okay, so now, I want a perfect teaser. Hold here, the inside leg, closest to the pedal, goes on top. And then I reach. Okay, I'ma take this hand down and take this up.

Now, I'm gonna reach over and make a straight line. Just the first, a straight line. Now, as soon as I go back, this pedal has to move. That makes me use my powerhouse. As soon as I started going back, the pedal moves at the same time.

And I gotta time it; when I'm all the way down, is there. Then I can add a twist, and then come back. But, I cheated, hold on. So here, as soon as I move, that pedal comes up, big difference. Okay, one more time.

Reach, time it, twist. As soon as I move, that pedal's moving too. That's what changes the work. Now, how close can I get to my feet? And then come up.

All right, other side. So again, I got that X. This side quadrant is the nearest to me. Okay, I like to put the hands here first. I got that perfect teaser.

Okay, cross the inside leg, reach the hands. This was down, this was up. And then I reach and turn at the same time. See, I timed it wrong; I pushed it down first. But see if I get on the next one.

Okay, so as I go, I gotta turn, turn, turn. When I'm at my end range, I'm all the way down. Now, I can add a little twist, and then come back. Okay, one more time. Reach, time it, time it.

It's a little detail, was an important detail. And then come back, reach it, hold it, reach long, and then come back, and come on up. Okay, let's do the Fish. So I'm gonna go a line down the middle. I'm gonna be on the back side of that line and I'm gonna make a straight line.

My hand is here and I'm looking at my hand. Here down, I'm gonna lift my legs, lift the pedal at the same time, and come back. My hands slides down, my leg, and then here. Okay, now, we're gonna add a twist to it. So my top hand goes forward, my bottom leg goes forward, top leg goes back.

So everything is just gonna reach just here first. And back, and reach, and back. One more time, reach. Now, from here, keep reaching, keep reaching, keep reaching. And now, for here, just reach long.

Don't lift up yet, just everything is long, wrist is arm away, and then come back. Now, the last one, we can add to it. So I reach, this arm is long. This is here. Now, my chest goes forward and up.

I do a Swan here. Kick that back-leg back, and then reach, and then come home, and come all way up. We'll do the other side. Okay, I got that line. I'm on the outside of it.

I'll make a straight line here. Top hand is here, I'm looking here. Okay, everything is up, everything is down. Everything is up, down, looking here, and down. Now, I'm just gonna reach it.

Top hand, bottom leg goes forward, top leg goes back, and come back. And again, reach, and back. So a little in dynamic, it just goes. Now, keep it, then I do my twist. Now, just reach while my head goes one way.

Reach my hand, bring everything back. Okay, reach again, get it, reach it, and lift. And come back, reach first, come back home, and come on up. Okay, now, let's do Frog, facing that way. Okay, so I'm at the edge.

Now, I'm gonna reach up. As I go down, my hands go back. I find the pedal. Now, careful, keep the back straight, don't lean, you're here. And you're gonna just pump, one, two, three, hold.

And again, one, two, three, hold. Now, here comes the hard part, don't let that butt go out. You're gonna come straight up. Okay, and then down. Okay, let's do it one more time.

So I lift, I go back, I find the pedal. It's like reverse chest expansion. Okay, my body straight, one, two, three, and hold it. One more time, squeeze those heels tight and hold it. And now, everything comes up, okay?

And then come down. Okay, let's finish off with the push-up series. Now, I'ma back this up just a little bit so I have a little more room. Make sure for safety, that usually with the teacher, the teacher will sit on it while the client or the student is doing the exercise so this does not move. If you're on the surface where it can move, it can be quite dangerous.

So sometimes, I'm in a studio by myself, I'm at home, I just put it against the wall. I'm on a slab of wood right now, and it's pretty sturdy. So I feel kind of confident that it should be okay. So we're gonna go one spring in the middle, but you don't necessarily have to do that. If you want a little bit more of support, you can add a spring.

You can put... I'm sorry, one spring on the top. One spring in the middle is like super, super hard. But you can add a spring, two at the bottom or one at the bottom, or one in the middle, whichever you feel confident with. I'ma go through some of the basic stuff first, and then I'll do a little bit more advanced stuff later, okay?

So I'll go one spring up top. And I'm just gonna keep it really basic for the first one, then I'll come up, and then I'll kind of show the full thing of the push-up series. All right, so you're gonna reach up, come down, step back, and back. So find your place to where you got a straight line here. Don't move that pedal, and just come down just a little in one, two.

Hold it for three, and I want you just to walk your hands back, keep that pedal up, and you're just gonna pike. And just go where you feel that stretch in your back, and then come back straight. And one more time, just one, two, just keep that pedal right there, and then pike up again, one more time. Keep it there and we'll stuff, and then come back straight, hold it. Step down, step down, look down, and then you're just gonna roll everything up, and then come down.

So that's a good way to introduce it. Now, it gets quite hard during the full series, so I'll kinda go through that. So we do push-ups, three at the top, then you gotta bring the pedal down, three at the bottom, and then three times, going up and down the pedal and your body; not so easy. All right, again, the standard is the one spring at the top, but I've been challenged by one of my teachers, Shari. She would always make me do one spring in the middle, which is absolute torture.

But again, for safety, you wanna make sure that you're in a place where this does not move, okay? All right, so let's go through it. All right, so the first one. Reach long and I'm just gonna go one, two, and three. Now, hold them.

I'ma press it down, keep it down. One, two, three. Now, here's where it gets hard. I come up, I go down. I go up, I go down.

I go up, I go down. Hold it up, stay here. Step, step, drop the head, and come all the way up, and down. All right, so that was the easy and the hard variation. The hard to hard, we'll do that on another day.

All right, hope you enjoyed the workout. Take care.


1 person likes this.
You are so good.  I liked the variations and detailed insights.  Can't wait to practice this one!
1 person likes this.
This was a great, well rounded class that flowed so nicely; really enjoyed it and I have to work on those pushups!  I learned new ways to think about & set up the exercises, too.
Love,love,love this!!!
Mileva S
LOVE THIS! What a great class, with great descriptions and flow
Loved the quick pace. Quite challenging!
Karyn Kasvin
Wonderful strengthening  flow - helpful cues and  enjoyably challenging!
Cheryl Z
I just have beach body Pilates pro chair but was able to follow along for the most part. Really enjoyed the one legged variations. Last push up variation I need to work on. Something to aspire to thanks for a great wunda chair flow.
Loved this and so nice to "see" you again Chris!  We met at the ranch. 
Great cueing!! Could you do a short tutorial on how to position hands in push up so your lower arms stay straight, please?
Shaazia Q
Sweat seshhhh! Didn’t get bored for a second what about amazing workout
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