Class #4609

Putting it all Together

45 min - Class


Flow through the traditional Mat repertoire in this workout with Katie Yip. She puts everything you have learned from her previous classes together, ending with the Push Up that you've been preparing for throughout the series. You will amaze yourself with how far you've come!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Jul 07, 2021
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All right guys, welcome, it's week eight. We will be doing a solid intermediate mat class today. Let's get started. Let's walk to the front of your mat. From here, let's go heels together, toes apart.

And I want you to lift your navel through the top of the head as you reach the backs of the hips down through the heels, you're going to inhale to lift the arms up to the ceiling without arching your back, so you're still feeling the tailbone lengthen down. Cross fingertip to elbow, press your forearms into one another. Lift your stomach as you take one leg back and lift your waist as you go down slowly with control, push down through the heels as you lift your navel up in opposition, you lift to control your descent. Let's take a seat, take the hands by your hips. Pick your bottom up, slide it back and lie all the way back down as we begin week eight, done, done, done.

Okay, from your open the chest, take a big inhale, exhale, scoop that navel in and underneath the chest. Anchor it down as you feel the back of the legs stretch down on the mat in opposition. Open the chest, feel the shoulder blades anchor, squeeze your heels together, take another inhale. And on your exhale, you're gonna rise right up into your hundred position. The toes are eye level.

Squeeze your heels together and inhale, two, three, four, five, exhale, two, three, four, five, inhale, vigorous pumps. Pulling your stomach all the way back. Stretching through the insides of the feet, lengthen the back of the neck and feel the top of the head curl up to the ceiling and make sure, right, you're not on your shoulders. You're right above the shoulders. Curling that upper back curling over that rib cage, inhale, two, three, four, five, exhale, two, three, four, five, inhale, stomach in, aim for that lower back, exhale, two, three, four, five, inhale, scoop it back.

Two, three, four, five, exhale, two, three, four, five, inhale. Squeeze your fingertips together. Big pumps, big pumps. You're a bird you're trying to take off, take off. I'm taking off to Mexico.

Big pumps, inhale, two, three, four, five, exhale, two, three, four, five, one more. Inhale, two, three, four, five, exhale, exhale, exhale, exhale, exhale. Hold it, hold it. Get a little longer as you lengthen all the way down and stretch. Flex your feet, lift the arms up, plug it in.

Inhale, roll all the way up, curl it in. Grab the strap, if you have, flex or ankles, roll back down, stretch it back. Arms come up, head comes up, press the heels down. Curl into yourself scooping your rib cage back. Scooping your waist back.

The head reaches towards your knees. The stomach stays off the thighs. Now before you move, scoop from the low as part of your stomach, press your thighs down. Zip up those inner thighs and drag your spine to that mat. Soft ribs, anchor the back, arm stretch back.

Arms come up, head up, curl into yourself, scoop it in, roll back, squeeze and zip those legs together. Reach it back long. Inhale up, exhale over, curl it in, roll it back and reach it long. Inhale up, exhale over, inhale down. Exhale strait, hands by your sides.

Or if you have a poll, go ahead, grab your poles. I'm gonna take my hands here for a little extra chest opening. Flex your feet. Slide the right leg into your chest and stretch it up. Anchor the chest, anchor the ribs, bring the leg up towards your nose.

Reach it across around up one, stop. Pull your stomach in, across around up two, soft ribs, across around up three, across around up four, push through that left heel, across round up five, reverse, open, down around up one. Anchor that left side. That's you're stabilizing side. Push through that left heel, circle four and up, around and hold it there and scissor the legs change.

Bring the left leg up to your nose. Flex that right leg. Scoop it in, soft ribs across round up one stop, across round up two stop, across round up three and circle four, nothing moves. Only that left leg moves in the hip, reverse. Around up in one, around up in two, stand on that right leg, around up in three.

Soften the ribs up and four. Scoop lift up five, lower the leg down, reach your arms back in one motion, fold right into your rolling like a ball, you arrive. Pick your elbows up, lift your feet up and balance. Lift the upper body up and think of your hundred as you curl over your ribs, reaching them head in between the knees. Push your ankles into your hands.

Keep the shape, roll back. Exhale, uphold. Try to keep it the whole time. Roll two, exhale uphold. And three, exhale upholded and four, scoop up and five push into your ankles to come up and six, lift your bottom up.

Lets have a little fun. You're gonna roll back to your shoulders and balance. Roll back and hold it, roll up and hold it, two more times. Roll back and hold it, roll up and hold it, one more time. Roll back and hold it, roll up and hold it, right leg in, left leg out.

Elbows in, hug it in for your single leg, pull back and switch it, one, two, three, scoop it in, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Again, 10, nine, reach out, eight. Think of your leg. It goes out out, don't let it drop, out. And the knee comes into the chest, four, three, two, one and in, double leg pull.

Pull your thighs into your chest. Find that rolling like a ball. Bring the head deep in between the knees, elbows up and let's inhale, stretch out, hold it. Circle around, reach over your thighs. Curl up a little higher and scoop your stomach in.

As you reach for your ankles, hug the thighs in. Inhale stretch, circle around holding, curl up a little higher, stay off those shoulders. Stay off those shoulders as you bend it in. Inhale, circle hold, curl up a little higher. A little higher push through your feet.

Keep curling as you bend in, inhale, circle, hold it up. Come on up, up, up and in, one more time and reach around, curl up, up, up, we can do it and deepen, deepen in. Let the head go down, from here take the right leg up. Grab the right ankle, left leg reaches down and I want you to pull the leg in. Pull, one, two, scoop, switch your legs.

And one, two, scoop, switch the legs, grab deepen. Grab the leg deepen, grab, deepen, grab, deepen. Now reach across the room. Across the room, across the room, reach out. The toe scrape the ceiling, they scraped the wall.

You reach out to the hip, strong powerhouse as a limb stretch away. Two legs up, heels together, toes apart. Lift your upper body up. Take the hands behind the head. Elbows open, stretch the back of the neck, scoop in and lower the legs down and you reach them out.

Zip those inner thighs together. Scoop that stomach in, anchor your low back and hold it. Reach out as you come up. Up, up, let's go down for 10, nine, eight, seven, squeeze the together six, five, scoop it back, four, three, two, one up, 10, nine, eight stomach in, seven, six five four three, two, one. Reach it down, two, upper body up guys.

Three, four, I'm working just as much. I got to earn my Mexico vacation and up one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Reach it down, two three, lengthen the back of the neck. Five, six, seven, eight and up. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

Last one, two, three, four, scoop up six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and up, two, reach out, for five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Right leg in twist. Stay here, curl up a little higher. Look behind you, open your elbows. Look back, look back, look back, curl higher as you go to the other side, look back up.

Curl up, up, up, change, lift it up, shoulder off the mat. Up, up change, reach that left elbow towards the back of your mat. Curl up, up, up, change up, up, up, up, up almost there, lift it, lift it, lift it. Stretch it, stretch it, stretch it and good, sit all the way up. Woo, nothing like a solid stomach series.

Separate your legs a little wider than your mat. Now use that stomach you just felt to lift your backup as tall as you can. Arms come up, shoulder height, feel the sit bones reach down as you lift your navel up through the back of the chest. Take a big inhale, fill the back of the lungs up. And then exhale, curl in, squeeze out all the air.

Press those slides into the mat. Curl into yourself. Scoop back, scoop it back. Dig those heels down, press those guys down into that mat. As the thighs go down, you continue lifting your hips and your navel up in opposition, find that two-way, stretch, heels down, navel up.

Now from here, press down through the thighs as you roll up, inhale, feel the lungs all the way up. Open the chest, lift off your hips. Get a little taller, inhale, exhale, curl it in. Curl into yourself. Deep in the waist, deep in the stomach.

Pull those hips back as the heels go down, finding all those points of opposition. The heels reach away, the head goes towards the mat. If you can, lift your lower back off the hips, lift your waist off the lower back, find length and space through the rib cage. The shoulders go down and the head comes up. Got to wipe the sweat off my face and lift, inhale, exhale, curl it in.

Exhale, press those legs in, exhale. Round that upper back, pull the rib cage diagonally up and back behind you. Inhale, lift up. Open the chest and rest. Very, good from here, you're gonna grab your ankles.

Pull your stomach in, find that same lift of your stomach as you slide the heels in towards your bottom. Roll your shoulders back and from here, extend the two legs out. Lift your chest up towards the ceiling. Push your legs into your hands. And we're gonna roll back and roll up.

Roll back, press your back down catch it and balance and two press your back down, catch it and balance and scoop back three. Press it, open the chest, scoop back four, press it. Open the chest, the arm stays straight the whole time and don't you dare let go of those hands and those ankles, you keep the shape. The shape goes back, the shape comes forward. The shape goes back.

The shape comes forward, stay here. Let's make it a little more fun, right. Legs together, flex your feet. Grab your toes and stretch. Lift your waist up, keep the shape, roll back, a little more challenging, roll up, open the chest.

Woo, roll back. Squeeze your legs together, roll up, one more time. Scoop back, come up, hold it there. Now, lift your backup stretch. Stretch it, stretch it.

Chest up, up, up, stay there, squeeze your heels together. Now hold this position with your powerhouse. Let go reach for your toes, you're in your teaser. Roll all the way down to the mat. Take the arms by your sides or if you have handles, go ahead and use them.

Hold on to your handles. Let's go into your corkscrew flat. Press your elbows down and soften the back of the ribs into the mat. Anchor the lower back, bring the legs up towards your nose. Roll on to the right hip, reach it down, scoop as you come to center, over to the left hip, left shoulder to the nose.

Tailbone stays down, left shoulder onto the left hip. Reach it down, anchor that right shoulder. Flatten your pelvis, pull your back, onto the right hip. Right shoulder to your nose, again to the right shoulder, right hip, anchor your shoulders and your rib cage. As you go to the right, to the left, left shoulder, to the nose, to the left shoulder, left hip, reach it down.

Scoop your lower stomach into the right hip, right shoulder, to the nose. Let's add on, let's roll only your pelvis off. Roll just your pelvis off and hold it, not so high, right? Roll over to the right, roll down the right rib. Right waist, right hip, reach it down, flatten, over to the left hip.

Peel the hip off, waist off, rib off. Only the pelvis comes off, over to the left. Keep your pelvis off, roll down the left side. Circle over to the right hip, now right when you peel the hip off, you keep your pelvis up. Go to the waste, go to the rib, bring it center.

One more time, to the right down to the left, scoop pelvis stays up, press your arms into the mat, to the left, reach it down to the right. Scoop, bring it center, reach it over, hold it, roll all the way down to the mat. Go ahead, take your arms to a T position or you can keep your hands on the handles if you have them. Squeeze your legs together. Two legs over to the right.

Turn your gaze to the left and scoop your center first to bring the legs back home. Legs to the left, turn to the right. Try to get that right ear to touch the mat, scoop and bring it center. Legs to the right turn to the left. Scoop and center.

Legs to the left, turn to the right now, the legs don't come back. Your powerhouse is what pulls you back. Legs to the right, gaze to the left, powerhouse pulls you back and rest. Sit all the way up for your saw. Let's separate the legs so they're a little wider than your mat again.

Lift up and take your arms to a T position. Grow tall and now I want you to feel your sit bones anchor you down. Twist to the right and now reach the left arm down towards you're right pinky toe and curl in. Stretch it past. Now, continue to anchor that left side, scoop into your left side, roll up in the twist, look behind you.

Stay twisted as you come up and turn to center. Lift your back, twist to the left, reach down, curl into yourself on that left side. Reach passed that foot if you can, but continue pulling the right hip back and scooping into that right waist. Roll up in the twist, reach through that back arm, increase the twist as you come up and lift to turn to center, twist to the right and reach, pull that left hip back. How far forward can you go without releasing that lift hip?

Sit on that lift hip, scoop into it, roll up and deepen the twist as you come up. Look behind you, lift your waist and turn to center. Twist to the left, reach, curl it in. Press that right by down, roll up in the twist, deepen it, deepen it, deepen it, chest up and center. One more time on each side, lift and twist, exhale, stretch.

Anchor that left hip, press it. Keep weight in that left hip, that's your opposition. If that stays anchored, you're gonna get that amazing stretch. Roll up in the twist, open the chest and center, lift your back, twist to the left and curl it in. Lift that back arm up.

Anchor that right hip, roll up in the twist. Open your chest and turn to center. Draw your legs together. Flip over onto your stomach and it's come onto your forearms for your neck roll. From here, zip up those legs together.

Press your pelvis into the mat. And as you press your pelvis into the mat, you're gonna lift your stomach off of it. Press those elbows down from here. Find the powerhouse first then lift the back of the neck. Slide the nose forward.

Reach your chest forward. Press those elbows back and down. Now from here, you can stay here or if you have a little more strength in your powerhouse, start to use that to pull yourself forward and up. Go up, go up, go up, open your chest. Scoop the stomach in and look to the right.

Bring your chin to the right collarbone. Look down, trace the collarbone over to the left and look straight ahead. Stomach scoops up, look to the left, down around into the right, look straight ahead. Zip up your inner thighs and pull yourself forward. Lengthen your chest through your shoulders.

The ground of the head reaches towards the back of your mat and you get that stretch. And again, elbows down, press it up. Pull the pelvis forward and up. Stretch that front body, press your hips down. Lift up, up, up, look to the left, down around into the right, look straight ahead.

Look to the right, down around into the left. Look straight ahead, scoop in, stretch and pull yourself all the way back down. Excellent, sit back on your heels. Stretch out your lower back in opposition. Lift your head, come back onto your stomach for your single leg kickback.

Make two fists in front of you. Slide your elbows underneath your shoulders. And I want you to press your upper body up as if your head is reaching. The top of the head is reaching to the ceiling. Scoop in, two legs up and bend the right knee, kick kick.

Left leg, kick, kick. Right leg kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, chest up. Kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick. Pull that stomach up and in kick, kick, kick your bottom. Kick it, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, chest up, stomach in and good, lengthen all the way down.

Take the right ear to the mat. Hands go behind the back, bend your knees and one, two, three. Stretch back, pull the waistline up the hips, reach back, open the chest, lift the arms and legs up, up, up. Scoop in, head touches, left ear and one, two, three. Stretch back, open the chest, lift the arms up.

Lift the thighs up, up, up. Forehead down, right here and kick, two, three and stretch lift it up, up, open the chest up. Forehead down, left ear kick one, two, three, stretch up, chest up, thighs up, arms up, lift up one more time. And one, two, three and stretch it back. Lift, lift a little taller.

Good, last one and one, two, three. Stretch back and up with those arms, up with the legs, up with the arms, up and circle the arms around, lower everything down. Sit back on your heels and stretch out your lower back in that position. Roll all the way up for your thigh stretch. Let's have the knees and feet hip distance apart.

Reach the tops of the knees down, fingers go forward. Now I want you to not be back here, right. I want your hips right over your knees. Shoulders right over your hips. So you're in one straight line.

Lift the pelvis up as you hinge back, keeping that straight line from head or from shoulder to your knees, hold it there. Zip up, scoop in as you come up, reach forward, reach forward, reach forward. Again, lift the inner thighs up as the knees reach down. Reach the pelvis back, open your chest, go a little further. Reach for your heels if you can, lift up.

Ooh, that's terrible. And rest one more time. Lift through the top of the head, lengthen back. Reach those knees down, toes go back, stomach in, open the chest, go, go for it. It's week eight, go for it.

Touch your heels if you can, up woo and rest, excellent. Turn around, go ahead, if you have a strap, use it. Have your feet, hip distance apart and parallel, lie all the way down for your neck pull. Hands come behind the head, elbows open. Now I want you to press the back of the thighs into the mat, press your lower back into the mat.

And you're gonna lift the head as you curl in. As if you're rolling underneath the low ceiling, curl into yourself and stretch one, two, three. Lift your lower back to roll all the way up and from your push through the heels, scoop back. Your gaze stays forward. The weight of the head stays in that rib cage.

Don't throw the head back, feel your lower back take you all the way down to that mat. Inhale, come up, press those sides into the mat. Curl in one, two, three. Lift the lower back up, pick it up. Pick the waist up, pick the ribs up, open the chest.

Scoop, roll back, push through the heels. Reach the heels away. Thighs anchor through the heels articulate all the way down. Inhale, come up, press those legs down and curl in one, two, three, lift the back, sit up tall, scoop, push through the heels, roll back. Scoop, roll back, lengthen the back of the neck.

Pull the back of the neck up to the ceiling. Pull the ribs back behind you, all the way down one more time. Curl it in, stretch over one, two, three, lift. Scoop back, lift the back of the neck to make space for your lower back to go back, lift the lower back lift to go back, lift the waist, pull the ribs all the way down to that mat. Excellent work, from here, we're gonna lie on our side for your sidekicks.

Let's have the right arm long and let's take it behind the head and let's take the legs forward so you're a slightly, a little probably like at the front of your mat. And from here, take the left hand to your hip. Push that hip away so that you can find your house for your mouse, right. You wanna keep that the entire time. Press down through that bottom leg, so that's your point of stability.

Lift that top leg up, flex the foot, reach it passed the bottom leg as you stretch it front. Point the foot, reach it back, nothing moves, flex it two, stretch it back, open the chest, stretch it three, reach it back. Stretch it four, anchor through that bottom leg, stretch it back. And you know, after doing all that work, this actually feels so stable. It's almost in a way it's effortless, it's effortful, but also effortless.

And that's kind of a politesse is, and stretch it back. The leg is light while the powerhouse and that bottom leg stabilize you. And reach, I lost count. So let's just say we got three more and reach in front and stretch it back and reach it front. Anchor that bottom leg, stretch it back one more time.

Reach it front and stretch it back, back. Get that nice stretch and good, leg on top of leg. Rotate the leg out, but watch that hip didn't turn out, lifted up, flex, bring it down. Lift it two, reach it down, now as you lift that leg up, is your way still off? It should remain off the whole time, don't let it drop.

Lift up, reach down, lift up, reach it down. Push down through that bottom leg. Bottom leg works just as much as that top leg, reach up, flex it down, reach it up. Flex it down, two more times. Reach it up, flex it down, one more time.

Reach it up, flex it down. Let's go parallel now, legs together. You're not gonna be able to come up as high, lift the leg up. Watch that knee doesn't turn up, press it down. Up two, down, three, down, push down through that bottom leg, bottom leg.

Think of the bottom leg moving away from the top leg. The bottom leg presses out. Ooh, that actually works you much, works your bottom so much more. And the bottom leg moves away, two more times, reach up and down, keep that waste off the mat. The whole time, lift up and down, turn the leg out.

Tiny circles, the size of a quarter, circle one, circle two, waist up three and four and five. Reverse circle one, scoop in, two tiny, tiny circles. Size of a quarter, should barely see the leg move. Four and five, now medium circle, size of a magic circle. One and hold, two, hold, three, hold, four, five, reverse and one, squeeze the heels, make it precise, two, press the heels together.

Three, stop at the heels. Four, press it, long neck, five, press it, bigger circles and one, squeeze and two, squeeze and three, up and around. Anchor that bottom leg. Four, reach, five, reach, reverse and one. Squeeze the heels together and two and three and four, bigger circles guys and five and good, ready?

Hot potato, turn the top leg out. Tap the top heel in front of the bottom heel five times. One, two, three, four, five. Up and one, two, three, four, five. Up the floor is hot, one, two, three, four, up.

Don't stay there too long. One, two, three, four up. One, two, three up, one, two, three up and one, two up, one, two, up and one, up, one, up, one, up, one, never end. One, one, one, one. And legs together, very good, stay there.

Lift the leg up, let's go for your bicycle. Stretch it forward. Bend the knee, knee to knee. Stretch your thigh back, open the front of that hip. Push through your bottom leg.

Draw the back of the thighs together here, extend, reach it front. Bend the knee, squeeze the knees together. Stretch your thigh back. Push and anchor through that bottom leg and extend. Reach in front, bent, knee to knee.

Thigh goes back, reach that thigh back without moving the upper body. Extend the leg long, reach it front, let's reverse. Stretch the leg back. Go back, go back, go back. Now don't move the knee.

Bring the heel to touch your bottom. Bring the knees to come together. Scoop in, bring the knee into the chest and stretching your house for your mouse is still up, right? Reach it back the whole time that is off the mat. Bend it in, knee to knee, lengthen the back of the neck, into the chest, reach it forward, stretch it back, press through that bottom leg.

Reach your knee back as you bent it and press through that bottom leg. Knee in to the chest, reach it forward and legs together. From there, let's go into your leg. Lifts two legs up and let's be one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, and hold. And cross two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and hold.

And beat, two, three, reach out four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, and hold and cross two, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, and legs together and rest. Flip over onto your stomach. Lift your two legs up and beat one, two, three, stomach off the mat. Five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 10, nine, legs up eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Roll onto the other side.

Lie on your left side. And from here, the left hand goes behind the head. Legs will be slightly angled in front of you. Right hand goes in front of the hip. I lied, one second, take your hands, your hips.

We can find your house for your mouse, push that hip away. And now you have to keep that up the entire time. You're gonna need that strength when we go into your pushup, press through your bottom leg, hip on top of hip. Lift that top leg up, stomach in, reach in front. Keep your house for your mouse and stretch it back.

Open the chest, don't let your waist drop. Flex it forward, push down through your bottom leg, reach it back, pull the stomach in, soft ribs. Reach it front, stretch it back, reach it front, stretch it back, open that chest, reach it front, stretch it back, reach it forward. Push that bottom like down, stretch it back. And as you're moving this leg, you keep that upper body anchored and stable.

The top leg is just nice and loose. It just stretches forward and it stretches back, three more times front, reach it back. And two, reach it back and three. Strong powerhouse, reach it back and draw your legs together. Turn the leg out, hip stays on top of hip.

Lift the leg up, reach it down, keep that waist up. Lift it two, so as leg comes up, you have to fight to keep that waist off the mat, down, up and reach, stretch, reach stretch, long neck, reach it, stretch it. Five more, up, reach down, push through that bottom leg. Push through that bottom leg, push through the bottom leg. Two more times, longer with that top leg.

It goes past that bottom leg and hold it there. Go back to parallel, knee faces forward. Pull your stomach in, lift the leg up, only parallel so you can't go as high. Reach it down, the moment you feel your knees start to turn out. That's as far as you got, and down, ooh, the second side is tougher and three and down and four, pours through their bottom leg.

Five, bottom leg, bottom leg moves away from the top leg. Six, reach out, seven, push through that heel, the heel is the farthest point away from you, eight, nine, 10, woo, and legs together. Ooh, that felt that one, now longer top leg, tiny circles. One, size of a quarter, two, three, four, five reverse. And one, two, three, four, five.

Now medium circles, one, circle two, circle three. Ooh, this side is definitely feeling it and four. And five, reverse circle one, make sure you press your heels together. So you find that midline, squeeze your heels together. And three, press the heels and four, press the heels and five press the heels.

Now, bigger circles, without letting anything move. Up and around, squeeze the heels together, up and around, press the heels together, lengthen the neck. Circle three, woo, circle four, circle five, control it. Control is the name of the game. Reach it back, control your circle.

Squeeze your heels together and two, press and three, press it and four, press it and five and press it here. Let's go for your hot potato and let's go one, two, three, four, five. Up and one, two, three, four, five up. Keep your waist off the mat. One, two, three, four, up.

One, two, three, four up. One, two, three, lift of the ear. One, two, three up. And one, two up, one, two up and one up, one up, one up, one up, never ends, up and up and up and up. And finally it ends legs together.

Bicycle front, bend the knee, knee to me. Stretch your thigh back, open the front of the hip. Extend that leg long. Anchor through your bottom leg, reach it front, bend the knee, squeeze your knees together now, open your chest and stretch your thigh back. Don't let your shoulder roll forward.

Keep that shoulder open. Open the front body, extend it long. One more time, and front, bent, knee to knee. Stretch your thigh back, anchor through your bottom leg and your rib cage. Extend that leg long, reach it front, let's reverse.

Stretch it back. Bring the heel to your bottom, keep your knee reaching back. Knee to knee, into the chest, reach it forward. Stretch your thigh back, reach it out, reach it out, reach it out, bend the knee, heel to bottom. Squeeze the knees together, pull the stomach in to the chest, reach it four one more time.

Stretch it back, reach out with that back. Like stretch it across the room, don't just go back, reach out, find even more opposition, make more length as you bend the knee. Into the chest and stretch it forward and legs together. Lift your two legs up and beat two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and hold and cross, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and hold and beat, stomach in two, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and hold it and cross, two, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, hold it and lower down. Ooh, all right, lie down on your back.

Shake out your legs, shake, shake, shake, shake it out. And let's go for your teaser. Let's start knees together, feet together. Arms up to the ceiling, press your feet down into that mat. Stretch the arms all the way back, but anchor that lower back and your ribs on that mat.

Arms come up, plug it in, inhale, roll up. Keep the arms parallel with your thighs. Press down through your feet. Scoop your pelvis back. Reach the knees away, articulate all the way down.

Stretch it back, arms come up, inhale up. Open the chest, press the feet down as you scoop to roll back, stretch the arms back long, arms up, head up, lift up, scoop roll all the way down to that mat and stretch. Let's add on extend the right leg out. Squeeze your knees together, inhale up, hold it. Keep your arms and legs parallel.

So you're making half of a teaser here. Keep them parallel as you roll back, Don't let those arms fall, keep them parallel, keep them parallel and stretch it back long. Roll up, hold it, scoop back and reach. Roll up, hold it, now stay here. Lift your lower back bones.

Extend two legs out in your full teaser, pause here. Pause it, bend the right knee, put the foot down. The knees are still together. Roll all the way down to that mat, stretch it back. Roll up, hold it, scoop and drag it down.

Putting everything together, roll up. Squeeze your legs together like you did in your sidekicks, leg lifts, press those inners of thighs together. Push through the back of the legs as you stretch it back, roll up, hold it, two legs out. Now don't move your legs. Your legs are stuck right where they are.

They're not gonna move at all. Roll your torso away from your legs. Don't move your legs. Reach your arms back, arms come up, lift your head, reach through your legs to come up. Don't move your legs, we're almost there, kind of.

Roll back, reach back, arms up, squeeze the heels together. Lift the chest up, up, up, roll back down, reach back. Roll up, lift up. Now, stay here, lift your chest up to the ceiling. Lift your lower back, lower the legs.

Reach out to lower, lift up, teaser two, reach out to lower, scoop up, reach out to lower, scoop up. Now lift the arms by the ears, lift your back up. Stretch, stretch, stretch, everything rolls down. Don't relax yet, stretch out. Into the hundred, up into your teaser three, lift the arms up, eyes and toes go down at the same time.

All the way down. Up into your hundred, up into your teaser. Lift the arms, roll back. Woo, the never ending to teaser series. Lift into your hundred, up into your teaser.

Lift up, now stay here. Bend your knees, take your hands in between the knees. Grab your ankles, soles the feet together. And one, two, three, roll back balance and one, two, three. Press your feet together and beat two, three.

Beat from the hip, not the near the feet and open the hip. Open the hip, open the hip, roll up. And one, two, three, roll back and beat. Two, three, roll up and one, two, three, roll back and beat, two, three. Roll up to stand, lift the arms up.

Lower down, excellent. Turn around, done, done, done, final exercise. Our pushup, heels together, toes apart. Lift the arms up to the ceiling. Pull your navel in and up.

Lower the arms down shoulder height, press through the heels as you do your roll up. It's just your roll up standing up now. Take the hands, plant them onto the mat. Push them forward, pull your stomach in. And without shifting side to side, take the right hand forward.

Left-hand forward, right-hand, left-hand, you're in your push-up position, stay here. Lift the heels up and pull your pelvis forward. Reach your chest forward, think of that neck roll and swan that we did. Your chest is going forward. Now go forward as you bend your elbows.

Powerhouse first press up one. Go forward as you bend your elbows, don't go back. Powerhouse, press up two, go forward. Scoop your stomach in forward. Forward, press up three, chin to chest.

Lower the heel, stomach in, don't shift side to side, walk the left-hand in. Press, right, press, left, press, press the arms down. The tailbone drags you up, back of the thighs, reached through the heels. Let's do it again, lower the arms down, chin to chest. Curl into yourself.

As you roll down, you continue lifting the stomach up. As you feel the thighs push down through the heels. Press the arms down and walk out in four, three, no shifty, two, one, your in position. Open your chest, stomach in, zip up those legs. Bend your elbows, go forward, go forward, press up one, the elbows go into the waist.

Like your single leg kickback, go forward. Scoop in, hold it powerhouse, first, press up two. And go forward, forward, forward powerhouse. Press up three, curl it in. Walk in one, two, three, four, anchor the heels, lift from the inner thighs to come up.

We have one more. Woo, and then it's vacation time. Lower the arms down chin to chest. Curl it in, we've been working hard all eight weeks. We're doing great, let's go out one, two, three.

Into position, make this your best. Zip your legs together, go forward. Lengthen the chest through the shoulders. Hold it there, hold it, press up one, go forward. Hold it, hold it, hold it, press up two, woo, and go forward.

Hold it, hold it, hold it. Scoop up, round in, walk in one, two, three, four, press, anchor the back of the legs. The tailbone reaches down to drag you up. Make more space, now stay here. Lift your waist up to the ceiling.

Feel the thighs anchor down, chest open. Now the head stays on the ceiling, as you open the arms, lift your stomach up, get taller, taller, taller and rest. Thank you so much for joining me today. It's been a wonderful eight weeks.


6 people like this.
I appreciate that Katie always emphasizes "keep a house for your mouse" in the side series. I have done a number of Pilates Classes where i didn't realize that keeping the side of my stomach on the floor is good way to pinch or bend your vertebrae and end up with a backache. Katie also has great form in her exercises, and I made it point to try and emulate that form. Great Effortful Class.. I had a good time and feel much better. Thanks Again Katie:) 
3 people like this.
I love the traditional mat work. Thank you for a very strong class Katie, well delivered. Exceptional leg sequence. I agree, that second leg was hard at work. Also harder work to lift the waist. Strong class.
3 people like this.
I'm so glad you have to wipe your sweat too.  Thank you for all the classes again! 
1 person likes this.
Awesome class!!! Challenging, I had to do a few breaks, just what I wanted!!
1 person likes this.
That was a very challenging class, thank you Katie. Perhaps the most brutal side lying series I've experienced! I was glad to get to the teaser series...until I wasn't :D
Gary M Thank you Gary! You were a super star during this entire series :)
1 person likes this.
Pen S HAHA! Good eye - I am working just as hard alongside you all! Thank you for always giving it your all during class Pen. 
Susannah R Thank you Susannah! 
Judy P The second side always gets you. Thank you Judy! 
Dyanne D Thank you Dyanne!
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