Class #464

Theraband Strengthening

55 min - Class


Join Niedra for this Mat workout. As usual, Niedra offers you a great workout as she teaches the most important skills for improving your technique with clear instructions. This class uses the Theraband to assist in shoulder strengthing and mobility exercises Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Mat, Theraband

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Jun 21, 2011
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Good evening everybody. Now that we saw the dolphins out there, we're going to do some philosophies. So let's have you take the straps and just to kind of warm up the upper body a little bit, bring your heels together. This toes or maybe two or three inches apart in the stomach is an an up. Bring your arms in front of you. Just take a moment and pull the shoulders down and lift the chest so you're nice. And now lift the heels a little bit, just a little bit.

And then when you lower the heels, get the spine nice and long. So there's a natural tendency to kind of do this. You want to kind of be over, that's it. And down. Now keeping that position shoulders down. Just pull the arms apart and feel between the shoulder blades. And as you pull the arms apart, lift the stomach up. So Dev even more, pull the belly in and up to the waist. Skip Long. That's it. And Paul, so you want to feel the area are between the shoulder blades across the back. We're waking up that part.

That's it. Ample, ample add. Well, Wendy, lift your head a little bit more. There we go. Add Pool. Justin. Now bring the arms up and see if we can keep your shoulders down and the stomach lifted and the waist long. And keep your head long and pull again. Cool. And Paul and Paul and Paul and Paul and Paul shoulders way down there, Tim and Paul and Paul. Now widen the grip a little bit.

Lift your chest and see if you can take your arms all the way back, all the way back as far back as you can. Bring them all the way down. How Alexa side, Joseph [inaudible] wanted everybody to do this every morning after the shower and bringing him forward and down. And again, if it's really easy, you bring your hands closer together. So if you have a mobile in the shoulders, the hands are closer. If you're very tight, my the shoulders, you can wide not just pull up the stretchy band apart. Good. Very, very good for the shoulders and press. Um, well wait, now bring the hands a little bit more together. Lift the arms up, pull the stomach up, shoulders down. Tim and just take the arms back.

You probably won't be able to go all the way back, but as you do this, lift the chest so you have a beautiful stretch here and in the armpits. So Deb, get your hands closer together, so not so wide. So you really get into all that tissue under the armpits. Lift the chest, pull the stomach in, and bring the arms down. Very, very good. Now come to the front of your mat. Cross your feet, hold onto your elbows and bend halfway down.

Pull the stomach in. That's it, Tim. I'm so proud of your lower back and come back up plus your feet the other way. Now as you go back, try not to do this movement, but pull the stomach in. Aim. So bend. Then now take your back foot, put it behind you. See if you can go all the way to the floor. [inaudible] oh, look at this. Okay. Okay.

Get rid of the silly strap. Bend your knees and your feet and slowly roll down onto your mat for the warm ups aligned down. That's right. Make sure your head, if you have a strap, you know what the, put that under your head. So the Pur now bend your knees on the Mat for the warmup. The reason you have something under here is that you won't have your head like this. You want that feeling of the back of the neck very long so your chin is not poked up to the ceiling, but bring your chin down a bit better.

That was a very long neck. Pull the stomach in. Bend your knees and feet together. Now stretch your arms down towards your feet. Then the knees a little bit more. Pull your belly in and check that the ribs on the mat even more. That's it. Now bring your right knee to your chest with the hip.

Staying quiet and put the foot back down. Lift your left knee up. Put the foot back down. Lift the right knee up. Put the foot back down. Lift your left knee up. Pull the belly in and put the foot back down. Lift your right knee up. Put the foot back down. Lift your left knee up and put the foot back down.

Glide the hands down towards your ankle. So you stretch the shoulders away from the ears. Squeeze your hips and knees and lift your right knee again. Keep the stomach and lift your left knee up. Put the right foot down and put the left foot down and keep your stomach in.

As the left knee comes up and right knee comes up and left foot goes down and right foot goes down and hips a nice and tight and right knee comes up and left knee comes up and right foot goes down and left foot goes down and left knee comes up and right knee comes up. Tighten your hips here, left foot goes down and right foot goes down. Very good. Hands on your navel. Narrow the hips. So hug the midline, check that the back is long. Bring both knees towards your chest, bring them in, in, in, in depth for me. That's it. So you feel the back long. Tighten your hips here and float the feet down to the mat, keeping your bottom down and your back long.

So try not to rock and pull the stomach in if you lost it. And if the Nisa and press the ribs to the map and float the feet down. Lift your head for a minute. Tighten your hips, pull your stomach muscles in Mason Bat. Lift the knees up again. Keep the stomach muscles weigh in and press you back into the mat as you lower down so you don't drop. Try not to rock. Pull the stomach in, cause you back into the mat. Yes, keep that alignment and lift the knees up.

One more time. Bring the knees for me way in depth. Way In that it's easy. Now pull the stomach way in and bend the feet close to your bottom. That's gonna bring the feet close down to your bottom on the way down so you don't rock in the pelvis if you can. Very good. Lift your arms up to the ceiling.

Pull the shoulders away from your ears. Good. Wendy, lift your head and chest and stretch your hands to your ankles. Good, Megan. Yes, very nice. Closed ribs. Good. Lower back down and lift the arms to the ceiling and lift up again and close those ribs. Pull the stomach in, stretch the arms and lower back down and lift up, pulling the stomach in and lift shoulders away from the ears. That's it. And lower back down. And one more time. Lifting up, shoulders away from the ears. Good and lower back down. Now bring the knees in at the same time. If top again, lift the chest and the knees. The knees come into you. Close the front body.

Good. Lower back down and lift up. Lower back down and lift up. Pull the shoulders away from your ears. Lower back down. One more time. Lift up and close the ribs and lower back down.

Put your hands down on the mat for a minute. That was very, very good. Excellent work. No, lift the arms up. One more time, a little bit more of the warmup. Feel the shoulders away from the ears and float the arms back without letting the shoulders come up to sh. So see how far back you can go. Keeping the shoulders on the mat so it's pretty hard. Long arms, long arms. Keep the shoulders down and then float the arms back up and down to the mat all the way down. Now, once it down here, broad in the shoulders so you can feel how the cuff can get wider.

So as you start to lift the hands, I don't mind if your hands will go wide. Keep the cuff wide. So don't at the show they get narrow in here. So lift the arms up, float them up without letting the shoulders move forward. Yes. Now keep the shoulders wide like that and float the arms back and you'll have to figure out how to release the armpit. Good. That was so good Deb.

Don't let the ribs pop so you get real length and you stretch out the tissue. Much better team, that's loosening up there. Bring the arms up and back down. Good work. Keep the shoulders wide so you feel the collarbones always wide. And again, lift the arms, keep the shoulders.

Why take the arms up and back. Ribs are long. Open the armpits, stretch, shoulders down. Very, very good. And then bring the arms back down. That was super, really, really, really nice. Kay. Now hundreds, lift your head and chest and bring your knees into your chest so you curl up. Check that the shoulders are pulled away from your, it's really stretch the arms. Extend the legs out. Slight plotty stance. Tighten the hip. Start pumping with the arms ready in four, five. Exhale.

Keep the fingers long and tight together, but feel the arms like pumps or like six, three, two, three, four, five. Exhale, nice, long legs forward. Three, four, five. Exhale. Keep the body quiet. Five, two, three, four, five. Exhale, just the arm. Six to five. Exhale, very good. Seven, two, three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five, eight, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five, nine, two, three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five, last set, three, four, five, six, seven, there. Good. Bend your knees, your chest, nice work. Put your head down, grab your knees, give yourselves a little hug.

Just pull the legs in for a minute so you have a nice little hug there. And then put your feet on the mat and stretch your arms up over your head and stretch your legs out and give yourselves, first of all, let the shoulders go. Just pull the arms as far back as you can. Take Tim arms over your head and just reach with the fingers and point your toes and stretch the elbows and pull. So you want a tiny, tiny long body and reach with those legs in opposition. Now to roll up, bring the arms to the ceiling, spread the shoulders away from your ears and see if you can roll up.

And if you need to bend your knees, you bend your knees, you rock up if you need to. Very, very good. And we'll be, keep on going. Pull the stomach in and stretch forward and then drop your head. Grab the shoulders and roll down on your back. Roll down, shoulders down, rolling down, rolling down, rolling down, reaching the feet in our position. Stretch the arms over your head and bring the arms up and roll. Pull the stomach in and reach and on the way back, roll down, shoulders down. Really articulate that spy in tiny, tiny ways.

Hollow stomach, very good. Tiny waist. As your arms stretch back in the feet, reach opposition and roll up again. Nice and stretch and roll down. Pulling the stomach in. Tight, hips, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll and down. And as you are all more familiar to a few more, you can go a little fast and work at your own speed now. So if you want them to go fast to so long as you're not, um, throwing yourself around you can move quicker. But you want to be sure you're not skipping any part of the movement two more times. Very nice work. Roll Up.

Good reach and roll back. Very nice work there Megan. Lovely. And last one, make sure the legs alarm, you're hugging the midline, you working the whole body. Nice articulation. Very, very good. And then make sure you have your strap next to you and roll down on your back for single leg circles with the bent knee. First of us to get the strap around your foot.

Oh, make sure the strap is around the ball of the foot and stretch the leg up and make sure the foot is up. Let's start with the left knee bent. Right knee is straight. Now with the left knee bend, push the waist into the mat and especially the right hip. Push it into the mat and extend the right leg away from you for a minute and pour press into the ball of the foot. So you're like hat have high heel shoes on and stretch your knee. Now as the leg comes back up, don't let the knee buckle to lift the leg back up to the ceiling and make sure it stays straight. Cause often it's tempting to have that knee bent, right? And Tim, I'm going to move this down a little bit and I'm going to lift it up a little bit. Okay? Better for you like that. Okay. Turn the leg out slightly.

Keep the stomach in small circles with the legs. Circle the leg, circle the leg, circle the leg. Keep it right above the hip if you can. And don't let your hips flop around. Reverse it. So Deb, keep your buttock steady. So you know, salsa dancing three, this is military. Hold everything steady and quiet. And now just for the stretch, lower the leg 45 degrees and bring the leg up, pulling the stomach in long. But the right hip stays on the mat. So lower the leg and lift the leg up here opposite the nose. And you stretch just there, right there. You feel that? That's good.

Lower stretch this snip. Pull the quad up and lift right into that and lower and lift up. Tighten your hips. Otherwise, very nice. And one more time. This is looking so much better. Look at that lovely straight leg. And if now keep your leg in the air, take the left leg straight down on the floor and stretch with it.

Or you stretch the knee. Try to get the hamstring on the mat. Starting again. Cross over your body, right hip stays down. Now take moment. Keep that right hip way down. Way, way, way down. So you push, take the right waist and press it into the mat. Deb, bring your foot towards me. That's it. Circle the leg. And up and cross.

You get right hip down and right shoulder down. Yes, there we go. And circle that like so you keep your trunk quiet, circle the leg. Can you stretch the knee a little bit more? All look at that and circle the leg. Now reverse your circles. Circle shoulders and down. Circle, circle, circle, and circle. Now again for the stretch, lower that like the 45 degree. Pull the stomach in, narrow the hips, bring the leg up slowly and check your legs.

Don't let them buckle so you only go as far as you can. Lower the leg again and lift the leg up. That's looking good there Deb. Keep the leg slightly turned out. Lower the leg, stretching me all the way. Pull this up and keep the right hip way down and make sure the heel is opposite your nose every time. If it's an inch off to the right, you're missing a whole section of the stretch and a very, very good. Okay, get your leg out of here and put the other leg in the strap if possible. You want the strap around the ball of the foot and the toes. So if you extend the foot up at the toes of back, it's like high heel shoes.

We're going to first set with the knee bent for a set knee bend. Yes, seem get the leg right above your hip or as high up as you're able to keep the left hip down. Slights like turnout. Tighten your sit bones together so you have your little corset of a powerhouse. Circle the leg, circle the lake. Good. Circle the leg, circle the leg, circle the leg, reverse it and circle the leg. And two and three and four and five. Pause. Finally turned out. You know that's turned in other way. Bottom tight.

Lower than like 45 degrees. Yes. And lift stomach in, but it's tight. Lower down. So you have that muscle that wraps around your hamstring and your Hi-fi. You want that? Hell and up. Very nice and lower and up. And one more time. Lower and up. Excellent. Keep that like long.

Take the right leg on the floor too. Long. Legs, narrow hips, strong stomach first. Just take the leg across your own body and keep the left hip down. So you have to work the left waist in the left hip in opposition to this stretch. And let's get this more out. So you really get that out of sides. And now draw your circle and draw your circle, dry your circle. Keep that like that Sandy.

Draw the circle and circle. Very good. Now reverse it. And as you do a check that your body is quiet, you really isolating the leg in the socket. So you have to really work in the power house to keep your pelvis grounded, your stomach up, your backlog and your hip steady. Very good. And then last one, bring it up. Extend the leg, make sure it's in a Pallavi stents lower than like 45 degrees long stomach in opposition. Lift the leg up without letting the knee get short and lower the leg and then lift it up, extending through the heel and the foot.

Lower the leg and lift the leg up. Tim, I am so impressed with your legs. Big improvement. Lower down. I love it. And, and one more time. Lower down and up and bring your legs back down to the math. Very, very nice. Put the strap off to one side. Stretch your arms over your head and roll up for rolling like a ball. So roll on up.

Use that powerhouse to roll all the way up. Very good. And we'll get your hands by your hips. Nice tight belly. Pop your bottom forward so you lift up and bring your hip. That's it. Now holding behind the knees. Pull the stomach in. Squeeze your feet to your bottom. Really Pinch those hands. Keep your head down.

Roll back to your shoulders and roll back up and balance and roll back and roll up and roll back and roll up. Sometimes ping pong balls, do other things. Roll back again and shoulders are down. Roll back and up. And one more time, girl back. Pretty good. And Roll Up. Let's grab the ankles and see if you, how small you can make your shape.

Can you get your head between your knees? If not, you get it, but there'd be want your feet off the mat. So you're balancing now to really pull your feet tight to your bottom. Stay this tight and roll back and come up again. So stay that tight, tight, tight, tight little ball and roll up and balance. Good team and roll back and roll up dead. That's the idea. But keep your feet tight. Roll back. Much harder like this.

Roll Up. Roll back. Roll up two more times. Roll back. Roll up in one more time. Roll back. Roll Up. Good work. Very good work. Put your feet on the map and slowly roll down onto your backs for single, like stretches. Check that your shoulders are away from your ears.

Bring both knees to your chest. No, let's have everybody put your feet back down on the mat. Squeeze your hips together. Squeeze your knees together and using your stomach and your powerhouse. Bring both knees at the same time. Do not let them separate. Bring them in, in, in, in, in, in towards your chest. Right.

Hold your ankles with both hands. Squeeze your feet toward your bottom so you make the knee joint really bent. So Deb, grab your ankles. Yes. Pull your heel. Try to touch your bottom with your heels. Now lift your head and chest up and squeeze the legs in.

So you pull down for Nice Tim. Bring your knees closer to your chest. Bring them in. That's it. Now left-hand to right knee, left hand, right knee, left leg out. Straight. Shoulders away from your ears. Switch your legs and pull. Switch your legs every time. Squeeze them the way in. I want to see you trying to get the foot to your bottom.

So you bend the joints and squeeze and squeeze and squeeze and squeeze and squeeze and squeeze and squeeze and squeeze. Bring both knees in. Put your head and shoulders down on the Mat, right. And drop your feet to the mat as well. And just to relax for a minute, roll your head to the right and roll your head to the left and roll your head to the right and roll your head to the left and back to the center. Oh, okay Perry, I want to take a little break cause I want to get Tim up another towel. So Tim, I just want your head a little bit more elevated.

So, um, let's do this. This, hold it. And one more. That's better, right? Move a little bit further up on it. Just a second. One more. Okay, now I'm happy. Okay.

Alright, so dabble like stretches. Bring both knees into your chest, grab your ankles with both hands and crawl your head and chest up and use your powerhouse. Now check the shoulders are away from the ear. Yes. Good. Now keep the shape, arms and legs extend out. So we just arms and legs away from u s big circle with the arms and pull the legs in. Tiny little ball and stretch. Stretch the elbows. Circle and hug the knees. Legs together and stretch. Squeeze the legs together. Circle N, N and stretch. Circle and in.

Keep the stomach in and stretch a little higher with the legs here, Deb. Stomach and tight and in. So keep the legs high so you can press you back in and stretch. Very good circle and in head of the Mat. Feet to the mat and rest. Very good. So you want to keep this area from kind of going so better to have the legs higher. The arms higher now stomaching back long.

Bring both knees to your chest for scissors. This is the stretch the hamstrings again. Curl. You hadn't chest up. Stretch both legs to the ceiling. Stretch the legs. Take your right leg and pull it towards you twice. Paul. Paul, stretch the knees. Switch your legs. Pull Pole switch Paul Paul, switch, pull, pull, switch, pull, pull, switch, pour, pull, switch, pour pole, switch, pull, pull, switch Paul Paul Sweat. Popo. Both legs come up, bend your knees, Hadden, feet to the mat and rest. Very, very nice. The lower lift.

Take your strap and put it around the souls of your feet and souls of the balls of the feet, I should say. And the toes. So you have a place that if you push into the ball of the foot, you can feel the strap. Now start with your stomach in. So Tim, let's have the strap. Yeah, there you go. Nice extended strap. Now just the practice of like you all to extend the legs up, but press the ribs down and pull the shoulders away from your ears.

So Deb, you want to lift the shoulder just to tips of the shoulder blades are off them or just off. There you go. Bend the knees and lower down. So as you press up, you hollow the front of the body, out to the ribs, go down, the stomach pulls in and you kind of wrap around this round. K and lower back down and again, lift up. And as you do this, the back expand in the stomach and traps. Shoulders are down though. Tim. Good and lower back and lift up and extend your vision just towards your toes.

A little further out. Megan with the feet good and lower down. And one more time. Lift up like that. Keep the stomach and so you can lift a little higher and lower the feet a little further down. Keep the stomach working, lift the legs up. Very Nice Wendy, lower down and lift the legs up in the niche should be very straight. Their depth and lower down and lift up and lower down and lift up. And one more time and lower down and lift up.

Very good your knees and put your feet on the math in your head on the math. Very, very good. And put them strapped to one side. Stretch the arms over your head. Nice long stretch. And then either with straight legs are bent legs roll up to a sitting position. So up you come, roll up, roll up, roll up for spine, stretch forward.

So stretch your legs out, see if you can press the backs of the knees into the mat. And actually before we do the exercise, let's do a little stretch. My teacher Ramani used to sometimes do when people had tight hamstrings and tight lower back. So just with your legs like this, your hands can be nicely here. Just bend the knees without the feet moving in space and then straighten and extend the tolls and band and stretch. Now Tim, can you get your feet wider than the mat? Yes. So all of you, you want the legs? My legs are really too narrow.

They're just about 40 degrees is what you really want your legs to be and point. So basically what you're doing here is you want this sense of hinting from the hip to the heel so that if you notice your heel is not moving at all right now, have a look and then we'll do it together. Your knees will be bent. And I'm uh, just watch me cause your head's going to be down when you do the exercise. So you'll be crude over so you can grab the toes. Now you'll be stretching one leg at a time.

But if you notice I'm not stretching that way, I'm actually using it to stretch into my back. So I'm pulling back to open up the whole lower back. So you'll be stretching back with one, they get a time and then you're going to be taking both legs and literally feel that you're pressing into the sacrum to open it out. So let's see what happens. So first of all, just bend the knees, reach over and grab your toes. Now, first thing, just let the head drop so you just feel this position and then pull the stomach in and up a little bit so you have a little bit of tone in your back.

Now take the right knee, impressive down. Keep the foot flex there Deb, and press the right knee towards the floor so you stretch the stretch to keep the foot flex. Keep it flexible, and then bend back up. Now Flex your foot a whole lot. There's your flex. That's it. And now take the left leg and press it down. Press that knee down. Push, push, push, push, push and bend it up. And take your right leg and push it towards the floor. Wendy, that so good and bent and the left leg. Press it down, down, down, down, down, down.

Keep the foot flex and bend and the right leg. Press it down, pulling back into your bath and bend and the left leg back, back, back, back, back to the floor. And then now let the head drop. Stay in this position section. Feed more Deb, flex them. Good. Keep your head drop. Pull your belly in and start pressing both knees down. Push the knees down and feel as though someone's grabbing your belly and pulling you backwards and bend. Good. And again, Chris the knees down and pull back.

As you press down with the knees and bend and press down so you stretch into your lower back and bend two more times and press down, opening up the back body and bend. And one more time pressing down, stretching those knees down and bending. Okay, come back up. You get a stretch. Yes. Yes. Good. So that's a nice thing. If you're tight, if you can't get the knees down, very good to do regularly. So now we'll do full spine stretch forward. So the legs are now the Fita reaching out and the arms are in front of you.

Big Lift through the spine. Check that the shoulders are down. Lift up a little bit more and press the thighs towards the Mat. So everything's long. Take a deep breath in and breathing out. Round your upper back. Go a little deeper than someone's punching you in the chest, and then go a little deeper and pull way back.

And now lift out of your stomach and then roll back up and press the shoulders down and lift the chest. Nice, elegant party. Tiny waist. Lift up and start going forward again. Round the upper back, middle back, reaching forward, reaching with the fingers and pulling back in your stomach and then roll back up. Roll back up the shoulders. Glide way down. Lift up tall. Lift, lift, lift, lift, lift. Yes, and again, drop your head and start to reach forward. Long arms. You're diving down, lifting in the waist, the hand to shoulder height. Roll back up as you roll up. Lift up, lift up, lift up, lift up, push against my hand here. Tighten your buttocks. Get Taller, tighten your bottom. And one more time.

Drop your head and roll and roll and roll and roll. Now stay here. Take a deep breath in and breathing out. Go deeper. Try to press your head towards the floor. Pull the stomach in. Very nice. And then roll up. Roll up, roll up, roll up. Roll up, press the shoulders down, lift the chest, tighten about x. Get taller and taller and relaxed. Nice work.

Then your feet for open leg, Drucker and whole behind the knees. Pull the stomach in and take your right leg and down and left like and down and right leg and down and left leg and down. Right like and left lake. Okay. Put your feet down for a minute. Now very common because the legs have like say you have all the different muscles of the, the size and the hamstrings in the calf that they can pull your leg.

Some parts are loosened, some parts are tighter. So when your straightening your leg, some of you are doing that because of the shape of the leg. So you're rolling it in a bit. So let's do this again and think of keeping this part of your foot showing. And even if you can't go to straight, cause you may find you hit that point where the only way you can get it straight as to do that, stay there and see how much you can go into it.

It just changes the hips a bit. Yes, Tim. That's exactly right. So let's take the right leg up and just see if it can stay that at depth and pull the stomach. That's good. And um, and then the left leg. Good and down. And the right leg. That's better. Sandy and down. Nice. And are now. See if you can take both legs. Both legs. Both legs. Both legs. Yes. And down.

And one more time. Both legs. Both legs, both legs and down. I love it. Put your feet down. Reach between your knees. No, between the knees. So you're holding the front of your knee. You're your ankles and lift them up in the air.

Take your right leg up. So a little harder. And you go with just as a fun test and a fun test. Now see if you can get both legs up, both legs, up just for the fun. You may not be able to go. It's much harder to do. One more time. Timber. One more time. Holding. Holding, holding. Holding. Yes. [inaudible] and down. Okay, so eventually you're building this exercise up to that level for the rocking part. Your choice.

You can hold here if you feel steady or go for this. I think you had pretty, that was pretty easy for you. So, well if you want to, you can try doing your rocking this way. Otherwise stay here. So your choice, wherever you want to hold your hold either behind the knees or by the ankles. So lift your legs up, hold your v and then roll to your shoulders and roll up again in balance. Ah Ha. That said good that you nailed it and roll back. Megan, I haven't seen you for awhile, so I missed you. So I'm gonna make you work hard and roll back and up and rollback. My goodness.

This is looking good and up. One more time. Roll back, roll up. Hold your balance and put your feet down. You see even the train agreed with us. So feet together, arms long, and slowly Tuck your tail under you on pause and pull your stomach in deeply, deeply, and roll a little bit further down. Tuck your sacred Monday. You pull the stomach in, close your ribs, go to the top of your pelvis, pull the stomach in. Go to your waist, go to the top of the floating ribs, and then all the way to the mat, that was super. Bring both knees to your chest and lift both legs straight up to the ceiling and squeeze your hips. Bend the light's back.

And as the legs go up, see if you can tighten your, your and narrow the hips together and bad. Very good. One more time. And going into court school. Nice ties. Hips draw circles. Yeah, to the right, down to the left and up and to the left. Down to the right and up to the right, down to the left and up to the left, down to the right and up to the right, down to the left and up to the left, down to the right and up. Stretch your legs and lower the leg straight to the floor. Pull the stomach in, long back, tight hips all the way down. So Nice.

Keep the hips tight, lift the arms to the ceiling and then roll to a sitting position articulating nicely and beautifully through the spine as you come up. Very good. Open your legs for saw. So again, about 45 40 degree angle. Really flex the feet to now you're working the opposite principle. Allow them needs to be softer minute and pull the feet way back. Way, way, way back, and spread the toes. It's like you're doing this with your feet standing right foot more flex.

Bend your knee, Bend your knee. Now flex it. I think you've got more flex in you than the knee. Bend it. Flex. No other way. Bring the toes up this way more. One more. No, no, no, no, no. Flex your foot more. No, pull it that way. There you go.

Okay. Your foot, your foot. So yeah. So when the knees are bent you, it's easier to get full articulation. So you want to be aware of what your port can do. Now see if you can stretch the knee down and keep the foot that active. So Tim, get that foot working, that two lots of work down into the feet.

Now lift your chest and take your arms to the side. Big Lift, twist to the right and reach towards your left leg, your right little tole and stretch. One stretch to stretch. Three, sit up tall and open the chest. Other side, twist and stretch. One, flex a feet a lap and three and sit up tall for side again, twist and stretch. Two, three and lift. Open those arms. Other side. Twisting. Stretch to three and lift. Twisting. Stretch to three and lift.

Twisting. Stretch to three and lift. Very good legs together. Arms Long. Articulate slowly. Now the legs are straight to stretch the knees. Pull the stomach in. Zim, get your sacrum down a little bit further to the waist and all the way to the mat. Very, very good. Roll onto your stomach. Place your forehead on your fingertips for preparation for swan dive.

So the Ford's on the fingertips. The elbows are why the heels are together. The buttocks are nice and tight. Nice tight Maddox. Heels together. Now squeeze your bottom. I want to see nice dimples in the cheeks. Very cute dimples. Good.

Now pull the stomach in and see if you can lift your navel off the floor. Just the naval, the feet. Stay on the floor, Tim. Feet. Stay on the floor right now. Sit back into your heels for a minute. Just sit back and have a look at something. When you're here in this position, what often happens is if I look at you, you're all do you see, I'm kind of rounded. See if you can be, so everything is instead of up here possible, so you're more [inaudible]. So before you squeeze anything to see if you can get really low down, that's better. That's better. So you really drop this into, into the floor. Very, very. Yeah, that's looking better.

Now without changing anything in your upper body, check that the heels are together right now. Tighten your inner thighs and your buttocks towards each other and imagine your tail getting really long and your wastes getting long. Nice. Now just lift the elbows off the mat, just the elbows and now float your head and your forehead off the mat. Two or three inches. Lifting up Sandy. So everything lift in your spine is beautifully long and then lower back down.

That is very nice when you're lifting and hovering and lift again and the lower body's very long and lower down. Now you want to be sure that the elbows lift as well. Elbows lift elbows and now lift the body lift and I'll go a little higher. Lift a little higher and lower back down. And one more time like this. Elbows lift first and then lift your trunk.

That's excellent. The feet stay down, Tim. Feet. Stay down. Feet stay down and lower back down. Very, very good. Come up onto your elbows for single leg kicks. So make fists with the hands, right. So depth for me today. Let's have you with your hands like this. Yes. So the end of the mat. Press the hands down. Lift your chest. Look forward instead of down and shoulders away from your ears. Very Long, elegant, front body. Now the legs should be together if possible.

The knees are tight. Bend your right foot slowly in towards your bottom. Keep the buttock state. Just feel that range of movement. And how close can you get your heel to your bottom? Put the leg down just to feel the tension. Nice, tight buttocks. Keep you bought. Excited. Bend the other leg in.

It's not easy to do with the muscles. Tight. Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, right straight and lower down. Now check that the shoulders are away from the ears. Lift the stomach up. Look forward instead of down and about single leg kicks. Kick twice, kick, kick and down. Other leg kick, kick and down and kick. Kick. Keep the bottom ply it and kick, kick and downing. Kick, kick and down and kick. Kick and down and kick. Kick and down and kick. Kick. Very good and down.

Lower down your noses to the right. So your left ear is on the map for single double leg kicks, both hands behind your waist. So make sure the hands are right at the waist. Make sure your left ear is on the mat. If you can turn your head all the way, go for it. So you really kind of with your head to profile and now press your elbows towards the Mat and stretch the cuff. That can be quite extensive. A stretch with some of you. Really, why children's presses elbows down. That's it. That's it.

Write down, tried to get them all the way to the floor, but don't lose touch with the hands. Now in this position, squeeze your buttocks, squeeze the knees and bend both feet. Kicked three times. Kick two, three the legs. Go down the arms. Go back and lift your chest and get the chest off the mat. Stretch those arms to the knees and lower down other side with your head. And again, kicked three times. Kick two, three and pull back with the arms if your head and chest and squeeze the shoulder blades together. Yes, lower down. Very good. And again, kick to three and pull back and lift. Lift, lift, lift other side and kick two, three and pull back and press those feet down. Stretch the arms, back street in the elbows to the knees and down. And one more time to three and pull back with the arms.

Stretch him and lift and other side kick two, three on pull back, stretch. Squeeze those shoulder blades together. Down with your hands under your shoulders. Sit back into your heels and stretch your back out. Now come up to a sitting position. Just the way you are.

So you're going to be sitting back to back right where you are. So you're sitting on your heels and if you can sit on your heels, you can lift up onto the knee. So it's fine to be up if your knees, this is just to get this sense. Take your hands behind your back. So just like you did AA, Keck. So your hands a bit right behind the waist. Now that just like that, Tim, are you okay like this? So you want to be up. If it hurts your knees, you can be up with your bottom. Okay.

Now I want you to take the hands and squeeze your shoulder blades together so you pinch the shoulder blades and then stretch the arms. So very important to get this pinching that's better. Now stretch your elbows and squeeze the shoulder blades together. Good Pinch, pinch, pinch, even more. Stretch your elbows and bend the hands back behind you.

And again, now this time when you do it, stretch your arms and lift your chest. Lift your chest so you balloon it out and you're exposing and bend better. One more time and stretch and bend. Okay, let's have you all just for a moment. Stand up. We have enough towels to go round and everybody grab a towel, how towel, you have a towel. Okay, everybody's got a towel I want to tell.

So this area can get really, really tight and very congested. And I read that the first muscles to atrophy are the muscles right between the shoulder blades, which means that this pattern starts to happen. And then this happens and then this happens and then we get old. But they did actually start the first two muscles that atrophy are. These are the muscles between the shoulder blades.

So to be able to get this to start to kick in again helps you get the vertical plane of the upper body. It's very crucial for this place. So with double leg stretches, we're working towards activating that area. So if you bend your hands and have the towel behind you so the hands are wider as your hands go down, squeeze your shoulder blades together and now see if you can turn the hands inside out. It just makes it a little bit easier. Nope. Just like that. Good. Turn the stretch your elbows, Tim. That's it. Keep them straight. Now squeeze your shoulder blades. That's it.

So you're taking the crease of the elbow and you're bringing it. You're going from here. You're doing that. Yes. That's it. That's it Megan. And with that movement, that cough rolls out. So, um, Tim roll. That's it. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. And now stretch your elbows. Stretch them right.

And one more time and stretch. That's looking good. Now hold on a minute. Relax you. It's coming. But I want more. So let's see if you're holding here. Stretch your elbows as much as you can.

So the arms are really long. Now start to turn the thumbs out. And as you do that, you take the hand and you're rolling it that way. Now Tim, can you stretch your elbow even more? That's it. Now lift your chest and squeeze your shoulder blades even more, even more. So all of that's, Oh, here we go. That's what we're looking for. So do you feel yes.

You're never going to move again. So do you feel how that opens this? That's what you're going for now, Tim, you stay with that and the rest of you let go of the towel. Just toss it to the ground and then the arms and the rest of you are going to hold your hands behind your back. Tim, you're just going to bend. Okay, now lift your chest. Start to squeeze your shoulder blades and then stretch the arms down and lift your chest. So you're opening across here better.

That's what you're looking for. One more time. Bend and stretch and open that chest. Very, very good. Much better Tim. That starting to happen. Good. Back down on your stomach. Yeah, I two to face fund. You can just face front.

So what we'll do instead of holding the hand to squeeze and pull back so you get the sense of the shoulder blades coming together and then pulling back. So hands behind your waist just for a minute. So you bend and now lift your head and chest and stretch the arms back in. Squeeze Megan. Excellent. Debbie, squeeze the shoulder blades even more. But that's the idea, Sandy. Even more even. Yes, and back down now. That's okay.

Great. One more time like this. Lift up and pull the shoulder blades way back. Super, super, super, super much better. Okay. Okay. Child's pose now for real. Sit back and stretch your back out for real. That was really good. So it's not an easy exercise to do. It's really going into intermediate material, but very, very valuable for part of the trunk health and stability is to get those muscles to start to be mobile again. Let's have you all on your back now for preparation for teaser.

So these in feet together, arms by your side, so they aren't some long. The legs are long. Squeeze the knees together and lift your right leg up without the knees coming apart. So the right leg is a long diagonal. Exactly. Now lift your head and chest and see if you can roll up. Reach the arms up and yeah, roll up, roll up, roll up and roll back down. Now if you're having trouble coming up, sometimes it will help if the leg is longer.

So hands will be down. Tim Hams down and again, lift, lift. Stop and roll up. Roll up, roll up, roll up. Good. And roll down. Very nice. Hands to the mat. And one more time. Squeezes bikes together and use that powerhouse and roll up. Roll, rolling and roll down. Roll down. Roll down. Very good. Okay.

Microphone is now in place so we can do the other leg. So lift the leg up, have your arms by your sides, pull the stomach muscles in, reach the arms forward and roll up again and row up and roll down and roll and roll down. And one more time and roll up Tim and roll down. Okay, very good. Stretch your arms over your head. Roll yourself up to a sitting position for a seal. Lift your feet and hold your ankles. Shoulders are down.

And Clap your feet three times. Clap, clap, clap, pause. Deb. Bring your elbows inside the knees and wraparound your ankles. And there we go. And clap again, clap, clap, clap. Roll back to your shoulders and come up again. Roll back and come up and balance and again, clap, clap, clap and roll back and come up and balanced. [inaudible] and again, clap, clap, clap.

And Roll back and come up and balance. Stomach is in. One more time and roll, clap, clap, clap and roll back. Come up and balance. Hold it. Lift the feet a little higher. Press the knees and your elbows out and lift your chest. Oh yes, that's it. That's it. That's it. Feet down.

Come up to a standing position. So standing with your heels together. Your thighs along your stomach is indepthly arms straight up in front of you. Now just lift the heels a second so you feel that likeness. Bring the hands down this chest. Expanses the hands. Come down the chest lifts.

Squeeze the shoulder blades together and broaden across the chest and lift the stomach. Now turn your head to the right. Turn your head to the left. Look straight. Release the arms and again, pull down. I see if you can literally squeeze your shoulder blades together. Cracking the walnut as my teacher used to say, head to the left, head to the right, straight. Release the arms.

Now as you pull down and open the chest, you get longer in the spine. Stomach pulls up, head to the right head. To the left. Look straight, release the arms and again, pull and broaden and open the chest. Head to the left, head to the right. It looks straight. Release the arms lift. Then way up and start rolling down. Drop your head, pull the stomach in and roll down until your hands are hovering above the floor.

And three little long loosey Goosey circles of the arms. Very dangly. Reverse your circles. Roll back up. And as you roll up, stack the weight on the middle of the foot. Lift the stomach. Literally feel like you're stacking your spine up in. Lift the arms up and lengthen through the weight.

Big reach through the fingers and again, drop your head. Roll down, pulling the navel up, opening up your back body, the arms. Hey, just hanging like loose, loose, dangly things. Nice loose circles of the arms. Just let the shoulders be relaxed, but at the head is relaxed and reverse your circles. Now just stay here. Pull the stomach in and just check that your head is also loose. Just shake your head no and let the neck relax.

And then as you come up, start stacking up the spine. So from the thighs, through the hips, through the belly, through the rib cage, you want to be aligned, like stacking yourself up on top of your legs. That's it. Sweep the arms up, seam, get lift through the waist, lift through the stomach and float the arms out. Getting longer and taller and just take a moment to stand through. Remember the shoulders a why the back is long. The stomach is lifted, you're on the center of your feet so that weight is not, is a bit forward of the heels and feel the shoulders wide and down and the neck up. That's it. Very good.

Take a deep breath in and breathing out. Letting go. So very good work. All of you. You did very, very nice work.


Sarah N
I had trouble playing this class. My feed stopped around 10:48. Warm up was good, would love to finish it sometime. legs feel about three inches taller and my back and chest wonderfully open..thanks Niedra!
Comparing to other moderate classes I would say this one is rather deliberate. Anyway, thanks for good sholder stretching exercises.
Great class. It will be one of my favourites!
This is a great class
Thoroughly enjoyed this class! I enjoy the speed in transition!
love all of your classes! I love your teaching style...great job.
Another good class Niedra! :)
Great class! Thank you.
Great class! Thank you.
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