Class #4774

Picking Up The Tempo

35 min - Class


You are now halfway through Brett Howard's series, Building Upwards on the Reformer! Here you will work on conditioning and your mind-body connection. Brett challenges you to maintain the tempo as well as to be mindful of moving from the correct place. You will progress on exercises, such as Front Splits, Long Stretch, and Knee Stretches. Get ready for a playful variation of The Hundred!
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Hi, I'm Brett Howard. And thank you for joining me for class five of Building Upwards with Brett. And we have Tetsuo Yoshida who will be the body again this time. And we're gonna start with the foot work. So three or four springs, whichever you normally start with.

I'm gonna start you on four. Heels together, toes apart. Make sure you're right in the middle and the toes. Zipper up, extend out, and in. Two and three.

Four and in. Five, six, and in. Seven and in. Eight, nine and one more, 10 and in. Feet together, knees together.

Toes over heels under bird on a perch, arches and two and three, four and in, five in. Five more. And eight and nine and 10. Let's go onto the heels. Flex feet. All 10 toes back equally and go out and in.

Two and in. Three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine. One more time. 10. Okay. Onto the toes, heels together, toes out. Heels together, toes apart.

Now extend out, hold there. Wrap through the seat and lower for three counts and lift for three, two, one. Lower, lower, lower. Lift, lift, lift. Keep the wrap at the top of the leg.

Inner thighs drawing together. Heels are staying together. Two, three, five more. And lift, two, three, and lower. And lift, lift, lift then eight, two, three.

And lower two more. And lower, lower, lower. Lift, lift, lift. One more time. And lift, lift, lift.

Bend the knees and coming in. Great. Knees into the chest. Hold there. I'm gonna lower this. Now, not last class, but two classes ago, we did the scissors. This time, we're gonna go for a bicycle.

So we're gonna do two for nothing. Then we're gonna bicycle forward for four then bicycle back for four. So I'll guide you through it. So roll the head, neck, and shoulders up. Extend the arms and legs.

Hundred pumping, inhale and exhale. Three, four, five. In with the air and exhale, three, four, hold. Pump the arms up and down while you bicycle forward. Two, three, four, five, exhale.

Three, four, five, inhale. Exhale. Two more sets. Inhale. So it's a coordination exercise. And inhale. Exhale. Three, four, hold.

Back pedal. Back, two, three, four, five, and exhale. Three, four, five, inhale. And exhale. Three, four, five, three. And exhale, three, four, five.

Inhale and exhale, three, four, five. Both legs out and then bend the knees. Come in rest. So it's kind of like patting the head, rubbing the stomach. Now, let's go to two springs and then head rest lowers.

We're gonna thread the leather through the handles, and then you're gonna take the straps, place them onto the feet. We placed the straps right in front of the heels and we'll go for the short spine massage same as last week. Zipper up, extend out. Fold at the hip joints and heel rolling up on a diagonal. Then from there, bend the knees, pull the heels into the bottom, like a tight ball.

Roll down one vertebrae at a time. Let's repeat that. Zipper up and then folded hip joints going up and over. Then from there, bend the knees, pull the heels into the bottom, roll like a ball all the way down and melt. One more like that.

Extend out and then fold and go up and over, reaching. Then bend the knees, tight ball, one piece round down, making sure the heels are even. Now this week, instead of doing three, we're just gonna do two of the other variation. Fold and going back, peeling up off the mat. Bend the knees in one piece, roll down.

And when the heels are over the blocks, roll the hips away from the heels, open up the back. Then from there, pull the heels in hold for one two. Last time, extending out, folded the hip joints. Peeling up off of the carriage. Then bend the knees, make a tight little ball in one piece, roll down.

When the heels are over the blocks, roll the hips away from the heels and then pull the heels into the bottom. Hold for one, two. Coordination, we're gonna do two regular. Then we're gonna add on to what we did last time. Simultaneously stretch.

Now, open-close. Pull the knees in, bend the elbows. Once again, inhale. Hold the breath, open, close. Exhale, pull the knees.

Exhale, bend the elbows. Rest the head. Okay, so we're gonna add on the single leg that we did last time. So, you can rest for a second. So we're gonna go open, close right. Open, close left.

Then we open, close both. Bend the knees in, then you bend the elbows. And then we'll repeat the same thing on the left. We'll do that four times through. So roll the head, neck, and shoulders up.

Simultaneously stretch. Right leg open, closes. Left leg open, closes. Both legs open, close. Bend the knees. Bend the elbows.

Stretching front. Now, left leg open, closes. Right leg open, closes. Both legs open, close. Bend the knees, bend the elbows.

One more time, stretch. Right leg open, closes. Left leg open, closes. Both legs open, close. Bend the knees, bend the elbows.

Last time, stretch. Left leg open, closes. Right leg open, closes. Both legs open, close. Bend the knees, bend the elbows. Rest.

Okay. We're gonna do one more set of that, but I'm gonna challenge you, guys, and take it a little bit uptempo. I'm gonna challenge myself as well to see if I can verbalize it. So roll the head, neck, and shoulders up. Extend arms, legs front, and right leg open, closes. Left leg open, closes.

Both legs open, close. Bend the knees, bend the elbows, and stretch. Left leg open, closes. Right leg open, closes. Both legs open close.

Bend the knees, bend the elbows. One more set. And right leg open, closes. Left leg open, closes, both legs. Bend the knees, bend the elbows.

Last time. Stretch. Left leg and right leg, both legs, open, close. Bend the knees, bend the elbows. All right, good. Let's put those handles on. Roll to one side.

Sitting up, standing up. Okay. So we're gonna do what we did last time. I'm gonna take us to one spring. Let's lift that up.

And then let's get the long box. Place that on. And it's always helpful to put a pad on just in terms of keeping us still and not slipping. So I'm gonna have you lie down onto your stomach. Great. And then hands are gonna go onto the bar.

So this time, stretch the arm, straight and hold there. Instead of bending in, you can keep the arms straight, lift the upper body up and come all the way up, up, up, up, up. A then push through the heels of the hands and go out. And again, lifting up. I want you to really pull up through the lower abdominals and then going out.

And again, lifting up three. And it's okay for the feet to lower a little bit there. And then going out. And again. So we're kind of pivoting on the thigh against the back of the box.

And out. Let's go for two more. Lifting up, leading to the crown of the head, pulling up to the lower abdominals and push out through the heels of the hands. Last time. And lifting up, up, up, up, up, and pressing out.

Bend the elbows and come back in. Great. So standing up, let's lower the foot bar. We're gonna keep it on one spring and then I'm gonna have you lie down onto your stomach. We're gonna go for pulling straps.

One straight line from head to heels like a long piece of steel. Then from there, pull back. Lift the upper back and hold for three, hold two, hold one, lower the body. And again, pull alongside the frame. Lift and hold, two, three, exhale, lower.

One more. Pull back, hold the position. Now, triceps. Bend the elbows. Stretch the arms, one. Bend the elbows, stretch, two.

Bend the elbows, stretch, three. Lower the body all the way down. Slide the arms to the very back end of the leather for T shape. Palms face down, pull back, lift the upper back and hold. Two, three, lower the body.

And again, pull back, shoulder blades down that back and lower. One more. This time, we're gonna hold the position. Then, bend the elbows side and stretch. Then the forearms side, two.

Stretch and bend three and stretch, and then lower the body down. Great. Take the straps in one hand. Since you're there, I'm gonna ask you to add a spring. So we're on two springs.

And then step on hand-foot, hand-foot. Tailbone will be last, lie down. Two fists above forehead. Push into the fist, curve the spine up. That's okay.

Now, stretch the arms and legs straight up to the ceiling. Simultaneously, circle, reach for three, curve two, curve one. Bend the knees and elbows and come in. And again, stretching up. Open, circle, and reach.

Two, three and come in. And three more up. Open, circle, reach. Two, three, twice more. Inhale up. Exhale, circle and reach, two, three. Last time.

And up, open, circle. This time, hold for ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, hold it there. Three, hold it there. Two, hold it there, one. Bend the knees and elbows and come in. Take the straps one hand, standing up.

Now, I'm gonna take us to one spring. Then we lift this foot bar up. Now, you can sit down and you're gonna sit. This time, instead of right at the edge, a little bit back behind the front. Good.

And then, you're gonna rest your feet down and then just bend the knees and come in just a little bit more right there. Now, we're gonna think of doing a roll down like on the mat, curl the tailbone under, sacrum under, lower back under. Great. Then from there, pull in through the lower abdominals. Lift the legs up to a tabletop position.

Good. Now, you can lift the arms up and lower the arms, one. Lift the arms, two. And lower, two. Lift the arms, three. Hold that position. Keep the C-curves, stretch the legs straight.

Hold it for three. Hold it, two. Hold it, one. Bend the knees to table top. Lower the arms and then rest your feet down. Great.

Okay, I'm gonna have you lie down onto your back. You're gonna bring both knees into the chest. Then let's lower this foot bar. Now, simultaneously, you're gonna roll up. As you roll up, you're gonna stretch the legs straight and lift the arms into your C-curve.

Good. Now, lower the arms to the waist, lift to the brow. Lower to the waist, lift to the brow. Hold there. Roll down. As you roll down, bend the knees into the chest and relax.

Good. We're gonna go one more time. Now, you're going to roll right up into that teaser position. Hold there. Make sure you're balancing behind the sitz bones and then lower the arms to the waist.

Lift up to the brow. Lower to the waist, lift to the brow. Now, hold it there. Find the balance, hold it there. Hold it there.

Now this time, lower the upper body half and the lower body half together. And the legs will come up all the way down onto the foot bar, and rest. Great. So you can drop the straps into the well. Then let's add a spring.

So we're on two springs. Turn the box around. Remember, if you need to, you can always go forward of the blocks as well. And then let's get the bar and we are gonna go for the short box series. Round the back.

Now, curving back, then lead with the crown of the head to curve up. And again, curving back, two, rolling up, two. Rounding back, three, and curving back up, three. Two more. Rounding back and come quick up.

Last time. Curves, sustain the back and dynamic on the way up. Good. Take the bar below you. And you're going to reach the arms up to the ceiling.

Wrap the ribs, squeeze the bottom, lift, hinge backwards and lift to center. Lift and hinge back, up to center, open outward through the legs. Two more. Lift and hinge and up. One more.

Lift and hinge and up. Now, lift and go up and over for the side to side, come up to center. Up over to the left and center. Over to the right and center, over to the left. And one more.

Over to the right and center. Over to the left. Lift, twist and reach. Lift, twist, reach out and up to center. Lift, twist, reach out and up.

Twist, wrap the ribs and center. Twist and reach. Last set. Twist and reach and up. Twist and reach and up.

Round over and stretch. Now, you're gonna roll up to your spine and we're not gonna do that right now. You're gonna stand up to the floor. We're gonna bring the box back to the long box momentarily. Then from there, I'm gonna have you sit down at the edge of the box here.

You're gonna bring your feet onto the headrest. Okay. We're gonna take the leather straps. You're gonna hold the straps. You can walk up the straps to round your back into a C-curve, a forward C-curve actually. There we go.

Now, one piece, you're gonna roll down, but this time, it can go all the way back. Continue back, continue back, continue back. And you can let your head go and exhale. Then chin to the chest, round over the fingers and then curving up one vertebra at a time into that forward C-curve. And again, curl the tailbone under, sacrum under, lower back, middle back, upper back goes backwards.

Let the head release, exhale. Then rolling up, peeling up off the box one vertebrae at a time, leading with the crown of the head. Let's go for one more of that. Keep the shoulders relaxed. Curl down one vertebrae at a time and then go all the way back. Exhale. Let the head go.

Let the shoulders release there. Then chin to the chest, curling up, rounding up one vertebrae at a time, all the way up. Great. I'll take this and you can stand on to the floor. And then let's put it back into the short box setting.

And we're gonna go for tree. Okay. Right leg is out. Hold the back of the thigh. Extend the leg up and down, one. Up, down, two.

Up and hold. Rotate. Walking up towards the ankle. Bring your forehead towards the shin. Curve back. When the leg hits 90, hand by hand, walk down just to there. Walk back up and lift the spine to a tall, lifted, vertical alignment.

Forehead to shin bone. Relax in the shoulders, curve back. When the leg hits 90, hand by hand, walking down. Hand by hand, walking up and lifting up to a tall, straight lifted back. Adding on this last time, forehead to shin, curling back. You're gonna think of yourself like a ball of yarn that is slowly unraveling.

Let the head go. Then chin on the chest, re-ravel, curving in, making that tight ball again. Then lifting up to a nice tall, straight lifted back. Let's flex the foot. Point the foot. Flex the foot. Point the foot.

One more time. Flex the foot. Point the foot. Let's rotate the leg parallel. Bend the knee and let's switch legs. So take the left leg out, hold onto the back of that thigh.

Ride it on top of the sitz bones, go up and down. Two, down, three, hold. Rotate, walk up. Bring your forehead to shin. Relax the shoulders. And then when the leg gets 90, hand by hand, walk down.

Then hand by hand, walk up to a nice, tall lifted spine, balancing on the sitz bones. Forehead to shin, shoulders relaxed, curve back. Walk down. Let's try to stretch this knee a little bit more. Walking back up and lift the spine to a nice tall back.

I'm gonna bring you just a little more forward so you're on your sitz bones. There we go. One more time. Forehead to shinbone, shoulders relax. Curve back, walk down. Think of a snake uncoiling. Exhale.

Now, recoil. Chin to the chest, curling up, lifting up to a nice tall, straight back. Now, flex the foot. Point the foot. Flex the foot, two.

And flex the foot, point. Rotate the leg parallel, bend the knee, and then stepping onto the floor. Great. So we're going to move on. Let's lift the headrest. Lift the foot bar.

Remember, if you're taller, you can always gear yourself out. And we are gonna go for the long stretches. Stepping on hand foot, hand foot, one line from head to heels. And press out. Pull ins.

Last time, we used a ball. So imagine the ball is behind the heels. Pull in, hold in. Lift the right leg up. Pelvis square go out and go in.

Out, two, and in. Hold in. Let's switch sides. Left leg up and out, and in. Last time, out and come in. Great.

Now, once you're in, bend the knees down, feet against the blocks. Pelvis goes forward. Lift to the heart. Shoulder blades down the back, the down stretch. Inhale, exhale, exhale, exhale to come in. Inhale. Try not to look down.

Always keep the eyes slight flee forward and up. And exhale. Lift, lift, lift. Today, let's do two of the rollercoaster. Round the back, relaxing the shoulders. Then from there, press back through the heels.

Lift to the heart and come all the way in. Round and lift through the heart. Come all the way in, in, in, in, in. Now, I want you to pike your hips up and then the heels will come just a little bit down the block. So not halfway down, but I would say about a quarter of the way down.

Round into the back. Make sure that the lower back is the highest point. Now, we try not to move the upper body. Just push back through the heels down through the pelvis, one line. You're gonna come all the way in and pike up.

Now, the first time you do this, it might feel like gonna fly over the bar. Stay strong in the glutes, strong in the hamstrings. The sensation won't go away, but you won't fly over. You're gonna press down, strong in the core, strong in the glutes and hamstrings to control in. Piking up. Let's go for two more.

Back through the heels. Very nice. So that's a nice controlled movement. One more time. Pike up, pads will go back through the heels. We try not to accelerate to keep the timing the same throughout. And then, you can pike up, bring your feet flat.

Then I'm gonna have you lift the toes. Pull up through the lower abdominals. Elephant, go out. In, in, in. In, in, in.

In, in, in. Two more. In, in, in. One more. In, in, in.

Good. Stepping onto the floor. Let's go to four or three springs, whichever you started the footwork with. Now, let's go for the stomach massage series. Let's take the nice moderate tempo. Heels together, toes apart.

Grab the front, wide elbows then. Okay. And come back in, out, two. Lower, lift and in, three. Lower, lift, four.

Relax that right shoulder, five. Lower, lift. Five more. Out, lower, lift, two. Lower, lift, three.

Nice and round in that upper body, out. Lower, lift. And one more lower, lift and come in. Let's reach through. Take a spring off. Hands, fall back.

Lift to the spine, lift up taller. Bring the, hold on. Bring the shoulder blades together and going out. Lower, lift, then in. Two, lower, lift.

Three, lower, lift. Out, lower, lift. Five, lower, lift. Five more. Hang from five string, like a marionette puppet, lifting up to the crown of the head, the temples and the occipital processes.

Let's go for one more. Out, lower, lift in. Come in and stay in. Reach through, take a spring off. Now, tall in the spine.

Go out and go in, lengthen, lengthen, lengthen. Out, two. Up and reach, reach, stay there. Reach and take one more spring off. So now, we're only on one spring.

Now, go out. Now, the goal here is to bring it all the way in. Pull it all the way in, all the way in, all the way in. And again, go out. Pull it all the way in, all the way in, all the way in.

Go out. And here, sometimes by taking less spring, it makes the exercise more challenging. Go all the way in, all the way in, all the way in. Let's reach through. Let's add a spring back on. So we would go back to two springs.

The twist. Exhale, twist to the right, hold. Inhale. Come in. Exhale, twist to the left, hold. Inhale in.

Exhale, twist to the right and inhale in. Exhale, twist to the left. And one more set. Exhale, twist right. Inhale in. Exhale, twist left. Inhale, come all the way in, in, in.

Stay in circle one, circle two, circle three. Reverse. One, reverse two, reverse three. Good. Standing up. Great.

So let's go for the semi-circle and the legs circles. Today, I think I'm gonna set up before we start so you can rest down. Okay. Now, bring your hips a little bit over to your right. So then we make sure that the right side and the left side, the negative space is even.

Great. Now, we're all set up here. So I'm gonna have you bring your hands against the shoulder blocks. Remember, if you tighten your shoulders, you can always hold a little higher up on the block and then soften at the sternum, melt down one vertebrae at a time. Bring the hips towards or on the springs.

Then dust the springs as you go out. Carriage stills as you lift up and then come back in. Meltdown. If you're on a shorter reformer, go out. Try to keep the carriage against the wheels as you roll up and come back in.

You can always shorten it though by putting a block there. Melt and go out. This is an 80 inch reformer, so it's easy to get against the wheel. So now lift up and come back and let's reverse it. Going out, hold there.

Melt from the sternum all the way down to the tail and go in and go forward and up, go out. If you're not on an 80 inch reformer meltdown, you can always put a peg or block in to make it 80 inches. One more time. Out. Carriage, still. Melt one vertebrae at a time to the tail for turn in. And then hold there, nice and relax your ankles.

Take the arms, circle them around. Grab a hold of your ankles. Drop through the heels, up through the hips. And I give a slight stretch here. All right, let's have you scoot backwards and we will go for the legs circles.

Okay. So you're gonna bring one foot. This all messed up today. Okay. One foot is gonna go through, then the other foot through. Then heels together, toes apart, zipper up, extending out.

And now, open the legs, lower together and lift. Open, lower, together lift. Three. Lower, together lift. Open, lower, together lift. One more. Lower, together lift.

Hold. Before we reverse, bend the knees. Come back in. Now, I'm gonna take us to one spring. Now, it's gonna be more challenging. Zipper up. Hold there.

Now, let's reverse it. Down, open, up and together. Two. So the range of motion might be a little bit smaller to help control it. We're keeping equal weight on pelvis and rib cage throughout the exercise. And then legs together. Bend the knees.

Come back in. I will take this from you. And now, keep the knees into the chest. Let me return you back into the starting position. Then roll to your side, sitting up, standing up.

Let's go to two springs and let's lift the foot bar up and we will go for the knees stretch series. Step on the hand, the other hand, other knee, rounded back like an angry cat. And then round, pressing out, accent in. Two, in. Three. Four, in. Five, in.

Six, in. Seven, in. Eight, in. Hold in. Arch the back, head up, tailbone up. Same thing, going out and in. Two and in. Three, in.

Four, in. Five, in. Six, in. Seven, in. Eight, in. Hold in. Now, let's lower the foot bar. We're gonna do a little variation today.

So we're gonna do five on two springs. You're gonna hold on to the front, round the back, lift the knees and go out and in. Two, in. Three, in. Four, in. Five, in. Hold in. Lower the knees down.

Let's go to one spring for a little bit more of a challenge. The range of motion might have to be smaller. Remember, we're focusing on the stability of the upper body half. Lift the knees, go out and in. Two and in. Three, in.

Four, in. Five, stay in. Bring your right knee forward. And now, five, four. Try to keep that front leg very still, four, one. Now, let's change.

Only the back leg moves. Two, in. Three, in. Four, in. Five, in. And knees come down. Good. Standing up onto the floor. Let's lift.

Let's add the springs back on. Then from there, we're gonna lift the foot bar up and let's go for running. And today, for a little bit of a challenge, actually, instead of doing this on four springs, let's go on two springs. So feet together, knees together. I'm gonna bring you just a little bit more right there.

Zipper up, extend and hold. And running, one, and one. And two, two. And three up, three up. Four up, four up.

Five up, five. More. One and one. Up two, up two. Up three, up three.

Up four, four. Up five, up five. Bend the knees. Come in. Okay. Let's, now, stay on two springs and we are gonna go for the pelvic lift.

Feet are gonna go into the corners. So here again, on two springs, it's gonna be a little bit more of a challenge 'cause there's less springs. Rolling up. Hold there. Now, tailbone lifted. Come up a little higher with the tailbone. Yes.

Pull down to the bottom ribs. Now, zipper up, extend, and drag it all the way in, all the way in, all the way in. And going out, two. Drag it all the way in, in, in. Out, three.

So the challenge is to bring it all the way in. Good. Out, four, and drag it in. Out on five. And let's go for five more. And stretch and drag it in.

Out, two, and pull it in. Out, three, pull the carriage in. Two more. Pull the carriage in. Last time, stretch and pull it in, pull it in, pull it in. Now, come all the way in.

This is another challenge. Try to keep the carriage still as you melt down one vertebrae at a time. It's harder to do that on two springs. Once the tailbone is all the way down, you can bring the knees into the chest and hug the legs. Great.

Roll to one side, sitting up, standing up. I'm gonna keep us on two springs. I'm gonna lower the foot bar. And then what we'll do is we're gonna go for sides. But once again, we're gonna use the box.

I'm gonna once again, take the box, place it in front of the shoulder blocks. And then, I'm gonna take the pad, place it underneath. Secure that. Now, let's step the right foot on, left foot joins it. Right foot on, left foot goes against.

We're gonna start just what we did last time. You're gonna go out on one count. Come in on one count. Out, two, and in, and out, and in. Just two more. Out. And one more.

And hold in. Now, stay there. I'm gonna take you to one spring. Now, it's a little more doable here because the base is a little bit more narrow. Now, three counts. You're gonna go out for three, two, one.

Now, three counts. You're gonna hold two, three. Three counts, go in two, three. Three counts, hold two, three. Out, out, out. Hold, hold, hold.

In, in, in. Hold, hold, hold. Out, two, three. Hold, two, three. Wrap the seat, three. Hold, two, three. Now, heel to the left foot and inch in.

Step in the middle. Hold there. Let's add the spring back on. So we're on two. You could turn it into the spring. So we always move in the direction where the springs are pulling. Left foot on, right foot over, wrapped to the seat, wrapped to the ribs.

And go out and pull it in. Out, two, and under. And three. Draw the inner thighs together. Out and under.

And out and under. Hold there. So I just dropped it to one spring. Now, go out, two, three, hold. Think of a tube of toothpaste. Squeeze it and go up. Hold, two, three.

Out, two, three. Hold, two, three. Up, up, up. Hold, two, three. Collarbone just a little forward out. Two, three, hold. Two, three, up, up, up.

Hold, two, three. Right foot comes a little in. Step the left foot to join it. And let's step backwards onto the floor. Great.

So we're on one spring. I'm gonna take us back to two springs. Let's remove this box. And then we will lift the foot bar up. And we're gonna finish with our front split.

We're gonna add on a little bit today. So step on a hand foot, hand foot. Right foot on, left foot goes back. Now, we square off the hips. Then from there, press out at the front leg that does the work.

Pull and try not to push from the back leg. Out. Imagine the front foot is on a flat surface. Keep it flat the whole time. Try not to let the heel drop or lift.

Now, hold there. You're gonna lift and bring one hand onto the thigh, then the other hand on to the thigh. Now, square hips. Same thing, shoulders relaxed. Right leg, the front leg initiates.

And come back in. Front leg, push from the sitz bone, fold in from the knee. One more time. Out. And going in and hold in. Now, you can step one hand and the other hand down.

Rotate the leg to parallel. Bend the knee down, bring your foot against. We have that one legged down stretch hip forward. Now, use the back leg. Press. Now, lift through the heart to come in.

Heel goes back as the pelvis goes forward and come in. Keep the gaze slightly forward and up. Come in and hold the up. Now, stay there. Lift the left arm, straight up to the ceiling. Then from there, side bend over to the right.

As you're bending to the right, push forward to that left hip. And then come back to center, bring the hand down and we will go to the other side. So right foot down, stand up. Then left foot goes on and then bring the right heel back. Okay. Let's square off the pelvis.

I'm gonna have that right hip forward, left hip back. The front foot is on a flat surface. Keep it there as you go out and control it in. Out, two. Control it in, two.

One more time, strong back leg. And come in, hold there. Step one hand on the other hand up onto the thigh. Now, you can bend the knee a little bit more. Shoulder blades down.

And then going out and in. Out, two. In, two. Out, three. In, three. Now, hold in. Bring one hand down. Then the other hand down, rotate the back leg, bend the knee down.

Now, pelvis forward. Heel back up to the heart, chin slightly up. And go out and come back in. Back leg initiates. Lift up through the heart, up, up, up.

One more time. Inhale. Try not to look down and exhale, exhale, exhale. Hold that right arm up. Then from there, bend over to the side. Imagine you're in between two flat walls.

Really push forward to that right hip. Then come back to center, bring the hand down. And then you can step the left foot down. Now, step to the floor. And thank you for joining me this session.

And we have one more left in our series, and I look forward to seeing you there. Take care.


Breet just great classes.I think I missed the one with the ball if you can send it to me I am looking forward to more classes with you
fabulous class Brett. you have a  great teaching voice, velvety smooth .  
you have a fabulous teaching voice,  velvety  smooth
Fabulous class and I loved the extra knee stretches.  Looking forward to the next class
Michael Mary S
Another great class, Brett!  I hope you keep them coming.
Josh S
LOVE the tempo! Great class!
Adit Kesten ~ Thank you for your forum post. We're so glad that you're enjoying this series! If you missed any of the classes, you can find the full playlist in Brett's program, Building Upwards with Brett. 
Safety is so apparent in your teaching cues. Placing your foot on the foot bar or carriage was so helpful. Thank you 😊
Thank you, Brett! Great class.  I loved the extra flexion variations and the front and side split exercises felt great too.  

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