Class #4908

Jump Board Challenge

50 min - Class


Add a little cardio to your Pilates practice with this fun Reformer workout by Delia Buckmaster. She teaches a combination of traditional Pilates exercises mixed with Jump Board exercises to help you build strength and endurance. She starts with a dynamic warm-up and then moves on to creative variations of exercises like Swimming, Side Kicks, and more.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Jump Board

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Hi, I'm Delia Buckmaster, and welcome to Pilates Anytime. Today, we'll be doing a combination of a jump board routine, adding some cardiovascular aspects to your workout, and also some of your favorite traditional Pilates moves. So we're gonna start with one red spring and the jump board attached to the reformer, and it'll be attached for the entire workout. And all of these spring loads that I tell you to put on are all suggested spring loads, and of course you can add or remove. The one red spring is considered a full spring.

So we're gonna start with a nice little dynamic warmup. I'm gonna place my foot up against the box. So I'm on my right side, so my right foot's on the floor. My left foot is up against the block and my leg that's on the floor is going to be lined up with my spring load. Hands on the jump board as though you're using just the foot bar.

And then you'll just press back into a nice little lunge And this is just nice and easy warming up through the hip flexors. We will be using our feet quite a bit today. So we wanna make sure that the joints of the lower half of our body are nice and warm. So I want you to think about bending through that supporting leg on the floor. That knee should be right over the second and third toe.

And one of the important cues here would be that the left arm here is aligned with the shoulder, and this will keep you nice and straight. So I'm gonna add a little rotation to that, just bringing my arm down to my hip, my free arm, my right arm, and following my hand with my eyes, creating a little spiral with the spine. And that feels really good. Just a few more here. One more.

And then I'm just gonna hold that back for just a moment and I'm gonna take my arm and you don't have to if you don't have that flexibility, but I'm just gonna bring it behind the small of my back towards my glute and feel that shoulder stretch and then a little emphasis on that jump board arm just pushing away. Just hold for a couple of breaths and then return the carriage. And then I'm gonna place both knees on the carriage, both feet up against the blocks, just to warm up my shoulders for stability and a little bit more mobility in the hip. I'm gonna set my bottom right over my hip, extending at the hip to press the carriage back and then returning. So this is nice and easy length through the arms.

Think about the alignment of your head all the way down to your tailbone. Making sure that you're waking up that inner core, pulling the navel to the spine, not too tight, just enough to bring awareness. Just a few more here, thinking about maybe the glutes, pushing that carriage back for you just a little bit. But try not to come into any extension or hyper extension of the lumbar spine. Last one.

And then I'm just gonna hold here. And then just to wake up my core just a little more, I'm gonna press back a little bit further and then pull myself forward. Again, keeping my head in alignment, warming up the shoulder joint, waking up the abs. Two more, inhale breath, or whatever breath pattern works for you. Last one.

And then I'm gonna pause here and add one more thing. So I'm just gonna bend and extend at the knees, and I'm really holding back with the shoulders and getting just a little bit more movement in the hips. And honestly, this is also a really great stretch for the lats, 'cause I'm allowing my shoulders to rise just a bit to lean that stretch underneath the arm pit there. One more time. And then a smooth transition back.

I'm gonna take it over to the other side, right foot up against the block, left foot in line with the spring, hands on the jump board, pressing back. Nice and easy. Now because you're just starting your workout and we will be moving quite a bit today. Just make sure you're nice and easy and friendly to your joints when you're starting out and thinking more about being present and in alignment. Taking that breath and then resonating that breath throughout the rest of your workout, inhaling through your nose and out through your mouth.

Let's add that rotation, taking that arm back. I'm allowing the left hand to turn up just like I did with the other side. This will allow that natural movement of the shoulder. And always follow the hand with the eyes to allow that spiral to happen. This will give you that extra stretch and actually the carriage hip, the right hip for me right now.

Last one, I'm gonna hold it back. Pause, wrap my arm around the small of my back. Give myself that little extra stretch on my tight shoulders. Couple of breaths here, or as long as you need to, and then return the carriage and back. So I'm actually gonna add all of the springs on for footwork.

So I'm gonna do three reds today and a blue. So three full springs and a half spring on there. So we're gonna not gonna jump quite yet. We're gonna warm up with some load on the feet. So I'm gonna lie all the way down, head between the shoulder blocks, just the normal old way here.

And then my feet are going to be adducted. So all the way together and towards the top of the jump board. So I'm just kind of feeling here to where my feet need to be. Arms long by my side. Just push back like you normally would.

Shoulders nice and wide. Now, if this is too much resistance for you, please unload some resistance. And then I'm going to bend and then extend. So what I have here is resistance coming in and by keeping my heels down, I'm gonna stretch the back of the heel just a bit. My tailbone is nice and heavy.

My shoulders are as relaxed as they possibly could be. My head is pressing. The back of my head is pressing into the carriage for a nice strong base. And I could really feel my legs working here because I'm trying really hard to maintain the full surface of my foot on the jump board. And now I'm gonna lift those heels up just a little bit, a little high half toe.

So not all the way, about halfway, and I'm gonna press back from there and squeeze. So the more resistance you have have on your reformer, it may be easy to press back and that's no big deal. Where you'll know if it's a big deal is more on the return. Because as you return the carriage that's what's gonna load the knees. So make sure that that feels comfortable for you.

Always doing a body check when you're on the Reformer. What are your feet like? Your knees, your hips, the lumbar spine, the shoulders and the cervical spine. Taking in nice breaths here. Full extension of the knee to strengthen the muscles around that knee.

Now pause here at the top, drop the heels and bend the knees and go into little caboose feet. So just pressing back and forth. Heels lift, heels lower. Heels lift, heels lower. And I want you to feel it all resonate all the way up to the hip.

Push back like you're pulling on tight leggings. If you can only imagine pulling on those tight leggings. I wonder what that feels like. Anyways, press down, one more. Now pause at the top and we're gonna reverse it.

Bend the knees, drop the heels, press and lift. These are done intently. So I wanna feel the rise of my heel. I wanna feel the press of my feet just as though I'm standing on the floor. And extend and lift.

Let's go two more. Last one. And then return the carriage. Let's try this at second position or just a little bit wider. My feet are gonna be about the width of my shoulders apart.

So you could just take your hands to 90 degrees or your arms at the elbow, and then you can kind of see where your knees are. I'm gonna maintain parallel. So I'm not turned out. I'm just at a wider parallel stance. And I'm gonna put my heels down and press back.

Jump boards are all made differently for different Reformers. So some of the jump boards are a little bit more narrow, some are wide. The Allegro 2 happens to have a pretty wide base. So I don't wanna go to the edges of it. The benefit of it though is that you've got a lot more surface to jump so you could be a little bit, little bit more wild with the feet if you'd like.

Press. And again, I'm feeling that stretch of that heel. And we live in a ski town here, so we do have a lot of clients that come in to prepare themselves for skiing. And if you've ever been in a ski boot, it really puts that foot in dorsiflexion. So this is a really great exercise if you are trying to condition yourself for skiing.

Now I'm gonna lift the heels up halfway again, press it back and press. Don't forget the importance of full extension. Maybe even giving yourself a little pause here at the back. And release it. If you were cramping at your calves, that's an indication that you might be a little bit too high with your heel as well.

I was feeling a teeny little calf cramp on the left side. One more. And then your caboose feet, feet drop, knees bend, heels lift, you press. You drop, you bend those four parts, you reach. Nice.

Just a couple more and then we'll reverse it. Last one. Now pause here at the top, return at a high half toe, drop your heels and press away. Now a couple things here. You may not have that flexibility in your ankles, and it also depends on the surface of your jump board.

So don't try to force them down, just go as low as you can, whatever that stretch is for you, that end range, that works. Just intently try to stretch the back of the leg. Let's do one more And then return. I'm gonna lay my legs over the jump board, just to give them a little bit of a break. And I wanna pull myself out of my shoulder blocks for a moment.

I'm gonna take my arms now and bring them to the side of my Reformer. And then I'll take the legs into a little tabletop position. Now I'm not gonna have a full, it's more of a 60 degree angle because I have the jump board in my way. I'm gonna do a little spine twist while I'm here. So I'll take my legs over to the right.

The left hip will come up, the waist, part of the ribs, but that left shoulder stays down and I'm just gonna bring myself back to the middle. Now, another arm variation for this, if it's easier for you, is you could grab the back of the shoulder blocks. And if that gives you just a little bit more shoulder support, then please do it that way. The goal here is to maintain the legs in the same position. So my knees are glued together, they're not shifted.

I'm not actually twisting, I'm just leaning. Use that inhale breath to one side, exhale back to the center and then one more to your right, and then we'll go, I'll have to make myself even, we're gonna go one more to the left, and then back to the center. Now from here, I'm going to sit up to my right side so that I can remove some springs. So I'm gonna take off two of the red springs. Now I have a full spring and I have a half spring, red and a blue.

Again, suggested spring load. And what you wanna make sure is that you have enough resistance to push back, but you don't have too much that you can't control the springs coming in and you start to bang into the stopper. So we're gonna lie all the way down. And then we're gonna start with the feet on, same place you had them before, arms along by the side. This is gonna be a little jumping series for the legs.

So from here, I'm just gonna use my toes to jump off. Just my toes. So I've glued my knees together, knees over the hips, and I'm just kind of flicking the feet. Okay. It's a great place to start, especially if you're new to jumping and it's kind of confusing.

It seems when you've done this so many times, it seems pretty obvious. Well, it's not for a lot of people. So as you get comfortable, maybe start to extend those knees a little bit more. Good. So I'm gonna go ahead and go into full jumping.

And when I say full, I'm not trying to hit the back. I'm not trying to win strongest woman in the world by dinging the bell at the top, okay. This is just enough to get the feet to float off the jump board, to get that feeling of that levitation, that pole push or push pull. My knees are gonna go into that full extension because if they don't, then I'm just pounding my knees in that flex position. Just one more and then pause, okay.

So that was just a little quick tutorial on how to jump. So now follow my cues for a little cardio boost. Feet together, with my inner thigh touching and my back as steady as possible, I'm gonna go ahead and go into jumps. We're gonna jump eight times. Jump with the legs together.

Pull. Now big thing here when you jump is the stability here. So if you're using your neck to control your legs, then you need to work a little bit more on the core, or maybe just float the legs up a little bit so that you get a little bit shorter lever. So if you are short, you actually are at an advantage. Like I am on the Reformer with these, okay.

Now I'm gonna take my feet a little bit wider. So they're about the width of my hips. We practiced this earlier with the footwork, I'm gonna do the jumping again. Feet are gonna stay parallel. I'm gonna try my best to keep count, but I'm cuing at the same time, so sometimes I forget.

Inhale, exhale or whatever works for you. Legs stay in that parallel position and you're gentle on your landing. Now do that one more time. Good. Now as though I'm doing laying down jumping jacks, I'm gonna jump land legs together.

Jump land legs apart. Jump together, jump apart. And keep control here. Outer thigh, abductors, inner thigh, adductors. Last one and hold.

Now for a quick interval pace we're gonna jump eight times in each one of those positions. Then we're gonna jump six, then four, then two, and then I'm gonna have to take a break. Alrighty, here we go. So eight times in the center. We go eight.

Five, four, three, two. And on the fly lights out for eight, three, four, five. Stabilize the back. Six, seven, eight. Now we're gonna alternate that rhymed.

One and two. Shoulders wide. Six, seven, eight. Legs together. We're jumping for six.

One, two, three. Stay strong. On the fly out for six. Now, if you're not keeping up with me, that's fine, just keep jumping. Now alternate on the fly for six, five, four, three, two, one.

We're going for four. You could do it, four, three, two. And open it up for four, four, three, two. On the fly, alternate. One.

Keep those feet parallel. Legs together. Now for two, one. Two, out for two, one. keep those like straight alternate.

One, and two, and rest. Oh, okay. So I'll set myself up for just a moment so we can switch it up just a little bit. I'm actually gonna take off the blue spring here. So you go into a quick little mermaid stretch.

So I'm gonna take my right leg back. The shins up against the blocks. And this will also give you a little bit of a hip stretch at the same time. So we are gonna work on torso stretch and then the hip. If this is hard for you after doing some jumping, we're gonna put the feet down.

All right. So taking that hand forward of your jump board, palm facing up, give yourself a nice little stretch here. Now what we're gonna do is take that arm and just thread it underneath you. Giving yourself a nice rotation, looking under the left arm, and then rotate back and then return. no rules here on your mermaid.

Whatever feels good to you. So if you wanna go into a really deep lateral flexion into the rotation, you do that. If you wanna keep that hip down, you can keep that hip down. This is what works for me today, rotate. And we all know that sometimes you just wanna just drop into that mermaid stretch.

It feels so nice. We'll do this one more time and then rotate back and then return. I'm gonna do a little counter stretch and then we are gonna go to the other side. So I'm gonna rotate to the other side. We're not done with the jumping of the legs yet, by the way, so don't get too excited.

I'm gonna go ahead and put my hand on there, take my arm up. And I have my Palm facing up so that it faces towards me as I flex. Back and return. And we'll do a total four, inhale, breath, nice rotation there. And back and return and two more.

And back. And then last one, little stretch, rotate under the arm, rotate back and then return. And now a little counter stretch here over to the other side. We will be turning back to the legs for a little jumping, but I'm gonna do a little upper body variation. So we're gonna take our knees over to the blocks.

Hands are going to be on the frame. And I have one red spring on and it might be a little bit too much here in a bit, but we're gonna try it and challenge myself here. So with a nice flat back shoulders, nice and wide, go ahead and pull the knees in. We're just gonna do five. Your back is straight and you're moving the carriage from the hip joint, but you are stabilizing with a shoulder joint.

And then return. Now we're gonna go ahead and do a little rotation. So I'm gonna take my left hand over to the right side. So you don't actually have to move the right hand. If you're in good position, you can swing the left hand over and then find that long line hip to your lap where we stretched on that mermaid.

And then give me five on the right side. Watch that tension in the shoulders. Two more. Two, one more. And you don't have to do five if it's a struggle, do two or three, but just make yourself even on the other side and do the same thing.

And I want you to think about lengthening one side of oblique and then shortening the other. Two more. Last one, and then return. And we're gonna revisit those in a little bit, but I'm gonna have you take a little child's pose and then rotate back. I'm gonna add the one blue spring back on back to some jumping intervals.

This one's gonna resonate more with those of us that live in a ski town, okay. So line on my back. I'm gonna go back to the adductors jumping with my legs together in parallel. So we'll show you how that is again, you just trying to jump. Don't get so focused on the programming and the routine.

Just think about the movement of the legs. Two more. And then now I'm gonna take my legs and shift them slightly to the right. These are called moguls. You don't have to have done moguls to understand what this means.

Just shift the feet slightly to the right at a little bit of a diagonal. Not too much, 'cause when you're doing moguls, you're still wanting to go downhill a little bit. So this is just gonna take you back up hill. So you're gonna jump from one side to the other. You can lift your head up, make sure your feet are in sync jumping side to side.

This should not feel like a major twist. It's really just a shifting of weight. And it's the same when you're skiing. You're shifting weight from one ski sometimes to the other, depending on the slope and the direction that you're going. And then we're gonna come back to the middle and I'm gonna have you take one foot just a little bit higher than the other.

And so from here, we're gonna cross, so we can call this cross-country telemark and then just don't cross the ankles, they stay parallel, otherwise it'll look a little bit more like Lord of the Dance and that's not what we're looking for here. Though that is a variation, you could do that as well. You could do anything you want up here as long as you maintain the integrity of your torso. And I am softening my jump with my top leg and then I've got that back heel up and I prefer to do these slower and a little bit more intently so I could feel my legs working the way they're supposed to. Now we're gonna do the same thing that we did earlier.

We're going eight, six, four, two. So we can get that heart rate up just a little bit. So follow along as best as you can. And this is also, everyone's going to be depending on leg lengths or weight of the body, you return the carriage a lot faster or a lot slower than another person, so you can't, you're not gonna be exactly the same. So legs all the way together, we're gonna jump eight times.

Make sure that you maintain that nice neutral pelvis here that you're nice and comfortable in the shoulders. You're halfway, there we go, four more. It's four, legs together, three, two, and one. Now into your mogul side to side. Keep those legs together.

Halfway there, eyes still up at the ceiling. Now back to the middle here, one foot higher than the other, doesn't matter which one. Just make sure that top foot, that heel falls flat and you're pushing off the weight of both feet. And on the fly, legs together for six, make sure the feet don't start to drop low on that jump board. Keep them up high.

And then here's your moguls on the fly. And then right into that cross-country, one foot higher than the other. Ooh, this burns Now legs together, we've got four. Stay with me, one, breathe, two. Make sure those legs go straight.

Now your moguls, straighten out those knees. You'll feel the quads working. Now to your cross-country. One, two, three. And now double legs, here's your last set.

Legs side to side just once. And then one set here. Cross-country, and, ooh, return. Nice work. We're gonna sit up.

We, all of us are gonna sit right back up and then we're gonna take off a blue spring. So now we're back to one red. We're gonna turn back to the back of the Reformer. My Reformer carriage is all sweaty, so I'm getting a good workout. All right, bringing the hands now back to the frame.

I'm on that one blue spring, or one red spring again. So these were the cat stretch moves that we did earlier. I'm gonna take a single leg back. So I'll take the right leg back and reach it back towards the jump board foot flexed. I'm also gonna shift my body weight to the left just a little bit so that I don't feel unstable, 'cause we're be pulling in with just that left leg.

So tall to your spine, left knee pulls the carriage forward five times. One and two. Strong through that back leg, three. Four, last one, five. And then that knee comes down.

So same thing here. I'm gonna reach that left leg back to the height of my hip. Make sure my hips are square, shoulders wide, weight shifts slightly to my right, right knee comes in one and two. Nice and stable. Two more.

Two, keep strong in that back just your leg. Last one, and then down. All right. I'm gonna go ahead and have a seat face backwards and then I'm gonna take the straps, I'm still in that one red spring. And then I'm going to sit with my legs actually straddling the shoulder blocks.

And the reason that I'm doing that is we're doing a lot of jumping, a lot of hip flexor movement. And this is just a little bit of release of tension for me on my hips. So I'm going to straddle. So we're gonna do some back rowing variations here on my seat. I'm holding on the shorter loops.

And I'm gonna start off with just some rows here. Shoulders nice and wide. And I'm gonna pull, drawing those shoulder blades together. Feet are flexed here. You could point those toes, but the feet flexing here is really nice.

It sends the energy from the heel all the way to the sits bone and the sits bone to the head. Two more. One more. Now I'm gonna do a little supination of the shoulder. So my palms are facing down, but I'm gonna turn my palms up and pull my elbows back and then rotate my arms down towards the floor.

So I'm getting a little chest opener here, squeezing the shoulder blades together. And exhale, shoulders nice and wide. And continue as you lengthen through the crown of your head and work on your posture, those jumping moves can make us just a teeny bit lazy. You know, you're just kinda laying there even though you wanna maintain a nice active torso, it kinda gets fun to jump around and that's okay, but we need to work on that posture too. One more time.

I'm gonna pull back. Now I'm gonna take my arms into my side and do a little external rotation of that shoulder. Good and reach. So make sure when you're doing these that you don't chicken neck. So you wanna put your elbows right underneath the shoulders and you don't wanna press them into the ribs.

Cause if you press them into the ribs, it's going to change the position of your shoulder joint. So I wanna make sure that everything stays nice and steady and tall here, working on that stability. Just a couple more. Good postural work. Keep going.

Now I'm gonna take the ropes and I'm gonna cross them. So I'm gonna cross them just to add a little bit more attention. I'm just gonna release my toes here for a second to get that tension outta the front of my leg. And then I'm gonna hold onto the shorter loops. And now from here, a little push pull.

So I'm gonna take some of these moves and bring them together with a rotation. So I'm gonna turn my left palm up, pull that elbow back and I'm gonna punch that right arm forward. And then I'm gonna come back facing back and then I'm gonna rotate to the other side. And I'm gonna alternate these, getting my heart rate up just a little bit. And exhale. (exhales)

And again. (exhales) One more and return. All right, straps are gonna go onto the blocks. I'm gonna swing my legs. Actually, I'm gonna put them onto the L hooks, so they're not in my shoulders way.

I'm sticking to one red spring. We're gonna lie side, lie sideways. So from here, I'm gonna lie all the way down actually. So you want your shoulders in front of the blocks as though you are laying down on your back. It's the same thing.

So you have a little bit of room for your head. I'm going to extend my legs out, both feet on the jump board and just kind of take a look at my body positioning on the carriage. I still wanna make sure that I have equal space from the front to my hip and then of course to the back and kind of check out my feet, okay. So from here, I'm gonna take that bottom leg in and get it out of the way in a flexed position. Let's bend the jump board leg and then start jumping.

Okay. So now as you're jumping, make sure that you're neck's relaxed, but you're still in that sideline neutral. You also wanna make sure that you have that leg aligned up with your hip. We work a lot in hip flexion and just live in hip flexion. So the more we can jump and actually get that leg to go into the side there, the more we'll work those muscles that we don't work all the time.

Press. Now from here, I'm just gonna have you lift the leg slightly towards the ceiling. Very slightly. Not enough to disrupt the position of your spine. So I've said this in the past, but you don't wanna do anything with the extremities that's going to compromise the integrity of the torso.

We are working the core. So lift. Now I'm gonna take that leg and jump it slightly forward. And it is very slightly. It's just a flexion of the hip.

I played soccer, so sometimes I think about just flicking the ball forward gently to somebody. Or even just kind of kicking dirt forward. Same rules apply when you jump. You wanna make sure that you're extending at that knee. Now we're gonna jump that leg back and feel the extensors working here.

Lift. So my glute is firing. Back. Last one and return. Now we're gonna combine all four of those four times, okay?

So stay along with me. If not, just keep jumping, you're still moving. So first jump with your leg straight out. Jump, lift the leg abduction, jump, kick the leg forward flexion. Jump, kick the leg back extension, do it again.

Inhale, exhale. Lift that leg, kick it forward. Kick it back, stabilize here, straight out. Lift at the side of the hip. Kick it forward, feel those abs fire.

Kick it back, feel the glute. You have one more set, reach, lift forward and back and return. Lot of work on that leg, but we are about to burn it out even more. I'm gonna have you pull up. Same resistance.

Your hands can either go on all fours. You're facing backwards by the way. You wanna either go into an L shape with your hands around the blocks. I prefer my hands on the shoulder blocks so that my chest is a little bit higher. My knees are under my hips as much as possible depending on your length of your torso.

So you wanna get it outta the way here in a second. And then I'm gonna take the same leg we just worked. I'm gonna place it on the jump board, push out. And I just wanna make sure that I'm stable here. Huge mistake that people make is they push with their arms forward.

If you start to see your knee, leave its position under the a hip, then you know that you are overusing your upper body, okay. You ready? We're gonna stabilize, just press back and forth here a few times. Make sure you've got it. It's like you're revving your engines and then you're going to jump.

So what I wanna feel now is hip extension. Now, if you've got really tight hip flexors, you're gonna probably try to over squeeze to try to lift the leg up. But just make it nice and gentle, elbows pointing backwards, working on the stability of the upper part of your back. Now, if you have that flexibility, you can lift that leg up a bit and then you can feel that glute fire. This is not a lower back exercise.

Please keep that lumbar spine nice and steady. Two more. Last one, and return. We're gonna now take that left foot forward for sake of transition onto your headrest. And then from here just a little chest expansion.

So I'm gonna grab onto the straps and then you're gonna find balance here. Of course you can always go to both knees if it's hard for you to balance here. I'm pressing my left foot up against the block for a little bit of support, a little cheat, but a good cheat. Then I'm gonna take my short loops and then I'm just gonna open up my chest here, and pull. And we'll do about eight of these, shoulders wide, squeezing those shoulder blades together.

Last one. And release. Nice job. Okay. So let's go over to the other side and jump, dropping the knees, taking it over to the right side.

I'm gonna go ahead and fold my left arm under now, and you'll see me from behind here. And then I'm gonna extend my legs. Moving into position a little bit quicker on the side since you know what's coming, bending that bottom knee in, right leg is lined up and go ahead and start to jump. If you're not ready, just join me when you're ready. Shoulders wide, eyes forward, toe ball heel, leg aligned.

Make sure you've got that space underneath your waist. This should feel really great. It's all mindset. Now let's lift that leg towards the ceiling, firing the outside of that glute. Warming that up.

Again, don't go crazy here. You don't need to jump really high. It's just enough to float that foot up. More importantly, make sure you can straighten that knee. Jump it forward a little bit into that flexion for us.

And then you're gonna go ahead and jump it back. Glute working. Stay nice and stable at your back here. And one. All right, you guys, four sets of these.

If you're ready, let's do it. Let's go ahead and jump out. Jump lift, jump forward, jump back, jump straight out. Lift that leg towards the ceiling. Take it forward of your hip.

Take it back of your hip. Inhale. You have one more set, stay with me. It's one, breathe, and two and three. Last one, and four and return.

Coming up, pushing yourself up with your arm on that shoulder block. Makes it a little bit easier to lift. Feedback, hands underneath the shoulders, and then we're gonna place that right foot back onto the jump board. Let's do that again from here. We're just gonna press out, now again, make sure that you're not pushing forward with the arms that you're just moving here with your hip lower extremities.

Jump one, jump two. Everything needs to be in synchronicity here. The position of your body, the arms, okay. The leg and how high it lifts. It needs to look actually like a pretty line.

Now go ahead and lift that leg out. Feel the glute, one and two. You can do as many as you like. Delia is gonna stop at eight. So we're at four more.

Three, two, and one and return. So if you don't do those correctly, you shouldn't feel as though you were wrecked here at your upper body. I'm gonna take the right foot forward. We're gonna go in again to that little extension, or excuse me, that little bit of hip extension and that chest expansion. So I'm gonna pull with those short loops at my hands.

Feel the stretch. Rules kind of go outta the window here. So you can go and throw those out and just stretch that chest if you'd like. All right. Maybe three more here, I lost count.

And two. One more, you guys, and release. All right, just a few more things to have fun with here. I'm going to take it down into a blue spring and we're gonna target those abs. And then once we target those abs, then we can move along to some extension.

So I'm gonna take off a red spring, I'm gonna put on a blue spring. So there's two series here. First one is lying down. So I'm gonna lie all the way down again onto the jump board or onto the spring, carriage feet on the jump board. Now this is not a lot of resistance, just a couple of warnings.

If you are really tall and have really long legs, I would lift the legs up a little bit because of your lever of your legs is gonna put a little pressure on your back. The other thing I suggest is maybe a slight imprint, nothing that feels like it's jamming, like a little bit more awareness. And actually a third thing, you're not trying to hit the back. You're only jumping enough to float the feet up, all right. Let's try a few, jump.

So what this will do is it'll really tighten the core. It's like you're putting on a little corset, but you don't want it to be the Titanic corset. Okay, you don't want it so tight. You want it just enough that it feels like those muscles that are meant to protect your spine are firing, okay. And now after you've done a few of these, you could actually have this just be where you fall back into if some of these become hard.

We're not gonna do a lot of stopping, we're just gonna keep moving. You're gonna feel a great burnout at that rectus muscle here in your obliques. All right, I'm gonna return the carriage and hold. What else helps me is I keep my legs, when I'm jumping with my legs together bilateral. Keeping them together, makes my hips feel a little bit more stable.

All right, here we go. I'm gonna lift my head and shoulders up. And a little bit late into the game, but we are gonna do the a hundred here, my arms are gonna reach out, shoulders nice and wide. I'm gonna pump my arms in on the inhale. And I'm gonna jump on the exhale.

You ready? Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale, two, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, 20.

Inhale, two, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, 30. Inhale, two, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, 40. Inhale, two, four, five.

Exhale, two, three, four, 50. Halfway there. Maintain the integrity of the hundred here. Inhale, two, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, 70.

Inhale, two, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, 80. Inhale, two, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, 90. Inhale, two, four, five.

Exhale, two, three, four, 100, and rest. From here into the double leg stretch. Head and shoulders up. Reach those hands towards your ankles. You're at a plantar flexion here.

You're going to jump. Arms come up, they swing around, you pause. The pause is the most important part. Inhale. Inhale.

Two more. One more. Pause and rest. I'm gonna go into the scissor leg. Head and shoulders up, exhale to lift.

First I'm gonna extend the leg. This is your setup. Reach the leg up towards the ceiling, stretch. So this is your first part, okay? Return the carriage.

Jump, grab the other leg. Pause, jump. Pause, at a pulse. Pulse, pulse, hold. Pulse, pulse.

Hold. Here we go. These hurt, my smile is sort of, it's genuinely fake. This hurts. And back in.

It is fun though. Pulse, pulse. One more, and return. One more here for a little burnout. Let's try those obliques.

I'm gonna lift my head and shoulders up. Interlace the fingers behind my head. So we're gonna jump. Right leg is gonna come towards me. So let's just do first and land almost like a single leg stretch.

Try the other side. Now add your obliques if you'd like. And back, and inhale, exhale, or whatever breath helps you jump. But make sure that the leg that's reaching away from you is still strong. Don't get lazy with that jumping foot.

One more on each side. Last one. And woo, return. Lot of lactic acid in my abs. I'm gonna sit up towards you guys and we are gonna get onto our knees.

Now I have that blue spring on. I'm gonna put my feet up against the blocks. This one in particular, you gotta be really careful, 'cause if you're not stable. I always, my favorite way to scare my clients is to say they're gonna hurt their teeth. Normally you pay attention.

If you say you might hurt your wrist or your foot, you're not as concerned, but teeth seems to scare people. So hands on the jump board. And I would like for you to press back. So my feet are up against the blocks, and I am sweaty. So the arms are nice and long.

Now I want you to see my line here. My knee should be underneath my hips. My arms are wide. Just a side note. If you have an Allegro 2, and if your jumper with the handles, do not put your hands inside those handles.

You'll get them caught in there and it won't be good, okay. So just right on top. Those are, handles are there just to lift the jump board to place it on So anyways, side note, arms are nice and long. From here bend your elbows towards you and then press up. This is baby step number one.

Now, can you keep your hip over your knees as you press back and forth with your arms, shoulders nice and wide. Now I'm gonna have you release the hands off the jump board, but when you do so, you're gonna have to lift your upper body up just a teeny bit because you wanna bring weight away from the front. Okay, just a teeny bit. Teeny bit. Okay.

So of course I'll level this up. It's my favorite thing to do. Now, as you get a little bit more confident, you can lift up and add a little bit of hip extension. Try a few of those. I'm using my glute.

Kind of fun, huh? This is actually kind of fun. Watch the tension in the shoulders, however. I'm gonna swim now, okay. So I'm gonna jump, take an arm back, pause.

Jump, take an arm back and pause. If you cannot get the first couple of routines, do not do this one. Be really careful, okay. Secondly, double arm, butterfly stroke, pull. Two more.

Last one, and return. That is really challenging, I'm not gonna lie. Be really careful. I gave you all of those baby steps. But it's also a great tool if you're a swimmer or training as swimmer.

It's awesome. All right, moving on to our very last part of the series. You're gonna need your long box. So now we have the long box on the carriage for our next series and a little fun play with extension. So I'm going to take a yellow spring, put it on, and remove the blue spring.

This is a little bit more challenging to get onto the surface of the long box 'cause you do have the jump board here, but I'm gonna try my best to explain how you do this, okay. So what I do is I'm going to put one leg on and one foot onto the jump board so I can push the carriage out. I actually have my hands here. Yellow spring makes it easier to do, so there's not a lot of resistance there. Then I'm gonna climb onto the jump board or to the long box.

Climbing onto the jump board would've been interesting though, huh. That's for the next time. Okay, so from here you wanna make sure that you feel comfortable here and it should be just fine. Okay. And then I'm gonna have you place your forearms up against the box.

So place yourself in a position where you feel like you can really support this part of your shoulder. Now from here, I'm just gonna have you do little jumps with the feet, just to kind of get used to this position here. It's not a lot going on, but what I want you to think about is the position of your back body. I want you to think about the energy of the back body towards the ceiling, pressing that pubic bone down and then feeling that articulation of your ankles, so that point flex point, okay. Now on the next jump, grab the uprights, okay.

So from here, legs are gonna be nice and long, pubic bone pressing down, legs ideally together abducted. And let's just add a few lat pulls. Nice and tall with the spine, palms are gonna face each other, holding onto the uprights. Shoulders wide. Three more.

Two, and one. And slowly slide down. And of course the jump board's gonna be there for you, a little bit closer than say your shoulder or your foot bar. All right. So we're gonna do this again, little jumps.

And now I'm just gonna actually have my arms out like a W position, squeezing those shoulder blades together. So now we're gonna add a little swimming motion. Jump, circle, land. Reach those arms out in front of you like the breaststroke, push and return, and push and return. We'll do that two more times, reach it away.

Now grab those uprights, hold, pause, swim. Inhale, two, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale two, four, five. Squeezing those legs together as close as possible, lifting through the chest for extension and then slowly release those arms back.

One more set if you guys are ready for it, okay. Now I'm gonna go ahead and bring those arms back to that W position and hold. We are going to catch with one arm. So I'm gonna jump, catch with my left, pull my right arm back towards my hip and look over my right shoulder and then release back. Now this does add a little coordination, okay.

So if you'd like, you can just stay at the upright. I'm going to jump catch, look over my left shoulder and then return. Jump catch, look over my right. Arm reaches back nice and long. And again, reach and then return.

One more to each side. Ooh, I'll end at your side here. Ah, and then return. Stepping off of the jump board and coming into one last exercise here for a stretch. Let's go ahead and place a red spring.

I'm sorry. Let's place the blue one. Yellow's not enough and red's too much. I feel like sitting or laying down the opposite direction, pushing off so that you can bring your chest forward. I'd like to do some swan here.

So squeezing those thighs together, arms nice and long. Start to lift your eyes. And with height of the jump board I can really get myself up into a really beautiful stretch and then release back. We're gonna do this six times. That was one and lift, pressing that pubic bone down, opening up through the chest.

If you don't have that extension, it's totally fine. Just go as high as you can without compromising your back, but feel that opening in your chest and opening in your hips. Three more. Two more, and lift. Last one, everyone, pull it up and stretch and return.

I'm going to step off to my left, which is gonna put me away from you. And I'm gonna face the box. From here I'm gonna take my right leg and I'm gonna take it over the box into a nice stretch for the hip. Holding here, take a deep inhale breath and exhale breath. Good.

And then we're gonna go over to the other side. Good. And stretch that hip out and hold. Good. And then the foot will come down to the floor.

Arms, reach to the ceiling, take a huge deep inhale breath. Take those hands to prayer, hands to heart center, and you guys are all done today. Thank you so much for joining me for this challenging jump board workout. I hope you all enjoyed it. And if some of the exercises weren't for you, then please just level them up or take it easy or skip them all together.

See you next time.


FABULOUS -as usual! Love it!
Love it!! I am loving your series, Delia!  Your cues really make a difference!
Great fun;  the XC or telemark jump is one I had not done.  Thanks 
Cathrin L
2 people like this.
great class, I really liked how you transformed classical pilates excersises into jumpboard routines
Dawn U
1 person likes this.
You are the best, Delia.  Keep the classes coming.  Thank you.
loved series of "4" on jump with one blue spring!
Love this class!  Very easy to follow your instructions and spring settings. Thank you!
AMAZING class and so much fun🙏
Great as always!!! Thank you!!
Helen S
1 person likes this.
My first class with you! I loved all the prep's and cueing, thank you!

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