Class #512

Reformer on the Mat

50 min - Class


Have some fun doing your Reformer work on the Mat. Class starts with Footwork Standing to heat you up and includes some balance work. Before heading to the mat, focus on the shoulders (strengthening and stretching) then enjoy hip work, the Short Box Series, Stomach Massage with the band, and much more!
What You'll Need: Mat, Theraband

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Sep 01, 2011
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Okay, so we'll do a little reformer on the mat, but also some shoulder stuff. So we stand with our feet apart. Ground your feet. Feel all sides of the feet, all parts of your feet. Why? Thank you, Wendy. Am I okay? Okay. Inhale, exhale. Don't go anywhere. Just zip up through the front of your body. Okay. The sense of bringing the energy in and up. Inhale, we'll take a roll down on this one. Exhale, relax it because look like you're not quite ready to have some fun. Rounding over and here would be a really easy place to let go of that mid midlines. A don't. Inhale, exhale and roll back up.

Maybe you feel the back of your body pulling the front up and inhale, organizing ourselves. Stacking. Exhale to go down. Rounding over as you blow out the air. Use some energy to force the last bit out. Inhale and exhale. We come up. We're just going to heat ourselves up a little from here to warming up the feet a little bit. Inhale, stay tall. Exhale, grabbed from the middle of the body and float up to the tops of the feet.

Inhale, exhale and stretch your way back down. Just about five of those. And exhale, the arms are heavy. As you rise up and come down picking a spot to focus on and rise up. You can make it smaller if you kind of need more time to warm up the feet, that'd be all right. Just kinda thinking about the fact that we've got to use them as part of the whole body. Let's do one last one here up.

Think of a long neck and then keep your body weight down a tiny bit more weight into the heels than you might normally stand with. And inhale, we're sitting back into the heels a little bit neutral spine and exhale to length and push the triceps and the arms back. Let's go a little fast now. Inhale, exhale, push. Think of working the arms through the air as if the air were a solid. So you're working both ways. You push the air in front of you and you drag it back. Connecting to all parts.

Your head doesn't change much, although where you're looking will, right. Cause if you keep your head in alignment it's going to travel with you. Just two more. Here's one, finish it, get the stretch in the front. Last one here and I either stay like that and we'll do another round or float off the ground. Not very high. And I want you to go really high and keeping it. He'll still, we inhale down. Exhale, press level one, inhale down and two. So as we throw in the element of balance, you're thinking, I don't know what, just thinking, what are you thinking?

I would be thinking midline, so don't worry so much about the feet moving. It's okay. Do you try to keep them as level as possible? Let's go for more Perris. Several along. Get the glutes involves three, two, stretching. You're always choose one more and all the way up. Just touch the heels together. Actually go down, turn the feet out a little bit. Either keep them there or just float up. Just a little. Press the thigh, upper thigh bones together strongly. So if your knees hit, let the feet be a part that's okay. Make the knees touch. Here we go.

And you are going to lean forward a little and and squeeze. Get the full length and to pushing both ways. Reaching and return, reach and return. It's kind of challenging I think. Keep going. You don't have to look at me to have a lean forward and to also finish straightening your body at the top cause you're looking down. Typically, don't forget that last bit at the top. Let's do three.

Lengthen to lifting the chest. Here's one more and up heels go down. Separate the feet wider than your hips. Yeah. And you'll see it rather than a plea where you go straight down. Let's let a little bit of a hinge come into play. Here we go.

And our reach and and reach. We'll just heating ourselves up, allowing the adductors to kick in a lot. So keep going. Kind of lessen the intensity on your feet. Now he keep it going as you come up. It's as if the inner thighs were coming together as if your spine, we're lifting up off your pelvis. And last one here, float up onto the heels. Just a little. Here we go. Reach and her.

Same idea. Long back, arrests, reach and press. [inaudible]. If your feet get tired, you can set them down. That would be all right. Try to relax the feet even though they're up. So only grip where you have to given you one more. Come to the top, stay up, make sure you're straight arms out to the side. Heels down, and just down and up. So now we are straight up and down. Okay.

Think of a long wingspan of your arms where you're not tightening the arm so much that they get drawn into your body. You're letting them go. Five more. Go down in one and two and up three. Here's four or one more time to come up. Hold it up. Using the energy from the powerhouse. Float the heels up again, throwing this at you. This is going to be the stretch. If you've never seen it, and I think you all have, you're gonna rotate to your right. Let the right knee bend. Keep spiraling around, reaching the left hand to the raw left ankle.

As you keep rotating, look at it. Come back up. I am still on the ball of foot. You could flatten out there and lower. That would be the nice thing for me to do. If your feet slid, bring them in a little bit. Rise up, rotate from the waist when you've gone as far as you can with the way she let the knee bend the forward knee, the left knee, continue rotating around to look for that leg in the back. It's straight and then slowly come back. It's all right to put the heels down and center right again, rise up.

I'm going to change it slightly and it'd be a little easier in terms of balance, but you'll get a better stretch. So as you turn, you've bent the right knee. Put the heels down when you've gone as far as you can. Continue rotating as best you can. It's okay. Okay, keep reaching, keep reaching, get down there. Get down there. You got it. Y'All look good. You're all doing just fine. Come back up to upright. Rise up on the toes again. Center and down. Last one, lift up.

We turn lunge into it. Almost. Then set the heels down. Continue rotating. Oh, that's not as far from me. What about you? You can go down. You can hinge it. The waist. No big deal, and then come back up. Get Your upright position first. Find the heels off the ground or feet together. We're rolling down to pick up our bands. Inhale and exhale. We go.

Inhale and exhale. Roll it up. Putting just a little tension onto the band and come to the top. Okay. For this part, I'm going to just mind so long I'm going to think I'm going to be able to go and half without making it too tight. If you get going and you find that you need to choke up a little, do okay. From here we're just pulling apart. Barely. Okay.

I want to just mention that the focus of all this shoulder work that's about to come up is in fact the shoulder. So initiate from closer to the body or the spine. Then you do the hands and just to prove a point, try not to use your back at all and just pull with your hands. Like you can go far. It's no doubt, but it also most likely will go to your net quicker if you then gently relax the shoulders down and then initiate as if they were your shoulders themselves were attached to the van pole. You won't go as far most likely, but hopefully it's closer in. All right, so from there we are just doing a little press open, open, open, open, zipping up their inner thigh, press or pull, however you see it and take it a little higher. Five, four coming there, three, two and one. Back to chest and Owen to just tapping into the rear doubt and hold.

From there we reached the shoulder forward, pull them back onto your back, do it again. Just reach forward and pull it back. Okay. Now it will add to that. So you've gone forward, you come back, you're going to pull the elbows apart using the shoulder blades as well so your hands are at right angles and then push back just to the starting position. So forward on one. There's one pull shoulder blades back to pull on the band. Elbows go to right angles and back to center. Four reach forward one, shoulder blades, two elbows pull three back to center four and reach. So you sliding the shoulder blades around two, three and straight arms four last one here.

Reach to pull the neck takes over. You should take a break and center. All right, taking the arms down. Sorry. And then, all right, so the hands a little wider than shoulder for the moment. I'm not pulling. Okay. I've, I've, I've got taught but that's it from here without moving your hips, get as tall as you can. You can even shrug the shoulders for a moment. Then drop the shoulders, reach the upper body over, leave the hips where they are reaching over to your right. Yep. When do you take the arms back and center? Lift up and by lift up, I mean at the waist. Really the arms are already up and street and center. Good lift up and over. Same thing. Now once you get there, stay there. Push the hips to the left. Keep your feet flat though. Push, push, push, push, push.

Now use your hip to come back to the center and then lift the body. Just the upper body first. Don't move the hips yet. I'll put it all together in a second. Then push it over there as you continue to stretch. Push with the hips to come back to center. And now let's do it all together.

You push away and I don't want you to look like your arm was gonna fall over cause you're really reaching energy, right? This is a great lesson I think in energy dispersion, right? If you just did it at the hips and didn't counter it with the reach of the upper arms and on body, you'd fall over. So I want to see that motion there. You got to see the motion. Push the hip, sell and push the hips to the thank you and last to reach to come up. One more reach. Okay. Bringing it down.

Absolutely. Not just me. Yeah, absolutely. It's warm. Thank you. Yeah, you can even do the front door there. Thank you. Thanks Tara. All right, so you have your left hand over hand grip and it doesn't do anything. It's going to be straight and down. Don't hold it so high that you're straining there.

It's just down in Ho and held. The right hand is palm up. Thanks Wendy. Shoulder down and from here, all you're doing for now is your initiating from that right shoulder blade to pull the arm up. That's it. It's almost like your armpits going to go straight out the front window coming down. We go shoulder blade and just lift one and down. Once you lose tension, you can stop to and down. It's like you're taking the thumb and reaching straight back and one more time. Nice and high. All right. It slows down a little. You get up there Paul, then look back towards it.

Continue pulling just the arm so you don't rotate. The body and then return all the way back to center again. You pull back first, look at it and it's again, it's like I'm trying to spiral the armpit forward around the front of my body. I reach and come back down and pulling back. Re look at it and reach for the don't turn the body though. Just the neck.

Thank you. And return and good holding back, neck and now it's just armpit to the front. Was that five or one more? One more look, stretch and her turn. I love that one. Turn in the handover. Yeah, that was when we did all the time in the studio with rail and I was forget righthand is anchored and down. Shoulders dropped in and it's and return. We did five well to remember how we initiate it from the shoulder a moment ago, 30 down, four and down. Here's five, same thing, but we pull it up, look at it, continue trying to wrap that shoulder forward the best to say it in return, you pull it up, look continuing reaching as the arm comes forward and the jury look in reach.

So tempted to turn the whole body, but we won't last you reach and back. One more. Did I say one more when it was too early. That's it. Good. Fabulous. Good job, Christie. Okay, we're going back overhead again for the side over here. So instead of side overs on the box, we'll stand wide and again, I just doubled mindset to have, it wouldn't hit me in the face, but we're not pulling. Okay. What I want you to check on yourself is wherever you put your arms in, if I said overhead, that's where you put them. Yeah, look up.

If you can see them. Doesn't mean it's wrong. It might be where you need to be, but see if you can, if you're just weren't aware that they weren't in fact over your head. Okay. Then my dear Mandy, straighten your elbows. And if that's tough cause you're right, able to still bend to believe it or not, just think bicep to here. Okay, I would just go a slight bit wider. You've got it, but just a slight bit wider. So it's not since it's a different feeling, just unwrap it. Yeah, there you go.

Okay, love it. Here we go. Lifting up and over, stretching up. Gently. Press into your left foot. Not gonna Change your position. I just want you to feel that exhale coming up, reaching up and go over to the other side. So in this particular exercise, you're not moving the hips. Inhale up to go over. If you don't feel a little bit of stretch down the side of the body, you might try a slightly wider stance in your feet. Let's go a little quicker, but no less precise. Here's a one. Inhale up as you go over, start the exhale, become reach. And, and if I told you that almost all of us spiral a little bit when we do this, see if you can monitor that on yourself so that you don't end up torquing into the low back. It should feel good on the back or nothing at all. I really, let's do four more. One and, and two, three. Enjoy. Here's number four. Okay. Bringing it back together and do this, the band. So it's open and you basically just want the distance between what your elbows need. Ah, good.

Good doggy in the car. Don't do that. Sweet elbows are next to your ribs. Palms up. If it's too tight, you just give it a little slack. Okay. So, or you can do it with no band actually. So for the rotator cuff, you're just pulling apart. And this time I'm going to say, try not to squeeze through the back. You just pull apart. Okay. And by pulling apart, I'm referring to the hands for sure. In other words, try not to pull or stop yourself from letting the elbows come away from your body or from wherever they started. So it's, Oh and of course it's perfect actually. So we're going to do it as well.

So she's adding a little bit of backup extension. So let's assume we're all totally upright. Yeah. So, well do you need a break? Okay. So the add on would be pull apart. It's just like the skin, isn't it? Like if we're all upright, it's like grown, right? The ribs hardly change if at all. But it's the idea that you've pulled apart, you intend to raise the chest, maybe your chin will rise a little, but not much. You kind of already there.

But if you put the focus on this upper portion of the back, it can be really incredible. I'm just going to do two more here cause I think it's kind of a lot and one more, but it's always what we're thinking of. Never so much to go into the low back. Take the band behind your back. Now please with the palms facing to the back of the room. Um, and what I usually do, cause I like it a little bit tighter as I go and I wrap in a little. So I don't know how to say that. I just was out and I just grabbed on it.

However I want to. However you can so that your arms are maybe a little closer together than shoulder distance. Arms are reaching down neutral spine, so don't pop the ribs and from here we're simply going to reach further down, apply a little pressure on the band to the side of the room and continue pulling to the side so it's pulled out release so you can do the same thing here. Right? Same thing with that back extension here. It's a subtle sense of my sternum rising, not that you have to see it. Just feel that sense of the shoulder blades going down.

The chest rising I suppose is all I need to say if that's no big deal or even if it is, let's challenge it a little by raising the arms and continue press out out. Minimize the work the hands have to do. That's why you'll see me with my fingers open. You don't have to keep them like that either, but I'm trying to feel the back of the shoulder, the side of the shoulder a bit. Press and press from here. No tension on the band.

Just bend your elbows without losing all that back extension work. So you don't want to drop forward at all. Bend the elbows up to the level you can. From there you reach out to as you pull apart like you were a moment ago. Then Ben to lift, kind of relax there. Bit Bit of a stretch to the front, I suppose, and reach this aloe can. Your levator scap Mandy.

Okay, good. So play with that idea of wealth, not an idea. Make sure the triceps or the arms are getting fully straight. So the triceps work hard. They're giving you two more reach and stretch.

One more. All right. Release the band. Keep it nearby. Let's go to the floor. I feel bad for you. Feel it more in the front. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah. Don't you think? Yes. I mean, yes. You remember I could only do this. Yes. It's, it's incredible.

I mean, this work is awesome. I think. Yeah, you're getting a stretch to the front, which is why you're, this is where you need it, right? I think. I think beef know that. All right. Moving right along. Let's do the hundred. Nothing fancy. Just come on down. Take your knees to tabletop. Inhale, get ready. Exhale. Extending yourself a curling into it. Reach the arms as if that band were still there. Right? And inhale two, three, four, five and out.

Remember what it felt like to do those heel raises earlier where you had the inner thighs pressed strongly together in three, two, three, four, five. [inaudible] it's a breathing exercise too, so fill up. It's okay if the ribs move as long as the entire rib cage moves and five and make sure all the air goes out. This is a cleansing thing, supposedly, right? Not supposedly. Come on Christy, and in and out. So the arms there. There's a reason you don't, we're not just dancing with him.

Pump the air in and Andy [inaudible]. That's it. All right, I'm going to finish it because I started it. So let's pull the knees in. Just fold your elbow. Sit your head down for the moment. Getting ready for coordination. Inhale, exhale, curl everything up. Reach forward, legs open, close. They bend. Inhale again. Stay up tonight and bring the arms in. Exhale, press out.

Open-Close. Inhale, drag, and then you fold the arms. It's like you're reaching the elbow points. Exhale, open, close, bend. Inhale, bend the elbows. Looking deep into the belly. Press, pool, draw, and in changing it, we're gonna to cross the legs for eight. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Inhale and bend and press out. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Inhale, can we do one more? Please? Exhale out at a one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Inhale, let your head go down from here. Turn the knees out, flex the feet. Neutral pelvis, taking the legs on a hide. Actually, I'll take that back. Hands behind your head.

Press the back of your head into the mat. Roll your Chin towards your chest as you connect the front of your body to the ribs in the ABS. Looking straight ahead. Inhale, exhale. Extend the legs on a High Dayak and inhale, draw them in as if your knees were somehow connected to that inhale. You start inhaling in the knees, get pulled in, you exhale, they get pushed out. Little leg we're here in and things that will help you stay in your abs and out of your neck is gently press your head back into your hands while you keep that spine lifted. Last one, reach out softly. Point the toes.

Inhale the legs come up. Stay here. Reach the tailbone and the Mat. Squeeze high in the inner thigh. Squeeze the bones together. Here we go. Exhale, reach down. Doesn't go have to go low and up and exhale. Two. Inhale up. Exhale, three, loosening. Not letting the front of the hip beat along. You don't grip there. If your back takes over, you should take a break. It's a while to be here.

Let's finish the exhale here. Change it. Inhale up. Open. Exhale. Inhale, open. Exhale, pool and breast. Finding a rhythm in your breath that works. Curl up a tiny bit right into your chest. [inaudible] last one coming up. Finish this circle to the top. Head goes down, bend your knees, take the legs right back up, release the hands and probably most of us are gonna want the hands either right at the edge of the hips so that you are in a forest. Little Tuck in the pelvis. Turn the light bones outward externally. Rotate.

Open the legs out to the side, flex and draw them in. Vaughn, kind of slow on this one point, open out, flex the feet, but then soften them and drag from the high inner thigh trying to connect the abs again, it'd be easy just to work the legs here or the inner thigh, that's fine, but let's get the abs to work too. You could also lift your head, neck, and shoulders if that makes it a little easier on the back and it would be fine. One more time out to come in and then just release that. Bending the knees, arms into a t position here toward the front of the room for the spine twist. We inhale to rotate. Look the opposite way. You don't have to touch the floor. Exhale to come back to center and switch in.

Look the opposite way. Exhale, come back to center and one more time each way. A sale. Last one. Excellent. From there, set the f actually don't set the fee down. Grab onto the [inaudible] shins. Curlier head, neck and shoulders up. You can maybe start this actually with your hands on your knees.

That's probably a little more fair. Tuck the pelvis so you really left there. Keep the gaze the same. Get a little rocking action going. Lift the hips up and down. Let them come up and down. Doing our best to keep the shape the t. The trick I think if there is one, is to keep the glutes involved. If you let them go, it's really hard to keep that little bit of help that we need one more to come to the top and stay there and feet down for a short buck series. So what that means for us, this first one, just stretch your legs out pretty far, but we're gonna leave them bent.

I am and flexed at the feet forum over form. Okay with your arms. Just sort of resting. Initially your body long were, we're basically straight. Inhale, exhale like you're pushing your feet away. You roll the hips out from underneath you arms. Kind of get left behind for a moment. Inhale, exhale to roll back up. Once the shoulders over the hips, we stack the spine. Just press the forearms down into your belly. Inhale, leave your forums in place and roll the hips away from them to come back. Inhale and exhale, coming back up. Inhale, stacking your spine. Exhale, roll down.

Okay, inhale, still having the glutes involved. Exhale, looking good, looking good, and inhale, talk to rollback. [inaudible] couple of ways you could do this. If you don't like this knee position, you could separate your feet. You could even be in a diamond. Last one. Here we go. So I'm saying that because there's more variations on this. Inhale and exhaling. All right to the top, same position. Otherwise you can do one of those others. Give yourself a little glute squeeze.

So you want to almost feel that little half inch rise off the mat. Press the back of your head into your hands. I want you to be able to see your elbows to inhale, hinge backs, not very far. XL, stay long. Get right back over. Sit bones. Inhale, getting long. Don't let the chin get too high and exhale to bring you up.

Inhale back and exhale. Oh is anyone else trembling like I am in back? Try from link, link, link, no arch, but link that exhale. Last one. Inhale and exhale. Coming toward the front of the room. It's that, uh, I'm just going to go right into the twist. So you rotate. This is inhale. Theoretically you hinge back on the diagonal. Push the back of your head and your hands. Exhale, come up and center. You nail, rotate and hinge. Oh, that's gorgeous. Addicts sail coming in and center. Inhale, rotate.

And here exhaling up and center one back. Get Long, get long up and center. All right, stretching out the leg closest to the front of the window. Pick up the other leg. I give you the Basti version. Elongate your spine. What? Telemetry. Absolutely. So you have your long spine, you are try.

We try for upright. You have to lean back almost always on the mat, I think. So the Po drawing the knee closer to the the body, it's really about lengthening our backs. One focused on backs to exhale. Three theoretically you keep the back straight. Not Theoretically keep your back straight even if it means not straightening your leg. So if you go to straighten it rounds you, it's not worth it. From here, we're going to roll back. Here's the trick.

Start thinking inner thighs or press the bottom leg into the ground. Walk down. There's one more trick you could press the back of the straight leg in the air, into your hands. Keep your eyes forward, circle the arms and up we come. One push into the hands is fine too. For now till you figure it out. Inhale, stretch your spine. You know, and here we go. Pulse a one, two, three, get along more of a stretch each time. Bring the leg back. Walk down the tree. One, two, three, just the arms circle. Press that bottom leg into the ground as you walk up. Inner thigh, two, three, grow into it. Feel free. Oh, it's so pretty, Wendy. And one more time.

Pulse two, three. Just stretch. Bring it back and walk. Walk. Minimize the hands when you start to figure out that it really, they aren't needed. And up to three grow tall. Everybody flex the foot. This is where you might need to bend the knee again. Oh, when did my calf get so tight? Oh, all right. And release it. Changing sides.

Getting to haul through the first one a little slow. This. There we go. He's up on the stretch. We pulse in one c about relaxing the front of the hip. There's three. Stretch it up. Oh, take your time. Bring it back. And now it's the pelvis that starts this. You roll down, you round the back to do it. Yep. Yep. Press that right. Like, or the bottom leg into the ground. Circle and up to three. Enjoy a stretch.

Inhale and fold. Hold one, two, three and grow to bring the tree back a little further. But that means you've got to anchor with that bottom leg mark two, three quick. Look at your hips that they haven't hiked on one side and up. Two, three. Inhale. Love it. Love it. And the SKO and more. Back to three. Keep the back long, bring it back and walk, walk, walk, circle the arms. And up we come to three all the way and release. Oh, right, right, right. Sorry.

I only do it on the ones that I really need help with on I. So we flexed our foot. My goodness. That's why voided that. Okay. Is that good? Yeah, that's good. All right, so from here we had a special request. Let's try, we're gonna try some massage with the band. It can be done without the band as well. Um, but I think it's kind of Nice like this, the way you guys just showed me.

So we're going to try it. So stomach sash, normally on the reformer, it's got a bit of a rhythm to it. Make it so you can cap the toes a little. I think you might like it better, but it also should feel kind of securely covering it. So you don't have to do that part. But I think you'll feel better. All right, so this is an ab exercise. The legs are going to be in there, but he's in fact an ab exercise come back just behind, maybe more than just behind your tailbone to a point where you could easily pick up the legs without rocking in your spine. I would like, I'm going to say parallel and together. Excuse me for the first one, which is not how you normally do it, but that's how we're going to do it right now. Let your feet be higher than your knees. Bend your knees and close.

Stay back there behind the tailbone and now as you exhale, you press legs out. Point flex and pull in. Exhale, press out. So there's some change to the upper body, but not much. Let's try and keep it pretty still. And Perez, you can bend the elbows if that helps you to stabilize, you're going to lose some of it when it comes in and Perez back. Do, do bend the elbows like you're pressing on the carriage. Press flex and in and push. Get those feet up.

High point flex. Now as you come in, you're going to turn the feet and knees out, right? So here you are. Turned out in the band. I'm liking the elbows bent with the subtle downward pressure at the last, right. Get those feet up there. We press out. Point flex, pull in and out. Point flex. Keep that upper body still. That's where your real separated. So the heels are together. Heels are together, but the toes and knees are apart. Thank you Debra and point right.

Here's the goods point right there. Keep the Tuck of the pelvis. Point flex one more. La La, la La. Okay. Are you ready? Such feet down for a second. I want to just make sure I can show it to you without completely humiliating all of us. He goes like this. You can come with me Debra. We can. Yeah, so there's a twist we get to do. As you press the legs out here, you're going to have to hold a little wider. You're going to twist with a straight arm to one side. Then you pull him.

So you get no help in the middle here as you point and go out and you twist it. The other arm, the arm is not pulling. Absolutely stay. Still. Keep it in front. Okay, join me now if you haven't, so I'm not doing very many more exhale. It's to the back. Get the spine to rotate. It's not just arms. Make the spine do it. The spine. Don't bend the elbows at all. And in two go out. Oh, you're a willing group. Set them down. Get rid of the band.

Okay, next time I'll know how to cue that. Good. If you depart where you were all rolled, draw the feet in a little closer than you ordinarily would. So if your knees don't like a close position, the alternative is a regular pelvic curl for now. Okay, so otherwise we're in parallel feet closer. Then as close as you comfortably can really, and we're going to start by rolling up the spine. Keep the shoulders into the mat when you've gone as far as you can really comfortably. Then you can lift the heels up so you're on the balls of the feet.

Continue Rolling up. Press the heels down and roll back down. Do your best. If you have to lift the heels to get to the bottom, you can. But try and try to minimize that. So here we go. We tuck the pelvis. Feet are flat.

You roll only at the last minute would you then lift the heels. Continue going to go a little higher than normal. Set the heels down in. Wave your way back to the ground bone by bone and peeling up. Feet are flat. Heels come up. Keep lifting the pelvis. If you can, then stop shy of it going into back. Of course, heels go flat and you roll down. All right, let's reverse it.

How do you reverse it? I Dunno. How do you reverse it? It's gotta be a reverse heals up, right? Thank you. Do I still feel, yeah. Heels up first. Thank you. My goodness. No, that's what we just did. No. Okay. Heels down then and roll. Somehow it blended there. All right. I'm, I'm happy with that many. Anyway, so with that, we are stretching the legs out onto the mat and just roll yourself up. Ah, take a quick stretch forward, quick stretch forward.

And then we roll up. We're gonna flip over. So why don't you keep your heads in the middle, flip over so that the knee, you're on your hands and knees for the moment we're heading into, um, first you stretch, you stretch first and then I'll do up stretch. Kind of a random order, but it's kind of feel a little bit better I think. Alright, so curl the toes under and get that stretch. If you can. Hands are pretty close to your knees. I can't say exactly where.

What we need is the ability to scoop the belly and not flex at the hip so much. Um, you may decide you like this better on your fist. It also gives you a little more room. Either way, it's fine. All right. So what you're doing, looking at your hips, the front of your hips are as open as you can get them. You feel your hamstrings, your feet are kind of like they're already pushing into something like you're about to start a race. From here we inhale. Shoulders are pressing towards hips.

Exhale, hover the knees. Inhale, set and down. Lightly start the exhale. Feel the belly button, pull to the spine. All that happens to just levitate you off the ground. Very good. Inhale down. Exhale, belly edge, attempting to round the spine, the low back especially and down. One more there. Inhale, exhale up. Hold it. If you can 0.1 foot. Inhale, reach it out. Exhale, pull that knee to your nose.

One we'll do five. Here's to reach out. Body doesn't change. Three here's four and five. Change legs. Reach out. Exhale, pull one. Pull that knee in from the belly to pull. Three, four. Here's five toes. Go Down, lift the hips up. Walk the hands in front of you a bit. You can walk the feet slightly more apart. Hands are flat, heels are pur or up, and then reach away. What do I want to say?

I want to say reach your tailbone up first. Get long so that your best, you can use your by your upper arms, then pull the abs up enough that you don't feel like it's just your button here, but the whole body's nice and long. If you can, you're gonna lower the heels from there. Just taking that stretch. Now from here, wherever your heels are, look at them. Make sure that they stay like that. Basically on an exhale you're to have actually, you know what, take your Hill's part way up. That'll work better. Heels part we have on the exhale you flex the right foot, keep the like absolutely straight and try to bring it forward, but put it back in place. Same like again, inhale, its leg stays straight on the exhale. That right foot flexes to clear space, but nothing else changes as you try to bring it forward and down. Question.

Inhale, so you go back to the starting position. On the exhale you draw the abs of so much. It almost pulls it like deeper into the hip socket to bring it forward and back. Change legs. Inhale, head is down. You flex that left foot, a little curve to the spine is fine. Put it back in place. Inhale, exhale, draw it forward. Feel where the leg detaches. Deepen the body again. And one more time. And there we go. You bend knees, release the feet and just sit back for the moment to hit weight out of your arms.

And hopefully you won't put much, much weight into your arms as we head into the combination. How this starts is if you're laying on your thighs, you pull the ribs up off your thighs, think to Tuck the pelvis to round your body to come forward. You can lift off the knees if you need to until right, somewhere around here, your glutes engaged, you come into it, an extension of your spine, not a drop of the pelvis, right? It's a, I'm stretching my ads really. And then pull the rib cage back your head. Just [inaudible] follow that and go almost back to the start. But don't sit fully. So we inhale as we roll up and through your arms.

We'll take a little weight here, but tight to extend and exhale roll back. It's the same extent thing. This time, of course we get to add in the low back, but not if, well, yes, you want to feel it in that exact same spot and excellent. Let's do one more. Rolling it up to come through and back. Come back. All right. Lift yourself enough to take your right foot forward so that the knee is over the [inaudible].

Cool. Okay. And then as you start to take the hips forward for the stretch of that left hip flexor, think about posterior tilting. Hey, you're not gonna have a rounded low back. It won't, won't feel like that. Certainly won't look like that. But it's the idea that as you attempt to lift the chest, the pelvis comes with it. All right. You don't even have to take your arms off, but you're welcome to. The thing we want to avoid is the shortening of the low back.

So the front and the back are long. Yeah, good. From their use of front leg to push back and then adjust that foot to a long line. Okay. And it's true that some people would long longer legs may have to support by holding something higher cause it's not really meant for balance. So don't hesitate to do that and then release it. I'm just going to transition. So curl the back toes under to change sides.

Rest the back knee on the ground, looking for that stretch. That sense of if I decide to lift my chest, it better be because I'm trying to take the pelvis up and away from the knee as well. Safely, comfortably Ms. Certain amount of giving in or yielding to the stretch is always important. Finding your way to push back, squaring off the hips, reminding ourselves that the back being straight in this type of position to stretch the hamstrings is more important than the hamstring itself. Being fully long. If you round and straighten the leg and you'll miss it a lot. So get the back flat first.

[inaudible] all right, let's return that leg back. Head down to our forearms for a plank or front support. So [inaudible] with your hands or elbows underneath your shoulders. Extend one leg back and then before putting the other one back, there's where you're going to bias towards the poster. Talk again, that rounded low back. Put the other foot in place, and by that I mean sits bones distance apart. Now Flex your feet strongly and make it so you can feel the hamstrings reaching to the ceiling so you can feel the butt pressing down on where they meet.

His strong, reaching out the crown of your head. Pick up the leg closest to the window. Keep it parallel, toes point down the entire time. Sweep it out to the side. One cross over that other leg to come back here is to keep the toes pointing down the whole time. Three here's four long body, five change sides. Reached out first into the side. One, pull it back across center. Here's, do not. It's always worth looking down. Sometimes we think our foot's parallel for one more. Put it back in place, lower the knees and reach by our stretch back.

[inaudible] all right, coming all the way down for breaststroke. So for this one, I on the reformer, it goes one way. We're going to reverse it because it's more meaningful on the floor when you don't have straps. So if normally the breaststroke would go inhale, exhale, or you lift or just reversing it, so it'll go inhale and exhale to come down. So I'll show it to them down here if you don't know it. Otherwise your arms are uh, sorry by your side, like normal.

So thumbs kind of near your shoulders, forearms on the ground. And what you'll do is it for now, just keep your heads down. I want to just sort of make a point, slide the hands down the floor, doing your best to keep the elbows on the map. They have their probably come off, it's normal, but you just don't surrender to that. And once your hands are down, you lift your upper back and your arms until they come over the top all the way in front of you. As you rebend them, you lower back to the starting position. So we inhale, extend the arms down the floor, rise up at the long inhale all the way overhead.

Exhale to come back to the mat. Okay. So keeping your heads down for now and he'll sweep the hands down. Lift the arms and head, neck and shoulders as you come round, and then fold the elbows in and go down. I'm gonna remind you, we've been practicing a lot, the upper back, so don't feel like when the arms lift, you have to get this big lift of your chest. It's still that same articulation. You know, once your arms go back, you lift the arms, but don't lift the rib cage fully off the Mat. It's just not necessary and it's not the area we want. Again, take it down.

He man that keep your ribs down as long as you can lift the arms, but look forward little as you lift. Good. That's it. That's it. Take the arms round and you want one more. Is that enough? I'm not doing it. One more. Here we go. Dance or kind of leave the very bottom of your ribs on the ground. Reach the legs longer. They're not off the ground, but they're just reaching.

That's Nice, Sandy and beautiful. Everybody good? Okay. Go back into your rest position and then when you're ready, come up too. Kneeling a a little chest expansion. So staying upright for now. We're reaching in front. I don't think we need a band for this. It's as if the upper arm you pull down and back. Okay, get behind you and get taller.

Almost squeezing the inner thighs together and I'll go back in a second. But for now, look over your left shoulder, look over your right shoulder, back to the center, and then reach the arms down and forward again like you're pressing against a solid pole. Go right then left, right then left center. Pick aside. It's hard to tell in this situation. Left, right? Get Tall. Make sure it is in fact just your head. I always get caught and one more per rs.

Look, look and center. All right. From here, just leave the arms out in front for the moment. Tuck your pelvis and as you do, it'll affect your whole spine, right? If you kept your arms in relation, they would end up dropping a cause. You kept them attached, your spine hinge back. We don't have to go far. Tight glues right, raised just the arms up. Bring them around and come forward. Inhale, exhale. You've got a little tuck of your pelvis. Press your hips more forward to keep your body back. Inhale, arms up around, and exhale arms get heavy up there. Inhale, tuck again, hinge back. Inhale, arms up, circle around and exit.

Last one to tag it back. Don't forget the inner thighs. Alright. Okay. You got one more in. You had this do the Highbridge prep prep. I think prep maybe the third edition. So from the, I won't tell you what it leads to. It's like it's like a great, great grandchild, but we've got to go in that order. Okay, so [inaudible]. Okay, we just did all this thigh hinge stuff or we're going to minimize that part of it, but it's going to feel like, so you'll do a tuck. If you could bear with me, you'll do the tucking and a lift, one arm up keeping. If we had the mirror right in front of us, you know, reach back and find either you're sorry, the other arm will be up, either your heel. If that's not a big deal, then what you'll do is go to the ground, but you can't lean back to get there. Right. It's gotta be your thing. Right, Deborah?

It's gotta be that upper back doing it. You can come up on your toes. I don't see any reason why you couldn't do that. Yeah. So wherever you get, if that's still not enough, rather than going back more, I'm going to say bend the elbow more. [inaudible] okay. But it's not for your low back. It's for your upper back. So if you hear me saying pressure your everything forward, it's because we're see the diagonal line. I'm not trying for that. I'm trying for, I think, I mean they're going to see the troop, but it's not back here anymore.

Does that make sense? Okay. So it's a bit of a windmill. So here we are. Let's go, um, left arm going up or back. Left arms back here. Okay. So we'll go left. Arm will come up first. So here comes these lifts up. Make sure you're already ready at your hips. Your hips aren't going to lean back. If you can help it.

Look at the heel or even yeah, to heel and then reach the right arm straight up to the ceiling if that's okay. You can bend the elbow, but your legs don't travel back at all. Rather your chest reaches higher. Yeah. Then as if someone pulled you by the right arm up, go up to unload the left arm and windmill back. Questions. Okay. Right arm goes up, left arm up, find the heel. If it's easy, you get to bend and enjoy and then sweep back up.

Left arm up. And now if you want, you can go to the toe, but you've still gotta press the hip forward and up. I want to watch the last one. Other arm up to sweep. Left arms are reaching for the sky. Press the hips forward everybody and then up and finishing down here. Nice work. Nice work.

[inaudible] [inaudible] take a couple more breaths there, I think. Then when you're ready and I'll follow your lead, you curl the toes under to press the heels flat into the ground to just hang over yourself. It's a similar stretch. So whichever feels better to you. Hm. While we're here and it's really up to you if you want your feet together or apart too. If they're fully together, it's gonna be kind of hard. You might want them apart. Keeping both heels on the ground.

Bend your right knee right into your forehead. Left leg stays as straight as you can manage without pain. And then carefully just switch. Your hips will be going out of alignment as far as straight is concerned. Keep your feet level though.

Hm. And in-center will bend both knees, maybe hands above the knees. Draw the ABS in and of. Use a little arms. Feel the stretch to the back of your neck as the shoulders. Pull away from the ears and you grow tall.

And let's just eat, uh, inhale and exhale. Hello. One more. Bring back whatever you might need for the rest of the evening up. And Ah, thanks. I think to me, great inspiration. Perfect. Ah, aren't you? Sweet. Thank you.


Thanks for a fun class with some new and different stretches! Loved also using the band!!

You are amazing!!! I loved this class, you have inspired me on so many levels to be more creative as a Pilates Instructor. I have fallen more in love with mat work because of everthing I am learning from you and your amazing team. I thank you for that. I thank you even more for the terrific workouts I am getting.
Awesome change. Thanks Kristi
Thank you ladies ~ It is so rewarding to read that we are all sharing in our growing appreciation of this work. Denise, the Mat work is my favorite so I am thrilled to hear you have fallen more in love with it too!
I've been taking professional pilates classes for years and I love that everytime I workout with y'all I learn something new. Of course I ALWAYS love classes with props.... Thanks a ton for a great workout once again!
Awesome class
I'm with you guys...Kristi is the best!!!!
thanks for the workout, just did it in my living room in Dubai!
Love it Emma! Dubai!! Wow! So fantastic to hear! thank you!
This was a perfect class for me as I have ongoing RSI problems with my right shoulder/arm/wrist and I felt that it was really helpful as some of the moves mirrored those that my physio has given me.

Thank you for a great class Kristi. Love this site!
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