Class #5243

Side Body and Hip Opening

35 min - Class


You will feel more length in your body with this beginner Mat workout by Erin Wilson. She uses 2 Pillows to assist you in opening the sides of your body and the front of your hips. She incorporates gentle movements that will strengthen your obliques and arms while improving the lateral mobility in your spine.
What You'll Need: Mat, Pillow (2)

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I'm Erin Wilson and today's class we'll be focusing on opening up the sides of our bodies and the fronts of our hips. You'll need two pillows for this class. We'll begin by sitting on our pillows. Let's make our way down to the mat where we'll be sitting on top of our pillows. So just sit in a comfortable position for you.

For me, it's crossed legs. This works just fine, but you might find that sitting in a diamond shape position here or even going into more of a straddle position might be more comfortable for you. You might also find that two pillows is too much. So if you don't really struggle a lot with sitting on the floor and sitting upright well, you might not need both of them, just one. You might not need any of them.

So feel free to skip over those. So we're just gonna settle in. If you are on the pillows, make sure that you feel really centered on top of them. And then we're just gonna let our hands rest wherever they feel most comfortable. Take a few moments, maybe even close your eyes and just allow some deeper breaths to start entering your body here.

And a full exhale is gonna come out. And just one more time. We'll breathe in deep and take a long exhale. If your eyes were closed, go ahead and open them. And we're gonna start by reaching our arms out to our sides.

Take a direction either right or left, and we're gonna land on our hand over there. The minute it comes to the mat, go ahead and press into it quite a bit. We're gonna use it for some leverage and as a prop to help us stay more level in our pelvic position so we can start opening up and stretching into the side of our body. So taking our free arm, we're gonna reach up towards the ceiling. This might be where it wants to stop.

If it feels safe on your neck and your shoulder, feel free to continue to take your arm further over your head. If you feel like your head is hanging out here on its own too much, you can bend your elbow and grab onto the underside of your head and let it rest on your hand. It's a nice way to cradle it and just get that out of the equation. I don't wanna be thinking about my neck the whole time. Okay, if our arm is still up here, all we're gonna focus on is just taking some deep breaths into this side of our body.

So whether you're going right or left, imagine those ribs that are getting the stretch, filling that lung up more so than the side that your hand is on the floor with. So two more big breaths into those ribs, into that lung. And then long exhale. And one more time. Huge inhale up into our ribs on that side, and long exhale.

Use your hand on the floor to help push you up or feel free to slide it along the mat. If you're propped up on the pillows, might be kind of a far reach out there. So we're all gonna be different. And then we'll reach both arms out to the sides again here in the center. Go ahead and take it to the other direction.

So we'll place our hand down over there. Put some weight into it. Spread the fingers out, helps alleviate some wrist tension. And we always wanna make sure that the opposite glute, the opposite hip bone is really heavy. So if the pelvis can be more level, that means the spine's gonna be allowed to do a better side bend.

We're gonna get a much bigger stretch into the side muscles here because of that. Let's see how we do over here. So taking our free arm up to the ceiling. Check in up there. If you can go a little further, let it continue to come over your head.

If this side, my neck doesn't like hanging out here, we're gonna fold our elbow and grab on the underside of our head here. So either way, doesn't necessarily make a big difference, is what feels the most effective in your body. And each side is very different. So this side might feel looser, this side might feel tighter, but the breathing, the quality of the breathing is gonna try to be the same. So when we take those inhales, how much more can we imagine filling the lung space up here like, it's really floating up to the ceiling?

And that might even allow your arm to reach that much further. Okay, see if you can put more energy into both arms. The top arm's reaching out, bottom arm's pushing you away. And just find that two-way push/pull that's always present hopefully in this work. Okay, as we're ready to come up, we'll just lift ourselves up nice and slow.

Let both arms reach out to the sides. And we're gonna do that one more time on each side. So go ahead and take that half cartwheel to the first side. Press into the mat. Hopefully now we know where this arm wants to go.

So just continue to move in a direction that you know is feeling good for it. They don't have to be the same. They probably will never be the same and that's all right. Take some deep breaths. Again, how much bigger can this lung fill up that's facing the ceiling?

And we're ready to come out of there, just coming slowly. Find that stretch out through both arms. Take that energy over to the other side. And once again, press into the mat here with your hand on the floor. Take the top arm wherever it was willing to go, might be willing to go a little further the second time around.

And then once again, as we're ready to come up, we'll start opening our top arm out to the side. We'll come off of the hand that's on the mat. Stretch both arms out one more time, just to feel more reach across your wingspan and then we'll let our arms come down. So maintaining either both pillows or possibly just going to a single pillow for this next exercise, you might not even need any of the pillows. We're gonna go into the mermaid position.

So whatever leg is going to be externally rotated, this could be your right leg, that glute is gonna be sitting on the pillows or the pillow. Otherwise you'd be just down on the mat going flat and that's fine. The back leg, so this would be your left leg is gonna be an internal rotation behind you. Even with the pillows, this position might not work. Okay, sometimes our hip joints don't rotate as well in these directions.

So all the pillows in the world might not make this the easiest way to sit. Feel free to go back to a diamond shape or even the straddle or anything else that's better for you. But hopefully the pillows are helping us sit in this position a little bit better. So the leg that's in front of us, this will be our right leg. We're gonna go that direction again.

So reaching our arms out to the T. We'll go into that side bend shape we just came out of. So once more, we're gonna push our hand into the floor. We're gonna take our top arm and start reaching it overhead. You can always bend it and place your hand under your head to support your neck.

And then the back glute is probably not touching the floor, but we're always thinking of dropping it down if it could get closer to the ground. That's what we're aiming for because, again, we want that section of tissue to come all the way up through the shoulder here. And that's where the connections are being made. So the further apart they are, the more we're stretching the muscles, the muscle stretching the fibers in the fascia. So as we come out of this one, we're just gonna sit ourselves upright.

Let your hand come off the floor and then we'll just do that one more time. So take the same shift, placing our right hand down, push into it. And then as the left arm reaches overhead, can we think of the left glute trying to drop down closer to the mat? And that may or may not happen, but it's the thought that counts. So we'll take some deeper breaths here.

And as we're ready to come up, all we're gonna do is switch which way our legs are facing and switch which glute is on top of the pillows. So make your way around. In the other side, so we'll have our left leg in external rotation and we'll be sitting on the pillows with our left glute. And then the right leg is gonna be in internal rotation. This might be the direction for both hips, maybe one of them that's not as big of a fan.

So, you might need additional pillows. Or this might be the side where you're just gonna sit in a totally different way. Same exercise either way. So we stretch our arms out. Here we go to the left, taking our hand down.

Again, press into it. Let's take the right arm up and overhead. Feel free to put your hand on your head somewhere and support your neck. Where your upper body stops, start focusing on the right glute. Can we push that right glute a little bit closer to the mat?

Use your left hand here for a bit of leverage. And then as we're ready to come up, we'll just ease our way out of that shape. Pick up your left hand off the floor. Find that T position. Let's do that side one more time.

So we fold over, we press into the mat. So this arm's really strong. We're gonna take our right arm overhead. Okay, you might notice the second time around, "Oh, this is where my neck starts talking to me." So I'm gonna grab onto my head, let it relax there in my hand. And then one more time, can we picture dropping the right glute closer to the floor?

Take another breath here as we're ready to come out of that. I was just really enjoying that moment. We're coming up. We're gonna stretch our arms out to T one more time and then let our arms come down. Moving on, so we'll keep this pillow stacked.

And then here again is where you might find one pillow is just plenty. Two pillows is not enough, add a third. And once we're laying over them, you might even find that you'd like a third pillow underneath your head here between your upper arm. So if we can adjust our pillows, if they're very large, some of your upper arm might be on them. That's all right.

The point is the pillows are trying to push the underside of our body away from the floor. So we're already encouraging more stretch and more opening into the side of our ribs and our waistline. So we're gonna fold our bottom leg underneath us externally and then wedge the pillows right up against you. Get friendly with them. We're gonna lean all the way over.

And then here's where we can support our head with our hand. If something else feels better to you, so maybe folding your arm down, we'll put that as an option in a minute, but this might be where putting your arm in this position isn't great at all. So get it out of the way. Find another couple of pillows and put that underneath your head so you have something to rest on. So we'll start with our elbow wide and our upper body, our head and neck position a little bit higher.

Bottom leg is still bent. We're gonna stretch the top leg just underneath us so it's right under our hip. So here's where we can maybe already feel some things opening up. If you're feeling nothing, which for me, hyper mobile person, not feeling too much quiet yet, we're gonna try to fold our bottom elbow underneath us and that's gonna allow our head and upper back to come closer to the mat. Now maybe we're feeling some more of that stretch going on into our sides.

Top arm can do whatever feels comfortable. Feel free just to place your hand in front of you. So we're gonna flex our top foot, making sure that the top pelvic bone is stacked over the bottom pelvic bone. And then we're gonna start simply lifting our leg off the floor. It's not gonna go high.

It might barely lift at all. And then put it back down again. So the goal here is not how high the leg is gonna go, it's making sure that it can stay directly underneath us the whole time. Odds are it wants to swing forward and use the front hip flexor muscles. So we're encouraging our leg to almost push itself slightly back as it lifts up.

So we'll do about four more here. And the ultimate goal is as the leg comes down, can you think of reaching your leg further away from you before putting it back down again? So we're opening up more and more into the side of our waist and into the top side area of that hip. Let's give ourselves one more here and then we'll put our leg down. We'll keep our leg down on the mat.

And if your top arm is not on the floor somewhere yet, we're gonna need to use our hand here right in front of our chest. So this is not an exact position. Your hand might have to go a little higher, it might have to go a bit lower, but we wanna figure out where the position is with our arm that we can put some weight into our hand. If your bottom arm is folded underneath your head, we're gonna open it out to the side and bring ourselves back up a little higher. So the leg position is gonna stay the same.

We're gonna think of pressing mostly into the pinky side of our hand on the floor. And even if nothing happens, we're gonna attempt to push into the hand enough that we're lifting our bottom elbow off the ground. And then we'll start bending our standing arm to bring ourselves down again. So if I can push myself up, great. A lot of the times, it's not a strength problem that is happening here.

The reason why we can't get up, it's a little bit of mobility issue, right? So for a lot of us, side bending in our spine, it's pretty stiff. So I'm going into a pretty severe side bend position and we don't do a lot of that throughout the day, which means the obliques are possibly underworked. So we're strengthening our obliques. We're getting some good side movement in our spine.

And at the same time, you get to work the tricep muscles and our chest muscles a bit by pumping with our arm. If your bottom arm doesn't come off the ground at all, just pushing into your arm enough as if you're trying to get up, that's the exercise. That's already really hard. So we'll try two more here and come on down. And you might only come up an inch, it doesn't matter.

Press into your hand and we'll come down all the way. So again, if that didn't happen, don't worry about it. You are trying to engage all of the muscles that eventually will get you to do the full range of motion. Letting go of the floor, we'll once again bring our head a little bit lower. So if you had gotten rid of that third pillow that you might have needed to support your head and neck in this position, you might wanna slide it underneath your head again right now.

So going into more of a big stretch for the entire side of our body here, we're gonna take our top arm and maybe reach it on a higher diagonal. You might even find that you can drape it fully over your head. So somewhere up in this area is just gonna give our selves more length in the whole side of the body here. So wherever that's feeling good for you, we're gonna focus on the top leg this time. So feel where the inside of your foot is on the floor.

We'll try to extend through the top knee fully. And then all we're gonna do is slide our top leg behind us on the floor. Don't go too far back that your knee wants to bend or your whole body starts to rotate backwards with it. Those are really easy things to happen. Hold it there.

And then wherever your arm is in this upper area, think of your inhale reaching your arm further and reaching your leg further at the same time. So we have this big two-way stretch going on, whether your arm's up here, on the diagonal, really think of extending your arm and leg further and further apart. And then on the exhale, let them relax a little bit. So maybe bend your knee a bit back there, let the shoulder soften down. And we'll do that again, so we breathe and reach our arms, slide our leg further down the floor.

Exhale is gonna let everything relax. And two more times like that. So we breathe. Stretch your top leg a little further back there. Reach the top arm longer.

Exhale, let them relax. And one more time. Breathe, stretch them away. And one more time, let them go. We can take the top arm and just let it rest somewhere that's comfortable in front of us again.

Feel free to keep your head down if it's getting sick of being in this position. Though, you can always prop your elbow underneath you one more time. So we'll stay down here if we're able. We'll take our top leg, we're gonna slide it so it's once again directly underneath our hip line. So making sure the top pelvic bone rolled forward.

Probably rolled back a little bit on those last ones because it felt good to do that. And then we'll add on some movement here with the top leg again and possibly add some movement with our arm. So going back to the side leg lifts, we'll flex our foot, we'll lift our leg up, we'll reach it further as it comes down. Feel free just to stick with the leg motion. If we wanna add some arm activity, we're gonna take our top arm, reach it over our head again.

And as our leg lifts up, we're gonna bring our arm up towards the ceiling. As our leg comes down and our arms goes overhead, we're gonna reach them further and further and further away. And again, we'll pick them up towards each other. When we put them down, they'll reach them further away from each other. And we'll do this two more times.

So pick them up, they come towards each other. Reach them longer from the middle of your body. And one more time, lift. And one more time, reach them further away. Let your arm rest where it's comfortable.

Take one more huge inhale into the side. And then we'll use our top hand here to push down on the mat and help ourselves up. We'll repeat all of that to the other side. So moving our pillows, we're just turning around if listening to the instructions is clear enough. And then once again, we'll stack our pillows.

You might have found that, ooh, one was plenty depending on how dense they are. But we're gonna fold our bottom leg underneath, we'll wedge them against our side. And then we're getting onto the other side. So take a minute and then figure out what your head and neck needs now that we're on this side. So once again, we can bend our elbow, keep it wide, prop our head up.

We can fold it underneath us, bring our head a bit lower, but do what feels best for you. So hopefully we're feeling some things moving and stretching and shifting into the top side here. Let's take our leg, maybe reach it a little bit longer, even as just energetically doing that. Top hand's gonna rest where it's comfortable. We'll flex our top foot.

Top pelvic bone is stacked over the bottom one. And then just a small lift of the leg here, and place it down. So we're activating the lateral hip muscles, so getting some fresh blood in there. And hopefully, by activating the muscles when we go to stretch them, the stretch is a lot more efficient, a lot more effective. So as we lift our leg and take it down, can we think of moving the leg further away from us as it goes down?

And sometimes just thinking about it getting longer, we'll create a bigger stretch. We'll give ourselves four more here. And we'll go three, shouldn't be high, right? If it's going up really high, we're probably rolling back or we're bringing our leg in front of us because that's easier to do and we're really good at doing the easier thing, at least I am. I'm a cheater.

One more time. We take it up. We bring it down and we let it rest right there. So if your top hand is not in front of your pillows or in front of your chest at this point, go ahead and place it there now. And then again, we got to figure out on this side where it should be.

It might not be exactly where it was on the first side, but feel where you can put some good pressure and some good weight into your hand. Spread the fingers out. That usually helps. So push down more into the pinky side of our hand and then we're just gonna think of lifting our bottom arm and maybe more off of the floor and off of the pillows. And then use your pushing arm to help ease you back down.

So one side might be a lot better at doing this than the other side was. This is my favorite side. So I do this exercise really well on this one. My other side, ooh, I'm talking but inside I'm feeling it, right? So this is my scoliosis side, so I'm going into my curl.

So it's a lot easier for me to do this one. So you might find the same thing is true in your body, whether there's a scoliosis or not. We're usually stronger on one side of our body than we are on the other. And same thing goes for our arms. So if your upper body is not lifting off the floor at all, just like the other side, don't worry about it.

Use all the muscles isometrically that would eventually get you to lift yourself up. Okay, this might be the side like, oh, my shoulder doesn't really support me as well. That's okay. This might be the side the obliques maybe not as strong or I just don't bend this well in my spine. And we come down again.

We'll give ourselves maybe two or three more and then just take your time with it. So if I'm coming up an inch, not coming up at all, coming up a foot, it doesn't matter. Try to have control in both directions and just feel how there's always a connection between our shoulder, our obliques, and the side of our hip muscles. It's a whole chain. It's the weakest chain in the entire body.

It's not your fault. We don't walk sideways. Okay, coming down all the way on the last one and you can choose to keep your head low. Of course, you can always prop it up like this. So we're going into our bigger stretching position next.

Let's take our top leg, slide it back so the inside of our foot is on the floor. And as we slid that leg back, it might not have gone that far if it meant that your whole body had to roll back with it. So wherever the leg has landed, we're still imagining our top pelvic bone pushing forward. Here's what we gotta figure out what this shoulder wants to do. So we can take it up on a higher diagonal.

We can bring it all the way over our head. We can also put our hand behind our head like the other side already is. Okay, so wherever we are here, we're gonna take some huge inhales. The breath in is gonna try to stretch your leg and your arm further apart. The exhale is gonna let them relax a little bit, okay?

So using our breath usually gives us a much bigger, more effective stretch. A lot of times the breath is the stretch. At least that's what I'm finding these days for my body. Oh, just breathe there. Oh, that's actually doing something now.

Stretch them a little further apart and relax again. We'll do this two more times. So big inhale, reach your leg longer, reach the arm longer, exhale relax. And one more time, stretch them apart. And again, you might find the stretches a lot bigger on one side of your body than it is on the other.

Let your arm and leg relax. Okay, we'll take our top hand and again, place it in front of you somewhere. Slide the top leg completely underneath your hips so in one straight line, flexing your foot. We'll go ahead and lift our leg up a few times again, get those lateral hip muscles moving. And two, we'll get third one right here just to keep it simple.

And then as our leg comes down, we'll maybe add the arm motion. So we'll take our top arm, possibly a little bit more overhead this time. And as our leg lifts up, we're gonna bring the arm up towards the ceiling. And as our leg goes down and our arm goes overhead, can they reach further and further away from each other? And then we'll pick 'em up, contract those muscles together in the side of our body here and then lengthen those muscles.

Pull everything apart. We'll give ourselves two more. Pick them up and stretch them apart. And just one more time, pick them up and we'll bring them down right there. All right, we'll take our top hand, place it in front of us somewhere.

It can help us get up or just get up anyway you need to. We've been there for a minute. So sometimes coming upright feels a little interesting. So allow your blood pressure, everything else, to regulate itself again right here. And we'll move on to the next position.

We'll be transitioning to putting the pillows underneath our pelvis next. So there are a bunch of different ways that you can get them in the right position for you. If a bridge is possible, laying on your back and lifting your hips up and sliding the pillows underneath your pelvis that way, if that's a possibility, that's a good way to get into it. If that is not a possibility, you can also sit on top of your pillows first and then make your way onto your back. So I'll show both.

And this is where you might find one pillow again is enough. You might not need both. So if we're sitting on top of our pillows here, I would ease myself back until my upper back is on the mat. And then just making sure the pillows are mostly under your pelvis, not really underneath the rest of your body here, okay? A little bit of them might be underneath your lower back, but that's about it.

The other idea is to put your feet wide, lift your pelvis up, and then wedge one or two pillows underneath your hips that way, okay? So let's organize them, figure out where they need to be. And again, make sure there's not a lot of them sticking up underneath your back here. It's really helpful if the elevation can be just from your pelvis for the most part. So we're gonna start by taking our feet really wide on the mat, which they might have already been there if you did the bridge to get your hips up.

So making sure our feet are at least the width of our mat and maybe even more, we'll open our arms out to a T position. So your pillows, if they're narrow, you might find that you fall off of them a bit. If that's happening and it's just driving you nuts, get rid of the pillows and do this exercise flat on the mat. So we're gonna let our knees start drifting over to the right. So a couple of things you might sense out of the gate here is your whole body might wanna roll with them.

So we're gonna try our best to keep our upper back really flat on the mat. And then you might notice that your legs don't wanna go that far. Because our our pelvis is elevated, we're naturally putting our hip in the front of our leg in a bit more extension than they would be if we were on the mat. So if the pillows are not meant to be, get rid of them and do all of these exercises flat on your back. So whatever direction we went towards, we're gonna think of breathing into the opposite sides.

If my knees are going to the right, I'm gonna think of breathing into my left side. So the space underneath your ribcage to the top of that pelvic bone, how much wider can that place become? Okay, we'll slowly bring our knees up to the middle. And then as we let them drift to the other side, again just figure out where they want to stop, making sure the upper back is flat on the mat. And then if my knees are over to my left, we're gonna focus on breathing into the right side of our waist.

So how much more can we increase that space over there just from breathing? And then we'll slowly bring our knees back up. We'll go back to the first side again. So I went to my right. If you went to your left, go there again.

Another moment just to take some inventory. Notice which side might be tighter, which side might feel looser or just more at ease with this kind of movement. And this is a lot of things that pattern walking movements. So this is definitely one of those top five exercises that you'll generally see with any magazine, any article you'll read. This is generally one of those that's in there as far as something that we should be doing on a regular basis, just to maintain these directions and these pivoting points around our hips, our pelvis, and our back.

Bring your knees back up to the center. So if you went to the left, that's okay. We're all gonna go to our right though. So let's take both knees over to the right and you might find that your feet need to come in more narrow. Make the adjustments as you need to, depending on how it feels in your back and obviously around your hip.

So the knees are pointing to the right, we're gonna see if we can start sliding the left arm a little bit further above us. So if my hand has to come off the floor, that's fine. But the idea now is to sense the left side of our body where our hand is to where our knee is, reaching as far apart as they can be. This hopefully feels good, but it probably also feels like something I haven't done all day today and maybe even all week or maybe even at all. So taking some inventory here, this is hopefully a really nice stretch for these muscles that can be generally tight because we're really crunching them down all day long, especially if we do a lot of sitting.

So we're gonna slide the left arm out to the side, we'll leave it there. We'll slowly bring our knees back up to the ceiling and then we'll take both knees and start drifting them over to the left. Figure out where they wanna stop. You don't have to force anything, but if you wanted to push a little bit on the inside of your right foot or contract the right glutes a bit, that would possibly get you a bit more into the position. And then either way, let's see if we can reach our right arm further up, maybe even closer to your head, maybe straight up behind you.

Doesn't matter, stop somewhere along the way. Make sure the back of the right shoulder didn't come off of the mat. And then again, as we breathe here, can we think of reaching our right hand and our right knee further away from each other and just get that right side of our waist to feel some length. If you have a little scoliosis curvature like I do, the scoliosis side that might feel extra good to do because there's already a lot of additional shortening that those muscles are in all day. Let's take the right arm out to the side again, leave it there.

Slowly bring both knees up to the ceiling. And from here we're gonna be walking our feet in closer. So think pelvic width apart and then you might make adjustments wider or narrower depending on how it feels once we get going. So we're gonna slide our right leg down. The pillows are automatically lifting our pelvis higher so we're in a bit more hip extension than we would be if we were on the floor.

If that's good enough, stay there and breathe. If we wanna add on to it, we're gonna fold our left knee into our chest and hold on wherever it's comfortable. Usually behind the knee is a little bit nicer on the knee joint than trying to push down on the top of the knee, but make the choice that starts feeling good there. And then we always have the option to maybe move our left knee out to the side a bit, which can also change the stretch and the sensation that we're gonna be getting in the front of the right hip. So ideally, we're reaching long through the right leg.

There is some energy, but if you're very tight in the front of that hip, just having your leg down there with gravity and the pillows, that might be enough. Don't feel like you have to add anything additional to it. Breathing for one more cycle, in and out. And then all we're gonna do if we're holding onto our left leg is let go of it. Put that foot on the mat, slide the right leg in.

Okay and then start by sliding the left leg down and just see what that does. We're also in quite a bit of lumbar extensions, so it might not be the leg that's holding you back from getting a good stretch, might be too much tension in the lower back. Maybe get one of those pillows out or just lay totally flat and then just work through the energy line of your leg. If we can fold our right knee in, same thing. Grab on wherever it's comfortable.

And then taking some long, deep breaths. And again, maybe reaching longer through the left leg, putting more energy there, or just letting gravity in the pillows do their job. Play around with opening the right knee out to the side a bit, out to the right. See if that changes the sensation in the front of your left hip. And we'll just be here for a few more moments.

Hopefully this is a nice gentle way of opening up the front of our hips, especially if we do a lot of sitting or if we have a little bit of a forward posture that's in our bodies. We'll bring our right knee into parallel if it was out to the side. And as we let go of our right leg, we'll put our foot down. The left leg is already down there, but you might feel like you wanna bend it in and reset or reorganize and shift your pillows. But if it feels safe to your back, we're gonna slide both legs straight down.

Okay, so now both hips are hopefully in a nice extended position. We are in some lumbar extensions, so maybe now is a time that you wanna get rid of one of your pillows or just lay flat. Hands can rest on your hips. Other options would be to take them out to the T position on the floor. The longest thing you could do is to reach your arms behind your head, reach your legs as long as they're willing to go.

We'll give ourselves three deep breaths here in and exhale. And a long inhale. And a long exhale. One more cycle. And as we go to breathe out, if your arms are behind your head or anywhere else, go ahead and bring them down next to your sides.

We'll slide one leg in. Put that foot on the mat, we'll slide the other leg in. And then a bunch of ways you can get out of this too, so you can bridge up and slide the pillows out. We can also just roll off to the side. Do what feels safest for you.

Sometimes it's nice to lay flat for a moment. Just let your brain acclimate to where the floor is again under your pelvis. And when you feel ready to sit up, we'll roll onto our side. We'll push ourselves up. And thank you so much for joining me today.


2 people like this.
Really good class. I am coming back to Pilates after (stupidly) staying away for too long. I’m dipping into many different classes - and Erin’s tuition is fab. Beautifully, clearly, instructed. 
2 people like this.
Nice pace and explanations 👍🇩🇰
Meira H
Great class. I like the pace and use of pillows. I was feeling a lot tightness in my lower back before this class and now it feels a lot better :) 
Lina S
1 person likes this.
Nice stretching and grounding class.
Angie N
Just what I needed.  Thank u!
Julie Lloyd
This was beautiful, thank you Erin. Adding this one to my favourites list that is for sure!!
Ray Thank you so much for taking the class 🙏🏻. So happy you are practicing again! Thank you for your feedback 😊
Dorthe V thank you for taking the class! I am so happy you enjoyed it 🙏🏻
Meira H that’s wonderful! Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, and for taking the class 🙏🏻
Lina S thank you! So happy you enjoyed it 😊
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