Class #5629

Barre Inspired Reformer

50 min - Class


Join Laura Hanlon for a Pilates class inspired by the various Barre classes she teaches in person. This unique session will guide you through classic Barre exercises on the reformer, focusing on opening through the chest and hips while building a burn through the legs. Emphasizing form and alignment, Laura ensures you engage the correct muscles for an effective and transformative workout.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Hello. I am Lara Hanlon here for another reformer class. This one will be inspired by some of the bar classes I teach in person. Taking that movement onto the apparatus. As always, we'll start with some leg and footwork. So join me seated on your reformer.

Head rest will be up. I set my springs up to 3 reds. Do what you need. Swing those legs around. Scooch your glutes towards the front of your reformer.

We'll reach those arms forward, take a deep breath into prepare and exhale roll all the way down onto the mat with control. Head releases back, palms, press into the floor by the sides here, and we'll start in our pilates stance, heels together, knees, and toes apart, maybe slightly more turned out in a beautiful first position today, keeping that pelvis anchored in here to press all the way out zipping up nice and tight through the inner thighs and glutes, exhale draw the ribs together break at the hips to return in how to lengthen, exhale to resist. Pressing all the way out, feeling that length through the crown of the head continuing to squeeze the inner thighs together as we press squeeze the heels together throughout the movement here so we feel those inner thighs are at adductor muscles connecting. Press resist, slings, and all the way out all the way in, inhale, and exhale. Two more times with this full range of motion. 1 more.

Press out halfway. We'll pulse here breathing in twos. In hail and exhale continuing to squeeze sit bones and butt cheeks together. Wrap those inner thighs up and forward. Feel the pelvis remain neutral here, warming up the core with the breath.

In 2 out to 2 more breaths. 1 more. Press all the way out, feel that lift in the knees and thighs, lengthen through the legs, bend the knees to come back in. Devalapay or extend your legs to a v position here, flex through the heels, something bend the knees. Heels come to the corners.

We're gonna work into a second position here. Maybe let those knees open a little wider, but don't let them totally collapse. Knee stay in line with those middle toes. Palms press down, heels, press forward as we lengthen back deep breath in. Acceler resist breaking at the hips, sit bones, tailbone remain long, length, and inner thighs rotating up and forward.

Think of the inner seams of your hands rotating up, belly pulling down, inhale on the lengthening out, exhale to draw the carriage back in warming up the back of our legs here, glutes, and hamstrings pulling the carriage in versus relying on those springs to do so. Press all the way out. Resist all the way ahead for 3. Pull it in. Linked in for 2 and return.

Once more all the way out and all the way in policy and breathing in those twos. Inhale, exhale pulling belly deeper towards your spine. Keep working from the back of those legs, flexing those toes to the ceiling, 2 more breaths. 1 more. Press all the way out and hold and exhale to bend and come back in.

Draw those legs together, lower the feet down onto the ledge, float the arms up, take a deep breath in, and exhale to round and roll up. We're moo we will remove one spring to work into some single leg work here. Once again, we're reaching forward, breathing in at the top using those abdominals to roll all the way back down with control. Shoulders nice and open here. We'll start with the right heel on the bar parallel right in line with the hip, toes flexed up, left leg extends underneath the bar.

If that's uncomfortable for your back, you can always bring it over the top. Use the cord support and hold it there. Pressing all the way back as we inhale find that length and lift in that thigh, pelvis stay square, then pull the carriage in. Working on this one leg thinking of a single legged squat position here, working parallel now perusing back Draw the ribs together, pull the belly a little bit deeper all the way out, and all the way in using that breath resisting against the springs and how lengthen axle to return, really finding that full lift in the knee and the thigh one more time inhale back. Axle draw it and pulsing from here.

Inhale and exhale with these pulses. Feel that right sit bone butt cheek area really engaged. Use that to support your body for 2. One more breath. Press all the way out and hold.

Bring that left heel onto the bar right in line with your hip. Flex the toes up, reach the right leg under deep breath, and squeeze the seat to bend the left knee, knee right over that left middle toe, inhale lengthen all the way out. Exhale bringing the carriage in with support to using that low belly, really using it to support the low back and keep that pelvis square. Think about your seat belt. Right across those hip bones. Neck and chest stay open.

We're thinking about our whole body here. All the way back. All the way I am. 3 more times. Find that lift in the thigh that resistance from the hamstring for 2 once more inhale. Exhale return.

Pulling it out. Inhale and exhale. Use the breath. Really working on the backs of those legs. We're trying not to just burn out the quad.

We wanna feel this right underneath that sit bone. Last two breaths. One more. Press all the way out to halt. Right. He'll meets the left on the bar, heels in line with those hips slightly apart from one another, bend the knees to return.

Staying on one leg, hip distance apart parallel will slide right toes onto the bar. Beautiful high heel, relevant position with that right foot, left leg to tabletop. Keep that pelvis square here, lengthen all the way back on the inhale, same idea of that lift in the right standing, supporting leg, exhale to return all the way back. And all the way in, finding length through the thigh, resistance on the way and press. And return.

We're gonna add a double a pay of this left leg. Start by extending it long over the bar. As the right leg presses out, bend the left knee in and extend to the ceiling, flex through both heels, feel length through the backs of the legs out and up. Point through those toes, lift the leg a little higher, think of working both legs together, bending both knees, and then left leg extends along a little bit more fluid here. Press it out and up.

Flex through the heels, zip up through the waist, to point and lift, bend, and return. Now, again, this right leg is like you're standing leg. Can you lift the thigh? Really squeeze that glute to lift the heel and bring it in with control for it to and flex. Pull the belly down as you point the toes up and return one more time, lengthen out Flex to lower point to reach the toes up and in. We move into our bot maw.

Devil pay that left leg up, flex through the left heel lower till the thighs meet to point and kick the left leg back up, bend and return. That right leg stays completely still. That right heel stays lifted the whole time. Moving a little bit quicker, inhale, exhale. Press out and up, flex and point, bend in and reach.

Use that breath. One more strong core here to support us and rest. Other side left toes onto the bar, right in line with that hip, right leg to table, top to start. Think of that stability, use the low belly. Lift in that standing left leg, resist from that left loop to return. In hill to press out, I stay relaxed, your head, neck, and shoulders here throughout Put that work into your core into those legs and inhale to lengthen exhale to work both directions.

Press all the way out. Resist all the way in one more time. This time that right leg extends long over the bar. Slow, devlopeda start. Bring that right leg in and up, flex through the heels, then great sit bone reaches forward. So we keep the pelvis square, lift from the glutes, point those toes up, bend and reach it forward. Keep that seat belt tight, lengthen flex point Bend and reach, inhale double a pay up, exhale to flex, inhale to point, bend and unveil a pay back through, refer to One more time.

The urge to look at your legs. Look up at the sky. Grumb up my little bit quicker. Press out left seal. He'll stays lifted.

Flex lower point kick it up. Bend and return with the breath. Press it down into those palms for support. Pull the belly button deeper towards the spine for support for 2. One more.

Lower both feet all the way back down onto the ledge, our legs should feel nice and warmed up. Reach the arms up deep breath in, exhale to roll up. From here, we'll lower our bar, change our springs. I'm gonna change to a red and a blue as we move into having our hands in the straps and then our feet into the straps do what works best on your equipment, legs forward, arms forward, inhale, and exhale. Always Take your time. Use your abdominals as you roll up and down.

Think of the whole exercise here. Right? We don't wanna just swing our bodies up. Have a little bit of space between shoulders and the blocks. Arms reach up. Legs draw to a table top. Press the palms into the straps.

You have some resistance in the springs. Those shoulder blades remain down away from the ears, deep breath, and to prepare. Axel to press the palms down by the sides, inhale arms float up, feeling that tension in the springs, that engagement in the core to support your back, sit bones, tail bones stay reaching long here. So we have a neutral pelvis. We're not tucking our pelvis underneath us.

Use the belly to support your back versus shoving the middle of into the mat. Inhale arms, left shoulder blades slide down away from the ears, really working from the back here. Think about your whole body. Inhale. Add an upper body curl, reach up and over the rib cage, lie back arms up, inhale, exhale, curl and reach up and forward once more inhale. And exhale.

To get back this time, we'll curl up to hold, exhale reach, from here, right leg extends long inhale, deep in the belly, switch the legs, exhale. Think of your single leg stretch here. Reach the toes along towards the foot bar. Reach your fingertips towards the foot bar. Pull the belly down to the mat for 4.

And switch. Can we curl a little higher 3 for 2? Once more. Pull both knees all the way in. Bend your elbows. Release your head back.

Keep tension in the straps. Elbows into the waist. Inhale. Curl up, keep the knees in close, straighten your arms, forehead to the knees, double leg, stretch, legs, shoot out long together, inhale, zip up through the inner thighs and the waist. Pull the knees back in. Lengthen through the toes and fingertips, exhale zip up through that waistline for 3, curl a little higher, pull the belly deeper too.

Draw it and one more time inhale and exhale elbows bending head releases down. From here, begin to extend your legs towards the ceiling. Again, sit bones, tailbone reach long. Maybe the legs are perpendicular. Maybe they're a little lower or a little bit then to listen to your body, inhale here, fill your back, your abs working to support you, exhale curl right back up.

We move into our scissors, right leg lowers to hover over that foot bar, scissors switch the legs. Breatheating in. Breathing out. Can we stay really parallel here? Reaching through the fingers and toes yet again, thinking about our seat belt to keep the hips square, no salsa dancing, and those hips keep them anchored for 3. For 2, curl a little higher. One more inhale.

And exhale both legs lift back up to your point here. Bend your elbows. Lower your head. Inhale. Hold. Akhale. Curl right back up.

Double legs lowering here, and he'll take it down, exhale deep in the belly to lift, lowering to your point of control for 4. Keep curling over the ribs. 3, break at the hips to left. The last 2. And, one more time lower. Deep in the belly lift.

We lower back down to your point of control to hold right into our hundreds, inhale to 3, 4, 5, XL 2, 3, 4, 5, breathe. And as you exhale pull the belly deeper down and in think about that core action we gained without little vacation special series, keep the tension in the straps, stabilize the carriage, pull the belly deeper to them at for 5. And exhale out for exhale. Chin hovers over the chest. Protect that head and neck alignment can we curl a little higher too and exhale out.

One more breath. And exhale out 2, 3, 4, 5, stay holding. Reach reach. Reach. Bend those knees in. Bend your elbows in and let your body relax. I'm warm now. Let those arms open.

Take a deep breath here, sway the knees over in one direction, feeling a length across the chest through the back, through the hips, breathe into that stretch, inhaling, and exhaling. Draw those legs through center and sway in the opposite direction, keeping opposite shoulder anchored, feeling that length through the side waist deep breath and deep breath out. Draw the legs back to center. We'll keep shoulders against the blocks here. Head rest up. You can press yourself out if you need.

Maybe just swing those legs up carefully into the drops. We're gonna move right into some inner thigh work here. Start by extending your legs out long. Keeping them in that first position Pilates stance, heels together, reach through the toes, and press your palms towards the ground. We'll start with some circles here, and he'll let the legs lift keeping that pelvis anchored, exhale circle out down and around squeezing heels together, maybe letting the hips open, the legs open a little bit further than we sometimes do feeling that inner thigh connection at the bottom, feeling the hamstrings open up the inner thighs open as we circle around.

Do you use the breath? Stabilizing across the hips, yet opening up through those inner thighs for 2. Once more inhale, exhale to hold at the bottom, flex those toes back reach through your heels, squeeze inner thighs tight reverse the circle out and around, squeeze from the glutes, press it down in a way. Feel those inner thighs connect At the top, keep that connection as you lower. If you have slightly hyper extended legs like myself here, my heels you might see don't completely connect.

But I still wanna feel like they're drawing together like magnets as well as my inner thighs and glutes. Everything draws together to hold press down from the back of those legs. Inhale. Deep in the belly to press. One more time, we circle. Belly pulls down legs lower to hold.

From here, point back through those toes, squeeze in our thighs together, open to a small v about the width maybe a little wider than your former and exhale to squeeze together. Keep rotating those inner thighs inner seams of your pants up. Pelvis stays square. Inhale open. Axale close.

2 new more. Open, inner thighs squeeze together, ribs draw towards the midline. 1 more. Squeeze and hold, bending the knees flexing through the heels for frog. We link them back out, squeeze and earth eyes tight for a fort. Squeezed together at the top, three, lengthening right back long on that diagonal 2.

One more time. Inhale. Axle will alternate toes point to open and close feet flex to bend and extend inhaling and exhaling, keeping the hips anchored, keeping the belly engaged. Shoulders and next stay open here. Again, resisting the urge to look at what our legs are doing. Listen to your body. Feel like your own alignment by working your muscles correctly, keeping that chin open away from the chest.

So we have no tension there. No wrinkles in the neck. Two more open. Squeeze a little tighter. Can you access your low belly? Transverse abdominals pelvic floor here as you draw your inner thighs together.

Can you connect down there? Last time and extend. Toasty pointed. We'll move into our potashaw or Peter Pan. The right knee bends, the left leg opens tension remains in both straps, and then legs extend back to 45 degrees, inner thighs connect. Left knee bends.

Think of your bent leg. That heel stays right in line with your tailbone your midline, your belly button inhale to bend, exhale to extend and squeeze together, bending and opening together, those thighs Stay even with one another. One bends, one opens, but they're square, squeeze together. Use the breath. Find that connection each time.

That's where the work happens. Don't rush through it. Find the inner thighs. Inhale. Find your low belly exhale one more each side, and reach through the toes, through the fingertips back through the crown of the head.

Squeeze and stay from here. Flex those toes back. Gently bend your knees just an inch or 2. Feel that external rotation, inner thighs wrap up, sit bones, butt cheeks squeeze together to lift the diamond up on the inhale. Press the diamond down as you exhale last thing here. Keep your heels glued together like Magna.

If you had a $100 bill between there, you would not wanna drop it. Hold on to it. Lift. Pull the belly lower. Press the legs down and away. Break at the hips.

Squeeze underneath the seat for 4. And 3, we should feel our inner thighs for 2. Feel the glutes as well, the low belly as well. Last one. Press and hold.

Extend those leg all the way back out. Point through the toes. We'll go back to parallel, lift the legs up. Let them come in as far as you can. Take your straps.

Flex those toes down and feel a nice stretch for your hamstrings, your calves, whatever you need here. Take a breath in. So maybe stretch a little further and then carefully take the straps out of and off of your feet. Bend your knees in, hand slide back into those straps. Elbows pull in by the sides. Take a breath in.

And once again, peel the chin over the chest, forehead to the knees. We'll move into a variation on advanced coordination here. The inhale brings our arms and legs out long. Start to open your legs and turn out long exhale to beat eight times right leg on top for eight 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, parallel, inner thighs drawback in towards one another towards the nose. Elbows bend using the breath a little more fluid here.

Inhale. Challenge the belly, challenge the breath one more time with each side, inhale, right leg first. Left leg first, this last one. Knees and elbows in and rest. Bring those straps back onto the pegs or pulls, lower those feet down. Reach your arms up.

Take a breath in and exhale to round and roll it up. We should feel our abdominals now. We're gonna move into some upper body work here. Straps will be on the pegs once you're ready there. I'm gonna change to one red to start for some chest expansion, bringing my knees up against the shoulder blocks here, parallel in alignment right underneath the hips, If this position doesn't feel great on your knees, you can always bring your feet together in a little diamond shape behind you. Carefully take hold of your straps above the hardware.

Gentle pull pressing the pelvis forward, rolling the shoulders back, really aware of our core and our glutes or whole body here to stay stable and strong. Start by dragging the arms down and back behind you, punch straight towards the floor, pull the shoulders away from the ears, deep breath in, Excel resist the arms forward drawing the ribs together belly button back and in inhale to pull. Axle to resist. Really working on squeezing the shoulder blades back together behind us to open through the collar bones. But keeping the ribs knitted together to secure our body here so we don't fall forward onto our face.

No face plants, please. Use the belly to support us. In hale to pull, exhale to resist, buns, glutes stay tight for 2, and resist. One small pull. This time, bring your arms towards your hips.

Hold it there. Breathing in two's little pulses pressing back. Really pull the shoulder blades together behind you. Think about if you have a racer back bra on really squeezing together. They're punching further towards the floor with the fist engaging in our triceps.

One more breath. Pull and hold. Resume all the way forward. We'll go into a more traditional chest expansion adding the turn of the head, inhale pull and hold. Long exhale looking right and left.

And center resist forward, opening up through the shoulders and the neck, inhale strong breath, and pull, exhale deep in the belly back as you look and look and center and resist one more time each side and he'll pull back. Exhale looking right and left keep pressing pelvis forward, pulling the belly button back one more time, inhale, and exhale left. Right center and resist. Sit all the way back carefully here. Straps come back over the poles.

Walk your hands onto the frame. Keeping knees and thighs against the shoulder blocks will take a nice easy cat cow shape. Let the head release down. Shake it out. Release tension in the neck and the shoulders.

And then with control, release the belly down, sit bones, tailbone, back, heart, and chest forward, slide those shoulder blades down the back, maybe take your gaze up deep breath in. Excel, press the ground away. The sides of the carriage away as you curl one more time, lengthening through the back opening up through the chest and the shoulders deep breath in, exhale to curl up and in. We're gonna keep this rounded position for the spine. Keep the head heavy.

Keep those shoulder blades open across the upper back. Take a breath in to prepare. And then exhale start to drag the knees in the carriage forward towards your palms, towards your hands, and release. Can you keep this rounded shape of your back? Pull your belly button higher towards the ceiling. And release with control.

Don't use your shoulders. Don't use your neck, lifting your waistline, and resist. Inhale as you resist back, exhale to pull the belly up and in and forward with the carriage for 2. Once more, exhale. Inhale really back to our cow shape released through the spine, deep breath, and back to our cow, exhale it out.

Moving into our oblique version here. Left hand will stay where it is. Right hand moves in front of it. Once again, press down into the frame lifting your waist Keep the head heavy. Shoulders and neck really relaxed here.

We're working on that oblique. It's little. Focus on it. Take a breath in. Ax help to draw the carriage forward towards your hands with that left waist inhale release back, exhale pull it up and in. Use the breath.

Zip up through the valley for a 3 and forward. 2. One more. Release it back. Square off through your hands.

There's side left hand in front of the right. Round through the back. Drop that head down. Inhale to prepare. Excel right oblique draws the knees towards the wrists. Inhale.

And exhale. We're keeping those knees square. We're twisting from between our right hip and our right rib cage. Inhale back, exhale pull. 2.

One more. Release with control back to both hands and then sit the hips all the way back towards the heels, reaching arms forward, taking a little child's pose here to release in the spine deep breath and and exhale. Let it go. From here, walk those hands back in and walk your feet back so they are hanging back off the edge of the reformer. Option to lighten the weight a little bit here. We're gonna work a little bit more on our triceps, those feet hug and hook to support us.

Once again, take your straps. I'm gonna walk my hands back up to above the hardware, so I have a nice strong support and grip here. Sip the butt back over your heels. Bend your elbows so they're glued tight by the rib cage. I have a long spine from tail through the crown at the head. Shoulder blades pull down and back, inhale tricep extension, exhale resist to bend, lengthen through those arms, pull the belly up and in, keep thinking about that tight zipper in your core that lift in the low abdominal area right below your waistband to support your low back for 4.

And then for a 3 reach and resist. Keep pulling those shoulders back. So you're back working. So the shoulders don't lift. We don't wanna wear them like earrings too. One more inhale and exhale.

Bring those straps in. We're gonna move to one leg at a time and one hand at a time. I'm gonna lighten the weight a little bit to one blue. Maybe you stay on a red, maybe you switch to something lighter, listen to your body. So starting with that nice even weight, right palm will stay on the block, left hand comes to where you just were. Feet still hooked for support.

Left elbow hugs back into the ribs. We're focused on her pelvis palvic stability. My hips are square. I'm not sinking into one hip or one shoulder here. Shoulder blades pull down. Form is everything.

So you work the right muscle groups, inhale extend. Exale resist to bend. Link in that left tricep. Keep hugging your elbow in towards your waistline for 3. Use the breath too.

One more. Option to have 5 more like so or extend that right leg back, pelvis stays square, low belly stays lifted. Watch those adjustments. Extend for 5. Resist to pull it in for a 4.

Keep your heart lifted evenly between your shoulder blades 3. Maybe you've done this with me on the mat too. Very similar. Now we're on a moving carriage, work your core to stabilize. Bring the carriage all the way in knee and weight or, strap down other side. Bringing right hand here, left hand here, carefully start by bending your elbow into your hip, press the floor away here, lifting your heart, inhale we extend the arm back, exhale we bend the elbow in.

Think of even weight into both knees and shins here, so we're not sinking into one side. You're continuing to press that left palm into the shoulder block. Keep your right elbow tight to your waist one more. Bend and hold. Shoulders slide down. Maybe 5 more there.

Maybe that left leg extends. A little tuck of the tail. Squeeze your glutes together, inner thighs together. Press back for 5. Resist for 4. Think of lengthening through the crown of the head, lengthening back through that heel, back through that fist, inhale and exhale 1 more extend and bend.

Bringing knee down, strap back over the peg, carefully returning our carriage. They're always with control. We are going we are going to sit back off to the side, lower the headrest down and move into a little bit more leg work in a sideline position. I don't often do this on the reformer because I know that it's not made it and we wanna be really cautious of our alignment. Obviously, you could do this on the mat.

We are going to be propped up on our right forearm working our left leg first I'm keeping my spring on one blue. I find the lighter, the better here. So getting into it, pressing that form down just like you would on the mat. So we're not laying with our in a precarious position, we're really lifted through the waist with those knees bent, heels in line with the hips. So both feet are on the reformer. We're not dangling off in some funky position. Pull the strap and place the left foot into that strap, and then from there, extend your leg all the way out long Now to start flex through the heel, your heel is in line with your hip all the way out through the crown of the head.

Make sure this hand isn't getting caught somewhere. Maybe you hold on around that pole. Pull the shoulders down, zip up through your waistline. Left hand could be on the hip for support or somewhere else that feels safe for you. We'll start with our leg kick kicking that leg forward, starting small, reaching through the heel, point through the toes, and press the leg back. Again, that hip stays square, squeeze that left butt cheek, feel that link through the side waist, flex and kick forward as you inhale, exhale point and press back reach to the toes, find that beautiful stretch for that top leg inhaling and deepening the belly, knitting ribs together continuing to press away from that bottom shoulder.

Reach through the heel, making sure that top leg stays on this horizontal plane once more inhale forward. Excel point and press back. Flex through the heel. Reach the leg back in alignment with your hip. Lift it up an inch.

And lower an inch inhale. As you exhale, can you pull up in that bottom oblique for 3 resist to lower for 2? Belly pulling up and in shoulders remaining down and back. Last one, little circles forward around and back for 5. And 4, make sure it's an even circle as you press back, can you squeeze underneath that seat? 2.

And 1. Traverse backing around for 5 Zip up through the low belly 4 and hit those ribs together 3. Make sure you're not sinking into that right shoulder too. Last one. Hold slowly, bend the knee in. Take the strap off your foot and we'll come all the way in with control moving to our other side.

Strap goes back over that peg. Spin on around with me. Your left elbow comes in front of those pulls. The right hand grabs the strap kind of pull yourself back here to carefully place the right arch of the foot into the strap. From there, that leg extends and it will stay extended.

So the strap is in front of the knee. We're pressing the ground away here, staying lifted in our obliques, reaching out through the that knee all the way through the crown of the head. Start by breaking at the hip, kicking the right leg forward. Feel length through the hamstring. Point and press the toes back, feel that right seat engaged.

The belly stay really lifted to support the back, flex and kick forward as you inhale. Point and press back, right, like, moving as if it's on a tabletop here. Horizontal plane for 3 reach to the heel. Point and press back through the toes. To flex and reach forward, point and press back.

Shoulders stay down. Heart stays lifted. One more forward and back, flex through the heel, bring the leg back in line with the body, with the spine, lift it up a couple inches, lower down a couple inches. Feel the resistance of the spring here, of the weight of the strap working on lengthening and strengthening that outer thigh for 2 low belly lifted bottom oblique. So lift lifted here.

Last one. Moving into our circles from here. Hip stays where reach through that heel circle forward up around and back for 5. And for staying really lifted out of that bottom shoulder engaged in the low belly inhale and exhale one more this direction. And reverse backing around squeeze from the seat, lengthening in that outer thigh, our abductor, working those leg muscles for 3.

And to lift it in the low belly last time. Press and hold. Slowly bend that knee in. We will carefully take the foot out of the strap and ease the carriage back home, strap back over that pole, and then step on off going to move into some box work. So we'll take our box and place it short ways in front of the shoulder blocks.

Your headrest can be up or down. Doesn't matter, but you want that box really secure here. And then foot bar up. I will stay on one blue spring. I recommend one kind of medium weight spraying, whatever that is for you. We'll take a seat right in the middle of the box.

And then bring our heels up onto the box in this nice relevay kind of high heel position. So you really feel the weight into the balls of the feet If you have tight feet, this might already feel like a stretch for you. From there, thinking about our whole body will reach the arms forward, press the heels back, toes down, deep breath in, Shifts slightly forward into those toes as you hover the hips an inch or 2 from the box. Keep that low belly lifted. Squeeze those glutes tight, pulse the hips up an inch.

And exhale down an inch. 4 or 4. For 3 shoulders roll down and back, belly pulls up and into. Last one, lower to stay. Hands come onto the footbar. Palms, press down. Legs extend find a plank position with those shoulders right over your wrists. From here, deep breath in, exhale bend your knees back underneath you, lengthen back for a 4.

Axle zip up through that waist. Spine stays long, glute squeeze to press. Belly zips to pull it in, lengthen. End and one more. Pull into hold.

Find the stopper. Sit that butt low. Reach those arms forward, little pulses up an inch and down an inch. Inhale. And accelerating our balance here for 4. For 3, little lower for 2.

Last one. Stay down. Hands come back to the bar. Legs extend back along deep breath in. Excel pike the hips up, feel length through the crown of the head, back through the backs of those legs, fold the body in half, then lengthen back to your plank. In hell here, exhale.

Pull the belly up and in to pull the carriage in, lengthening long in a way. Deepening through that belly two more times. We lower in length and pull the belly up and into pike those hips high. Once more, reach it away, and exhale draw it in. Find the stopper with control.

Lower those hips. Reach your arms forward find your balance. Puls it up an inch. Squeeze the seat down an inch. Try not to lift those shoulders.

Pull them back. Inhale. And exhale. Lift and lower for 2 and 1. Stay low. Hands back to the bar. Deep breath in and out.

Press the carriage away. Find this long line. Pull the belly tuck the tail underneath. You press the carriage a little further inhale. Pull the carriage back in shoulders over the wrist.

Spine stays long. That includes the back of the neck. Crown of the head reaches forward, shoulder blades slide down away from those ears for 3, pull the belly up and in, draw the carriage, and fir 2. And exhale one more time. Press back. Exhale brewing it in.

One more breath here. Ax out with control, bend those knees, bring that carriage all the way into the stopper, weight into the toes, hips, drop back arms reach long. Last set of pulses. We're here for 5. Lower an inch.

4. Squeeze the seat. Pull that belly up and in work your whole body. 3. 2. And 1, lower it all the way down Careful not to pull up. Oh, give those legs a moment while you're seated here.

We will lower the bar. We will keep ourself on one spring. I'm gonna keep it the same one blue, box stays as is. We have a similar plank squad series here this time standing on the ledge. So please do so carefully. If you wanna hold on to even get there, you can.

Toes will be on the ledge. Heels can be lifted or on the bar. Bring your inner thighs together, maybe hit distance apart, do what feels best for your alignment. Sit the butt right back nice and low, float those arms forward. Think of where you just Right? We're prepared here now. Belly stays up, hips drop back, take a deep breath, and exhale sit a little lower.

One more breath to hold. Inhale. As you exhale, lower the hands down towards the box, walk your hands out towards the front of the box and articulate through your spine till those shoulders are over the wrists. Now you always have the option to modify here. We're gonna work into a bit of a tricep push up exercise to start to press the carriage away, bend your elbows to hover or tap the box on the inhale, bring the carriage back in. Risk come right back underneath those shoulders.

Nothing else moves belly stays lifted. Press down and out. X. I'll pull it back up and then you have 3 more. Stay really strong through your glutes and core, supporting in the back, lifting heart between the shoulder blades, for it to. Axcel, press the box away.

1 more down. And exhale up. This time, lower to find that forearm plank and hold thing of 2 parallel lines with your arms, bend the knees and inhale, press the carriage away as you exhale for a 4. Shoulders stay slightly forward of those elbows pressing down into those forms to stay lifted into your heart for 2 Keep it nice and fluid here. We'll continue the movement.

Legs stay straight. Arms, press away on the inhale. Bring the elbows back underneath you as you exhale for 4, squeeze inner thighs together for 3. Draw belly button to the spine for 2. One more with just the arms, adding on right leg lifts as box presses away, draw a knee to the box, spine stays long. Arms press out right heel right heel reaches back.

Pull it in. Inhale, lengthen Exale draw it. And one more. Press away stay. Bring the box in. Lower right toes down.

Left leg lift press out inhale, exhale, knee to box, lengthen through the heel, through the arms, through the crown of the head. Keep the pelvis square. Squeeze the bun, zip through the waist, inhale, and exhale. Last time, press out. Lower left foot, bring those arms underneath you.

Stay here. Take a breath where you are. Press into the forms. Bend your knees in. Hold it here, twist knees to the left, right hip lowers, pressing out, inhale, exhale, pull it and using that right oblique. We're gonna keep moving hair always option to pause and rest for 3, draw in from that right waist for 2.

Spine stays long. Next day's lifted. One hold. Box presses away for 5. Squeeze your inner thighs and glutes for 4 belly up and in. For 3.

Keep breathing. I promise it helps you too. Last one, shoulders under the shoulders over the elbows, bend your knees, their side. Knees go to the right, left hip down. We press in this twist for 5. Resist a pull for 4. Breathe with the springs, inhale lengthen expand, exhale tighten up in that waist. 2. This last time we press and we hold, keep pressing down, squeeze your glutes together, press away for 5.

For 4, think of a crunchier. Use the breath. 3. Left oblique titans. 2. One more.

Bene the knees. Square it off. Press it out. Make sure you're still stable. Still connected to the core. Once again, we twist heels and hips to the right, stagger the feet, swivel that right arm, calm down, left arm to the sky, shoulders away from the ears, hips are lifted, bending in here for 5.

Stay engaged in your right waist. Think of lifting it away from the floor. 3. As you lengthen press the hips forward, pull the belly back for 2. One more time. Press out and hold.

Keep those hips high. Left hand behind the base of the neck and skull buried and left elbow towards right fingertips. We twist back to square off. Twist it down. Can we keep our hips square to the side here for 2? Right shoulder remains over that right elbow, back center, left fingertips up high, bend those knees in.

Right to the other side. Thread that left arm down. Replace it to where your right was. Heels go left. Left palm presses into the extend legs, extend arm shoulders, pull away from the ears, little tuck of that tail, zip up through your waistline, inhale to bend. Excel length in a way.

Use the breath. Zip up through that waist for a 3 and reach. For 2. Can you keep that left shoulder right over that left elbow? Use your back. Use your waist hold, lift a little higher right fingertips to the base of the neck and skull, breathe in. Exhale and left elbow towards right right elbow towards left fingertips, we twist inhale and exhale. Center.

2 wrist pullback in that oblique. Last two. Last one. Back to center. Reach the right fingertips up.

Bend those knees back in from here. Back to center, gently with control, lower your knees, get out of it however you can carefully please. We'll step on off, remove the box. Oh, if that didn't get you warmed up. I don't know what will. Really fun, different plank series takes the weight out of those risks for a change on the forearms, gets you moving and grooving.

Alright. We'll place our headrest back up, lift our bar back up as we move through a few more exercise here. So here to finish. Alright. I'm gonna add a red spring, so I'm on a red and a blue and then stand all the way up. Hands on the bar.

Feet will go against the shoulder blocks in a moderate relevance. Think of a nice high heel or mid height heel position here. Press the chest towards the thighs, reach those sit bones back, let the head release, pressing the bar away to open up through the spine, through the armpits here, and he'll press out. And exhale pull the belly up and in to draw the knees back in. And, hey. I still think, you know, that core connection as we pike the hips high. 2 more press and then one more inhale and exhale.

From here, lowering to a flat foot. If you have any issue with hyper extension too much in those knees where it doesn't feel great here, maybe you stay on relevay. Same thing. Press the carriage out and away. Lift from the waist. Draw the ribs together.

A little deeper hamstring stretch here. Maybe you hover those toes. Zip up through the waist. Pull it at 2 more. One more.

And hold. From here, we'll transfer the weight more into the left foot. Extend your right leg straight back, hips stay square. Keep pressing out of the shoulders. Press back inhale, draw up and in from that left leg. Use the belly to lift in your waist to pull the carriage back to center.

Reaching back strong through that right heel, bring the carriage in to stay. Point through the right toes. Now we get to open those up nice, high posture of that leg 4 more times pressing back on the inhale, feel length through the front of the hips, through the back of the legs, through the spine here. To exhale in. One more inhale and exhale.

Flex back through that right heel. Square back off through the hips, really feel the difference, bend that knee in, and place the foot back down other side. Start by reaching left heel straight back pelvis and hips are square. Chest his back shoulders are open in how we press. Think of lifting in that right knee and thigh to support that standing leg. 3. Belly pulls up and then 2.

And 1. Point through the left toes. Lift that leg higher. Let your hips open. Feel that beautiful posture stretch of the legs.

We press out Zip up through that waist, lift the leg a little higher to pull it and inhale and exhale for her to One more time inhale and exhale flex back through the heel, square off through the hips, This time bringing left foot back to that relevay position on the head, shoulder block, right leg will sweep up onto the bar. Find it in line with your hip here. Get here safely however you need. Ideally, our legs are straight and the forehead drop towards that right knee and shin. Start by pressing the carriage out maybe a little bit. Maybe you start to lower deeper into a split pressing that right heel under the bar, getting the most out of the stretch here for your body.

Again, we exhale lifting the waist to pull the carriage and pressing out and back, exhale draw it and enjoy the stretch here working to open up the back of the right leg, the front of the left hip. Last time, press out to stay deep breath in. Excel slowly bend your right knee and bring that knee forward over that right middle toe. Watch your alignment here with control, lower left knee, towards the mat. Modify if you need, try and drop that right hip, reach the left arm up, take a breath in, and then stretch over, lengthening out that left side body.

Keep pressing the left hip forward. Engaged in the core. Maybe take your gaze over into that left elbow crease doing again what feels good after all your hard work here. Enjoy these moments. Come back up other side.

We stand up to start here, right toes, down, right heel up against that shoulder block, left foot onto the bar, square those hips off to start, Let your chest and your head release. Shake it out. And he'll press down and back. Exhale. Lift the hips up. Inhale to lower exhale to lengthen enjoying the split stretch. At least I think it feels good. Hopefully, you do too.

Once more in, he'll press out, exhale to stay, get a little deeper into it, take a deep breath, and Start to bend that left knee, draw that knee right over your middle toe, even in those last moments focusing on our alignment, taking care of our body. Right knee lowers. Press that pelvis forward, lifting your waist right arm to the sky deep breath in, and exhale. Take your side, stretch. Oh, feels so good. Deep breath here.

Relax the shoulders. Maybe take your gaze up. Open up through those hips. Come all the way back up and take that left foot off. Whew.

We are all done. I hope you had fun with this awe inspired class. Lots of fun new movement. Take it with you. Do what you need.


Shona Croft
1 person likes this.
Loved this class!!! Added it to my favourites thanks Laura!
1 person likes this.
Loved this class! Thank you
Melissa D
1 person likes this.
Wonderful flow! Thank you! 
1 person likes this.
So good! Love the tricep work to forearm plank and all the barre work!!

Ashley O
1 person likes this.
I am so humbled . Love this
2 people like this.
Loved this! Your cues are so helpful to get to all the muscles  and to keep a great flow of the class. Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Yay a new class from Laura, great!
Jennifer Dene
Holy moly plank series! What a wonderful class, thanks Laura.
1 person likes this.
WOW! I loved this class.  It will definitely be in my regular rotation.  Thank you so much!
1 person likes this.
Makes us want to try the side lying leg work and the abdominal pulls of the carriage holding the frame - isabel and Nat 
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