Class #5653

Advanced Power Workout

30 min - Class


Join Tracey Mallett in this briskly paced Mat class that is a perfect blend of precision and power. This class features low repetitions to maintain flow and energy while heating up the core, preparing you for challenging exercises. Get ready for a safe and fantastic workout that will leave you feeling strong.

Please Note: Since this class jumps right into the action, it is best to warm up before this Advanced class.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Hello, everybody. Tracy Malley here with Pilates anytime. We are going to do a very short, to the point, advanced math. Pilates. Now because we're very to the point, I'm gonna be moving very briskly. If you feel a little bit tight right now, suggest warming up just a little bit until we get down onto the mat so that we have a safe and fun, fantastic workouts.

So let's turn around to the other side here. We're gonna take a deep breath in, chin to chest, draw those abs in, and we reach down to the floor. Bend your knees, and let's sit down onto the mat. Place your feet in line with the sit bones, hands behind the back of the knees, shoulders over hips, draw the abdominals in, feel the abdominal flexion here, and use those abs. You're gonna think of the sit bones drawing underneath you because you'll be working a lot through the lower abs because we're gonna go through that pelvic tur curl.

Now from here, we're gonna reach the hands for it. We're gonna slowly articulate down one vertebra at a time, place the hands down, bring the heels close towards the sit bones, take a deep breath in, and the exhale draw the abdominals in, and we're gonna go into our bridge, press the feet down, hips left, and then collapse the sternum down into the spine as we roll down one vertebra at a time, just a little bit of spinal articulation, inhale here, curl all the way up into your bridge, hips lifted, press the heels down, pubic bone, lift it, and then curl down, relax through the upper body one vertebra at a time. Beautiful. Let's reach the legs out, reach the arms over your head, pull your scapula down, ready for our roll up. We inhale look towards our feet, exhale reach forwards, reach for your toes, abs are pulling in the opposite direction, and then we crawl back down again.

And we inhale slight pause. XL Crow will reach towards your feet, but your abdominals are pulling in the opposite direction. He got that push and pull, and then roll back down again. Inhale, slight pause, exhale, crawl, reach forwards. He mentioned that big beach ball.

You're reaching up and over that big beach ball. And again, inhale here. X o reach. And then curl down. You've got one more.

The next time you're gonna stay in a seated position. In how here, exhale reach. Lift up nice and tall, reach the arms out, bring the legs in. In how here, exhale roll back down again. You're in your chair position.

We're gonna take a deep breath in, and we're gonna inhale into double leg stretch. So we inhale reach the arms out, we exhale circle the hands around. In how we reach the legs out. Now see my body is not moving. It's just the arms and legs are moving.

From the mid section. And we got that nice deep breath in. In outreach. Excel all the way around. Inhale palms are up, exhale around, inhale palms reaching up, look at your focus where your eyes are towards your size, Let's do one more inhale reach, exhale around, hands behind the back of the knees, curl yourself all the way up.

Reach out, flex the feet, palms out, just do a little spine twist. Remember, we're prepping ourselves for a lot of challenging moves here so that rotation is very important. Back to center. Draw the knees in. Roll back down again. Chair position. Now we're gonna double leg stretch on a diagonal.

So we inhale reach, rotate out to the side, exhale, circle the hands and come back to center. So we inhale rotate to the side, exhale, circle the hands and come back. So you're really challenging the direction you're moving in, keeping your head off the mat, and you're pointing your toes To the corner of the mat, so inhale reach, circle the hands around, inhale lengthen, circle the hands around one more, inhale reach, circle the hands around one more time, inhale reach, circle the hands around holder here. Now we're gonna go into single leg stretch. Reach the left leg out and switch.

Resist the legs that come into your chest and resist. 8 more. Chat position. Royal yourself up this time you're gonna balance. Fee sit. Hold your balance. Beautiful.

Find your balance. Hold it there. From here, we're gonna reach the legs down and open. Into sore. We rotate. Reach towards your baby toes.

You reach past your toes. We come back to center. Rotate. Draw the abdominal scene. Reach towards the baby toe.

Come back in. You've got 2 more. Reach shoulders up over your over your hips as you reach. And forward, stack your shoulders over your hips, exhale reach, lift all the way up, hold it there, bring the legs in, into rolling like a ball. Look down towards your thighs. And we roll. Inhale.

Excel hold. Inhale. So you try to stay in the same place. The shape of your body doesn't change. And we're breathing, we're inhaling, hand 1 more, inhale back, exhale now extend the legs up.

If you can, hold that stretch. From here, we're gonna slowly bend the knees back again drop the front leg down, reach the opposite leg, walk down that leg as we curl down, and reach that opposite leg out. And hold that position here. We do a double pulse, and then we switch, and we do another double pulse. We keep your upper body stable and we're just moving those legs.

We excel. 44332211, check, position roll up into your v sit again. Roll up. Hold it. Beautiful. Extend those legs.

In that stretch. Now we're gonna bend them again, drop the back leg down, reach that leg up. We're gonna walk down that leg again, Nice, gorgeous, long leg, reach the opposite leg out, now circle the hands around, interlace those hands ready, double pulse. We got some rhythm. Bum bum.

Long legs. Dada, rotation. Shoulder to knee. Shoulder rotation. Tata. Keep your legs, swishing against each other, 102. Tata.

4 more, 44, 33, 22, 11, bring it back into your chair position, and we're here. From here, turn your feet out and we frog, frog, and in. Flect the energy out through the heels. Where is your focus? Towards your thighs, draw those abs in.

Shoot. Couple more. One more holdy here beat, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, and 8, and 7, and 6, and 5, and 4, and 3, and to. And one flex the feet, parallel, point the toes, wrap the hands around, inhale here exhale balance. Where's your balance? Fantastic. Reach those legs up.

And hold it there. Open close. Holdy here. Now we're gonna go into open leg rocker, for your modifications going to be here. Right? So pick where you would like to go from. We can always aspire to come to here or keep your knees bent. So we roll. Ready roll.

Balance. Hold. The first one is always a bit shaky. And hold. Crawl.

Lumbar flexion here and hold it. Inhale. Curl. And hold it. And hold it. I got it. Hold it. Drop the legs down.

Reach the hands up. And then we're gonna dive forward. Flex the feet. Just do a little spinal extension here. There we go. We're hitching a ride.

One of my favorite exercises to do just to release that upper spine. Because we're gonna be doing some teases later, so this is gonna be good prep. Hold it here. Lift all the way up. Alrighty. We're gonna lift those legs up. Ready.

Close and open. Close and open. Close and open. Close and open. Close. Now from here, we're gonna drop your front arm down and reach and stretch.

Come back up. You ready? Reach and stretch. Come back up. Now if this is too challenging, bend your knees. As you come up, bend them right here. One more.

Hold it. Switch. Bend your forearm. Look up and over your shoulder. Up onto your hand and tap.

Rotate and tap. Inhale elongation, exhale flexion, one more, inhale reach, Excel hold, grab the feet, or grab your ankles. I've got them. If we got them, your knees can be bent. Hold it there. Bend your knees, reach up, dive forwards.

From here, we're gonna take it to your sideline position, So we're gonna come in, bend your knees, and we're gonna lift ourself up, coming to the center of your mat. Reach the hands out, right leg goes out, inhale, exhale reaching over, hands behind your head. Now look at your leg. We're gonna flex forwards, flex flex in how back. So we go diagonal forwards, diagonal back. So we're going diagonal forwards of the mat and back. Get the rhythm.

And back. I'm back too much. I'm back last time. And back, bring the leg to the side, circle 8, circle 7, and 6, and 5, and 4. And 3 and 2 circle reverse, sign at 8, and 7 keeps smiling 6, and 5, and 4, and 3, and 2. Hold it there.

Bend your knees. Go into your little side stretch. And then we reach up to your center, and we bring the other leg out and we switch, and we go over to the side. We hold it here. Let's go. X flex. Point back.

Inhale. Inhale. Exhale back. Keep that leg the same height Draw your shoulder blades down so your upper body is stabilized, allowing you to move at that hip joint Not easy, but we're here. We're having fun and we're doing this together. We got 2 more da da da. I'm back. 1 more da da.

Now, bring it to the side, circle 8, and 7, and 6, and 5, and 4, and 3. Ready reverse. It lift up. Lift up out the mat. That's it. Pull your shoulder blades down. Reach out through the crown of the head. Dada.

Dada. Hold it here. Reaching to that stretch. Now perfect scenario, we're gonna go around for your flow here. You're in your quadruped position. Hold it here, curl the toes underneath, and we're holding it here.

We're gonna go up into your pyramid here. Planck we go, exhale pyramid, we come up. Inhale, plank reach out to the crown of the head, exhale pyramid. Now inhale plank, bring the legs together, reach that front leg out, lengthen through the crown of the head. We go up into a little arrow desk, parallel, and then come back down again.

In hell, parallel hips are square to the mat. Bring you back down again. That's one more. That was 3. Bring you back, switch, and keep your hips facing the mat and to your plank.

And, again, nice and strong. Bring it back into your center. Hold it here. Drop the knees down. Come back into your child's pose here in that stretch.

Let's come all the way down. Class the hands behind. Now look towards me. Bend your knees. We do 3 little pulses. 1, 2, 3, elongate, reach the arms and legs out in that beautiful extension, and then we go the opposite direction with the head, da, da, da, length, and length, and lengthen.

And again, dada, dada, reach out. Heels towards the butt. Holdy here, reach the hands all the way forwards and swim. Swimming is one of those exercises that most of my clients love to hate. Not sure why. Well, I do.

It's the back extension. You're working total back body here. So even though everyone can do it, it's important that we do do it. Holly, he for 4, for 3, for 2, for 1, drop down, hands back by the side of your body, lift up as high as you can. Now we're gonna go into your swan.

So we're gonna rock, do a little rock, lift up. A little rock, lift up, a little rock. So you're really going in that lovely arc shape, Arch shape. Couple more. One more holder here.

Now we're gonna reach and elongate the arms and legs. Otherwise, stay where you were before. Are you ready? We go. Reach. Catch. Reach. Catch, reach, catch, reach, catch 1 more reach, catch, bring it back.

Cur all the toes underneath, send your hips up into your pyramid position. Walk your feet towards your hands, roll yourself all the way up, Step forwards, roll down. Knees, a bent, We're gonna go into our puppy seal here. So the hands are underneath. We dap.

1, 2, 3. We're gonna roll back 123. Back up. Tap. Tap. Curl. Tap, tap, tap, curl up. D, d, d, d, curl, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, Now we're gonna add on.

We're gonna stand up. So we got 1, 2, 3, roll back, 1, 2, 3, cross. Lift, curl back down again, grab underneath. Go. Curl, dada, dada, reach all the way up.

Bring it down. 2 more. Dot, dot, curl, dot, dot, opposite leg goes in front. And then back, hands underneath, curl like a c, c shape with the back, Reach up. Turn around.

In how here, chin to chest. Walk out. 4, 3, 2, 1. Just drop the knees down. Push up. Curling, plank, We'll back 3, 2, 1, curl all the way up.

Curl down. 3, 2, 1, Drop the knees down, lift the feet up, push up, plank we go, 21. Pull up. You got one more. Jun your chest. Curled out. 321.

Drop the knees down, lift the feet up. We're gonna do 4 little baby push ups here with the elbows going back. 4 3, 2, 1, Come back into child's policy. Roll yourself up. Transition forwards.

Reaching the arms forwards to hear. From here, we're going to bend your knees elongate those legs to chair position. From here, we're gonna take the hands back, back, back, forearms down, reaching those legs up. Now you've got 2 alternatives. We can have your forearms down to do your circles, or you can come up, turn the arms back, and be in a more advanced position.

So you choose where you wanna be. I'm gonna go the more advanced position, which is here. We circle to the right to the left. To the right. To the left.

To the right. And to the left. Holy here. From here. Reach up onto your toes.

Your toes are reaching forward. So once your fingertips here, circle the hands around, hold it there, bend the knees, reach the hands behind the back of your legs. We curl down. We curl down. We curl down. And we reach the arms and legs out. Roll over. In hell here, exhale roll over.

Open flex. Flex the energy up through the heels. Mini circle can come down in hell 90. Up and over. Touch, open flex.

Curl down. Circle. 2 more inhale. Excel. Touch, open flex. Curl. One more inhale 90.

Up and over. Open flex. Hold it there. Grab hold of your pelvis. Point your toes, bring your legs together, and try and get your hips into a neutral position as much as you can and then come all the way up into that lovely extended lag. We're gonna go into scissors here, scissors, Sizz a scissor. Go. Slow controls.

Hold it there. But if you're bicycle, bicycle, Basically, we're gonna try and touch that floor. Touch. Touch. Touch that leg. Touch that leg now. Right leg. Touch.

See if you can go. See if you can go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Touch that floor. Reach the hands. There we go. And we go down, flex up.

Down, flex up. Dale's flex up. Keep going. 1, flex in. Flex for 4. Shhh, 3. 2. 1.

Drop that leg down. Switch. Down flex. Keep the body still. You're tossing that leg with control, precision, power. 2 more and 2.

And one, Drop that leg down. Reach the legs out. Inhale here. XL transition. Croil yourself up. Reach forward.

And we're gonna take you right leg up front, ready for your boomerang. We curl down the arms by the side of the body, and we go up and over. We switch. We come up into your teaser position here. We circle the hands around We elongate those arms, and we use those abs as we come forward, and we circle the hands around.

And we go again. Lift. Switch. Find your balance. There we go. That was a much better for me.

There we go. Hold it there. Circle the hands around interlace those abs, use those abs as you go up and over that beach ball, forwards, reach those arms down. And from here, we separate the legs. We curl down through the spine. We hold it here.

We're gonna lift that right leg up. We're gonna lift the left leg to join it because we can. If not, just bend your legs and come out into it. In how? Ninety. Excel rollover.

We're going down the right side of the body. Ready to whip those legs up and over. Left side of the body, circle, rip those legs around and come up the other side. Ready. Go back. Right.

Wrip him around. One more to the left. Rip those legs around, use those abs, come up. Hold it there. Slowly flex the energy out through the heels will roll yourself.

Down, down, down, down, point those toes. Arms over your head, teaser. In how here, exhale roll up. Hold it. Reach the hands up to the sky. You've got this.

Reach the hands forward. Scroll down. Keep the legs where they are. Don't move those legs. Inhale, exhale lift. Reach up, shoulders, stacked over hips, and that beautiful extension.

We curl down. We roll down. Now the legs are gonna go with it. Ready. Everything comes up into your v sit. Lift up. Oh, and we've got it.

You just gotta hold on to it, roll down, and it back. Inhale here. Just to hear. Did we do it? Can we do one more for good luck? Come on. Just one more.

One more. You've got this. In hell here. Excellent. Lift up. Hold it there for 4, for 3, for 2, for 1. Yes. I'm shaking with you because I'm human just like you, and we reach the legs over. Roll yourself up.

Turn over. Right leg. And we're gonna go up quickly into your side plank. Ready into your side bend. Side bend, we come over.

Lift it back up again. Now we're gonna go into our twist. Twist. Back up. Side Bend. Twist.

I'm back ready for your side bend. Look down to that bottom hand. Back to your center, twist, and hold it there. Lift that top leg up. I'm gonna try it.

I'm gonna go for it because I can. And then cross that leg. Bend the knees. And quickly we go to the other side. Time is ticking.

We've got this. Reach the hand out. Lift up. Into your side plank. Side bend.

Ready. Twist. Hips go up to the sky as your abs pull in. Going back to the side, side bend, look down to that bottom arm, open out the side of your waist, back to center, hips come up, You have one more. Siphon. Lift off.

Twist twist. Twist twist. Twist. Hold it there. Come and stack those feet. Alright. We've got this. Are you ready?

Lifting that leg up. And then drop that leg down, bend your knees, and come back. Bring the legs together. Feet together, open into a butterfly, reaching the hands up, opening the hands out one more time, inhale up, and then come forward in that stretch. Amazing work you guys today.

Roll yourself all the way up, circle your head, circle your head, bat to center, bring the legs together, We're gonna roll ourselves up, get into your middle ear mat, roll yourself up, roll down quickly, See, you've got 25 minute math class. All condensed. How do you feel? See, I'm out of breath. I'm right there with you.

That's why I love Matt and so should you. Thank you for joining me. Remember. Every time you do it, you're gonna get a little bit stronger, so don't give up. This is your goal. See you soon. Bye bye.


Maryna Z
1 person likes this.
great class!
1 person likes this.
GREAT Teacher;great class

Marie R
1 person likes this.
Fantastic class! Flowly and Lovely!!!
Sweating! Love you, Tracey!
1 person likes this.
I lost the count of how many teasers we did, brilliant!
Kim B
1 person likes this.
Loved this class Tracey . Thank you ❤️
1 person likes this.
Lovely flow!
Lina S
1 person likes this.
An energizing workout! I've enjoyed the double leg stretch in a diagonal!
1 person likes this.
Superb class,  builds to heart pumping challenge. Excellent demonstration Tracey! We appreciate you.
1 person likes this.
Intense and challenging! Thank you Tracey.
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