Class #5681

All In One Reformer

35 min - Class


Join Dane Sorensen for a playful and fun Reformer class that provides a rewarding total body workout. You will feel the burn in all the right places as elements of barre work deeply into your muscles, and Dane's witty imagery keeps the hard workout light and enjoyable. Get ready to get sweaty and experience all of Dane's go-to exercises in this creative session, with optional handles for the beginning of class.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Hey. What's up, Pilates, anytime? My name is Dane, and I'm so excited for today's all in 1 reformer. I'm working on a balanced body performer. I'm starting with handles. Later, I'll change those for loops. Also, I'm working with colored springs, So stay tuned for those options, but definitely make it work for you.

Let's get started with some footwork. I'm working on 3 red and 1 blue, but whatever works for you, that works for me. On your back, on the toes, ankles together toes our fist distance apart. I want those ankles connected. Arms by your side, abs are in.

Buckle up. Let's do this. Straight in the legs. Bend the knees and come all the way in. Push and pull. It's push and pull, focusing on the abdominals, drawing in and up, keeping that neutral spine on the carriage, We'll do 4 more before we settle in for a wall sit.

Last 1 come in halfway abduction, press the knees out, out, out. I want the movement very small, very focused, squeeze those outer glute muscles. Keep the pelvis neutral for 4, 3, 2, hold it stretch the legs out, come in onto the arches of the feet, wrap the toes over, wrap the heels under, and push out and in, let's go. Push and pull push and pull. I'm going to adjust my feet. I want you to be just below the ball of the foot and then really exaggerate the bird on a perch. Birds are my favorite animal.

So let's all make a bird sound together. Caka. Last 1. Come in halfway. Little baby pulses out in. Out in. And this is where we draw from the bar method that small concentrated movement.

I'm feeling this in my inner thighs. How about you? You better zip those up. Feel this also in the seat for 3 for 2 for 1. Stretch the legs out. Come in all the way. Heels in second position wide.

So heels on the corners of the foot bar flex those feet, knees in line with the second toe, stretch out, bend the knees and come in. Good. Make sure you're thinking about that neutral spine. So the lumbar has that slight lift. The pelvis is anchored. The ribs are down.

The arms are down. The shoulders are out of the blocks and see if you can add a little bit of speed here. Let's pump it in and pump it out. Yes. That's different. Last 3.

Last 2. Halfway in on 1, internally rotate, rotating on the heels, tap the knees together, and then rotate apart. Rotate in and rotate out. I call this hip flossing important to floss every day, especially the hip flexors. If you're like me, perpetually tight.

I do a lot of Pilates. Let's do 1 more. Hold the knees together for that internal rotation Give me just a few pulses. This is more for me. I need this internal connection here on my hips.

For 3, for 2 for 1. Press yourself back out. Come back in, tendon stretch. Go back to Pilates B ankles together. Make sure you're dead center on that foot bar.

Push out. Hold back thighs to the mat, shoulders down the back, lower, lower, lower, lift, lift, lift, lower, lower, lower, lift lift lift. Don't make this sit up and down. This is a journey down and a journey up. Use all 10 toes Last 2, abs in tight.

I feel like a ballerina. Hold at the top, separate your ankles for a little run. Now make sure the pelvis doesn't go wild. Keep your pelvis still, but now go for a run. I'm a pony. I'm a pony. I'm a pony pushing the heel down, pulling the abs in the other direction.

Let's go for 4. 3, even out on 2, lift as high as you can, and bend the knees in, and rock yourself up to 1 side. Great job for doing it. Take down that foot bar and change for arms and abs I'm going to 2 medium springs, 2 red springs. If you wanna go a little bit lighter, 1 medium, 1 light, we've got our handles, our head rest up, Let's get to it. Laying on your back.

Really mindful that your shoulders don't go into the blocks. You want your shoulders down your back. Grab those handles. Bring your legs to tabletop and begin with just a little resistance in the shoulders. Gonna sweep your arms down to the hips for those arm sweeps and then return right over the shoulders where you began. Important to always have a connection with the springs, We don't want any of those secret surprises as we move with resistance.

Add the chest lift as an option. Lift your chest. Reach your arms forward as close as you can to the front of the reformer, and then reach your arms as high as you can to the ceiling. Let's continue. Reach forward.

Inhale resist to come back up, add a single leg stretch, curl up, stretch 1 leg forward, stretch, stretch, stretch, and then bend the knees and come back. Let's flow from 1 side to the next. I love when I think of this as a little dance, we're flowing from 1 dance partner to the next. Curl up reach, reach, reach, reach, reach. On this last 1, curl up and hold single leg stretch.

Me to nose. Stretch the other leg out. Me to nose and switch. Continue to breathe. You're off of the bra line, off of the shoulder blades, reaching the springs forward. Can you do a few more with me?

Talk is cheap. Let's see it in in and out. In and out. Focus on the leg that's stretching out for 3 2, even out on 1, bend both knees, and sweet relief. Let those feet rest on the foot bar for a moment. And just take a little sway from side to side. Break is over.

Double leg stretch. We're going to add a snow angel. So let's set up the exercise first with the arms. Keep your head down. Sweep the arms down to your hips.

Thumbs up, elbows lifted, back ribs are down, reach your arms out, and reach your arms in. Now I'm from Chicago. So I'm used to making snow angels, but Lindsey here, she's from Florida, so she can think of doing this on the beach in the sand. Whatever your image in your head, just roll with it and gather in something below you, or maybe I'm a bird. Add the chest lift as the arm sweep forward.

Curl up, get into a nice tight ball. Now when the arms come out, the legs go out. Inhale. Exhale, curl up head between the knees, ankles together, reach under that seat, inhale, stretch out. Let's do about 6 more, curl in nice and deep inhale stretch. The Olympics are just around the corner at the time of filming this.

I'm thinking of Paris 24 curl in. Imagine you're about to do a triple back flip dive into the water and inhale stretch out. Get nice and tight. Squeeze squeeze squeeze in, in, in, and stretch out, lengthen your body in all directions. Let's do 1 more This is the last thing the judges are gonna see, and it'll stretch right away for the obliques The legs play out to a v about the frame of the reformer distance, frame the right leg, curl up, and reach through the leg, and back to center. So here, the focus is on the transverse responsible for the twisting of the body.

Make sure that you're reaching to the high diagonal, particularly the lake going through, reach reach reach into the springs, I'm getting nice and toasty. I don't know about you at home, but if you're doing these exercises with me, and you're doing them right, you're gonna feel the burn here. 1 more time on each side, paying honor to my right leg. And honoring my left. And then legs and tabletop Pilates 100 10 cycles of breath.

Here we go. Curl up off the shoulders. Reach those arms forward. Stretch those legs if you can. Pump those arms up and down. It's in 2, 3, 4, 5, exhale.

2, 3, 4, 5. Try to keep the carriage perfectly still exhale. Keep reaching into the springs, exhale. Alright. I'll join you. Inhale. Exhale 4 more times, deep breath in, exhale Inhale.

Akhale. Last 2. In. Akhale. Keep that carriage still keep reaching. Last 1, the most important 1, exhale everything out, reach, reach, reach, hug the knees, reach up, place those handles on the pegs. Let's drop these legs from side to side some sweet relief.

We did it. Well, we did that section. Rock yourself up for some single arm work. I'm going to work on 1 medium spring. A red. You may want a blue, a green. Let's see what happens here.

Come to all fours, and give yourself a cat cow and we'll, make a cat sound. Meow. And then moo. Like a cow. And then just a little Shakira on jilation. Okay?

A little Shakira halftime show. Nice. Find the neutral spine. That's somewhere right in the middle. The low back is long. The abs are in. The shoulder blades are down the back.

We're just about to get started. Side number 1, my left arm, single arm sweep, shoulders down, feel the spring, and sweep back, and return halfway. Now If you can do this exercise and it feels comfortable, try with the opposite leg straight back behind you bird dog. Let's try that 8 times. We had our few rehearsals, and now these are the reps that count Long sweet, reaching to the floor, reaching to the back wall, checking on the symmetry of your right and left side, I want 3 more.

Keep lifting that back leg. Hit points are down. We've got 2 more. I'm feeling the burn. On this last 1, hold the arm straight.

Bend the right knee, try to touch your hand, straighten the leg, bend the elbow. So try step extension. Extend the arm, bend the knee, Bend the arms straighten the leg and continue. Bend and straighten. Now my body is starting to shake All the stabilizers are working overtime. Good. Last 3, Bend.

And straighten. A little bit of a mind game. I'm not mad at that. The brain is a muscle too. Keep squeezing that arm.

Place the foot down, but hold the arm still. The most challenging part, long spine in, in, in, in, Let's go for 8. Let's go for 6432. I barely made that 1 all the way down. Take a little child's pose.

We've got it even out the body. Side 2, come back to all fours. Give your back, flexion. Give your back extension. A little Shakira because it was kinda fun on side 1. Admit it. And then let's get cooking on side 2.

The first few repetitions, a little movement rehearsal, you want to make sure you feel safe and connected, We have the frame of the reformer that always helps me ensure that I have symmetry, that long neutral spine, the low ribs, are pulling up now 8 times with the opposite leg behind us and that other foot is hooked on the carriage for safety, for feedback, pull the abs in. We've got 6 more. Make these the best reps of your life. No pressure. Let's do a few more here.

Sweep, sweep, sweep, down, down, down, up, up, up, down, down, down, extra confident here on my right side. This is the side you see on Instagram. Sweep back and sweep down 1 more time, sweep it to the back and hold it, bend the knee, and then bend the elbow. Hamstring curl with the leg, tricep extension with the arm. I told you this class was all in 1.

But we all have a short time together. We've gotta make every repetition count. Keep squeezing that arm into your rib. See if you can keep that back leg up. If not, drop that knee down.

No problem. 2 more. And this is the isometric hold. You're gonna keep the arm straight, drop the knee down, pulse it in, in, in lengthen your spine, in, in, in, for 8, for 6, for 4, 3, 2, and 1. A well earned reset child's pose.

Just enough time to take another break. And change those handles for loops. So whatever you're working with at home, make sure you've got those loops handy because we are going into another set of abdominal work. You can put the headrest down and grab your long box at the back of the reformer set that up, and let's have a seat on the long box facing the back of the room. So here, put on those loops above the knees and prepared to lie on our back for the 2nd round of focused core work. Once those loops are on, I want you to safely roll back, get nice and comfortable and those legs are gonna be in tabletop.

Now at any time, if it's too much in the back or the neck, take off the loops and do all the exercises without them. Cradling the head, legs, and the tabletop, chest lift, exhale curl up off the shoulders, inhale lower down, down, down, down. It's exhale, curl, Exhale, down. Good. So I want you to peel up off the shoulders and then and print the spine on the way down. Let's do this 3 more times trying to get a little deeper into the innermost core muscles that wrap around our low back like a corset at our waist, last 1 curl up and hold off the shoulders, elbow slightly forward, bend the knees, inside knees to the temples, straighten the legs to the high diagonal.

It's in. It's out. I want you to maintain that low c curve So your chest is lifted. Bring the knees closer to your temples without lifting your low back. So the sacrum, the pelvis is anchored. I'm using my transverse, those wrap around ab muscles to pull the knees in and stretch the legs apart.

Let's do this 1 more time and then hold the knees and give your neck a well deserved extension. If that feels good, over the box, break is over, lift the chest, little hip circles, take your hands underneath your sacrum, your low back, just for a little extra support. We're go we're going to turn out the legs Go down, out together up, down, out together up. Make sure you always have that resistance that connection with the spring below you. We'll do this 2 more times.

I love having my hands here to make sure my low back stays anchored and then switch directions about 8 times, down, zip up the center line, ankles together, apart and zip up in, hill out, exhale zip. About 3 more I've got those tight hips. These are the exercises I resist the most, but what I need the most? Hug the knees in. Now time for the crisscross superset.

Side 1, legs are coming up. I want you to lift your chest and twist to the left. Side 1. Legs are going to lower and lift in 1 unit. This is your double straight leg stretch. Keep the ankles together.

The knees can be a little soft. Stay off that shoulder. We've got 4 more before we hold and pulse. Keep the navel to the spine. Oh, baby. I am shaking here.

And that, my friends, is a good sign. Feeling that burn in the right place. Hold it. Opposite pinky, my right pinky to my left toe, lift and twist, lift and twist. No movement in the carriage. It's in isolation from the upper abs and that transverse twist up, up and twist for 6 for 5 sawed off. It's up there.

2, 1, break. Break is over. Other side, ankles together, cradle the head, lift your chest, twist, to the other side. We're going to lower those legs and lift the legs. Inhale down. Exhale up. But notice I have just the softest bend in the knees, but whatever works best for you, we want to feel this in the low abs, the 2 hit points that band between the hit points tightening up to lift the legs The low back somehow stays neutral.

Last 1, pinky to pinky, up and twist, up and twist. You can do anything for 12. 11, 10 more times, 9, 8. Keep that carriage still even if I'm not. Good. 4, 3, 2, and hug the knees on 1. Oh my gosh. A crowd is on their feet.

They're so happy for us. Gently rock yourself up to a seat. And let's take it off. The loops that is. We're gonna put the loops on like a pair of satin gloves here. So very luxurious here at Pilates anytime.

We're going to have a seat on our box and put all the information from the flow that we've done into practice for the perfect roll up. No expectations. Feet down, chest up, Tuck your tailbone, scoop your abs in round from the low back, create that perfect c curve, feet stay down, wasteline taps and then round yourself back up. So arms are straight The arms are reaching forward. You pull back from the abdominals.

Find the 2 a stretch. Flection of the spine and come back up. Now you can continue with that exercise. I'm gonna try it with 1 leg. I in line with my foot.

I'm going to roll back, keep my eye, and my foot in the same line and bend the knee as I come up. Inhale stretch out. Exhale lift up. 1 more time. Perfect prep.

For our teaser. Let's try the other leg. Point that toe up. Make sure the eye and the foot are in alignment. You're going to stretch the leg out as you pull the abs away from the thigh and then keep your abs away from the thigh as you lift up 2 more times.

Inhale stretch, exhale lift. 1 more time, inhale stretch, exhale lift, and now my friends we put it all together. That was just for rehearsal. This is the main event. 1 foot If it's okay, 2 feet, ankles together, knees, or hip distance apart, we are going to levitate pull the abs in, get that back waistline, legs stretch out just as we rehearsed on 1 leg, back waist touches, and then we lift.

Again, abs in, stretch the legs out, stretch, stretch, stretch in 2 directions, pull the abs in. 2 more times. I feel like David Copperfield's assistant, levitating in a magic show. Of course, his sexy assistant, the perfect job. Email, exhale, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift.

This one's for the photographers and 1 foot down, other foot down rounded forward. Amazing. After all the flexion, the sit ups, the teaser, we need pull straps, I need pull straps. So therefore, you need it too. We're still on 1 red spring, but now bring yourself into prone position over the long box You want your chest, your shoulders off the bat back, and your feet, ah, your legs, I want them hip distance or together.

Grab above the hardware at the tape. Arms are straight. Pull straps. 1. Sweep the arms with your abs lifted off the box most importantly, sweep the arms to the hips Keep that body line long, lift your chest, lower your chest, and sweep the arms. Again, sweep down, sweep to the back, lift your chest, lower your chest, and sweep the arms, continue, pubic bone is down, abs are lifted, long stretch through the body, and sweep down.

We'll do this 2 more times. Make sure that you get your hands to your pockets and you lift your chest, not your neck. Sweep down. On 2 more. Make this 1. Stretch your body even longer through the crown of your head, through your feet, Okay. Last 1. A little extra tricep work.

Sweep the arms to the back. Bend the elbows and extend. Come on. This is my pre party pump exercise. Get those arms. Feeling good.

Get that burn. Squeeze those arms into your ribs. Long neck chin slightly in. Let's do 2 more Woo. Those ropes are shaken and let the body relax just enough time to set up for t pull. So now grab the loops below the hardware.

At the top of the loops, you need a little more rope The legs are gonna squeeze together or stay hip distance. The arms have to be shoulder height, and I need you to keep the shoulders down the back. Sweep those arms to the hips, rotating the palms into the body, and then rotate the palms out to the t pole Long neck do not drop the arms lower than the shoulders. They rotate in, lift the chest, lower the chest as you rotate out. We'll do 5 more sweet back, lift your chest, abs in tight, so important to work the body in all directions here.

Sweet back. This is for your posture. This is for your back abs. Sweep out. I need 3 more. Now my shoulders are really feeling the burn, but I need to put this throughout my entire powerhouse here. So continue to pull in on those abs We have 1 more repetition if you can.

Lift those arms a little bit higher. Get those shoulders down. Rotate back back back back. Lift. And then arms come splaying out. Put those loops back onto the pegs.

Come off to 1 side. Then let's just take a little decompression here holding on to the box rounding forward. That feels so good. Wow. Big moment here.

We're gonna take the short box and put it in front of the shoulder blocks here and put the foot bar back up into its middle setting we're doing some planks. So less spring is more challenging. I'm doing a blue. If you want more challenge, go for a yellow light spring. Have a seat on your box. Say any prayers, any mantras, because this is gonna be tough.

We're going to the heels of the feet on the box, toes around the carriage, take your hands to the foot bar, and you're going to push yourself out for some knee stretches. So push yourself out into a plank position, side 1, right knee comes to the nose, pull the left knee in, right leg stretches back to arabesque. Let's work in and out. When the left knee is bent, the right leg is straight and vice versa. Collar bone is above the gear bar. Keep your shoulders down your back. Keep pumping in and out.

Let's do a few right here. 10 more seconds. In and out, bringing that carriage all the way in every time. Another 5 seconds On this last 1, bring the box all the way in and sit in chair pose. 1 arm up, other arm is up, biceps are to the ear.

Keep that long neutral spine. And while we're here, Let's pulse it. Let's drop it like it's hot. Down. Down.

Down. Can you get your backside to touch the box? Woo hoo. And for yourself a little higher, pulse it for 3 for 2. Oh my goodness. I'm ready for side 2.

Push yourself out into a plank position side 2. Left knee to the nose. Bread the right knee. Stretch the left leg back. Let's work in, and let's work out.

Make the work come from the lower abdominals. Try to keep the hips in 1 place. And we're gonna pump it in and pump it out. Find the flow in and out if you can. Work with a little more rhythm.

We have 10 seconds. We can do anything for another 8 seconds. Can't we reach out? And in. Push out and in. Last 2.

Last 1. What is that you say? 1 more set of pulses and chair. Don't mind if I do. Down. Down, biceps at the ear, shoulders down the back, pulse it down for 16, 15, lower, lower, 12, 11, 10. The final countdown.

7, 6, lower, 4, 3. Hold it. What? Like, it's hard and have a seat. It is quite hard, but it also can be kind of fun, and that's why I love working out with you at Pilates anytime. Let's hit up that final stretch. We deserve it.

Take your box. Set it back where you found it. And let's stay on 1 medium spring for Mermaid. We're going to begin with our right shin across the shoulder block. This is a modified mermaid in this beautiful stack position I feel like a feel like a cheerleader when I do this, but take your left arm slightly in front of your shoulder. We'll begin with a lateral stretch So, again, the shoulders down the back, connect, you're gonna stretch up and stretch over for that stretch and bring yourself back up.

Make sure you reach an opposition and then bring that with you. And inhale up. 1 more time. Inhale. Stretch. You're gonna take that hand to the foot bar.

Take the opposite arm. Square off your chest. Now push yourself away, getting that wonderful counter twist, and extend your back, lift through the shoulders. Chin down, push yourself away, feel that amazing stretch through your body, and lift yourself up, we're gonna do that 1 more time. Give me the full Mermaid fantasy.

Use a full cycle of breath to bring yourself up with a little resistance in the 2 way stretch. Counter stretch to the head rest. Bring your arm up, and then twist and stretch. I mean, just so much drama. I'm here for it.

Let's do the other side. Take your shin across the shoulder blocks once again take your right hands out in front. Gonna reach out for that counter stretch over the body. And take it up. Think of the 2 way stretch.

You have the shoulder blocks here for a little feedback. Stretch away. And stretch over and inhale stretch up 1 more time. Some day, I'll be part of Pilates anytime. Dreams come true.

Let's bring it up to the foot far. We're gonna twist our body down, reach, and stretch. Lift your chest through the shoulders and up and dance with the reformer Push away, push away, and lift, and stretch. Let's do that 1 more time before the final counter stretch. Bring it up, up, up and grab shoulder block, stretch towards it, and come out.

Amazing. Let's finalize our practice together on our feet and just take inventory how you feel now versus how you started. Stand as tall as you can shoulders down the back, and let's take the deepest breath of our day together. Inhale. Reach up to the heavens. Hands at heart center.

Thank you so much for working out with me. I had an awesome time. Feeling pumped up, and I hope we can do this again sometime. I'll see you next time on Pilates anytime.


1 person likes this.
Great workout and cueing! I loved the deep core work
Jen B
I just love your classes so much! Positive, wonderful cuing!
Shona Croft
That was GREAT! And fun too. THANKYOU loved this class x
Regina C
Woooowwwww Im in Love

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