Class #5713

Firey Go-To Mat

35 min - Class


Join Sarah Shell for a fiery and fast-paced Pilates class that will challenge your glutes, abs, and back through a rhythmic, layered workout. Her energizing and clear teaching style will guide you through a challenging plank series, pushing your stability and endurance to new limits. Get ready to break a sweat and feel the burn as Sarah Shell's dynamic instruction easily makes her one of your favorite Pilates instructors.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Hey, everybody. Welcome to Pilates anytime. I'm Sarah Shell, and I'm so excited to be here. I'm gonna teach a mat workout today. This is a full body, fast flow workout.

We're gonna get in all the parts. So I hope it's fun for you. We're gonna start in a nice child's post. So come on down. Let's say knees are wide and then toes together.

Sit your booty back onto your heels. Stretch those arms out forehead to mat. Just take a deep breath here. Let's expand our rib cage inhale through the nose, and then exhale flowing out all that air. And let's take a little side stretch here.

So walk your arms over to the right, sink your hips to the left. Take a little side stretch here. You can play with the the shoulders here. If you wanna dip the left shoulder down and look underneath the right armpit, it feels really nice. And then slowly walk your arms over to the left, sink your hips to the right.

Same thing. Just do you. What feels good for you? And then make your way back to the center. We're gonna pop forward onto our hands and knees and just take those knees underneath your hips, palms underneath your shoulders. Let's go into a cat cow just to warm up our spine here.

Dropping the belly. Chin is lifted. And then exhale scooping out the belly, tuck the chin, and puff up in between the shoulder blades. Feels so good. Let's go again. Take your time here, exhale, scooping out a little bit deeper, pushing your palms into the floor, pressing your chest away from the floor.

Let's do one more. Good. Exhale. Awesome. Come into a neutral spine. Plug in the low belly against the back to stay out of your low back. We're gonna take The right leg and the left arm, we're gonna reach it long.

The limbs are pulling away from each other on the inhale, and then exhale float it right back. Underneath your hip and your shoulder. So nice and stacked reaching. We're alternating here, exhale, float it back. Good. And he'll reach long.

My head is staying in line with my spine. Shoulders are down, belly in. And then let's go again. So and y'all take that pause, reach a little bit longer at the top before you float it back down. We're just warming up the abs here.

So really focusing on drawing the belly in towards the back. And then let's do one more. Let's stay here. Good. We're gonna exhale. We're gonna draw the elbow towards the knee rounding the spine.

And then inhale stretch it back to that flat back. Exhale pulled in. Let's go at a little bit of a quicker pace. Just to start getting our blood flowing here for 4. For 3, reach, reach, reach, for 2 and one more.

Good. Flowed it back down right underneath that shoulder in the hip so you're nice and secure. Other side, here we go. Left arm, right leg. We pulled elbow towards the knee around the spine. Inhale. Reach long.

Good. Exhale. Good. Let's go into that quicker pace, keeping the shoulders down, and the neck nice and long, Let's go for 3. For 2. And last one, Draw in the belly more and more and float it down. Tuck your toes right away.

Let's go into a down dog. Shake out that head. Let's pedal out the feet just to warm up the feet a little bit. You can take your time here if you wanna stay on one heel. And really stretch out that calf you can. And then slowly, we're gonna press both heels down.

As much as you can into the floor, my Achilles are really short, so I'm trying as hard as I can, but There's still a little they're a little off the floor. Okay. We're going to make our way into a plank. I want you to plug in the belly. You can walk your arms out but it really wants you to shift your weight forward onto your arms. So we're nice and stacked shoulders over wrist.

Plug in your low belly and then stretch behind the knees. So you're nice and long here in your spine. Your legs are engaged. We're gonna take a knee tap. Tap the knees to the mat.

Exhale stretch behind the knees. We tap and stretch. So, again, we're warming up the body. I want you to inhale as you lower the knees to the mat and then exhale as you stretch behind the knees. Let's go for 4.

Try to keep your head in line with your spine for 3. For 2, and one. We're gonna slight bending our knees. We're gonna use our arms and walk our hands to your feet. Drop your heels, To wrap your head, let your body hang heavy here. Keep the knees soft, scoop out the belly, and start to roll up sacking one vertebrae at a time. Shoulders over hips.

Let's take a reach, inhale. Arms overhead. Exhale. Let the arms drop down. Chin drops, roll down, hanging heavy. Good. And we're gonna same thing walking our arms out, using our arms, shift forward. We're nice and stacked.

We're gonna take the right toes out to the side. Little toe tap. Bring it back. Good. You're tapping your foot out to the side without dropping the hips. So keep the hips nice and stable and exhale for 4.

We're keeping those arms nice and stacked and press your chest away from the floor. Good. Let's do one more each side for fun, and then we're gonna bend the knees. Start over again. Walk the arms. Hands to feed, hang heavy, start to roll up big inhale, arms overhead, exhale, Drop the arms, drop the chin, hang heavy, roll down, and walk out. We've got one more set here.

So stack the shoulders over the wrist. We're gonna draw the right knee into the chest, step it back. And left. Let's go at a quick pace here. Again, just trying to get your heart rate up a little bit. We go 8 7, 6, 5 use those abs to draw the knee in towards your chest for 3, 2, and 1, take your knees to the mat. Shift it all the way back.

Let it go. Okay. We're gonna come up onto our forearms now. Forearms down. Make sure those elbows are stacked right underneath your shoulders, and let's bring the knees together. So Zip the legs up and want you to plug in that lower belly and press your chest away from the floor. We're gonna lengthen the left leg straight back.

I want you to tuck your toes so they're pointing straight down to the floor. Really get out of that back. So plug in the belly. We're gonna squeeze and lift the leg. So I'm using my hamstring as well as my glute to lift the leg, but I'm keeping my hips nice and square here.

And we're just going. Just think of lifting the heels, squeeze right where the hamstring meets the glute. Exels you lift. You're lifting that leg hip height, and I want you to get too high with the leg because that I want it to get into your low back. Let's go for 4.

For 3, really stretching behind the knee so that leg is nice and engaged. Good. Let's hold it up at the top. Point the little toe. Let's go into a circle. Like a small circle, like, around a softball.

Good. We go for 87. Good. Check and see if you're, like, sinking into your shoulders. Press away from that mat and belly's in. Good. Let's reverse. We go for 87 Again, really visualize drawing a circle with your toes and give me 4 more here.

We go for 4 for 3, for 2 and 1. Flex that foot, toes are pointing down again. We're gonna bend the leg in, tap the knee, kick it straight back. A nice donkey kick. I want you to really focus on straightening the legs stretching behind the knee, really kicking back. Good.

And, again, just a reminder to plug in that low belly, let's go for 4. For 3. For 21. Bend it and keep it bent. We're gonna go straight up to the ceiling this time, tap the mat, squeeze, lift as high as you can without getting into that low back. Let's go for 5 for 4.

Make sure you're breathing for 3. It's getting fiery too. And then let's keep it up on one little pulse. You've got 8. You can do it. Lift a little bit higher.

That thigh is trying to stay hip height, and we're going higher from there. Squeeze kick for 5 for 4, for 3, for 2, and 1, take it down right away. We're gonna step back to this forearm plank. We're here. Tuck the tailbone under slightly to scoop out the low belly. We're gonna do some hip dips dropping the right hip just slightly a couple of inches.

Pull it up and over other side. Exhale. I'm keeping my arms nice and strong to support this movement, and let's go for 8. For 7, 6 little dip and lift, 4 for 3, for two and one knees back underneath your hips, draw in that belly, and then lengthen the right leg. We're going right away other side, toes are pointed down. We're squeezing.

We're lifting the heel. And we're going hip height and just a lower. Good. Find your breath. And let's go for 5. Lift and squeeze. Again, we're focusing on the hamstring and the glute here.

For 3, And then check if those shoulders are down long neck for 2, and then let's hold it up on one good point. The toes Let's go into the circle. We got 8 for 7. So good for 6. For 5. Really visualize that circle.

For 3, for 2, and 1. It's small. Yes. We go. For 3, 4. Give me 4 more. 5, 6, 7, and 8. We're gonna bend it in donkey kick. Flex the foot. I find that flexing the foot really helps engage the leg.

So focus on stretching the leg all the way back stretching behind that knee as you kick back. Let's go for 4. XL. 3. 2.

And 1, bend it and keep it bent. Kick that ceiling. This is where you really wanna dump into your low back. I want you to resist that. Plug in the low belly.

Squeeze right where that hamstring meets the glute. And we got 4 more. We're almost there. 3. We got 2. And you're gonna keep it up on a one little pulse.

You got it. Squeeze lift higher for 3, 4, 5 squeeze lift. Kick that ceiling. 3. I know I'm making up numbers. Just go with it for 2 and 1. Woo hoo. You did it. Take a child's pose. And slowly roll up.

We're gonna come to a seated position. So flip yourself around. Legs are bent. Feed or flat on the mat. Reach your arms out straight out in front of you. Sit up as tall as you can. Like, a string is coming out of the top of your head.

Drop those shoulders down, and let's roll down onto our mat, slow with control. You can always use the backs of your legs if you need to. I want you to start with that tilt of the pelvis, scooping up the low belly. As you exhale, roll down I'm gonna float my legs into tabletop at the bottom, hands come behind the head, lower the head, find this neutral spine, stack those knees, directly over your hips. You're in a perfect little tabletop, hands behind your head. We're just gonna do a chest lift to start, lifting your chest towards your thighs, inhale on the lower.

Exhale. I want you to see if you can curl up to the tips of those shoulder blades. Try not to pull in the head. You're supporting it. Really zip those legs together. So engage the inner thighs.

And let's do two more here. We go to, and then let's pause on 1. We're gonna do little chest little mini chest lifts, like, a pulse. Lift your chest towards your thighs. Try to keep those shoulder blades off the mat as you lift for 5.

4, keeping those knees nice and stacked over the hips for 2, and then hold it on 1. We're gonna reach the left leg long, bring it back in. Exhale. Good. Length them behind the knee. Really stretch, hover that leg, and then bring it in. Let's go for 8 keeping the chest lifted as much as you can for 7.

6. For 5. So really keeping those hips nice and stable for 4, 3. 2, and we're gonna hold the left knee on 1. We're gonna reach across opposite elbow to knee. So right elbow to left knee switch right away.

I want you to open up the other shoulder, so try not to keep it in really open and twist towards the leg. Let's go to quicker pace here, really stretching, drawing in the other knee try to tap your elbow to your knee if you can for 8, 7, 6, good for 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. Let's go back. We're gonna in the left leg, keep the right knee drawn into your chest. The left elbow is gonna tap, come back to center. I'm staying lifted in my chest the whole time, and I'm just reaching across little tap.

Modification here, if you're getting into your low back, it's just to take that left foot to the floor. Let's go for 2. And one switching sides. Here we go. Right elbow to left knee, reach it across, anchor those hip bones, the backs of the hips into the mat for four to keep yourself stable for 3, for 2, lift and reach for 1, hug it in so good. Rock side to side.

Give yourself a little rest and then take your feet to the mat. Legs stay bent, feet are flat. Legs are hip width apart. Let's take our arms overhead. Reach. Reach. Reach long. Open up your back a little bit.

So arch that back. Open up the rib cage. Let it go for a second. And then exhale, draw your belly in, draw the rib cage together, start to float the arms, towards the floor as you roll up into your bridge, squeeze those glutes at the top. Arms are all the way down by our sides.

Let's go again. So start to roll down rib cage first. Arms float overhead as you roll down through your spine. Good. Release the tailbone for a second, and then exhale tuck the tailbone under, scoop out the belly, squeeze, and dig the heels into floor. Let's keep the arms down by our sides this time. We're gonna go flat back halfway down just to hover above the mat and then exhale squeeze and lift.

Good. You're keeping your knees in line with your hips. You're digging your heels into the floor. And then really keeping your belly in to support this movement. We got 4 For 3, for 2, and then pause at the top.

And we need to squeeze lift a little higher. Think about getting a really nice stretch in the tops of your legs and really activating the backs of your legs. Let's go down an inch now and up. Drawing your shoulders down, anchor your shoulder blades into the floor, and just squeeze and pulse for 8. For 7, 6.

Good. Be aware if you're using one side over the other. Try to keep it as even as possible. And let's go for 3 for 2 And when rolling it all the way down, heel to walk your feet together. So I want you to zip up your leg. So inner thighs are engaged legs are all the way together.

We're gonna go into a single leg bridge. So float that left leg straight up. Let's point the toe really engage the abs We're gonna focus on digging that right heel into the floor, lifting the hips straight up. I want you to go all the way back down. We are in a flat back here.

You're gonna straight up, straight down. I'm really using the backs of my arms pressing my palms into the mat. To help get my pelvis up. Good. We got 4. We got 3. You have 2 keeping the belly tied in and hold it up on 1.

Let's float the leg down, knee to knee, and kick it up for 8. Keeping the hits nice and even for 7, 6, 5, down, and up. For 4 keeping the hips nice and lifted for 3. For 2, you're gonna hold it at the top on 1. Go little pulses lift higher. Squeeze, lift more for 7, 6, 5 down an inch, up an inch, 4, 3, to stay up on 1, and just switch out the legs. Right leg floats straight up hips are nice and high squeeze and lift.

Take the hips all the way down, flat back, squeeze and lift. So now it's the left leg's turn, dig that left heel into the mat, Try not to arch the back at the top, keep everything nice and plugged in, and let's go for 4. For 3 for 2, and we're gonna hold at the top 1. Take the knee. Need a knee. Kick it up.

Floating the leg down and up, inhale on the lower, exhale up. Good. Again, be aware of keeping the hips nice and even here. And let's go for a 3. For 2, maybe you're getting a little bit higher.

On one take the pulse. We go up, kick reach, reach the toe towards the ceiling a little bit more. Try to get higher and give you 4 for 3, 2, and 1, float the hips to the mat. Hug the knees back into the chest. Now our glutes are firing up.

We're gonna go back to some abs here. So arms are down by our sides. Legs are straight up. Anchles are directly over our hips. Plug in that belly.

I want you to course it up and keep the arms down by your side. Anchor the shoulder blades into the mat. We're gonna take a leg lower here on the inhale, split your legs at the bottom, exhale, to roll the ankles right above the hips. Your legs can be slightly bent if your hamstrings don't allow those straight legs. And I want you to only go as low as you can without arching that back. So maybe it's only a couple of inches, and you split and draw it up.

Let's go for 4. Keep the breath going for 3. For 2. And we're gonna reverse on one split, draw those heels together, low legs, and then exhale. As you draw it up.

Big split with the legs. Low and lift. Good. Keep the shoulders down in the head heavy in the mat. Give me 2 more.

And one. Good. Bend the knees in just for a quick second. We're gonna go into, like, a little hip lift. This is a fun exercise. I love this one.

It's kind of a massage for your back, and it's a lot of things going on. It's a lot of movement, but we're gonna start with our legs straight up We're gonna do that leg lower, but just a lower. At the top, you're gonna exhale, do a little hip lift straight up. You're gonna roll through. I'm gonna use the backs of my arms and roll myself up to sitting. So I'm using my forearms set up as tall as you can. Use your forearms scoop the belly roll back.

This time, we're just going straight up to that hip lift. Control the lower down. Push yourself straight up. Scoop, roll back, exhale, straight up, roll through your spine, lift yourself up. Let's do two more because it's fun.

We go rolling through your spine. I'm kind of lifting my head at the top tucking my chin, and then you can sit up tall. One more, and we're gonna stay in this seated position. Walk your hands back slightly. So our fingertips are still facing our hips Why didn't your legs sit their hip width apart? We're gonna lift our hips, open up that chest, look back if you can.

Good. This is such a nice shoulder stretch here. Breathe and hold, and then take the hips to a hover above the mat. Make sure your hands, your wrists are directly under your shoulders. I want you to really press those shoulders down. We're gonna keep this and just bend the elbows.

So try to not let the shoulders get into it. Keep the shoulders down as you bend the elbows back. And exhales you straighten. Really focus on the straightening of the arms and your exhaling. Little tricep dip here.

Backs of the arms, there's a a little pull. So your elbows are pulling towards each other. Not flaring out to the sides. They're going straight back and really press into those palms. Straightening the arms.

Let's go for 4. For 3, bending the elbows. 2, and one. Let's go into the bin. Let's hold the bin, pulse it out down an inch up an inch, 8. You're keeping a bend in the elbows, just coming up an inch, for 5 for 4 for 3 for 2, and then place your hips on the mat on one.

Length the notes, legs out in front of you. Do a forward fold, a little hamstring stretch for a second, and then roll yourself up. We're gonna go to a side lying series, we're gonna stay up on our forearm. So forearm on the mat. Let's take that elbow and make sure it's right underneath your shoulder, and then stack those hips.

So shift the right hip back and the left hip is stacked right on top. I'm keeping my bottom leg bent, and my top leg is straight. Good. So finally, I want you to get out of your shoulder. So press those shoulders down. Lift up in the belly, take the rib cage up slightly.

We're going to just lift the leg hip height. Nice long line. Let's flex the toes too. We're gonna tap and lift. This is kind of what we did on our forearms in the beginning of class.

But now we're working our glute medias. So I want you to really keep those hips nice and stacked, and we're only going hip height. You're keeping that leg parallel to the floor, and let's go for 4. For 3, for 2, and we're gonna pause and hold on one point the toe little circle just like we did on our forearms. We're drawing a circle like around a softball Keeping the hips nice and stacked.

Our abs are working to keep our hips stable. Good. In reverse, we go 8. 765-432, and one flex the foot. We go into those donkey kicks. I keep this hand here. So you can really think of tapping the knee towards the elbow.

Bring the foot and the knee forward. I'm still keeping my leg parallel to the floor and hip height. Good. So you're keeping your heel away from your glute. Bring the foot all the way forward.

Good with any. For 3. Good. Lift up out of that shoulder for 2. And 1, bend it all the way in, stack those hips, stack the knees. We're gonna go into a little clam here.

Keep the toes together, and I want you to draw that knee back, but draw the top hip forward. So it's kind of opposition. Top hip is pulling forward as this knee pulls back. That's gonna keep your hips nice and stacked. Let's go for 4.

For 3, for 2, and one. Perfect. I want you to sneak your feet back. We're gonna take our knees more in line with our spine, lift up. We're gonna go into a little kneeling side plank here. I want you to reach the arm overhead, press that armpit down, shoulders down, and then just take the hips to the mat. Reach and lift. Good. Using these obliques to lift the hips. Let's go for 4.

You can do this in a full side plank too, if you'd like. For 30. For 2. Lift your hips as high as you can, and let's pause on 1. Reach the arms straight up. Let the eyes follow the hand.

Keep the hips high. Let's thread the arm through and reach keeping the hips nice and stacked. Eyes are falling the hand. Good. Let's do 2 more. 2.

And one. Good. We're gonna do a fun one. You're gonna lower your hips to the mat. You're gonna roll back onto your booty. We're gonna pike up, lift, reach for those toes. I came off of my forearm.

I'm on the tips of my fingers. I'm gonna go back down to my forearm, tucking my feet back, Let's lift again. Lower the hips. Roll back. Scoop. Lift. Reach your chest towards your legs. Fold it back.

And lift and reach. Good. Let's do a couple more. Scoop it out. Lift that chest. Fold it in. And lift the hips. One more for fun.

Good. And then let's stay up, and we're just gonna transition around to our other side. Coming down into that left forearm right underneath our shoulder, left leg is bent, right leg is nice and long. Hips are stacked. Here we go. We're just starting with our leg lift. Nice and easy.

Hip height. And lift. Good. Keep the breath going. We got 5 here for 4. For 3, plugging in the waist lifting.

That rib cage up slightly. For 2, And then let's hold it at the top on one. Point the toes. Let's go into a circle, draw on the belly more. Good. Really visualize taking that circle, drawing a circle, reaching the toes longer, The leg stays long for 3 for 2 and reverse. We got 8. Good.

Keep it lifted. First, 6, 5, 4, shoulders are down for 3, 2, and one flex the foot. Bend it in towards your elbow kick it out, donkey kick. Really stretching behind the knee. And bring the foot and knee all the way forward, keeping it hip height.

So try not to let it drag down to the floor. Let's go for 4. For 3, exhale reach for 2. Give me one more and then stack those knees. Lift up a little bit taller.

Toes stay together. Let's go into our clams. Keeping the hips nice and stacked, really rotating that knee up towards the ceiling. Good. And keeping the breath.

Let's go for 4. For 3, tie in your belly for 2. And one. Good. Sneek the feet back.

So the knees are more in line with your spine. We're gonna go into those kneeling planks lifting the hips, reaching the arm overhead as you lift the hips. And then really controlling your hips down to the mat without crashing. I want you to zip up those inner thighs, engage your inner thighs to help lift those hips. Let's go for 3.

Good. It's like you're throwing the air up and over your head. 2, and then let's hold it up on 1. Good. Reaching the arm high. Let's follow the hand with our eyes and thread the arm under. Keeping the hips nice and lifted. Again, you can do this in a full side plank if you'd like, and then let's go 2 more. 2, and then stay here on 1.

Lower the hips. We're gonna roll back onto our booty, lift the legs, lift your chest, you're coming off your forearm, and then fold the legs back in, come down, lift the hips, arm reaches overhead, lower down. Here we go. Lift reach. Take it back. Let's do 2 more. And reach.

Good. Scooping up the belly, lift the chest, and then lower the legs with control, and lift last one. Reach. And then lift. Awesome. We're gonna come right down onto our bellies. So roll onto your belly.

Let's find a nice position here with our arms nice and long. Your legs are nice and long like to keep my legs a little bit wider here to give my low backs in space. So nose to mat. Take a deep breath here. Just Find your bearings, and then we're gonna go into some back extension work. Let's start with the right arm and the left leg lifting. You're gonna draw in that belly most importantly.

We're gonna start with the right arm and the left leg. We're gonna pull draw the belly in. Lift the arm and leg. Lift the head and chest. Pull in that navel of torture spine more and more.

And then exhale, float it down. Let's go to the other side. You're keeping your limbs nice and long and straight, lifting that head and chest, but I'm keeping my head in line with my fine. I'm not cranking my neck at all. Good. Axeal lower. Let's go and flow with that.

So inhale reach long, long, long, exhale lower. Pubic bone is heavy in the mat. You're really drawing in that belly to support your back. Inhale reach and exhale. Awesome. Let's do one more on each side.

And then we're gonna go into a swim. So both arms and legs are gonna lift, reach, lift your chest, and go for it. Swimming out. We go inhale through our nose, for it to exhale through your mouth or just breathe. Yes. You inhale. Exale.

Good. Drawing your belly more. Lift your chest a little bit higher. Go go go reach those limbs. Longer if you can. Let's do 2 more sets here. Inhale.

Exhale. One more, get a little bit higher. And exhale lower everything down. Let's bring your palms by your chest. I want you to push yourself back to a child's pose, really rounding out that spine, walk your knees forward.

Again, just how we started with your knees wide, toes together. Sit your booty back onto your heels and reach the arms long in front of you. Good. Find your breath again. Just releasing your low back and then slowly roll up and you are done. Thanks for joining me, you guys.


1 person likes this.
Thank you Sarah for this wonderful class! I really enjoyed it! 
Chanda Hinman
Fiery is right! Exercises we know and love but with some extra Sarah spice! 
Shona Croft
Absolutely loved this class THANKYOU x
Such beautiful presentation, thank you! I also liked that long time spent in quadruped at the beginning. 
Monica C
Pls transcript?
Thanks Sarah,  you squeezed so much out of each exercise!
Thank you, feeling very energized and stretched out!
Sarah S
Chantal C Thank you!
Sarah S
1 person likes this.
Chanda Hinman Fire and spice! :)
Sarah S
Shona Croft Yesss! So happy you enjoyed the workout!
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