Class #5713

Firey Go-To Mat

35 min - Class


Join Sarah Shell for a fiery and fast-paced Pilates class that will challenge your glutes, abs, and back through a rhythmic, layered workout. Her energizing and clear teaching style will guide you through a challenging plank series, pushing your stability and endurance to new limits. Get ready to break a sweat and feel the burn as Sarah Shell's dynamic instruction easily makes her one of your favorite Pilates instructors.
What You'll Need: Mat

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1 person likes this.
Thank you Sarah for this wonderful class! I really enjoyed it! 
Chanda Hinman
Fiery is right! Exercises we know and love but with some extra Sarah spice! 
Shona Croft
Absolutely loved this class THANKYOU x
Such beautiful presentation, thank you! I also liked that long time spent in quadruped at the beginning. 

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