Class #5727

Melissa's Go-To Reformer

55 min - Class


Join Melissa Connolly for her go-to Reformer class, a full-body strengthening workout that she offers to many of her clients. This strong Intermediate/Advanced session incorporates props like the magic circle, sticky mat, and box to enhance the exercises and challenge your body. With fluid transitions and a steady pace, Melissa guides you through a comprehensive Pilates experience that will leave you feeling invigorated and accomplished.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Magic Circle

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Hi there. I'm Melissa Connolly, and I am excited to share with you my go to reformer flow. This is the series that I go to anytime I want a really great full body strengthening series on the reformer. It's also the series that I find myself teaching a lot of clients during group classes or just to get the basic and full body workout. So the prop that we're gonna mostly use for the class, when we do use a prop is a magic circle. So I'm gonna have you all set your magic circle right next to the shoulder rest. I'm gonna place it here on the backside.

You'll also need a sticky mat for a couple exercises. And just running through the reformer here, we'll be using our box I have the headrest set up for just my personal comfort, which is the low, level with it slightly lifted. Got my foot bar set for footwork. And my spring tension is 2 red springs and 1 green spring, and just it's a basic footwork series. So if you'd prefer lighter or heavier, feel free to add what feels good for your body.

And let's go ahead and come on down and lie on your backs. Okay. Lying down on your back. Shoulders up against the shoulder rest. Placed your heels right onto the foot bar about hip distance apart or so. We're gonna take a moment to run through your body, starting with your shoulders.

Pull your shoulders down. Open your collarbone nice and wide. And then feeling that length of your whole spine on the mat, turn the palms of your hands down, pull your stomach muscles in, And getting ready, we take a nice deep breath in through the nose. And on our exhale, press the carriage away for a tent. Inhale, bend, exhale, 2, and bend.

Press all the way to straight. Bend. When you push away, tighten up your thighs, working your quads, working your hamstrings, and your glutes pressing out and in, exhale 3 more, and press 2. Last one, lengthen the legs fully. Bend your knees halfway in 10 pulses. 1 pulse. 2, pulse 3, pulse 4, pulse 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, let's push all the way out to straight and bend your knees.

Slide down onto the balls of your feet. Lift your heels and press it away. Exhale out and and squeeze your legs. And in press 3 and in tighten your quads and glutes again for The heels are lifted, but they are nice and still nice and stable. Press out.

And in last three, Exhale too. And on the last one, lengthen your legs fully. Bend your knees in halfway, small pulses. 1, And 2, pulse 3, pulse 4, and 5, 6, pulse, 7, 8, 9, let's push all the way out on 10 and return to the stoppers. Bring your heels together toes apart.

You're on the balls of your feet. Exhale press 1. And, and, again, the heels are still unstable. Squeeze your heels together, tight, tight in your glutes, your inner thighs, pressing out, and in. Exhale out. And in. Last four, breathe out 3.

And 2. And on the last one, again, we lengthen the legs come in halfway, pulse 1, pulse 2, pulse 3, pulse 4, 56, 7, and 8. 9 push all the way out, bend your knees to return. Take your heels all the way to the edge of the foot bar in second position knees turned out, press 1, and then squeeze the legs too. And then check-in with your posture again.

Making sure your chesty is wide and open. Shoulders are down. Your neck is long. Maybe take that eye gaze straight up towards the ceiling, keeping your length, push the carriage away for a 3, exhale to And last one, Ben, the knee is halfway. Last set of pulses.

102. 3 and 4 pulse, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Now push all the way out. Bend your knees. We're gonna take our toes onto the foot bar, feet are together, heels are lifted high. Push your legs fully straight.

Stay there. Tighten up your glutes, tighten your hips, pull your abs in, lower the heels under the foot bar, raise your heels up, now bend your knees. We're gonna lower the heels twice. Push out. Lower down. Lift up. 1. Down. Lift up. 2.

Bend your knees. Now press out lower three times down, exhale 1. Down, exhale 2. Down, lift up 3. Bend your knees in.

Push out lower four times down, exhale 1, down, really squeeze to lift, exhale 3, And for bend your knees, go to 5, press it out, lower down, squeeze 1, Down lift 2, down lift 3, down lift 4, and 5, bend your knees. We're gonna work our way down push out lower four times exhale 4, down up 3, down up 2, And one, bend your knees, press it out, lower lift, 3, and 2. And one. Bend your knees, your calves should be feeling it. We're almost done.

Lower a lift for 2. And one. Bend your knees. Last time, lower the heels, lift your heels, and slowly bring the carriage in. Alright, we're gonna transition into supine arms, raise your knees to a tabletop, curl your head, neck, shoulders up, bring your legs over to either side, keep your feet off the floor.

Let's go down to 2 red springs or so. Some people might prefer a red and a blue. Okay. You're gonna pick up the straps into your hands and then raise your arms straight up to the ceiling. Legs are lifted up, knees are bent. Pull your stomach in, press your shoulders down.

Let's exhale. Lower the arms to the carriage for 5. Inhale raise. Exhale 2. Inhale raise. Exhale 3. And raise 2 more.

Reach 4. On number 5, hold the arms down. Curl your chest up, reach through your fingertips. From here, bend your elbows, elbows next to your rib cage, straighten your arms and legs one. Bend these and elbows.

Reach out. 2. Bend in arms and legs. Reach 3. Bend in. Exhale. 4. On number 5, your legs stay straight, arms stay straight, palms turn in, open the arms to the sides, and pull one.

Lat pull squeeze into open exhale 3. Open exhale 4. And hold it in on 5. Bend your knees. Lower the head and lift your arms up.

We transition to an arm circle. Open the arms pull in 1. Raise up, open pull, and 2. Up, open pull, and 3. Two more.

Pull for and exhale reavers. Take the arms out, lift up. Press down 1. Out lift up. Press down 2. Out up. Press down 3. Two more.

Press 4. Last one. And 5, keep your arms reaching long. We're gonna curl our chest up. Energy us through their fingertips.

We're gonna look towards your thighs and start to pump the arms going into the breathe in 2, 3, 4, 5, exhale. 2, 3, 4, 5. Breathe in. Breathe out. 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, exhale. 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, straighten your legs to the ceiling. 2, 3, 4, 5 exhale. 2, 3, 4, 5 breathe in 2, 3, 4, 5, exhale 2, 3, 4, 5 breathe in. 2, 4, 5 exhale. 2, 3, 4, 5 start to lower the legs too. 3, 4, 5, exhale. 2, 3, 4, 5, exhale.

2, 3, 4, 5. Turn your legs out. 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 your glutes. 2, 3, 4, 5, one more breath. 2, 3, 4, 5. Read out all of the air just pause for 3 to when the knee is bent. The arms raise. Great. Place your feet on the foot bar. We're gonna take those straps, place them onto the arches of your feet.

And this is where we pick up our magic circle. So take your mad you have your theme's chops first, then the magic circle is gonna go right next to your ankle bones. You're gonna have your feet straight up in line with your hips, keeping your tailbone down. Arms are down. Take a nice deep breath in. On the exhale, you squeeze the magic circle and press the legs down.

Inhale, lift the legs up. 4 more. Squeeze, press down. Inhale, Exhale, press 3. And lift.

2 more squeeze, press 4. And lift last one. Squeeze the circle. Hold your legs about 45 degrees. Puls in 5050 times 1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 30, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 40, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 50. Now hold that squeeze if you can or as much as you can. And then bend your knees.

Keep the legs parallel. As you push through, I pull your abs in. Inhale. Bend. Exhale. Press 2. Anyhow, Ben.

Squeeze a circle 3 and bend. Exhale for 1 more. And 5, let's raise the legs, grab that circle, put it back to the side of your reformer, and then lengthen your legs, heels together pose a part to 45, bend the knees into a frog, exhale stretch it away for 5, bend exhale to Bend lengths in 3. Bend exhale 4. Ben, hold your legs nice and straight.

Let's bring the feet parallel and do 5 circles straight up to the sailing feet in line with your hips. Open the legs wide, circle around, get some good range of motion here up. Open around 2. Lift up. Open around 3. Inhale exhale 4.

Inhale exhale reverse. Out lift press 1. Out lift, press 2. Keeping your pelvis as stable as you can. 2 more.

Exhale for And now, hold the legs down. We are gonna lower the headrest flat to move into short spine. So, start to your headrest is down. You lift the legs straight up to the ceiling. Exhale.

Peel your spine up off of the mat, carriage to the stoppers. Bend your knees into the upside down frog and roll upper back, middle back, lower back, tailbone, and stretch the legs away. 2 more legs up. Exhale overhead, bend your knees, roll down upper, middle, lower, tailbone and extend the legs. Inhale straight up.

Exhale over. Be in the knees. Roll down upper, roll down middle, roll down lower, tailbone, stretch the legs out. Now bend your knees in. Take your hands into the straps, and then bend your knees.

We're gonna move into coordination. So your elbows come next to your rib cage, knees, and tabletop. Curl your chest up and then extend your arms and legs to straight, open close the legs, bend just your knees, and then your elbows. Reach out. Open close your legs. Just your knees.

The elbows of breathing I like to do is breathe in. And in. Exhale. Exhale. Breathe in, and in exhale, exhale 1 more in, and in exhale. Now stretch everything out. Hold. Hold. Hold.

Last thing here. You're gonna raise your legs up. Inhale. Lower them down. Exhale. Lift the legs up. Inhale over the foot bar.

Lift up 3. Lower the legs down. Lift up 4. Lower down. Last one. Lift.

Lower. Bend your needs. Raise the arms and relax your head. Feet on the up bar, place your straps over your pegs. Okay. Transitioning up from there, lift your knees, curl your chest up, and let's swing the legs over to either sides. Alright. So we're moving into a sideline, one foot in the strap.

I'm gonna do it on a red spring. Okay. The headrest. I'm gonna raise the headrest the highest level. Other options for you is to keep it flat, put a ball at your headrest, a yoga block, anything that's come for your neck. Lying down on the right side, hips, reach the very back edge of the carriage, and then take your strap and place it onto your left foot.

The right knee bend, so left leg is nice and straight. Reach it down to that foot bar. Okay. Hand position. I have my right hand on the peg, left hand on the shoulder rest. Flex the left foot squeeze the quads, squeeze the glutes. Inhale, bend your knee, exhale press to the foot bar.

Inhale bend. Exhale press 2. And bend really tighten the glue and push away 3, 2 more. Exhale push for one more. Now hold that leg nice and straight.

You're gonna point your toes and sweep the leg forward. Keeping your pelvis stable, press the leg only as far back as your hips stay square. Go forward and exhale press back to and forward and press back 3 forward and press back 4. One more time like this. Press the leg back.

Let's go into a like circle. Take the leg front. Rotate up and circle around 1 front rotate up, circle around 2, and front up. Around 3. 2 more in this direction. 4.

Last one. And let's reverse. Take the leg up. Bring the leg forward. Press it back.

Lift up. Forward, press it back, and up, forward, press back, 2 more circles. Exhale back. Last one. And now take the leg out in line with your hip.

Turn your leg out, externally rotate, and then raise the leg up. It's a nice stretch for the inner thigh, exhale, press down. Lift and stretch, exhale lower, lift up 3, x Halo or 2 more times. Read the leg. Press it down.

Last one, lift. And lower. Alright. Then your knee will take that strap off of the foot, close the carriage, peg your strap, And then just carefully grease the lead turn to the other side. Alright. So we're lying on our left side. Check with your hand that you're to the back edge of your carriage.

And then I like to push with my left foot into the footbar. Right foot goes into the strap, and then you reach that leg down. Left hand to the peg, right hand to the shoulder rest. You're ready? Bend the right knee. Squeeze your glute.

Squeeze your thigh. Push 1. And bend exhale. Push too. Bend, exhale, push 3, bend, and push 4, Give it a little muscle activation.

Squeeze your thigh and hold it there. Sweep the leg to the front. Exhale press leg back. Inhale, friends. Exhale, back. The range of motion is as big as you can keep your hips square. Last one.

Now into the circles, sweep it to the front, rotate up and around. And forward up around 2, sweep forward up around 3, forward up around 4 one more time. And then we reverse. So, like, goes up, it goes forward and presses back. Inhale. Exhale back. And 3, And press back and 4.

Press back 1 more circle. And that's it. Keep your leg in line with your hip, externally rotate, and then lift the leg, inner thigh stretch, and then you work your inner thigh and glute to press down. Lift up to exhale, press down. Lift up 3. Press down.

Lift up 4. Press down one more time, raising your leg, and pressing it down. Bend the right knee, remove the strap from your foot. Close the carriage, peg your strap. Okay. Press yourself all the way up.

You're gonna stand up on the floor. And we're gonna get ready for the long stretch. The springs that I prefer for this is a red and a yellow. If you need a little bit more stability, go to a red and a blue. Okay. Place your hands up onto the foot bar and then swing one leg around.

So it's up in that headrest crease. The other leg comes around. Pause here, feeling that whole length of your back from your head, down to your shoulders, down through your spine. Squeeze your glute and push the carriage away with an inhale, exhale tighten your core to lengthen forward. Breathe and push back with your arms.

Exhale, pull your abs in. 3 more inhale. Exhale forward. 2 more inhale. Exhale forward.

Last one. Now hold it into a position where you feel good for push ups. You're gonna be on your toes. You're gonna be on your knees. Bend your elbows. I press them to the sides and then push up for 5, bend exhale to, bend, push up 3, Bend, push up 4, bend, and 5. We're gonna take the knees to the mat at the same exact time, lower the knees. Now, your feet are gonna go up against the shoulder rest. Tuck your toes under.

Make sure heels are pressing into that, shoulder rest. And then you're gonna take your hands wide on the foot bar, bring your hip bones forward, look straight. We're gonna gradually increase the back extension here. We're gonna start with our glute muscles, hip muscles, core muscles, engage, look eye level, press your shoulders down. Keep your focal point as you push the carriage away. Inhale. Keep your focal point as you come forward.

Now, raise your eyes a little higher. Inhale. Push the carriage away. Exhale. Look at that focal point as you come in. Raise the eyes a little higher, opening your child's breathe in, and exhale lifting up. And take your eyes a little higher gradually increasing the extension of your back, exhale lift, One more time, lift your eye gaze, you're looking at the ceiling, inhale back, exhale. Lift your chest.

Close the carriage, send your hips back. Okay. Good. We're gonna step off of that reformer, and we are gonna lower the foot bar, get it out of the way. So bring it flat down. Next up, we need our box. So come around.

Pick up your box carefully. Bennett your knees. Keep your back straight. We're gonna place it on the long way. We're gonna use both of our props for this series.

Lower the headrest. You're gonna need your sticky mat This is gonna prevent you from falling off when we get to an exercise here. You're gonna grab your magic circle. Okay. Pulling straps. Placed your hands to the edge of your box facing the backside of your reformer coming onto your stomach.

Okay. You have your chest just off of the box. You're gonna take that magic circle and try to get up between your ankles. I know it's tricky. Takes a little practice.

When once you're there, your hands go through the loops. You grab up onto the ropes. Okay. We're gonna start with our back straight and long. So one straight long line from your head, your shoulders, your hips, and your feet. You are squeezing the circle.

With straight arms pull back right next to your sides. Inhale to reach the arms forward. Exhale to Inhale, reach forward. Exhale, 3. Inhale, reach forward.

Exhale 4. Reach forward. Exhale. Pull 5. Reach forward.

Keeping everything really straight. 6. Reach forward. Pull back. Squeeze 7. Straight forward.

Last one. Hold your arms up by your side. So look down your headrest neck is long. Bend the elbows. Push back 1. Bend push back to keeping your elbows lifted in line with your rib cage.

4 more. Press 4. Don't forget to squeeze your circle. 3. Exhale too. Last one, arms are straight. Reach your arms forward round, round, around over the box.

Rest for a couple of seconds. Now we're gonna move into the tea process. So take your hands to the flat part of your strap. So just slide them down on the opposite side of the metal, open the arms wide, and pull into your hips for to one, and he'll open wide. Let's squeeze a circle to open wide, strengthening your back, pulling through.

Open to the t. Exhale 4. Open to the t. Exhale 5. And open.

Pull squeeze 6. Open. We'll do 2 more squeeze it in 7. And open last one. Pull in and round over the box. Place the straps over the peck.

Bend your knees, grab your circle, put it off to the side. We're gonna step off of our box and change the spring. Make it lighter. A red or a blue would be great, and then come back onto your stomach, same position. We're gonna do some pull ups. So your chest is off of the box. Take your hands on the frame of the reformer.

Pull yourself forward. Watch out for your thumbs. You're gonna grab hold of those upright pulls. Legs are long, hip distance, look straight down. Bend the elbows down, breathe out, inhale straight.

Exhale too. This is why you need your sticky mat. If you don't have a sticky mat, you may have already fallen off of your reformer. So keep yourself on the reformer while in and straighten the exhale pull. Great. Let's do a couple more.

We're strengthening our shoulders, our lats, our triceps, breathe out. Last two, exhale pull. Last one, let's hold it up for a 3, 2. One slowly, slowly, slowly straighten your arms. And then your hands go one at a time down to the frame of the reformer, and you carefully slide it back.

Once the carriage touches the stopper, step off to the side. Okay. Pick up your sticky mat, place that away. And the next exercise, you're going to sit your spring is good, either a blue or a red. You're gonna sit up onto your box. Feet on the headrest.

We're gonna take these straps and hold place them up above your knees. Sometimes when I teach this exercise to clients, we do it without the straps, depending on the back stability. So with or without straps, we're doing the ab series. You're gonna lie down onto your backs. So you have your knees in line with your hips.

The hands are behind your head. Curl your chest up and then really scoop your belly in. Link in the right leg away. Stretch that leg long and straight exhale pull it in. It's a slow version of a single leg stretch reach a left leg out.

Pull it in. Stretch out. 3, exhale in. 4 exhale in, 5 pull in, 6 pull in, 7 exhale in, 8 exhale in, reach the leg, pull it in, reach. Now, hold it in. Going into double leg, stretch the hands, hold your shins, lift your forehead towards your knees, and a stand the arms and legs away from your center, circle the arms, pull it in one. Arms and legs reach out, circle your arms, grab your shins, nose to knee. Stretch it out, pull into a typo. 2 more reach out. Exhale.

And last one, Hold it in here. We're gonna lace the fingers behind the head. Reach your legs as straight as your hamstrings allow and then start to lower the leg to your point of control, exhale raise the legs straight up for 5. Lower the legs, lift them too. Lower the legs, lift them 3.

Breathe in. Breathe out 4. And 5. Benjourneys. Take your right leg straight forward long and straight rotate elbow touches towards your knee and center switch to Center Chris Corals 3, center, axle 4, center, axle 5, center, lift to a 6, center feeling your core and your elbow leaks.

Alright. Last two. And one. Okay. Coming out of the exercise. Hold the back of your legs, come up slowly and gracefully, and then sit up onto your, box, feet on the headrest. We're gonna take the straps off of your legs.

Take hold of the flat part of your straps and sit up nice and tall. See that length of your spine from the tailbone all the way up through the crown of your head. And then with a with this next one is slow with a slow roll down, tuck your tailbone, tech your chin and roll the spine through the lower back, the middle back, the shoulders, Let your head go back, open your chest and arch, tuck your chin into your chest, exhale roll upper back, Coral middle back, lower back zip nice and tall. 2 more. Really articulating the spine, articulate lower spine, middle spine, shoulders, head, and arch.

Check the chin to the chest. At hail, roll upper spine, middle spine, lower. Last time, big, I sail, rolling down, rolling down, open the chest and arch, tuck the chin, exhale roll the spine up. Once you're seated, place the straps over the pikes. Step off of the reformer.

Okay. We need a light spring for the next exercise. I do it on a blue. I find most people are good with one blue. Maybe a yellow, but yellow might be too too light. Okay. We're gonna kneel on this box next. So come up onto your knees.

You're gonna have your hands to the edge of the box, in line with the shoulder rest. Your left to knee is gonna be towards the back edge of the box in the center. Now take your right strap carefully swing your right foot to the side and place the arch of your foot in the loop. Once that foot is in the strap, reach the leg straight down to the floor. Now, the exercises for your glute hamstring and your core. So pull your abdominals in, press the right leg straight back, inhale lower. Exhale, press straight back.

Inhale lower, checking your spine stays really straight and long. Notice if the head drops down. Keep it lifted. Press 4. And down.

Exhale, press 5 and down. Press back squeeze it back of your leg. And down. Exhale press 7. And down.

And press 8. And, down, 2 more, exhale, 9. And, yeah, now, on number 10, hold it. If you feel secure, take your left arm up and pause for 3. 2.

1, and then place the left hand and the right knee on the box. Swing your right foot to the side, this strap comes off of the foot. And then bring your right knee where your left knee was, swing your left foot carefully to the side, and then place the strap onto the arch of your left foot. Alright, resetting up for side 2, straighten out your spine, pull your abs in, and press the left leg. Exhale once Inhale lower.

Exhale to. Inhale lower. Nice straight, long leg press 3. And lower, check your posture for, and lower from experience. I know people tend to round their backs here. So keep your head lift said, spine straight, arms pull in, pressing back.

And down exhale last three. And down exhale last two. And down. And last one, let's hold it back. Again, only if you're feeling savory is the right arm balance for 3. 2, 1, and we'll rest. The knee goes on to the box.

This strap comes off of the foot. Close the carriage and peg your straw. Okay. Ship off of the reformer. All springs go on. Load up those springs.

We're keeping the carriage still and stable for the next exercise. You are gonna pick up your magic circle and then sit up on your box sitting the foot bar. We're gonna do some teasers. So hold a circle in front of you. Roll yourself down onto your back You have your shoulder blades towards the back edge of the box.

Make sure there's space from your hips to the edge of the box. Alright. Teezers. Give that circle a little squeeze. Pull your abs in. Roll yourself up.

Extend your legs from here. Open your feet. Place the circle between your ankles, reach your arms forward, and then roll down. Bend your knees. Take your arms back, arch into the well.

Circle the arms around, tuck your chin, exhale roll up to a teaser. Take the circle in your hands, straighten your legs, and your arms. Bend your knees roll down to the starting position chest stays lifted, arms straight up. Exhale roll up to a teaser straighten your legs, open the feet circle between the ankles, reach forward. Exhale, roll down slowly.

Your knees can bend. The arms reach back. Open your chest. Circle the arms, tuck your chin, exhale roll up. Grab the circle straighten your legs.

Exale roll down the knees bend. The arms stay lifted. One more set. Exale roll up. Extend your legs.

Open, circle between the ankles, reach up, exhale. Roll down. The knees bend. The arms reach back. Circle the arms. Tuck your chin. Exhale.

Roll it. Grab the circle, straighten your legs, bend your knees, and then roll down. Alright, once you are there, lift up and step off to the side. Okay, we're gonna take the circle, put them on your box. Turn your box around.

Short blocks. I'm placing my box behind the shoulder rest because I am fairly tall. If you are not tall, you can put it in front of your shoulder rest. We're gonna sit up onto the box here, and we're gonna place feet underneath the safety strap. Okay.

So once you're seated, you want your legs parallel. You wanna for sure feet out into the safety strap, keep it tight. Sit up nice and tall, soften your elbows, circles in line with your shoulders. Squeeze a circle for 10. Oh, squeeze 2.

Squeeze 3. Squeeze 4. Squeeze 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Ton, lift your arms overhead. Keep your shoulders down. Squeeze 1.

2. Squeeze 3. 4 squeeze 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Ton reach the circle in front of you. We're gonna go into a round back, scoop your belly, and round into a letter c curve. Lift your arms up on the inhale, exhale arms down, squeeze the circle, and roll up, sit up, street.

Exhale roll back to your c curve. Lift the arms 2 times up. Exhale squeeze. Up, exhale squeeze, roll up, roll back to the c curve, lift the arms up, exhale squeeze, up, exhale 2, up, exhale 3, and roll up. We're going up to 5.

Roll back and your c curve, lift the arms 4 times. Squeeze 1. Make sure your back is round. 2. Peek down to your stomach. Pull it in 3. Exale for and roll up.

Last one, roll back to your c curve, lift and lower five times, x exhale 1. Breathe out 2. Exhale 3. Squeeze a circle. Pull your abs in 4.

And 5 roll up roll ups up nice and tall. Alright. Flat back. Lift your arms straight up to the ceiling. Keeping your spine straight, lean back, reach your arms in front of you. The arms go down. Keep looking forward.

Exhale. Lift. Tall. Keep looking straight. Your eye focal point never changes. You look straightforward, and then you lift up straight. Keep the spine long.

Hinge back 3. Exceal raise your body and arms up hinge back 4, lift, straight up. One more time, reach a circle forward hinge back, exhale, lift up. Now round your back forward, reach the magic circle towards the foot bar. Drop your head down. Just release.

It out for a couple of seconds. Check out your heads and then roll up to seed it. Once you're sitting up nice and straight, we're gonna roll back to that c curve. This one is around the world. Rotate your torso to the right to exhale twist.

Arms up and twist left, center, twist to the left, arms up, twist to the right. And center, go to the right. Arms up, twist to the left. Center, twist to the left. Arms up, twist to the right.

Center last time through to his right, up, to his left, center exhale left, up, exhale right, center roll it up and sit up straight. Okay. So since it is magic circle of prop, we're gonna use our circle for a modified tree. Your left foot stays underneath the strap. Let's place a magic circle under the ball of the right foot. Your hands come into an underhand grip here. Okay. Set up straight.

Both of your legs, try to get your left leg and right leg straight. Lift up really tall, big inhale. Ax hail rollback as far back as your body is comfortable rolling back. So maybe just lower back to the box. Otherwise, you can keep going with me.

We're gonna arch back and stretch. Check the chin, exhale. Roll it up. And sit tall at the top. Tuck your chin, exhale roll down just as far as it feels good today.

Inhale, arch back. Tuck the chin, exhale roll up. Lift up straight. One more exhale. Roll back.

Inhale. Tuck your chin into the chest. And roll up. Stay lifted. You're gonna take your left hand to the middle of the circle. Take your right hand.

Reach it back. Follow the hand with your eyes. You're on top of your sit bones, look at the right hand and twist, and then take the right hand to the circle. Your left hand to the side strap on the side of your box. The right leg goes out to the side, roll back again as far as it feels comfortable. Baby just a little bit back.

Maybe you go all the way back and stretch, tuck your chin, exhale roll it up. Side 2, place the right foot underneath the safe d strap, place your left foot underneath the circle, straighten your left leg. Set up really tall on top of your sit bones, big breath in, Exhale roll down. Go back as far as it feels good. Inhale arch.

Tuck the chin, exhale. Roll it up. Sit up straight. Roll down again. Breathe out. Breathe out.

Inhale. Tuck your chin, exhale. Roll up. Roll up. And lift last one. Exhale.

Roll back. Inhale. Arch. Tuck the chin, exhale roll up. And then once you're straight on top of the sit bones, extend the left arm behind you. Look at your hand.

Twist 3, 2, 1, and then grab the circle. The right hand goes here to the side of your, box on the strap, open the left leg, roll back as far as it feels good, take an inhale, and then exhale roll up. Oh, alright. Let's take that circle down. Next, place your left foot underneath the safety strap take your right knee to the edge of the box. We're gonna move into side sit ups.

Your right hand goes down to the headrest and really pull your left foot against that straps, you're lengthening your head away away from your foot, feeling that leg from your head to your heel. Okay. Your hands come up to your head. Open your elbows wide, keep your chin lifted, inhale lower down, exhale lift for 5, inhale lower down, lift 2. Working your old leeks. Side sit up. Lift 3.

Down. Lift 4. On this last one, you're gonna rotate your spine. Pull your right elbow back. Look at the floor.

Come back to the center. Pull the elbow back twist too. Center rotate 3. Center 2 more. 4. Center now hold the twist.

Look at the floor. Extend the arms out to your sides. Lower down, lift up for 5. This is strengthening the left side of your back too. It's kind of a hard area to get. 3. Exhale 4, and 5 right hand to the headrest.

You'll enjoy this one. Stretch it out. Reach, reach, reach, reach from your fingers to your heel. Open the arm behind you, open your chest, stretch it, open, open, open, and then lift that arm up and around. Hands go on either side of the reform or frame, pull your spine into a nice twist, and then roll it up. Let's do the other side, pivot around, right foot underneath, safety strap, left knee to the edge of your box. Okay.

Your left hand starts at your headrest, pull on the strap with your right foot, right hand to your head first, followed by the left, breathe in, dip down, exhale squeeze them, left 1, down side sit up 2. Down exhale 3. Down exhale 4. Down number 5 stay up. Pull the left elbow back twist.

And center. Pull the left elbow back too. Center. Bring out your waist. Twist 3. Center twist for. Center now hold a twist, open the arms, go down, exhale, lift, really lengthen the arms out your sides.

Lift to strengthen you now in the right side of your back. 3. Exhale. 4. And 5, the left hand goes down, reach and stretch the right arm out. Open the arm. Open your chest.

Big breath in. Exhale circle up and around. The hands go on either side of the reform or frame, pulling your spine into a twist. Feels so good. And roll it up.

Alright. You're gonna stay seated on your box, grab your circle. Okay. We're gonna do a squat. So your heels are gonna be about lifted, not about, they are lifted. Heels are lifted against the box.

Arms are gonna reach forward. Pull your stomach in, and then lift your body up about halfway left. Inhale lower. Squeeze the circle. Try not to let your knees straighten all the way.

Exhale squat up. Sit down. Exhale up. Sit down. Exhale 5.

Sit down. Try to go nice and control. A little pause at the top. 6 and down. Squeeze the circle. 7. And down.

Squeeze 8 and down. 2 more, pause 9. And down last one. Hold it. Hold it for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, sit down. Alright. Step off to the side of your reformer.

From here, we're going to put the circle down If your box is behind the shoulder rest, bring it in front, go to a I do this fairly light. A blue or a blue and a yellow. The reason you would have the extra yellow on if you have a yellow is for back stability, I'm going for a blue. Okay? But many clients of mine use blue and yellow. You're gonna place your forearms onto the box Okay.

You're kneeling on the carriage, your toes are up onto the platform. Hover your knees up off the carriage and press out to a forearm plank. Now take a second. Make sure the balls of the feet are secure on your bar straighten out your body from your head, your shoulders, your hips, and your heels, And then the arms from your shoulder joint, slide forward, and pull back. Forward, pull back.

3, pull back. 4. Pull back. 5. You're gonna hold it here nice and stable. Bend your knees.

Exhale straight in your legs. Your hips stay steady. Okay? So rather than moving up and down, Keep straight from head to hips. 4. 1 more.

5. Legg stay straight. Hike your hips. Lift up. Axale lower to a plank. Carefully touch the carriage to the stopper and lower.

Lift it up lightly touch. And lower 2 more pike it up and lower pike it up and lower. Now off in this little blind spot, but the carriage is there. I promise, put your knee down, close the carriage in. Step off to the side. We are done with the vox, so pick up that box.

Alright. Bend at your knees as you lower it down. Standing side splits. Grab the sticky mat. Okay. Spring, moderate spring. I'm just using a red.

Okay. Feel free to go heavier. Sometimes they use a red yellow. Grab your magic circle. Okay. We're gonna stand up onto the stable side first.

So step your foot up onto the platform, circling your yams, And then the other foot on the sticky mat, your standing foot on the carriage is maybe 2 inches from the edge of the carriage. Reach the circle forward, tighten your thighs, tighten your glutes, exhale push the carriage away for 6. Control it in. Exhale 5 and and tighten your glutes press away. And in exhale 3 and in exhale 2.

And in one more stay for 3, 2, 1, bring the carriage into the stoppers. Take the circle behind your back. Bend your knees lean forward the nice straight back. The arms are lifted. You're going into speed skater.

Press out. And and you try to squeeze a circle, but really, it goes nowhere. 3. For you'll feel the arms, press 4. Exale 5.

Just 6. Now, bring the carriage in. We've got a transition here. If it feels more secure for you to step off, step off, I'm gonna put my circle on to the carriage, and I'm gonna change the spring to a yellow, the lightest spring you feel like you can handle. Roll up carefully.

Okay. From here, arms are in front of you. You're gonna open the legs. What goes out must come in. Exhale pull it in.

Slide out, fit your inner thighs, your pelvic floor, your deep core pulling you in. Out 3, exhale in, out 4, exhale in, Oh, 5 exhale in. Last time. And then once we come in, again, whatever way best for you. I just take my right foot to the ground, then the left, and then change the spring back to the red.

Walk around, grab your circle, Stand up on the platform followed by the sticky mat. Alright. Get your muscles ready. Squeeze up to your thighs, glutes, and abs, and push should away. Read that one. And and squeeze press 2.

And and squeeze press 3. And in stand nice and tall, press 4. And in, exhale 5. And and let's hold it up for 3, 2, 1, and bring it in. The hands go with a circle behind your back. The knees bend, we lean forward, try to keep your arms up when you push that left leg away, squeeze a circle. You won't see me doing anything but trust me, I am squeezing 3, exhale 4, exhale 5, and 6.

Alright. The carriage stops. It goes into the stoppers. The circle goes down. Go the latest when you can handle, even if it's just the red or the blue, Some people do it on nosepraying. So we're on a yellow.

Hug the arms in, and then you in, he'll open, open, Exale. Pull it in. 1. Inhale. Open. Squeeze. Pull in. 2. Lengthen out.

Draw in and up. 3. Inhale out. Exhale. 4. Inhale out.

Exhale. 5. Last one. Pull it in. Pull it in to the stoppers. And take your left foot down.

Alright. Last thing. Get rid of your sticky mat. Keep your circle there. Lift your footbar up for the same distance you had it for footwork. Going into two reds and a blue.

Head rest is flat. Come on down to your backs. Put the circle. Around your legs above the knees, heels on the foot bar. Settle and you're flying down nice and flat.

Chest is open, pressing out into the magic circle, curl your tailbone under, roll your hips up. Stay lifted in the hips, inhale slide the carriage out, exhale, pull it in. Slide out. Exhale in. Slide it out.

Exhale in. Go out to straight, pull into the stoppers, out to straight, into the stoppers, pull your abs in, go into a slight pelvic tilt. 2 more. Hole in. Last one, bring the carriage into the stoppers, roll down upper back, middle back, lower back, tailbone, Take the circle in two hands, your legs come out.

Place the feet on the foot bar, hip distance, heels high, push the carriage away, and run. Switch one and 2, and 3, and 45, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 more breathe in. Breathe, squeeze a circle breathe in. Read out squeeze a circle, breathe in. Read out squeeze a circle last time. And exhale.

Raise your heels. Bend the knee is all the way in. Place your circle down onto the floor, and then just lift your knees when your legs around. And we did it. We are finished with my go to reformer flow. Thank you all for joining.


Maryna Z
Nice challenge!

Shona Croft
1 person likes this.
I knew I would love this before I’d even started Melissa. I love your classes. Very clear, crisp instructions and exercises. Always a challenge, always a little different, always setting up each and every exercise first.  Thanks, fantastic x
1 person likes this.
What a great workout! I think I worked every muscle in my body! Thank you Pilates Anytime for bringing back more 50/55 minute classes. Greatly appreciated.
1 person likes this.
please please more longer form advanced classes, thank you Mellissa!
Jennifer B
I loved the externally-rotated version of tree with the Magic Circle on the shortbox!  I've never seen that! Great class.
Thank you, Melissa! I almost skipped this because I didn’t think I had enough time but I’m really glad I did it. A lot of your go to are my go to and it was lovely to have someone telling me what to do! Great queuing thank you
So happy to have another challenging reformer class from you! Loved it and will be coming back to it!
Roberta H
Loved this so much. Challenging and great flow. Loved the integration with the magic circle. Vey clear instructions. I will do this again and again.
Shannon H
All around great and fun class. Love your classes!
1 person likes this.
She takes too log. Talking and sorry the accent is very intense f- sorry
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