Class #5728

Postnatal Reformer

45 min - Class


Join Melissa Connolly for a rejuvenating Postnatal Reformer class for those who have been cleared to exercise and already have Pilates experience. This Beginning/Intermediate full-body workout utilizes the Reformer and Box to provide a safe and effective postpartum experience. Melissa's expert guidance will help you rebuild strength and flexibility, making this a great class for new mothers looking to return to their Pilates practice.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box


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Hi. My name is Melissa Connolly, and I'm going to share with you today a post natal reformer class. This class is great for you after you have been cleared to exercise after having a baby. So let's go through what we're gonna need for class. We need a ball, just a small squishy ball. And to get the reformer set, we'll use our box.

The headrest is lifted up just about a notch or so for, neck comfort. And the spring setting, I have us on a medium spring setting for footwork. So I have 3 red springs on. If you wanna work a little bit lighter, I suggest doing 2 red springs and a blue. So let's get started.

Just sit on your reformer. Take your ball, put it next to you. We'll grab it in the next exercise, and I wanna get us started with just some nice deep breath just to bring awareness to your breathing, awareness to your center, and your pelvic floor. So feet are about hip distance apart. Place your hands onto your thighs.

Feel that length of your whole spine, relax your shoulders down. And now when you're ready, take a nice deep breath into your nose. As you inhale, feel your rib cage expand to the front, to the side, to the back, and I fold your breath in. And then as you exhale, start to draw your abdominal muscles in and up, lightly engaging up through your glutes and pelvic floor. Again, nice deep breath in.

Hail expand your lungs. Expand your ribs. And then as breathe out all the air through your mouth, start to pull in and up sensing through the lower glutes, pelvic floor, deep core, Was that one more time. Nice deep breath. Inhale. Relax your shoulders.

Latterly breathe through the rib cage. And then exhale empty y'all all of the air. Great. Pick up your ball. And then just, bring your hips the edge of your reformer. Come down and lie on your backs.

We're gonna place the feet rather than up on the foot bar, place them down onto the platform, and that ball will go between your knees. Arms are down by your sides. Open wide across your chest, and that length of your spine, the length of your neck, Give the ball a teeny bit of a squeeze, and let's do a pelvic tilt. So you exhale pressing the lower spine into the mat, curl your tailbone under. And then inhale, roll through your lower spine into a small arch.

Exhale. Come into your pelvic tilt scoop in your abs in, and then rolling through the lumbar spine into a small arch. Exhale, curling the tailbone under, and inhale rolling through the lower back. Let's take that twice more. Excellent. As you go into your pelvic tilt, squeeze the ball lightly with your inner thighs.

And then roll through the lower back to release and exhale scoop your abs, pelvic tilts, and then inhale release. And from here, just settle in, feeling your back is nice and long and straight, Let's take our heels up onto the foot bar. Take a deep breath into your nose. And as you exhale, just lengthen the legs out. And inhale bend.

Keep going. You have the ball between your knees, keeping your feet, your knees, your shoulders, all in alignment, exhale as you press, inhale bend, feeling that inner thighs squeeze, drawing up through your pelvic floor as you press out. Take 2 more, exhale out. Last one, press out, and let's close the carriage into the stoppers. Take your ball, place it down on the floor, let's go on to our toes on the foot bar. Heels together toes apart.

Ex the length in your legs out and in. Pulling in and up through your pelvic floor, engaging glutes, top of the inner thighs, and your abdominals. Exhale pressing out and in. Length in the legs all the way to straight. And in, pressing out, and in, breathe out 4, inhale, bend, x Salale 3. Inhale, Ben.

2 more. And then last one out. And bring the carriage to the stoppers. Now lift the feet, place your heels wide. You're gonna open your knees to the sides.

And exhale press out and in. When you push out, dig your heels down into the footbar, and gently squeeze in. So press down, squeeze in, working through your adductor, inner thigh muscles, exhale, press 5, exhale, 6, all the way to street, press 7. Squeezing in 8. Two more per 9 and 10. Now come in. You're gonna stay on second position, but We're gonna go on to the toes, rotate internally your knees in, reach the heels down towards the metal part of your footbar.

And then you press out, knees in. So little internal rotation here, and in strengthening through the outer quads, 3. And exhale 4. Breathe out 5. And exhale 6. Exhale 7. Make sure the legs go all the way to straight, 8. All the way in.

2 more, 9, and in. Last one, 10. And let's close the carriage to the stoppers. Pick up your feet. Place your toes up onto the footbar about hip distance apart.

Press all the way to straight and hold your legs long. Now, tighten through your glutes your hips, your abs, your pilates powerhouse, pulling in and up through the pelvic floor. Lower your heels on the inhale, exhale, left in a lower exhale lift. 3 tight in your center as you lift. 4, lift.

5, breathe out. 6, exhale. 7, exhale up, 8, lift up. 2 more, raise up. Last one, hold those heels nice and high, and then press one heel down, bend the other knee stretch. Switch and stretch, pick up the pace running for 10 and 9 and 8.

And 7, 6, and 5, 4, 3, 2. 1, we're gonna lift the heels. Hi. And bend your knees in. Okay. We're gonna change our springs roll to the side. Press yourself up to seated. So next series is supine arms.

I'm gonna go fairly light with a red and a blue spring. If you wanted it heavier, go to 2 reds, lighter, or red in a yellow. Lie back down onto your backs. We're gonna pick up the ball. The ball goes right between our knees and grab your straps.

So your legs raise up and then feel that stability in your backs. Pull your belly down. And then exhale lower the arms down to the mat, inhale, raise the arms. Give that ball a little squeeze. And raise. Exhale squeeze and raise. So adding in that extra squeeze of the inner thighs, helps to get a little deeper into the core.

Last one, we're gonna hold the arms here. Your elbows are on the carriage. Inhale, bend the elbows, exhale straight in the arms. Breathe in, exhale straight in. 3.

Exhale straighten. 4 and straighten. One more. Hold your arms straight. Turn the palms of your hands in. Let's stretch the arms out to the sides, exhale pull in.

Big and heel open. Exhale in. Open 3. Exhale in. For use your breath.

It helps to get that deep layer of abdominal muscles. Pull in. Last one. Now go into some arm circles, re straight up to the ceiling, open to the sides, pull in one up Open pull 2. Inhale. Exhale. 3 nice, smooth circles are around 4.

And 5 reverse. Take that arms out and up. Press 1 and press 2. Breathe out lower 3. Let's do 2 more. Exale 4.

And then lower the arms all the way down. Slowly lift the arms. Rest your feet onto the foot bar. Okay. Hold the straps in one hand. Grab your ball. Put to the ground.

We're gonna place our feet into the straps next, so go ahead and place your feet into the straps. And then stretch your legs away from you, heels are together, toes are apart, feel your spine as long and lengthen, chest is open, neck is long, And then we're gonna raise the leg straight up to the ceiling, exhale lower the leg straight down. Keep your tailbone down. Keeping the back in that neutral position, raise the legs up, exhale down. You should feel this nice stretch when your legs lift, exhale lower, and 2 more, exhale lower. Last one. And then hold the legs here.

Bend the knees into a frog position. Inhale. Bend. Exhale, stretch the legs. Like, when you're we're doing first position with footwork, feel that connection of the inner thighs, the glutes, and the 4. Pulling in as you press away. Exhale. Press Last one, hold the legs out to 45, and then into circles. The legs go up. The legs open.

They circle around. Nice and smooth exhale to breathe in circle 3, lift up, around 4. 2 more. Exhale. 5.

And then bring your legs together, reverse inhale out, exhale lower, circle the legs out, up and lower. 3, exhale lower, 4, exhale lower, 2 more leg circles. Lower last time. Lower the legs again to 45 and then stretch your legs from there out to a v position. Exhale legs go down and together, stretch out and up, and then heels pulled down and together. Breathe in.

Exhale 3. Inhale out and up. Exhale 4. Two more. See if you can recruit your abdominals. Pull them in to close the legs.

Last one, and in bend your knees in. Remove the straps from your feet. Like, carriage closes. Peg your straps and then roll over onto your side and press yourself up. Great. So we're gonna move into side lying footwork, you can lower this headrest down, grab your ball, place the ball at the headrest.

It'll be used a pillow to support your neck. Spring tension can stay the same, or you can go heavier or lighter. I'm on a red and a blue. Lie down on your right side. You have your right ear onto the ball.

Your hips come to the back edge of the carriage, and the left foot is the front edge of your footbar. Right hand to the peg, left hand on the shoulder rest. Take a big breath in, tighten your left eye and glutes, and that exhale push away one. Inhale, bend. Push away too.

And you're gonna lengthen that leg all the way to straight. And bend, press, squeeze out. And in exhale, 5. And in press squeeze 6 and in exhale 7. And in 3 more, push away.

And then 2 more push away. Bend when we get to 10, hold it long. Bend the knee and a half way. Take a small pulse. 1 and 2 pulse 3, 4, dig your heel into the foot bar, tightening through the glutes, pulse 8, Pulse 9, pulse 10, press all the way to straight, and bend all the way in.

Now externally rotate the leg. You're on your heel, the knee lifts, making sure that the hips stay square, press out and bend. This goes a little deeper into the glutes and hips press out 3. Control it in. Press out 4. And exhale 5. Return, press out 6, and activate those muscles all the way to straight, 7, All the way to straight.

Squeeze 8. Exhale for us. 9. And come in halfway once again. Take that small pulse and 2, and 3. And 4, pulse 5, pulse 6, 7, pulse, 8, 9. Now push, push, push to straight, and return. One more thing on this right side.

Your left foot goes parallel. The right leg extends under the foot bar. We extend to straight, lift the right leg, lower down, and return. Press lift lower return. Press lift lower return for lift lower return. Check that the right knee stays nice and straight as you lift.

Sometimes there's a tendency to bend the knee. So keep it straight, lift from the top of your inner thigh. 3 more, press out, lift, lower. In, press out, lift, lower, and last one out, lift, lower come all the way in. Bend your knees, and then just press yourself up to seated for an easy transition.

Turn around facing the other direction. Okay. You're gonna bring your hips to the back edge of the carriage. Come down onto your left side. And place the right foot to the front edge of the foot bar. Your hips are all the way back. Left hand to the peg, right hand to the shoulder off.

Tighten your thigh and glue. And here we go, press away 1, and then exhale to And, Ben, we squeeze the muscles. Love your thigh. 3. And press 4. And exhale per a 5 and push 6 push away 7.

Push away 8. 2 more purse. And on this last one, lengthen out, we come in halfway small pulses pressing weight through the right foot and 4 and 5, 6 pulse, 7 pulse, 8, 9 push out to straight in the right leg, bend all the way in. Externally rotate your on your heel, toes are up, exhale press 1. And then push all the way out too.

And bend to exhale 3. And bend height in the right glued for Bend, exhale 5, bend, push away 6, bend, push away 7, Ben. And, again, it's getting deeper into right hip and glutes. Press out. And in 2 more, push out And lengthen your leg hold holds come in halfway, small pulses, and 2, and 3, pulse 4, pulse 5, 6 pulse, 7, 8, 9, press the straight. Bend your knee.

Close the carriage. The right foot turns back to parallel. The left leg straightens out. Point your left toes, push the right leg away, raise the left, lower, and return. Press out, lift lower return, press 3.

Lift lower return, press 4. Lift lower. In, and 5, lift from the inner thigh, and 6, lift lower. And press 7, keep that, like, nice and straight, and press out, lift lower. One more time, push, lift the leg lower, and return.

Alright. Bend your knees. To come up, press your right hand to the shoulder rest and come all the way up to see them. Okay. Let's get rid of the ball. And the next spring, we're gonna do it on a blue spring, kneeling abs, place your knees up against the shoulder rest, and then place your hands onto the frame of the reformer. You have your back in a nice, straight, long line. You're pressing the shoulders down, pull the abs in.

Upper body is still. The legs pull the carriage in and back. Exhale too. And back. Keep your spine really long. 3. Keep the shoulders down for, again, breathe out and exhale 6 Two more pull in from your hips and pull in, and then close the carriage.

We move into round back. Tuck the chin into the chest, feeling that nice round, round back position. Pull your belly up your spine deeply exhale the carriage pulls in and back. You're nice and round. Relax your head to and hug the tailbone. Scoop the abs. 3.

Exhale. Scoop 4. Round pull in 5. Upper body stays really steady. 6, exhale, 7. One more deep scoop, and then we'll close the carriage to the stoppers. Go back to a straight spine.

Take your left hand next to the right hand. The thumbs are on the same side as your fingers, thumbs are next to each other with straight elbows, pull the right shoulder down, peek over your shoulder looking at your right foot, keep your feet on the carriage, and pull in. And back exhale to and back. The arms stay straight, 3, and the legs pull in for. Side, and look at your right foot 5, exhale 6, exhale 7, Last one. Close a carriage and then bring your left hand over followed by the right.

Thumbs are next to each other. Look over your shoulder to your left foot and pull in 1. Exhale to peek down to the left foot, 3, and pull this shoulder down for. Exhale. 5.

And pull in 6. 2 more to work her left obliques. And number 8, the carriage closes. Coming into a child's post position, bring your feet together. The arms stretch out long.

Your forehead goes down to the headrest. Stay there for another deep full breath inhale. Latterly breathe during the rib cage. Exhale, breathe out all of the air, empty your lungs, and then place your hands next to your knees, tuck your chin. We're gonna roll up to seated.

Great. And then once you are sitting, step off of your reformer. And we're gonna adjust this foot bar. So let's bring it all the way flat. We're gonna do a seated arm series. I like to do it on one red spring.

Grab your lung box. Okay. Bend at your knees, keeping your spine straight. So let's pick up that box. And place it on your reformer. We're gonna pick up the ball and have a seat.

So sitting up onto the box, the ball goes between your knees. Now scoot your body back. You want your calves up against the box. You wanna be as far back as you can, and then hold on to your straps. Reach your fingertips down to the floor.

Lift your eye gaze a little higher than eye level and roll your shoulders back. Press the arms behind you. And then reach the arms forward. Ex, you'll open your chest. Press 2 and forward.

Press 3. And for keep your chest nice and open, press 4. And forward, press 5. And for careful not to rush your way through, just a little squeeze at the back. So press hold it for a second.

And forward. 3 more. Press hold for a second. And forward. 2 more. Press hold. On this last one, hold it back.

Open your chest and stay for 3, and 2, and 1, and reach your arms forward. Turn the palms of your hands up, you're gonna curl your tailbone under. So you're in a c curve. Squeeze the ball with your inner thighs. Keep your elbows up. And do a bicep curl. 1, and extend.

Exhale. 2, extend. Watch that your wrist stay nice and straight. There's a tendency to break at the wrist. Risks are straight.

Elbows are lifted. Scoop your abs in. And squeeze the ball with the inner thighs. Exhale. Last three.

Breathe out. 2. Hold it in. Squeeze and hold for 3. 2. 1, straighten your arms, and let's roll up to seed in. Take the straps, criss cross the straps, hold up onto the flat part of your straps, sit nice and straight, and then bend your elbows squeeze between the shoulder blades. Reach for it. Again, keep your chest nice and open too.

And for it's nice to open up your chest, work the back muscles, especially after having a baby when we're surrounded from cuddling the baby. So open your chest. Squeeze your back and exhale pull back. 5 more. Squeeze your back 5.

Let's squeeze the ball 4. Sit nice and tall, 3. And exhale too. And last one. Now straighten your arms.

Keep your right elbow straight at a loose tension. Pull your left elbow back. Look over your left shoulder, bow and arrow. And then reach your left arm long. It'll stay straight.

There's no tension. Pull the right elbow back. Look over the shoulder. And center rotate. And center bow and arrow.

Reach your left arm. Pull the right elbow back. Axale twist. And center. Axale twist.

And center 4 more rotate. Center ax sail 3 more. Center bow and arrow 2 more. Center. Last one.

And release. Alright. Peg your straps. Place them down. And let's step off of the reformer.

From here, turn your box around. We'll move into the short box. If you're tall, place the box behind the shoulder rest or it can be in front. Okay. Add all of your springs. Grab the ball and sit up onto your box.

We're gonna place our feet underneath the safety strap, And then place the ball between your knees. Okay? That ball is there just to help you to feel your inner thighs and pull up deeper through your pelvic floor and your deep core. Cross your arms into genie arms, nice and straight, take a deep breath in, and then exhale squeeze of all hurl the pelvis under rounding into your letter c shape, take an inhale here, exhale pull your abs in around forward and lift up straight. Exhale roll back into that letter c shape. Take a breath in.

Exhale. Pull your abs and squeeze of all lift up straight. Exhale. Roll back. Breathe in. Exale, pull the belly to the spine, roll up, lift straight. 2 more. Breathe out, roll back.

And exhale roll up. Last one in the c curve, tailbone tucked under abs, pull in. You're nice and round. And then round forward. And then you're gonna stay straight here. Lace the fingers behind your head.

Feel like you're gently pulling on your neck. You're lifting the crown of the head to the ceiling. Bring your elbows into your peripheral vision so they're not too wide. And with a nice straight back lean back, and exhale lift up. Focus point is straight in front of you.

Don't take your eyes up to the ceiling. Exhale lift up. My eye gaze is a little higher than eye level. It stays there on the way back, and it stays there on the way up. Two more breathing hinge back, exhale squeeze of all lift up. Last one inhale back. Exale lift up.

Reach your arms forward. We're gonna take a spine twist. Keeping your left arm nice and straight. Follow the right middle finger with eyes reach back and pulse 3. Further 2. Further one.

Reach the center. Left arm goes back. Fall your hand with your eyes, pulse 3, further 2, further 1, and center exhale back. And 2, 3, center exhale twist. 2, 3. Center. Keep your hips steady.

1, and 2. Thurry. Center last time. Twist. 2, 3, and center. Relax. The arms down. Now, we're going to step off of the reformer.

We're gonna stay on the short box, but we need to change our springs. Let's go down in springs for arm work. I'm moving to a blue spring. We've also done it on a blue and a yellow or even a red. Have a seat, place the ball between your knees, and then scoot your hips back.

So they're to the back edge of your box, and your heels are pulling right up into the box. We're gonna pick up our straps, and then sitting up nice and tall again. Your palms are facing up elbows into the rib cage. Moving into the offering, reach the arms straightforward, inhale, open the arms wide, exhale, pull the arms in. And bend your elbows.

Exhale. Reach forward. Inhale. Open wide. Exhale pull in. And bend the elbows.

X. You'll reach 3. And he'll open. Pull in. And bend the elbows. Two more reach forward, inhale open, exhale close, and bend.

Last time, reach. Open the arms. Squeeze the ball. Pull in and bend. Now, take the arms out into your peripheral vision, soften your elbows, pull your stem again.

Hug a tree. 1, and he'll open, squeeze the ball too, and open. So you're also working your core deeply here. 3. Inertheizing core, 4, working your posture, 5, sitting nice and straight, hug 6, 2 more hugs, 7. Last time, breed out 8. And then we'll open the arms. We're moving into either salute or shave.

I prefer the shave hands behind the head. But if it fails better than your shoulders, bring them in front of your head, press the arms up 1, and Ben, touch the thumbs, the index fingers together, making that little diamond shape with your hands, press 3. So you're leaning forward, but try not to drop your head down, keep your eyes up, shoulders down, neck is long, and press up. And Ben, 3 more, press up. And Ben, 2 more, press up.

And Ben, now the last one you reached open the arms out to your sides. One more arm exercise. Flip the straps. So grab it with your thumbs. Make fist with your hands. Bend your elbows.

Well, if it if your spring is heavier than a blue, it might be hard. So maybe change it. You're gonna press the right arm forward or rotate to the left. And center. Switch rotate and center. Axale 3.

And center rotate, press 4. And center rotate, push 5. Send or tighten up your core squeeze of all 6, exhale, press 7, One more time, press 8 and release. Close the carriage in. Peg your straps.

Okay. Step off of the reformer. Turn your box around. We're a back to long box. The foot bar will raise to a low foot bar level. So I just bring it down to that very bottom notch here.

Okay. I like to do a lot of arm work with my postdated ladies because we are carrying babies. So we're going to another arms to your use here. Lie on your stomach with your chest off of the box, hands wide on the foot bar, legs about hip distance, point your toes, Now the elbows are slightly below the shoulders, pull the bottom of your shoulder blades down, and then push the carriage away. And bend. Press out.

Control the bend. Faying the bottom of your shoulder blade is really drawing down your back. Exale out. Control it in. Exale out. Control it in. Let's go for 3. And in press out too.

And in last time, press bring the carriage in, lighten the spring for triceps. I'm on a red and a yellow. Hands come in line with your shoulders, elbows point straight down. So try to squeeze elbows towards each other. And then you press out, elbows point straight down.

Press out. Pull straight down. You're gonna feel that little fire in the back of your arms. Exale for pull straight down. Press 5.

Pull down. Press 6. Pull straight down 2 more. 7. Down. Last one. 8.

And bring it in. The yellow spring comes off. We're moving into Swan. Bring your shoulders in line with the foot bar, so scooch forward a little. Hands are wide, elbows are down.

Now push the carriage away. I really go for a good range of motion here. So push, push, push, push, push, look down at the floor. Then glide your shoulders down, start to pick up your head and lift your chest arching up. Exale, press away.

Look down at the floor. Really push the foot bar away. Bend your elbows. Ex, you'll push all the way up. Look at the floor.

Pick up your head and glide the carriage in. Exale press away. Look down and bend in. 3 more press out. Lift your chest or chair back. This is another really great one for us postnatal women.

And, Ben, because we are surrounded forward. Press out. And he'll lift your chest, lift your head, lift your eye gaze, push away and bend in. Last time, press out. Inhale.

Lift your chest, and that's hold it. Lift and hold. Press away. And bend the elbows to return. Step off of your reformer. Okay. Pick up your box, again, carefully changing your box.

Bend at your knees to place it down and head back to the foot bar. The foot bar goes up to our high foot bar footwork kind of level. Spring tension, let's go for 2 reins, and we're moving into the flat back elephant. Your hands will go wide on that foot bar. Stand up on your feet, heels up against the shoulder ass, hips are over your heels, lengthen your back So feel your back is long and straight.

Your ears are right next to your arms and then push the carriage out exhale pull it and stretch 1. Exhale stretch 2. So this flat back elephant is more for feeling the stretch in the back of your thighs. Tight up your core, of course, but pull in, get that length of the hamstrings. Ex a length then 4.

Exhale 3. Exhale 2. And last one, we close the carriage. Take a small step forward. Press your heels down, lift your toes, and now round your back. Okay. So your whole spine is around.

Your head is heavy. Your back lifts. Your belly pulls in and up. Really scoop. And he'll press out, squeeze the cord to pull in. Out exhale in.

Out x hale and check your shoulders are down, and your neck is relaxed. Exhale 5. Scoop 6. Scoop 7 and last 18. Alright. Step down to the right side of your reformer.

Lighten up the spring a little bit. We'll go to a red and a blue. We're moving into a scooter. Your hands are on the foot bar. The left foot, dig your toes under the, dig your toes under, place your heel up against the shoulder rest.

You have your right foot in line with your left knee, and then lift up into a squat position. Arms are straight. Link in that left leg all the way out and bend. Get length pushed too. And, Ben, really squeeze your thigh into your glutes.

3. Exhale. Push 4. Exhale. Push 5. Keep your head up. Press 6. Exhale. Push 7.

And all the way to straight to 8. 2 more. Push 9. And 10. Now close the carriage in. 2nd version of scooter. This right foot steps forward a little.

Hands go behind your back, lift the left knee. Your right knee has bent. Now open your chest. Pull your abs in, drop your tailbone down. The range of motion is very small.

You push a little back and a little back and 3. Exale 4, feeling your pelvis alignment, 5, tailbone drops down, abs in and up, 6. Push to leg 7. Exale 8, exhale 9, and 10, whoo, that one burns. Let's walk around, and we'll do the other side. So hands on the footbar, right foot up against the shoulder rest.

Left foot in line with your right knee, come into a squat, look forward, pull your abs in and push 1. And then fully straight, 2. And then exhale 3. Bend, exhale 4. Bend push back 5 and push back 6.

Exhale 7, and push 8. 2 more squeeze 9. And ton. Now for the balancing scooter, the left foot steps forward a little bit. Hands behind your back, raise standing alignment, abs in, even sometimes I go like this, one hand to the belly, one hand to the back.

Let's do that. Feeling that your pelvis stays stable and do a small push. 1. And 2. I can't be big. 3. And 4. And that really burns. 5.

And 6, press 7, press 8, press 9, 10. Good. Alright. Nailing on to your reformer, hands on the foot bar. Okay. Springs are good, red, blue, 2 reds is also an option. Round back knee stretch.

So again, just like the round back elephant, sometimes we call this baby elephant. That's appropriate for this class. So you're in your little baby elephant position on your knees, so scoop your abs in, press your shoulders down, and then the carriage goes out to axle scoop the belly. Out to exhale 2. Let's pick up the pace.

Pull in 3, exhale 4, exhale 5, Exale 6, exhale 7, drop your head. Scoop 8, 2 more, 9, 10. Go to a flat back. Look straight forward. Sit towards your heels, abs, and shoulders down.

Press out. Pull. Out pull to pick up the base, and 3, exhale 4, exhale 5, and 6, and 7, and 8, and 9, and 10, close a carriage. The blue spring comes off. We're down to 1 red spring. Step to the left side of your reformer.

Your left foot goes underneath the foot bar. The right foot is up against the shoulder rest. Stand up straight to start the, so as stretch, lunge down, lunge down, stretching your hip flexor. Inhale. Come up. Exhale.

Press back to Inhale lift. Exhale. Press 3. Inhale. Lift. Exhale, press 4, and lift.

Hold a stretch. Release to your hips for 5. 4, 3, 2, 1, bring the carriage into the stopper, turn face to your reformer. We'll move into the mermaid. So your left hand is in the middle of your footbar.

You're going to place the right shin up against the shoulder rest. Left leg is forward. This right arm is out to the side, palm is up, exhale come into a side stretch, inhale, lift, and open the arm. Two more exhale side stretch, inhale, lift, open the right arm. One more. Hold your stretch over, rotate your torso.

The right hand goes wide on the foot bar. Left hand goes wide. On the foot bar, look down. Just like this one we did. It's very similar, but we're in this twist.

You're gonna inhale lift your chest. Look forward. Exhale press look down. Inhale. Glide the carriage in. Exhale.

Press it away. Inhale. Left exhale, press stay or left hand to the middle of the foot bar, right arm overhead, Come all the way up. Let's grab hold of that shoulder rest. Left arm goes up. Stretch and pulse.

3. Left arm overhead too. And one, open your left arm. Take your feet down onto the floor. And then we'll do the SOWA stretch and then mermaid on side too. Left foot up against the shoulder rest right foot under the foot bar.

Sync down into your hip flexor stretch. Stay there. You push forward into your hands, keep your shoulders down eyes up, inhale come up a little, Exale, press back, inhale up, exhale, sink your hips down and stretch lift up 4, exhale stretch, lift up 5, and hold the stretch for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, bringing the carriage into the stoppers. Face the reformer moving into the Mermaid. We're gonna sit on that right tip.

The left shin is against the shoulder rest, right leg is forward. Bring your right hand to the middle of the footbar, left arm out, palm to ceiling, and exhale stretch your side, stretch over. Reeze up, open the left arm. Push the carriage away. Stretch your side over.

Lift up. One more mermaid, stretching your side. Stay there and pivot. The left hand goes wide on the foot bar. Right hand goes wide on the foot push the carriage away, look down.

Inhale. Lift your chest. Look forward. Exhale. Push away like swan and twisting at the same time. I love this one. I hope you do too.

And he'll lift. Exhale, press away. One more time. Inhale. Left exhale press away. Right hand to the center of the foot bar.

Left arm stretches overhead, and then we'll come up, close the carriage, left hand to the shoulder rest, raise your right arm, stretch over for 3, pulse to 1, open the arm, and then go ahead and stand up off of the reformer. Stand up nice and straight, feet parallel, hip distance apart, just feeling your body is upright, weight is pressing down equally through your feet, tighten up to your thighs, your glutes, your abs are pulling in and up, shoulders are down, and just take a deep breath, and he'll lift your arms. Ex. You'll press your arms down. And we are finished. Thank you for joining our post needle reformer class.


Borbala H
Fantastic! I enjoyed this one so much ❤️
Excellent class to work through that post holiday slump. I feel great. Thank you!

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