Class #5774

Teaser Prep Flow

10 min - Class


Objective: This flow focuses on core strength and balance, incorporating arm work to challenge stability and prepare the body for the Teaser exercise.

Important Cues: Emphasize maintaining a strong core throughout the flow, encourage proper breathing techniques, and remind clients that the lighter spring setting increases the challenge, requiring more control and balance.

Recommended Springs: Use 1 Red (heavy) spring for optimal resistance and support during this core-focused flow, allowing for controlled movements while challenging balance and stability.
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box)

About This Video

Jan 02, 2025
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Hi. I'm Maria, and we're gonna be building a teaser prep flow. Our primary focus for this is gonna be the articulation of the spine as well as the balance. You're gonna be working on Leone heavy spring, but remember the lighter you go on this exercise, the more challenge you'll have while rolling up. I'm working on Leone heavy spring. The foot bar is down.

The headrest is down. Turn and face the back. Bring your feet to the headrest. Scoop yourself a comfortable distance forward. And now reach forward and grab hold of your ropes so that you have no slack.

Sit up beautifully tall. Take a breath in on an exhale. Pull that tailbone under and sequence your off down to your ab curl position. Shoulder blades are open in hell here, exhale peel right back in and up, minimizing the lift of the ropes. And, again, tuck and peel down. And you might notice that your body is not, your shoulders are not touching the carriage.

Pull in and all the way up. One more here, tuck and roll down to the ab curl. Now we're gonna add an element of teaser Take one leg out straight. Pause here. And as you peel up, bend that knee and compress your chest into the thigh Leone. Reach the leg away, sequencing through the spine, stop at the ab curl, sequence yourself right back in, compress the chest to thigh bone. Continue like this, and some of you might opt to start keeping that leg straight as you lift. Now that's entirely up to you.

Reach that leg Leone, always on the way down, always sequencing to come up. Let's do one more like that, your choice, and wherever you're at, bring that top leg to tabletop and bring the other leg up to join it. Let's stay here and just experience the balance, breathing in through the nose, and out through the mouth without changing the pelvis. Let's begin to add toe taps, inhaling, and exhaling. Drawing in from the center of the body, and then some of you might opt to take the leg straight and continue the same pattern with a straight leg.

Last time here, let the 2 feet come to the headrest, drop the knees open, and just stretch your body forward for a moment. Just giving those hip flexors a little bit of arrest. Come right back up. We have a second side to do. So you're gonna roll back to that ab curl position again, extend the other leg out straight, exhale peel in, compress the chest to the thigh Leone, peel yourself back.

And we're not resting at the bottom. We go down to come right back up, pull the chest to the knee. Again, and remember I'm saying chest to knee, not knee to chest. I'm trying to minimize the involvement of the hip flexor. Maybe some of you have already started to take that leg straight.

About 2 more here, feeling the crown of the head as well, lengthening towards the ceiling. Wherever you're at, take your leg to tabletop, bring the other leg up, find your balance with just back off the sit Leone, and we go into our toe taps, inhale to exhale, inhale to exhale. Last time like this, bring the 2 feet down, sit yourself up, put the ropes down. We're gonna counter stretch the front of the hip just by pressing the hips up, draw the shoulder blades together, deep breath in, and lower down. This time, pick up your loops. Palms are up.

Tuck and roll back down into that ab curl and begin a little bicep curl here. Making sure that the collar bones are staying nice and wide. From here, we're gonna roll up into our teaser. Now my arms are floating up now to give me a little bit of with that. Then the knees, the 2 feet go down sequence back down to that ab curl position option for you to begin alternating the bicep curls, or stay with two arms.

The chest is constantly lifting. I'm pressing my lower back into the mat, and this take another teaser peeling up Some of you might go back to tabletop. The 2 feet come down, tuck and peel down. We got Leone more set in Leone more option, which would be to stay with 3 biceps on one arm, so we're doubling that load and then changing to the other arm, but you might still be doing two arms. The arms are straight.

Let's peel right back up into our teaser position, crown of the head to the ceiling, one big beautiful breath in, one long exhale out, and place the 2 feet down. Sit yourself up. This take a quick butterfly stretch here. From here, bring your two hands to one rope, choke up so there's no slack. Your chest heads towards the rope, the knees go slightly away, and we're gonna peel down in this rotation And peel right back up.

And, again, tuck to roll down. And peelings up. Let's go to the other side. Choking up on the ropes. No slack. The knees go away from the rope, and you peel down and peel up.

And you're trying to roll down Just to one side of the spine as best you can. Come back center. Pick up the loops again. Tuck and roll yourself back halfway. The chest is still lifted from here.

Begin to press the arms open and in. Back open for 2. And then stay here, you might try lifting one leg up. That's already a considerably harder challenge. And then, of course, you would take this to the other leg as well.

My pelvis just shifted a little bit. So I'm gonna correct now. From there, two legs up, and maybe you're doing a smaller range of motion here. Again, the balance is precarious. It helps if you feel the crown of the head heading to the ceiling. And then Grand finale, the toes are pointed.

Oh, hold yourself steady. Keep your focus. Maybe start smaller. Don't let your ego get in the way and lower the feet. The loops go down.

Let's take that beautiful counter stretch again. Pull the shoulder blades together. Open the front of the hips, lower down, and that is the end of that sequence.


Thank you for this, very inspirational record, as always... :)
Jodie B
I love this progression into teaser Each layer felt amazing and not soo scarey Thank you
Rachael S
My class loved this Maria - & asked to keep working on it, so I'll be repeating it this week & a lot more.Ā 
Jacquie A
Love this flow!

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