Class #5793

Tash's Go-To Reformer

35 min - Class


Dive into Tash Barnard's go-to Reformer class, where the primary focus is on achieving a seamless flow from one exercise to the next, cultivating a deep quality of movement. This rhythmic, athletic session emphasizes spinal articulation, leaving your spine feeling long and strong as you move through carefully crafted sequences. Trusting your body and connecting with your breath, you'll find yourself rising up and feeling invigorated throughout, creating an experience you'll want to return to time and time again.
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box)

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Hi, everyone. I'm Tash Barnard from South Africa. So excited to share with you this party's reformer class. Come and join me. I'm on one read spring, and we are going to flow and move from one exercise into the next, starting on the actual carriage with your feet flexed against the shoulder rests, reaching your hands forward onto the foot bar, with your pelvis back onto your heels. We're going to inhale, extend your thoracic spine, and then just exhale, press back into a stretch here.

We're gonna repeat that. Inhale to lift up. And exhale to press down. Let's do three more. Inhale to lift. And exh exhale to lower down.

Remember we don't work through pain or any discomfort in our shoulder joint. So stay within your range. One more. Inhale. Inhale. And exhale to press down all the way.

We're gonna lift up inhale this time, lift your pelvis up off your heels. Exhale, call your spine, round your back. And inhale into your flat back, lift your hips up. Exhale to call, articulate your spine and inhale extend three more inhale. Moving with deep quality of movement two more. The carriage hasn't moved once.

You're keeping the carriage on the stopper exhale. Tash one inhale lift up and exhale round your spine all the way down and inhale come into your straight spine. From here, we combine those two movements. We're gonna press the body down, extend the hips away. Pull the carriage back in exhale and deep call flexing the spine.

Inhale extend, pressing the shoulders down. Use your abdominals as you push your legs away, making sure you stay out of any pain in that lower back. And exhale to call three more. Enhale and exhale. Pull through the shoulders. Call up, up, have a little pause moment, and call back down.

And two more and extend, lifting up and up and up and exhale down Tash one inhale. And extend your legs away, lift yourself up. And exhale to call all the way down. Elonate your back, just rotate to the side, give yourself a rotation stretch here, and back, and just three more or two more after this, and back, and rotate, and extend, and one more. And come up. Let's stretch your hips out.

Place your right ball of the foot on the foot bar. Open your chest, and we're just gonna flow into a hamstring stretch. And lift up into your side stretch and exhale to reach and reach and inhale lift up. One more, and then we're going to lift the back knee off the carriage if you prefer to keep it down, stay down. That's up to you. XL reach, we're just moving the joints nice and easy, and two more. And back, and the last one, reach and hold, and come back.

Lower the knee down, swap legs. Inhale, and exhale reach out. Oh, this is the tight hamstring and two more before we lift the knee up. And one more reach and reach and back, lift the back knee off, exhale extend. Inhale to bend, and the last one, reach and hold, and come back.

Lower the knee down. Alright, everyone. Let's add a spring on. We're gonna do single leg footwork. Come and sit on the edge of your carriage.

So I've got two red springs on. Lie yourself down. Placing your feet on top of your foot Barnard the balls of the feet. We're not doing a full series. You're gonna lift your right leg bent up off the foot bar, inhale, and exhale, extend away.

And back. And excel, try and get those epic senses to initiate the movement. Three more, keeping the heel nice and high, and exhale two and resistor and one. And back, swab legs, exhale extend, inhale to bend, and keeping the bent leg at 90 degrees. Oh, a little crampy.

Exhale. And inhale. And remember to always check-in with your posture. Keep your pelvis neutral, reaching through the hip joint. Two more exhale.

And resist, and one more, and back. Back onto the ball of the foot, lifting the right leg up. We're going to extend both legs at the same time. Dorsy flex the ankles rise up and come back. XL extend.

Inhale rise up and bend. And make sure you keep your thigh above your hip joint as you flex and point three more and full ankle movements. And two down and up and bend. And the last one, flex rise and hold it here for me. You're gonna press your left heel underneath the bar, dorsiflex your right ankle going into a leg circle, just five movements on each range.

One more. And we reverse it. Inhale and exhale. And inhale, pelvic stability, and hold it here, rise up, bend your knee and come back, swap sides excel extend, dorsi flex, and rise, and come back. And be in control of your equipment.

Don't let the spring do the work for you. You are going to work against the resistance of the spring and back. And three more, inhale, and two more How's that pelvis doing? Keeping your hips nice and still last one, rise up and hold, lower the right heel under the bar, dorsiflex the ankle and we go across the body inhale and exhale, inhale, exhale one more inhale pause and reverse exhale inhale. Three, four, and five, rise up. Place both your toes on the bar, and rise up nice and high for me.

Keep your pelvis neutral Don't push into that lower back as we go into your prances, inhale, inhale, and exhale, exhale, your prances, prances, or prances, if you are American, and up, down, up, down, and full range, full range of movement, everyone. We'll do two more sets, inhale, inhale, exhale. And last one, inhale, inhale, and exhale, press your right heel underneath the bar. Take your left foot, grab the Barnard give yourself a delicious stretch in your calf. And change in your calf.

Rise up, bend your knees, and come back. Stretch your legs over the bar, do one roll up for me extend your arms to the ceiling, lifting your head and chest, rolling yourself up, bring your legs to the side, and just remove one spring. Of your setting. Come back down. I'm ready for some abdominal work, balancing the body out. Let's work.

Reach your arms up towards the ceiling. Make sure your shoulders stabilizers are engaged, and you are not pressing your shoulders into the shoulder rest. You're gonna lift your right leg bent up off the floor, keep the carriage still, bring the second leg off the floor, 500 preps, breathe in. Exhale, lift the head and chest, curl up, and lower down inhale. Keeping your shins parallel to the floor, and lower down, and exhale three, deepen the flexure, and lower down shoulder stability.

Two more exhale, exhale, exhale, and inhale, and one more exhale lift and hold. Lower down this time we extend the legs. Exhale reach, stretch hold, bend back inhale down, and exhale and give me quality of movement. And three and exhale inhale. I like towards the mid thigh and lower down Tash one.

XL reach up. Hold it here. Bend your right knee, lower the left leg. Maintain the heights of the chest, exhale reach, and exhale reach, single leg stretch. Lift that chest a little bit higher for formal, exhale three, exhale two, and one, bend both knees, lower the head and chest down. You're gonna exhale and move back into your hundreds position, externally rotate your hips and your arms, and we go inhale ab openings.

Exhale draw together, squeeze and hold it here. Inhale and inhale. And exhale, the height of the chest does not drop. We go for four. Inhale three, arms to shoulder height, exhale together.

Two more inhale. One more inhale, and exhale from here parallel legs. Lower your head, lift your legs into a roll over exhale. Flex your feet, everyone, abduct your legs, roll your spine down with control, and then lower the legs and lift your arms back to 90. Inhale, lower the arms.

Lift the legs, exhale roll up and over. Flex your feet. Open an exhale to roll, articulate. That's fine. And I left the legs. Three more.

Inhale to lift. And use those lower abdominals to roll the pelvis up and over, flex and open. XL to roll down, and down. And lifting up two more inhale. XL over flexing open, keeping your head up towards the ceiling no turning of the head, and lift and lower one more inhale to lift, and exhale roll over roll over.

Flex and open, lower your feet a little bit this time for that extra stretch, and then roll down all the way, lowering the legs, lifting the arms. Beent your knees come back inhale. From here, lift the arms, place your feet one at a time on the bar. And on the light spring, everyone, we're gonna move into our hip work. So extend your legs away, safely place one foot at a time into the strap, and then we're going to move into our beloved frogs Just get the extension there and bend.

Keep your ankles dorsey flex so those adductors can work and inhale bend. And again, the pelvis stays still. The movement is from your hips. We'll do three more go into the circles. And to Whoops, work those inner thighs.

And one plant to flex your feet here, lift your legs up, breathe in. We circle down, exhale, and around. And exhale and around. Remember the idea is just to move from one exercise into the next, keeping your transition movements as part of your exercises. Two more. And one, let's reverse it, abduct, adapt, and laugh.

And healthy hips moving nice and free. XL three more. Keep the pelvis still. And exhale and able to spine. And two and ready for the openings. We all love this exercise stretching their hips out and exhale together.

And inhale, inhale, inhale, and exhale together. Just three more. Inhale. Tash one, open, stretch and hold it. Give yourself a little assisted stretch here, everyone. Keep the pelvis still, gentle pull on your straps, if that feels right in your body, one more breath, and then bring your legs together.

We're gonna go into your short spine, three short spines followed by the long spine, inhale. Extend the legs away. On the light spring, so control your spinal articulation. XL roll up. Inhale, bend your knees.

Keep the tension on your straps. Exhale roll that spine down, down, down, flex the feet and back to the start. We go away, exhale, inhale to lift, all the way, carry home, all the way, all the way, all the way. Exhale to roll up, inhale to bend the knees, and roll down exhale flex and away. Last one, extend away. Bring your carriage home, exhale to roll up, inhale bend your knees, and then roll down flex your ankles, lower the pelvis, ready for your lungs, fine. Everyone, bring your legs to 90 degrees.

XL rolling up, up, and up, inhale abduct, and then roll down through your spine, bringing that pelvis all the way down and circle the legs two more, inhale up. And exhale. Cater extension. Inhale, abdak. And roll down.

Keep the carriage soul. Keep the carriage soul. And circle. Last one inhale to lift. And we exhale roll up. Inhale air duct and roll and roll.

And roll all the way down. Bend your knees towards your chest. Take your feet out of the strap one at a time. Place them down. Alright, everyone.

Bring yourself into a seated position. We are going to move into your up stretches. We are going to move. I'm gonna come and stand aside. Place your hands onto your football.

Step onto your carriage, stay on your light spring, and we move into your up stretch three from your up stretch position. Press your legs away. Travel forward, all the way till the carriage hits the stopper, and then we exhale back up, and lower down, and travel all the way. Find that stability within your shoulders. And press back up two more.

Inhale and long stretch. XL two left. Finish each movement one more in this direction, then we'll reverse it. And travel. And exhale ready for the reverse.

Keep the carriage stall. Bring your body over your shoulders, extend and push the carriage away, and exhale. Come back up. And again, find that stability within the movement, hold it, hold it, then we move back, and exhale pull back in forward over the bar, pause and hold, then push away. Use your abdominals and pull the carriage back in one more.

Inhale forward. Keep the heels back against the shoulder wrists and pull back and pull in all the way from here, everyone. We're gonna ramp things up, and we're gonna do some push ups on the reform, ma'am. Let your shoulders be slightly back from the wrists, keep your carriage still, and we're gonna bend down. Inhale, and exhale.

Four more. Keep the carriage stall and stretch and hold. And the heel stay back against the shoulder wrists, and two more. And one more, stretch and hold. Keep the carriage still. Point your right leg up off the carriage behind you, leg, pull front, exhale, inhale.

Excel, inhale, all stability in the carriage in the shoulders, and change legs, stabilize before you move five times exhale. And four. And three. XL two. XL one. Place the foot back, breathing.

Step your right foot forward onto the football. Hold it here. I want you to find your stability. Trust your body. Alright. Breathe in, everyone.

Find your stability. Reach your arms out. And interlace the fingers slightly behind the head. We lower down inhale, inhale, and exhale pull the carriage home. Hold it and pause.

And two more. Inhale and inhale and exhale up. Reach and hold. Keep the stability. One more. Inhale and inhale. And exhale up, reach and hold on this last one, send the back leg away, reach your hands forward, hold the foot Barnard drop that heel underneath.

Hold it and hold it, and one more breath. Come back, shoulders over the wrists. Step the leg back. We repeat the whole sequence. We inhale bend and extend.

And two, maybe trust your body and go a little bit deeper than what you initially think you can move into. One more. And inhale, exhale up and hold, leg pull front with the left leg, and we go for five. Three working from the glute two. And one. Hold the carriage.

So you've got this guys, and let's move together five. XL four. XL three. Two. And one.

Place it down, breathe in, and we step the left leg forward. Find your stability, bring your hands out to the side, Oh, this man not so good leg, hands behind your head. But off we go, inhale lower, lower, lower, exhale draw the carriage up and hold two more, inhale to lower, moving two legs equally from the pelvis, and exhale up, and hold one more. Inhale, and inhale, and exhale up and hold. I felt I could organize that a little bit better.

And then lower down, reach the arms forward, drop the heel, enjoy the stretch. You deserve it, and come back in. All the way. Great, everyone. We're gonna move from the one red spring to a blue spring.

We're gonna turn around. Let's do our reverse knee stretch and reverse knee stretch obliques, your knees are not going to touch your shoulder rest, reach your hands forward, stabilize through your shoulders, and move your pelvis into that posterior tilt. I'm doing my best. Not my best move, but I'm doing my best. I promise you, breathing.

XL moving from that lower back. Use your abdominals and inhale back. And exhale Making sure your abdominals are doing the work you're stabilizing through your shoulders, three more. XL two. And exhale one, hold it, hold it, hold it, stabilize, reach the left leg out, hover and hold.

Keep it Tash you move the thigh back and pull forward five on each side. And exhale. And three. XL two. And exhale one.

Hold hold. Hold. Place the left leg down. Transcision over, knee goes back, and we exhale. Keep the back leg lifted. Don't let it collapse down.

Three more. And exhale to and exhale one. You're gonna hold it. Yeah. Place your knee down. Move your right arm across to the left frame.

We exhale obliques in hell back. And exhale shoulder stability, two more, and exhale. And last one, hold it, hold it, hold it, step across. Keep the carriage as tall as possible, and we move the knees back and exhale forward. And four.

XL three. And two and one more. Hold it here. Coming back to where we started, then bring the carriage back home. All the way. Great stuff, everyone.

Hopefully, those heart rates are up. We are gonna challenge your stabilizers even more with some arm work, right foot on their head rest. Reach and hold on to your straps. Place your hands on top of the shoulder rest, lift your pelvis up off your heels. Find your stability as you bring your body into a lunge.

You are going to turn your palms to face away from your body. You're gonna exhale. We're gonna lift your arms up over your head in line with your shoulders. Open your arms and exhale forward, and lift up, and around, and forward, and three more. Full range of movement, everyone, and we go two more up and up and a little bit more, and then open and close one more, and exhale, lift, open and pause in the t position.

We reverse exhale up, lower down, abduct, exhale up, and over. And down no leaning back, moving from the arms, stabilizing through the rest of the body, two more. And the last one, and open, and left. And hold it here, then come down. Place your straps down or your hands on your shoulder rest, swap your legs.

Left foot forward. Make sure that right foot is nice and Safe. Take a breath, hover the back knee. Arms in line. We repeat it. We go.

Up with the arms. Open to the side and forward. And left and forward three more. XL, pelvic lumbar stabilization is still a thing here. Two more.

You, and one more, and left up, up, up, and around reverse, exhale, and lower down. And open, and low left, and lower. Three more using that breath, and two, and down. And the last one up, obeyed, and lower down with control all the way, staying on your knees for me. We're gonna finish off by reaching your hands towards the ropes, bringing your pelvis off your heels, extend your arms up behind you.

You wanna find that point of no return with stability. So don't be too comfortable, challenge your spinal stabilizers Tash the arms extend and bend. And extend, and bend, and exhale, inhale, and for more, and bend, exhale three, and exhale two, and one, hold it, hold it, hold it, enable to spine, and lower the hips to then bring the carriage back home all the way. Come and bring yourself onto your feet. In a standing position, I want you to interlace your hands behind your back.

Pull your arms down, lengthen the crown of the head up towards the ceiling. Lift your arms breathe in. Lower your chin, exhale to roll, forward up and over your thighs, release the arms down towards the floor, and then exhale to call and roll yourself up. Two more. Intelay stands.

Left and stretch. Keep your ribcage in don't hyperextend. XL to lower your head. And roll forward, and circle the arms around and down, and exhale to roll up one more inhale. And lift exhale forward, rolling down, circling your arms around and down to the floor, and exhale to roll up.

All the way, interlace your hands behind your head, tilt over to this side, inhale, enjoy that stretch, and exhale to lift. And three more inhale and inhale and exhale one more set. Inhale over. And exhale up. Lost one.

Inhale and inhale. And exhale. Up well done, everyone. Good work. I hope you enjoyed that, and I hope to see you soon.


Whitley N
This class was extremely challenging and I loved it! I enjoyed you keeping a class like this moving so I didn't have time to overthink and talk myself out of the movement. Thank you!
Melissa - Take Good Care Pilates
Okay, red spring! 😮‍💨 Loved it. After just one workout last week, this put me back into play! Thanks, Tash!
Shona Croft
Fab little class flew by! Great pace. I had to add a blue for the standing straight leg splits…. Hope to achieve a red soon! Thanks Tash. 
Shannon H
That felt great. I love your classes Tash. Thank you.
Michele M
Woweeee long the pacer and challage of one red spring!  Been awhile since I tried that and so happy to do it again!! Thank you for sharing and can’t wait to see more on PA:D!!
Awesome seamless flow! Love the classical work combined with new challenges. Loved the standing lunge with the arm circles! 
That was a lot of fun. I feel great! Thanks! And I love your accent. 😊
Love the flow!
Sara P
nice class !!
Challenging class! Thank you for helping me find my deep core!!!

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