Class #5794

Make It Stronger Mat

30 min - Class


Experience an exhilarating and advanced Mat class with Tash Barnard as she revisits challenging exercises from her Make It Strong challenge. This dynamic session begins with a thorough warm-up, preparing your body for the intense workout ahead, including a finale flow featuring Rolling Like a Ball, Pistol Squat, and Warrior 3. Tash's innovative approach incorporates bursts of cardio, handstand prep, and advanced movements, designed to push your limits and help you achieve a state of flow throughout this demanding Pilates workout.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Welcome back to Pilates anytime. I'm Tash Barnard, and I am here to help you make your Mac practice stronger. So come and join me. Standing with your feet 1 fist width apart. Arriving with a upright posture and an intention to move really, really well.

Start with your lateral breath. Inhale. Lower your chin. Move and roll your body forward and take a moment to recognize all the sticky spots in your body. Enjoy the stretch. Inhale. XL to roll back up.

Stacking those vertebraes on top of each other and arrive. 2 more inhale. Exhale to roll forward. Keep your palms facing each other, reaching down, inhale again, and exhale to roll up, curling up, move your spine. Grow Tash, lift your chin parallel to the floor one more time, inhale, and exhale lower your chin. Roll down. We're gonna stay down here, everyone.

Grab hold of your elbows. Allow your body to move over to the right side for a lateral stretch and back to the center. Over to the left side and repeat that one more time on each side. Hell over and inhale and one more over to the side and back to the center, breathe in, and roll back up all the way. Bring yourself into a kneeling position. You're gonna place your hands directly underneath your shoulders.

Sitting yourself up in your 4 point kneeling, bringing the toes under, we're gonna breathe in. You're gonna exhale, hover your knees up off the floor. Now at any stage, bring your knees to the floor if you feel this is too much for your body, but we're gonna inhale, and we're gonna exhale move into lumbar flexion. And back to the neutral. Again, exhale to call and inhale neutral.

Exale cold, deep lumbar flection, inhale neutral, 2 more. Excel, XL, and inhale keep the upper body still moving one more time into your lumbar flexion and into your neutral breathing in. Keep your knees bent. Press your hips up. Stretch and extend those shoulders out.

Come back to your hovering position. Repeat that. Exhale to lift the hips. Stay low to the ground. Stay low to the ground and inhale back.

One more, exhale to lift up, stretch and hold. And inhale come back down, hover and hold, We're gonna step the right leg forward, lower the knee, and just have a beautiful hip stretch here. Coming back down, stretch out the hamstring, and back. Tuck the back toe under. Left your hips back up into your up stretch. Come back down.

Step the left leg forward. Reach the arms up. Strayching the hip out and down. And the hamstring stretches and back down. Tuck the back toe under, press into your hands. Hover your knees off the floor again.

Make sure you have all your joints aligned with each other. And we're gonna hover the right leg off the floor, just holding it for 5, 4, 3, 2, place it down. Left leg up for 5, navel to spine, strong upper body, and down, breathing. Lift your hips with straight legs this time, breathing in. You're gonna step your right leg forward and the left leg forward to bring yourself into your supine position, rolling down, doing a fundamental warm up to get your body going, For what is about to change your life, start with our pelvic call, inhale, exhale to move into that lumbar flexion, rolling the pelvis up using your glutes and pause, inhale, exhale to roll down.

Always feel so good on the spine, back to your neutral inhale and exhale to roll up. Deep flexion in the lower back. Move and lift those hips up inhale. And exhale to roll down. Keeping your inner thighs, your adductors running parallel to each other.

3 more inhale. Excel to roll up. Shifting up. Hold it here. Breathing. And exhale too cool and roll down, roll down, lengthen that tailbone down, 2 more inhale.

And exhale up. Use your glutes. Use your hammies. Inhale. And exhale to roll down down and down one more breathe inhale and exhale to tuck the pelvis, rolling up, left and hold it. Yeah. Reach your arms back over your head, breathe in, and then roll down, exhale. Nice and slow with control.

Lifting your arms to 90 degrees, everyone, and then extend your arms out into that t position. Lift your right leg, then your left leg off the mat. Squeeze your knees and ankles together. Make sure your abdominals are deep into your spine. We rotate the knees to the right side.

We go inhale over. Left shoulder blades stays down. Exhale draw back. And inhale rotate to the left side. And exhale draw the legs back, allowing the obliques to move the knees from side to side, and exhale back.

Inhale to rotate knees together and exhale back 2 more seats, inhale over. Exhale draw back. And inhale, keep the knees on top of each other, exhale back, Tash seat, inhale over. Just warming your spine up for what's to come 1 more inhale. And exhale back. Placing your feet on the mat.

Intellate your hands behind your head. Keep your elbows in that peripheral view for some chaselifts. Breathing. Exel chin tucks in, then the chest lifts up. Pause inhale and exhale to lower down. Again, breathing.

Excel. Left and hold. Pulvis is neutral. Inhale. Hold it. And XL to come back down.

Breathing. Excel, lifting your head and chest up, lift up, lift up, hold it, pause, and exhale remember the position of the eyes are so important you are breathing in. Exhale to call up, hold it here, everyone. Reach your hands to assist onto the legs. Pull yourself a little bit forward.

Bring your arms up to the ceiling. Tash your arms behind you. Intellate your hands behind your head and lower back down. Again, breathe in. XL to call up. Inhale. Reach and hold.

Deepen your curve here. Arms, lift up and back. Pull those abs in and lower down. 2 more inhale. And exhale, reach and hold, deepen the curve. Arms lift up. Keep the eye line forward, forward, forward, hands hold on.

And lower down. Breathing in. This is your last one. We're gonna move into rotation, reach, and hold, deepen the flexion, bring the arms up, Keep the height of the chest interlaced the hands and rotate to the right side, exhale, inhale, and rotate and center, and exhale over inhale. Keep your elbows wide moving through your waist 4 more.

XL. XL 2. And last one inhale, lift, and hold. And lower back down. Lifting your legs one at a time off the floor. Hands on top of your knees.

Breathe in. Lift your head and chased up. Hold it here. We're gonna go into the double leg stretch. Pelvis is neutral, spine is inflection.

We inhale reach out and exhale circle in inhale reach out. And exhale draw in and breathe in and exhale. Give me that deep integrity of drawing the abs into the spine, formal and 3, navel to spine, lower back, supported by the abdominals, 2 more, and last one. Email. And hold it here.

Extend the legs. Keep the chest up. Place your left leg onto the floor, right leg up towards your chest. Hamstring, pull 1, exhale, exhale, change. Reach, reach. Stability in the upper body for 4 more, exhale 3, exhale 2, hold it here, interlay your hands behind your head, We're gonna circle the legs around and around and around and cut through and around 5 on each side, 3 more inhale, and exhale, and 2 more. And one. Keep the eyes forward.

Keep the navel to the spine reverse. Left leg up, right leg down, and circle, and scissor, and around. And 3. Naval to spine and 2 more. And the last one, bring your legs up, bend your knees, bring your hands behind your legs and rock yourself up into your seated position.

We're gonna move into our rolling likable hovering your feet up off the floor. We're gonna roll back 5 times inhale. Up, hover and hold. And 4, up and hold. And 3, keeping your eyes fixed on your mid thigh, 2 more and hold and 1 more and hold. From here, I'm gonna give you an option.

Alright, everyone. So we are going to add on a movement from this challenge, which you've all taken before. And I wanna encourage you if you feel your body is not ready for it, you come back to the previous exercise. So we're gonna build it up. We're gonna do 5 rolling knuckle balls.

We're gonna roll over with our toes touching the floor 5 times. Then we're gonna roll up into a squat 5 times. Then we're gonna do single legs, and then I've got the surprise for you. Okay. Okay? Listen to your body. If it's not for you, it's gonna be your goal.

I'm gonna give you the options. We first start with 5 traditional rolling lockables. Head in line with your spine. Shoulders are wide, and we roll back. Inhale.

Up and hold. And 4, remember it's always important to rather do lace, but do it well. And one more. This time, we're gonna roll over. Keep your head in line with your spine, and we touch the floor with the toes over the head. Come up and hold.

Again, roll over. Touch, roll up, and hold, 3 more, keeping the head in line with the spine for a healthy neck, 2 more, and not And last one, roll over. The next one, we come into the squat. If your knees are not happy with the squat, you're gonna come up and you're actually just gonna hold a little teaser position. Alright. Whatever works for you, let's go.

Roll over. Touch. Come up, squats, and hold, or teaser for 5, and 4, and 3, to, again, roll over, touch, up, hold, 5 abdominals, up, legs are strong, 2, 13 more and roll over up. Hold 5, 4, 3, 2 more, and down roll over touch, up, hold, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 more, and roll over, up. Lift.

Remember the Russian lunge from the challenge. Here we go. Single leg. Roll. Over. Come up. Lift.

Hold. 2, 3. 4, and we repeat. Same leg. Roll. Over.

Up. Hold. 2, 3, 4, and change legs to on the other leg. Roll. Over. Lift, hold. Yeah. 2, 3, 4, and again, and roll over, up, lift.

1, 2, 3, 4. And, guys, yes, the surprise. Let's go. Roll over. Single leg, stretch, balance, and hold it here in your capital t, 3, 4, and 5. Repeat. Same leg, roll over, up, left, straight back, 2, 3, 4, and we change legs down, roll over, lift, up, straight, 2, 3, 5, and one more. Down, roll over, up, left, stretch, 2, 3, 4, and 5, hold the chair. Feed together. How was that, guys?

Did you surprise yourself? I am so proud of you. Come down, hands on the floor. Breathing. Extend your right leg into your plank. Extend your left leg into your plank, hold the chair.

We're gonna do 3 push ups inhale and up and hold. 2, up and hold. And 3, Left into your pikes. Stay here. Step your feet in.

Hold it. Yeah. Stretch your right leg up behind you. Take it out to the side and lower down. And lift, and out, and down, and one more. Out, and we reverse for 3 to the side, to the back, and lower.

To the side and up and down one more to the side and up and lower other leg to the back, to the side and down. And 2, out and lower. And 3, reverse. Side, back up. And down and 2 up and down and 3 up and down. Coming back into your plank.

Hold it here. Okay, everyone. We're gonna come down onto the knees. I want you to come onto your forearms, interlace your hands, make sure your shoulder and your elbows in line with each other. We're gonna breathe in, and you're gonna move back into your front support position. Hold it here.

I want you to point your right leg up off the floor. Bend your knee. We're gonna pulse that right leg up, exhale 1, and 2, we do 5, 3, 4, exhale 5, straight leg, exhale 5 kicks, and 4, 3, 2, and 1, place it down. Rotate your body to the right side into your side elbow plank. Align your body.

Feel light of your elbow, breathing. You're gonna bring your underneath leg up, toe to knee. Kick forward 5, 4, 3, 2, and hold it. Place it down. Top leg goes up for 5.

Exhale for lift a little bit more out of your body. 2, and 1, place it down. Pivot back. Repeat on the left side. Inhale. Left leg up and bend. XL hip extension, 4, 3, 2, hold it, stretch your leg.

Kick up, 5, 4, 2 and one place it down. Rotate to your right side. Balance and hold. Underneath layer comes in. We go for 5.

And 4, 3, 2, and one place it down, top leg left. 3, 4, last one, 5, place it down, rotate back, and bend your knees, and have a quick rest position here. Hold your wrist position. Roll yourself back up. Come onto your ab abdominals in your prone position.

Ready for your swan. This one catch, elbows are in line with your waist fingertips in line with your temples, navel to spine, On your inhale, lift your head, let your thoracic spine, follow the movement of the extension of your own body. You're gonna lower it down for the prep, lift your legs, Lower your head down. And again, inhale to lift and lift and exhale down lift your legs. One more.

Inhale to lift. And extend and extend and extend and extend and exhale down and lift. Ready for this one. Cat. You're gonna press yourself up. You're gonna drop and catch yourself in the air. And drop and catch. 4 more. And And one hold it here.

Lower down with control and push back into your wrist position. Tash a breath inhale and enjoy the quiet moment, exhale. 2 more inhales and exhale. Tash one inhale. And exhale.

Roll yourself back up, and we're gonna move into your teasers. Sitting back with your feet to the front of your mat, everyone. We're gonna go into your teaser too, hovering your legs up off the floor, Tash a deep breath in, extend your arms and your legs away, lowering the legs. We exhale lift the legs in now. Good job, everyone.

Keep going. 3 more. And lift and hold. And 2, and up. And 1, and hold it. Hold it. Hold it.

4, 3, to cross your legs and jump into your front support. We're back in the front support, breathing in. Lift the hips up. Open your legs as wide as the inside corner of your mat. You're gonna stretch out to the side, hold it, hold it, and back, and stretch to the side and back, breathe in.

Rise onto your toes and hover and hold your plankia. Alright, everyone. Your feet are wider than usual for your traditional front support, but we're gonna breathe in, reach your right on forward, left leg back, hold it 5, 4, 3, 2, place it down, left side, reach, and hold. Up for 5, 4, 3, 2, and well done. Lift your hips up.

Walk your feet back into your correct alignment and rise and come down. Okay. Ready for the finisher. The finisher that make it stronger. Trusting your body to be upside down is a thing. Alright? So again, if this is not for you today, you have options. You always have options.

Use them. You either, as a build up, going to come onto your elbows, onto your feet, and just reach one leg up and down, to get the feeling of moving the legs into the air while you're relying on your upper body to support you. Alright? From there on, once you have your confidence, we're gonna come onto the hands. We are going to jump one leg up off the floor. Alright.

Let's go, everyone. You are going to trust your body. Keep your arms strong. Keep your arms straight. Don't bend your arms, upper body strength, bend one knee, jumping off one leg, landing on the same leg, up, down, up, down, 3, and 4.

One more. 5. Swap legs. 1. Swing that leg that's in the air up to meet the bottom leg. 4, and 5. Let's try that again.

Catch your breath. Alright. I know for myself, the more power, the more Vuma I put into the leg that's kicking up into this sky. The first leg, the more I kick that leg up, the more opportunity I have to be in that perfect line, which is what we're always striving for on Pilates, lines, lines, and lines. Okay. Let's go again. 3 on each leg. Bend your knees.

Trust your body and go. 1. Uh-huh. 2. 3. Okay. It's been every time. 1, 2, and the 3.

We made it. Guys, we made it. We made it. We made it stronger. You made it stronger. Well done, everyone. Come stand back on your mat.

Catch your breath. Can you believe you did that? I've been really well done, you guys. Take a deep breath. Inhale. Extend and reach your arms up.

Roll yourself down, exhale. All the way down. Feel the changes in your body. Remember how you felt when you started. Breathing. Excel roll up and up 1 more inhale and exhale and roll forward.

And down inhale and exhale, rolling up, standing a little bit taller feeling more proud of yourself, and you might not have conquered the handstand kicks, but I'm sure you did something better today than before. And for that, I'm so proud of you. Well done.


1 person likes this.
Love it Tash .... Ive got some work to do on those rolling to stand .... Not pretty!!!! xxxx
This was so great! Thank you for making me get back into handstand kicks.. was nice to feel my body working at that again!
Mikaela  L
Amazing class, Love it! :) Thank you :)
What an amazing class.  Got some practicing to do. Thanks Tash xx
What an amazingly strong class that you teach and demonstrate so well. A pleasure to watch your strength and form. Now to attempt myself. So good to see you back on PA.
Kathleen M
Love seeing these powerful, hard workouts on PA! WTG Tash! 
1 person likes this.
Short, effective and surprising!
Handstand it Tash Barnard ! Adding that to my weekly to-do's!

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