Class #586

Angles of Movement

45 min - Class


Monica focuses on angles of movement in this class. We'll explore our ability to pull the belly in and up while the legs stretch away. Understanding the intermediate work from this perspective will surely add to your practice.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Dec 24, 2011
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Let's go ahead and start off sitting down then I think that'll be fine. Good. Yeah. I was going to concentrate on one particular thing which is finding a certain angle in all of the movements and we might not be able to find it every single exercise, but there is a certain angle that you start right off the bat within the mat and that's called the a hundred and sometimes we do it a little too much with our hip flexors and we're too tight and our shoulders start rounding up a lot. And so thought I'd go over that angle and see if we can find it throughout our mat work to really challenge us a bit. So we'll kind of stick to an intermediate work and see how that goes.

A beginner intermediate. Yeah, that is absolutely right. So whenever, if you ever feel like too stiff or that you're back starting to really work in Archie, you can just soften your knees and that would be perfect and that would get you back at that angle. So in the hundred you're going to go ahead and lie down onto your back. And we always have our, our frame, our box, right, which is a straight line from one shoulder to the other shoulder and a straight line from one hip bone to the other hip. And those hips should be right on your shoulders and it should form a perfect box, right? Pretty fundamental Palladia sets here. Basic principle. See, you're doing great already, right? Perfect box. All right. So that is gonna stay always at the same level.

You're not going to have your shoulders in front of your hips or hips in front of your shoulders. We're going to really work on having our shoulders and our, um, our shoulders and our hips on the same plane for today, okay. And then our legs at a 45 degree angle from that. So I want you to go ahead and hug your right knee into your chest and then your left knee as well. Try to engage your powerhouse as much as you can and then use your powerhouse to lift your head and look at your stomach. And so your box, your frame is still on the same level. And try to settle with that as much as you can.

Cause in the beginning you might be like bracing and really, but just try to relax with it as much as you can and looking at your stomach. And then I want you to really create as much distance between your thighbone and your hips as you can. So we're going to reach your legs long at a 45 degree angle and we're gonna really reach the thighs out of your hips while your belly is pulling in and up. This angle where your frame is on the same plane, but your legs are itching. I'm going to be saying this a lot. Okay?

Go ahead and hug your knees in for a moment. Rest your head. It's going to be the idea for today. So always having that belly pulling in an up while those legs are reaching, that is the epitome of [inaudible] and pitting me of stretching in two different directions, all from a strong powerhouse. So we're going to really work on that today. Okay. So go ahead and use your Parris and lift your head up.

Lengthen your arms by your side, and now really reach your legs away. And I'm going to help you feel that. So pull your belly away from me. Really pulling those hipbones towards you a little more. And let's pump your arms in with the air. Two, three, four, five. Exhale. Two, three, four, five in with two, four, five. Exhale, we're just gonna keep pulling them beautiful and exhale. Feel like you're really stretching out here.

So you're waking up that stomach, pulling it in and up, and those legs are long and reaching and then slowly let go of your leg so you can hold them where you feel comfortable. But really try to have them reaching out as if there's a star right here. They, that star can just get brighter and brighter and brighter. Oh yeah. Nice crystal God, we've got about one more really making these wrinkles disappear. Stretch out those pants right there. Fantastic.

Hugging those knees and rust down your head. Lengthen those legs on the mat and reach your arms back for the roll up. So we're gonna reach your arms back and we're going to legs. We're going to be together. Go ahead and bring your arms up to the ceiling and inhale, bring your head up.

Now think about that angle. Keep reaching your legs away as you scoop in and then curl all the way forward, reaching all the way past good. And then inhale, roll back, lower back, middle stop when you hit your bra strap. Rolling. Good. This is again that feeling of that pulling in and up while those legs are reaching away. Roll down your shoulders and your head and reach your arms up and back. Arms lift, head and scoop in, really pulling in and up while your legs are reaching away and stretch all the way forward. Inhale, rolling back one bone at a time. Lower back, middle back.

So those legs are still reaching while your belly is pulling that way. And arms back and arms head scooping in long legs away from you reaching. Go ahead, stretch forward and inhale, rolling back. Long legs reach beautiful canvas and around. All right. Arms lift head, no thighs crunching to you. They reach.

Fantastic and stretch and rolling back. Reaching those legs long, lower back. Let's do one more arms lift, head and ratios. Legs away. Really good. Candace. Stretch and rolling. Back down. Lower back. Really reach those legs away.

Feel that stomach pulling in and up and stretch those arms back, right. Arms down by your side. Great. Hug the right knee into your chest, God and straighten the right leg up to the ceiling. You're pretty flexible. That's pretty good. Nice, good. Put your hands behind your thigh and pull it towards you. Okay. If you need to deal with your left knee bent, but whatever feels good.

That hamstring is a little tight, that that torn are important, right? Okay. So be careful on this. So on this one, I want to get the same angle where your box up. There you go. Good fix where your box is, square on the same plane and when you're going to cross over, you're going to come up as high as you can, but when you reach down, I want you to really feel that in and up and that long thigh reaching away from there. So if you can go only down to here, great. If you can go all the way down to that angle even better. Okay. But don't arch your back, but that whole powerhouse this way.

Thigh reaching out of the hip that way. All right, so we're going to pull up that leg and poor Nancy's been doing it over here and we're going to cross around lift and it's nice tempo around, up, cross around, up, cross around. Lift. Reach more. Kristy, reach up one more. Reach it out and reverse. You're going to open. Lengthen that hip flexor. Thank you. Around down are good. And dad a little more tempo. Nancy and lift. Good around. Stretch. Nice. Stretching last one and bend that knee in and give it a hug. Very good. Switching legs, left leg goes wherever the right one was down the middle of your body though.

So right there. Good. Extend the left leg ups direction. All right, so arms down by your side. Pull it up to your nose. Cross and reach out. Beautiful. Cross around, up, cross around, up. Cross around. Lift two around up last one and reverse it and pulling in adds it. You want to really feel that stomach pull in and up. Beautiful.

And try to kick here. Always a good motivator. One more, and bend that knee in and give it a hug. Good. Go ahead and lengthen that leg down. Bring the weight of your head up and show me how you're reaching those legs away and your belly is pulling in and up as you roll up one bone at a time. Transition into rolling like a ball. You're going to put your hands by your side. Lift your seat all the way forward, lifted, clear off the mat and grab onto your ankles.

God still in this exercise, try not to get lost the space between your powerhouse and your thighs, but yet try to get the head between your knees. Beautiful, well back, pulling into your lower back and exhale right on up. Inhale, roll back. Exhale right up. Inhale, roll back. Exhale, powerhouse, beautiful. Keep stretching. Inhale, pulling back with the lower stomach. Exhale up and keep stretching your head all the way forward.

And one more in with the and exhale and we're going to hold it up. Lower your feet down, put your hands behind you, and lift your bottom back to straight, Lex. Good. Alright, we're going to go for the series of five and it's all about that angle. Okay? You're not going to be lifting up your upper body. It's going to be down on one plane and your legs going to be reaching at that 45 so let's start off with bringing that right knee into your chest. Good. And now extend that left leg up at a 45 [inaudible]. Great angle.

Good. Put your right hand on your right ankle and left hand on your knee. Hug it into your chest. Perfect. And now you're going to roll down with control, right? Ladies over there, you're going to reach this highway and keep your knee into your chest, willing through your lower back. Good. Stay down. You get to stay down. You don't have to come up and keep your head and shoulders up and knee into your chest. Good. And this one's just reaching at this angle and we're going to switch. Belly pulls that way and switch like and this thigh.

Beautiful extension and switch extent. Good knee all the way in and switch. Really feeling that belly pull in your thought, your chest, good and switch and right and longer. And now you've got your bottom working and lengthen and length and more. And that's it. Last set. Bring that left one in.

Grab both ankles. Inhale for double leg stretch, reach, hold it there. Reach, reach for that angle and exhale, pull back in. Beautiful in her reach. Let me see that angle and exhale. Inhale, a long, long, long, long exhale. Two more. Inhale, reach, reach, reach, and exhale. One more time. Let your thighs relax and your bottom work. So right leg up to the ceiling and left like forward and switch and switch.

Good single, straight like good. Same thing. Every time that leg goes out, you're going down to that angle. Nice. Now pick up the tab. They should fly to the air. It's right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, and bend the knees in for a second and rest your heads. Very, very nice. And I'm giving you a little break cause I really want you to get that angle on double straight legs. So hands behind your head and we're going to bring the legs, bring up, curl up the shoulders just a bit. Perfect. And the leg straight up to the ceiling. And we're going up. Pull the belly in and up while the legs go down to that 45 and pull up and inhale belly one way legs, Wong the other, and exhale up.

So you go down as low as you can. Retreats, retreats in, pool up and down, one day, all the way to the floor, right? And pull up one more time. That's what gen visiting retreat treats. Doing. Wonderful, good. And now bend the right knee, but reach that left leg down to that angle. Hold that perfect angle and twist to the right knee. Hold to three and switch. Extend that right leg down at that angle.

And twist two, three and switch. Good. Just a little less energy in this one. Nice and switch. Reaching out that angle and hug both knees into your chest and very, very good. Sit on up. I'm sure you did a great job in the, no, I didn't see it over here. We're going to sit up for a spine stretch forward long legs and flex. Great. Arms up at shoulder height, pulling in the power house, getting a little Streeter in the lower back and lift. Clear off that bottom.

Really lift and lengthen your spine as you curl forward. Xcel pulling each bone away from the other. Really stretching forward. Exhale, exhale, exhale and in how rolling. Good. And exhale forward. So even though we're stretching forward and it doesn't look anything like that, angle and pulling back up and you can take another breath if you need to and then exhale forward. I still want no engagement in those hip flexors, but their legs are reaching away.

You're pushing your heels away and rolling back up and you're pulling your belly in complete opposite direction. One more time. Big breath and exhale forward. Really pushing those heels away, pulling the belly in and up and inhale, rolling up one bone at a time and relax your arms. Great. So when we do open leg rocker right now, we're going to try to remain in control and not let those legs just flop on the floor. We're going to keep them always reaching away, almost pushing into your hands. Kay. So, uh, advanced transition, which I'm going to have Kristy help out with here. We're going to pull back our powerhouse and keep reaching those legs. So we're going to pull back. Good, good, good. And because they're reaching, they're going to just float right on longer. You can do it. Ah huh. Good.

So nice Candace. She's got it over there, so we keep reaching those sides away. Good. I liked that you're holding behind your casts. You keep reaching those legs away, stomach pulling in, and now bring your head to your chest and roll back with control. Right back up. Exhaling up, reaching. Pull it in and inhale. Roll back and exhale, Rola up, up, up. Good.

And inhale, roll back. And exhale, lift, lift. No. Just with a little more energy, Candace and wool it back and XL right on up. Yeah, that's it. Two more. Inhale back and exhale right on up. Don't feel like everything's going back with you. Still feel that reach. Inhale, reach. Nice. Exhale, lift.

And now squeeze your legs together and keep them reaching as you roll your back down for corkscrew. Arms down by your side legs. Do you want to ski a little more back on the mat? Great. Bend the knees in for a second. Good job. Good job. Let's get the shakes out of, that's what mine would do. Um, all right, so corkscrew, I want to challenge you that every time you get down to that 45 degree angle, so Candace, we're going to go over to the right and then as you go over to the left, keep your belly going that way in and up and your legs reach down to that level and all the way to your left. And then they pull in and same thing with the opposite way. Okay, so let's go ahead and we're going to start to the right. Again, if you don't mind. So scooping that belly in and we're going to reach the legs to the right.

Reach around to the left and center. Very nice. Anchor your belly and reach long thighs out of your belly. Good. And to your right. Reach around very nice and to your left stomach scoops in as you stretch. Yes, again to your right, reaching around to the left.

Stretch down to that angle. One more set. We're going to go to the right around your center and to the left around your center. Good job. Keep your leg straight and sit on up for sauce straight. Use your powerhouse. Open those legs a little bit wider than your shoulders and lift up through your stomach, out through your fingertips. Twist to your right and exhale, reach, reach, reach. Inhale it up, twist to your left and exhale down, down, down.

Inhale it up. Now start thinking about those angles. Twist. We don't have that angle, but I do want that like reaching and your belly pulling in and up in the opposite direction as you go. And now lift from your stomach more when you come up, not from your head and shoulders. Beautiful Christie and twist to your left. The left legs reaching away. The belly is pulling in the opposite direction. Good. And lifting from your stomach. One more set, Christi.

And so can is just a little more pulling back in the belly. A little more space here. Yes. Now curve over my hand instead. Perfect. And up. And that's one more set. That sounds good. And even out. So you finish on your left wherever you are. Finish up on your left. Good. Give him really have that opposition. Nice canvas and up.

And now we're going to squeeze your legs together and it's hard to do it. Orange. Kind of find all those feelings on your belly. So flip on over. Well, okay then look at you guys. You're all facing each other. I love, love it. And just go ahead and lie. Nice and long. Rest your arms down by your side. Good, good.

So the only thing I want you to get out of that and bring your, we're going to bring this right leg, just a little more center. [inaudible]. Yep, that's it. Now you're even cannabis. Okay. What I wanted you to get out of that is I want you to feel your stomach pull in, so it's a lifting a little bit off the mat. You're never going to get really space underneath your, but at least feel like it's engaged and pull it up as if it's going up under your chest bone. Then think about those thighs and reach them long so that opposition.

Okay? All right. Now keep that feeling and bend your elbows. Hands underneath your shoulders. Don't come up with your body. Just hands. Yup, there you go. And what? We're going to put your hands perfecto. Okay, so that Belize pulling in and up and your thighs are reaching in the opposite direction and start lifting up your head and your chest and come up to a straight arms is your back, likes it, but you're lifting with your powerhouse. Look over your right shoulder. Circle the neck down over to your left. Look forward. Look over to your left, circle the head down around to your right. Look forward. And as you come down, keep pulling your belly in and up and almost like you're pulling that map behind you. Good. We're going to do that one more time.

Pulling the belly in and up and those legs are reaching in the opposite direction even though they're staying on the mat. Let's look over your left shoulder. Circle the head down around over your right and look forward over your right circle that had dared around over your left. Look forward and really lengthening through your spine. Beautiful Christy, really that sit Nancy. Nice stretching out as he come down. Good single leg kick. Lift up onto your elbows and push your knuckles together.

Good. And I want you to push your forearms deep into the mat so that you can really feel your biceps and your under arm muscles. Good. Lift up in the belly. Long legs are reaching away and we're going to reach both legs are going to lift up a little bit without taking it in your lower back. And now we're going to start with the right leg. It's going to kick in one, two left to right to really feel your bottom. Press your hips together, feel it. Pull that heel to your seat.

Really squeeze it in. Nice jog and the other leg lifted. Your stomach's lifting your sternum. One more set and finishing on your left. Place your right cheek on the mat. Hands come together behind your back as high as you can.

There we go. Alright, so your bottoms aren't need to be really engaged right now. So we're going to pull that belly in and up. Those long legs are going to reach on the mat and lift the leg straight. Engage those hamstrings and that seat and we're going to do three kicks to your bottom. Pulling both legs in one, two, three. Now they go to the mat and lift your chest up. Straight arms behind you, Nancy.

There we go and switch cheeks and we're going to pull in one, two, three and legs go down but the upper body comes up and up. Beautiful. Switch cheeks and kicking. Pull it in, in, in and lifting it up. Up up and last one. Really making sure those thighs are long and up. And then stretch it. Lift, lift, lift and relax. Melt into the mat. Round your back. Sit onto your heels there. Very good. Good. Scooping it in. Get just a little more space.

Yep. Good. And just really stretch in a way. All right, we're going to flip over for neck. Pull everyone's feet facing each other. Everyone's favorite. Let's have some good energy here. Wow. We lost some energy as we flipping over on that lie onto your back.

There you go. We're gonna start with your heels all the way to the front edge cause it inevitably, this is a really challenging one. And you start pulling your legs back one day or we're just going to be so on this that we're going to keep reaching your legs so far that they're going to stay right there. That is definite goal. Okay. To keep reaching that long. You can do it with your hands by your side or you can do it with your hands. Let's start off with your hands by your side. Why don't we, okay, so little bit narrow with the legs or just in line with your hip bones and we're gonna almost crawl up our legs. We're going to inhale, bring your head up to your chest and exhale, really reach those legs away, Belize, pulling in and up. That's it until your head kisses your knees.

And then inhale, we'll up your spine, lifting off your seat, pushing your heels away. Go back tall. That means your lower back's not gonna arch, cause your stomach's pulling in to it and back and then curl the rest down. One more like that. Inhale, lift up your head. Exhale, scoop it in. So you're right back at that angle right there. Reaching forward to you. Kissed your knees. Inhale, sit up tall, pulling up with your belly and roll it back so your thighs are really lengthening out. Your lower backs pooling in and up. That's it. And down.

Place your hands behind your head if you'd like to advance it and your elbows are going to come together as we roll up in with the air. Elbows kissing in with the air. Exhale and inhale. Sit up tall and exhale. Open the elbow. Sorry. Here and roll back. That's it. Good length. Love it. And in how?

Rolling it up. Kiss the elbows together on the way up. Exhale forward. Inhale. Sit up tall and we're gonna squeeze up up our seats. We push our heels away. Lengthening those legs away. Nice job. All right. I've been saying elbows kissing cause we're gonna try to do it with elbows open now. So if you can elbows open in with the air. Uh huh.

Exhale all the way forward. Inhale. Sit up tall and now really pull the belly in and up against those thighs that are reaching in, reaching. Gorgeous. Rolling out. One more time. When you're down, come right back up. Don't lose steam. Go all the way forward. Excellent. Ladies. Inhale, lift and exhale. Lengthen out. Get those heels right back where they started. Where do they start?

Reach your back. There we go. All right, let's get back on the mat and we're going to, Oh, just a little tiny bit here. We're going to lie down. Cheer back. We're going to do Jack knife, which is a great angle. Okay, so we're going to really emphasize that here. Bend the knees into your chest, extend the legs up to the ceiling. Good arms press down by your side. Belly pulls like so. First legs go over to parallel to the floor. They do not dip down lower. Hold it there. Perfect. Thank you ladies. Now extend those legs up so that your hips are right over your shoulders and your legs are at a 45 degree. Up, up, up, lift, lift, lift that seat, and then we're gonna roll down from there. Roll down, roll down on that angle. Fantastic. And we're going to go right back over, over and lift. Lift those hips up, lift up those hips and roll down on that angle.

Upper stomach, middle, stomach, lower. You've got one more over to that 90 degree and then right back up. Good. Really Rachel sties away as you come down, feel your stomach going. One way, your thighs and another fantastic. Go ahead and sit up. We're going to do spine twist, feet flexed and together.

Really nice job on that jackknife. Arms up at shoulder height and those feet will stay there and push against each other. Inhale, pulling your belly in and up. Exhale, twist to the right. Exhale. Inhale, center. And exhale, twist to the left. Make sure your arms are just a little in your peripheral vision. Go ahead and inhale up and exhale.

So really listen to that cute inhale up. So really lift your guts all the way up. Grow as tall as you can so that when you exhale, you're as tall as you can. Inhale ant, that's hard in this exercise. Exhale to the right. Really push those legs away. Inhaling up.

So you're really just twisting your body. Exhale last time, pushing both heels equally away and inhale and relax. Great job. Nice. On your right side, on your left side, he's a swipe for sidekicks, but let's line up in a perfectly straight line. So from your right elbow on the back edge, all the way to your toes as I trip over Christy. Okay, good. And all the way down on your body and put, um, you're gonna rest your head like a beauty queen on your hands. But, okay, so right now your shoulders one day, actually it's, it's going to be more one on top of the other, but your hipbones for sure right here, right? Yep. They're right on top of each other and they're on the same plane.

Now I want you to flex your feet, Jess, and I want you to bring the top leg in front of the other one so that the heels touching the toe. Perfect. Good. And now slip the bottom leg right underneath it. There we have, and you now you're going to relax your feet. That is a very challenging level for for us. So if you can keep your legs there, if they need to go more forward for a little more balance, that's fine.

Yours look like no, they look, I would say just a tiny bit more forward for your body. Good. So but reach through those legs through the, even the toes stretch through them. Yeah. So your belly is in and it's pulling up and your legs are reaching in the opposite direction. We're going to keep that as we lift just the right leg up at hip level.

Turn it out so that you're not hiding your inner thigh and we're going to do 10 kicks kicking forward and take it back as far as you can and forward and taking it back had four when you take it back. Make sure your hips are staying stacked at forward and back and let's do four more. Keep it here and pull it up. Reach it out, reach, scrape all the walls. One more. Reaching all the way up and legs together. Good. Trying to keep your top hips stacked right over the bottom one. We're going to take that like right up to your ear and then reach it long out, up and on the down. I really want to see more of this opening. Good.

Keep it long, hot and reach and two and wrong. Long, long. One more time up and reach. Reach, reach. Now hold that leg. I hope it's working to reach out of that hip and you're going to do five little circle. Circle one, two, three, four. Reverse it. One, two, quicker. Three, four, five. Nice job. Good. Let's go ahead and bend that top leg and put the foot in front. Yes. And grab onto that ankle. Good.

And I want you to think about a stack of books. Can you bring that foot in closer to you? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Okay. So cause I don't want it to inhibit this leg as it circles. Can you grab behind the ankle while I think and can you put the point, the foot forward at all? Yeah, there we go. Okay. So now imagine a stack of books right here. And I want you to not flex the foot, but reach it out always and pull it up a little higher and a little higher.

Will it up as high as you can. Let me see how high you can get that leg up, Nancy. Hold it there. And let's do five big circles above that. So go forward first. Let's go forward up to the ceiling, back forward. That's it. And forward and up. And two more reaching. Don't forget about that belly that's pulling in and out.

And let's go the other way. Yes. So the stomach's reaching that way, they'll find reaching out, always trying to regain that angle that I was talking about. One more and lower that leg down in front of you so it's still at that angle and both legs. Our long little bicycle here. Let's just be very aware of how much you move those hips. Keep them in line with your shoulders as we lift that left leg up, that hip level, and we're going to take that leg forward straight. Bend that knee into your chest.

Take the knee back so it's even with the other knee, and then keep your hips stacked as you use your hamstring and glute to take that five back and back and back, and then stretch the leg out to more forward stomach. Bend the knee. Good. Keep the heel on your seat as you take the leg back, heel on your seat, and then extend. Good. One more forward. Need a knee and take that five back with the heel. Staying close to your seat. Good. And now extend long, beautiful legs together and reverse it and take it back.

Beautiful. Keep that side there as you pool your heel to your seat, need a knee, need a chest, and extend. Really make this as long as you can when you go back reaching and then pulling that heel to your seat. Now need a knee and keep that reaching long. Good. And I think we have one more right and heel to your seat and knee to knee, knee, all the way forward and extend and legs together. Great job. Now I want you to pull your belly in and up and we're going to squeeze.

Both legs are reaching out. They're going to just lift right there. Keep them a little bit more forward. That's it. Belly in and up. Hold them up right there and we're going to roll onto your belly without any of that, without them going down. Roll onto your belly. Make a small pillow for your forehead. Your thighs are long out of your hips. We're gonna lift them up, up, up, and we're gonna clap them together. 20 times.

One, two, three, four, five, six. Think about those inner thighs. Nine, 10, squeeze my hand right here. Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 add. Keep the legs up, roll to your other side. What was that transition there? Again, bring your legs forward to that angle if you want, you can flex your feet again and bring the [inaudible] and then put the foot. That's it. Good. And reaching those legs long and it Nancy, I would say they're almost even with you. So let's flex your feet. There we go.

Bring this one right there and then slipped this one right under that looks good now. And the rest is it. Alright to rest your head on your right hand. Perfect stomach in Rachel's legs long and we're going to lift that right leg up a little bit and taken it forward and really reaching as you go back. Good reach. Reach for the beach, reach for the ocean as you are taking it, swinging it forward for three and taking it back. Good. Reaching up. Beautiful and back and forward and reaching it back. Good. Candace and reach and Huck and three.

And Rach, I'm just going to hold this hip a little longer so you can get a little more there. One more and that's it. Legs together and we're going to take that top leg up to the ceiling and then flex and bring it down. There we go and reach it up and squeeze down. The belly is always pulling away from that long leg and two, you really got that now Nancy. Nice. One more reaching it up and now hold it down and reaching the bellies.

Really pulling it up. Five little circles, clicking. One, two, three, four, five. Reverse it. One, no movement in that box. Oh yeah, that's it. And rest down that leg. Bend the top leg and put the foot in front of you. Grab the ankle either in front or behind it, and you have your stack of books. We're going to lift it up. That stack of books a little bit higher. Her hip, still stacked. Is that leg still reaching out?

And now let's do five big circles circling forward and then up. If you can't really lift up, no energy in that foot for me, Kristy, reach out to me. That's it. Nice and one more and let's go ahead and reverse reaching out with that leg. Great shout with it to good job. Last one, and lower down that leg. Very, very nice. Bring both legs. The top leg on top of the bottom one and they crept a little forward.

I'm going to have you scoot them back just a bit. There you go. I know. And we're going to lift up your right leg just to hip level. Reach through it for bicycle. Take it forward, bend that knee and take that knee back. Keeping your box square. That's beautiful. Keep Gorkin. Yes, yes. And now reach back. Great reach long as you go forward. Bend the knee to your chest, take the knee back. Keep taking that thigh back and extend. Reaching out.

One more forward, bending that knee. Try to get as much length in here and now. Legs together. Reverse. Keep this here and you'll feel your hamstring in seat and then healed bottom. Need a chest and extend more reach.

Can you take that leg back just a little more? There we go. You'll see your seat. Knee to knee, knee to chest and extend. Last one, reach good and heel to your seat. Need Nini all the way forward and extend. Sorry, Candace. Great. When you're finished, bring your legs together and let's do the same thing. I want you to pull your belly in and up and lift both legs.

Look how easily you do that. Great, nice job. Now if we had a whole full mat area, we would just could roll onto your back and get ready for teaser. But mentally I want you to think about that, that your leg, your body is on one plane and your legs are going to be lifted up at that 45 so go ahead and lower them down and let's center ourselves on our back, on our mat and hug your knees into your chest. Nice. Good. And extend the legs up to the ceiling and just shake them out.

Yes. Shake them out. Shake them out. Chicken mouth so that your thighs don't get cramped at all. And now we're going to hug those knees into your chest. Good. Can is slide your hips. Just you're in a perfect day. I can also, we're gonna square you off. There we go. Good.

So hugging those knees and reach your arms long on the mat and think about how your shoulders and hips are on the same frame. Okay. And now I want you to try to reach your legs down in and out at a 45 degree angle. Really reach those thighs away and we're going to bring your arms overhead. Reach 'em all the way back and lets roll up into a teaser. Rolling on up, come on up, reach for my shoulders. Good. And now keep those size reaching away as you roll down. Reach them.

Beautiful and Ryan on up. When you get down, up you go good. And everyone down at the same time. I was trying not to pull on your right hamstring and then it was going back and one more time. Go down and coming right back up. Good. And this time lift your arms up and try to challenge yourself by rolling back with your arms overhead. Overhead overhead. There we go.

Let's try that one more time. I know you can do it. Roll on up now she's like Christie and lift and feel that delicious feeling. Pull your belly in with you. Reach those thighs away, reaching, reaching, reaching. Fantastic. Hug those knees into your chest. That was good. All right. Don't collapse. Keep that energy and sit on up.

Let's look forward. First seal. Slide your hands under your ankles. There you go. Complete massage for your back. Remember that? So just look down at your belly. Really try to get a lot of space. You're pulling back your waist and lift up your legs. Feet.

You're going to pull back and hold your belly in and up and long away. There we go. And rolling back in with the air and exhale. And when you come up, you can clap two, three, but pool, you're looking down at your belly and pull your waistband down to the mat. Pull away from me until your waistband goes down. Yup, yup, yup.

And your legs can be free. You can actually reach back to the Cadillac behind you. So let them go more. Yeah. This is one where you get to be a little more free and three more in with the air and exhale forward. [inaudible] everybody's going to come forward and stay here.

We're gonna do the last one together where we were going to just wall up together. Okay, so roll back not to a standing. Nope. And roll back and exhale. Did you want to do the standing? I would love, I would love it, but let's see what we can do. Okay, one more. Watch the hamstring. Okay. If you like. No, we've got a few nos. Okay, so we're gonna when you're back you can cross your ankles so that when you come forward, your feet plant like that and you stand on up, hands onto your ankles and inhale, roll back. Yup, let go cross them. And Exxon reached for me. Press with your legs. There you go. Good. That's how you should, I mean you learn with an instructor and so it's very hard to learn in a huge mat class. So you learn first with someone helping you and then before you know it, you can do it easily on your own.

So we're going to turn around real fast and do two sets of five pushups. Hamstring should be totally fine with the a hundred we're going to reach your arms up to the ceiling and just keep pulling your belly in all the way up to your chest, all the way at your fingertips and roll forward till your hands are on the floor. Walk out to a pushup position. Could your hand should be right under your shoulders and pulling the belly in and up. And we're going to bend those elbows down. Up one, down, up to down, up three. Very nice. Down up four, down up five. And now pull up in your belly to walk back to your feet. You're going to lift your hips very nice and rolling on up. Reaching the arms up to the ceiling.

We're gonna do just one more set and rolling off at imaginary wall goods. You really want your belly continuing to pull in and up and walking down. And when you're down, you want to reach those legs away from you. See if you can get your elbows to go right by your ribs. Down, up one, down, up to down, up three. Good. Scooping in, keeping a nice plank. And now we're going to lift in the hips as we walk back to your feet.

But this time, pause once you walk as close to your feet as you can. Stay right there. Look at your feet and regain a Pilati stance. Okay, that's a good stretch. Just breathe into it. Make sure that all your toes are not curling, that they're spread out, that you have weighed on the balls of your every toe, the side of your foot and your heels. Make sure your knees aren't hyperextending.

And now we're going to try to roll up with your weight more on the ball of your foot. Then on your heels, a lot of us have our hips way back behind our heels cause we're tight. So as you roll up, keep your weight forward onto the balls of your toes, rolling up one bone at a time and you're going to soften the knees a bit. Push their hips forward. Still beautiful. Rolling up. Keep rolling up until your arms are all the way up to the ceiling. And exhale, turn your poems out to the side. And I want you to inhale as you push down and palms down. Sorry. There you go.

Inhale, lifting in the belly more and exhale, and right now I hope you have that lift here, but not a tight here. Those are still reaching away while here lifting in here and you're taller and leaner in. Nice job. Good job. Good job.


superb teaching! in this session; 'the epitome of Pilates, stretching in two different directions all from a strong solid powerhouse'. I'll work on this for the rest of my life. Mahalo Monica!!
I agree! I learn soooo much from Monica every lesson!
NIce class, love the flow. Great cueing!
first class on this site....nice! feel empowered on a rainy day in NZ.
Fantastic news Charli! Thanks for sharing and welcome to Pilates Anytime!
Amazing teaching, nice flow, "just" the basic movements, but taught in an effective and inspiring way. Loved this one, and as a busy mummy with a 14-month old baby and a full-time job I enjoy the shorter (40-50 minute) classes.
Great class!!
Great class! I, also, learned so much! I will be applying what I've learned in my classes I teach... and I can't wait!!!!
Did my first jacknife (controlled)!!! Love this class.
Beautiful, beautiful class, Monica! "in and UP UNDER your RIBS!" I don't know why "under your ribs" made SUCH a differnce for me, but it did! I think my brain-mapped powerhouse just became so much wider!! Thank you!! You've just changed my whole practice!!
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