Class #715

Eve Gentry Inspired Mat

50 min - Class


Michele Larsson, distinguished Instructor and protegé of Eve Gentry, teaches a Mat Class that incorporates a lot of Ms.Gentry's work in relation to the classical Pilates exercises. Beginning much like Eve would, you'll do basic relaxation breathing and then move into imprinting. Using small movements guided by Michele and Eve's wonderful imagery, you'll begin to see how these movements translate and help execute the traditional exercises more precisely. Above all else, you are likely to feel very good after taking this class.
What You'll Need: Mat

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I just want to do a Mac class interspersing a lot of Eve gentry's preps or little fundamental movements that she did in relation to the [inaudible] work. So that's the way this class is going to be structured. And the model here is roof Alpert again and all these other beautiful models here in front of us. So we're going to start with some really basic ease principles. Lie down on your back, knees bent, feet straight on below the sitz bone, knees straight to the ceiling.

And she would start with almost everybody in what she called basic relaxation breathing, which is you just inhale through your nose and deeply and you exhale by blowing out as if you could bend the flame of a candle. You don't want to blow it out, you want to bend it. And the inhale, you can let your belly go. This is a breathing pattern that is great for falling asleep, for relaxation. It is not an efficient breathing pattern for movement. Okay?

But it's very good for those people who have pain. And out of this, she began do something called imprinting. So you inhale through your nose. As you exhale, you let the bones in your waist just drop into the floor. You don't talk your pelvis at all. And then inhale, let your belly release. And the next time exhale, it's the bones, the weight of the bones. It's the image of the dropping skeleton.

And just do that once more. That would be lumbar imprinting, which just goes down and then your lumbar goes back to its natural space and then go up to your lower ribs and do the same thing in that area. So in this area, you just think of the vertebra behind the xy Floyd process and down into the upper lumbar releasing into the floor. And then you go up to your sternum area and you do the same thing in the sternum area where you inhale, you feel the sternum expand and you exhale and you let the sternum drop down into the floor and the Vertebra has to fall off. So you inhale, the sternum expands, you exhale, and the Vertebra in the upper back dropped down.

And since we're up at the top of the body, we'll go straight to the head. And on an inhale, just think of making it a little stripe with your nose on the ceiling. So on the inhale, you stripe back towards the top of your head and on the exhale you striped down towards your knees. Tiny movement in the skull, very small, absolutely right on the top of the cervical. You're only working way up towards the atlas axis and then come back into the center and go very small, right and left, very tiny. You're just making a little dash on the ceiling, a little tiny movement.

If your nose was a pencil and what you're trying to do is distinguish between the skull and the cervical spine, so you find out where these very small movements actually happen and then you're going to start doing a little what she called know circles. It's as if there's a small circle floating above your face and you just trace that circle with the tip of your nose. And the smaller you go, the higher up in the cervical spine you move, the bigger you go, the more of the cervical spine you involve and change direction. One more and just floated around. Now this all has to do with rolling your head up off the floor. So let's interlace your fingers and place them underneath your skull.

So you get some assist with your arms. There's a lot of rolling the head up off the floor and plays right as you inhale, basically squeezed the base of your skull. Start to nod yes, and as you exhale, imprint behind the sternum and float up. So the upper back imprints into the ground. Stay here. As you inhale, exhale, roll down. So as you begin the inhale, you float the elbows off the floor, you begin a nod, you imprint the back of the upper spine behind the sternum, into the ground. You stay here as you inhale, trying to find the support and roll back down. Nice.

Can we do one more? Inhale, float that head up off the floor. Nod yes and in PR. Good. And then roll all the way down and bring your arms down by your side. And let's go the bottom of the spine. Okay? Eve called it Coccsyx Curl, right? She always talk about it is as if you were a dog and you had, you put your tail between your legs, right? So it's a real deep curly.

It's very small to begin with. Okay? So in order to do this, prepare in your mind, the movement on the inhale and on the exhale, lengthen your tail and bring it up between your legs. Very small. So your tail lengthens and you curl slightly off the floor. And on the inhale you roll back down and then you do it again.

You curl slightly off the floor and you roll back down. This time if you want to in your spine, wants to go a little higher, you roll down and the exhale as you come up should drop that abdominal wall into the bowl of your pelvis and come up a little higher. And the last one. So you finish off the one you're doing now and you just roll your spine down into the floor. Good. And now we're going to do something she called puppet arms.

I actually think this was Suzanne's exercise, but Suzanne said Eve made it up so we can't, it's been too many years. And memory starts to get a little confused, but both arms come up to the ceiling. Your palms are facing each other. It's as if you were a marionette puppet. You have strings on your fingers and the puppeteer pools the strings. So one shoulder blade comes off and then let let it down gently and other side up and let it down gently and up.

So you're getting scapular mobility, right? And don't forget that when we were on all fours, our shoulder blades resided on the side of our ribs, right? So that protraction, retraction action is very important in Palladio's. Cause once you start to weight, bear on all fours, you've got to protract or get that scapula around the side of your ribs. One more finish off on the side and then just bring your arms down.

By your side. Nice. Okay. Now we're going to go to another uh, breathing pattern, which is breastbone breathing. Okay, so inhale and expand your chest. Really an exhale and let your chest just soften. Good. And just do that twice more. [inaudible].

Good. Now before we go into the flop, which Ruth will flop right off the table, we'd forgotten about that one anyway, let's go into what she called knee fold, but actually it's a hip fold. So don't think about anything for a moment. Just just and bring your right knee to your chest. Boom. Just bring it up to your chest and flop it back to the ground. Left knee up to your chest and flop it back to the ground.

Do One more and flop it back and the other one and flop it back. Now imprint behind your xy void process between the xiphoid process and the navel. A split second before you bring that knee up to your chest and boom, and then whole. Let that imprint re drop as you drop the foot. So you imprint and you knee fold, you imprint and you drop the foot back down. You imprint gently and you Nico, you imprint and you brought it back down and the last one up and you go back down. Good. Let's do an Nimi foot foot. So right knee comes up, left knee comes up, right foot goes down, left foot. Start with the left, left and the right and left.

Start in with the right and the right the left. You have to keep rethinking about that gentle dropping of the imprint behind the xy Floyd process so that the legs are free in the hip socket down, down. Go Up, up and stay up. Now we have the flop and this is where Ruth May go right off the table. Hold onto your knees, right? Let them go to your shoulders. Really loosened easy.

I actually may put her down on the floor or maybe some. I don't think so. I think you're going to fall off, but in any event here, why don't you just jump right down there and just take a look if you want. It's actually about your head and neck more than anything you think about. She just goes from side to side, right? Just let your, it's its separate the legs in, separate the legs in and let your head and neck be really heavy on the floor. This is a movement quality that is not input lattes.

You don't throw yourself around and pilates. Right? But it's really, it is fabulous for people's necks. Okay. So I think we need to go all in the same direction. So could we all go to the back of the room first, which is that way towards the clock and to the front this way. There you go. That'd be, this is, you can see if you have everybody up on raised mats. This doesn't really work right over and over.

One more over and then come back into the center and place your feet on the floor. Great. Yes. There's a quality there into that movement that you really want to start to explore a little bit. Can't do it under weight load, you know, with the equipment. Okay. One legged bicycle. So you've got your knee fold so the knee fold up, extend in the ceiling, go to the floor, knee fold in, extend to the ceiling. Slower. Go to the floor. Niffle then extend to the ceiling. Go to the floor, knee fold in, extended the ceiling. Go to the [inaudible]. Two more and feel how that little gentle renewal of the imprinting behind the xy foil naval area controls this other leg and up and extend.

You have six on a sigh and up. Thank you. I have two more and down. Good. Bending both knees. Good. All right. Now guess what comes hundreds. So knee fold. One knee up. Kneefel the other knee. Up. Nod.

Yes with your nose flow chopper body up off the floor. Begin hundreds and in two, three, four, five out. And she did sniff. Extend the legs to the ceiling. That's it. Really. Sniff. Blow, blow, blow, blow. Blow in.

Lower the legs slightly in. Okay. You have to more bend your legs. One inch. Just pull it until you get into your belly more. Yeah. And roll down. Bring the knees into your chest. Hold on to them.

Move them any old way you like, move your head any old way you like for a moment. Sneaky. Huh? All that nice gentle stuff. And then I make you do hundreds. Okay. The next thing we're going to do is oscillation. So the legs are out straight on the map. And if you look at Ruth, if she just were to point and flex her feet naturally, see how the heels slide. So what she's actually gonna do, let just relax and let me do it.

She's going to do it with her ankles, but she's not gonna let the heels slide. So she's going to point and flex through the ankle, not allowing the heel to slide. So the action has got to go up the spine. Does that make sense? So it's a, yeah, there you go. That's it. That's it. There you go. And you can let your head, and one of the things you want to connect in in oscillation is what's happening to the head in relation to what your feet are doing. Right?

So the head has a nod and the feet have a nod. Does that make sense? Head nod feet, not, yeah, this comes out of moving fundamentals or Laba. They call it a heel rock. I've heard people in the Felton Christ community call it jelly pudding. I like jelly pudding. I think that's a great name and then come to a stillness. Nice. Okay. Everybody roll to one side.

You can do a flop if you like. She's not going to and sit up legs into the center towards one another for, we're going to work our way up to roll up, so get a little more to the front of the Mat. There you go. That's the here. I want you to roll down a little ways. Pause and roll up, and then each one you get a little bit bigger and bigger and bigger. Okay? Again, you prepare this by inhaling and you inhale and you lengthen through your head. Exhale, start rolling down.

Stop here. Inhale into the back of your lungs. Exhale, roll forward over your toes. So reach to your toes. Inhale as you start back, exhale and go a little deeper. That's it. Inhale as you pause, exhale, roll forward over your toes. Inhale as you start back, exhale, go almost halfway down. Do a real quick little inhale and coming up. You want to inhale into the back of your ribs. So inhale, so the whole rib cage back here expands.

You roll a little further down. Now here, still inhale back here cause your belly is working like that. That's it. And roll forward. Good. That's what I want. All the way down. Roll all the way down. Arms overhead and full roll up and flex your feet. When you bring your arms up. Puppet arms and roll.

Inhale over the feet. That's it. Now start back. Big. Inhale to the back of the ribs. Exhale, point through your feet. The point in flex was an eat real eve thing. I Dunno why she did it. And flex and roll. That's it. Reach out over those feet in the back of the ribs.

So you feel your rib cage lifting up off your lumbar spine as you roll down so you don't crunch, you lengthen. Lengthen and ah, that's beautiful. Yeah. Nice and roll down. Beautiful. Great. Nice. Okay. Uh, let's bring both knees bent feet flat on the floor for knee pressures.

It's a prep for roll over. Okay. So you bring one knee up and then the other two years, so you're in a chair position, you place your hands on top of your knees with your fingertips facing one another, facing one another. There you go. On an F exhale, you press your thighs up into your hands. On an inhale, you relax. So it's as if you were pushing your thighs straight up towards the ceiling and you resist with your hands. It's an isometric. Now, don't do this too hard. It's gentle, right?

You want to feel the very beginning of a coxix curl. Do you feel that the very beginning of one? Good. Now change your hand position to the front of your thighs, fingers towards the ceiling. Good. Now on the same exhale, you press your hands into your thighs, your thighs, into your hands, but you need to imprint gently your lumbar spine down into the mat. Gently imprint the lumbar spine down.

Do the so now you should feel your abdominal muscles kick in. Do you feel that? Yeah, the imprint is important because some people might hyper extend in the lumbar spine doing this. You don't want them to do that. Okay. All right. How about rollover? Take both legs to the ceiling. Both arms down by your side. Yeah. You better take care of and on an inhale, slightly lower the legs away from you. On the exhale. Roll over, reaching behind you. Open the leg slightly and rolled down on an inhale and exhale, reaching through your heels and bring the legs together. Good.

And going over your own time and you're going to do two. Going over with the legs together and to going over with the legs separate and then keeping the legs open. Go back overhead. [inaudible] beautiful guys. Nice group. Can I take you home? [inaudible] and legs together. When you get all the way down, bend both knees. Place your feet on the mat and just do a simple knee sway on an inhale.

Take the knees towards the clock on the exhale. Come back on the inhale. Take the ds towards me on the exhale. Roll back through that one more time. Yeah, sure. Now I actually come back in the middle. I'm going to start this over again. Nice way. We tend to just sort of go nays. Nays Nate, you know, not pay much attention as your knees. Go to your right. Think of taking your chest to the left. Very small. Okay, so you inhale, knees go right. Chest comes towards me.

That's it on this side, and come back. There you go. Inhale t just a small move. You see it's got a little more support and rotational thing in there. I think it's important and coming back. All right. Niesters float.

She's got a scoot back to get on the machine here. Float your [inaudible] the light towards me up in the air and put your hand on it. Okay, you're going to stir. This is niesters again, it's actually more of a hipster but eve called it an Easter. [inaudible]. No lower leg can completely relax on this and what you do is using your arm, you make a small circle with the leg. Now you don't want this bent the standing leg to move and reverse direction and I think you really need to feel that the the whole Femur, the whole thighbone drops straight down into the socket.

What you're trying to do is explore the action or the movement potential you have in your hip socket. Does that make sense? Good. Now keep them knee into your chest. Slide your other leg out, straight on the floor. Flex through the feet, the heel both arms down by your side. Straight in this light to the ceiling. Four leg circles. Try and repeat that feeling so it's small. Draw a small circle on the ceiling with your foot and try to feel that dropping of the entire leg bone down into the bowl of the pelvis. I think that's four. Then reverse direction.

That's it. Yeah. Beautiful. Good. And Bend that knee. Place the foot on the floor. Sloat the other knee up. Put your hand on top of it and stir. So what's you're trying to do is you're trying to teach the body what the sense of weight, the leg and gravity is. It drops straight down.

You're doing four Veatch feels like in your hip socket without moving the pelvis all over the and just that a isolating movement. And then you're trying to copy that feeling when the leg is straight. Straighten the standing leg, straighten the gesture leg up to the ceiling. String this one and go for in one direction for in the other. Okay.

Well we can take a terminology from computer copy and paste. Right, right. Okay, good. Okay, Ben, both knees into your chest and hold underneath your thighs. Yves called this rock and roll. Everybody else calls it bad. Rolling like a bowl. So we give it a good name. Rock and roll.

You're going to roll by taking your feet overhead and swing up so you swing your lower legs. Keep your legs bent and hold onto it. Yeah, there you go. That's it. So you use your legs to actually get the full sense of rolling. Does that make sense? Yes. Good. One more. Roll and come up and now wrap around and hold the knees. Now Eve was like Ruth, she had really long arms and she could reach across to the opposite thigh, opposite thigh. And hold on, I can't.

So you hold on where you can and you press your knees slightly out into your elbows, right? Just a little bit. And you hold this as you rock and roll, but you sniff is you go back and you blow as you come up. So go. That's it. You can sniff, blow back and sniff, blow up. That's even better. Sniff, blow back, sniff, blow up. Does that help? Keep pressing those Le Knees out into the elbows?

Keeping your feet absolutely together. That's it. And roll all the way down. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Single leg stretch. Oh, just single leg stretch. All I will say what she did do is she did want your leg all the way in, but she didn't pull it this way. You pressed it that way into the hip. Does that make sense?

So everybody pick up the leg towards me. So switch legs. Okay, now put with this hand. Don't pull it in like this because you see how it distorts. Pull it in like that. So you're actually bringing the heel to the, but if your knee can take it and pressing down into the hip through the leg. Good. And Go. One, two, and inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale.

Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale. Inhale. And exhale. Last set. And exhale, bring both knees into your chest, hands behind your head, elbows in. Inhale, extend the elbows and the legs. Exhale, curl. Inhale, extend. Exhale, curl in. Hell, extend. But don't move the head and shoulders. Just the elbows flop open, right? And that's it. And extend.

And actually don't pull on your neck and open and coming in and roll all the way down. Put your feet on the mat and let your knees just go wiggle. Wiggle a little tiny things side. This side feels pretty good, Huh? Okay, you're going to s we're going to do spine stretch. So sit up any old way. Okay. Spine stretch. We're going to combine with building blocks.

So we're going to do it reaching forward on an inhale, right? And so Ruth, her arms are up. She's going to inhale and reach forward. And then as she exhales inhales, exhales, she's going to stack one vertebra at a time up, right? So inhaling forward so you have this right and start exhale. Don't go too fast.

Inhale and exhale, right. So it's really a very deliberate stacking of those vertebral backup. Okay. Arms off. Inhale, reaching forward. Exhale, start back and start stacking the Vertebra, doing your mind's eye like your kids. This is blocks one block on top of the next, and the head is the last block. And again, inhale, reaching forward.

Exhale, start stacking. Inhale, mid back. Exhale, upper back and head. Inhale, reaching forward. Exhale, start back through the lumbars fine. Inhale through the mid spine. Exhale again at the top. Good. And again. Nice. Okay, good.

Now relax. There's another breathing pattern called one lung breathing. It's actually possible to do it seems a little impossible. So sit cross legged and take your opposite hand and put it. Oh yeah, so you cross your midline and you cover up a nostril.

The nostril that is open is the lung you're going to breathe into. So breathe into the open nostril lung, which one Ruth is right here. And exhale, and again, breathe in to the opposite and exhale. One more. Feel that good, and exhale. Now drop that whatever open nostril you had is the direction in which you're going to turn. So just turn like in Ruth, it was downstage, right?

So you just turn in that direction and look at something. Turn and look at something. Now come back, do it one more time. Turn and look at something perfect. Now as you turn, breathe into that lung, inhale into that lung and rotate and come back. Try it again. Inhale into that lung and rotate and come back.

Now I know we didn't practice the a little long, but rotate the same way and breathe into the other. Whoa. Push your body around rather than pull it around and come back. Does that make sense? So push your body around rather than pull it around and come back.

Now you'll find one worked better for you than another. Okay. Turn the other way. Just breathe in to the same lung, in the direction in which you're turning. So you inhale into the same lung. Exhale back center. Inhale, turn into the same lung.

Exhale back center. Now the opposite lung. Push your ribs around. Inhale into the opposite lung and yeah, absolutely. It gets those allergies going every time. Me. Yeah. Now everybody's pattern is individual to them. What works for you is what you're going to do in saw.

So if you want to rotate, right and breathe right, but rotate left and breathe right, that's fine. If you want, you know, whatever your breath pattern is, try it and saw and see what happens. Okay, so we're gonna rotate towards that direction first and then we'll rotate towards the scenic direction. Second, so inhale and rotate. Exhale, reach past your toe in heels. Sit x Hilson or inhale, rotate and go pick up the lung you want to breathe in, right? This is also your mental exercise for the day, guys. Right? This is to keep you young and inhale and rotate and inhale and rotate and inhale and rotate and inhale and rotate.

Inhale and rotate and inhale and rotate. Nice. Good. It makes a big difference, doesn't it? Yeah. It also is the same with side bending, you know, cause rotation and side bending or combined Saul on your belly. Parone heads towards the center. There you go. And that's not saw that Swan. That's those. Those are the nouns. Go First, right? We've been talking about this, right? Okay. Your hands are by yours, yours, uh, shoulders or wherever it's comfortable for you.

In order to become into a small, very small swan, I want you to push a little marble with your nose to start your head moving and then press gently into the arms and come up as far as you want, not very far on the inhale, exhale and roll down. So push a marble with your tip of your nose and coming up and calming down. You go a little higher each time. Here's another image. Watch that little spider run across the floor and start heading up the wall. You want to know where it's going? You don't want to let it out of your sight and roll down. That's it.

So you watch that little spider, you gather your abdominals up, you support everything you reached gently through the legs. You Watch up and you come all the way down. And then just jiggle, Jiggle your pelvis for a moment so you loosen everything up Nice and easy. Good. What we're going to do is come up onto your forearms and your, I'd like you to do this.

A fist in one hand you can pick which fist you want. Now Sag into your shoulders and then get outta here. Yeah. Oh, this feels good. Okay. So this is, you're going to keep pressing down for s yeah. And then get up for single leg kick. And Eve was very, um, insistent upon heel toe. Reach down and don't ask me why it seemed that was what you did. It's like flexing your feet and roll up.

Ready and in. Reach down in, reach down and keep pulling the bellies in. Press the forearms in the floor and, and the hands in the floor so you have constant action and the arms pressing down on the floor so your body lifts out of your shoulders and stay here. Draw your legs together, turn your toes underneath and you're going to pull your knees and hips off the floor. So you're in a forearm stand and just stay here. Now press down into the floor.

So your shoulder blades migrate around the sides of your ribs like we were doing in puppet arms. Yeah, but here you're doing weight bearing. Perfect. Couple of more breaths. Easy and relaxed, and then come all the way down. Turning your head to one side for double leg kick. Now think of double leg kick as a shoulder blade exercise. So your elbows are on the floor and you kick in, in, in you extend the legs, your shoulder blades come together.

Turn your head and kick in shoulder blades to the floor, shoulder blades together. And if you can't get your shoulder blades to the floor, let go of your hands so your shoulder blades can go to the floor. When you come in, open your shoulder blades so you protract everything, retract everything. Get them open around the ribs and get them together. Last one, an open around the ribs and get them together.

Good. And sit down. Rest position, role, breathe into your back. Okay. On your back for hip escalator, there's many, many, many variations of hip escalator. All this. This is eaves. You prepare the movement in your mind. By inhaling you exhale, you do a Coxix curl and you curl up, up, up, up, up, up, up. Inhale at the top and roll down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, right and inhaled to prayer. Curl, rolling up.

Inhale at the top. Really fill your lungs up. Exhale from the bottom. We're going to add a little arm movement and curling from the bottom. Take your hands up to puppet arms. Exhale, roll down. Feel how you can really spread your shoulder blades and bring your arms down. [inaudible] and curl coming up.

Really just try to peel your spine off the floor, both arms up to the ceiling and rolled down until you're all the way down. We're going to expand twice more so you curl this time. You take your arms all the way to the floor behind you at once. You're up there. As you come down, you reach your hands in one direction and your sits bones in the other direction and you really try to grow an inch, come down and then bring the arms up and over and back down. Inhale to prepare the movement. Exhale, curl your tailbone off the floor.

Inhale, arms way overhead to the floor behind you. Exhale, roll down. Curl your spine all the way down. Good and arms come up and over. Yeah. Good. Okay. Now I'm going to throw in and Nonny, you okay with this? All right. Separate. You separate your feet to the sides of the mats. Bend your arms like this.

You're going to do a hip lift, not a hip escalator. You're not going to curl from your tail. Just lift your pelvis up to the ground and press your whole arms into the floor and then come right back down and inhale up. Exhale right back down. Now become aware of, keep doing that as you're standing. When you're up there on the back of your shoulders and your triceps, do you feel that the back of the upper arm and down? Two more.

Up and down. Next one. Up and down. That's a prep for Jacknife, which we're not going to do, but that's a prep. Okay? Because that's what you're standing on. You would just extend your arms. Okay, but stay here. Extend your arms.

I would like to do another kind of nice way again, he would, I don't know if she, she would probably approve. You're going to take your knee that's in this direction towards me, towards the opposite toes, allowing your spine to follow and then roll back onto your back. So the knee towards the opposite toes. Really lengthening. That's it. So you get that loan. Isn't that Yummy? I know that's the kind of thing where it gets a whole different thing going on.

Unwinding in the back muscles, right, and the hips. Yeah. Wherever, wherever you need it. Right. And again, since you all really like it, you get do one more each side. Good. Yes. And then come all the way back. Nice. All right. Role all, why don't we roll? We better. You guys roll this way. Ruth is going to roll towards the clock.

Just onto your side. Okay. Come up onto your forearm. I'm going to do sidekick from this position rather than this position or all the way down. And the reason being is I want to teach that the sag right? The Sec. So you don't want to do this. So when eve would talk, this would be side imprinting. Do you see, so everybody lie down from it. Yeah. You punched you face this way so we can walk. Yeah. This side. Yeah. So it, uh, imprint here would be the lift of the ribs slightly. And the drop of the ribs slightly. Right.

It's easier to see and do when you're up on your forearm. So she's going to come back up to her form. We're going to do standard sidekick. She goes forward. Standard when she comes back. This has to lift slightly off. I don't need to see it, but the energy has to be there. Okay. All right. So yeah, as you go back, the energy has to be in, into here, not into here. Okay.

So let's all go together since we're sort of small and forward and back and forward at imprint, lift those rooms off. That's it. And forward lift slight ribs. Yes. And forward and yes. And forward. And the last one and back. Nice.

See how you get that support without having to talk about abs other side. Okay, great. Oh, you can s oh, okay, great. Whatever. Ready? [inaudible] and forward and forward and forward and BA and forward. I think this is the same amount and let's do one more just because I can't remember. Okay. All right. Good for sidekick. Wonderful. All right.

We have the you sit next, right, so you sit feet this way you sit right, you sit and you hold underneath here like this, hi, and you find your teaser place. Where are, where are you're going to be in teaser and then you slowly extend your right leg to the ceiling and then drop it. Really drop it, extend and then drop it and extend and then drop it. Now keep doing this. I'm going to talk to you as you do this and the leg extends. It's the same thing as leg circles. You need to find that femur that dropping down into the bowl of the pelvis. Don't let the tightness through here. Pull the leg out of the out of the pelvis.

Do you feel that both legs, this is a little harder. Extend and release it and extend and release it. Keep that teaser balance. Extend and release it. Extend hold, release into teaser. Look at your teasers guys. Whoo. All right.

And come all the way down and relax. Fall apart. Nice. Very, very nice so that you have that anchor there. Okay. Seal, good old fashioned seal clapping and I expect the ball and the sounds. No, everyone I know we need, you know, can we, can we find one? Okay, back. You Go. Add back and forward and back and forward and back and forward and back and forward. Nice. Turn over onto your belly. For a modified swimming, you can separate the arms a little bit in the legs a little bit so you're somewhat comfortable and somewhat comfortable. What I want you to do is on an exhale to press your right arm and your left leg into the floor and on an inhale, lift the same pair. On the inhale, do the same side again. Exhale, press the opposite arm and leg into the floor. Inhale, float that same pair off.

One more exhale and inhale, change sides and exhale and inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale and inhale. [inaudible] exhale, both arms, both legs, press, no. Inhale, float them up. And again, both arms and legs. Press down. Feel how it connects through the belly and hold that connection as you lift and press down and come up as high as you can. In swim. [inaudible] the heck I'm on. The shark is coming. Move, move, move. Good. Boom. And come all the way down. Good wiggle.

Wiggle your pelvis for a moment and sit back in rest position. And then coming up onto your hands and knees. For a simple cat cow. Really simple. Just arch and curl, arch and curl. Just let the spine go. Let everything go. Keep the breathing. Uh, last one. Round the spawn and coming back.

Walk your hands out a little bit more. Extend your back where you want us to come into a pushup position. I won't let you stand, but come into a push up position by extending one leg and then the other one leg and then the other. There you go. And now bend one leg in and then bend the other. Now try to do this without any will. Wiggle, wobble through everything, right.

Stand extend. There you go. Bend, bend, extend, extend, bend, bend. Everybody else except Ruth, unless she wants to jump off the couch. Extend, extend, and I'll come up into two up stretch position, really round. And then you just come back down. Don't stand. Okay. And everybody else walk your hands and feet towards one another. I don't want you to [inaudible] coming up on this. They don't want you to, and I'll slowly soften the legs and slowly roll up to standing.

Good. Thank you.


5 people like this.
Wonderful to hear Michele's beautiful images this morning! Such ease with effort and her classes always make me feel so refreshed! I loved the prep for getting into teaser. Thanks PA for having and sharing her with us!! Love, love, love her!
Sharon O
5 people like this.
Thank you Michele! Eve Gentry's input in the Pilates world is such a contribution for " every body" to connect with each fundamental move as they build and prepare for the stronger practice. Thank you for teaching through PA--I'm so grateful to be Core Dynamics trained! Hope to have more from you Michele!
2 people like this.
One word. Profound.
1 person likes this.
Thank you Michele! Thank you Pilates Anytime! Michele, the Pilates world is a better place with you in it!
beautiful class with great cues and imagery and allowing the body to find its own balance with stability and mobility... loved that there wasnt much chat about muscles and core... more about ease and effortlessness, balance and harmony... would love to see more classes by Michele... thanks
2 people like this.
Thanks Michele ,loved the subtle links between moves allowing the body to naturally flow. Look forward to more,
Jill Cooper
What a pleasant surprise to go on this site and find Michele Larsson! Thank you Pilates Anytime for inviting her!
It is so wonderful to see you again Michele! Great class as always!
Anna Hartman
Love Michelle's classes! Such attention to detail with curing without being over wordy!
A beautiful class....Thank you..
Such an amazing teacher! Thank you PA!
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