Class #854

Full-Body Stretch

60 min - Class


You'll feel better in just minutes as you start class by stretching your chest and shoulders. Move on to the other end of your body to wake up the feet by stretching and strengthening them too. Continue to find your way through the begining and intermediate work using the Theraband and Overball (small ball) as assists throughout class. This work out feels good and is also a lot of fun.

This class is dedicated to PA member Kathy in Wyoming who had come to visit the week before to take class with this group.
What You'll Need: Mat, Overball, Theraband

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So we're going to have a real fun math class because we're all so inspired and we all want to say hello to Kathy from bags, Wyoming. Hi Cathy. Because she came all the way to visit us and take a math class with us. We wish you were being filmed too, so we thought it would be great to stretch our shoulders to start out before we get into the full map because all of us need it. So if you take the band and stretch it out in front of you and I would suggest sandy taking it a little bit wider, have your heels together and lift the arms up over your head. So you want this sense of long powerhouse, long spine and pull the band apart and then take it backwards old behind your head and lift your chest and then let the band release so it comes closer together. So you release the tension. Yes, pull it wide, bring it lower down and let the band release.

So you stretch the front of the chest, pull it out, bring it all the way down, let it release. So your hands should be externally rotated more or less because we're going to do the reverse. Pull the hands out, lifted back and let the band come together. Pull the band wide, lifted higher, let the band release if you can. And again, Paul lifted up higher. Let the band release. I'm bringing a wide up and release and bring the hands all the way down. So Sandy, let's have your hands a little bit wider so it'll be an easier cause.

We're doing this again now that you get the idea. So lift the arms up over your head, big lift through the spine and pull the band apart just so you feel the arm muscles working. Lifted chats, take the arms back some and then see if you can let go of the tension with the hands moving behind. You pull the band, why take it further back? And then that the band come together, release attention. Pull the band out, take it down further. Let the band come together. One more time. Pull the band out, lowered all the way down. Let the band come together. So right here your hands should be externally rotated.

If you can lift the chest, feel the sternum lifting and we'll reversed with coming home. So pull the band out, lifted back, release the tension, pull the band out, lift the band, release attention, pull the band out. Really up, release attention. And one more time. Pull the band out, lifted up, release the tension and bring the band all the way down and roll your shoulders because they notice that you are paying attention. So let's have you all down on the mat. And before we actually get into the mat, click, we'll do a little bit of work with the feet.

So you will take the band and wrap it round the foot. So the flap of the material is coming above the toes. So Tim, the flap of the foot is above a little higher up. Yes. Now from here, stretch this foot out on the floor and flex your foot to toe is pulled way up and you don't want it so high that it's you really want to be sure it's over that the ball parts. Have a nice section sensation there. Now from here, press the ball of the foot down, but keep the toes pulling up. So nice lift of the toes upward.

Then take the toes and stretch them down. Way, way, way down there Tim. Get those toes to go down. Lift the toes up and flex your foot up. And again, press the ball of the foot down. Stretch your toes down, lift the toes up and flex your feet. And again, press the ball of the foot down.

Press the toes down, lift the toes up, flex your feet. And one more time. Press the ball of the foot down, toes down, toes up and release. Change the strap around. So you want the again, right around the ball of the foot's a little bit lower. Megan Yak, right? So you're here. Big Flex to start with. Press the ball of the foot down. Press the toes down. Toes get really kind of lazy there. Pull the toes up, flex your feet and again, ball of the foot down. Toes go down, toes come up, flex your feet and again, ball of the foot goes down, toes come down, toes come up and likes your feet. And last one, ball of the foot down, toes come down, toes come up and flex you fee.

So now without the band, really pull the toes up. Take the feet all as far out. You're trying to press your little toes to the floor and then roll them down so you're down, down, down and down. And try to bring your big toes together and up. So you do let the knees relatively, let's have the feet hip width apart a little bit wider. Yeah, take the feet all the way out. Try to touch your little toll to the floor.

Slide the toes down. Bring the big toe to touch if you can. And, and again, big circle down, down, down, down, down, down and up. And one more time. Big Circle down, down, down, down, down, and [inaudible] and reverse it. Bring the toes together, all the way down, all the way out and up, toes together, all the way down, all the way out and up, toes together, all the way down, all the way out. Then up and last one toes together, all the way down, all the way out and up. Now sit up, tall, 0.1 toe down and the other one and the first one and the other one's a one goes way up there, Tim. Get the toe of the foot to come up. Put Foot, foot, not the toes, the knee, the knee, stay straight. That's it. And other side and shift and shift and shift and shift.

Now both up, both down, both app, both down. Get the toes to work, two elbows up, both down, both up, both down and shape. Your shake, your legs out, the cramping. Nope, just, yeah. Now Bend your feet. And again, this area of the foot gets some really atrophied and lazy. So you may, I'm not sure if you can do this on the map, but just crunch the toes under and release and crunch and release and crunch and release and crunch and release and crunch and release and crunch and release. Now crunch in and try and slide the toes out. Lift up, crunch, toes down, slide the foot out, lift up, curl, touch the toes, slide the feet out, lift the toes, lift the foot, crunch toasts down and slide all the way out. Yeah, out. So singing tolls. Now let's take the theraband.

I think you all have a long one. So for this next one, as you are all doing, the band is long and flat and then the hips are at the bottom of the band and the trunk is lying out. There has to be extra band at the top. So if you reach out first with both hands, just to get a sense and hold onto the band, then take one hand and take it at the lower part of your floating ribs. Right where that little triangle is. And so one hand is on the, on the diaphragm area. One hand on the band, pull your belly in and lift your up and check that your head is kind of resting back into the bed. So what do you want to watch for if not to Yank your head forward? You want to feel these ribs pulling down and then come back and seesaw up the ribs.

Tighten and come back and lift the ribs contract and they had rests into the band and down and lift the Oh good Kathy. Yes. And out. So this should really help you not use your neck lift up again. Good. Wendy, watch it. Your arm isn't so straight. Bend it a bit more and lift and down. Yes, that's good. And lift and down. And one more time like this. And lift. Super Work and down. Rest a minute. So that was excellent. And I'm hoping none of you felt any strain in your neck and you were working the abs because that looked like what you were doing.

So the next one, same thing, except now we bring the knees and the feet together and it's the same movement. The knees will come up and the head rests into the bed. So you really integrate the power house and come back down. So lift up, knees come in, the head is resting into the band, to the neck is soft, sandy and down. Good and lift Paul, the stomach in and down.

Very nice and lift and down and lift and down and last one and lift and down. So, so, so good. Now same shape. 400 so what that's gonna mean is if we don't pump with the arms, one hand is holding the band, the other hand stays here. And all we do is do the breathing. So deep breath in, deep breath out to have a quick, quick glance in my direction because you'll be up here, you can take, keep the legs here, take them out and we'll be going and keep checking that your head is resting. So you really using the powerhouse. So hands hold the bag, one hand on your navel, lift your head and chest up.

And bring the knees in and then find the shape you want with the legs and breathe in and breathe out. Relaxing your neck and breathe in, pulling the stomach in and breathe out. Deepening into the stomach and breathe in and breathe out. Breathe in and breathe out. Stomach is in, and breathe in and breathe out. Then breathe in and breathe out.

Two more times we've in and breathe out. And last one, breathe in and breathe out and lower your head down. Bend your knees and put your feet on the mat. That was awesome. So single leg circles, roll to one side. You get your band out from underneath your body and take the bend. Same way that we did right at the beginning of rapid, round the foot and stretch it up with the ball of the foot extended.

But the toes pull down. So same way we did right at the beginning when we're doing a foot exercises. Yes. So it's like you're in this high heeled shoe position. The ball of the foot is pressed away. Nice and now long leg and very slightly turned out.

Keep the stomach in and slowly extend your other leg long on the mat if you can without the knee bending. And then start your leg circles. Keeping this alignment in, up and pause. Circle the leg in. Pause. Circle the leg and pause. Circle the leg in Paul. Circle the leg and pause. And one more time. Circle the leg in. Pause. Now work the alignment.

Extend both the both feet should feel the same way. So the toes, the ball of the foot is reaching away. You're not flex, but you're long. Good. And reverse your circle. Circle the leg and up and circle the Mae and up and circle the leg like you're pushing energy out of your toes. Circle the leg and up. And one more time. Circle the leg. Now reverse it and circle the leg. Pull the stomach up and circle the leg and up and circle the leg and up and circle the leg and up. And now lower the leg long, 45 degrees and lift the leg up and lower down.

And if the leg up and lower down and lift the leg up and lower down, lift the leg up. And one more time. Lower down, lifted up. And it's changed legs cause we do put the other leg in. We didn't do that on the other side. We've done both sides, haven't we? We haven't. Okay. I couldn't remember. I was so involved with your toes. So starting out, the foot is extended, the toes are lifted, but the ball of the foot is reaching away.

The one on the floor too. Yes, toes are up and the legs are long. And here we go. Circle the leg up and circle the Legen up and circle the Megan up. Good. And circle the Ligon up and circle the leg. Now reverse it and circle the legen up and circle the Legen up and circle the leg and up and last one. Circle the leg and up. Now lower the leg long, reaching it slightly externally rotated, lifted up and lower the leg and lifted up.

Lower the leg and up. Lower than lake and up. And one more time. Lower the leg and up and then get the foot out. Very, very good. And from here, taking the, Oh, let's do this. We'll do come up to a sitting position again, place the band long behind you and see if you can bring the band up.

So it's going to be, the band is locked under your bottom, but you're holding it up above your head with your knees bent. To start out, you have to have your knees bent. So sit up nice and tall and then slightly roll back. Secrete the secret. And your focus is getting the waist in, but the head is resting into the band so you're not like crunched down. You're in this round shaped position. That looks very good, Kathy. Yes. So just Wendy, be careful not to Yank your head too far forward now using your stomach, lower yourself down onto the mat.

Rest. Yes, yes, yes. And then see if you can lift up the same way. Curlier head and chest up. You want to come up or not? And Roll Up. I think you better for you. Don't come all the way up. Just say halfway and bend your knees. Lift. Take your head a little bit back to him. Yes. Now roll down. Roll, roll. That's it. Very good.

And lift your head and chest up and use system. Yes, yes, yes and right. So you want to be careful as you're working that you're not yanking the head too much. You really making the trunk. Good. Do the work and then roll down. Roll down, roll down. Oh Hey. So get the band out from underneath. Rolling like a ball.

Just put it off to one side hole behind your knees and lift your feet up and see if you can find this way. Place a balance. Drop your head down, pull the navel in and pull the shoulders away from your ears. Roll back to your shoulders and come up and lift in balance. And again, roll back. Come up and balance. That's it. And roll back. Come up and balance and roll back.

Tub Up and balance in. One more time. Roll back pretty good. Come up and balance. Shift. You wait to shift your hold your ankles, drop your head and back. You go again. Back, you go, rolling back and up and back and up and back and up. And one more time back. Come back up and balance. Hold it, hold it and rest. Good work. Okay. Series of five.

We'll put the bend on the math again and lie down. So same thing. You want your bottom on the mat, on the band and your head with some band left above and lift your head and chest up and see that you get the sense of the band actually supporting your head. Bring both knees into your chest, check that your neck is soft. Extend your left leg out and switch and two and switch and three and switch and four. And try to feel that knee in as the leg goes out, knee in and switch and six and switch and seven and switch and eight and switch. Bring both knees in. Drop your head down, put your feet down and take a rest. That was really good. A little bit different when there's no help from the hands. So next one, double leg stretches the same thing. We'll be holding the band with the hands.

So lift your head and chest up, curl your knees into your chest, check that the throat is soft and extend the legs out and bring them up toward your face. Extend the legs out and bring them in. Extend the legs out and in extent and in extent. And in last one, extend and in. Put your head down, put your feet down and take a rest for a minute. The next one, we won't use the band so it can just stay where it is for scissors.

Bring both knees into your chest, hold your shins and only you want to crow your head and just up lift the legs and let's have everybody slightly turn the legs out. Take your right leg and make sure the heels are tracking together and double scissor and switch. Double Poles. Switch Double Paul Switch Double Paul's switch. Keep the body quiet, Tim. Nice and quiet. That's it. So the hands move the legs. Much better. Check.

Keep going and check that the shoulders are down away from the ears. Paul, Paul and Paul Paul, bring both legs up. Bend your knees and lower your head down and your feet down to the mat. Now to get the Mat, the pad, because we're actually going to use, I'm sorry, the band, we're going to use it around the feet. If you roll to one side, you can probably get it out and roll right back on your back. Then take the band and place it around your feet and stretch your legs up. And again, see if you can reach the toes up away from the floor. So Tim, you want to extend the ball? That's it. But keep pulling the toes toward your face, toes towards your face. That's it.

That's it. That's it. And very slightly, turn the maids out. Using your powerhouse. Lift your head and chest off the floor and press the sit bones into the floor. As you take the legs away from you and bring them up. Take the legs away and bring them up.

Take the legs away. Bring them up. Take the legs away. Bring them up. One more time. Take the legs away, bring them up, bend the knees in. Put your head down, put your feet down and take a breather. The theraband, just let it relax it out with your hands.

Take your hands behind your head for criss-cross and bring both knees into your chest just to have the legs there. Now curling your head and chest up. Lift your head off the mat. Take your left elbow towards your right knee and bring your right knee in and twist to the right. Lift and twist to the left. Lift. Twist to the right lift. Twist of the left lift. Twist to the right lift.

Twist to the left. Bring both knees in. Drop your head down and your feet down. And rest o k roll up to a civic position. Take the band and place it round your feet and have you feet. This is like spine stretch forward, inspired by spine. Stretch forward. So you want your feet, at least the width of your own map. So you may need to have more space, yes in the band.

Right, right, right. And it's nice if it has just a little bit of tension. So if you take the feet and slightly roll them away from each other, yes, you can feel kind of the work into the legs of that. Now lift the spine way up and pull the stomach in and I'll lift up a little bit more. Just pull the band back as you curl in slightly, and then sit up and lift and the arms. Release a bit and lift the belly and curl in. Pulling the band back and back.

Lift, lift, lift that chest even more, Tim, if you can. And again, lift the belly as you pull back with the elbows, curling over and come back and come back up. And one more time. Lift and curl in and back and up. Good. Okay. Bring the um, the band ins so, and bend your knees, then your knees so your toes are very slightly apart. Lift your feet off the mat. So the knees, it's like a rolling like a ball. You could say, see if you can stretch the legs. Woo.

[inaudible] yes, yes. And stretch your lights and down and stretch your legs and down and stretch your legs good and down. So putting your heels down, open your feet wider so you spread them wider on the band. So we're moving towards the idea of open leg rocker. So rock back. See if you can engage the powerhouse. Yes.

Lift up again and bend. Lift up and bend [inaudible] and lift up. Hold it now from here. See if you can roll back and up and balance. Yes. Ah Ha. And roll back and up and balance. Roll back up and balance.

Pretty good. One more time. Roll back up and balance. Good. Bring your feet together and come down on your baths, down on your backs with the band around your legs for corkscrew. This is a nice way to do it. So pull your elbows into the ground so you may need a longer strap.

Is that too short for you sandy? So see if you can have your leg straight up, elbows locked in, right. And keeping the legs long. Just draw your circle for screw and up. And then reverse your circle. Circle the other way and up and circle the first way and up. Circle the other way and up.

Circle the first way and up at circle the other way and up and then bend the knees and bring the feet to the mat and bring yourselves up to a sitting position. Again. Let's take the band and place it around the right foot. So your feet, we'll be a little bit wider than your own map. So this is inspired by, um, saw. Start by sitting up nice and tall. Instead of having your chest straight, you twist it towards the right leg.

You want to think of your sternum facing in the right direction. And then so you over twisting sandy, you just wanted enough so it would be facing your own foot. Yes. And then think of the left shoulder ribcage coming forward in the right shoulder, moving back. Now check your left bottom bottom and push it down into the ground. The left bottom right now, keep the feet pulled up, lift the waist and drop your head and rolled down and pull back with the band with both elbows, just like you did spine stretch forward and then roll back up and sit up tall.

And the arms come a little bit longer. And Wendy, instead of overturning, just look in the eye. That's long, diagonal. Good. Lift up and crow over. So your head is going towards your knee. Pull the elbows back and come back and sit up straight, straight, straight, straight, broad shoulders. And again, pull the stomach in and round your head down towards your knee and come back up and sit up nice and tall and lifted. One more time. Lift the belly curl in. Pull the elbows back, deepening into the powerhouse and come back up. Take the ball and place it on the other side and sit up nice and tall. And now rotate a little bit to your left.

So the left rib cage goes back, the right rib cage comes forward. Think of your center of your chest in line with your leg and as much as possible, the shoulders wide, big breath in. Lift up tall. And as you breathe out, pull the elbows back and round in towards your knee and then sit back up nice and tall and again, round your head down. Elbows go back and come back up nice and tall and again, round down towards the knee. And come back up, sitting up nice and tall. Flex your feet one more time. Rounding down and coming back up. Very, very good. And then get rid of the band.

Now before we get into the whole series that we do on the stomach, we'll be doing just a little bit of work to get a lift through the sternum. So I'm going to give each of you one of these balls. So Tim, and here we are all blah blah blah blah. Wendy [inaudible] and that'd be and Sandy. So what happens, all of us get round shouldered and the chest starts to collapse and this area gets short. And then we're trying to stand up straight and pull our shoulders back.

But the front of the body's still over tight. So we're going to be doing a little bit of work to stretch into here. So we'll be starting, I'll just, I'll show you and then we'll, you'll all walk through this together with the ball. Just, you know where the ribs come up to this point. The ball would be just above it and then we'll be lifting the chest and taking a few breaths. And rolling it up every time a little bit. And the way you'll be rolling the ball up, you'll be, you'll start kind of draped over it with your arms long and then lifting up.

But you'll walk your feet back to UCL. When I'm walking my feet back, the ball rolls forward and it's actually helping lift the chest, lift the sternum forward. So you'll, I'm hoping you'll feel this stretch of the rib cage literally being lifted away from your waist area. So, and then you'll go a little bit further and you'll also be working with the breath as you go along. So I'll talk you through it. Let's have you all lie on your stomach with this nice, soft, malleable kind of a ball just above, just at the base of your sternum. Yeah. And it's not, it should be, you know, it's pressure, but it should be comfortable. And you want your arms in front of you long and you walk your feet a little bit wider than your hips. So in this you start out slightly round and let your chest be rounded over the ball and take a few breaths in. Breathe, breathe in and literally swell into the ball. And as you breathe out, think of melting into the ball.

Breathe in and press the lungs into the ball and then breathe out. And one more time. Breathe in like this and breathe out. Now lift your head and chest. Don't go anywhere but just lift up and have the arms long.

Maybe Tim for you the hands wider apart and see if you can roll the shoulders back and lift the sternum forward on the ball. And now breathe in again and press the rib cage into the ball and then breathe out. Long arms. Breathe in, breathe out. And one more time. Breathe in and then breathe out. Now take one foot at a time and walk backwards with the feet about an inch with the idea that the ball is stretching your chest away from your pelvis and then have the arms and long with the shoulders rolled back. And again, take a breath in and think of the ribs moving forward and breathe out and breathe in. Pressing the lungs into the ball and breathe out.

And one more time. Breathing in, shoulders down, pressing into the ball and breathing out. Very nice. Walk a little bit further back with the feet, Tim. The feet should be wider. Good. See if you can lift the chest, show, breathe in. That's it. And breathe out and breathe in and breathe out and breathe in and breathe out. Very good. And then walk a little bit further back with your feet and feel your chest being dragged forward. Yes and again, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in gas. There we go. Breathe out, breathe in and breathe out. Very good.

And then just move the ball out from underneath you very nice. Should have helped the upper back at a little bit softer. Maybe get a sense of stretch now place. Move it to one side and just place your forehead on your fingertips was one prep. So in this position you won't get the tip with the part and pull your belly up so the belly is long.

And now lift your elbows, your forehead and your fingertips an inch off the floor only. So your long in the spine to begin with and down and again, lift up long in the spine and down. And one more time long in the spine and down. Nice. Now you'll lift three more. Lifting higher, tried to emulate the same feeling you got from the ball. So lift up a little bit more and lengthen further away from you. Yes, Megan and down and lift up and lengths in the sternum.

Forward and down. And one more time. Lift up nice and long and down. Very nice. Now stretch your arms out in front of you who rocky chop alignment to the little fingers pressing on the floor and really extend the arms as far away from you as you can. Then lift your head and chest up and you on a sticky mat took. We may not be easy, but see if you can bring the arms in, getting that stretch of the trust forward.

Then make fists with your hands and press the hands down and lengthen even further forward and up with the whole chest. That's it. When they bring them the hands in. More closer to your shoulder, even more. That's it. Now think of stretching your chest towards Debbie. That's it. Long, long, long trunk. Now brings [inaudible] the knees together. So starting with this traction of the chest forward, just bend your right foot in. Slowly, just the right foot and pull the stomach. Stretch the stomach forward. Stretch the chest forward. Pull the foot in, pull it in, pull it in, and extend the leg out.

Take the other leg, pull the chest forward, pull the chest forward, bend the foot, bend the foot when the foot and bring it out. Now we'll go for normal single kicks, kick, kick and Davin. Kick, kick and down. Kick, kick and down. Kick. Kick. Very good. Down and kick. Kick and down. Kick, kick and down. Kick, kick and down and kick. Kick. Very good, nice and down. Now to give yourselves a stretch, take the left hand down, bend your right foot and see if you can pull the foot in towards your own bottom. Good. Tim. So much better. Yes, very good. Other side bending.

Good work. Really good work. Whoa. Pulling in, pulling in, pulling in and down. Very, very nice. Now put the hands under your shoulders and lift your chest up. Just lift up, lift up, up, lift up. So you bend the back, lower back down. So five times we're going to lift up like that. Press up again. Let the back bend, lift the chest, open the sternum and down. And again. Lift up, opening the chest and down and lift and down. And one more time and lift and down.

Now we'll be doing a variation of single leg kicks. I'll bring you back the ball. If you don't, if you've lost it, you'll stop. Seen your elbows down. And then lift the elbows up and stretch the ball back. And then lower.

Bring the elbows down and squeeze the shoulder blades together as the ball goes back. So here's evolved Deb. The McMurray's are going to get their ball back. Hm. Okay Kim, here's a ball. Here's a ball. And here's a ball. So with the bow on your waist, you want the hands on either side. Press the elbows down, elbows down towards the floor can be a little tricky because the elbows get quite tight. Now lift your head and chest and stretch the hands to the knees.

Pull way back and squeeze the shoulder blades together. Lower down and turn your head and bend the elbows in. Very good. And again, press back and stretch those shoulders back and come down for a side again. Turn your head to one side and then pull back and stretch the arms back. Squeeze your shoulder blades. Much better Wendy and other side bend.

Bend the elbows, Tim, bend the elbows more, more, more, and then pull back and stretch and stretch and stretch and lower down. Okay. Hold your elbows behind your back. Not Two elbows. I'm sorry. Hold your fingers, fingers. Now we do full dabble like kicks. Turn your nose to the right nose to the right. Knees together, feet together. Press your elbows down. Have a real good grip, sandy with your one hand holding the other if possible. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay. Here we go. Kick two, three and pull back and stretch. And if your chest another side, pick two, three and pull back and lift your chest first side and kick two three and pull back. And if your chest, the other side kick two, three add, pull back.

And if your chest first side and kick two three and pull back. And if your chest last sidekick two three and pull back and lift your chest very good. Sit back into your heels and stretch your back out. Nice long stretch. Drop your head down and now stretch. Still forward like that. You're a little bit ahead of me, Megan. Stretch your arms out still in child's pose. Stretcher, hands out on the mat and take your hands to the right so you're stretching out over your right knee and then walk the hands over to the left and then come back to the center. Stretch a little bit further out and then come up to a sitting position on your knees and can, you'll come up on your knees and open the knees apart. Is that something that everybody's okay with the knees with that?

Let's take the band and hold the band behind your back. Just kind of easy here, just like this. Now, very common that it's hard to squeeze your shoulder blades together because those muscles get really tight or atrophied, I should say. So let's just practice squeezing your shoulder blades and lifting the chest and relax and squeeze your shoulder blades and relax and squeeze your shoulder blades. That's it, sandy and relax. And one more time. Squeeze your shoulder blades and relax. Now Bend your hands and hold the band a little bit tight too, so it's kind of right on either side of your waist.

And then squeeze your shoulder blade, press the band down and lift your chest and bend. Squeeze your shoulder blade, press down and stretch it apart a little bit and bend and squeeze your shoulder blade. Press down and broaden and bend. And one more time. Squeeze. Press down and broaden and bend.

Okay, very, very good. Stretch your legs out on the math in front of you and sitting with your hands right in front of your armpits. So you'll be sitting this, this is called. So right here, squeeze your shoulder blades and press your elbows back and lift your chest. Lift your chin, that's a stretch out with the arm. So you have a long diagonal. And then bring the hands down.

So you're pushing down to lift your chest, lift your chest, lift the arms up as high as you can, and take them why? To the side and down and again. And stretch out. Long diagonal. Push the hands down to lift your chest. Lift the arms up and out and down. And again, squeeze your shoulder blades, stretch out, bring the hands down, lift the arms up and all the way down.

And now starting with the hands here, flex your feet and slide the hands forward as far as you can towards your heels. And then it's big. Circle all the way up, all the way up, all the way up. Big Circle, out and down. And again, slide forward, forward, forward. Push forward with the hands to lift and out and down. One more time.

Slide and reach all the way up, all the way out and down. Now. Can you sit cross legged? You know what, Tim, come on over here because if the tips are tight, it's hard to sit cross legged. How will you Wendy? Okay. Okay, so we have the easy part. You're going to have your hands with this shape, diamond shape. Take the hands and place the thumb right between the behind the base of the skull and then press your hands into your head.

Now lift your chest and take your elbows is why as you can out and lift your chest some more. Keep this very wide stretch of the elbows and see if you can slide the hands up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up high. That's it. And then bend them back and try to get these elbows as wide as you can. And it's fine to lift the chest and again, slide up, up, up, up, up, and lift the arms and the elbows. Megan, stretch the elbows all the way and bend the elbows wide and again, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift and stretch the elbows and back, elbows, y and lift, lift, lift, lift, lift and stretch. And then back.

Bring the arms down and just roll the shoulders. And if you want to be adventurous, some cross your feet the other way. [inaudible] lift your sternum and bring your hands to the third fingers, right opposite your sternum with your elbows lifted. So Tim Moore, y yes. And see if you can take the tip of the elbow and lifted. Yes. Now lift your chest and take the arms out to the side. Take a breath in here and breathe out.

And think of squeezing a big tree trunk. Breathe in and breathe out and schoolies everything. Breathe in, breathe out and squeeze. And one more time. Breathe in. Breathe out and squeeze. Good work. Shake your arms out and lie down. Tim, you can go back and lie down on your right side, the sidekicks. So lying on your right side. So you three will be facing this way and you two is facing that way and support your head with your hands and lift the legs up and bring them to the front of the Mat.

So we'll start with the forward back kicks. Lift your top like up hip height, just hip height. And swing it to the front and double pulse. Pulse, pulse, back, back, pulse, pulse, back, back, pulse, pulse, back, back, pulse, pulse. Very good. Back, back to the body's quiet. Paul's, Paul's back back. One more time. Paul's Paul's back back. Bring the leg. One on top of the other. Turn your leg out. Swing it high up. Flex it down.

Swing it up. Flex it down. Swing it up. Flex it down. Swing it up. Flex it down. Swing it up. Flex it down. Swing it up and down. Two more times. Up and down. Last one. Up and down. Very good. Roll onto your stomach for little beat. So forehead on your fingertips.

Legs are long. Point your feet. Stretch your legs and lift the legs in the air and opening. Closed sideways. One, two oh five six seven eight two, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Last set, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Lower down and stretch back. And do you heel. Stretch your body out. Pull the stomach in. Nice long stretch.

Come back onto your stomach. Other side, same thing. So this is very condense, but just to get the hips to work, lift your legs up and bring them on a diagonal in front of you. Lift your top like up to hip height and kick forward. Forward, forward, back, back, forward, forward, back, back. Keep the power of steady back, back, forward, forward, back, back, forward, forward, back, back, past one. Forward, forward, back, back. Bring the legs together. Very nice.

Reaffirm your powerhouse during your top like Alpha sidekicks. Swing the leg up and down. Swing it up and down. Swing it up and down. Swing it up and down.

Swing it up and down. Last one, up and down. Very good. Roll onto your backs and bridge. Bend your feet up to the feet. Are Hip with the court. Broaden the shoulders to take the shoulders and press them into the map. And then start by articulating your lower spinal.

Tuck the tail and roll the hips up so you're in a long diagonal shape. And then soften the sternum to roll down through the spine all the way. So your back is nice and long. And again, Tuck the tail, roll the hips up. Roll up and lengthen through the knees and then saw often through the sternum. Allow the body to melt all the way down into the mat.

And again, Tuck the tail, roll the hips up, roll, roll, roll and lift way up. And then soften the sternum to roll. Roll, roll all the way down. And last one, Tuck the tail and roll your hips and lift up. Pressing into the heels to lift. And then roll down. Roll down, roll down all the way onto your backs. Roll up to a sitting position with your knees bent. Lift your right leg and extend. Roll halfway down and come up and roll halfway down and come up.

And one more time. Halfway down and come up. Bring the leg down, pull the stomach in, extend the other leg, lift your arm and roll down and come up [inaudible] and roll down and come up and roll down and come up. Very good. Full seal. So bend, wrap your hands underneath your ankles. Lift your feet up in the air and clap your feet. Three times. Clap, clap, clap, roll back on your shoulders and come back up. And balance. And again, clap, clap, clap, roll back and come back up. And again, clap, clap, clap, roll back and come back up.

And last one clap, clap, clap, roll back and come back up. Good work and come up to a standing position. So starting with Standing Mermaid, you want your legs under, you roll the shoulders wide, take your left hand, left hand and sweep it all the way up. Pull the shoulder up so the hand is right by the ear lifted and slide the other hand down as you stretch and push this hand into the side of your head and come back and down. Other hand rotates. They stop. Pull the shoulder up and slide over and come back and for saw him again.

Lifting up and over. Now rapid round your head to stretch a little bit further. Stretch it back out and come back up and other side and lifting up and over. Rapid round your head and back and up in one last time. Lift up [inaudible] rapid round your head as you stretch now here, roll your chest down, roll your chest open, stretch and come back up.

And other side lifting up. So stretch sideways towards me, Sandy. You don't no, no, no. Keep your hands away. You were right hand, ah, curled your chest towards the floor a little bit. Curled your chest back. Open sideways. No. Turn back sideways. There it is and stretch and come back up so I could see. That's a brain twister.

Take your feet apart. A wider than your own mat. So this is like saw but standing. Take your arms out to the side. Take your right hand towards your left little toe stretch and come back up and open out other side. Stretch. Come back and lift. First side twist, stretch. Come back and lift other side.

Stretch and back and open. First side again. Stretch and back and open and last one, stretch and back and open. Open. Bring your feet together. Lift your arms up, stretch the spine and roll down. Roll down. Roll down towards the floor. Three circles here. One, two, and three. Reverse it. One, two, and three.

Roll Up. Stretch the arms forward. They've the arms up and one more time. Sweep the belly up as you roll. Roll, roll. To go down circle three times one and two and three, reverse it. One and two and three and roll up through the spines.

Sweep the arms forward, lift them up, lift the waist, lift the ribs, and float the arms out and come all the way down. And just take a moment and stand. See if you can find, where's your personal plum line? What happens with the hips when the ride over the center of the feet? What happens with the shoulders when they're over the hips? Where's the head when it's really on top of the chest?

Take a breath in and breathing out. Let it go. So very good work. Very nice. Thank you.


1 person likes this.
lovely class with lots of little discoveries thanks to your insightful cueing
Fabulous as always Niedra - love you!
Really good class for my age group. 60+
1 person likes this.
such useful correction techniques and queing for instructors like me and great to have a class with varied postures -much more realistic to the classes I teach. thank you
Niedra Gabriel
HI Dawn, I just looked at your information and love that you teach in rural areas, there is such a need in far out places for good instructors and you sound very eager to help and share and support people. I am most happy to hear that my cues and alignment are helpful to you.
Pilates is for all levels of people, but the teacher is the one who is really the magic maker - finding the level and rhythm to suite the student. wishing you much success.
Este video no se puede ver. una lastima!!
Niedra Gabriel
Hi there - anyone understand Spanish? I don't - sorry Trinidad.
Trinidad ~ I'm sorry you had trouble viewing this class. Try restarting your computer to clear away the processes that are running. If you continue to have trouble, you can email us at for more options.
Nice gently class after a boot barre yesterday and a more challenging one after that, my body needed a nice stretch today!
Just what a 6 month postpartum woman needs to get her shoulders readjusted :) thank you!
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