Class #891

Cadillac for Menopause

35 min - Class


Carolyne Anthony returns to PA with a Cadillac class that was originally designed for her menopausal clients but is suited for anybody. Using the push through bar through the first part of class you'll warm up and work the trunk, legs and hips. During the second half of class, pull out your Pilates Arc to continue your workout adressing the arms, back extensors and glutes. Carolyne, takes liberties with choreography and is quite creative doing so. Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Cadillac, Pilates Arc

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I'm Carolyn Anthony and we're going to do a Cadillac routine that I usually give to my menopausal women, but it's suitable for everybody. So I'm going to ask Mandy just to lie flat on her back. I'm going to bring the bar through and you're going to place your feet on the bar. Set comfortable lying back down. So we're just going to start off by taking a nice deep breath in. And on the exhale, just allow your whole body to relax into the table and feel the back of your head and loosen the tension in your neck and your shoulders.

Keep breathing deeply, and every time you exhale, just relax your body a little bit more and feel both shoulder blades into the table and feel the back of your ribcage. That's it. Don't, don't pull. Just relax and then feel the back of your pelvis and feel both also the fee on the bar and take your time getting into a position and take another deep breath in. And as you exhale, allow the spine to gently drop towards the table. And then what I'd like you to do is take a breath into your tummy. On the exhale, allow your tummy muscles just to relax.

Let them go. At the end of the exhale, pull your tummy muscles to your spine and then connect your sit bones, your hipbones, and your ribcage. And again, the breath goes into your tummy. On the exhale, you relax your tummy muscles. At the end of the exhale, pull them in and connect. Sip Boone's hipbones and ribcage. And one more time. The cue is inhale. On the exhale you drop and then connect.

And then you begin a movement. And from here we're going to inhale on the exhale, drop connect, and now bend the knees and bring the bar towards you. Turn your hands on. That's it. Exhale, send the bar and inhale. Pull the bar down with the backs of the legs and exhale, lengthen out the front of your body. And again, inhale to bend and exhale, pressing the bar. Inhale to bend, and exhale, lengthen across those hips. And again, inhale to bend. Exhale, send the bar up this time. Keep exhaling.

Bring your tailbone to your pubic bone, pubic bone to the chest, rolling up through your spine, pressing the bar up. Keep the sip bones, hip bones and rib cage together, opening up the front body. Inhale at the top and on the exhale, starting from the back of your throat, coming through your thoracic spine, keeping the pubic bone pulling towards your chest for as long as you can to stretch lower back. And then when you need to, you can go ahead and inhale. Bend the knees and exhale. Lengthen across the front of the hips and again, inhale to bend and exhale bar goes up. Tailbone to pubic. Boom, pubic bone to chest.

Keep rolling up through your spine, circling into this movement. Inhale at the top and exhale from the back of the throat, dropping the spine back down onto the mat, keeping that pubic bone pulling towards your chest for as long as you can and inhale to bend the knees and Exhale, sit bones, hip bones, rib cage come together to hold you still as you press that bar away. And again, inhale to bend and exhale, tailbone to pubic bone, pubic bone to chest, rolling up through your spine, pressing that bar all the way up. Press, press, press. Lengthen through the front body. Inhale at the top. Exhale from the back of your throat, rolling down through your spine, bottom of the rib cage. Hipbones sit bones together coming all the way down. You're going to inhale to bend the knees and exhale to press the bar away.

Just stay here for a minute. Now you're going to slip one foot off the bar and take it underneath, lifted off the bed. You're going to do the single leg work, but you're going to bend both knees at the same time. Let's start that again. Listen, and foot comes off the off the bed. Everything happens at the same time. Then both knees in pull bar with one leg and as you exhale, one leg goes straight up to the ceiling. The other leg pushes the bar up.

You're going to bring tailbone to pubic bone, pubic bone to chest as you link up, dropping the other open leg over the head. Inhale at the top and exhale slowly coming down through your spine. When you feel the need to bend your knee, you're going to bend both at the same time and then exhale, straighten both at the same time, keeping the other leg off the table good. And again, it's inhale, bend both knees at the same time and exhale, tailbone to pubic. Burn pubic bone to chest. This is straighten both legs. Take one over the head and one on the bar.

Inhale at the top and exhale slowly coming down. And when you feel the need to bend, bend both knees at the same time and exhale, straightening both legs at the same time. Why more time? And inhale to bend both knees. Pull the bar with one leg and exhale tailbone to pubic. Boom pubic bone to chess, sending that bar up as you stretch both legs.

Inhale at the top and exhale slowly coming back down through the spine. And Go ahead and start bending both knees. Pull the bar down and exhale. Sending the legs out. Stay here. Go ahead and bring the other foot on the bar and slip the other one off.

And again, we're going to bend both knees at the same time. On the inhale, on the exhale, tailbone to pubic bone, pubic bone to chest, rolling up through your spine, straightening both legs up. Nice big stretch. Inhale at the top and exhale slowly coming down through the spine. And Go ahead and bend both knees at the same time and exhale, straighten at the same time. Good. And inhale, bend the knees and Exhale, rolling up through your spine, stretching both legs at the same time. Inhale at the top and exhale slowly coming down and inhale to bend both knees and Exhale, straighten it out. One last time.

Inhale to bend and Exhale, rolling up through your spine, straightening both legs together. Inhale at the top and exhale slowly coming down. And inhale, bend both knees and exhale to press the legs out. Go ahead and place this leg back on the bar. You're going to inhale. Take the arms up over your head and on the exhale, bring the arms up into your roll up, rolling all the way up, and it's a little bit different. When you have your feet on the bar.

Come as far forward as you can. It's get a lovely stretch across your back. Inhale to hall and exhale. Start tailbone to pubic bone, pubic burn to chess, really pulling all the way down. That's it. And inhale, the arms go up in over and exhale, arms come up and rocking down into the small of your back, rolling up through your spine, pulling up pubic bone towards you. Try and come all the way over if you can. Stretching right through your hamstrings, taking liberties with this.

Inhale and exhale. Starting from the lowest part of your abdominals rolling all the way down and coming all the way down. Inhale, the arms go up in over and again, exhale, arms come up, head, neck and shoulders coming all the way up. This time you're going to come forward and hold onto the bar with your hands. If your arms are long enough and your Lexus not so tight. So from here you're going to inhale. On the exhale, you're going to press both the underneath the bar for a calf stretch.

So I'm going to pull the bar towards you. There you go. And then you're going to inhale to press away and exhale, rolling all the way down through your spine. This time as you come down, just go ahead and bring the arms down, either side of you, good, all the way down for me. And Go ahead and bend the knees in until you're in that 90 degree position. And then I want you to hold the bar as still as you can. I'm going to come around here and give Mandy the arm springs and from here she's going to take a breath in. Keeping the bar is still as you can. On the exhale, you're going to bring your head, neck and shoulders up and press the arms down. Inhale to come back down. Keep the bar as still as you can.

So you're going to be working into your hamstrings as well. Exhale, coming up. Good. And inhale to come down. And again, keep the Bastille and exhale pressing up. Good and inhale to come down. Keep it going, and exhale, lift and inhale to come down and exhale and inhale to come down.

This time you're going to stay up and exhale to lift to come up. Small circles with the arms. Inhale, exhale, round. Inhale, exhale, round. Inhale, exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Two more this way. Inhale, exhale, and go the opposite way. Inhale, exhale, round. Inhale, exhale, round. Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale around. One more time as I slowed it down and she felt that and slowly come back down.

Good. Take it all the way down. Take the feet off the bar and let it come up. Good. Bring your feet just onto the mat for me and I'll take these away from you. Go ahead and sit up for me. Well done, Ben. Genesen and now you're going to put your feet, so find a nice position. Put both feet on the bar for me. All right, and she's looking at me like, what's next? Take your hands out in front of you.

Now from here, I want you to keep a nice long spine. Keep the knees bent close and what you're going to do is double leg stretch in this position. So you're going to take both arms up overhead. As you hinge slightly back, send the bar away from your exhale, circle the answer out to bring it back in. Good. Very nice. Inhale, lengthen and exhale round. And inhale, lengthen and exhale around. Inhale, lengthen way. Very nice. And exhale, pull it in. If you can do two more, that'd be lovely. Inhale and exhale around. One more time. Inhale, lengthen. And exhale. Go ahead and hold your knees for a minute. Quick break, because you're going to do this again, sorry, but this time you're going to do it with one leg off underneath.

So now it's single leg stretch. Okay, so every time you open up you're going to lengthen both legs. So you're going to inhale, take both arms back and let them both legs and exhale, bring both legs together. That's it. Good. Slight liberties on the single leg. Stretch. Good, but you're not holding onto the bar with the other leg. Inhale, lengthen and exhale, pull. Inhale, lengthen. And exhale, pull. We do. One more on this side. Inhale, lengthen. And exhale, pull. Quick rest. Put the put on the bar. Okay. Yeah. Good. Alright, here we go again. And four on the side.

Inhale up and exhale users' abdominals. Pull you in. And inhale, lengthen and exhale, pulling in and inhale to lengthen both knees bend at same time, Paul. One last time. Inhale, lengthen. And exhale, pull it in. Good. Go ahead and bring both legs down onto the mat and go ahead and roll down just to give yourself a break. Good fuel. All right. Yeah, good. Good. All right, we're going to roll onto their sides and one leg stays on the table. The other leg comes on the foot bar on the bar.

And this time I want you to have it with your leg turned out for me, so rotate out. That's it. I would put the ball of the foot on the bar slightly in front so that you're not too badly turned out. So we're going to do the same thing but lying on the side. So from here you're going to inhale, pull the bar in by bending the knee. And then exhale, send the bar up just like you would do in the supine position and lift up. And then on the way down, rotate as much as you can to pull the bar down.

And exhale, press the bar away. And again, inhale to pull and exhale, send the bar. Good. And inhale, rotate round. And exhale, press away. You can either lengthen the underneath Lego, keep it straight. It's entirely up to you. Inhale to Paul and exhale, press it up. And Inhale Paul and exhale, press away.

And again, inhale to pull and exhale, stretch. Inhale, pool, and exhale, press away. Now we're going to add on. So inhale pool and exhale. Keep the leg up here from here. Once you to inhale on the exhale, I want you to squeeze the insight. They muscle up to this leg. Good. Inhale to lower and exhale inside thigh muscle and um, and again, exhale, lift. Inhale, lower. Exhale, lift. Inhale, lower and again, lift and down. Exhale, lift. Inhale, lower. Two more times. Exhale, pull. Inhale, lower.

Just one more time. Exhale, lift and inhale, come all the way down. Go head and bend this knee in and exhale to straighten it here. Now keep that leg on the bar. I take it just a little further forward just to keep your hip in line. And I'm going to take the underneath leg and stretch it back here a little bit.

So you've got a little bit of a base here. I'm not holding onto the bar. What I want you to do is hold on to an arm spring, which I've sprung from the sliding bar to whichever tension you feel is appropriate. So hold onto the bar with your foot. You're going to inhale for me. Exhale, press that bar down. That's it. And Inhale, lift and exhale, working. Lapse the ratio. Santeria, and inhale to lift. And exhale, press in here, lift and Exhale, press two more times. Inhale to lengthen up and exhale. Press it down one more time. Inhale, lift and exhale. Keep it here.

Now you're gonna fold at the elbow for triceps. Inhale, good, and exhale, press away. Good. Inhale, bend, and Exhale, press. Keep. The elbow is still as you can. Inhale and exhale. Press. Inhale, bend, and exhale. Press two more times. Inhale, bend and exhale. Press one more time. Inhale, bend and Exhale, press and go ahead and just release that. Keep the leg on the bar.

Got One more thing to do. Just hold onto the bar. And from here we're just going to work into the hip itself here in the top of the hip using your quadratus lumborum. What I want you to do is a hip hike up and then an exhale. Press with the pelvis to press away. So small movement, hip pike up. And exhale, press away. Inhale Paul, and exhale, press. Inhale, pull small movement.

Exhale, press, and again just the top of the hip and push with the pelvis. One more time. Pull with the pelvis and press with the pelvis and just go ahead and release that leg. And now I want you to turn onto the other side to do a whole thing again. You okay? Good.

Let's do the other ones so you can stretch it as well. So turning on her side, I'll bring the bar down and one leg on the top, the other leg can be bent or lengthen depending on what you, how you feel. So from here you're going to bend the leg in, inhale to bend, and Exhale, taking it straight up. Good. And inhale, pull down. You can rotate this a bit more. And exhale, press away. And inhale, bend, and Exhale, lengthen up. And inhale, pull it down. That's it. And exhale, press away. And again, inhale, Tibet and exhale, lengthen. Inhale, bend, and Exhale, press away.

And one more. Inhale and exhale, sending it up and inhale, bend to pull the bar down. Exhale, send it away and inhale to bend. Exhale, take it all the way up. And this time you're going to stay here working the incite thy muscle. Inhale, exhale, lift. Good. Inhale, lower. Exhale, lift. And I promise you don't get out of your far earlier just by doing it faster.

Inhale, narrower, and exhale, lift. Good, nice squeeze. Inhale, lower lifting up. And inhale, exhale, lift. Inhale, exhale, lift. Two more times. Inhale, lower. Exhale, lift. Inhale, lower. Exhale, lift, inhale. All the way down. Go ahead and bend the top leg and press that bar out and hold it there with that foot. We're going to grab hold of the another strap here.

There we go, and we're just going to take the I'm down street. Inhale, exhale, press. Inhale, lengthen up, and exhale, pressing down. Good. Trying to squeeze the top of the arm to the chest rather than the hand to the hip. Squeezing down that set. Good, and inhale, lift and exhale, press. Good. Inhale to lift and exhale to press. Inhale, lift, and exhale, press. Let's do two more. Good. Inhale to lift.

Exhale, press. One more. Inhale, lift and exhale. Press. Now keep the arm here, bending from the elbow. You're going to inhale, bend, and exhale. Press away for your triceps to try and keep the elbow still this possible, and press inhale and exhale to press away. Inhale, bend, and exhale. Press. Inhale to bend. Exhale, press couple more then, and exhale, press. I lied. Two more. Inhale, bend, and exhale, press last one. I promise. Inhale, and exhale. Press away. Good, and just relax the arm.

I'm going to take the strap away for me. Good. Keep the leg on the bar. We're going to do those hip hikes using the quadratus. Use the pelvis. Exhale, press with the pelvis to lengthen through the torso and inhale to pull it up. And exhale. Use the pelvis. Press away and inhale to pull and exhale to press. Good. Inhale small movement. And exhale, press two more times. Inhale Paul, and exhale, press one more. Inhale pool and exhale, press away. And Go ahead and relax those legs on the mat.

Bend the knees in so I can take this away and just have a quick rest while they set you up for something else. So now we're going to use the legs springs, but we're also, if you can hop off for me, we're going to use the polarities arc as well. So what I'd like you to do is come forward, Prune over the arc. You're going to rest your knees so that you're going to take pressure off your back. So come forward and we'll set you up. Yeah, well we'll see how you do. So come over the bar, the box first. The arc first prone on your tummy. Okay. And then we'll see where your knees are. Yeah, so don't worry about it.

That's it. So dropped down. Good. So just relax the bottom half of your, your body. Don't extend your legs and try and dig into the table for me. And now I just want you to place your hands in the leg springs just to see where you are and you're going to actually turn your hands on the side like so. Does that feel okay? As much as, okay, good. All right, we can all go home. All right, so from here you're going to inhale, lengthen the shoulders up and then exhale, depressed the shoulder blades. Good. And again, just pull the shoulder blades forward and exhale.

Now wants you to stay here. Keep this nice shoulder girdle working from here. You're going to inhale for me on the exhale. I want you to press into those leg springs as you come up into your thoracic extension as far as you can go. And if we need to change your position on the art we can, how does that feel? Okay, then inhale to come down. That's it. Lengthen, lengthen, lengthen.

Keep the shoulder blades where they are. Let the arms lengthen out of that shoulder girdle. And exhale, shoulders come down. Press down into the legs. Spring, so you're using our triceps as you come up that set. Good. No, don't take it too far. If we relax the lower part of your body, then you're not going to take it too much into your lumbar spine. And then inhale to lengthen up. Good. And again, shoulders press down and lift up. Nice.

Good, very nice. And inhale to lengthen out. And again, exhale, depress, press up. Now this time I want you to stay here. Inhale for me. On the exhale, press down even more. Bend the elbows and bring your elbows back. Good. And inhale to lengthen forward. And exhale, press down, pull back. Very nice and inhale to pull forward.

And again, exhale, press down, pull those elbows back and inhale to come forward. And again, exhale, press down, pull back and inhale to come forward. Two more, I promise. And exhale, press down, pull back, and inhale to release. One more time, and exhale, press down, pull back. Good. And inhale to come all the way down. Dropping your body up in over. I can take the straps for you. Just relax. Good, good.

Take a breath in and exhale. Just release everything. It's quite a tough exercise, but it's nice is. And again, inhale to lengthen through your spine. And exhale, just relax. Now you're going to shift your body weight forward a little bit and put your hands onto the bar. And now we go to work into the glutes and the hamstrings. Okay, so this is for support, and from here you're going to inhale the okay. Up here, this feels okay. Inhale, exhale, lift both legs up. That's it.

And inhale to lower both legs down and again, exhale, lift. Good. Inhale lower. Now as you do this, I want you to rock slightly forward and exhale, lift, move back. Sure. Okay, good. All right, so inhale, exhale. As you lift the legs up, you're going to rock forward and press the bar. Four. There you go. Good. Inhale to press the bar back.

Coming back into the extension. Very nice. And again, the legs come up as you press forward into the bar. Good. Very, very nice. And inhale to bring the bar back. The bar is not loaded and exhale to press forward so there's no help from the bar at all. Good. Very nice. And inhale to come up. Can you do two more? Good. And exhale, dropping forward. Lift those legs as much as you can.

Really Squeeze glute hamstring connection. Good. And inhale to come up. Let's do just one more here and exhale, pressing forward. You're right. Good birth legs come up. Lovely. And coming back and go ahead and sit back in child's pose for me. It's not loaded so it's okay Chris, all the way back, stretch arms forward and just hang out there for a minute.

I'm just going to load the bar so don't come forward. I'm going to bring it with two springs. Okay. I'll take this away and I'll place it back under here. So now what I'd like you to do is come under it, sit on the edge here.

That's it. Take a deep breath and you're going to put your legs, feet into the legs. Straps here. Legs, spring straps. Yes, hold on. Yeah, and then hold onto the bar. All right, so lean back and hold onto the ball. So you're in a tease of position here and you might want to adjust, um, just press [inaudible] springs down. I just want to see where you're going. Okay. What I feel like I need you to do is slip forward. Okay. So adjust. Usually I sit right on the end of the table, but adjust accordingly.

Then hold onto to the bar and lean back a little bit. So here you are and your teaser position to start off with, you're going to inhale on the exhale, you're going to press the legs down as you roll down through your spine and then lift the pelvis off the table if you can. So I'm thinking you need to go forward a little bit more for more leg spring tension. So come on up. So this will take some getting used to to find where you need to be a little bit. Do you need a sticky pad? And just try it one more time. All right. That's it. So the, what you're trying to do here is use your back body to press down and then lift the pelvis off the Cadillac. There you go.

And from here you're going to inhale and exhale to do legs spring series. Are you okay? Yep. Good. Just press one leg down and scissor. Inhale. Exhale. That's it. Let me know if you're doing okay. Back feeding. Okay, good. Keep it going. You can do the walking series.

Yes, it is hard. That's why we're doing it. Come back up into your teaser position. So let the bar bring you up. Good. You are willing to do one more time. Okay. Inhale. Exhale. Start Rolling back down. Press those legs down and presser and lift the pelvis. There you go. And then from here, bend and stretch. That's it. Inhale to bend. Extra stretch. Good. Inhale, Bend and press away.

Good. Good. There we go. And two more if you can, and one more. Good. And now let yourself come up into that of position. Very well done. I'm going to take these off. I'm going to do one read loaded from below.

Yeah. Yeah, I always do Sarah method. Sorry. I've always done it this way. So here we go. All right. Lie Down Underneath. Head here. Face Up. Hide your hair. Does he come down? Good forward. All right, move back. Not Too much.

Come back down a little bit more. Good. All right. Now how old is your both arms? Good. And from here you're going to inhale, bend both elbows. On the exhale, straighten the arms, bring head, neck and shoulders up. Good. Press with your ribcage and inhale till halfway down. Inhale, come halfway down and then exhale. I want you to press with your rib cage to come up and inhale to come down. And exhale, press good.

Inhale to lower and exhale, press. Inhale to lower. Exhale, press. Inhale, lower and exhale, press two more in this position. Inhale to come down. And exhale. Press one more in this position. Inhale, lower and exhale. Press and inhale, come all the way down. Quick. [inaudible]. Okay, you can take one arm off and place it down by your side. Take this hand and place it across.

So now you've positioned yourself to go into a rotation. So from here you're going to inhale. Exhale, press the bar. Inhale, hold, exhale, rotate through the ribcage. Press a bar up, and they come halfway down. Inhale, and exhale. Use your rib cage over. Good. Inhale down, and exhale, pull. Inhale, lower. Exhale, press. Inhale, lower. Exhale, rotate. Good. Inhale, exhale, rotate. Two more on this side. Exhale, rotate. One more. Inhale, lower, and exhale, rotate and come all the way down. Very nice, and do the same on the other side.

So press up first and come up. And then we work from here. That's it. Inhale. Exhale, press through the ribcage. Inhale to lower. Exhale, press. Inhale, lower. So it's the ribcage coming to the opposite hip bone. Inhale, exhale, press. Inhale low, and again, exhale, press in here. Lower exhale, press. Inhale. Lower. Two more. Exhale, press. Inhale, lower last one.

Press it up, and inhale, come all the way down and take a lovely deep breath. I'm just going to do, I said that was the last exercise. Just do one more. Is that okay? Just one more. All right, so from here I'm still going to keep the bar where it is and I'm going to lift it up. What I'd like you to do is bring both legs onto one side. So bring this leg up here. So that's going to be your stabilizing leg. Then bring the opposite leg.

So if you put this leg slightly in a more parallel position, and then take the other leg and place it across so that yes, there you go. So now again, when you've got that kind of line, you're going to go into a spiral or a rotation. So you're going to inhale, if you want to hold onto the outrights for me, inhale for me. As you exhale, you're going to press with that cross leg and come. So you want to bring this hip towards me? That's it. Suppress up. Good. Say you're rotating through your lower body. Good, very nice. And then as you come down, you start to de rotate through that pelvis and come back down. Does that feel okay on you? Okay, good. That's what I like to hear.

And exhale. That hip comes towards me as you rotate your pelvis around. Good. We don't do enough. And she crashes my hand against it. Is this all right? There you go. I knew there was a method to my madness pressing up. Lovely. Don't go too far and slowly come back down.

Let's just do one more on this side. Nice, easy stretch and exhale, rotate through. Good, good. And inhale to come all the way down. Lovely and change sites. So this foot's going to be a little bit in a parallel position and that one crossover. So you lead with this leg and take the hit with that leg that's crossed in the front. So exhale, rotate through that set. Good.

Lovely. And inhale to come down. And again, exhale, pressing up and inhale slowly coming down. Two more times. Inhale to come down. We'll do it one more time and I promise you that will be it.

And exhale, press good. Good. And didn't coming all the way down. Lovely. That's it. Take it legs away. Good. And just relax.


lots of creative variations, very interesting ! Thank you!
Really like th variations and combinations. It's given me some great ideas to add to my tool box when working with women in this age group. Really any age group. Thanks so much for sharing with us.
2 people like this.
Very nice class but only for someone very stable in their core with no spinal pathologies. The end with loaded spinal rotation / flexion could be dangerous for the wrong client.
Thank you for your comments ladies. I am happy to share with you. As always, we teach to the body in front of us and modify the exercises accordingly. Enjoy!
Thank you Carolyne. Wonderful choreography!
Corey Rad
This was really lovely and I really enjoyed it for myself. I'm wondering if you could explain why in particular this class is designed for menopausal women? I'm hoping to gleam some knowledge here, thanks!
Thank you again for your lovely comments. Corey, there are some concepts I have introduced into my menopause teaching but of course, all of these exercises are for anyone.It would take too long to explain them here but feel free to email me for more info or come to a workshop :)

info@thecenterforwomensfitness. com
Thanks carolyne. Can't wait to see you again at my studio this time! My husband thinks I should say "lovely" like you. I will work on that tomorrow. Great class I will use with my Parkinson's client.
Very creative and lovely to see new twists on old favourites Thanks Carolyn
This was great! I can't wait to get to the studio to practice. Thank you!
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