Class #2464

Breast Cancer Recovery 4

10 min - Class


Use breath to promote symmetry in the body with this Ped-O-Pul workout by Kathy Corey. She teaches exercises for breast cancer recovery that are based on the movements that were part of Eve Gentry's rehabilitation program after her radical mastectomy. She works on creating strength and flexibility throughout the entire body as well as increasing circulation to avoid blood clots.
What You'll Need: Ped-O-Pul


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Hi, I'm Kathy Corey and I am going to present a petty pole program for breast cancer recovery in the 1950s master teacher Eve gentry was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a radical mastectomy. Mr [inaudible] worked with eve and within one year she was able to do all of the exercises and had gained back a full range of motion. This petty poll program is based upon those exercises and the exercises of eaves rehabilitation from Mr Palladino. At that time my daughter Amy is going to join me, uh, on the petty Paul and we're going to be doing some of those great exercises right now. Let's begin Amy. So we're going to stand comfortably the feet slightly away from the pole.

The tailbone is supporting the pole and again, we want to rest the back on the petty pole to keep that support and alignment. The first exercise is very simple. We are simply going to lower the arms to the sides of the body and touch the size. What I want to see here is I'm wanting to look for symmetry to see if there is a club w with and just linkedin fingers. Good. Okay.

With the pull down so that we're working the muscles very evenly on both sides of the body. And what we see with Amy is that we need to have a little bit more length on the right arm. So from here we're going to take a nice deep breath. The right arm is going to come down only the right arm reach for your taping me and release. We're using the breath now. It's a long exhalation to come down and come back up and come back down. And after three breaths we are going to move the tape ever so slightly.

And what we see now is that we have gained length and strength through the arm as we're using the breath to even the movements. Now from here aiming as we're coming down, bring the both arms down together and that stretch the fingers just a little bit more. Stretch it out. Good so we can really see where that tape is. Now from here we're going to do a circle. And what I want you to do is to bring your arms down and now lift them up.

Center opening arms out to the side of the body. Very nice. And as you come down, we're going to touch the tape every time. This is going to help us. You create that symmetry through the shoulder girdle, utilizing the breath. But we also have an external tool that's gonna really help with this movement. And one more time and reverse the circle. Now again, we come right down to that tape opening, can cross the shoulder girdle and coming front, joined down through those ribs, keeping the spine a long gated toward the pole so we're not overarching the back and touch the tape every single time.

Let's do another alignment exercise. So I'm going to have you close your eyes and bring your hands just into the front of the body just into different, and what we're looking for here, oh, is if one shoulders tends to be higher than the other and how are we going to correct that as open the arms back out. Take an inhale on the Antonio, we're going to drop down from the shoulder into the scapula and into the rib precedent. We're back just a little bit more. And now, once again, let's go ahead and bring the arms into the center. Much better Amy and open and again, use your breath and bring the arms in front and open. Okay, one more time. Very nice. So you can see how this is a great tool to use for creating symmetry in the body and really for evening the shoulder girdles who we're working with with the opening and the increased flexibility and range of motion all the way through.

Let's bring the arms down and we're going to do some small circles now. But again, that fingers should hit that evenness of the tape every time as we come around and use the breath and circle circle. And now let's reverse those circles. Take it. And once again we're hitting the tape. Every time we come down and around and circle.

Now [inaudible] works the whole body. So let's add the legs into this movement by simply sliding down the pole, keeping this small of the back. Attached to the pole as much as possible and sliding back up and inhale, exhale and really reached the body down long against DePaul and come back up. And again, I'm opening, pressing down. Let's do two more. Sliding down.

Okay. And coming back up. And one more this time. Stay there. Let's lift the heels just a little bit. So we're getting some work in the ankles, lower the heels and again we want to increase that circulation so that we want to prevent any blood clots from forming and also to help prevent lymphedema lymphedema from the body as we are going through the movements and come back down one more time. Arms down. Roll down. [inaudible] yeah, let's just get that long stretch in the spine and now roll back up.

Trying to place Vertebra, two vertebra onto the pole, pressing through the body and bringing that head [inaudible]. Well, you're going to do an exercise called the chest expansion. Maintaining that length of the spine on the pole. We want to work the neck muscles again to work with improved circulation and let's keep the arms down and keeping the chin on the same plane. Rotate the head on an exhale, keep working around and come center and bring the arms up. The breathing pattern with this is to take one exhale as you come down and it better be long because now we're going to do an inhale as we turn.

Inhale to turn. Inhale to center an inhale to come back up. Let's do that two more times. Really working on the breath. It's called chest expansion. So we're really getting good lung capacity on that. Very, very long exhalation and come back up and one more time. Reach it down and turning the head and turn the head and um, back to the center. Let's do the side swimming.

So we're going to work with the effected arm, going to opening to the side of the body, other arm and once again we'll work with the turn of the head and now just to small press, very nice, nice deep breathing as we're pressing again, that rotation of the neck on the cervical spine is very important. And bring the arm up and open other arm and small oppresses for side swimming. Keep opening across the shoulder blade, keeping the shoulder and the scapula up and reaching to onto this petty pole all the way through the movement and into the center and arms come out. Let's go ahead and do a side bend. Now Amy side bending is also important. The arm comes down and the other arm comes over.

Let's bring it out to their friends who a little resistance. Very nice. Now we're going to press down one release, press down to release. Very nice. Keeping the ribs in, working through the range of motion of the shoulder girdle. One more time and come up, bring me, I'm across it over and pressed down on one, Chris down two and Chris, scan three and bring the arm down, opening up through the shoulder girdle one more time. Up and over. Let's now do a circle with that arm. So again, we're increasing that flexibility and range of motion come up and over and now the arm comes down. Keep resistance on it as it comes out. Take it across and down. And only one more time.

Very nice and comeback. I stretch the opposite way. If you remember now, we don't want to have too much resistance or too much spring on this. So we're using the lighter springs coming down and around so that uh, we're working, we're creating strength, but also flexibility. Range of motion is really important in this program. And reach out and add one more rule down Amy.

And now we're going to bring the arms front, roll the spine, easily down, lengthening ruling, and we're rolling off of the pole, one vertebrae at a time. And once again, we want to really increase our flexibility. Now moving from the tailbone and coming lanes, running from the pelvis all the way through the navel. We come all the way up, press the ribs back, drop the shoulders down, open the arms out, take the straps off. And that is our petty pole program working for, uh, flexibility and strength as well as range of motion for breast cancer recovery. Thanks Amy.

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Thank you, Kathy!
This class is surprising. Thanks Kathy is always a pleasure to learn with you!
Jamie H
Thank you for this wonderful demonstration.
Thank you Kathy, love your classes! Very nicely explained and demonstrated. This is an area I would like to know more about and eventually work with. As a cancer survivor and also having had my shoulder operated on these exercises look very helpful. I was never once suggested to take a Pilates class after either one of my operations. I discovered Pilates with apparatuses one year ago and I absolutely love it and have found it to be the best method for getting myself back into shape, feeling balanced and good. I would like to promote Pilates and help other women who have had cancer or shoulder operations to recover.

Thank you very much!
Theresa Räss

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