Class #5879

Full-Body Strengthening Mat

35 min - Class


Join Laura Hanlon for a comprehensive Mat class that emphasizes the fundamental Pilates principles of control and precision. Through clear alignment cues and mindful breath work, Laura guides you to get the most out of each movement, helping you develop a deeper mind-body connection. This invigorating session culminates in a simple yet challenging glutes series that will leave you feeling strong, centered, and energized.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Hi. I'm Laura Hanlon here on the mat for about a 30 minute full body exercise class. Let's start seated one direction. Bring those legs around. We'll start with our sit bones right in the middle of the mat. Holding on behind the knee crease, behind the hamstrings, feet heavy onto the floor. Beautiful chest opening exercises.

We begin taking an arch of the spine, chin lifts off the chest, gazes up breathe. And Exale rounding contract Hanlon back away from the legs right away starting to open up through the spine here, pull those shoulder blades down away from the ears, arch through the back, lift through the heart, and exhale rounding contract feeling that scoop in the low waist. Two more times like this. Shoulder blades slide down the back. We wanna open up across the collar bones, lift our gaze, exhale to round, and contract pulling that waistline a little bit deeper towards the back.

Once more, using our arms for support here, find that beautiful length and lift deep breath in, exhale to round and contract really feeling that low belly pullback holding here, reaching the arms forward, always optional to stay holding on if you need deep breath in. Axle roll all the way down onto the mat vertebra by vertebra landing with control. From their foot, your arms straight up towards the ceiling, palms will flip to face forward, and then walk those feet in a little bit closer towards you, not too close, not too far, but a comfortable distance, heels in line with the hips, allowing that pelvis to rest in this neutral position. From there, we'll reach those arms back overhead, framing the ears with biceps, breathing in. And then exhale arms reach up, chin peels over the chest, gazing between those thighs, pulling that belly button a little deeper to the floor.

Inhale, head and arms reach back. Exhale to curl up, reach up, fingertips towards your calves, towards your heels here, lengthening through the crown of the head, through those fingertips, waking up the whole body, knitting the ribs together, thinking of keeping that pelvis as if we have a seat belt across the hip bones really neutral here. We're not tucking or tilting up or down side to side, exhale to curl up and over the ribs. As you blow that air out of the lungs, ribs knit together, belly button sinks a little deeper once more inhale back. And exhale rounding over the ribs hovering the shoulder blades off the floor, staying here for another breath in exhale.

See if you can curl a little higher, sink that belly button a little bit deeper. And then release the head down. This time bringing those arms straight up over the shoulders, reaching to the ceiling, but pulling the shoulder blades down into your mat from there. Right and left leg float up to a tabletop position. We'll keep the knees, the legs, hip distance apart here. Shins parallel to the floor.

Inhale reaching the right arm back once again, bicep frames the ear as that opposite leg, left leg extends long, and then exhale to bend the knee back in, reach that arm back up. Their side left arm back, right leg forward, inhale. And exhale to draw everything back to center. If you're really feeling the length through the fingers and the toes here and then knitting the ribs a little tighter to the midline, sinking that belly button deeper to the mat as you do so, lengthening out. Exale pulling it back in.

Hold one more time each side. Inhale. Feel that energy through fingers and toes. Exhale zipping up a little tighter through the waist. Left arm and right leg reach. Exale back to center to stay.

From there, we'll glue those inner thighs together, like magnets, take a breath in to prepare. And then exhale curl back up to the tips of the shoulder blades. We've been here before that low belly keeps sinking down. We breathe in fives, inhale to 3, 4, 5, exhale to 3, 4, 5. Squeezy knees together. Keeping that chin hovering over the chest.

2 more sets with the legs at table top using that breath. And then you have the option to keep the legs here for more of a challenge. We extend them on that long diagonal, inhale 2, 3, 4, 5, exhale 2, 3, 4, 5, 4 more breaths. Maybe a little lower for 3. Sync that belly a little deeper.

Last two. One more breath. Excel 2, 3, 4, 5, stay hold and reach with control, lower the legs to the floor. Use those hands if you need. Release your head down and arms all the way back. Fill that link through the limbs once again.

Flexing heels forward, reach arms up, inhale to prepare, and exhale to round and roll up. Keep the spine rounded here. Keep pulling that navel back and in, rounding up and over the ribs here without collapsing, open across the back, inhale to repair, exhale to roll back down, keep pressing heels forward, squeezing in our thighs together, zipping up tighter around your waistline before releasing head and arms back. Inhale, we reach up. So we round and roll up, keeping it really smooth here, keeping that scoop out through your waist, lengthen a little further at the top, and then control as you roll back down, pull those shoulder blades away from your ears. Lengthening through the legs through the front of the hips and the thighs all the way through the back and the arms.

Two more times, inhale, and exhale rounding and rolling up and forward, breathing into the back. Excel to roll back down bone by bone, lengthen out through the sides of the waist. One more time inhale and exhale. Keeping that movement fluid reach a little further forward. Exhale to roll back down vertebra by vertebra by vertebra releasing at the bottom. From there, we'll circle arms, hug the back of the right knee in towards the chest, give it a nice squeeze, pulling elbows wide, and shoulders down.

Left heel and leg continue to reach long on the mat. From here with assistance of our arms, we'll stretch that right leg towards the ceiling and then resist to pull it back in with control. 2 more times lengthening it up, exhale to pull and bend it Hanlon more. Reach it up and resist to bend. This time we extend the right leg up to stay, pull your waistline down, press your palms down, inhale to prepare, exhale to circle that leg a cross down out to pull the belly deepers. You lift the leg a little higher at the top for 4.

Focus on that stability across the pelvis is if you have a seat belt right across your hip bones. To more this direction, lengthen to lift One more. Hold at the top as you breathe in. Axale reverse. Out down across the length and the outer thigh then lift a little higher for 4. Knit the ribs a little tighter for 3.

Last two. And, one more. Lift and hold from there. Take the back of that leg once again. Flex the right heel up. Begin to curl up inhaling as you hover at the shoulder blades. And then exhale climb up your leg just like climb a tree here, walking up towards the ankle, pulling the shoulders away from the ears, finding this lovely lift of the spine, and then round walking back down your leg one hand at a time as you roll one vertebra at a time all the way to the floor.

We do that again, inhale at the bottom, exhale as you curl up, pulling that waistline back, think of reaching that right sit bone forward, shoulders slide down the back, deep breath in, exhale to climb back down one hand, one bone at a time using the core, keeping those hips really square, inhale, and exhale, walking all the way up, up, up, up, up. We're gonna take a little extra stretch here. Your outer hand comes maybe to the outer calf, maybe foot or ankle, press that heel forward and reach your right arm back. Take your gaze to your right fingertips. Slide those shoulder blades a little further away from your ears. Take a breath. And, actually, see if you can twist further through your waist line. Enjoy this IT band stretch.

Open up through the chest. Come all the way back to center, walk your hands back down your leg. We're going to arrive at the tips of the shoulder blades this time. Bend your knee in. Same hand is leg by the ankle.

Left hand to that right knee point through your left toes, hovered eye level, maybe curl a little higher. Breathing in, exhale to switch legs. Switch to the right. Switch to the left. Opposite hand to knee.

Same hand is leg by the ankle as we move through our single leg stretch here as part of our abdominal series. Alignment is so important. We wanna keep our hips, our shoulders square. That way we're really feeling that single leg stretch. That leg that's extended, stretching further away from the bodies.

We pull the belly button deeper towards the spine. Last two. Last one, we hold the left knee in and stay, lower the right leg with control, flex the heel forward, release your head back, and then take the hands behind the left thigh. Left leg extends up nice and long breathing in. And exhale bend and pull it close.

We feel that beautiful stretch for the hamstring, resisting as you bend, pulling that leg closer to your body too. And then one more time, left leg extends up. Abdominals and arms, press down, breathe in to prepare, exhale, we circle across down out, pull the belly deeper to lift those toes a little higher each time for 4, lengthen to lift 3. Pressing into the palms using those triceps to stabilize too. And, one more this direction, hold at the top inhale, exhale reverse, out down across the length in the outer thigh lifting a little higher each time for 4. Think of zipping up a tight pair of pants, use that connection to lift the leg up at the top to really open up the hip, but work your abdominals.

Last one, we hold from there. Hands come back behind that left leg. Flex through your left heel, begin to curl, chin over the chest, take a breath in, and begin to walk your hands up your leg. We pull the waistline back as we do so, pressing legs in the hands, hands in the legs, shoulders pull down, chin lifts up, breathing. Axle to climb back down. I like to think of squeezing my inner thighs together here. It'll help you to engage those adductors to roll evenly on the mat. Inhaling at the bottom, exhle to climb right back up.

Think of that zipper through your waist. Right heel reaches forward, left heel lengthens, Zachary, then exhale to climb back down, keep drawing that left knee closer towards your nose. Think of your climb a tree from the reformer. If you've been there, one more inhale. Exhale. We climb all the way up.

Bringing that right Hanlon, maybe to the inside, maybe the outside of your leg, your foot, shoulders pull back, left arm reaches back to twist. Inhale. X. I'll take it a little deeper. Lift a little taller through the crown of the head. Pull those shoulder blades down the back, and then come back to center.

Bring that leg with you as you lower back down one bone at a time. We find the tips of the shoulder blades. We keep reaching through the heels. We hover the right leg off the mat, scissor and switch breathing, and scissor and switch breathing out holding on to the back of the legs wherever you can grab. Maybe it's the hamstrings. Maybe it's the calves or closer to the ankles.

Most importantly, that pelvis stays square. Our chin stays hovering over the chest, focusing on that low belly core stability for 3. Last two. Last one. Both legs lift. Pull them all the way in and release the head all the way back.

Feel those shoulders. Relax. One breath here. Exel, we curl right back up. Forehead to the knees. Think of that tight little ball moving into our double leg, stretch arms back legs out.

Deep breath here. Exel circle hug the knees to the nose, trying to stay lifted shoulder blades hovering off the mat. Gazing forward and hovering off the chest, lengthen through the fingers and toes, pull the belly in to hug the knees in for 2. One more time and reach. Pull everything and stay lifted Hanlon behind the base of the neck and skull. Legs to the ceiling.

We lower the legs down on the inhale, crease right at those hips. Use the belly to lift the legs up as you exhale. Make sure that pelvis stays anchored to the floor here. We're not lifting lifting or lowering the hips. We're really pulling that waist down, maybe curl a little higher over the ribs, focus on that upper body lift for 2 and up.

One more legs lower. Pull the belly down. Lift your legs up. Bend your knees to tabletop. Take a breath here.

Elbows are still open, a little higher over the waist, breathe in at center, twist to the right, left leg extends opposite elbow to thigh. Back to center tabletop inhale, up and over twisting a little bit deeper. Inhale center, slow and controlled. We lift and twist. Center. Lift and twist.

One more time. Each side inhale. And exhale. Center. Lift and twist. Come back to center one more breath and curl a little higher. Pull that belly 1 inch deeper as you breathe out, and then hug your knees in to rest.

Give them a squeeze. Take a moment. A little rock back and forth side to side. We'll rock ourself all the way back and up to a seat. From there, our legs extend long on the mat in a beautiful v shape, nice pizza pie shaped slice, flex through the heels, find those sit bones really anchored down. Maybe that means a slight bend of your knees. Arms reach forward.

Shoulder blades slide down the back once again. Lift out of your hips and waist. Take a breath here. Now round and reach up and over for that spine stretch pull your belly button back. The biceps frame the ears.

We open up across the shoulder blades. As you roll up to vertical, we're bringing our arms with us today. Keep lifting up through the waist, through the fingertips, flip your palms as you reach your hands back maybe to the sides of your mat or on your mat, crawl them an inch or two away, and lift your heart and your gaze up higher. We often spend our day kind of rounded forward over our devices. This should be the opposite of that position.

Use it to open up through the heart. Slowly climb back up, release those hands from the Laura, reach up, and forward one more time, inhale at the top. Axale round and reach up and forward, engage into that glute backside to really lift out of the thighs and pelvis. Come all the way back up to vertical, reaching up, flipping the palms back, taking the hands back, crawl an inch or 2 away, maybe a little further lifting a little higher. Enjoy this moment.

Deep breath in. Zip up tighter through your waist. Stay connected in your core. Climb those hands back in. Reverse your circle and reach forward.

Beautiful posture here. We'll bend our knees in, coming to a kind of diamond shape here, hands to those ankles, toes point to hover off the mat, elbows, bend wide, chin tucks over the chest forehead between the knees. Opening up through the spine, we rock back on the inhale. Use that low belly to lift you up and find your balances you exhale. Chins stays hovering over the chest the whole time, so we never let that head touch the mat behind us.

3 more massaging the sides of the spine. Pull the belly deeper. Find that balance at the top for 2 and lift. One more time, inhale back, exhale to lift, lengthen back up, lower your feet down. From here, we'll take a diamond shape of those legs.

Souls of the feet come together. They can be further away closer to you, kind of depending on your own body here doing what feels good. Hold on to the front of those shins. Pull your chest and heart forward. Pull your shoulder blades down.

And then think of that lift we took before lifted through the heart, open through the collar bones. We've been here before. Now you get to use your arms to really pull use your bicep strength, lift through the chest deep breath in, exhale around and contract back. Hang away from your legs. Allow your spine to open all the way from your tailbone to the crown of the head.

One more time. Pull your chest and heart forward. Slide the shoulder blades down the back gaze. Goes up, breathe in. Exhale rounding contract back. Come all the way back up.

Sitting nice and tall. Take your left hand pretty much to where that right hand is. Reach your right arm up by your ear. Begin to pull with that left arm as you twist over your right side and then reach that Hanlon all the way back onto the mat. Can use those fingertips to give your body a little kind of pull and press again, getting a little deeper into this rotation. So important to work your spine in these directions that we don't often do in our daily life.

Coming back up, right arm by the ear, coming back to center, that right hand goes right to the left shin. Left arm lifts kind of think of a pull to lift your heart a shift as you twist over your left. Keep that right sit bone anchored and then begin to reach that arm back, maybe pressing into the fingertips to lift a little higher out of the waist, twist a little deeper over that left shoulder, breathing into the back. And exhale. Coming all the way back up and finding center.

From there, we're gonna move into a little sideline work to work those outer hips and glutes now that they should be nice and open. Again, starting with bent knee. So they're at a ninety degree bend. My heels are in line with my glutes. Think of like your tabletop position, and we'll lower it down onto our forearm.

If you have any shoulder issues here and you'd prefer to lie all the way flat, you can have your ear resting on your bicep, or maybe even a pillow there. Most importantly, we still wanna be lifted out of our bottom waist, whether we're lying flat or not, and we start with a simple clamshell, opening that top knee up, rotating it right back down. Now as we rotate from the hip, we're engaging this top outer medial glute here, feeling that external rotation, opening up the hip joint, but keeping the pelvis really stable. So as I open my knee, I'm not rocking back or forth. I'm staying really square. That way I know I'm working my glute correctly, opening up through my hips, both lengthening and strengthening out those muscle groups, inhale open, exhale resist to close, staying connected in the low belly, especially in that bottom oblique and that bottom lats so I don't sink into my right shoulder.

One more just like this and close. Adding on thighs stay down, feet ankles, shins lift. Same thing. A little more challenging, a little more external rotation. And then also that internal rotation is that left knee lowers. Inhale to open, exhale resist to close. Really working both directions here.

You wanna think of squeezing your heels together. Maybe like you have a $100 bill in there. You don't wanna drop it. Squeeze the glutes together behind you, inhale open, exhale close, lift it in the waist for 3, resist it down, 2, and close one more time open, and close. From there. Lower your legs and bring them a little closer to you.

We'll stay on this forearm. So if you're not there, come on up to it and then lift your hips up and press your pelvis forward so you have a greater length from your knees to your shoulders. That top hand could be on the hip. It could stay down for support. I prefer to have it lifted as we do that same glute exercise. We rotate open. We rotate closed.

Now we're really active pressing them out away. Just like we would be in a side plank here, working that external rotation, working that left medial glute. We open the knee. We close the knee. Inhale, and exhale, press the floor away for 4. Resist to close for 3. Last 2.

And together. One more time. Hold it here. Lift up a little higher and then lower it down with control. We'll carefully come all the way up take a brief side, bend, open up through that side waist, and then come all the way up and do the other side. I'm gonna spin away from you, those heels, again, in line with the hips, Left forearm lowering down without sinking into that shoulder, do what you need for alignment, really lifting out of the bottom waist, pulling those shoulders away from the ear, setting up here for success, and we rotate from that right hip.

Squeezing behind that backside and closing with control, inhale to open, exhale to close. Use the breath. Resisting against gravity. Here is that leg lowers back down. Always working both directions, staying lift in the bottom obliques, belly button pulling back to the spine.

Imagine you have a wall behind you here. Yeah. You stay away from it so the hips don't rock back into it. I often see that. We wanna really stabilize the pelvis. 2 more just like this. One more open and close.

Size stay down, feet, shin, ankles, lift, heels squeeze tight. Open that right knee squeeze from that backside and resist to close into that internal rotation. So good for opening up the hips here. If you've been sitting a lot during the day, working that outer medial glute, that turn out muscle. We kind of forget about sometimes.

Inhale rotate, exhale, resist. Open and close. Keep pressing those shoulder blades down into the back for 3. 2. One more. Close and release the legs down from there coming up onto that left forearm, pulling the knees a little closer, pressing that forearm into the Laura, lift your hips up, squeeze your glutes forward, bring that right hand wherever you need.

We open the knee up. We resist to close. Keep pressing them out away. Inhale. Pulling that belly button back as you exhale. Open and close.

Open, resist. Feel the glutes squeezing together behind you, even without an ankle weight on or a band around those knees. You feel your body weight. You feel your legs working here for 4. Lift a little higher. For 3, make sure that chin is lifted as well neck in line with the spine too.

Last one. Close and rest carefully coming on up once again. Bringing that hand down towards the shins, reaching that opposite arm up, taking a lovely, brief side stretch, lengthening out our side waist, breathing into it, exhale, relaxing through the shoulders. And then coming all the way back up. We'll spin around here to lie on our stomachs.

So extend your legs out long behind you. Make your way down carefully. And to move into some back extension work, we'll hand off the hands underneath our forehead today. So I like to think fingertips to rest. Palms are down.

Forehead rests on the top hand. We'll squeeze our inner thighs together. Press the tops of the feet into the floor to begin. If anything, you can almost think of lifting your knees up. Now some of that, but depends on your kind of bone and leg alignment. But that's gonna nicely engage the backside to keep your low back supported.

We'll begin by lifting just the upper Hanlon help to prepare, exhale to float up. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, elbows stay open. Hanlon press into the forehead feet, press down, inhale lift a little higher, exhale to lower with control, keeping that core connected belly pulling up and in. Again, inhale to prepare, exhale, think of lengthening through the back and the neck as you lift. Inhale to hold.

Exhale to lower. Switch the hand that's on top. We'll do that 2 more times. Inhale at the bottom. Ex a length and to lift.

Long through the spine. Squeeze into that backside. Lift a little higher. Resist. Is you lower with control once more inhale? Exhale to lift.

Feet, press down. Chest lifts up maybe a little higher. We hold it here. Releasing the hands from underneath the forehead. Pull those elbows to the ribs towards the waist.

See if you can lift your chest 1 more inch. Keep those feet pressing down glutes engaged in heel arms reach overhead and exhale draw the elbows back squeezing tighter between your shoulder blades. We're opening up the front of the body here as we work the backside of the body. Really engaged in the lats. Those back muscles nicely sliding down towards the hips.

And he'll reach forward, but keep your shoulder blades pulling away from your ears. So squeeze your glutes together as you lift the heart a little higher. 2 more reach forward. Energy through the fingertips, lengthen through the crown of the head. Once more reach forward, exhale. Pull back.

Hold it there. Lift up a little higher, and then lower the head and the hands down. Give your hips a little wiggle side to side releasing any tension that might be there. Our hands will stay where they are. Our feet continue to press into the floor, reconnect, glutes together, shoulders slide down the back. Palms press down inhale to hold.

Axle and then press the palms further into the earth as you begin to lift the chest and the heart up. Now going to whatever level feels best for you here today, pull those shoulder blades back, shine your heart forward, breathe, and and exhale pull your belly button up and in away from the floor, knit the ribs together, and continue lengthening the crown of the head forward, easing into a little greater hyper extension here in hill at the bottom. Exel to press your way up. Enjoying this stretch, doing what feels good for you today, lifting maybe a little higher. Staying connected in the seat, connected in the core.

Elbow's been straight back. Belly pulls up and in as if it's never gonna touch the mat. Last time inhale at the bottom, exhale feet press down. Palms press down. Chest and heart lift up.

Maybe lift your gaze a little higher. Open up through the front of the neck. Breathe. And exhale to lower and lengthen all the way down with control. From there, carefully press yourself back into a child's pose or rest position. If you're going into that child's pose, knees could be together or apart listening to your body here. Some thing that takes any pressure off the spine allows us to release.

Pumps could be up for a little more shoulder opening exercise down for a little more grounding. Take a deep breath and deep breath out. From here begin to crawl your hands as far forward as you can possibly imagine. Keep crawling forward and moving into a forearm plank. We'll continue that length through the fingertips.

Think of making the number 11 with your forearms, shoulders shift forward over the elbows. Actively press the forms into the floor. That's gonna open up the back and engage it nicely. Legs extend behind us, inner thighs, glutes all connected, one long line of the body. So think of your inner thighs all the way from those legs, through the knees, through the ankles, through the balls of the feet are together.

Press them out away. Tuck your tailbone underneath you to both engage the glutes and low belly support the low back. We hold, breathe in. Press the floor away. Lift the heart between the shoulder blades as you breathe out. 2 more breaths. Inhale.

And exhale. Shoulders slide down the back and gaze stays down between those arms. One more breath to stay. And exhale to hold. From here, right toes hover off the mat inhale.

Lower them down, squeeze the glutes as you exhale, listen to your body, do what you need, left toes lift, exhale lower again each side, staying really square through the hips. Belly pulls up as the toes lower down, left. Lower adding on single leg kick, right heel hovers, kick heel to glute twice, lengthen it back, lower it down, left leg lifts, kick, kick, reach it back, press toasted them at one more time each side inhale, kick, kick, exhale lengthen, lower. Left, kick heel to seat, lengthen lower and hold. One more breath in.

One more breath out. Stay strong. Gently lower your knees. Untuck your toes, lower your body down, and lower your right face cheek down. Moving into our double leg stretch. Those hands clasp one over the other. Hands come up, so they're not too low, not too high. A distance on your back that allows your elbows to open as close to the floor as they can, that it itself is gonna offer a nice shoulder stretch.

Squeeze your legs together so much so Laura legs begin to hover right away. We feel the backside working, breathing. Exel begin to lift. We're gonna hold it here. Inhale. Feel this gorgeous lift of the back.

We bend the elbows. We bend the knees. Left face cheek down. We kick for 3. For 2, for 1, inhale reach everything up, up, up, exhale, right face cheek down, kick for 3. Keep those thighs lifted too. Pelt this presses down 1.

Lift in lengthen. Last time. So if you can switch the clasp of your hands, kick for 3, for 2, press the pelvis down. Lift the belly in the thighs up. Reach back and hold. Extend your fingertips and your toes to the back of the room. Lift your heart a little bit higher.

Clap your hands towards one another for 5. Squeeze from the triceps for 4. Keep pulling your belly up and in for 3. A little closer with those palms too. We hold on one deep breath and lift up up up and exhale lower to rest.

From there carefully press yourself back into one last child's pose or rest position of your choice. Take a breath here and exhale. Let it go. From there, walking those hands all the way back in, spinning around to sit the towards the front of your mat once again will come exactly back to how we began class. Sit bones in the middle of the mat. Hanlon behind the back of those legs, roll those shoulders back, beautiful, tall posture, deep breath into prepare, exhale to round and roll down, taking your time, maybe reaching forward, maybe walking those hands down the legs. We've done a little bit of both today.

Palms lower down, and then those feet walk in this time a little bit closer towards the sit bones. Heels in line with the hips, knees straight up to the ceiling, finishing with a little more glute work here today. Press the palms, and the feet down, breathe in to prepare. And then exhale pull that belly button down so much. Feel the low belly do the initiation, then squeeze those sit bones and butt cheeks together curling the hips and pelvis up.

We drive the hip bones and pubic bone up. We nip the ribs together, really pulling that belly button down, keeping the chin lifted off the chest. So important not to turn the head here, keep your gaze up, inhale at the top, exhale to roll back down chest away from the chin, open up through the upper back. Through the middle back, through the low back, releasing at the very bottom. One more time, really crawl those fingers closer to your heels, lengthen through the spine, deep breath, and exhale tuck and curl the hips up.

Feel that scoop in your low waist. Lift your hip bones a little higher, press your feet down a little bit further. From there, press into your right foot, hover your left foot just an inch or 2 from the mat, similar to what we did in that forearm plank, and then lower the foot back down. Hover the right inhale. Excel to lower squeezing that opposite.

Gluten hamstring, we lift and lower. One more time lift and lower. This time, hover the left foot. Thighs stay parallel with one another. Reach that left heel straight forward.

Thighs stay even. We lower the hips and inch inhale fire up underneath that right butt cheek lift right back up as you exhale. Lower an inch and lift an inch size stay parallel with one another. We're lengthening through that left heel, lengthening through the spine, press down with the palms, lift up with the hips last time, lift to hold. Point those left toes long deep breath and exhale to kick your left leg up. Flex to lower thighs meet, point and kick.

For 3 and up. For 2 and lift one more time lower. Lift and hold. Give those hips one more boost up up up. Slowly bend that left knee and place the foot down onto the mat. From there, left heel drives into the earth, fire up underneath that left sit bone, go back to hovering that right foot, and then extend your right leg long, lower the hips and inch inhale, lift your hips, pelvis square to the ceiling on the exhale. We lower and lift small pulse here. Think of using your obliques, using your core to stabilize for 3.

Lift it up for 2. Last time, we hold at the top, lengthen through that right leg and toes, deep breath in, exhale leg kicks up high, flexed to lower on the inhale, lengthen and lift as you exhale, stretch through the front of that hip, stretch through the back of the leg for 2. Gaze is up. Palms, press down. Hold the leg high.

Boost up 1 more inch. Right toes to the sky. Slowly bend your right knee. Place the foot down. Equal weight into those heels and palms.

Squeeze your seat. Lift your hips up 1 more inch to get deep breath in. Excel draw the ribs together. Slowly roll down vertebra by vertebra and join this articulation through the back. Allow those hips to release heavy on the floor.

Extend your legs out long on the mat in front of you. Give them a little shake up and down side to side. Feel the length through the thighs. Reach those arms all the way back. Take hold of one wrist with your opposite hand and give yourself a little extended stretch and pull here.

Deep breath in. Deep breath out. We're gonna finish with one last abdominal exercise here, moving into a little single legged teaser, begin by reaching your arms up, keeping that activation, that length through the fingers and toes inhale to stay. Excel to curl the upper body up. The right leg lifts eye level.

You could always bend that right knee. You could always hold on behind your leg, like we did earlier in class for support, lift everything a little taller, and then roll down with control, really working on that smooth articulation through the spine, that length through the limbs before releasing everything at the bottom, same thing with the left leg arms lift up inhale, begin to curl up. Left leg comes with us, abdominals, pull down, lift through the limbs, reach through the fingers and toes, and roll back down with control bone by bone. You have the option to do that again. One right, one left, or glue those inner thighs together, 2 with both legs, nice and smooth, inhale arms lift. Ax. I'll chin over the chest.

Belly pulls down. Legs or right leg hovers. We lift everything up, up, up, up, reach the chin off the chest. Take a breath. And lower back down in 4. Pull the belly a little deeper. 3.

Squeeze inner thighs a little tighter. Find your hover too. Arms by the ears. Everything lengthens out long on one. Last one. Arms reach up.

Either both legs are left leg lift. Make sure you're even scoop through your waistline. Everything we worked here, those legs squeezing together are heart lifting up a little higher. Reach for the stars here. Reach for your toes.

Deep breath in. We lower in 4. Zipping up through the waist in 3, finding that hover fight through those last moments, too. Arms back, and we lay long on 1. Reach your heels towards the one end.

Reach your arms up to the ceiling, take a breath where you are, enroll all the way up to a seat. Finishing with beautiful tall posture here, hopefully feeling a little warmer and a little more lengthened through your back. Thanks so much for joining me. See you next time.


Andrea Nyhusmoen
What a wonderful class that truly does work the whole body!  As a new teacher, I so appreciate your precise cues and often share them with my own class.  I also enjoyed how the beginning "climb the tree" complimented the final single-leg teaser.  Finally, the single-leg kick in the forearm plank was a fun variation.  Thanks!!
1 person likes this.
Nice plan and beautiful presentation. Thank you.
2 people like this.
Fun class, Laura! Loved e different variations, especially the side kick/clam. Thank you!!
3 people like this.
I loved, "lifting your heart", and " climbing the tree". I could do the workout with my eyes closed because you explain everything so clearly! Thank you!
Andrea Nyhusmoen Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I am happy to hear you enjoyed this class and are able to incorporate what you learned into your own teaching! xx, laura
Christiana Thank you for this kind comment! xx, laura
1 person likes this.
Thank you Laura, so much clarity in your classes.  Superb! 
2 people like this.
Mandy D thank you for your kind words! xx
Praveena C
Love your classes. Thank you 🙏
Lina S
Nice flowing class with great explanations and cues. I've really enjoyed it!
1-10 of 14

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