Exercise #5636


3 min - Exercise
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Muscle Focus: Abdominals

Objective: Combine abdominal strength to find movement through rolling.

Apparatus: Mat

Start Position: Ensuring that you have enough room to roll back comfortably, sit upright on the Mat with your legs extended long in front of you. Cross one leg over the other, squeezing the thighs together. Arms are stretched forward and parallel to each other. Round through the back slightly, using the abdominals to create a slight curve in the lumbar spine.

Movement: Inhale to prepare. On the exhale, roll back with a round spine. As you do, your legs will float up. Roll all the way back onto your shoulder blades, stacking the hips over the shoulders. Fold at the hips so that the legs are now parallel to the floor. In this position, change which leg is crossed, then roll up to find a Teaser position. Bring your arms behind you, connect the hands, and extend the arms long, allowing you to open through the chest. Release the hands, legs return to the floor, and upper body reaches forward. Repeat.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Jun 20, 2024
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Let's take a deeper look at the Boomerang, which is truly one of my favorite exercises. I love how all of the shape kind of are molded together with the act of rolling, which if you know me, I love to roll around. What's important about the Boomerang is that you understand where you really need to be working to control from your core and then find the flow of the movement. Let's give it a go. So one of the tricks up my sleeve to practice the first part is that I'd like you to feel that when you cross your legs, first of all, set up so you have plenty of room to roll back, I'm gonna scoot forward just a little more to make sure I'll be able to roll back. I'm gonna cross one leg over the other, and I like to really keep my knees straight and squeeze my thighs together.

Oftentimes I see people hooking with the feet, and I really want the feet to be softly pointed and the legs squeezing together. That inner thigh connection helps with this exercise. The arms are stretched forward, and I'm going to round through my back creating that beautiful flexion of my lumbar spine. So now as I roll back, there's gonna be a point where without changing the shape of my spine, I should be able to float my legs up. If you can't yet do that, we should be practicing that before we do the entire exercise.

I'm gonna begin the rollback. I'm gonna hover my legs up. Sometimes I'll give this a little, modification where you put your hands down and you just practice lifting your legs up. If you can do that, the rest of it is much easier to manage. Let's just change which leg is on top so we can do that on the other side.

We're gonna round back if you need to touch you can. The shape of the spine remains the same as you float the legs up. Yeah. K. Let's flow here. So inhale. We're gonna exhale.

Float the legs up and roll yourself over onto your shoulder blades. Change which leg is crossed here. And then we're gonna roll up. We find basically a teaser shape. Arms are stretched forward.

Then the arms come behind you and you stretch through the chest. We release the hands. Legs come down. Body reaches forward. Use an exhale to roll back.

Change which leg here, and then we're gonna roll up and find a teaser shape. We're looking for a straight back strong legs, hint of a smile, hands behind you, open your chest, and, oops, I almost lost it there and roll forward. And let's do a couple with a nice pace here. Overhead change. Rolling up. Hold it.

Inhale. Stretch and reach forward. One more time. Rolling over. Papa. Change.

And rolling up, find the shape, it's like a dance, and reach forward. So the boomerang is one of those things that, yeah, we can do it say 5 or so times But I've been known in a juicy math class to do a boomerang marathon where we just flow through the movement, and it's just lovely. Thank you for playing.


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