Hip Pathologies and Pilates<br>Brent Anderson<br>Workshop 1008

Hip Pathologies and Pilates
Brent Anderson
Workshop 1008

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Thanks so much for this fantastic workshop! I've got FAI and osteoarthritis in both hips and this really spoke to me. Also it was amazing to get a tip on how to do the femoral "pushback" at home on my own, my physio had performed that on me before!
Nunca se termina de aprender, y qué mejor que escuchar y ver a Brent. Me encanta poder tomar estos talleres a través de esta página.
Hola Lizette,
gracias por tu comentario. Saludos
Thank you for this informative workshop. Your explanations are very clear. I've recently (May 31) had a total hip replacement surgery (consecutive to accelerated degenerative arthritis, labrum tear). I'm anxious to get back to Pilates. I'll wait for the orthopedic surgeon to give me the go (end of July). I would have liked to try the quadruped exercice but I suppose I need to wait. When do you think I can do class #2125? Thank you in advance for your answer.
I could not watch the last chapter. It said something about "byte timeout" ? Try again tomorrow I guess.
Denee~ I'm sorry you are having trouble with the video. I know that is frustrating! Have you tried closing your browser or logging off your computer and restarting? If you need further support, please email support@pilatesanytime.com.
Excellent workshop thank you. Also so clear and calm Brent. I am mat qualified and always keen to learn more and love the holistic approach of Polestar. I'm considerating comprehensive training next year:) Sarah, UK.
Hi Sarah, thank you for your kind words. I am glad you enjoy the work so deeply. I am sure you already know how to get a hold of our education partners in the UK, but if you don't Carl and Julia Moss are most hospitable and represent the true essence of Polestar Life and will help you anyway they can.
Ch eers, Brent
Thanks very much Brent. Julia has been in touch; I'm also attending a Franklin workshop with them in March as a starting point. Very best wishes, Sarah
GREAT workshop I learned so much x now going back to my new Eric Franklin book to study those bone rhythms
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